[tracker-miners/sam/cuesheet-testcase: 19/20] functional-tests: Seperate extraction test helper into utils module

commit c2a13842ddf0ad48c2162e28d4c18f272617b260
Author: Sam Thursfield <sam afuera me uk>
Date:   Mon Apr 1 13:27:48 2019 +0200

    functional-tests: Seperate extraction test helper into utils module

 tests/functional-tests/400-extractor-metadata.py | 107 ++---------------------
 tests/functional-tests/common/utils/extractor.py |  94 +++++++++++++++++++-
 2 files changed, 99 insertions(+), 102 deletions(-)
diff --git a/tests/functional-tests/400-extractor-metadata.py 
index 52f7ac7c4..f1b062afa 100755
--- a/tests/functional-tests/400-extractor-metadata.py
+++ b/tests/functional-tests/400-extractor-metadata.py
@@ -25,14 +25,14 @@ directory (containing xxx.expected files)
 from common.utils import configuration as cfg
-from common.utils.extractor import get_tracker_extract_jsonld_output
+from common.utils.extractor import get_tracker_extract_jsonld_output, TrackerExtractTestCase
 import unittest as ut
 import json
 import os
 import sys
-class ExtractionTestCase (ut.TestCase):
+class GenericExtractionTestCase(TrackerExtractTestCase):
     Test checks if the tracker extractor is able to retrieve metadata
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ class ExtractionTestCase (ut.TestCase):
         Descfile is the description file in a relative path
-        ut.TestCase.__init__(self, methodName)
+        super(GenericExtractionTestCase, self).__init__(methodName)
         self.descfile = descfile
@@ -94,106 +94,11 @@ class ExtractionTestCase (ut.TestCase):
             raise Exception("Unexpected success. Check " + self.rel_description)
-    def assertDictHasKey(self, d, key, msg=None):
-        if not isinstance(d, dict):
-            self.fail("Expected dict, got %s" % d)
-        if key not in d:
-            standardMsg = "Missing: %s\n" % (key)
-            self.fail(self._formatMessage(msg, standardMsg))
-        else:
-            return
-    def assertIsURN(self, supposed_uuid, msg=None):
-        import uuid
-        try:
-            if (supposed_uuid.startswith("<") and supposed_uuid.endswith(">")):
-                supposed_uuid = supposed_uuid[1:-1]
-            uuid.UUID(supposed_uuid)
-        except ValueError:
-            standardMsg = "'%s' is not a valid UUID" % (supposed_uuid)
-            self.fail(self._formatMessage(msg, standardMsg))
     def __assert_extraction_ok(self, result):
-            self.__check(self.spec['metadata'], result)
+            self.assert_extract_result_matches_spec(self.spec['metadata'], result, self.file_to_extract, 
         except AssertionError as e:
             print("\ntracker-extract returned: %s" % json.dumps(result, indent=4))
-            raise
-    def __check(self, spec, result):
-        error_missing_prop = "Property '%s' hasn't been extracted from file \n'%s'\n (requested on '%s')"
-        error_wrong_value = "on property '%s' from file %s\n (requested on: '%s')"
-        error_wrong_length = "Length mismatch on property '%s' from file %s\n (requested on: '%s')"
-        error_extra_prop = "Property '%s' was explicitely banned for file \n'%s'\n (requested on '%s')"
-        error_extra_prop_v = "Property '%s' with value '%s' was explicitely banned for file \n'%s'\n 
(requested on %s')"
-        expected_pairs = []  # List of expected (key, value)
-        unexpected_pairs = []  # List of unexpected (key, value)
-        expected_keys = []  # List of expected keys (the key must be there, value doesnt matter)
-        for k, v in list(spec.items()):
-            if k.startswith("!"):
-                unexpected_pairs.append((k[1:], v))
-            elif k == '@type':
-                expected_keys.append('@type')
-            else:
-                expected_pairs.append((k, v))
-        for prop, expected_value in expected_pairs:
-            self.assertDictHasKey(result, prop,
-                                  error_missing_prop % (prop,
-                                                        self.file_to_extract,
-                                                        self.descfile))
-            if expected_value == "@URNUUID@":
-                self.assertIsURN(result[prop][0]['@id'],
-                                 error_wrong_value % (prop,
-                                                      self.file_to_extract,
-                                                      self.descfile))
-            else:
-                if isinstance(expected_value, list):
-                    if not isinstance(result[prop], list):
-                        raise AssertionError("Expected a list property for %s, but got a %s: %s" % (
-                            prop, type(result[prop]).__name__, result[prop]))
-                    self.assertEqual(len(expected_value), len(result[prop]),
-                                     error_wrong_length % (prop,
-                                                           self.file_to_extract,
-                                                           self.descfile))
-                    for i in range(0, len(expected_value)):
-                        self.__check(spec[prop][i], result[prop][i])
-                elif isinstance(expected_value, dict):
-                    self.__check(expected_value, result[prop])
-                else:
-                    self.assertEqual(str(spec[prop]), str(result[prop]),
-                                     error_wrong_value % (prop,
-                                                          self.file_to_extract,
-                                                          self.descfile))
-        for (prop, value) in unexpected_pairs:
-            # There is no prop, or it is but not with that value
-            if (value == ""):
-                self.assertFalse(prop in result, error_extra_prop % (prop,
-                                                                     self.file_to_extract,
-                                                                     self.descfile))
-            else:
-                if (value == "@URNUUID@"):
-                    self.assertIsURN(result[prop][0], error_extra_prop % (prop,
-                                                                          self.file_to_extract,
-                                                                          self.descfile))
-                else:
-                    self.assertNotIn(value, result[prop], error_extra_prop_v % (prop,
-                                                                                value,
-                                                                                self.file_to_extract,
-                                                                                self.descfile))
-        for prop in expected_keys:
-            self.assertDictHasKey(result, prop,
-                                  error_missing_prop % (prop,
-                                                        self.file_to_extract,
-                                                        self.descfile))
 def run_all():
@@ -215,7 +120,7 @@ def run_all():
     for root, dirs, files in os.walk(TEST_DATA_PATH):
         descriptions = [os.path.join(root, f) for f in files if f.endswith("expected")]
         for descfile in descriptions:
-            tc = ExtractionTestCase(descfile=descfile)
+            tc = GenericExtractionTestCase(descfile=descfile)
     result = ut.TextTestRunner(verbosity=1).run(extractionTestSuite)
     sys.exit(not result.wasSuccessful())
@@ -228,7 +133,7 @@ def run_one(filename):
     description = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), filename)
     extractionTestSuite = ut.TestSuite()
-    tc = ExtractionTestCase(descfile=description)
+    tc = GenericExtractionTestCase(descfile=description)
     result = ut.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2).run(extractionTestSuite)
diff --git a/tests/functional-tests/common/utils/extractor.py 
index f5ae9f083..85a1df940 100644
--- a/tests/functional-tests/common/utils/extractor.py
+++ b/tests/functional-tests/common/utils/extractor.py
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env python3
 # Copyright (C) 2010, Nokia <ivan frade nokia com>
-# Copyright (C) 2018, Sam Thursfield <sam afuera me uk>
+# Copyright (C) 2018-2019, Sam Thursfield <sam afuera me uk>
 # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ import json
 import os
 import re
 import subprocess
+import unittest as ut
 def get_tracker_extract_jsonld_output(filename, mime_type=None):
@@ -70,3 +71,94 @@ def get_tracker_extract_jsonld_output(filename, mime_type=None):
                            "Output was: %s" % (e, output))
     return data
+class TrackerExtractTestCase(ut.TestCase):
+    def assertDictHasKey(self, d, key, msg=None):
+        if not isinstance(d, dict):
+            self.fail("Expected dict, got %s" % d)
+        if key not in d:
+            standardMsg = "Missing: %s\n" % (key)
+            self.fail(self._formatMessage(msg, standardMsg))
+        else:
+            return
+    def assertIsURN(self, supposed_uuid, msg=None):
+        import uuid
+        try:
+            if (supposed_uuid.startswith("<") and supposed_uuid.endswith(">")):
+                supposed_uuid = supposed_uuid[1:-1]
+            uuid.UUID(supposed_uuid)
+        except ValueError:
+            standardMsg = "'%s' is not a valid UUID" % (supposed_uuid)
+            self.fail(self._formatMessage(msg, standardMsg))
+    def assert_extract_result_matches_spec(self, spec, result, filename, spec_filename):
+        """
+        Checks tracker-extract json-ld output against the expected result.
+        Use get_tracker_extract_jsonld_output() to get the extractor output.
+        Look in test-extraction-data/*/*.expected.json for examples of the spec
+        format.
+        """
+        error_missing_prop = "Property '%s' hasn't been extracted from file \n'%s'\n (requested on '%s')"
+        error_wrong_value = "on property '%s' from file %s\n (requested on: '%s')"
+        error_wrong_length = "Length mismatch on property '%s' from file %s\n (requested on: '%s')"
+        error_extra_prop = "Property '%s' was explicitely banned for file \n'%s'\n (requested on '%s')"
+        error_extra_prop_v = "Property '%s' with value '%s' was explicitely banned for file \n'%s'\n 
(requested on %s')"
+        expected_pairs = []  # List of expected (key, value)
+        unexpected_pairs = []  # List of unexpected (key, value)
+        expected_keys = []  # List of expected keys (the key must be there, value doesnt matter)
+        for k, v in list(spec.items()):
+            if k.startswith("!"):
+                unexpected_pairs.append((k[1:], v))
+            elif k == '@type':
+                expected_keys.append('@type')
+            else:
+                expected_pairs.append((k, v))
+        for prop, expected_value in expected_pairs:
+            self.assertDictHasKey(result, prop,
+                                    error_missing_prop % (prop, filename, spec_filename))
+            if expected_value == "@URNUUID@":
+                self.assertIsURN(result[prop][0]['@id'],
+                                    error_wrong_value % (prop, filename, spec_filename))
+            else:
+                if isinstance(expected_value, list):
+                    if not isinstance(result[prop], list):
+                        raise AssertionError("Expected a list property for %s, but got a %s: %s" % (
+                            prop, type(result[prop]).__name__, result[prop]))
+                    self.assertEqual(len(expected_value), len(result[prop]),
+                                        error_wrong_length % (prop, filename, spec_filename))
+                    for i in range(0, len(expected_value)):
+                        self.assert_extract_result_matches_spec(spec[prop][i], result[prop][i], filename, 
+                elif isinstance(expected_value, dict):
+                    self.assert_extract_result_matches_spec(expected_value, result[prop], filename, 
+                else:
+                    self.assertEqual(str(spec[prop]), str(result[prop]),
+                                        error_wrong_value % (prop, filename, spec_filename))
+        for (prop, value) in unexpected_pairs:
+            # There is no prop, or it is but not with that value
+            if (value == ""):
+                self.assertFalse(prop in result,
+                                 error_extra_prop % (prop, filename, spec_filename))
+            else:
+                if (value == "@URNUUID@"):
+                    self.assertIsURN(result[prop][0],
+                                     error_extra_prop % (prop, filename, spec_filename))
+                else:
+                    self.assertNotIn(value, result[prop],
+                                     error_extra_prop_v % (prop, value, filename, spec_filename))
+        for prop in expected_keys:
+            self.assertDictHasKey(result, prop,
+                                  error_missing_prop % (prop, filename, spec_filename))

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