[gnome-maps/gnome-3-32] Revert "graphHopper: Fold instruction with common street names / numbers"

commit ace55bb04de671876529200054c54aefca8cca73
Author: Marcus Lundblad <ml update uu se>
Date:   Sat May 4 22:19:44 2019 +0200

    Revert "graphHopper: Fold instruction with common street names / numbers"
    This reverts commit 4ebdbf6f0867b58af5cffe5c1f84edcbf1ff16ea.

 src/graphHopper.js | 35 ++++++-----------------------------
 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 29 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/graphHopper.js b/src/graphHopper.js
index 5512bda..427419d 100644
--- a/src/graphHopper.js
+++ b/src/graphHopper.js
@@ -228,21 +228,6 @@ var GraphHopper = class GraphHopper {
         return [startPoint].concat(rest);
-    _splitStreetNames(names) {
-        return names.split(',').map(n => n.trim());
-    }
-    /**
-     * Returns names found in both the arrays names1 and names2
-     */
-    _namesIntersection(names1, names2) {
-        return names1.filter(Set.prototype.has, new Set(names2));
-    }
-    _concatStreetNames(names) {
-        return names.join(', ');
-    }
     _foldInstructions(instructions) {
         let currInstruction = instructions[0];
         let res = [];
@@ -250,30 +235,22 @@ var GraphHopper = class GraphHopper {
         for (let i = 1; i < instructions.length; i++) {
             let newInstruction = instructions[i];
             let newSign = newInstruction.sign;
-            let currStreetnames = this._splitStreetNames(currInstruction.street_name);
-            let newStreetnames = this._splitStreetNames(newInstruction.street_name);
-            let namesIntersect =
-                this._namesIntersection(currStreetnames, newStreetnames);
+            let newStreetname = newInstruction.street_name;
             /* if the direction is to continue straight, or keep left or keep
-             * right on the same subset of street/road numbers, fold the instruction into
+             * right on the same street/road number, fold the instruction into
              * the previous one
-            if ((newSign === Sign.CONTINUE_ON_STREET ||
-                 newSign === Sign.KEEP_LEFT || newSign === Sign.KEEP_RIGHT) &&
-                namesIntersect.length > 0) {
+            if (newSign === Sign.CONTINUE_ON_STREET ||
+                ((newSign === Sign.KEEP_LEFT || newSign === Sign.KEEP_RIGHT) &&
+                 newStreetname === currInstruction.street_name)) {
                 currInstruction.distance += newInstruction.distance;
-                currInstruction.street_name =
-                    this._concatStreetNames(namesIntersect);
             } else {
-                currInstruction = newInstruction;
+                currInstruction = instructions[i];
-        // push finish instruction
-        res.push(instructions[instructions.length - 1]);
         return res;

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