[cantarell-fonts: 1/2] Update dependencies
- From: Nikolaus Waxweiler <nwaxweiler src gnome org>
- To: commits-list gnome org
- Cc:
- Subject: [cantarell-fonts: 1/2] Update dependencies
- Date: Sun, 31 Mar 2019 17:22:44 +0000 (UTC)
commit b320e9ce7bbb036caf598952bfb5025875be84d5
Author: Nikolaus Waxweiler <madigens gmail com>
Date: Sun Mar 31 17:22:25 2019 +0000
Update dependencies
We no longer need glyphsLib directly.
.editorconfig | 19 +
.gitignore | 170 +-
.gitlab-ci.yml | 4 +-
COPYING | 22 +-
NEWS | 286 +-
README.md | 23 +-
appstream/hu.po | 1 -
appstream/is.po | 1 -
appstream/lv.po | 1 -
appstream/meson.build | 10 +-
appstream/pa.po | 1 -
meson.build | 16 +-
prebuilt/meson.build | 1 +
requirements-dev.in | 6 +
requirements-dev.txt | 34 +
requirements.in | 8 +-
requirements.txt | 27 +-
scripts/LICENSE_ufoProcessor | 20 +
scripts/fm.py | 45 -
scripts/instantiator.py | 440 +
scripts/make-static-fonts.py | 73 +
scripts/make-variable-font.py | 53 +
scripts/update-anchor-propagation-includes.py | 52 +
scripts/update-gdef.py | 116 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/features.fea | 504 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/fontinfo.plist | 91 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs.T_emplate/E_ng.glif | 22 +
.../glyphs.T_emplate/contents.plist | 12 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs.T_emplate/eng.glif | 22 +
.../glyphs.T_emplate/florin.glif | 18 +
.../glyphs.T_emplate/layerinfo.plist | 17 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/A_-cy.glif | 8 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/A_.glif | 29 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/A_E_.glif | 51 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/A_E_acute.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/A_acute.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/A_breve-cy.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/A_breve.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/A_breveacute.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/A_brevedotbelow.glif | 10 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/A_brevegrave.glif | 9 +
.../glyphs/A_brevehookabove.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/A_brevetilde.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/A_caron.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/A_circumflex.glif | 9 +
.../glyphs/A_circumflexacute.glif | 9 +
.../glyphs/A_circumflexdotbelow.glif | 10 +
.../glyphs/A_circumflexgrave.glif | 9 +
.../glyphs/A_circumflexhookabove.glif | 9 +
.../glyphs/A_circumflextilde.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/A_dblgrave.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/A_dieresis-cy.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/A_dieresis.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/A_dotbelow.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/A_grave.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/A_hookabove.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/A_ie-cy.glif | 8 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/A_invertedbreve.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/A_macron.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/A_ogonek.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/A_ring.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/A_ringacute.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/A_tilde.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/B_.glif | 48 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/B_e-cy.glif | 31 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/C_.glif | 40 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/C_acute.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/C_caron.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/C_cedilla.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/C_cedillaacute.glif | 10 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/C_circumflex.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/C_dotaccent.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/C_he-cy.glif | 33 +
.../glyphs/C_hedescender-cy.glif | 18 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/C_hedieresis-cy.glif | 9 +
.../glyphs/C_hekhakassian-cy.glif | 9 +
.../glyphs/C_heverticalstroke-cy.glif | 37 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/D_.glif | 35 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/D_Z_caron.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/D_caron.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/D_croat.glif | 8 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/D_dotbelow.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/D_e-cy.glif | 33 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/D_je-cy.glif | 41 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/D_linebelow.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/D_zcaron.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/D_ze-cy.glif | 8 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/D_zhe-cy.glif | 21 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/E_-cy.glif | 41 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/E_.glif | 38 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/E_acute.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/E_breve.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/E_caron.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/E_cedillabreve.glif | 10 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/E_circumflex.glif | 9 +
.../glyphs/E_circumflexacute.glif | 9 +
.../glyphs/E_circumflexdotbelow.glif | 10 +
.../glyphs/E_circumflexgrave.glif | 9 +
.../glyphs/E_circumflexhookabove.glif | 9 +
.../glyphs/E_circumflextilde.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/E_dblgrave.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/E_dieresis.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/E_dotaccent.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/E_dotbelow.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/E_f-cy.glif | 41 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/E_grave.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/E_hookabove.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/E_invertedbreve.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/E_l-cy.glif | 29 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/E_m-cy.glif | 8 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/E_macron.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/E_macronacute.glif | 10 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/E_macrongrave.glif | 10 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/E_n-cy.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/E_ndescender-cy.glif | 18 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/E_ng.glif | 41 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/E_nghe-cy.glif | 31 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/E_ogonek.glif | 10 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/E_r-cy.glif | 8 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/E_reversed-cy.glif | 42 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/E_s-cy.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/E_sdescender-cy.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/E_th.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/E_tilde.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/F_.glif | 30 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/F_ita-cy.glif | 8 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/G_.glif | 45 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/G_breve.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/G_caron.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/G_circumflex.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/G_commaaccent.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/G_dotaccent.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/G_e-cy.glif | 17 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/G_edescender-cy.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/G_ermandbls.glif | 46 +
.../glyphs/G_hemiddlehook-cy.glif | 37 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/G_hestroke-cy.glif | 21 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/G_heupturn-cy.glif | 17 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/G_je-cy.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/G_macron.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/H_.glif | 32 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/H_a-cy.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/H_adescender-cy.glif | 18 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/H_ardsign-cy.glif | 32 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/H_bar.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/H_brevebelow.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/H_circumflex.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/H_dotbelow.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/I_-cy.glif | 8 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/I_.glif | 20 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/I_a-cy.glif | 40 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/I_acute.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/I_breve.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/I_caron.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/I_circumflex.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/I_dblgrave.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/I_dieresis-cy.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/I_dieresis.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/I_dieresisacute.glif | 10 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/I_dotaccent.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/I_dotbelow.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/I_e-cy.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/I_ebreve-cy.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/I_egrave-cy.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/I_grave.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/I_hookabove.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/I_i-cy.glif | 23 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/I_igrave-cy.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/I_invertedbreve.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/I_ishort-cy.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/I_macron-cy.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/I_macron.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/I_o-cy.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/I_ogonek.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/I_tilde.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/I_u-cy.glif | 48 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/I_zhitsa-cy.glif | 23 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/J_.glif | 30 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/J_acute.glif | 8 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/J_circumflex.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/J_e-cy.glif | 8 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/K_.glif | 27 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/K_a-cy.glif | 30 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/K_abashkir-cy.glif | 40 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/K_acute.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/K_adescender-cy.glif | 18 +
.../glyphs/K_averticalstroke-cy.glif | 34 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/K_commaaccent.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/K_je-cy.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/L_.glif | 23 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/L_J_.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/L_acute.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/L_caron.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/L_commaaccent.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/L_dot.glif | 15 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/L_dotbelow.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/L_j.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/L_je-cy.glif | 55 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/L_linebelow.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/L_slash.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/M_.glif | 30 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/M_dotbelow.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/N_.glif | 26 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/N_J_.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/N_acute.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/N_caron.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/N_commaaccent.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/N_dotaccent.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/N_dotbelow.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/N_j.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/N_je-cy.glif | 45 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/N_linebelow.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/N_tilde.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/O_-cy.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/O_.glif | 45 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/O_E_.glif | 69 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/O_acute.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/O_barred-cy.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/O_breve.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/O_caron.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/O_circumflex.glif | 9 +
.../glyphs/O_circumflexacute.glif | 9 +
.../glyphs/O_circumflexdotbelow.glif | 10 +
.../glyphs/O_circumflexgrave.glif | 9 +
.../glyphs/O_circumflexhookabove.glif | 9 +
.../glyphs/O_circumflextilde.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/O_dblgrave.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/O_dieresis-cy.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/O_dieresis.glif | 9 +
.../glyphs/O_dieresismacron.glif | 10 +
.../glyphs/O_dotaccentmacron.glif | 10 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/O_dotbelow.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/O_grave.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/O_hm.glif | 41 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/O_hookabove.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/O_horn.glif | 15 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/O_hornacute.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/O_horndotbelow.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/O_horngrave.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/O_hornhookabove.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/O_horntilde.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/O_hungarumlaut.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/O_invertedbreve.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/O_macron.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/O_macronacute.glif | 10 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/O_macrongrave.glif | 10 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/O_ogonek.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/O_slash.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/O_slashacute.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/O_tilde.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/O_tildeacute.glif | 10 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/O_tildedieresis.glif | 10 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/O_tildemacron.glif | 10 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/P_.glif | 38 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/P_alochka-cy.glif | 8 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/P_e-cy.glif | 18 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/Q_.glif | 46 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/Q_a-cy.glif | 8 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/R_.glif | 44 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/R_acute.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/R_caron.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/R_commaaccent.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/R_dblgrave.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/R_dotbelow.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/R_invertedbreve.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/R_linebelow.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/S_.glif | 46 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/S_acute.glif | 9 +
.../glyphs/S_acutedotaccent.glif | 10 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/S_altillo.glif | 8 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/S_caron.glif | 9 +
.../glyphs/S_carondotaccent.glif | 10 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/S_cedilla.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/S_chwa-cy.glif | 8 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/S_chwa.glif | 53 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/S_circumflex.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/S_commaaccent.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/S_dotaccent.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/S_dotbelow.glif | 9 +
.../glyphs/S_dotbelowdotaccent.glif | 10 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/S_ha-cy.glif | 23 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/S_hcha-cy.glif | 29 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/S_hha-cy.glif | 31 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/S_oftsign-cy.glif | 29 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/T_.glif | 25 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/T_bar.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/T_caron.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/T_cedilla.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/T_commaaccent.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/T_dotbelow.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/T_e-cy.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/T_horn.glif | 41 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/T_linebelow.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/T_se-cy.glif | 23 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/T_she-cy.glif | 37 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/U_-cy.glif | 22 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/U_.glif | 34 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/U_acute.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/U_breve.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/U_caron.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/U_circumflex.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/U_dblgrave.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/U_dieresis-cy.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/U_dieresis.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/U_dieresisacute.glif | 10 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/U_dieresiscaron.glif | 10 +
src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/U_dieresisgrave.glif | 10 +
.../glyphs/U_dieresismacron.glif | 10 +
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.../glyphs/hungarumlautcomb.glif | 26 +
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.../glyphs/macroncomb.narrow.glif | 19 +
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.../glyphs/ocircumflexgrave.glif | 9 +
.../glyphs/ocircumflexhookabove.glif | 9 +
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.../glyphs/ogonekcomb.narrow.glif | 34 +
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.../glyphs/verticallinebelowcomb.glif | 20 +
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.../glyphs/brevecomb_tildecomb.glif | 13 +
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.../glyphs/breveinvertedcomb.glif | 30 +
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.../glyphs/bulletoperator.tf.glif | 20 +
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.../glyphs/chekhakassian-cy.glif | 9 +
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.../glyphs/circumflexcomb_hookabovecomb.glif | 13 +
.../glyphs/circumflexcomb_tildecomb.case.glif | 13 +
.../glyphs/circumflexcomb_tildecomb.glif | 13 +
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.../glyphs/commercialM_inusS_ign.tf.glif | 40 +
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.../glyphs/hungarumlautcomb.glif | 26 +
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.../glyphs/kaverticalstroke-cy.glif | 42 +
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.../glyphs/leftanglebracket-math.glif | 16 +
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.../glyphs/macronbelowcomb.narrow.glif | 19 +
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.../glyphs/macroncomb_gravecomb.glif | 18 +
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.../glyphs/ogonekcomb.tall.glif | 34 +
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.../glyphs/periodcentered.loclC_A_T_.glif | 20 +
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.../glyphs/ringcomb_acutecomb.glif | 19 +
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.../glyphs/strokeshortcomb.glif | 19 +
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.../glyphs/verticallinebelowcomb.glif | 20 +
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.../glyphs/gedescender-cy.glif | 9 +
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.../glyphs/greaterequal.tf.glif | 22 +
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.../glyphs/hookabovecomb.glif | 36 +
.../glyphs/hookabovecomb.loclV_I_E_T_.glif | 42 +
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.../glyphs/hungarumlautcomb.glif | 26 +
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.../glyphs/iinvertedbreve.glif | 9 +
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.../glyphs/macronbelowcomb.narrow.glif | 19 +
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.../glyphs/macroncomb_gravecomb.glif | 18 +
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.../glyphs/ocircumflextilde.glif | 9 +
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.../glyphs/ogonekcomb.narrow.glif | 34 +
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.../glyphs/ogonekcomb.tall.glif | 34 +
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.../glyphs/periodcentered.loclC_A_T_.glif | 20 +
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.../glyphs/ringcomb_acutecomb.glif | 19 +
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.../glyphs/slashlongcomb.glif | 19 +
.../glyphs/slashshortcomb.case.glif | 18 +
.../glyphs/slashshortcomb.glif | 19 +
src/Cantarell-Regular.ufo/glyphs/softhyphen.glif | 8 +
src/Cantarell-Regular.ufo/glyphs/softsign-cy.glif | 40 +
src/Cantarell-Regular.ufo/glyphs/space.glif | 10 +
src/Cantarell-Regular.ufo/glyphs/sterling.glif | 40 +
.../glyphs/strokelongcomb.glif | 19 +
.../glyphs/strokeshortcomb.case.glif | 18 +
.../glyphs/strokeshortcomb.glif | 19 +
src/Cantarell-Regular.ufo/glyphs/summation.glif | 21 +
src/Cantarell-Regular.ufo/glyphs/t.glif | 38 +
src/Cantarell-Regular.ufo/glyphs/tbar.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Regular.ufo/glyphs/tcaron.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Regular.ufo/glyphs/tcedilla.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Regular.ufo/glyphs/tcommaaccent.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Regular.ufo/glyphs/tdieresis.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Regular.ufo/glyphs/tdotbelow.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Regular.ufo/glyphs/te-cy.glif | 33 +
src/Cantarell-Regular.ufo/glyphs/tenge.glif | 13 +
src/Cantarell-Regular.ufo/glyphs/thinspace.glif | 7 +
src/Cantarell-Regular.ufo/glyphs/thorn.glif | 49 +
src/Cantarell-Regular.ufo/glyphs/three.dnom.glif | 64 +
src/Cantarell-Regular.ufo/glyphs/three.glif | 16 +
src/Cantarell-Regular.ufo/glyphs/three.lf.glif | 50 +
src/Cantarell-Regular.ufo/glyphs/three.numr.glif | 15 +
src/Cantarell-Regular.ufo/glyphs/three.osf.glif | 48 +
src/Cantarell-Regular.ufo/glyphs/three.subs.glif | 15 +
src/Cantarell-Regular.ufo/glyphs/three.tf.glif | 57 +
src/Cantarell-Regular.ufo/glyphs/three.tosf.glif | 57 +
src/Cantarell-Regular.ufo/glyphs/threeeighths.glif | 18 +
src/Cantarell-Regular.ufo/glyphs/threefifths.glif | 18 +
.../glyphs/threeinferior.glif | 16 +
.../glyphs/threeperemspace.glif | 7 +
.../glyphs/threequarters.glif | 18 +
.../glyphs/threesuperior.glif | 16 +
src/Cantarell-Regular.ufo/glyphs/tilde.glif | 8 +
.../glyphs/tildecomb.case.glif | 14 +
src/Cantarell-Regular.ufo/glyphs/tildecomb.glif | 36 +
.../glyphs/tildecomb.loclV_I_E_T_.glif | 40 +
.../glyphs/tildecomb_acutecomb.glif | 18 +
.../glyphs/tildecomb_dieresiscomb.glif | 18 +
.../glyphs/tildecomb_macroncomb.glif | 18 +
src/Cantarell-Regular.ufo/glyphs/tlinebelow.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Regular.ufo/glyphs/trademark.glif | 37 +
src/Cantarell-Regular.ufo/glyphs/tripleprime.glif | 13 +
src/Cantarell-Regular.ufo/glyphs/tse-cy.glif | 36 +
src/Cantarell-Regular.ufo/glyphs/tshe-cy.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Regular.ufo/glyphs/tugrik.glif | 13 +
src/Cantarell-Regular.ufo/glyphs/two.dnom.glif | 48 +
src/Cantarell-Regular.ufo/glyphs/two.glif | 16 +
src/Cantarell-Regular.ufo/glyphs/two.lf.glif | 32 +
src/Cantarell-Regular.ufo/glyphs/two.numr.glif | 15 +
src/Cantarell-Regular.ufo/glyphs/two.osf.glif | 32 +
src/Cantarell-Regular.ufo/glyphs/two.subs.glif | 15 +
src/Cantarell-Regular.ufo/glyphs/two.tf.glif | 41 +
src/Cantarell-Regular.ufo/glyphs/two.tosf.glif | 41 +
src/Cantarell-Regular.ufo/glyphs/twofifths.glif | 18 +
src/Cantarell-Regular.ufo/glyphs/twoinferior.glif | 16 +
src/Cantarell-Regular.ufo/glyphs/twosuperior.glif | 16 +
src/Cantarell-Regular.ufo/glyphs/twothirds.glif | 18 +
src/Cantarell-Regular.ufo/glyphs/u-cy.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Regular.ufo/glyphs/u.glif | 39 +
src/Cantarell-Regular.ufo/glyphs/uacute.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Regular.ufo/glyphs/ubreve.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Regular.ufo/glyphs/ucaron.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Regular.ufo/glyphs/ucircumflex.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Regular.ufo/glyphs/udblgrave.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Regular.ufo/glyphs/udieresis-cy.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Regular.ufo/glyphs/udieresis.glif | 9 +
.../glyphs/udieresisacute.glif | 9 +
.../glyphs/udieresiscaron.glif | 9 +
.../glyphs/udieresisgrave.glif | 9 +
.../glyphs/udieresismacron.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Regular.ufo/glyphs/udotbelow.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Regular.ufo/glyphs/ugrave.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Regular.ufo/glyphs/uhookabove.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Regular.ufo/glyphs/uhorn.glif | 15 +
src/Cantarell-Regular.ufo/glyphs/uhornacute.glif | 9 +
.../glyphs/uhorndotbelow.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Regular.ufo/glyphs/uhorngrave.glif | 9 +
.../glyphs/uhornhookabove.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Regular.ufo/glyphs/uhorntilde.glif | 9 +
.../glyphs/uhungarumlaut-cy.glif | 9 +
.../glyphs/uhungarumlaut.glif | 9 +
.../glyphs/uinvertedbreve.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Regular.ufo/glyphs/umacron-cy.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Regular.ufo/glyphs/umacron.glif | 9 +
.../glyphs/umacrondieresis.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Regular.ufo/glyphs/underscore.glif | 13 +
src/Cantarell-Regular.ufo/glyphs/uogonek.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Regular.ufo/glyphs/upA_rrow.glif | 22 +
src/Cantarell-Regular.ufo/glyphs/uring.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Regular.ufo/glyphs/ushort-cy.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Regular.ufo/glyphs/ustraight-cy.glif | 15 +
.../glyphs/ustraightstroke-cy.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Regular.ufo/glyphs/utilde.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Regular.ufo/glyphs/utildeacute.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Regular.ufo/glyphs/v.glif | 22 +
src/Cantarell-Regular.ufo/glyphs/ve-cy.glif | 54 +
.../glyphs/verticallineabovecomb.glif | 20 +
.../glyphs/verticallinebelowcomb.glif | 20 +
.../glyphs/verticallinelowmod.glif | 8 +
.../glyphs/verticallinemod.glif | 8 +
src/Cantarell-Regular.ufo/glyphs/w.glif | 30 +
src/Cantarell-Regular.ufo/glyphs/wacute.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Regular.ufo/glyphs/wcircumflex.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Regular.ufo/glyphs/wdieresis.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Regular.ufo/glyphs/we-cy.glif | 8 +
src/Cantarell-Regular.ufo/glyphs/wgrave.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Regular.ufo/glyphs/whiteC_ircle.glif | 38 +
src/Cantarell-Regular.ufo/glyphs/won.glif | 32 +
src/Cantarell-Regular.ufo/glyphs/x.glif | 28 +
src/Cantarell-Regular.ufo/glyphs/y.glif | 28 +
src/Cantarell-Regular.ufo/glyphs/yacute.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Regular.ufo/glyphs/yat-cy.glif | 35 +
src/Cantarell-Regular.ufo/glyphs/ycircumflex.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Regular.ufo/glyphs/ydieresis.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Regular.ufo/glyphs/ydotaccent.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Regular.ufo/glyphs/ydotbelow.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Regular.ufo/glyphs/yen.glif | 31 +
src/Cantarell-Regular.ufo/glyphs/yeru-cy.glif | 47 +
.../glyphs/yerudieresis-cy.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Regular.ufo/glyphs/ygrave.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Regular.ufo/glyphs/yhookabove.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Regular.ufo/glyphs/yi-cy.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Regular.ufo/glyphs/ymacron.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Regular.ufo/glyphs/ytilde.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Regular.ufo/glyphs/yusbig-cy.glif | 54 +
src/Cantarell-Regular.ufo/glyphs/z.glif | 26 +
src/Cantarell-Regular.ufo/glyphs/zacute.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Regular.ufo/glyphs/zcaron.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Regular.ufo/glyphs/zdotaccent.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Regular.ufo/glyphs/zdotbelow.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Regular.ufo/glyphs/ze-cy.glif | 66 +
.../glyphs/zedescender-cy.glif | 9 +
.../glyphs/zedieresis-cy.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Regular.ufo/glyphs/zero.dnom.glif | 51 +
src/Cantarell-Regular.ufo/glyphs/zero.glif | 16 +
src/Cantarell-Regular.ufo/glyphs/zero.lf.glif | 35 +
src/Cantarell-Regular.ufo/glyphs/zero.lf.zero.glif | 16 +
src/Cantarell-Regular.ufo/glyphs/zero.numr.glif | 15 +
src/Cantarell-Regular.ufo/glyphs/zero.osf.glif | 35 +
.../glyphs/zero.osf.zero.glif | 16 +
src/Cantarell-Regular.ufo/glyphs/zero.subs.glif | 15 +
src/Cantarell-Regular.ufo/glyphs/zero.tf.glif | 44 +
src/Cantarell-Regular.ufo/glyphs/zero.tf.zero.glif | 21 +
src/Cantarell-Regular.ufo/glyphs/zero.tosf.glif | 44 +
.../glyphs/zero.tosf.zero.glif | 16 +
src/Cantarell-Regular.ufo/glyphs/zero.zero.glif | 15 +
src/Cantarell-Regular.ufo/glyphs/zeroinferior.glif | 16 +
src/Cantarell-Regular.ufo/glyphs/zerosuperior.glif | 16 +
src/Cantarell-Regular.ufo/glyphs/zerothird.glif | 18 +
.../glyphs/zerowidthspace.glif | 6 +
src/Cantarell-Regular.ufo/glyphs/zhe-cy.glif | 52 +
src/Cantarell-Regular.ufo/glyphs/zhebreve-cy.glif | 9 +
.../glyphs/zhedescender-cy.glif | 20 +
.../glyphs/zhedieresis-cy.glif | 9 +
src/Cantarell-Regular.ufo/layercontents.plist | 14 +
src/Cantarell-Regular.ufo/lib.plist | 3726 +
src/Cantarell-Regular.ufo/metainfo.plist | 10 +
src/Cantarell.designspace | 281 +
src/Cantarell.glyphs | 82245 -------------------
src/Cantarell.stylespace | 60 +
src/meson.build | 21 +-
3370 files changed, 87739 insertions(+), 82512 deletions(-)
diff --git a/.editorconfig b/.editorconfig
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5a45e61c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.editorconfig
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# http://editorconfig.org
+root = true
+indent_style = space
+indent_size = 4
+trim_trailing_whitespace = true
+insert_final_newline = true
+charset = utf-8
+end_of_line = lf
+indent_style = space
+indent_size = 2
+indent_style = tab
+indent_size = 4
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 4b7ba03f..e398bd05 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -1,48 +1,128 @@
+# Byte-compiled / optimized / DLL files
+# C extensions
+# Distribution / packaging
+# PyInstaller
+# Usually these files are written by a python script from a template
+# before PyInstaller builds the exe, so as to inject date/other infos into it.
+# Installer logs
+# Unit test / coverage reports
+# Translations
+# Django stuff:
+# Flask stuff:
+# Scrapy stuff:
+# Sphinx documentation
+# PyBuilder
+# Jupyter Notebook
+# IPython
+# pyenv
+# celery beat schedule file
+# SageMath parsed files
+# Environments
+# Spyder project settings
+# Rope project settings
+# mkdocs documentation
+# mypy
+# Pyre type checker
+# version file generated by setuptools_scm
+# Visual Studio Code
src/*(Automatisch gesichert)*
diff --git a/.gitlab-ci.yml b/.gitlab-ci.yml
index 8d3ac12e..b46c4e89 100644
--- a/.gitlab-ci.yml
+++ b/.gitlab-ci.yml
@@ -12,7 +12,8 @@ build:
- python3 scripts/flip-prebuilt-on.py meson_options.txt
- git add meson_options.txt
- cp /usr/local/share/fonts/cantarell/*.otf prebuilt
- - git add prebuilt/*.otf
+ - cp /usr/local/share/fonts/cantarell/*.ttf prebuilt
+ - git add prebuilt/*.otf prebuilt/*.ttf
- git config --global user.email "you example com"
- git config --global user.name "Your Name"
- git commit -m "Make package with prebuilt binaries, ninja will dist them."
@@ -21,4 +22,5 @@ build:
- build/meson-dist
- prebuilt/*.otf
+ - prebuilt/*.ttf
expire_in: 7 days
diff --git a/COPYING b/COPYING
index 7d9d6dca..d9765dcf 100644
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-Copyright (c) 2009--2016, The Cantarell Authors
+Copyright (c) 2009--2019, The Cantarell Authors
This Font Software is licensed under the SIL Open Font License, Version 1.1.
This license is copied below, and is also available with a FAQ at:
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ with others.
The OFL allows the licensed fonts to be used, studied, modified and
redistributed freely as long as they are not sold by themselves. The
-fonts, including any derivative works, can be bundled, embedded,
+fonts, including any derivative works, can be bundled, embedded,
redistributed and/or sold with any software provided that any reserved
names are not used by derivative works. The fonts and derivatives,
however, cannot be released under any other type of license. The
+Scripts contain parts of the source code of glyphsLib:
+# Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
diff --git a/NEWS b/NEWS
index 8d93c061..82b9eca6 100644
--- a/NEWS
+++ b/NEWS
@@ -1,198 +1,214 @@
+Next version:
+- Added variable font, TrueType flavor. No hinting for now.
+- Static fonts use same rounding method as varLib uses for the variable font.
+- Fixed Ustraight-cy (U+04AE), ustraight-cy (U+04AF), Ustraightstroke-cy
+ (U+04B0), ustraightstroke-cy (U+04B1), they didn't have a proper production
+ name before and may not have been properly accessible.
+- Removed some building components that made it into the final font.
+- Fixed various production names of combined diacritics.
+- Limited anchor propagation to letters, excluding ligatures. Generate GDEF
+ table properly.
+- Set one simple `gasp` table for hinted display for e.g. Windows.
+- Removed `ccmp` from the `aalt` lookup.
+- The OS/2 table fsType now says that no Digital Rights Management is applied
+ to the fonts, the name table now says the fonts are OFL 1.1 licensed.
+- Internal housekeeping: Sources are in UFO and Designspace format now, with
+ various cleanups like removed unused layers.
- - Fix the wrongly assigned OS/2 weight class values that e.g. led to Extra Bold
- being selected when Bold was requested.
+- Fix the wrongly assigned OS/2 weight class values that e.g. led to Extra Bold
+ being selected when Bold was requested.
- - Space everything a little bit tighter.
- - Scale down whiteCircle and blackCircle by 50%, makes password dots smaller.
- - Tweak feet of one.lf slightly for a more even appearance.
- - Revise lcaron, dcaron and tcaron for collision-free rendering even at bold
- weight. Will need kerning later.
- - Add draft of Cyrillic (GF Cyrillic Plus set), to be improved.
- - Equalize advance width of period, comma, colon, semicolon.
- - Build packages with prebuilt fonts baked in.
- - New contributed AppStream metadata translations for Slovak (Dušan Kazik),
- Slovenian (Matej Urbančič), Russian (Stas Solovey) and Chinese China
- (Dingzhong Chen).
+- Space everything a little bit tighter.
+- Scale down whiteCircle and blackCircle by 50%, makes password dots smaller.
+- Tweak feet of one.lf slightly for a more even appearance.
+- Revise lcaron, dcaron and tcaron for collision-free rendering even at bold
+ weight. Will need kerning later.
+- Add draft of Cyrillic (GF Cyrillic Plus set), to be improved.
+- Equalize advance width of period, comma, colon, semicolon.
+- Build packages with prebuilt fonts baked in.
+- New contributed AppStream metadata translations for Slovak (Dušan Kazik),
+ Slovenian (Matej Urbančič), Russian (Stas Solovey) and Chinese China
+ (Dingzhong Chen).
- - Countless detail updates to various glyphs
- - Added contributed AppStream metdata translations for Polish (Piotr Drąg),
- French (Claude Paroz), Indonesian (Kukuh Syafaat), Galician (Fran Dieguez),
- Occitan (Cédric Valmary), Chinese Taiwan (Cheng-Chia Tseng), Spanish (Daniel
- Mustieles), Catalan (Adolfo Jayme), Croatian (gogo), German (Tim Sabsch),
- Dutch (Nathan Follens), Turkish (Emin Tufan Çetin), Serbian (Марко Костић),
- Serbian Latin (Marko Kostić), Hungarian (Gabor Kelemen), Korean (DaeHyun
- Sung), Czech (Marek Černocký), Lithuanian (Aurimas Černius), Danish (Ask
- Hjorth Larsen), Italian (Gianvito Cavasoli), Romanian (Daniel Șerbănescu),
- Punjabi (A S Alam), Latvian (Rūdolfs Mazurs), Swedish (Anders Jonsson),
- Icelandic (Sveinn í Felli), Greek (Efstathios Iosifidis)
+- Countless detail updates to various glyphs
+- Added contributed AppStream metdata translations for Polish (Piotr Drąg),
+ French (Claude Paroz), Indonesian (Kukuh Syafaat), Galician (Fran Dieguez),
+ Occitan (Cédric Valmary), Chinese Taiwan (Cheng-Chia Tseng), Spanish (Daniel
+ Mustieles), Catalan (Adolfo Jayme), Croatian (gogo), German (Tim Sabsch),
+ Dutch (Nathan Follens), Turkish (Emin Tufan Çetin), Serbian (Марко Костић),
+ Serbian Latin (Marko Kostić), Hungarian (Gabor Kelemen), Korean (DaeHyun
+ Sung), Czech (Marek Černocký), Lithuanian (Aurimas Černius), Danish (Ask
+ Hjorth Larsen), Italian (Gianvito Cavasoli), Romanian (Daniel Șerbănescu),
+ Punjabi (A S Alam), Latvian (Rūdolfs Mazurs), Swedish (Anders Jonsson),
+ Icelandic (Sveinn í Felli), Greek (Efstathios Iosifidis)
- - Redesigned from scratch to interpolate cleanly from thin to extra bold.
- Currently targets the Google Fonts Latin Core and Pro glyph sets.
- - Added contributed AppStream metdata translations for Brazilian Portugese
- (Rafael Fontenelle), Friulian (Fabio Tomat) and Finnish (Jiri Grönroos).
+- Redesigned from scratch to interpolate cleanly from thin to extra bold.
+ Currently targets the Google Fonts Latin Core and Pro glyph sets.
+- Added contributed AppStream metdata translations for Brazilian Portugese
+ (Rafael Fontenelle), Friulian (Fabio Tomat) and Finnish (Jiri Grönroos).
- - Can't remember.
+- Can't remember.
- - asymmetric k for bold, fix stem width
- - sync bold hyphen metrics with regular
+- asymmetric k for bold, fix stem width
+- sync bold hyphen metrics with regular
- - reworked anchors for correct accent rendering under
- harfbuzz 1.2.0
- - more anchor and combined glyph work
+- reworked anchors for correct accent rendering under harfbuzz 1.2.0
+- more anchor and combined glyph work
- - improvements to the generation script
- - bold: double quotes alignment
- - rehint font with adobe toolkit
+- improvements to the generation script
+- bold: double quotes alignment
+- rehint font with adobe toolkit
- - bold: latin and cyrillic respace
- - bold: adapt f ligatures for the new i
- - redular: adjust spacing of Thorn, ß, ẞ
- - bold: improvements form Cambay
- - bold: match width of numerals to regular
- - numerals - improved spacing
+- bold: latin and cyrillic respace
+- bold: adapt f ligatures for the new i
+- redular: adjust spacing of Thorn, ß, ẞ
+- bold: improvements form Cambay
+- bold: match width of numerals to regular
+- numerals- improved spacing
- - fix composited glyph issues
- - fix parallel build issue
+- fix composited glyph issues
+- fix parallel build issue
- - Cyrillic improvements
- - x-height hinting tweaks
- - sync bold to regular
- - OE and oe ligatures
- - ratio respaced
- - capital sharp s for German
+- Cyrillic improvements
+- x-height hinting tweaks
+- sync bold to regular
+- OE and oe ligatures
+- ratio respaced
+- capital sharp s for German
- - generate oblique version
- - more diacritics work; full Latin 4 coverage
- - tabular figures
- - fold over work done on Cambay (Pooja Saxena)
+- generate oblique version
+- more diacritics work; full Latin 4 coverage
+- tabular figures
+- fold over work done on Cambay (Pooja Saxena)
- - improved terminals on a,e,r,s,S,l,2
- - fix validation errors
+- improved terminals on a,e,r,s,S,l,2
+- fix validation errors
- - respaced t
- - bold accents fixes
- - consistent stem width and various Improvements on E, H, B and S
- - harmonized o and c
- - improved capitals
- - superscript 123 fixes
- - extra glyps for gtk+ (arrows, openbox)
- - respaced 4 and 7
+- respaced t
+- bold accents fixes
+- consistent stem width and various Improvements on E, H, B and S
+- harmonized o and c
+- improved capitals
+- superscript 123 fixes
+- extra glyps for gtk+ (arrows, openbox)
+- respaced 4 and 7
- - rebuild accented glyphs for bold
+- rebuild accented glyphs for bold
- - accent fixes
- - revert ijbdklh to snap to caps height
- - proper weight of f ligatures for bold
- - respaced ligatures
+- accent fixes
+- revert ijbdklh to snap to caps height
+- proper weight of f ligatures for bold
+- respaced ligatures
- - improved shapes and metrics by Nikolaus Waxweiler:
- - baseline and bluezone fixes for autohinter to produce valid hints
- - many glyphs adjusted for baseline and proper hinting.
- 0.0.16
- - add space variations (#735205)
+- improved shapes and metrics by Nikolaus Waxweiler:
+- baseline and bluezone fixes for autohinter to produce valid hints
+- many glyphs adjusted for baseline and proper hinting.
+- add space variations (#735205)
- - improved spacing for cyrillics (#703588)
- - fixed hinting on numerals (704084)
- - bold outlines improved (#706358)
- - improved cyrillics (#706358)
- - improved outlines and spacing (#703115)
- - missing romanian accent glyphs (#705004)
- - uppercase U shape improvements (#702955)
+- improved spacing for cyrillics (#703588)
+- fixed hinting on numerals (704084)
+- bold outlines improved (#706358)
+- improved cyrillics (#706358)
+- improved outlines and spacing (#703115)
+- missing romanian accent glyphs (#705004)
+- uppercase U shape improvements (#702955)
- - Large improvement to shapes of latin and extended latin glyphs (Pooja Saxena)
- - Improvements to the numeral shapes (Pooja)
- - Greatly improved horizontal metrics of regular weight (Pooja)
- - Corrected maths (Pooja)
- - Corrected outlines & metrics of Cyrillics (Pooja)
+- Large improvement to shapes of latin and extended latin glyphs (Pooja Saxena)
+- Improvements to the numeral shapes (Pooja)
+- Greatly improved horizontal metrics of regular weight (Pooja)
+- Corrected maths (Pooja)
+- Corrected outlines & metrics of Cyrillics (Pooja)
- - many l/rbearking tweaks
- - extra symbols for Shell (bug #657957)
- - balanced shape for s and S
- - balanced shape for 6 and 9
- - balanced 2 and 3
- - improved hhints
- - OT anchors for accents
- - contrast tweaks to bold (b, B, e)
+- many l/rbearking tweaks
+- extra symbols for Shell (bug #657957)
+- balanced shape for s and S
+- balanced shape for 6 and 9
+- balanced 2 and 3
+- improved hhints
+- OT anchors for accents
+- contrast tweaks to bold (b, B, e)
- - improved ligatures
- - improve and add missing cyrillics. bug #689220
- - advanced typo glyphs. bug #689184
+- improved ligatures
+- improve and add missing cyrillics. bug #689220
+- advanced typo glyphs. bug #689184
- - use ligature lookup tables
- - make digits monospaced for bold
+- use ligature lookup tables
+- make digits monospaced for bold
- - build related fixes
+- build related fixes
- - generate OTF from SFDs automatically (Fabian Greffrath)
- - install to appropriate system directories (Fabian Greffrath)
- - fix cyrillic metrics
- - improve EE diacritics
+- generate OTF from SFDs automatically (Fabian Greffrath)
+- install to appropriate system directories (Fabian Greffrath)
+- fix cyrillic metrics
+- improve EE diacritics
- - initial support for Cyrillic
- - uppercase Greek
+- initial support for Cyrillic
+- uppercase Greek
- - accented l. #665433
- - extrema & node fixes
- - build related fixes
+- accented l. #665433
+- extrema & node fixes
+- build related fixes
- - ON/OFF glyphs. bug #643120
- - combining circumflex metrics. bug #637066
- - ] hinting. bug #652834
- - bold: 'a','e','n','s' and 'c' hints.
- - black circle a circle. bug #660442
- - bold: sync accented characters with base glyph.
+- ON/OFF glyphs. bug #643120
+- combining circumflex metrics. bug #637066
+- ] hinting. bug #652834
+- bold: 'a','e','n','s' and 'c' hints.
+- black circle a circle. bug #660442
+- bold: sync accented characters with base glyph.
- - bold l
- - fix umlaut positions. bug #646222
- - README fixes
+- bold l
+- fix umlaut positions. bug #646222
+- README fixes
- - improved password entry glyph
- - improved hyphen by making narrower
- - improved licensing and FONTLOG metadata
- - improved vertical metrics
+- improved password entry glyph
+- improved hyphen by making narrower
+- improved licensing and FONTLOG metadata
+- improved vertical metrics
- - improved hints on numerals and bold letters
- - improved metrics
+- improved hints on numerals and bold letters
+- improved metrics
- - create the tarball from the actual git master
- - fixed the fontconfig script not to override the global default
+- create the tarball from the actual git master
+- fixed the fontconfig script not to override the global default
- - improved hints, hinting related metrics
- - added black circle glyph for password entries
- - increased size of '^'
+- improved hints, hinting related metrics
+- added black circle glyph for password entries
+- increased size of '^'
- - Initial GNOME release of Cantarell.
- - Various improvements by Jakub Steiner
+- Initial GNOME release of Cantarell.
+- Various improvements by Jakub Steiner
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 2cb6cddc..4f753d64 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -21,11 +21,26 @@ ninja -C build install
-The master file is `src/Cantarell.glyphs`. To contribute, you need to:
+Cantarell consists of three masters: Thin (Cantarell-Light.ufo), Regular (Cantarell-Regular.ufo) and Extra
Bold (Cantarell-ExtraBold.ufo). The file that ties them together and defines where the masters and instances
stand is Cantarell.designspace.
-- Use the proprietary and Mac-only Glyphs.app...
-- ...or generate UFOs from it by using `fontmake -g src/Cantarell.glyphs -o ufo`. You can then open the
masters in `master_ufo` with any design app that supports it. Send the contribution to Nikolaus Waxweiler
somehow so he can consider it.
-- ...or wait for glyphsLib 2.3.0 to be released, which will finally contain code to roundtrip between
Glyphs files and UFOs, at which point I'll switch over and you'll be able to use any UFO editor you'd like.
+If you want to contribute, you should be familiar with font design applications. You will also unfortunately
have to learn about the innards of the UFO format as you go, to know what is changing... FontForge, TruFont
and RoboFont can open the UFO v3 masters directly, Glyphs is tied to UFO v2 at the time of this writing.
+To use Glyphs, do:
+# (activate the venv from above if you haven't done so)
+pip3 install -r requirements-dev.txt
+ufo2glyphs src/Cantarell.designspace
+Edit the .glyphs file and round-trip back:
+glyphs2ufo src/Cantarell.glyphs
+Note that this will result in noise that will have to be trimmed... Send a MR and we'll sort it out togeher.
diff --git a/appstream/hu.po b/appstream/hu.po
index 8ac545fc..3f7de568 100644
--- a/appstream/hu.po
+++ b/appstream/hu.po
@@ -34,4 +34,3 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"A Cantarell betűkészlet egy kortárs Humanist típusú talpatlan betűkészlet, "
"amit képernyőn való olvasásra terveztek. Eredeti tervezőjük Dave Crossland."
diff --git a/appstream/is.po b/appstream/is.po
index b917491d..47c34473 100644
--- a/appstream/is.po
+++ b/appstream/is.po
@@ -33,4 +33,3 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Cantarell leturgerðirnar eru nútímalegt Humanist sans serif letur sem hannað "
"er fyrir lestur af skjá. Letrið var upphaflega hannað af Dave Crossland."
diff --git a/appstream/lv.po b/appstream/lv.po
index 0e6cedf0..5bd4397a 100644
--- a/appstream/lv.po
+++ b/appstream/lv.po
@@ -35,4 +35,3 @@ msgstr ""
"Cantarell fontu saime ir mūsdienīgs Humanist bezrēdžu paveids, kas ir"
" izstrādāts lasīšanai uz ekrāna. Fontus sākotnēji izstrādāja Deivs Krolsands"
" (Dave Crossland)."
diff --git a/appstream/meson.build b/appstream/meson.build
index 49415212..da8bb2ea 100644
--- a/appstream/meson.build
+++ b/appstream/meson.build
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
i18n = import('i18n')
appdata_file = i18n.merge_file(
- input: 'org.gnome.cantarell.metainfo.xml.in',
- output: 'org.gnome.cantarell.metainfo.xml',
- po_dir: './',
- install: true,
- install_dir: appdatadir,
+ input: 'org.gnome.cantarell.metainfo.xml.in',
+ output: 'org.gnome.cantarell.metainfo.xml',
+ po_dir: './',
+ install: true,
+ install_dir: appdatadir,
diff --git a/appstream/pa.po b/appstream/pa.po
index 4b4c2655..b60d3b7c 100644
--- a/appstream/pa.po
+++ b/appstream/pa.po
@@ -36,4 +36,3 @@ msgstr ""
"ਕਾਨਟਰੈਲ ਫ਼ੋਂਟ ਵਰਗ ਸਕਰੀਨ ਤੋਂ ਪੜ੍ਹਨ ਲਈ ਤਿਆਰ ਕੀਤੇ ਗਏ ਸਮੇਂ ਦੇ ਹਾਣੀ ਹਿਊਨਿਸਟ ਸੈਨਜ਼"
" ਸੈਰਫ਼ ਫ਼ੋਂਟ ਹਨ। ਫ਼ੋਂਟ ਨੂੰ "
"ਮੁੱਢਲੇ ਰੂਪ ਵਿੱਚ ਡੇਵ ਕਰਾਂਸਲੈਂਡ ਵਲੋਂ ਤਿਆਰ ਕੀਤਾ ਗਿਆ ਸੀ।"
diff --git a/meson.build b/meson.build
index a6ee1abc..db4f7e2f 100644
--- a/meson.build
+++ b/meson.build
@@ -5,21 +5,21 @@ appdatadir = join_paths(datadir, 'metainfo')
fontsdir = get_option('fontsdir')
if fontsdir == ''
- fontsdir = join_paths(datadir, 'fonts', 'cantarell')
+ fontsdir = join_paths(datadir, 'fonts', 'cantarell')
useprebuilt = get_option('useprebuilt')
if useprebuilt == false
- python3 = import('python3').find_python()
- fontmake = find_program('fontmake')
- fontmake_wrapper = join_paths(meson.current_source_dir(), 'scripts', 'fm.py')
- psautohint = find_program('psautohint')
- subdir('src')
+ python3 = import('python').find_installation('python3')
+ make_static_fonts = join_paths(meson.current_source_dir(), 'scripts', 'make-static-fonts.py')
+ make_variable_font = join_paths(meson.current_source_dir(), 'scripts', 'make-variable-font.py')
+ psautohint = find_program('psautohint')
+ subdir('src')
- subdir('prebuilt')
+ subdir('prebuilt')
buildappstream = get_option('buildappstream')
if buildappstream == true
- subdir('appstream')
+ subdir('appstream')
diff --git a/prebuilt/meson.build b/prebuilt/meson.build
index 3b5f29eb..94916354 100644
--- a/prebuilt/meson.build
+++ b/prebuilt/meson.build
@@ -3,3 +3,4 @@ install_data('Cantarell-Light.otf', install_dir : fontsdir)
install_data('Cantarell-Regular.otf', install_dir : fontsdir)
install_data('Cantarell-Bold.otf', install_dir : fontsdir)
install_data('Cantarell-ExtraBold.otf', install_dir : fontsdir)
+install_data('Cantarell.ttf', install_dir : fontsdir)
diff --git a/requirements-dev.in b/requirements-dev.in
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c9c19b0d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/requirements-dev.in
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+-r requirements.txt
diff --git a/requirements-dev.txt b/requirements-dev.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0379e14c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/requirements-dev.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+# This file is autogenerated by pip-compile
+# To update, run:
+# pip-compile --output-file requirements-dev.txt requirements-dev.in
+-e git+git://github.com/googlei18n/ufo2ft@915b986558e87bee288765d9218cc1cd4ebf7f4c#egg=ufo2ft
+astroid==2.2.5 # via pylint
+isort==4.3.16 # via pylint
+lazy-object-proxy==1.3.1 # via astroid
+mccabe==0.6.1 # via pylint
+mypy-extensions==0.4.1 # via mypy
+typed-ast==1.3.1 # via astroid, mypy
+wrapt==1.11.1 # via astroid
diff --git a/requirements.in b/requirements.in
index 6f16bb4c..a76c5f0e 100644
--- a/requirements.in
+++ b/requirements.in
@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
+-e git+git://github.com/googlei18n/ufo2ft@915b986558e87bee288765d9218cc1cd4ebf7f4c#egg=ufo2ft
diff --git a/requirements.txt b/requirements.txt
index 35f3ea09..6bb78e0e 100644
--- a/requirements.txt
+++ b/requirements.txt
@@ -4,20 +4,21 @@
# pip-compile --output-file requirements.txt requirements.in
+-e git+git://github.com/googlei18n/ufo2ft@915b986558e87bee288765d9218cc1cd4ebf7f4c#egg=ufo2ft
appdirs==1.4.3 # via fs
-booleanoperations==0.8.2 # via fontmake, ufo2ft
-compreffor==0.4.6.post1 # via ufo2ft
-cu2qu==1.6.5 # via fontmake, ufo2ft
-defcon[lxml]==0.6.0 # via fontmake, glyphslib, mutatormath, ufo2ft
-fontmath==0.4.9 # via mutatormath
-fonttools[lxml,ufo,unicode]==3.34.2 # via booleanoperations, compreffor, cu2qu, defcon, fontmake, fontmath,
glyphslib, mutatormath, psautohint, ufo2ft
-fs==2.1.2 # via fonttools
-lxml==4.2.5 # via fonttools
-mutatormath==2.1.2 # via fontmake
+cattrs==0.9.0 # via statmake
+fs==2.4.4 # via fonttools
+lxml==4.3.3 # via fonttools
pyclipper==1.1.0.post1 # via booleanoperations
-pytz==2018.7 # via fs
+pytz==2018.9 # via fs
six==1.12.0 # via fs
-ufo2ft==2.5.0 # via fontmake
diff --git a/scripts/LICENSE_ufoProcessor b/scripts/LICENSE_ufoProcessor
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b6c3c23b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/LICENSE_ufoProcessor
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+Copyright (c) 2017-2018 LettError and Erik van Blokland
+All rights reserved.
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
diff --git a/scripts/instantiator.py b/scripts/instantiator.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8abdde6d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/instantiator.py
@@ -0,0 +1,440 @@
+#!/bin/env python3
+# This code is based on ufoProcessor code, see LICENSE_ufoProcessor, and is itself
+# MIT-licensed.
+"""Module for generating static font instances.
+It is an alternative to mutatorMath (used internally by fontmake) and ufoProcessor. The
+aim is to be a minimal implementation that is focussed on using ufoLib2 for font data
+abstraction, varLib for instance computation and fontMath as a font data shell for
+instance computation directly and exclusively.
+At the time of this writing, varLib lacks support for anisotropic (x, y) locations and
+See the `scripts/make-static-fonts.py` script for how to use it.
+from pathlib import Path
+from typing import Any, Dict, List, Mapping, Set, Tuple, Union
+import attr
+import fontMath
+import fontTools.designspaceLib as designspaceLib
+import fontTools.misc.fixedTools
+import fontTools.ufoLib as ufoLib
+import fontTools.varLib as varLib
+import ufoLib2
+FontMathObject = Union[fontMath.MathGlyph, fontMath.MathInfo, fontMath.MathKerning]
+Location = Mapping[str, float]
+# Use the same rounding function used by varLib to round things for the variable font
+# to reduce differences between the variable and static instances.
+@attr.s(auto_attribs=True, frozen=True, slots=True)
+class Instantiator:
+ """Data class that holds all necessary information to generate a static
+ font instance object at an arbitary location within the design space."""
+ copy_feature_text: str
+ copy_groups: Mapping[str, List[str]]
+ copy_info: ufoLib2.objects.Info
+ copy_lib: Mapping[str, Any]
+ designspace_rules: List[designspaceLib.RuleDescriptor]
+ glyph_mutators: Mapping[str, "Variator"]
+ info_mutator: "Variator"
+ kerning_mutator: "Variator"
+ round_geometry: bool
+ skip_export_glyphs: List[str]
+ weight_width_axes: Mapping[str, designspaceLib.AxisDescriptor]
+ @classmethod
+ def from_designspace(
+ cls,
+ designspace: designspaceLib.DesignSpaceDocument,
+ round_geometry: bool = True,
+ ):
+ """Instantiates a new data class from a Designspace object."""
+ if designspace.default is None:
+ raise ValueError(
+ "Can't generate UFOs from this designspace: no default font."
+ )
+ glyph_names: Set[str] = set()
+ for source in designspace.sources:
+ if not Path(source.path).exists():
+ raise ValueError(f"Source at path '{source.path}' not found.")
+ source.font = ufoLib2.Font.open(source.path, lazy=False)
+ glyph_names.update(source.font.keys())
+ # Construct Variators
+ axis_bounds: Dict[str, Tuple[float, float, float]] = {}
+ axis_by_name: Dict[str, designspaceLib.AxisDescriptor] = {}
+ weight_width_axes = {}
+ for axis in designspace.axes:
+ axis_by_name[axis.name] = axis
+ axis_bounds[axis.name] = (axis.minimum, axis.default, axis.maximum)
+ if axis.tag in ("wght", "wdth"):
+ weight_width_axes[axis.tag] = axis
+ masters_info = collect_info_masters(designspace)
+ info_mutator = Variator.from_masters(masters_info, axis_by_name, axis_bounds)
+ masters_kerning = collect_kerning_masters(designspace)
+ kerning_mutator = Variator.from_masters(
+ masters_kerning, axis_by_name, axis_bounds
+ )
+ glyph_mutators: Dict[str, Variator] = {}
+ for glyph_name in glyph_names:
+ items = collect_glyph_masters(designspace, glyph_name)
+ mutator = Variator.from_masters(items, axis_by_name, axis_bounds)
+ glyph_mutators[glyph_name] = mutator
+ # Construct defaults to copy over
+ default_source = designspace.findDefault()
+ copy_feature_text: str = next(
+ (s.font.features.text for s in designspace.sources if s.copyFeatures),
+ default_source.font.features.text,
+ )
+ copy_groups: Mapping[str, List[str]] = next(
+ (s.font.groups for s in designspace.sources if s.copyGroups),
+ default_source.font.groups,
+ )
+ copy_info: ufoLib2.objects.Info = next(
+ (s.font.info for s in designspace.sources if s.copyInfo),
+ default_source.font.info,
+ )
+ copy_lib: Mapping[str, Any] = next(
+ (s.font.lib for s in designspace.sources if s.copyLib),
+ default_source.font.lib,
+ )
+ # The list of glyphs not to export and decompose where used as a component is
+ # supposed to be taken from the Designspace when a Designspace is used as the
+ # starting point of the compilation process. It should be exported to all
+ # instance libs, where the ufo2ft compilation functions will pick it up.
+ skip_export_glyphs = designspace.lib.get("public.skipExportGlyphs", [])
+ return cls(
+ copy_feature_text,
+ copy_groups,
+ copy_info,
+ copy_lib,
+ designspace.rules,
+ glyph_mutators,
+ info_mutator,
+ kerning_mutator,
+ round_geometry,
+ skip_export_glyphs,
+ weight_width_axes,
+ )
+ def generate_instance(
+ self, instance: designspaceLib.InstanceDescriptor
+ ) -> ufoLib2.Font:
+ """Generate a font object for an InstanceDescriptor."""
+ font = ufoLib2.Font()
+ location = instance.location
+ if anisotropic(location):
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"Instance {instance.familyName}-"
+ f"{instance.styleName}: Anisotropic location "
+ f"{instance.location} not supported by varLib."
+ )
+ # Kerning
+ if instance.kerning:
+ kerning_instance = self.kerning_mutator.instance_at(location)
+ kerning_instance.extractKerning(font)
+ # Info
+ info_instance = self.info_mutator.instance_at(location)
+ if self.round_geometry:
+ info_instance = info_instance.round()
+ info_instance.extractInfo(font.info)
+ # Copy metadata from sources marked with `<copy info="1">` etc.
+ for attribute in ufoLib.fontInfoAttributesVersion3:
+ if hasattr(info_instance, attribute):
+ continue # Skip mutated attributes.
+ if hasattr(self.copy_info, attribute):
+ setattr(font.info, attribute, getattr(self.copy_info, attribute))
+ for key, value in self.copy_lib.items():
+ font.lib[key] = value
+ font.lib["public.skipExportGlyphs"] = self.skip_export_glyphs
+ for key, value in self.copy_groups.items():
+ font.groups[key] = value
+ font.features.text = self.copy_feature_text
+ # TODO: multilingual names to replace possibly existing name records.
+ if instance.familyName:
+ font.info.familyName = instance.familyName
+ if instance.styleName:
+ font.info.styleName = instance.styleName
+ if instance.postScriptFontName:
+ font.info.postscriptFontName = instance.postScriptFontName
+ if instance.styleMapFamilyName:
+ font.info.styleMapFamilyName = instance.styleMapFamilyName
+ if instance.styleMapStyleName:
+ font.info.styleMapStyleName = instance.styleMapStyleName
+ # If the masters haven't set the OS/2 weight and width class, use the
+ # user-space values ("input") of the axis mapping in the Designspace file for
+ # weight and width axes, if they exist.
+ if info_instance.openTypeOS2WeightClass is None:
+ if "wght" in self.weight_width_axes:
+ weight_axis = self.weight_width_axes["wght"]
+ weight_axis_instance_location = instance.location[weight_axis.name]
+ font.info.openTypeOS2WeightClass = fontTools.misc.fixedTools.otRound(
+ weight_axis.map_backward(weight_axis_instance_location)
+ )
+ if info_instance.openTypeOS2WidthClass is None:
+ if "wdth" in self.weight_width_axes:
+ width_axis = self.weight_width_axes["wdth"]
+ width_axis_instance_location = instance.location[width_axis.name]
+ font.info.openTypeOS2WidthClass = fontTools.misc.fixedTools.otRound(
+ width_axis.map_backward(width_axis_instance_location)
+ )
+ # Glyphs
+ for glyph_name, glyph_mutator in self.glyph_mutators.items():
+ font.newGlyph(glyph_name)
+ neutral = glyph_mutator.neutral_master()
+ glyph_instance = glyph_mutator.instance_at(location)
+ if self.round_geometry:
+ glyph_instance = glyph_instance.round()
+ glyph_instance.extractGlyph(font[glyph_name], onlyGeometry=True)
+ font[glyph_name].width = glyph_instance.width
+ font[glyph_name].unicodes = neutral.unicodes
+ # Process rules
+ glyph_names_list = self.glyph_mutators.keys()
+ resultNames = designspaceLib.processRules(
+ self.designspace_rules, location, glyph_names_list
+ )
+ for oldName, newName in zip(glyph_names_list, resultNames):
+ if oldName != newName:
+ swapGlyphNames(font, oldName, newName)
+ font.lib["designspace.location"] = list(instance.location.items())
+ return font
+def anisotropic(location: Location) -> bool:
+ for v in location.values():
+ if isinstance(v, tuple):
+ return True
+ return False
+def normalize_design_location(design_location: Location, axes, axis_bounds) -> Location:
+ return varLib.models.normalizeLocation(
+ {
+ axis_name: axes[axis_name].map_backward(value)
+ for axis_name, value in design_location.items()
+ },
+ axis_bounds,
+ )
+def collect_info_masters(designspace) -> List[Tuple[Location, FontMathObject]]:
+ """Return master Info objects wrapped by MathInfo."""
+ locations_and_masters = []
+ for source in designspace.sources:
+ if source.layerName is not None:
+ continue
+ locations_and_masters.append(
+ (source.location, fontMath.MathInfo(source.font.info))
+ )
+ return locations_and_masters
+def collect_kerning_masters(designspace) -> List[Tuple[Location, FontMathObject]]:
+ """Return master kerning objects wrapped by MathKerning."""
+ locations_and_masters = []
+ for source in designspace.sources:
+ if source.layerName is not None:
+ continue # No kerning in source layers.
+ if not source.muteKerning:
+ # This assumes that groups of all sources are the same.
+ locations_and_masters.append(
+ (
+ source.location,
+ fontMath.MathKerning(source.font.kerning, source.font.groups),
+ )
+ )
+ return locations_and_masters
+def collect_glyph_masters(
+ designspace, glyph_name
+) -> List[Tuple[Location, FontMathObject]]:
+ """Return master glyph objects for glyph_name wrapped by MathGlyph."""
+ locations_and_masters = []
+ for source in designspace.sources:
+ if glyph_name in source.mutedGlyphNames:
+ continue
+ if source.layerName is None:
+ # Source font.
+ source_layer = source.font.layers.defaultLayer
+ else:
+ # Source layer.
+ source_layer = source.font.layers[source.layerName]
+ if glyph_name not in source_layer:
+ # Sparse source layer, skip for this glyph.
+ continue
+ if glyph_name not in source_layer:
+ continue
+ source_glyph = source_layer[glyph_name]
+ locations_and_masters.append(
+ (source.location, fontMath.MathGlyph(source_glyph))
+ )
+ return locations_and_masters
+def swapGlyphNames(font, oldName, newName, swapNameExtension="_______________swap"):
+ # In font swap the glyphs oldName and newName.
+ # Also swap the names in components in order to preserve appearance.
+ # Also swap the names in font groups.
+ if oldName not in font or newName not in font:
+ return
+ swapName = oldName + swapNameExtension
+ # park the old glyph
+ if not swapName in font:
+ font.newGlyph(swapName)
+ # swap the outlines
+ font[swapName].clear()
+ p = font[swapName].getPointPen()
+ font[oldName].drawPoints(p)
+ font[swapName].width = font[oldName].width
+ # lib?
+ font[oldName].clear()
+ p = font[oldName].getPointPen()
+ font[newName].drawPoints(p)
+ font[oldName].width = font[newName].width
+ font[newName].clear()
+ p = font[newName].getPointPen()
+ font[swapName].drawPoints(p)
+ font[newName].width = font[swapName].width
+ # remap the components
+ for g in font:
+ for c in g.components:
+ if c.baseGlyph == oldName:
+ c.baseGlyph = swapName
+ continue
+ for g in font:
+ for c in g.components:
+ if c.baseGlyph == newName:
+ c.baseGlyph = oldName
+ continue
+ for g in font:
+ for c in g.components:
+ if c.baseGlyph == swapName:
+ c.baseGlyph = newName
+ # change the names in groups
+ # the shapes will swap, that will invalidate the kerning
+ # so the names need to swap in the kerning as well.
+ newKerning = {}
+ for first, second in font.kerning.keys():
+ value = font.kerning[(first, second)]
+ if first == oldName:
+ first = newName
+ elif first == newName:
+ first = oldName
+ if second == oldName:
+ second = newName
+ elif second == newName:
+ second = oldName
+ newKerning[(first, second)] = value
+ font.kerning.clear()
+ font.kerning.update(newKerning)
+ for groupName, members in font.groups.items():
+ newMembers = []
+ for name in members:
+ if name == oldName:
+ newMembers.append(newName)
+ elif name == newName:
+ newMembers.append(oldName)
+ else:
+ newMembers.append(name)
+ font.groups[groupName] = newMembers
+ remove = []
+ for g in font:
+ if g.name.find(swapNameExtension) != -1:
+ remove.append(g.name)
+ for r in remove:
+ del font[r]
+@attr.s(auto_attribs=True, frozen=True, slots=True)
+class Variator:
+ """A middle-man class that ingests a mapping of locations to masters plus
+ axis definitions and uses varLib to spit out interpolated instances at
+ specified locations.
+ fontMath objects stand in for the actual master objects from the
+ UFO. Upon generating an instance, these objects have to be extracted
+ into an actual UFO object.
+ """
+ axes: Dict[str, designspaceLib.AxisDescriptor]
+ axis_bounds: Dict[str, Tuple[float, float, float]]
+ masters: List[FontMathObject]
+ model: varLib.models.VariationModel
+ @classmethod
+ def from_masters(
+ cls,
+ items: List[Tuple[Location, FontMathObject]],
+ axes: Dict[str, designspaceLib.AxisDescriptor],
+ axis_bounds: Dict[str, Tuple[float, float, float]],
+ ):
+ item_locations_normalized = []
+ masters = []
+ for design_location, master in items:
+ item_locations_normalized.append(
+ normalize_design_location(design_location, axes, axis_bounds)
+ )
+ masters.append(master)
+ model = varLib.models.VariationModel(
+ item_locations_normalized, list(axes.keys())
+ )
+ return cls(axes, axis_bounds, masters, model)
+ def get(self, key) -> FontMathObject:
+ if key in self.model.locations:
+ i = self.model.locations.index(key)
+ return self.masters[i]
+ return None
+ def neutral_master(self) -> FontMathObject:
+ neutral = self.get({})
+ if neutral is None:
+ raise ValueError("Can't find the neutral master.")
+ return neutral
+ def instance_at(self, design_location: Location) -> FontMathObject:
+ return self.model.interpolateFromMasters(
+ normalize_design_location(design_location, self.axes, self.axis_bounds),
+ self.masters,
+ )
diff --git a/scripts/make-static-fonts.py b/scripts/make-static-fonts.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3645e62d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/make-static-fonts.py
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+#!/bin/env python3
+import argparse
+import multiprocessing
+import subprocess
+from pathlib import Path
+import fontTools.designspaceLib
+import ufo2ft
+import instantiator
+def generate_and_write_autohinted_instance(
+ instantiator: instantiator.Instantiator,
+ instance_descriptor: fontTools.designspaceLib.InstanceDescriptor,
+ output_dir: Path,
+ psautohint: str,
+ # 3. Generate instance UFO.
+ instance = instantiator.generate_instance(instance_descriptor)
+ file_stem = f"{instance.info.familyName}-{instance.info.styleName}".replace(" ", "")
+ # 3.5. Optionally write instance UFO to disk, for debugging.
+ # instance.save(output_dir / f"{file_stem}.ufo", overwrite=True)
+ # 4. Compile and write instance OTF to disk.
+ instance_font = ufo2ft.compileOTF(instance, removeOverlaps=True, inplace=True)
+ output_path = output_dir / f"{file_stem}.otf"
+ instance_font.save(output_path)
+ # 5. Run psautohint on it.
+ subprocess.run([psautohint, str(output_path)])
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "designspace_path", type=Path, help="The path to the Designspace file."
+ )
+ parser.add_argument("psautohint", type=str, help="The path to psautohint.")
+ parser.add_argument("output_dir", type=Path, help="The output directory.")
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ # 1. Load Designspace and filter out instances that are marked as non-exportable.
+ designspace = fontTools.designspaceLib.DesignSpaceDocument.fromfile(
+ args.designspace_path
+ )
+ designspace.instances = [
+ s
+ for s in designspace.instances
+ if s.lib.get("com.schriftgestaltung.export", True)
+ ]
+ # 2. Prepare masters.
+ generator = instantiator.Instantiator.from_designspace(
+ designspace, round_geometry=True
+ )
+ # (Fork one process per instance)
+ processes = []
+ pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=multiprocessing.cpu_count())
+ for instance in designspace.instances:
+ processes.append(
+ pool.apply_async(
+ generate_and_write_autohinted_instance,
+ args=(generator, instance, args.output_dir, args.psautohint),
+ )
+ )
+ pool.close()
+ pool.join()
+ for process in processes:
+ process.get() # Catch exceptions.
diff --git a/scripts/make-variable-font.py b/scripts/make-variable-font.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..63b6a3db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/make-variable-font.py
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+#!/bin/env python3
+# Note: To parallelize this, the cubic to quadratic filter could be run on all sources
+# sequentially and the resulting single-layer UFOs written to disk, then compiling the
+# masters could be done in parallel and finally, merging into a variable font happens
+# sequentially.
+import argparse
+from pathlib import Path
+import fontTools.designspaceLib
+import fontTools.varLib
+import statmake.classes
+import statmake.lib
+import ufo2ft
+import ufoLib2
+parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+ "designspace_path", type=Path, help="The path to the Designspace file."
+ "stylespace_path", type=Path, help="The path to the Stylespace file."
+parser.add_argument("output_path", type=Path, help="The variable TTF output path.")
+args = parser.parse_args()
+designspace_path = args.designspace_path.resolve()
+stylespace_path = args.stylespace_path.resolve()
+output_path = args.output_path.resolve()
+# 1. Load Designspace and filter out instances that are marked as non-exportable.
+designspace = fontTools.designspaceLib.DesignSpaceDocument.fromfile(designspace_path)
+for source in designspace.sources:
+ source.font = ufoLib2.Font.open(designspace_path.parent / source.filename)
+designspace.instances = [
+ s for s in designspace.instances if s.lib.get("com.schriftgestaltung.export", True)
+# 2. Compile interpolatable master TTFs.
+ufo2ft.compileInterpolatableTTFsFromDS(designspace, inplace=True)
+# 3. Combine masters into a variable TTF.
+varfont, _, _ = fontTools.varLib.build(designspace)
+# 4. Generate STAT table.
+stylespace = statmake.classes.Stylespace.from_file(stylespace_path)
+statmake.lib.apply_stylespace_to_variable_font(stylespace, varfont, {})
diff --git a/scripts/update-anchor-propagation-includes.py b/scripts/update-anchor-propagation-includes.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0ba8e385
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/update-anchor-propagation-includes.py
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+"""Update the glyph name list for anchor propagation.
+We rely on Glyphs-style anchor propagation to get mark-to-base and mark-
+to-mark anchoring for composites. Contrary to Glyphs behavior, we want
+to keep propagation to non-ligature letters and combining marks.
+Propagation to ligatures like "fi" and compatibility digraphs is
+broken/incomplete in ufo2ft 2.7.0 and probably makes little sense
+Propagation only makes sense for composites, but we include outline
+glyphs in the list because it's faster to go through glyphOrder than the
+glyph objects.
+from pathlib import Path
+import fontTools.unicodedata
+import glyphsLib.glyphdata
+import ufoLib2
+main_source_path = Path(__file__).parent.parent / "src" / "Cantarell-Regular.ufo"
+main_source = ufoLib2.Font.open(main_source_path)
+letters_and_marks = []
+for glyph_name in main_source.glyphOrder:
+ if glyph_name.startswith("_"):
+ continue
+ info = glyphsLib.glyphdata.get_glyph(glyph_name)
+ if info.category not in ("Letter", "Mark"):
+ continue
+ if (info.category, info.subCategory) == ("Letter", "Ligature"):
+ continue
+ if info.unicode:
+ decomposition = fontTools.unicodedata.decomposition(
+ chr(int(info.unicode, base=16))
+ )
+ if decomposition.startswith("<compat>"):
+ continue
+ letters_and_marks.append(glyph_name)
+propagate_anchors_filter = next(
+ f
+ for f in main_source.lib["com.github.googlei18n.ufo2ft.filters"]
+ if f["name"] == "propagateAnchors"
+propagate_anchors_filter["include"] = sorted(letters_and_marks)
diff --git a/scripts/update-gdef.py b/scripts/update-gdef.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ad3d42fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/update-gdef.py
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+"""Update the GDEF definition in the feature file.
+We want our own because Glyphs has the habit of propagating anchors on
+_everything_, even symbols that happen to contain components of latin
+glyphs with anchors.
+from pathlib import Path
+from typing import Any, Dict, List
+import ufoLib2
+import glyphsLib.builder.constants
+import glyphsLib.glyphdata
+import ufo2ft.filters
+# Lifted from glyphsLib and adapted to only recognize Letters as bases and not
+# insert a "# automatic".
+def _build_gdef(ufo) -> List[str]:
+ """Build a GDEF table statement (GlyphClassDef and LigatureCaretByPos).
+ Building GlyphClassDef requires anchor propagation or user care to work as
+ expected, as Glyphs.app also looks at anchors for classification:
+ * Base: any glyph that has an attaching anchor (such as "top"; "_top" does
+ not count) and is neither classified as Ligature nor Mark using the
+ definitions below;
+ * Ligature: if subCategory is "Ligature" and the glyph has at least one
+ attaching anchor;
+ * Mark: if category is "Mark" and subCategory is either "Nonspacing" or
+ "Spacing Combining";
+ * Compound: never assigned by Glyphs.app.
+ See:
+ * https://github.com/googlei18n/glyphsLib/issues/85
+ * https://github.com/googlei18n/glyphsLib/pull/100#issuecomment-275430289
+ """
+ bases, ligatures, marks = set(), set(), set()
+ carets: Dict[str, Any] = {} # glyph names to anchor objects
+ category_key = glyphsLib.builder.constants.GLYPHLIB_PREFIX + "category"
+ subCategory_key = glyphsLib.builder.constants.GLYPHLIB_PREFIX + "subCategory"
+ for glyph in ufo:
+ has_attaching_anchor = False
+ for anchor in glyph.anchors:
+ name = anchor.name
+ if name and not name.startswith("_"):
+ has_attaching_anchor = True
+ if name and name.startswith("caret_") and "x" in anchor:
+ carets.setdefault(glyph.name, []).append(round(anchor["x"]))
+ # First check glyph.lib for category/subCategory overrides. Otherwise,
+ # use global values from GlyphData.
+ glyphinfo = glyphsLib.glyphdata.get_glyph(glyph.name)
+ category = glyph.lib.get(category_key) or glyphinfo.category
+ subCategory = glyph.lib.get(subCategory_key) or glyphinfo.subCategory
+ if subCategory == "Ligature" and has_attaching_anchor:
+ ligatures.add(glyph.name)
+ elif category == "Mark" and (
+ subCategory == "Nonspacing" or subCategory == "Spacing Combining"
+ ):
+ marks.add(glyph.name)
+ elif category == "Letter" and has_attaching_anchor:
+ bases.add(glyph.name)
+ if not any((bases, ligatures, marks, carets)):
+ return []
+ def fmt(g):
+ if g:
+ glyph_names = " ".join(sorted(g, key=ufo.glyphOrder.index))
+ return f"[{glyph_names}]"
+ return ""
+ lines = [
+ "table GDEF {",
+ " GlyphClassDef",
+ f" {fmt(bases)}, # Base",
+ f" {fmt(ligatures)}, # Liga",
+ f" {fmt(marks)}, # Mark",
+ " ;",
+ ]
+ for glyph, caretPos in sorted(carets.items()):
+ caretPos_joined = " ".join(sorted(caretPos))
+ lines.append(f" LigatureCaretByPos {glyph} {caretPos_joined};")
+ lines.append("} GDEF;")
+ return lines
+# Anchors have to be propagated before we can construct the GDEF table.
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ source_directory = Path(__file__).parent.parent / "src"
+ # The list of glyph names for anchor propagation is stored in the main UFO
+ # (main == whatever has info=1 set in the Designspace).
+ main_source_path = source_directory / "Cantarell-Regular.ufo"
+ main_source = ufoLib2.Font.open(main_source_path)
+ pre_filter, _ = ufo2ft.filters.loadFilters(main_source)
+ for pf in pre_filter:
+ pf(font=main_source) # Run propagation filters on main UFO
+ # Generate GDEF definition string from processed, in-memory UFO
+ gdef_table_lines = [f"{l}\n" for l in _build_gdef(main_source)]
+ # Update features.fea in all UFOs.
+ for feature_file in source_directory.glob("*.ufo/features.fea"):
+ with open(feature_file) as fp:
+ file_contents = fp.readlines()
+ gdef_start = file_contents.index("table GDEF {\n")
+ gdef_end = file_contents.index("} GDEF;\n") + 1
+ file_contents[gdef_start:gdef_end] = gdef_table_lines
+ with open(feature_file, "w+") as fp:
+ fp.write("".join(file_contents))
diff --git a/src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/features.fea b/src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/features.fea
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..da527abc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/features.fea
@@ -0,0 +1,504 @@
+# automatic
+@Uppercase = [ A Aacute Abreve Abreveacute Abrevedotbelow Abrevegrave Abrevehookabove Abrevetilde Acaron
Acircumflex Acircumflexacute Acircumflexdotbelow Acircumflexgrave Acircumflexhookabove Acircumflextilde
Adblgrave Adieresis Adotbelow Agrave Ahookabove Ainvertedbreve Amacron Aogonek Aring Aringacute Atilde AE
AEacute B C Cacute Ccaron Ccedilla Ccedillaacute Ccircumflex Cdotaccent D DZcaron Eth Dcaron Dcroat Ddotbelow
Dlinebelow Dzcaron E Eacute Ebreve Ecaron Ecedillabreve Ecircumflex Ecircumflexacute Ecircumflexdotbelow
Ecircumflexgrave Ecircumflexhookabove Ecircumflextilde Edblgrave Edieresis Edotaccent Edotbelow Egrave
Ehookabove Einvertedbreve Emacron Emacronacute Emacrongrave Eogonek Etilde F G Gbreve Gcaron Gcircumflex
Gcommaaccent Gdotaccent Gmacron H Hbar Hbrevebelow Hcircumflex Hdotbelow I Iacute Ibreve Icaron Icircumflex
Idblgrave Idieresis Idieresisacute Idotaccent Idotbelow Igrave Ihookabove Iinvertedbreve Imacron Iogonek
Itilde J Jacute Jcircumflex K Kacute K
ent L LJ Lacute Lcaron Lcommaaccent Ldot Ldotbelow Lj Llinebelow Lslash M Mdotbelow N NJ Nacute Ncaron
Ncommaaccent Ndotaccent Ndotbelow Eng Nj Nlinebelow Ntilde O Oacute Obreve Ocaron Ocircumflex
Ocircumflexacute Ocircumflexdotbelow Ocircumflexgrave Ocircumflexhookabove Ocircumflextilde Odblgrave
Odieresis Odieresismacron Odotaccentmacron Odotbelow Ograve Ohookabove Ohorn Ohornacute Ohorndotbelow
Ohorngrave Ohornhookabove Ohorntilde Ohungarumlaut Oinvertedbreve Omacron Omacronacute Omacrongrave Oogonek
Oslash Oslashacute Otilde Otildeacute Otildedieresis Otildemacron OE P Thorn Q R Racute Rcaron Rcommaaccent
Rdblgrave Rdotbelow Rinvertedbreve Rlinebelow S Sacute Sacutedotaccent Saltillo Scaron Scarondotaccent
Scedilla Scircumflex Scommaaccent Sdotaccent Sdotbelow Sdotbelowdotaccent Germandbls Schwa T Tbar Tcaron
Tcedilla Tcommaaccent Tdotbelow Tlinebelow U Uacute Ubreve Ucaron Ucircumflex Udblgrave Udieresis
Udieresisacute Udieresiscaron Udieresisgrave Udieresismacron Udotb
elow Ugr
ave Uhookabove Uhorn Uhornacute Uhorndotbelow Uhorngrave Uhornhookabove Uhorntilde Uhungarumlaut
Uinvertedbreve Umacron Umacrondieresis Uogonek Uring Utilde Utildeacute V W Wacute Wcircumflex Wdieresis
Wgrave X Y Yacute Ycircumflex Ydieresis Ydotaccent Ydotbelow Ygrave Yhookabove Ymacron Ytilde Z Zacute Zcaron
Zdotaccent Zdotbelow A-cy Be-cy Ve-cy Ge-cy Gje-cy Gheupturn-cy De-cy Ie-cy Iegrave-cy Io-cy Zhe-cy Ze-cy
Ii-cy Iishort-cy Iigrave-cy Ka-cy Kje-cy El-cy Em-cy En-cy O-cy Pe-cy Er-cy Es-cy Te-cy U-cy Ushort-cy Ef-cy
Ha-cy Che-cy Tse-cy Sha-cy Shcha-cy Dzhe-cy Softsign-cy Hardsign-cy Yeru-cy Lje-cy Nje-cy Dze-cy E-cy
Ereversed-cy I-cy Yi-cy Je-cy Tshe-cy Iu-cy Ia-cy Dje-cy Yat-cy Yusbig-cy Fita-cy Izhitsa-cy Ghestroke-cy
Ghemiddlehook-cy Zhedescender-cy Zedescender-cy Kadescender-cy Kaverticalstroke-cy Kabashkir-cy
Endescender-cy Enghe-cy Esdescender-cy Ustraight-cy Ustraightstroke-cy Hadescender-cy Chedescender-cy
Cheverticalstroke-cy Shha-cy Palochka-cy Zhebreve-cy Che
an-cy Abreve-cy Adieresis-cy Aie-cy Iebreve-cy Schwa-cy Zhedieresis-cy Zedieresis-cy Imacron-cy Idieresis-cy
Odieresis-cy Obarred-cy Umacron-cy Udieresis-cy Uhungarumlaut-cy Chedieresis-cy Gedescender-cy
Yerudieresis-cy Qa-cy We-cy ];
+# Prefix: Languagesystems
+# automatic
+languagesystem DFLT dflt;
+languagesystem latn dflt;
+languagesystem latn NLD;
+languagesystem latn CAT;
+languagesystem latn ROM;
+languagesystem latn MOL;
+languagesystem latn KAZ;
+languagesystem latn TAT;
+languagesystem latn TRK;
+languagesystem latn CRT;
+languagesystem latn AZE;
+# Prefix: GDEF
+table GDEF {
+ GlyphClassDef
+ [A Aacute Abreve Abreveacute Abrevedotbelow Abrevegrave Abrevehookabove Abrevetilde Acaron Acircumflex
Acircumflexacute Acircumflexdotbelow Acircumflexgrave Acircumflexhookabove Acircumflextilde Adblgrave
Adieresis Adotbelow Agrave Ahookabove Ainvertedbreve Amacron Aogonek Aring Aringacute Atilde AE AEacute B C
Cacute Ccaron Ccedilla Ccedillaacute Ccircumflex Cdotaccent D Eth Dcaron Dcroat Ddotbelow Dlinebelow E Eacute
Ebreve Ecaron Ecedillabreve Ecircumflex Ecircumflexacute Ecircumflexdotbelow Ecircumflexgrave
Ecircumflexhookabove Ecircumflextilde Edblgrave Edieresis Edotaccent Edotbelow Egrave Ehookabove
Einvertedbreve Emacron Emacronacute Emacrongrave Eogonek Etilde F G Gbreve Gcaron Gcircumflex Gcommaaccent
Gdotaccent Gmacron H Hbar Hbrevebelow Hcircumflex Hdotbelow I Iacute Ibreve Icaron Icircumflex Idblgrave
Idieresis Idieresisacute Idotaccent Idotbelow Igrave Ihookabove Iinvertedbreve Imacron Iogonek Itilde J
Jacute Jcircumflex K Kacute Kcommaaccent L Lacute Lcaro
n Lcomma
accent Ldotbelow Llinebelow Lslash M Mdotbelow N Nacute Ncaron Ncommaaccent Ndotaccent Ndotbelow Nlinebelow
Ntilde O Oacute Obreve Ocaron Ocircumflex Ocircumflexacute Ocircumflexdotbelow Ocircumflexgrave
Ocircumflexhookabove Ocircumflextilde Odblgrave Odieresis Odieresismacron Odotaccentmacron Odotbelow Ograve
Ohookabove Ohorn Ohornacute Ohorndotbelow Ohorngrave Ohornhookabove Ohorntilde Ohungarumlaut Oinvertedbreve
Omacron Omacronacute Omacrongrave Oogonek Oslash Oslashacute Otilde Otildeacute Otildedieresis Otildemacron
OE P Q R Racute Rcaron Rcommaaccent Rdblgrave Rdotbelow Rinvertedbreve Rlinebelow S Sacute Sacutedotaccent
Scaron Scarondotaccent Scedilla Scircumflex Scommaaccent Sdotaccent Sdotbelow Sdotbelowdotaccent Schwa T Tbar
Tcaron Tcedilla Tcommaaccent Tdotbelow Tlinebelow U Uacute Ubreve Ucaron Ucircumflex Udblgrave Udieresis
Udieresisacute Udieresiscaron Udieresisgrave Udieresismacron Udotbelow Ugrave Uhookabove Uhorn Uhornacute
Uhorndotbelow Uhorngrave Uhornhoo
kabove U
horntilde Uhungarumlaut Uinvertedbreve Umacron Umacrondieresis Uogonek Uring Utilde Utildeacute V W Wacute
Wcircumflex Wdieresis Wgrave X Y Yacute Ycircumflex Ydieresis Ydotaccent Ydotbelow Ygrave Yhookabove Ymacron
Ytilde Z Zacute Zcaron Zdotaccent Zdotbelow a aacute abreve abreveacute abrevedotbelow abrevegrave
abrevehookabove abrevetilde acaron acircumflex acircumflexacute acircumflexdotbelow acircumflexgrave
acircumflexhookabove acircumflextilde adblgrave adieresis adotbelow agrave ahookabove ainvertedbreve amacron
aogonek aring aringacute atilde ae aeacute b c cacute ccaron ccedilla ccedillaacute ccircumflex cdotaccent d
dcaron dcroat ddotbelow dlinebelow e eacute ebreve ecaron ecedillabreve ecircumflex ecircumflexacute
ecircumflexdotbelow ecircumflexgrave ecircumflexhookabove ecircumflextilde edblgrave edieresis edotaccent
edotbelow egrave ehookabove einvertedbreve emacron emacronacute emacrongrave eogonek etilde schwa f g gbreve
gcaron gcircumflex gcommaaccent gdotacc
ent gmac
ron h hbar hbrevebelow hcircumflex hdotbelow i idotless iacute ibreve icaron icircumflex idblgrave idieresis
idieresisacute idotaccent idotbelow igrave ihookabove iinvertedbreve imacron iogonek itilde j jdotless jacute
jcircumflex k kacute kcommaaccent l lacute lcaron lcommaaccent ldotbelow llinebelow lslash m mdotbelow n
nacute ncaron ncommaaccent ndotaccent ndotbelow nlinebelow ntilde o oacute obreve ocaron ocircumflex
ocircumflexacute ocircumflexdotbelow ocircumflexgrave ocircumflexhookabove ocircumflextilde odblgrave
odieresis odieresismacron odotaccentmacron odotbelow ograve ohookabove ohorn ohornacute ohorndotbelow
ohorngrave ohornhookabove ohorntilde ohungarumlaut oinvertedbreve omacron omacronacute omacrongrave oogonek
oslash oslashacute otilde otildeacute otildedieresis otildemacron oe p q r racute rcaron rcommaaccent
rdblgrave rdotbelow rinvertedbreve rlinebelow s sacute sacutedotaccent scaron scarondotaccent scedilla
scircumflex scommaaccent sdotaccent sdotbelow s
dotaccent t tbar tcaron tcedilla tcommaaccent tdieresis tdotbelow tlinebelow u uacute ubreve ucaron
ucircumflex udblgrave udieresis udieresisacute udieresiscaron udieresisgrave udieresismacron udotbelow ugrave
uhookabove uhorn uhornacute uhorndotbelow uhorngrave uhornhookabove uhorntilde uhungarumlaut uinvertedbreve
umacron umacrondieresis uogonek uring utilde utildeacute v w wacute wcircumflex wdieresis wgrave x y yacute
ycircumflex ydieresis ydotaccent ydotbelow ygrave yhookabove ymacron ytilde z zacute zcaron zdotaccent
zdotbelow A-cy Ve-cy Ge-cy Gje-cy Ie-cy Iegrave-cy Io-cy Zhe-cy Ze-cy Ii-cy Iishort-cy Iigrave-cy Ka-cy
Kje-cy Em-cy En-cy O-cy Pe-cy Er-cy Es-cy Te-cy U-cy Ushort-cy Ha-cy Che-cy Hardsign-cy Yeru-cy Dze-cy
Ereversed-cy I-cy Yi-cy Je-cy Iu-cy Ia-cy Fita-cy Zhedescender-cy Zedescender-cy Kadescender-cy
Endescender-cy Esdescender-cy Ustraight-cy Ustraightstroke-cy Hadescender-cy Chedescender-cy Palochka-cy
Zhebreve-cy Chekhakassian-cy Abreve-cy Adieresis-cy
Aie-cy I
ebreve-cy Schwa-cy Zhedieresis-cy Zedieresis-cy Imacron-cy Idieresis-cy Odieresis-cy Obarred-cy Umacron-cy
Udieresis-cy Uhungarumlaut-cy Chedieresis-cy Gedescender-cy Yerudieresis-cy Qa-cy We-cy a-cy ge-cy gje-cy
ie-cy iegrave-cy io-cy zhe-cy ze-cy ii-cy iishort-cy iigrave-cy ka-cy kje-cy en-cy o-cy pe-cy er-cy es-cy
te-cy u-cy ushort-cy ha-cy che-cy yeru-cy dze-cy e-cy ereversed-cy i-cy yi-cy je-cy tshe-cy iu-cy ia-cy
dje-cy fita-cy zhedescender-cy zedescender-cy kadescender-cy endescender-cy esdescender-cy ustraight-cy
ustraightstroke-cy hadescender-cy chedescender-cy shha-cy palochka-cy zhebreve-cy chekhakassian-cy abreve-cy
adieresis-cy aie-cy iebreve-cy schwa-cy zhedieresis-cy zedieresis-cy imacron-cy idieresis-cy odieresis-cy
obarred-cy umacron-cy udieresis-cy uhungarumlaut-cy chedieresis-cy gedescender-cy yerudieresis-cy qa-cy
we-cy], # Base
+ , # Liga
+ [dieresiscomb dieresiscomb_gravecomb dieresiscomb_acutecomb dieresiscomb_caroncomb
dieresiscomb_macroncomb dotaccentcomb dotaccentcomb_macroncomb gravecomb acutecomb acutecomb_dotaccentcomb
hungarumlautcomb caroncomb.alt circumflexcomb caroncomb caroncomb_dotaccentcomb brevecomb ringcomb
ringcomb_acutecomb tildecomb tildecomb_dieresiscomb tildecomb_acutecomb tildecomb_macroncomb macroncomb
macroncomb_dieresiscomb macroncomb_gravecomb macroncomb_acutecomb hookabovecomb verticallineabovecomb
dblgravecomb breveinvertedcomb commaturnedabovecomb horncomb dotbelowcomb dieresisbelowcomb commaaccentcomb
cedillacomb ogonekcomb verticallinebelowcomb brevebelowcomb macronbelowcomb strokeshortcomb strokelongcomb
slashshortcomb slashlongcomb dieresiscomb.case dotaccentcomb.case gravecomb.case acutecomb.case
hungarumlautcomb.case circumflexcomb.case caroncomb.case brevecomb.case ringcomb.case ringcomb_acutecomb.case
tildecomb.case macroncomb.case hookabovecomb.case dblgravecomb.case b
rtedcomb.case strokeshortcomb.case slashshortcomb.case slashlongcomb.case macroncomb.narrow.case
ogonekcomb.tall.case dieresiscomb.loclVIET dotaccentcomb.loclVIET gravecomb.loclVIET acutecomb.loclVIET
circumflexcomb.loclVIET caroncomb.loclVIET brevecomb.loclVIET tildecomb.loclVIET macroncomb.loclVIET
hookabovecomb.loclVIET macroncomb.narrow ogonekcomb.narrow macronbelowcomb.narrow ogonekcomb.tall
brevecomb-cy descender-cy brevecomb-cy.case descender-cy.case descender-cy.strait brevecomb_acutecomb
brevecomb_gravecomb brevecomb_hookabovecomb brevecomb_tildecomb circumflexcomb_acutecomb
circumflexcomb_gravecomb circumflexcomb_hookabovecomb circumflexcomb_tildecomb brevecomb_acutecomb.case
brevecomb_gravecomb.case brevecomb_hookabovecomb.case brevecomb_tildecomb.case circumflexcomb_acutecomb.case
circumflexcomb_gravecomb.case circumflexcomb_hookabovecomb.case circumflexcomb_tildecomb.case], # Mark
+ ;
+} GDEF;
+feature aalt {
+# automatic
+feature locl;
+feature subs;
+feature sinf;
+feature sups;
+feature numr;
+feature dnom;
+feature frac;
+feature ordn;
+feature lnum;
+feature pnum;
+feature tnum;
+feature onum;
+feature case;
+feature zero;
+feature salt;
+feature ss01;
+} aalt;
+feature ccmp {
+# automatic
+lookup ccmp_Other_1 {
+ @CombiningTopAccents = [acutecomb brevecomb breveinvertedcomb caroncomb circumflexcomb
commaturnedabovecomb dblgravecomb dieresiscomb dotaccentcomb gravecomb hookabovecomb hungarumlautcomb
macroncomb ringcomb tildecomb verticallineabovecomb];
+ @CombiningNonTopAccents = [brevebelowcomb cedillacomb dieresisbelowcomb dotbelowcomb macronbelowcomb
ogonekcomb verticallinebelowcomb horncomb slashlongcomb slashshortcomb strokelongcomb strokeshortcomb];
+ sub [i j]' @CombiningTopAccents by [idotless jdotless];
+ sub [i j]' @CombiningNonTopAccents @CombiningTopAccents by [idotless jdotless];
+ @Markscomb = [dieresiscomb dotaccentcomb gravecomb acutecomb hungarumlautcomb circumflexcomb
caroncomb brevecomb ringcomb ringcomb_acutecomb tildecomb macroncomb hookabovecomb dblgravecomb
breveinvertedcomb strokeshortcomb slashshortcomb slashlongcomb macroncomb.narrow ogonekcomb.tall brevecomb-cy
descender-cy brevecomb_acutecomb brevecomb_gravecomb brevecomb_hookabovecomb brevecomb_tildecomb
circumflexcomb_acutecomb circumflexcomb_gravecomb circumflexcomb_hookabovecomb circumflexcomb_tildecomb];
+ @MarkscombCase = [dieresiscomb.case dotaccentcomb.case gravecomb.case acutecomb.case
hungarumlautcomb.case circumflexcomb.case caroncomb.case brevecomb.case ringcomb.case ringcomb_acutecomb.case
tildecomb.case macroncomb.case hookabovecomb.case dblgravecomb.case breveinvertedcomb.case
strokeshortcomb.case slashshortcomb.case slashlongcomb.case macroncomb.narrow.case ogonekcomb.tall.case
brevecomb-cy.case descender-cy.case brevecomb_acutecomb.case brevecomb_gravecomb.case
brevecomb_hookabovecomb.case brevecomb_tildecomb.case circumflexcomb_acutecomb.case
circumflexcomb_gravecomb.case circumflexcomb_hookabovecomb.case circumflexcomb_tildecomb.case];
+ sub @Markscomb @Markscomb' by @MarkscombCase;
+ sub @Uppercase @Markscomb' by @MarkscombCase;
+} ccmp_Other_1;
+lookup ccmp_Other_2 {
+ sub @Markscomb' @MarkscombCase by @MarkscombCase;
+ sub @MarkscombCase @Markscomb' by @MarkscombCase;
+} ccmp_Other_2;
+lookup ccmp_Other_3 {
+ lookupflag 0;
+ sub acutecomb dotaccentcomb by acutecomb_dotaccentcomb;
+ sub caroncomb dotaccentcomb by caroncomb_dotaccentcomb;
+ sub dieresiscomb acutecomb by dieresiscomb_acutecomb;
+ sub dieresiscomb caroncomb by dieresiscomb_caroncomb;
+ sub dieresiscomb gravecomb by dieresiscomb_gravecomb;
+ sub dieresiscomb macroncomb by dieresiscomb_macroncomb;
+ sub dotaccentcomb macroncomb by dotaccentcomb_macroncomb;
+ sub macroncomb acutecomb by macroncomb_acutecomb;
+ sub macroncomb dieresiscomb by macroncomb_dieresiscomb;
+ sub macroncomb gravecomb by macroncomb_gravecomb;
+ sub ringcomb acutecomb by ringcomb_acutecomb;
+ sub ringcomb.case acutecomb.case by ringcomb_acutecomb.case;
+ sub tildecomb acutecomb by tildecomb_acutecomb;
+ sub tildecomb dieresiscomb by tildecomb_dieresiscomb;
+ sub tildecomb macroncomb by tildecomb_macroncomb;
+} ccmp_Other_3;
+lookup ccmp_Other_4 {
+ lookupflag 0;
+ sub acutecomb dotaccentcomb by acutecomb_dotaccentcomb;
+ sub caroncomb dotaccentcomb by caroncomb_dotaccentcomb;
+ sub dieresiscomb acutecomb by dieresiscomb_acutecomb;
+ sub dieresiscomb caroncomb by dieresiscomb_caroncomb;
+ sub dieresiscomb gravecomb by dieresiscomb_gravecomb;
+ sub dieresiscomb macroncomb by dieresiscomb_macroncomb;
+ sub dotaccentcomb macroncomb by dotaccentcomb_macroncomb;
+ sub macroncomb acutecomb by macroncomb_acutecomb;
+ sub macroncomb dieresiscomb by macroncomb_dieresiscomb;
+ sub macroncomb gravecomb by macroncomb_gravecomb;
+ sub ringcomb acutecomb by ringcomb_acutecomb;
+ sub ringcomb.case acutecomb.case by ringcomb_acutecomb.case;
+ sub tildecomb acutecomb by tildecomb_acutecomb;
+ sub tildecomb dieresiscomb by tildecomb_dieresiscomb;
+ sub tildecomb macroncomb by tildecomb_macroncomb;
+} ccmp_Other_4;
+lookup ccmp_latn_1 {
+ lookupflag 0;
+ sub brevecomb acutecomb by brevecomb_acutecomb;
+ sub brevecomb.case acutecomb.case by brevecomb_acutecomb.case;
+ sub brevecomb gravecomb by brevecomb_gravecomb;
+ sub brevecomb.case gravecomb.case by brevecomb_gravecomb.case;
+ sub brevecomb hookabovecomb by brevecomb_hookabovecomb;
+ sub brevecomb.case hookabovecomb.case by brevecomb_hookabovecomb.case;
+ sub brevecomb tildecomb by brevecomb_tildecomb;
+ sub brevecomb.case tildecomb.case by brevecomb_tildecomb.case;
+ sub circumflexcomb acutecomb by circumflexcomb_acutecomb;
+ sub circumflexcomb.case acutecomb.case by circumflexcomb_acutecomb.case;
+ sub circumflexcomb gravecomb by circumflexcomb_gravecomb;
+ sub circumflexcomb.case gravecomb.case by circumflexcomb_gravecomb.case;
+ sub circumflexcomb hookabovecomb by circumflexcomb_hookabovecomb;
+ sub circumflexcomb.case hookabovecomb.case by circumflexcomb_hookabovecomb.case;
+ sub circumflexcomb tildecomb by circumflexcomb_tildecomb;
+ sub circumflexcomb.case tildecomb.case by circumflexcomb_tildecomb.case;
+} ccmp_latn_1;
+lookup ccmp_latn_2 {
+ lookupflag 0;
+ sub brevecomb acutecomb by brevecomb_acutecomb;
+ sub brevecomb.case acutecomb.case by brevecomb_acutecomb.case;
+ sub brevecomb gravecomb by brevecomb_gravecomb;
+ sub brevecomb.case gravecomb.case by brevecomb_gravecomb.case;
+ sub brevecomb hookabovecomb by brevecomb_hookabovecomb;
+ sub brevecomb.case hookabovecomb.case by brevecomb_hookabovecomb.case;
+ sub brevecomb tildecomb by brevecomb_tildecomb;
+ sub brevecomb.case tildecomb.case by brevecomb_tildecomb.case;
+ sub circumflexcomb acutecomb by circumflexcomb_acutecomb;
+ sub circumflexcomb.case acutecomb.case by circumflexcomb_acutecomb.case;
+ sub circumflexcomb gravecomb by circumflexcomb_gravecomb;
+ sub circumflexcomb.case gravecomb.case by circumflexcomb_gravecomb.case;
+ sub circumflexcomb hookabovecomb by circumflexcomb_hookabovecomb;
+ sub circumflexcomb.case hookabovecomb.case by circumflexcomb_hookabovecomb.case;
+ sub circumflexcomb tildecomb by circumflexcomb_tildecomb;
+ sub circumflexcomb.case tildecomb.case by circumflexcomb_tildecomb.case;
+} ccmp_latn_2;
+script latn;
+} ccmp;
+feature locl {
+# automatic
+script latn;
+language NLD;
+sub iacute j' by jacute;
+sub Iacute J' by Jacute;
+language CAT;
+sub l periodcentered' l by periodcentered.loclCAT;
+sub L periodcentered' L by periodcentered.loclCAT.case;
+language ROM;
+sub Scedilla by Scommaaccent;
+sub scedilla by scommaaccent;
+sub Tcedilla by Tcommaaccent;
+sub tcedilla by tcommaaccent;
+language MOL;
+sub Scedilla by Scommaaccent;
+sub scedilla by scommaaccent;
+sub Tcedilla by Tcommaaccent;
+sub tcedilla by tcommaaccent;
+language KAZ;
+sub i by idotaccent;
+language TAT;
+sub i by idotaccent;
+language TRK;
+sub i by idotaccent;
+language CRT;
+sub i by idotaccent;
+language AZE;
+sub i by idotaccent;
+} locl;
+feature subs {
+# automatic
+sub zero by zeroinferior;
+sub one by oneinferior;
+sub two by twoinferior;
+sub three by threeinferior;
+sub four by fourinferior;
+sub five by fiveinferior;
+sub six by sixinferior;
+sub seven by seveninferior;
+sub eight by eightinferior;
+sub nine by nineinferior;
+} subs;
+feature sinf {
+# automatic
+sub zero by zero.subs;
+sub one by one.subs;
+sub two by two.subs;
+sub three by three.subs;
+sub four by four.subs;
+sub five by five.subs;
+sub six by six.subs;
+sub seven by seven.subs;
+sub eight by eight.subs;
+sub nine by nine.subs;
+} sinf;
+feature sups {
+# automatic
+sub zero by zerosuperior;
+sub one by onesuperior;
+sub two by twosuperior;
+sub three by threesuperior;
+sub four by foursuperior;
+sub five by fivesuperior;
+sub six by sixsuperior;
+sub seven by sevensuperior;
+sub eight by eightsuperior;
+sub nine by ninesuperior;
+} sups;
+feature numr {
+# automatic
+sub zero by zero.numr;
+sub one by one.numr;
+sub two by two.numr;
+sub three by three.numr;
+sub four by four.numr;
+sub five by five.numr;
+sub six by six.numr;
+sub seven by seven.numr;
+sub eight by eight.numr;
+sub nine by nine.numr;
+} numr;
+feature dnom {
+# automatic
+sub zero by zero.dnom;
+sub one by one.dnom;
+sub two by two.dnom;
+sub three by three.dnom;
+sub four by four.dnom;
+sub five by five.dnom;
+sub six by six.dnom;
+sub seven by seven.dnom;
+sub eight by eight.dnom;
+sub nine by nine.dnom;
+} dnom;
+feature frac {
+# automatic
+lookup FRAC {
+ sub slash by fraction;
+} FRAC;
+lookup UP {
+ sub [zero one two three four five six seven eight nine] by [zero.numr one.numr two.numr three.numr
four.numr five.numr six.numr seven.numr eight.numr nine.numr];
+} UP;
+lookup DOWN {
+ sub fraction [zero.numr one.numr two.numr three.numr four.numr five.numr six.numr seven.numr
eight.numr nine.numr]' by [zero.dnom one.dnom two.dnom three.dnom four.dnom five.dnom six.dnom seven.dnom
eight.dnom nine.dnom];
+ sub [zero.dnom one.dnom two.dnom three.dnom four.dnom five.dnom six.dnom seven.dnom eight.dnom
nine.dnom] [zero.numr one.numr two.numr three.numr four.numr five.numr six.numr seven.numr eight.numr
nine.numr]' by [zero.dnom one.dnom two.dnom three.dnom four.dnom five.dnom six.dnom seven.dnom eight.dnom
+} DOWN;
+} frac;
+feature ordn {
+# automatic
+sub [zero one two three four five six seven eight nine] [A a]' by ordfeminine;
+sub [zero one two three four five six seven eight nine] [O o]' by ordmasculine;
+sub N o period by numero;
+} ordn;
+feature lnum {
+# automatic
+sub zero.osf by zero;
+sub one.osf by one;
+sub two.osf by two;
+sub three.osf by three;
+sub four.osf by four;
+sub five.osf by five;
+sub six.osf by six;
+sub seven.osf by seven;
+sub eight.osf by eight;
+sub nine.osf by nine;
+} lnum;
+feature pnum {
+# automatic
+sub zero.tf by zero;
+sub one.tf by one;
+sub two.tf by two;
+sub three.tf by three;
+sub four.tf by four;
+sub five.tf by five;
+sub six.tf by six;
+sub seven.tf by seven;
+sub eight.tf by eight;
+sub nine.tf by nine;
+sub bulletoperator.tf by bulletoperator;
+sub commercialMinusSign.tf by commercialMinusSign;
+sub divisionslash.tf by divisionslash;
+sub equivalence.tf by equivalence;
+sub notidentical.tf by notidentical;
+sub plus.tf by plus;
+sub minus.tf by minus;
+sub multiply.tf by multiply;
+sub divide.tf by divide;
+sub equal.tf by equal;
+sub notequal.tf by notequal;
+sub greater.tf by greater;
+sub less.tf by less;
+sub greaterequal.tf by greaterequal;
+sub lessequal.tf by lessequal;
+sub plusminus.tf by plusminus;
+sub approxequal.tf by approxequal;
+sub logicalnot.tf by logicalnot;
+sub zero.tosf by zero.osf;
+sub one.tosf by one.osf;
+sub two.tosf by two.osf;
+sub three.tosf by three.osf;
+sub four.tosf by four.osf;
+sub five.tosf by five.osf;
+sub six.tosf by six.osf;
+sub seven.tosf by seven.osf;
+sub eight.tosf by eight.osf;
+sub nine.tosf by nine.osf;
+} pnum;
+feature tnum {
+# automatic
+sub zero by zero.tf;
+sub one by one.tf;
+sub two by two.tf;
+sub three by three.tf;
+sub four by four.tf;
+sub five by five.tf;
+sub six by six.tf;
+sub seven by seven.tf;
+sub eight by eight.tf;
+sub nine by nine.tf;
+sub bulletoperator by bulletoperator.tf;
+sub commercialMinusSign by commercialMinusSign.tf;
+sub divisionslash by divisionslash.tf;
+sub equivalence by equivalence.tf;
+sub notidentical by notidentical.tf;
+sub plus by plus.tf;
+sub minus by minus.tf;
+sub multiply by multiply.tf;
+sub divide by divide.tf;
+sub equal by equal.tf;
+sub notequal by notequal.tf;
+sub greater by greater.tf;
+sub less by less.tf;
+sub greaterequal by greaterequal.tf;
+sub lessequal by lessequal.tf;
+sub plusminus by plusminus.tf;
+sub approxequal by approxequal.tf;
+sub logicalnot by logicalnot.tf;
+sub zero.osf by zero.tosf;
+sub one.osf by one.tosf;
+sub two.osf by two.tosf;
+sub three.osf by three.tosf;
+sub four.osf by four.tosf;
+sub five.osf by five.tosf;
+sub six.osf by six.tosf;
+sub seven.osf by seven.tosf;
+sub eight.osf by eight.tosf;
+sub nine.osf by nine.tosf;
+} tnum;
+feature onum {
+# automatic
+sub zero.tf by zero.tosf;
+sub one.tf by one.tosf;
+sub two.tf by two.tosf;
+sub three.tf by three.tosf;
+sub four.tf by four.tosf;
+sub five.tf by five.tosf;
+sub six.tf by six.tosf;
+sub seven.tf by seven.tosf;
+sub eight.tf by eight.tosf;
+sub nine.tf by nine.tosf;
+sub zero by zero.osf;
+sub one by one.osf;
+sub two by two.osf;
+sub three by three.osf;
+sub four by four.osf;
+sub five by five.osf;
+sub six by six.osf;
+sub seven by seven.osf;
+sub eight by eight.osf;
+sub nine by nine.osf;
+} onum;
+feature case {
+# automatic
+sub periodcentered.loclCAT by periodcentered.loclCAT.case;
+sub dieresiscomb by dieresiscomb.case;
+sub dotaccentcomb by dotaccentcomb.case;
+sub gravecomb by gravecomb.case;
+sub acutecomb by acutecomb.case;
+sub hungarumlautcomb by hungarumlautcomb.case;
+sub circumflexcomb by circumflexcomb.case;
+sub caroncomb by caroncomb.case;
+sub brevecomb by brevecomb.case;
+sub ringcomb by ringcomb.case;
+sub ringcomb_acutecomb by ringcomb_acutecomb.case;
+sub tildecomb by tildecomb.case;
+sub macroncomb by macroncomb.case;
+sub hookabovecomb by hookabovecomb.case;
+sub dblgravecomb by dblgravecomb.case;
+sub breveinvertedcomb by breveinvertedcomb.case;
+sub strokeshortcomb by strokeshortcomb.case;
+sub slashshortcomb by slashshortcomb.case;
+sub slashlongcomb by slashlongcomb.case;
+sub macroncomb.narrow by macroncomb.narrow.case;
+sub ogonekcomb.tall by ogonekcomb.tall.case;
+sub brevecomb-cy by brevecomb-cy.case;
+sub descender-cy by descender-cy.case;
+sub brevecomb_acutecomb by brevecomb_acutecomb.case;
+sub brevecomb_gravecomb by brevecomb_gravecomb.case;
+sub brevecomb_hookabovecomb by brevecomb_hookabovecomb.case;
+sub brevecomb_tildecomb by brevecomb_tildecomb.case;
+sub circumflexcomb_acutecomb by circumflexcomb_acutecomb.case;
+sub circumflexcomb_gravecomb by circumflexcomb_gravecomb.case;
+sub circumflexcomb_hookabovecomb by circumflexcomb_hookabovecomb.case;
+sub circumflexcomb_tildecomb by circumflexcomb_tildecomb.case;
+sub zero.osf by zero.lf;
+sub one.osf by one.lf;
+sub two.osf by two.lf;
+sub three.osf by three.lf;
+sub four.osf by four.lf;
+sub five.osf by five.lf;
+sub six.osf by six.lf;
+sub seven.osf by seven.lf;
+sub eight.osf by eight.lf;
+sub nine.osf by nine.lf;
+sub zero.tf by zero.lf;
+sub one.tf by one.lf;
+sub two.tf by two.lf;
+sub three.tf by three.lf;
+sub four.tf by four.lf;
+sub five.tf by five.lf;
+sub six.tf by six.lf;
+sub seven.tf by seven.lf;
+sub eight.tf by eight.lf;
+sub nine.tf by nine.lf;
+sub zero.tosf by zero.lf;
+sub one.tosf by one.lf;
+sub two.tosf by two.lf;
+sub three.tosf by three.lf;
+sub four.tosf by four.lf;
+sub five.tosf by five.lf;
+sub six.tosf by six.lf;
+sub seven.tosf by seven.lf;
+sub eight.tosf by eight.lf;
+sub nine.tosf by nine.lf;
+} case;
+feature liga {
+# automatic
+sub f f i by f_f_i;
+sub f f l by f_f_l;
+sub f f by f_f;
+sub f i by fi;
+sub f l by fl;
+} liga;
+feature zero {
+# automatic
+sub zero.lf by zero.lf.zero;
+sub zero.osf by zero.osf.zero;
+sub zero.tf by zero.tf.zero;
+sub zero.tosf by zero.tosf.zero;
+sub zero by zero.zero;
+} zero;
+feature salt {
+# automatic
+sub six by six.ss01;
+sub nine by nine.ss01;
+} salt;
+feature ss01 {
+# automatic
+sub six by six.ss01;
+sub nine by nine.ss01;
+} ss01;
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--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
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@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..dfa5ae65
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
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new file mode 100644
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new file mode 100644
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+ <string>A_brevedotbelow.glif</string>
+ <key>Abrevegrave</key>
+ <string>A_brevegrave.glif</string>
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+ <string>A_brevehookabove.glif</string>
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+ <string>A_brevetilde.glif</string>
+ <key>Acaron</key>
+ <string>A_caron.glif</string>
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+ <string>A_circumflex.glif</string>
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+ <string>A_circumflexacute.glif</string>
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+ <string>A_circumflexdotbelow.glif</string>
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+ <string>A_circumflexgrave.glif</string>
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+ <string>A_circumflexhookabove.glif</string>
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+ <string>A_dblgrave.glif</string>
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+ <string>A_dieresis.glif</string>
+ <key>Adieresis-cy</key>
+ <string>A_dieresis-cy.glif</string>
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+ <string>A_dotbelow.glif</string>
+ <key>Agrave</key>
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+ <string>A_hookabove.glif</string>
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+ <string>C_.glif</string>
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+ <key>Dzhe-cy</key>
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+ <key>Egrave</key>
+ <string>E_grave.glif</string>
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+ <key>Einvertedbreve</key>
+ <string>E_invertedbreve.glif</string>
+ <key>El-cy</key>
+ <string>E_l-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>Em-cy</key>
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+ <key>Eng</key>
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+ <string>E_ogonek.glif</string>
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+ <key>Es-cy</key>
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+ <key>Esdescender-cy</key>
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+ <key>Eth</key>
+ <string>E_th.glif</string>
+ <key>Etilde</key>
+ <string>E_tilde.glif</string>
+ <key>F</key>
+ <string>F_.glif</string>
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+ <key>G</key>
+ <string>G_.glif</string>
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+ <key>Germandbls</key>
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+ <key>Ghestroke-cy</key>
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+ <key>Gheupturn-cy</key>
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+ <key>Gje-cy</key>
+ <string>G_je-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>Gmacron</key>
+ <string>G_macron.glif</string>
+ <key>H</key>
+ <string>H_.glif</string>
+ <key>Ha-cy</key>
+ <string>H_a-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>Hadescender-cy</key>
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+ <key>Hardsign-cy</key>
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+ <key>Hbar</key>
+ <string>H_bar.glif</string>
+ <key>Hbrevebelow</key>
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+ <key>Hcircumflex</key>
+ <string>H_circumflex.glif</string>
+ <key>Hdotbelow</key>
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+ <key>I</key>
+ <string>I_.glif</string>
+ <key>I-cy</key>
+ <string>I_-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>Ia-cy</key>
+ <string>I_a-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>Iacute</key>
+ <string>I_acute.glif</string>
+ <key>Ibreve</key>
+ <string>I_breve.glif</string>
+ <key>Icaron</key>
+ <string>I_caron.glif</string>
+ <key>Icircumflex</key>
+ <string>I_circumflex.glif</string>
+ <key>Idblgrave</key>
+ <string>I_dblgrave.glif</string>
+ <key>Idieresis</key>
+ <string>I_dieresis.glif</string>
+ <key>Idieresis-cy</key>
+ <string>I_dieresis-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>Idieresisacute</key>
+ <string>I_dieresisacute.glif</string>
+ <key>Idotaccent</key>
+ <string>I_dotaccent.glif</string>
+ <key>Idotbelow</key>
+ <string>I_dotbelow.glif</string>
+ <key>Ie-cy</key>
+ <string>I_e-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>Iebreve-cy</key>
+ <string>I_ebreve-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>Iegrave-cy</key>
+ <string>I_egrave-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>Igrave</key>
+ <string>I_grave.glif</string>
+ <key>Ihookabove</key>
+ <string>I_hookabove.glif</string>
+ <key>Ii-cy</key>
+ <string>I_i-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>Iigrave-cy</key>
+ <string>I_igrave-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>Iinvertedbreve</key>
+ <string>I_invertedbreve.glif</string>
+ <key>Iishort-cy</key>
+ <string>I_ishort-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>Imacron</key>
+ <string>I_macron.glif</string>
+ <key>Imacron-cy</key>
+ <string>I_macron-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>Io-cy</key>
+ <string>I_o-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>Iogonek</key>
+ <string>I_ogonek.glif</string>
+ <key>Itilde</key>
+ <string>I_tilde.glif</string>
+ <key>Iu-cy</key>
+ <string>I_u-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>Izhitsa-cy</key>
+ <string>I_zhitsa-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>J</key>
+ <string>J_.glif</string>
+ <key>Jacute</key>
+ <string>J_acute.glif</string>
+ <key>Jcircumflex</key>
+ <string>J_circumflex.glif</string>
+ <key>Je-cy</key>
+ <string>J_e-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>K</key>
+ <string>K_.glif</string>
+ <key>Ka-cy</key>
+ <string>K_a-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>Kabashkir-cy</key>
+ <string>K_abashkir-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>Kacute</key>
+ <string>K_acute.glif</string>
+ <key>Kadescender-cy</key>
+ <string>K_adescender-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>Kaverticalstroke-cy</key>
+ <string>K_averticalstroke-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>Kcommaaccent</key>
+ <string>K_commaaccent.glif</string>
+ <key>Kje-cy</key>
+ <string>K_je-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>L</key>
+ <string>L_.glif</string>
+ <key>LJ</key>
+ <string>L_J_.glif</string>
+ <key>Lacute</key>
+ <string>L_acute.glif</string>
+ <key>Lcaron</key>
+ <string>L_caron.glif</string>
+ <key>Lcommaaccent</key>
+ <string>L_commaaccent.glif</string>
+ <key>Ldot</key>
+ <string>L_dot.glif</string>
+ <key>Ldotbelow</key>
+ <string>L_dotbelow.glif</string>
+ <key>Lj</key>
+ <string>L_j.glif</string>
+ <key>Lje-cy</key>
+ <string>L_je-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>Llinebelow</key>
+ <string>L_linebelow.glif</string>
+ <key>Lslash</key>
+ <string>L_slash.glif</string>
+ <key>M</key>
+ <string>M_.glif</string>
+ <key>Mdotbelow</key>
+ <string>M_dotbelow.glif</string>
+ <key>N</key>
+ <string>N_.glif</string>
+ <key>NJ</key>
+ <string>N_J_.glif</string>
+ <key>Nacute</key>
+ <string>N_acute.glif</string>
+ <key>Ncaron</key>
+ <string>N_caron.glif</string>
+ <key>Ncommaaccent</key>
+ <string>N_commaaccent.glif</string>
+ <key>Ndotaccent</key>
+ <string>N_dotaccent.glif</string>
+ <key>Ndotbelow</key>
+ <string>N_dotbelow.glif</string>
+ <key>Nj</key>
+ <string>N_j.glif</string>
+ <key>Nje-cy</key>
+ <string>N_je-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>Nlinebelow</key>
+ <string>N_linebelow.glif</string>
+ <key>Ntilde</key>
+ <string>N_tilde.glif</string>
+ <key>O</key>
+ <string>O_.glif</string>
+ <key>O-cy</key>
+ <string>O_-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>OE</key>
+ <string>O_E_.glif</string>
+ <key>Oacute</key>
+ <string>O_acute.glif</string>
+ <key>Obarred-cy</key>
+ <string>O_barred-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>Obreve</key>
+ <string>O_breve.glif</string>
+ <key>Ocaron</key>
+ <string>O_caron.glif</string>
+ <key>Ocircumflex</key>
+ <string>O_circumflex.glif</string>
+ <key>Ocircumflexacute</key>
+ <string>O_circumflexacute.glif</string>
+ <key>Ocircumflexdotbelow</key>
+ <string>O_circumflexdotbelow.glif</string>
+ <key>Ocircumflexgrave</key>
+ <string>O_circumflexgrave.glif</string>
+ <key>Ocircumflexhookabove</key>
+ <string>O_circumflexhookabove.glif</string>
+ <key>Ocircumflextilde</key>
+ <string>O_circumflextilde.glif</string>
+ <key>Odblgrave</key>
+ <string>O_dblgrave.glif</string>
+ <key>Odieresis</key>
+ <string>O_dieresis.glif</string>
+ <key>Odieresis-cy</key>
+ <string>O_dieresis-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>Odieresismacron</key>
+ <string>O_dieresismacron.glif</string>
+ <key>Odotaccentmacron</key>
+ <string>O_dotaccentmacron.glif</string>
+ <key>Odotbelow</key>
+ <string>O_dotbelow.glif</string>
+ <key>Ograve</key>
+ <string>O_grave.glif</string>
+ <key>Ohm</key>
+ <string>O_hm.glif</string>
+ <key>Ohookabove</key>
+ <string>O_hookabove.glif</string>
+ <key>Ohorn</key>
+ <string>O_horn.glif</string>
+ <key>Ohornacute</key>
+ <string>O_hornacute.glif</string>
+ <key>Ohorndotbelow</key>
+ <string>O_horndotbelow.glif</string>
+ <key>Ohorngrave</key>
+ <string>O_horngrave.glif</string>
+ <key>Ohornhookabove</key>
+ <string>O_hornhookabove.glif</string>
+ <key>Ohorntilde</key>
+ <string>O_horntilde.glif</string>
+ <key>Ohungarumlaut</key>
+ <string>O_hungarumlaut.glif</string>
+ <key>Oinvertedbreve</key>
+ <string>O_invertedbreve.glif</string>
+ <key>Omacron</key>
+ <string>O_macron.glif</string>
+ <key>Omacronacute</key>
+ <string>O_macronacute.glif</string>
+ <key>Omacrongrave</key>
+ <string>O_macrongrave.glif</string>
+ <key>Oogonek</key>
+ <string>O_ogonek.glif</string>
+ <key>Oslash</key>
+ <string>O_slash.glif</string>
+ <key>Oslashacute</key>
+ <string>O_slashacute.glif</string>
+ <key>Otilde</key>
+ <string>O_tilde.glif</string>
+ <key>Otildeacute</key>
+ <string>O_tildeacute.glif</string>
+ <key>Otildedieresis</key>
+ <string>O_tildedieresis.glif</string>
+ <key>Otildemacron</key>
+ <string>O_tildemacron.glif</string>
+ <key>P</key>
+ <string>P_.glif</string>
+ <key>Palochka-cy</key>
+ <string>P_alochka-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>Pe-cy</key>
+ <string>P_e-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>Q</key>
+ <string>Q_.glif</string>
+ <key>Qa-cy</key>
+ <string>Q_a-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>R</key>
+ <string>R_.glif</string>
+ <key>Racute</key>
+ <string>R_acute.glif</string>
+ <key>Rcaron</key>
+ <string>R_caron.glif</string>
+ <key>Rcommaaccent</key>
+ <string>R_commaaccent.glif</string>
+ <key>Rdblgrave</key>
+ <string>R_dblgrave.glif</string>
+ <key>Rdotbelow</key>
+ <string>R_dotbelow.glif</string>
+ <key>Rinvertedbreve</key>
+ <string>R_invertedbreve.glif</string>
+ <key>Rlinebelow</key>
+ <string>R_linebelow.glif</string>
+ <key>S</key>
+ <string>S_.glif</string>
+ <key>Sacute</key>
+ <string>S_acute.glif</string>
+ <key>Sacutedotaccent</key>
+ <string>S_acutedotaccent.glif</string>
+ <key>Saltillo</key>
+ <string>S_altillo.glif</string>
+ <key>Scaron</key>
+ <string>S_caron.glif</string>
+ <key>Scarondotaccent</key>
+ <string>S_carondotaccent.glif</string>
+ <key>Scedilla</key>
+ <string>S_cedilla.glif</string>
+ <key>Schwa</key>
+ <string>S_chwa.glif</string>
+ <key>Schwa-cy</key>
+ <string>S_chwa-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>Scircumflex</key>
+ <string>S_circumflex.glif</string>
+ <key>Scommaaccent</key>
+ <string>S_commaaccent.glif</string>
+ <key>Sdotaccent</key>
+ <string>S_dotaccent.glif</string>
+ <key>Sdotbelow</key>
+ <string>S_dotbelow.glif</string>
+ <key>Sdotbelowdotaccent</key>
+ <string>S_dotbelowdotaccent.glif</string>
+ <key>Sha-cy</key>
+ <string>S_ha-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>Shcha-cy</key>
+ <string>S_hcha-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>Shha-cy</key>
+ <string>S_hha-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>Softsign-cy</key>
+ <string>S_oftsign-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>T</key>
+ <string>T_.glif</string>
+ <key>Tbar</key>
+ <string>T_bar.glif</string>
+ <key>Tcaron</key>
+ <string>T_caron.glif</string>
+ <key>Tcedilla</key>
+ <string>T_cedilla.glif</string>
+ <key>Tcommaaccent</key>
+ <string>T_commaaccent.glif</string>
+ <key>Tdotbelow</key>
+ <string>T_dotbelow.glif</string>
+ <key>Te-cy</key>
+ <string>T_e-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>Thorn</key>
+ <string>T_horn.glif</string>
+ <key>Tlinebelow</key>
+ <string>T_linebelow.glif</string>
+ <key>Tse-cy</key>
+ <string>T_se-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>Tshe-cy</key>
+ <string>T_she-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>U</key>
+ <string>U_.glif</string>
+ <key>U-cy</key>
+ <string>U_-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>Uacute</key>
+ <string>U_acute.glif</string>
+ <key>Ubreve</key>
+ <string>U_breve.glif</string>
+ <key>Ucaron</key>
+ <string>U_caron.glif</string>
+ <key>Ucircumflex</key>
+ <string>U_circumflex.glif</string>
+ <key>Udblgrave</key>
+ <string>U_dblgrave.glif</string>
+ <key>Udieresis</key>
+ <string>U_dieresis.glif</string>
+ <key>Udieresis-cy</key>
+ <string>U_dieresis-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>Udieresisacute</key>
+ <string>U_dieresisacute.glif</string>
+ <key>Udieresiscaron</key>
+ <string>U_dieresiscaron.glif</string>
+ <key>Udieresisgrave</key>
+ <string>U_dieresisgrave.glif</string>
+ <key>Udieresismacron</key>
+ <string>U_dieresismacron.glif</string>
+ <key>Udotbelow</key>
+ <string>U_dotbelow.glif</string>
+ <key>Ugrave</key>
+ <string>U_grave.glif</string>
+ <key>Uhookabove</key>
+ <string>U_hookabove.glif</string>
+ <key>Uhorn</key>
+ <string>U_horn.glif</string>
+ <key>Uhornacute</key>
+ <string>U_hornacute.glif</string>
+ <key>Uhorndotbelow</key>
+ <string>U_horndotbelow.glif</string>
+ <key>Uhorngrave</key>
+ <string>U_horngrave.glif</string>
+ <key>Uhornhookabove</key>
+ <string>U_hornhookabove.glif</string>
+ <key>Uhorntilde</key>
+ <string>U_horntilde.glif</string>
+ <key>Uhungarumlaut</key>
+ <string>U_hungarumlaut.glif</string>
+ <key>Uhungarumlaut-cy</key>
+ <string>U_hungarumlaut-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>Uinvertedbreve</key>
+ <string>U_invertedbreve.glif</string>
+ <key>Umacron</key>
+ <string>U_macron.glif</string>
+ <key>Umacron-cy</key>
+ <string>U_macron-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>Umacrondieresis</key>
+ <string>U_macrondieresis.glif</string>
+ <key>Uogonek</key>
+ <string>U_ogonek.glif</string>
+ <key>Uring</key>
+ <string>U_ring.glif</string>
+ <key>Ushort-cy</key>
+ <string>U_short-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>Ustraight-cy</key>
+ <string>U_straight-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>Ustraightstroke-cy</key>
+ <string>U_straightstroke-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>Utilde</key>
+ <string>U_tilde.glif</string>
+ <key>Utildeacute</key>
+ <string>U_tildeacute.glif</string>
+ <key>V</key>
+ <string>V_.glif</string>
+ <key>Ve-cy</key>
+ <string>V_e-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>W</key>
+ <string>W_.glif</string>
+ <key>Wacute</key>
+ <string>W_acute.glif</string>
+ <key>Wcircumflex</key>
+ <string>W_circumflex.glif</string>
+ <key>Wdieresis</key>
+ <string>W_dieresis.glif</string>
+ <key>We-cy</key>
+ <string>W_e-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>Wgrave</key>
+ <string>W_grave.glif</string>
+ <key>X</key>
+ <string>X_.glif</string>
+ <key>Y</key>
+ <string>Y_.glif</string>
+ <key>Yacute</key>
+ <string>Y_acute.glif</string>
+ <key>Yat-cy</key>
+ <string>Y_at-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>Ycircumflex</key>
+ <string>Y_circumflex.glif</string>
+ <key>Ydieresis</key>
+ <string>Y_dieresis.glif</string>
+ <key>Ydotaccent</key>
+ <string>Y_dotaccent.glif</string>
+ <key>Ydotbelow</key>
+ <string>Y_dotbelow.glif</string>
+ <key>Yeru-cy</key>
+ <string>Y_eru-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>Yerudieresis-cy</key>
+ <string>Y_erudieresis-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>Ygrave</key>
+ <string>Y_grave.glif</string>
+ <key>Yhookabove</key>
+ <string>Y_hookabove.glif</string>
+ <key>Yi-cy</key>
+ <string>Y_i-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>Ymacron</key>
+ <string>Y_macron.glif</string>
+ <key>Ytilde</key>
+ <string>Y_tilde.glif</string>
+ <key>Yusbig-cy</key>
+ <string>Y_usbig-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>Z</key>
+ <string>Z_.glif</string>
+ <key>Zacute</key>
+ <string>Z_acute.glif</string>
+ <key>Zcaron</key>
+ <string>Z_caron.glif</string>
+ <key>Zdotaccent</key>
+ <string>Z_dotaccent.glif</string>
+ <key>Zdotbelow</key>
+ <string>Z_dotbelow.glif</string>
+ <key>Ze-cy</key>
+ <string>Z_e-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>Zedescender-cy</key>
+ <string>Z_edescender-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>Zedieresis-cy</key>
+ <string>Z_edieresis-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>Zhe-cy</key>
+ <string>Z_he-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>Zhebreve-cy</key>
+ <string>Z_hebreve-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>Zhedescender-cy</key>
+ <string>Z_hedescender-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>Zhedieresis-cy</key>
+ <string>Z_hedieresis-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>_bar-cy</key>
+ <string>_bar-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>_bottomhook</key>
+ <string>_bottomhook.glif</string>
+ <key>_commaaccent</key>
+ <string>_commaaccent.glif</string>
+ <key>_currencyvstem</key>
+ <string>_currencyvstem.glif</string>
+ <key>_descender-cy.case.straight</key>
+ <string>_descender-cy.case.straight.glif</string>
+ <key>_descenderreverse-cy.case</key>
+ <string>_descenderreverse-cy.case.glif</string>
+ <key>_descenderreversed-cy</key>
+ <string>_descenderreversed-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>_o.numero</key>
+ <string>_o.numero.glif</string>
+ <key>_slash.zero</key>
+ <string>_slash.zero.glif</string>
+ <key>_slash.zero.osf</key>
+ <string>_slash.zero.osf.glif</string>
+ <key>_typoquote</key>
+ <string>_typoquote.glif</string>
+ <key>a</key>
+ <string>a.glif</string>
+ <key>a-cy</key>
+ <string>a-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>aacute</key>
+ <string>aacute.glif</string>
+ <key>abreve</key>
+ <string>abreve.glif</string>
+ <key>abreve-cy</key>
+ <string>abreve-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>abreveacute</key>
+ <string>abreveacute.glif</string>
+ <key>abrevedotbelow</key>
+ <string>abrevedotbelow.glif</string>
+ <key>abrevegrave</key>
+ <string>abrevegrave.glif</string>
+ <key>abrevehookabove</key>
+ <string>abrevehookabove.glif</string>
+ <key>abrevetilde</key>
+ <string>abrevetilde.glif</string>
+ <key>acaron</key>
+ <string>acaron.glif</string>
+ <key>acircumflex</key>
+ <string>acircumflex.glif</string>
+ <key>acircumflexacute</key>
+ <string>acircumflexacute.glif</string>
+ <key>acircumflexdotbelow</key>
+ <string>acircumflexdotbelow.glif</string>
+ <key>acircumflexgrave</key>
+ <string>acircumflexgrave.glif</string>
+ <key>acircumflexhookabove</key>
+ <string>acircumflexhookabove.glif</string>
+ <key>acircumflextilde</key>
+ <string>acircumflextilde.glif</string>
+ <key>acute</key>
+ <string>acute.glif</string>
+ <key>acutecomb</key>
+ <string>acutecomb.glif</string>
+ <key>acutecomb.case</key>
+ <string>acutecomb.case.glif</string>
+ <key>acutecomb.loclVIET</key>
+ <string>acutecomb.loclV_I_E_T_.glif</string>
+ <key>acutecomb_dotaccentcomb</key>
+ <string>acutecomb_dotaccentcomb.glif</string>
+ <key>adblgrave</key>
+ <string>adblgrave.glif</string>
+ <key>adieresis</key>
+ <string>adieresis.glif</string>
+ <key>adieresis-cy</key>
+ <string>adieresis-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>adotbelow</key>
+ <string>adotbelow.glif</string>
+ <key>ae</key>
+ <string>ae.glif</string>
+ <key>aeacute</key>
+ <string>aeacute.glif</string>
+ <key>agrave</key>
+ <string>agrave.glif</string>
+ <key>ahookabove</key>
+ <string>ahookabove.glif</string>
+ <key>aie-cy</key>
+ <string>aie-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>ainvertedbreve</key>
+ <string>ainvertedbreve.glif</string>
+ <key>amacron</key>
+ <string>amacron.glif</string>
+ <key>ampersand</key>
+ <string>ampersand.glif</string>
+ <key>aogonek</key>
+ <string>aogonek.glif</string>
+ <key>apostrophemod</key>
+ <string>apostrophemod.glif</string>
+ <key>approxequal</key>
+ <string>approxequal.glif</string>
+ <key>approxequal.tf</key>
+ <string>approxequal.tf.glif</string>
+ <key>aring</key>
+ <string>aring.glif</string>
+ <key>aringacute</key>
+ <string>aringacute.glif</string>
+ <key>asciicircum</key>
+ <string>asciicircum.glif</string>
+ <key>asciitilde</key>
+ <string>asciitilde.glif</string>
+ <key>asterisk</key>
+ <string>asterisk.glif</string>
+ <key>at</key>
+ <string>at.glif</string>
+ <key>atilde</key>
+ <string>atilde.glif</string>
+ <key>b</key>
+ <string>b.glif</string>
+ <key>backslash</key>
+ <string>backslash.glif</string>
+ <key>bar</key>
+ <string>bar.glif</string>
+ <key>be-cy</key>
+ <string>be-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>blackCircle</key>
+ <string>blackC_ircle.glif</string>
+ <key>blank</key>
+ <string>blank.glif</string>
+ <key>braceleft</key>
+ <string>braceleft.glif</string>
+ <key>braceright</key>
+ <string>braceright.glif</string>
+ <key>bracketleft</key>
+ <string>bracketleft.glif</string>
+ <key>bracketright</key>
+ <string>bracketright.glif</string>
+ <key>breve</key>
+ <string>breve.glif</string>
+ <key>brevebelowcomb</key>
+ <string>brevebelowcomb.glif</string>
+ <key>brevecomb</key>
+ <string>brevecomb.glif</string>
+ <key>brevecomb-cy</key>
+ <string>brevecomb-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>brevecomb-cy.case</key>
+ <string>brevecomb-cy.case.glif</string>
+ <key>brevecomb.case</key>
+ <string>brevecomb.case.glif</string>
+ <key>brevecomb.loclVIET</key>
+ <string>brevecomb.loclV_I_E_T_.glif</string>
+ <key>brevecomb_acutecomb</key>
+ <string>brevecomb_acutecomb.glif</string>
+ <key>brevecomb_acutecomb.case</key>
+ <string>brevecomb_acutecomb.case.glif</string>
+ <key>brevecomb_gravecomb</key>
+ <string>brevecomb_gravecomb.glif</string>
+ <key>brevecomb_gravecomb.case</key>
+ <string>brevecomb_gravecomb.case.glif</string>
+ <key>brevecomb_hookabovecomb</key>
+ <string>brevecomb_hookabovecomb.glif</string>
+ <key>brevecomb_hookabovecomb.case</key>
+ <string>brevecomb_hookabovecomb.case.glif</string>
+ <key>brevecomb_tildecomb</key>
+ <string>brevecomb_tildecomb.glif</string>
+ <key>brevecomb_tildecomb.case</key>
+ <string>brevecomb_tildecomb.case.glif</string>
+ <key>breveinvertedcomb</key>
+ <string>breveinvertedcomb.glif</string>
+ <key>breveinvertedcomb.case</key>
+ <string>breveinvertedcomb.case.glif</string>
+ <key>brokenbar</key>
+ <string>brokenbar.glif</string>
+ <key>bullet</key>
+ <string>bullet.glif</string>
+ <key>bulletoperator</key>
+ <string>bulletoperator.glif</string>
+ <key>bulletoperator.tf</key>
+ <string>bulletoperator.tf.glif</string>
+ <key>c</key>
+ <string>c.glif</string>
+ <key>cacute</key>
+ <string>cacute.glif</string>
+ <key>caron</key>
+ <string>caron.glif</string>
+ <key>caroncomb</key>
+ <string>caroncomb.glif</string>
+ <key>caroncomb.alt</key>
+ <string>caroncomb.alt.glif</string>
+ <key>caroncomb.case</key>
+ <string>caroncomb.case.glif</string>
+ <key>caroncomb.loclVIET</key>
+ <string>caroncomb.loclV_I_E_T_.glif</string>
+ <key>caroncomb_dotaccentcomb</key>
+ <string>caroncomb_dotaccentcomb.glif</string>
+ <key>ccaron</key>
+ <string>ccaron.glif</string>
+ <key>ccedilla</key>
+ <string>ccedilla.glif</string>
+ <key>ccedillaacute</key>
+ <string>ccedillaacute.glif</string>
+ <key>ccircumflex</key>
+ <string>ccircumflex.glif</string>
+ <key>cdotaccent</key>
+ <string>cdotaccent.glif</string>
+ <key>cedi</key>
+ <string>cedi.glif</string>
+ <key>cedilla</key>
+ <string>cedilla.glif</string>
+ <key>cedillacomb</key>
+ <string>cedillacomb.glif</string>
+ <key>cent</key>
+ <string>cent.glif</string>
+ <key>che-cy</key>
+ <string>che-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>chedescender-cy</key>
+ <string>chedescender-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>chedieresis-cy</key>
+ <string>chedieresis-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>chekhakassian-cy</key>
+ <string>chekhakassian-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>cheverticalstroke-cy</key>
+ <string>cheverticalstroke-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>circumflex</key>
+ <string>circumflex.glif</string>
+ <key>circumflexcomb</key>
+ <string>circumflexcomb.glif</string>
+ <key>circumflexcomb.case</key>
+ <string>circumflexcomb.case.glif</string>
+ <key>circumflexcomb.loclVIET</key>
+ <string>circumflexcomb.loclV_I_E_T_.glif</string>
+ <key>circumflexcomb_acutecomb</key>
+ <string>circumflexcomb_acutecomb.glif</string>
+ <key>circumflexcomb_acutecomb.case</key>
+ <string>circumflexcomb_acutecomb.case.glif</string>
+ <key>circumflexcomb_gravecomb</key>
+ <string>circumflexcomb_gravecomb.glif</string>
+ <key>circumflexcomb_gravecomb.case</key>
+ <string>circumflexcomb_gravecomb.case.glif</string>
+ <key>circumflexcomb_hookabovecomb</key>
+ <string>circumflexcomb_hookabovecomb.glif</string>
+ <key>circumflexcomb_hookabovecomb.case</key>
+ <string>circumflexcomb_hookabovecomb.case.glif</string>
+ <key>circumflexcomb_tildecomb</key>
+ <string>circumflexcomb_tildecomb.glif</string>
+ <key>circumflexcomb_tildecomb.case</key>
+ <string>circumflexcomb_tildecomb.case.glif</string>
+ <key>colon</key>
+ <string>colon.glif</string>
+ <key>colonsign</key>
+ <string>colonsign.glif</string>
+ <key>comma</key>
+ <string>comma.glif</string>
+ <key>commaaccentcomb</key>
+ <string>commaaccentcomb.glif</string>
+ <key>commaturnedabovecomb</key>
+ <string>commaturnedabovecomb.glif</string>
+ <key>commaturnedmod</key>
+ <string>commaturnedmod.glif</string>
+ <key>commercialMinusSign</key>
+ <string>commercialM_inusS_ign.glif</string>
+ <key>commercialMinusSign.tf</key>
+ <string>commercialM_inusS_ign.tf.glif</string>
+ <key>copyright</key>
+ <string>copyright.glif</string>
+ <key>currency</key>
+ <string>currency.glif</string>
+ <key>d</key>
+ <string>d.glif</string>
+ <key>dagger</key>
+ <string>dagger.glif</string>
+ <key>daggerdbl</key>
+ <string>daggerdbl.glif</string>
+ <key>dblgravecomb</key>
+ <string>dblgravecomb.glif</string>
+ <key>dblgravecomb.case</key>
+ <string>dblgravecomb.case.glif</string>
+ <key>dcaron</key>
+ <string>dcaron.glif</string>
+ <key>dcroat</key>
+ <string>dcroat.glif</string>
+ <key>ddotbelow</key>
+ <string>ddotbelow.glif</string>
+ <key>de-cy</key>
+ <string>de-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>degree</key>
+ <string>degree.glif</string>
+ <key>descender-cy</key>
+ <string>descender-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>descender-cy.case</key>
+ <string>descender-cy.case.glif</string>
+ <key>descender-cy.strait</key>
+ <string>descender-cy.strait.glif</string>
+ <key>dieresis</key>
+ <string>dieresis.glif</string>
+ <key>dieresisbelowcomb</key>
+ <string>dieresisbelowcomb.glif</string>
+ <key>dieresiscomb</key>
+ <string>dieresiscomb.glif</string>
+ <key>dieresiscomb.case</key>
+ <string>dieresiscomb.case.glif</string>
+ <key>dieresiscomb.loclVIET</key>
+ <string>dieresiscomb.loclV_I_E_T_.glif</string>
+ <key>dieresiscomb_acutecomb</key>
+ <string>dieresiscomb_acutecomb.glif</string>
+ <key>dieresiscomb_caroncomb</key>
+ <string>dieresiscomb_caroncomb.glif</string>
+ <key>dieresiscomb_gravecomb</key>
+ <string>dieresiscomb_gravecomb.glif</string>
+ <key>dieresiscomb_macroncomb</key>
+ <string>dieresiscomb_macroncomb.glif</string>
+ <key>divide</key>
+ <string>divide.glif</string>
+ <key>divide.tf</key>
+ <string>divide.tf.glif</string>
+ <key>divisionslash</key>
+ <string>divisionslash.glif</string>
+ <key>divisionslash.tf</key>
+ <string>divisionslash.tf.glif</string>
+ <key>dje-cy</key>
+ <string>dje-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>dlinebelow</key>
+ <string>dlinebelow.glif</string>
+ <key>dollar</key>
+ <string>dollar.glif</string>
+ <key>dong</key>
+ <string>dong.glif</string>
+ <key>dotaccent</key>
+ <string>dotaccent.glif</string>
+ <key>dotaccentcomb</key>
+ <string>dotaccentcomb.glif</string>
+ <key>dotaccentcomb.case</key>
+ <string>dotaccentcomb.case.glif</string>
+ <key>dotaccentcomb.loclVIET</key>
+ <string>dotaccentcomb.loclV_I_E_T_.glif</string>
+ <key>dotaccentcomb_macroncomb</key>
+ <string>dotaccentcomb_macroncomb.glif</string>
+ <key>dotbelowcomb</key>
+ <string>dotbelowcomb.glif</string>
+ <key>doubleprimemod</key>
+ <string>doubleprimemod.glif</string>
+ <key>downArrow</key>
+ <string>downA_rrow.glif</string>
+ <key>dzcaron</key>
+ <string>dzcaron.glif</string>
+ <key>dze-cy</key>
+ <string>dze-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>dzhe-cy</key>
+ <string>dzhe-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>e</key>
+ <string>e.glif</string>
+ <key>e-cy</key>
+ <string>e-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>eacute</key>
+ <string>eacute.glif</string>
+ <key>ebreve</key>
+ <string>ebreve.glif</string>
+ <key>ecaron</key>
+ <string>ecaron.glif</string>
+ <key>ecedillabreve</key>
+ <string>ecedillabreve.glif</string>
+ <key>ecircumflex</key>
+ <string>ecircumflex.glif</string>
+ <key>ecircumflexacute</key>
+ <string>ecircumflexacute.glif</string>
+ <key>ecircumflexdotbelow</key>
+ <string>ecircumflexdotbelow.glif</string>
+ <key>ecircumflexgrave</key>
+ <string>ecircumflexgrave.glif</string>
+ <key>ecircumflexhookabove</key>
+ <string>ecircumflexhookabove.glif</string>
+ <key>ecircumflextilde</key>
+ <string>ecircumflextilde.glif</string>
+ <key>edblgrave</key>
+ <string>edblgrave.glif</string>
+ <key>edieresis</key>
+ <string>edieresis.glif</string>
+ <key>edotaccent</key>
+ <string>edotaccent.glif</string>
+ <key>edotbelow</key>
+ <string>edotbelow.glif</string>
+ <key>ef-cy</key>
+ <string>ef-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>egrave</key>
+ <string>egrave.glif</string>
+ <key>ehookabove</key>
+ <string>ehookabove.glif</string>
+ <key>eight</key>
+ <string>eight.glif</string>
+ <key>eight.dnom</key>
+ <string>eight.dnom.glif</string>
+ <key>eight.lf</key>
+ <string>eight.lf.glif</string>
+ <key>eight.numr</key>
+ <string>eight.numr.glif</string>
+ <key>eight.osf</key>
+ <string>eight.osf.glif</string>
+ <key>eight.subs</key>
+ <string>eight.subs.glif</string>
+ <key>eight.tf</key>
+ <string>eight.tf.glif</string>
+ <key>eight.tosf</key>
+ <string>eight.tosf.glif</string>
+ <key>eightinferior</key>
+ <string>eightinferior.glif</string>
+ <key>eightsuperior</key>
+ <string>eightsuperior.glif</string>
+ <key>einvertedbreve</key>
+ <string>einvertedbreve.glif</string>
+ <key>el-cy</key>
+ <string>el-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>ellipsis</key>
+ <string>ellipsis.glif</string>
+ <key>em-cy</key>
+ <string>em-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>emacron</key>
+ <string>emacron.glif</string>
+ <key>emacronacute</key>
+ <string>emacronacute.glif</string>
+ <key>emacrongrave</key>
+ <string>emacrongrave.glif</string>
+ <key>emdash</key>
+ <string>emdash.glif</string>
+ <key>emptyset</key>
+ <string>emptyset.glif</string>
+ <key>emquad</key>
+ <string>emquad.glif</string>
+ <key>emspace</key>
+ <string>emspace.glif</string>
+ <key>en-cy</key>
+ <string>en-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>endash</key>
+ <string>endash.glif</string>
+ <key>endescender-cy</key>
+ <string>endescender-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>eng</key>
+ <string>eng.glif</string>
+ <key>enghe-cy</key>
+ <string>enghe-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>enquad</key>
+ <string>enquad.glif</string>
+ <key>enspace</key>
+ <string>enspace.glif</string>
+ <key>eogonek</key>
+ <string>eogonek.glif</string>
+ <key>equal</key>
+ <string>equal.glif</string>
+ <key>equal.tf</key>
+ <string>equal.tf.glif</string>
+ <key>equivalence</key>
+ <string>equivalence.glif</string>
+ <key>equivalence.tf</key>
+ <string>equivalence.tf.glif</string>
+ <key>er-cy</key>
+ <string>er-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>ereversed-cy</key>
+ <string>ereversed-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>es-cy</key>
+ <string>es-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>esdescender-cy</key>
+ <string>esdescender-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>estimated</key>
+ <string>estimated.glif</string>
+ <key>eth</key>
+ <string>eth.glif</string>
+ <key>etilde</key>
+ <string>etilde.glif</string>
+ <key>euro</key>
+ <string>euro.glif</string>
+ <key>exclam</key>
+ <string>exclam.glif</string>
+ <key>exclamdown</key>
+ <string>exclamdown.glif</string>
+ <key>f</key>
+ <string>f.glif</string>
+ <key>f_f</key>
+ <string>f_f.glif</string>
+ <key>f_f_i</key>
+ <string>f_f_i.glif</string>
+ <key>f_f_l</key>
+ <string>f_f_l.glif</string>
+ <key>fi</key>
+ <string>fi.glif</string>
+ <key>figuredash</key>
+ <string>figuredash.glif</string>
+ <key>figurespace</key>
+ <string>figurespace.glif</string>
+ <key>firsttonechinese</key>
+ <string>firsttonechinese.glif</string>
+ <key>fita-cy</key>
+ <string>fita-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>five</key>
+ <string>five.glif</string>
+ <key>five.dnom</key>
+ <string>five.dnom.glif</string>
+ <key>five.lf</key>
+ <string>five.lf.glif</string>
+ <key>five.numr</key>
+ <string>five.numr.glif</string>
+ <key>five.osf</key>
+ <string>five.osf.glif</string>
+ <key>five.subs</key>
+ <string>five.subs.glif</string>
+ <key>five.tf</key>
+ <string>five.tf.glif</string>
+ <key>five.tosf</key>
+ <string>five.tosf.glif</string>
+ <key>fiveeighths</key>
+ <string>fiveeighths.glif</string>
+ <key>fiveinferior</key>
+ <string>fiveinferior.glif</string>
+ <key>fivesixths</key>
+ <string>fivesixths.glif</string>
+ <key>fivesuperior</key>
+ <string>fivesuperior.glif</string>
+ <key>fl</key>
+ <string>fl.glif</string>
+ <key>florin</key>
+ <string>florin.glif</string>
+ <key>four</key>
+ <string>four.glif</string>
+ <key>four.dnom</key>
+ <string>four.dnom.glif</string>
+ <key>four.lf</key>
+ <string>four.lf.glif</string>
+ <key>four.numr</key>
+ <string>four.numr.glif</string>
+ <key>four.osf</key>
+ <string>four.osf.glif</string>
+ <key>four.subs</key>
+ <string>four.subs.glif</string>
+ <key>four.tf</key>
+ <string>four.tf.glif</string>
+ <key>four.tosf</key>
+ <string>four.tosf.glif</string>
+ <key>fourfifths</key>
+ <string>fourfifths.glif</string>
+ <key>fourinferior</key>
+ <string>fourinferior.glif</string>
+ <key>fourperemspace</key>
+ <string>fourperemspace.glif</string>
+ <key>foursuperior</key>
+ <string>foursuperior.glif</string>
+ <key>fourthtonechinese</key>
+ <string>fourthtonechinese.glif</string>
+ <key>fraction</key>
+ <string>fraction.glif</string>
+ <key>franc</key>
+ <string>franc.glif</string>
+ <key>g</key>
+ <string>g.glif</string>
+ <key>gbreve</key>
+ <string>gbreve.glif</string>
+ <key>gcaron</key>
+ <string>gcaron.glif</string>
+ <key>gcircumflex</key>
+ <string>gcircumflex.glif</string>
+ <key>gcommaaccent</key>
+ <string>gcommaaccent.glif</string>
+ <key>gdotaccent</key>
+ <string>gdotaccent.glif</string>
+ <key>ge-cy</key>
+ <string>ge-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>gedescender-cy</key>
+ <string>gedescender-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>germandbls</key>
+ <string>germandbls.glif</string>
+ <key>ghemiddlehook-cy</key>
+ <string>ghemiddlehook-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>ghestroke-cy</key>
+ <string>ghestroke-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>gheupturn-cy</key>
+ <string>gheupturn-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>gje-cy</key>
+ <string>gje-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>gmacron</key>
+ <string>gmacron.glif</string>
+ <key>grave</key>
+ <string>grave.glif</string>
+ <key>gravecomb</key>
+ <string>gravecomb.glif</string>
+ <key>gravecomb.case</key>
+ <string>gravecomb.case.glif</string>
+ <key>gravecomb.loclVIET</key>
+ <string>gravecomb.loclV_I_E_T_.glif</string>
+ <key>greater</key>
+ <string>greater.glif</string>
+ <key>greater.tf</key>
+ <string>greater.tf.glif</string>
+ <key>greaterequal</key>
+ <string>greaterequal.glif</string>
+ <key>greaterequal.tf</key>
+ <string>greaterequal.tf.glif</string>
+ <key>guarani</key>
+ <string>guarani.glif</string>
+ <key>guillemetleft</key>
+ <string>guillemetleft.glif</string>
+ <key>guillemetright</key>
+ <string>guillemetright.glif</string>
+ <key>guilsinglleft</key>
+ <string>guilsinglleft.glif</string>
+ <key>guilsinglright</key>
+ <string>guilsinglright.glif</string>
+ <key>h</key>
+ <string>h.glif</string>
+ <key>ha-cy</key>
+ <string>ha-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>hadescender-cy</key>
+ <string>hadescender-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>hairspace</key>
+ <string>hairspace.glif</string>
+ <key>hardsign-cy</key>
+ <string>hardsign-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>hbar</key>
+ <string>hbar.glif</string>
+ <key>hbrevebelow</key>
+ <string>hbrevebelow.glif</string>
+ <key>hcircumflex</key>
+ <string>hcircumflex.glif</string>
+ <key>hdotbelow</key>
+ <string>hdotbelow.glif</string>
+ <key>hookabovecomb</key>
+ <string>hookabovecomb.glif</string>
+ <key>hookabovecomb.case</key>
+ <string>hookabovecomb.case.glif</string>
+ <key>hookabovecomb.loclVIET</key>
+ <string>hookabovecomb.loclV_I_E_T_.glif</string>
+ <key>horizontalbar</key>
+ <string>horizontalbar.glif</string>
+ <key>horncomb</key>
+ <string>horncomb.glif</string>
+ <key>hryvnia</key>
+ <string>hryvnia.glif</string>
+ <key>hungarumlaut</key>
+ <string>hungarumlaut.glif</string>
+ <key>hungarumlautcomb</key>
+ <string>hungarumlautcomb.glif</string>
+ <key>hungarumlautcomb.case</key>
+ <string>hungarumlautcomb.case.glif</string>
+ <key>hyphen</key>
+ <string>hyphen.glif</string>
+ <key>hyphentwo</key>
+ <string>hyphentwo.glif</string>
+ <key>i</key>
+ <string>i.glif</string>
+ <key>i-cy</key>
+ <string>i-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>ia-cy</key>
+ <string>ia-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>iacute</key>
+ <string>iacute.glif</string>
+ <key>ibreve</key>
+ <string>ibreve.glif</string>
+ <key>icaron</key>
+ <string>icaron.glif</string>
+ <key>icircumflex</key>
+ <string>icircumflex.glif</string>
+ <key>idblgrave</key>
+ <string>idblgrave.glif</string>
+ <key>idieresis</key>
+ <string>idieresis.glif</string>
+ <key>idieresis-cy</key>
+ <string>idieresis-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>idieresisacute</key>
+ <string>idieresisacute.glif</string>
+ <key>idotaccent</key>
+ <string>idotaccent.glif</string>
+ <key>idotbelow</key>
+ <string>idotbelow.glif</string>
+ <key>idotless</key>
+ <string>idotless.glif</string>
+ <key>ie-cy</key>
+ <string>ie-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>iebreve-cy</key>
+ <string>iebreve-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>iegrave-cy</key>
+ <string>iegrave-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>igrave</key>
+ <string>igrave.glif</string>
+ <key>ihookabove</key>
+ <string>ihookabove.glif</string>
+ <key>ii-cy</key>
+ <string>ii-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>iigrave-cy</key>
+ <string>iigrave-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>iinvertedbreve</key>
+ <string>iinvertedbreve.glif</string>
+ <key>iishort-cy</key>
+ <string>iishort-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>imacron</key>
+ <string>imacron.glif</string>
+ <key>imacron-cy</key>
+ <string>imacron-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>increment</key>
+ <string>increment.glif</string>
+ <key>infinity</key>
+ <string>infinity.glif</string>
+ <key>integral</key>
+ <string>integral.glif</string>
+ <key>io-cy</key>
+ <string>io-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>iogonek</key>
+ <string>iogonek.glif</string>
+ <key>itilde</key>
+ <string>itilde.glif</string>
+ <key>iu-cy</key>
+ <string>iu-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>izhitsa-cy</key>
+ <string>izhitsa-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>j</key>
+ <string>j.glif</string>
+ <key>jacute</key>
+ <string>jacute.glif</string>
+ <key>jcircumflex</key>
+ <string>jcircumflex.glif</string>
+ <key>jdotless</key>
+ <string>jdotless.glif</string>
+ <key>je-cy</key>
+ <string>je-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>k</key>
+ <string>k.glif</string>
+ <key>ka-cy</key>
+ <string>ka-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>kabashkir-cy</key>
+ <string>kabashkir-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>kacute</key>
+ <string>kacute.glif</string>
+ <key>kadescender-cy</key>
+ <string>kadescender-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>kaverticalstroke-cy</key>
+ <string>kaverticalstroke-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>kcommaaccent</key>
+ <string>kcommaaccent.glif</string>
+ <key>kgreenlandic</key>
+ <string>kgreenlandic.glif</string>
+ <key>kip</key>
+ <string>kip.glif</string>
+ <key>kje-cy</key>
+ <string>kje-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>l</key>
+ <string>l.glif</string>
+ <key>lacute</key>
+ <string>lacute.glif</string>
+ <key>lcaron</key>
+ <string>lcaron.glif</string>
+ <key>lcommaaccent</key>
+ <string>lcommaaccent.glif</string>
+ <key>ldot</key>
+ <string>ldot.glif</string>
+ <key>ldotbelow</key>
+ <string>ldotbelow.glif</string>
+ <key>leftArrow</key>
+ <string>leftA_rrow.glif</string>
+ <key>leftanglebracket-math</key>
+ <string>leftanglebracket-math.glif</string>
+ <key>less</key>
+ <string>less.glif</string>
+ <key>less.tf</key>
+ <string>less.tf.glif</string>
+ <key>lessequal</key>
+ <string>lessequal.glif</string>
+ <key>lessequal.tf</key>
+ <string>lessequal.tf.glif</string>
+ <key>lira</key>
+ <string>lira.glif</string>
+ <key>liraTurkish</key>
+ <string>liraT_urkish.glif</string>
+ <key>literSign</key>
+ <string>literS_ign.glif</string>
+ <key>lj</key>
+ <string>lj.glif</string>
+ <key>lje-cy</key>
+ <string>lje-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>llinebelow</key>
+ <string>llinebelow.glif</string>
+ <key>logicalnot</key>
+ <string>logicalnot.glif</string>
+ <key>logicalnot.tf</key>
+ <string>logicalnot.tf.glif</string>
+ <key>lozenge</key>
+ <string>lozenge.glif</string>
+ <key>lslash</key>
+ <string>lslash.glif</string>
+ <key>m</key>
+ <string>m.glif</string>
+ <key>macron</key>
+ <string>macron.glif</string>
+ <key>macronbelowcomb</key>
+ <string>macronbelowcomb.glif</string>
+ <key>macronbelowcomb.narrow</key>
+ <string>macronbelowcomb.narrow.glif</string>
+ <key>macroncomb</key>
+ <string>macroncomb.glif</string>
+ <key>macroncomb.case</key>
+ <string>macroncomb.case.glif</string>
+ <key>macroncomb.loclVIET</key>
+ <string>macroncomb.loclV_I_E_T_.glif</string>
+ <key>macroncomb.narrow</key>
+ <string>macroncomb.narrow.glif</string>
+ <key>macroncomb.narrow.case</key>
+ <string>macroncomb.narrow.case.glif</string>
+ <key>macroncomb_acutecomb</key>
+ <string>macroncomb_acutecomb.glif</string>
+ <key>macroncomb_dieresiscomb</key>
+ <string>macroncomb_dieresiscomb.glif</string>
+ <key>macroncomb_gravecomb</key>
+ <string>macroncomb_gravecomb.glif</string>
+ <key>manat</key>
+ <string>manat.glif</string>
+ <key>mdotbelow</key>
+ <string>mdotbelow.glif</string>
+ <key>micro</key>
+ <string>micro.glif</string>
+ <key>minus</key>
+ <string>minus.glif</string>
+ <key>minus.tf</key>
+ <string>minus.tf.glif</string>
+ <key>minute</key>
+ <string>minute.glif</string>
+ <key>multiply</key>
+ <string>multiply.glif</string>
+ <key>multiply.tf</key>
+ <string>multiply.tf.glif</string>
+ <key>n</key>
+ <string>n.glif</string>
+ <key>nacute</key>
+ <string>nacute.glif</string>
+ <key>naira</key>
+ <string>naira.glif</string>
+ <key>nbspace</key>
+ <string>nbspace.glif</string>
+ <key>ncaron</key>
+ <string>ncaron.glif</string>
+ <key>ncommaaccent</key>
+ <string>ncommaaccent.glif</string>
+ <key>ndotaccent</key>
+ <string>ndotaccent.glif</string>
+ <key>ndotbelow</key>
+ <string>ndotbelow.glif</string>
+ <key>nine</key>
+ <string>nine.glif</string>
+ <key>nine.dnom</key>
+ <string>nine.dnom.glif</string>
+ <key>nine.lf</key>
+ <string>nine.lf.glif</string>
+ <key>nine.numr</key>
+ <string>nine.numr.glif</string>
+ <key>nine.osf</key>
+ <string>nine.osf.glif</string>
+ <key>nine.ss01</key>
+ <string>nine.ss01.glif</string>
+ <key>nine.subs</key>
+ <string>nine.subs.glif</string>
+ <key>nine.tf</key>
+ <string>nine.tf.glif</string>
+ <key>nine.tosf</key>
+ <string>nine.tosf.glif</string>
+ <key>nineinferior</key>
+ <string>nineinferior.glif</string>
+ <key>ninesuperior</key>
+ <string>ninesuperior.glif</string>
+ <key>nj</key>
+ <string>nj.glif</string>
+ <key>nje-cy</key>
+ <string>nje-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>nlinebelow</key>
+ <string>nlinebelow.glif</string>
+ <key>nonbreakinghyphen</key>
+ <string>nonbreakinghyphen.glif</string>
+ <key>notequal</key>
+ <string>notequal.glif</string>
+ <key>notequal.tf</key>
+ <string>notequal.tf.glif</string>
+ <key>notidentical</key>
+ <string>notidentical.glif</string>
+ <key>notidentical.tf</key>
+ <string>notidentical.tf.glif</string>
+ <key>ntilde</key>
+ <string>ntilde.glif</string>
+ <key>numbersign</key>
+ <string>numbersign.glif</string>
+ <key>numero</key>
+ <string>numero.glif</string>
+ <key>o</key>
+ <string>o.glif</string>
+ <key>o-cy</key>
+ <string>o-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>oacute</key>
+ <string>oacute.glif</string>
+ <key>obarred-cy</key>
+ <string>obarred-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>obreve</key>
+ <string>obreve.glif</string>
+ <key>ocaron</key>
+ <string>ocaron.glif</string>
+ <key>ocircumflex</key>
+ <string>ocircumflex.glif</string>
+ <key>ocircumflexacute</key>
+ <string>ocircumflexacute.glif</string>
+ <key>ocircumflexdotbelow</key>
+ <string>ocircumflexdotbelow.glif</string>
+ <key>ocircumflexgrave</key>
+ <string>ocircumflexgrave.glif</string>
+ <key>ocircumflexhookabove</key>
+ <string>ocircumflexhookabove.glif</string>
+ <key>ocircumflextilde</key>
+ <string>ocircumflextilde.glif</string>
+ <key>odblgrave</key>
+ <string>odblgrave.glif</string>
+ <key>odieresis</key>
+ <string>odieresis.glif</string>
+ <key>odieresis-cy</key>
+ <string>odieresis-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>odieresismacron</key>
+ <string>odieresismacron.glif</string>
+ <key>odotaccentmacron</key>
+ <string>odotaccentmacron.glif</string>
+ <key>odotbelow</key>
+ <string>odotbelow.glif</string>
+ <key>oe</key>
+ <string>oe.glif</string>
+ <key>ogonek</key>
+ <string>ogonek.glif</string>
+ <key>ogonekcomb</key>
+ <string>ogonekcomb.glif</string>
+ <key>ogonekcomb.narrow</key>
+ <string>ogonekcomb.narrow.glif</string>
+ <key>ogonekcomb.tall</key>
+ <string>ogonekcomb.tall.glif</string>
+ <key>ogonekcomb.tall.case</key>
+ <string>ogonekcomb.tall.case.glif</string>
+ <key>ograve</key>
+ <string>ograve.glif</string>
+ <key>ohookabove</key>
+ <string>ohookabove.glif</string>
+ <key>ohorn</key>
+ <string>ohorn.glif</string>
+ <key>ohornacute</key>
+ <string>ohornacute.glif</string>
+ <key>ohorndotbelow</key>
+ <string>ohorndotbelow.glif</string>
+ <key>ohorngrave</key>
+ <string>ohorngrave.glif</string>
+ <key>ohornhookabove</key>
+ <string>ohornhookabove.glif</string>
+ <key>ohorntilde</key>
+ <string>ohorntilde.glif</string>
+ <key>ohungarumlaut</key>
+ <string>ohungarumlaut.glif</string>
+ <key>oinvertedbreve</key>
+ <string>oinvertedbreve.glif</string>
+ <key>omacron</key>
+ <string>omacron.glif</string>
+ <key>omacronacute</key>
+ <string>omacronacute.glif</string>
+ <key>omacrongrave</key>
+ <string>omacrongrave.glif</string>
+ <key>one</key>
+ <string>one.glif</string>
+ <key>one.dnom</key>
+ <string>one.dnom.glif</string>
+ <key>one.lf</key>
+ <string>one.lf.glif</string>
+ <key>one.numr</key>
+ <string>one.numr.glif</string>
+ <key>one.osf</key>
+ <string>one.osf.glif</string>
+ <key>one.subs</key>
+ <string>one.subs.glif</string>
+ <key>one.tf</key>
+ <string>one.tf.glif</string>
+ <key>one.tosf</key>
+ <string>one.tosf.glif</string>
+ <key>oneeighth</key>
+ <string>oneeighth.glif</string>
+ <key>onefifth</key>
+ <string>onefifth.glif</string>
+ <key>onefraction</key>
+ <string>onefraction.glif</string>
+ <key>onehalf</key>
+ <string>onehalf.glif</string>
+ <key>oneinferior</key>
+ <string>oneinferior.glif</string>
+ <key>oneninth</key>
+ <string>oneninth.glif</string>
+ <key>onequarter</key>
+ <string>onequarter.glif</string>
+ <key>oneseventh</key>
+ <string>oneseventh.glif</string>
+ <key>onesixth</key>
+ <string>onesixth.glif</string>
+ <key>onesuperior</key>
+ <string>onesuperior.glif</string>
+ <key>onetenth</key>
+ <string>onetenth.glif</string>
+ <key>onethird</key>
+ <string>onethird.glif</string>
+ <key>oogonek</key>
+ <string>oogonek.glif</string>
+ <key>ordfeminine</key>
+ <string>ordfeminine.glif</string>
+ <key>ordmasculine</key>
+ <string>ordmasculine.glif</string>
+ <key>oslash</key>
+ <string>oslash.glif</string>
+ <key>oslashacute</key>
+ <string>oslashacute.glif</string>
+ <key>otilde</key>
+ <string>otilde.glif</string>
+ <key>otildeacute</key>
+ <string>otildeacute.glif</string>
+ <key>otildedieresis</key>
+ <string>otildedieresis.glif</string>
+ <key>otildemacron</key>
+ <string>otildemacron.glif</string>
+ <key>p</key>
+ <string>p.glif</string>
+ <key>palochka-cy</key>
+ <string>palochka-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>paragraph</key>
+ <string>paragraph.glif</string>
+ <key>parenleft</key>
+ <string>parenleft.glif</string>
+ <key>parenright</key>
+ <string>parenright.glif</string>
+ <key>partialdiff</key>
+ <string>partialdiff.glif</string>
+ <key>pe-cy</key>
+ <string>pe-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>percent</key>
+ <string>percent.glif</string>
+ <key>period</key>
+ <string>period.glif</string>
+ <key>periodcentered</key>
+ <string>periodcentered.glif</string>
+ <key>periodcentered.loclCAT</key>
+ <string>periodcentered.loclC_A_T_.glif</string>
+ <key>periodcentered.loclCAT.case</key>
+ <string>periodcentered.loclC_A_T_.case.glif</string>
+ <key>perthousand</key>
+ <string>perthousand.glif</string>
+ <key>peseta</key>
+ <string>peseta.glif</string>
+ <key>peso</key>
+ <string>peso.glif</string>
+ <key>pi</key>
+ <string>pi.glif</string>
+ <key>plus</key>
+ <string>plus.glif</string>
+ <key>plus.tf</key>
+ <string>plus.tf.glif</string>
+ <key>plusminus</key>
+ <string>plusminus.glif</string>
+ <key>plusminus.tf</key>
+ <string>plusminus.tf.glif</string>
+ <key>primeReversed</key>
+ <string>primeR_eversed.glif</string>
+ <key>primemod</key>
+ <string>primemod.glif</string>
+ <key>product</key>
+ <string>product.glif</string>
+ <key>punctuationspace</key>
+ <string>punctuationspace.glif</string>
+ <key>q</key>
+ <string>q.glif</string>
+ <key>qa-cy</key>
+ <string>qa-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>question</key>
+ <string>question.glif</string>
+ <key>questiondown</key>
+ <string>questiondown.glif</string>
+ <key>quotedbl</key>
+ <string>quotedbl.glif</string>
+ <key>quotedblbase</key>
+ <string>quotedblbase.glif</string>
+ <key>quotedblleft</key>
+ <string>quotedblleft.glif</string>
+ <key>quotedblright</key>
+ <string>quotedblright.glif</string>
+ <key>quoteleft</key>
+ <string>quoteleft.glif</string>
+ <key>quoteright</key>
+ <string>quoteright.glif</string>
+ <key>quotesinglbase</key>
+ <string>quotesinglbase.glif</string>
+ <key>quotesingle</key>
+ <string>quotesingle.glif</string>
+ <key>r</key>
+ <string>r.glif</string>
+ <key>racute</key>
+ <string>racute.glif</string>
+ <key>radical</key>
+ <string>radical.glif</string>
+ <key>ratio</key>
+ <string>ratio.glif</string>
+ <key>rcaron</key>
+ <string>rcaron.glif</string>
+ <key>rcommaaccent</key>
+ <string>rcommaaccent.glif</string>
+ <key>rdblgrave</key>
+ <string>rdblgrave.glif</string>
+ <key>rdotbelow</key>
+ <string>rdotbelow.glif</string>
+ <key>registered</key>
+ <string>registered.glif</string>
+ <key>rightArrow</key>
+ <string>rightA_rrow.glif</string>
+ <key>rightanglebracket-math</key>
+ <string>rightanglebracket-math.glif</string>
+ <key>ring</key>
+ <string>ring.glif</string>
+ <key>ringcomb</key>
+ <string>ringcomb.glif</string>
+ <key>ringcomb.case</key>
+ <string>ringcomb.case.glif</string>
+ <key>ringcomb_acutecomb</key>
+ <string>ringcomb_acutecomb.glif</string>
+ <key>ringcomb_acutecomb.case</key>
+ <string>ringcomb_acutecomb.case.glif</string>
+ <key>ringhalfleft</key>
+ <string>ringhalfleft.glif</string>
+ <key>ringhalfright</key>
+ <string>ringhalfright.glif</string>
+ <key>rinvertedbreve</key>
+ <string>rinvertedbreve.glif</string>
+ <key>rlinebelow</key>
+ <string>rlinebelow.glif</string>
+ <key>ruble</key>
+ <string>ruble.glif</string>
+ <key>rupeeIndian</key>
+ <string>rupeeI_ndian.glif</string>
+ <key>s</key>
+ <string>s.glif</string>
+ <key>sacute</key>
+ <string>sacute.glif</string>
+ <key>sacutedotaccent</key>
+ <string>sacutedotaccent.glif</string>
+ <key>saltillo</key>
+ <string>saltillo.glif</string>
+ <key>scaron</key>
+ <string>scaron.glif</string>
+ <key>scarondotaccent</key>
+ <string>scarondotaccent.glif</string>
+ <key>scedilla</key>
+ <string>scedilla.glif</string>
+ <key>schwa</key>
+ <string>schwa.glif</string>
+ <key>schwa-cy</key>
+ <string>schwa-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>scircumflex</key>
+ <string>scircumflex.glif</string>
+ <key>scommaaccent</key>
+ <string>scommaaccent.glif</string>
+ <key>sdotaccent</key>
+ <string>sdotaccent.glif</string>
+ <key>sdotbelow</key>
+ <string>sdotbelow.glif</string>
+ <key>sdotbelowdotaccent</key>
+ <string>sdotbelowdotaccent.glif</string>
+ <key>second</key>
+ <string>second.glif</string>
+ <key>secondtonechinese</key>
+ <string>secondtonechinese.glif</string>
+ <key>section</key>
+ <string>section.glif</string>
+ <key>semicolon</key>
+ <string>semicolon.glif</string>
+ <key>seven</key>
+ <string>seven.glif</string>
+ <key>seven.dnom</key>
+ <string>seven.dnom.glif</string>
+ <key>seven.lf</key>
+ <string>seven.lf.glif</string>
+ <key>seven.numr</key>
+ <string>seven.numr.glif</string>
+ <key>seven.osf</key>
+ <string>seven.osf.glif</string>
+ <key>seven.subs</key>
+ <string>seven.subs.glif</string>
+ <key>seven.tf</key>
+ <string>seven.tf.glif</string>
+ <key>seven.tosf</key>
+ <string>seven.tosf.glif</string>
+ <key>seveneighths</key>
+ <string>seveneighths.glif</string>
+ <key>seveninferior</key>
+ <string>seveninferior.glif</string>
+ <key>sevensuperior</key>
+ <string>sevensuperior.glif</string>
+ <key>sha-cy</key>
+ <string>sha-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>shcha-cy</key>
+ <string>shcha-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>shha-cy</key>
+ <string>shha-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>six</key>
+ <string>six.glif</string>
+ <key>six.dnom</key>
+ <string>six.dnom.glif</string>
+ <key>six.lf</key>
+ <string>six.lf.glif</string>
+ <key>six.numr</key>
+ <string>six.numr.glif</string>
+ <key>six.osf</key>
+ <string>six.osf.glif</string>
+ <key>six.ss01</key>
+ <string>six.ss01.glif</string>
+ <key>six.subs</key>
+ <string>six.subs.glif</string>
+ <key>six.tf</key>
+ <string>six.tf.glif</string>
+ <key>six.tosf</key>
+ <string>six.tosf.glif</string>
+ <key>sixinferior</key>
+ <string>sixinferior.glif</string>
+ <key>sixperemspace</key>
+ <string>sixperemspace.glif</string>
+ <key>sixsuperior</key>
+ <string>sixsuperior.glif</string>
+ <key>slash</key>
+ <string>slash.glif</string>
+ <key>slashlongcomb</key>
+ <string>slashlongcomb.glif</string>
+ <key>slashlongcomb.case</key>
+ <string>slashlongcomb.case.glif</string>
+ <key>slashshortcomb</key>
+ <string>slashshortcomb.glif</string>
+ <key>slashshortcomb.case</key>
+ <string>slashshortcomb.case.glif</string>
+ <key>softhyphen</key>
+ <string>softhyphen.glif</string>
+ <key>softsign-cy</key>
+ <string>softsign-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>space</key>
+ <string>space.glif</string>
+ <key>sterling</key>
+ <string>sterling.glif</string>
+ <key>strokelongcomb</key>
+ <string>strokelongcomb.glif</string>
+ <key>strokeshortcomb</key>
+ <string>strokeshortcomb.glif</string>
+ <key>strokeshortcomb.case</key>
+ <string>strokeshortcomb.case.glif</string>
+ <key>summation</key>
+ <string>summation.glif</string>
+ <key>t</key>
+ <string>t.glif</string>
+ <key>tbar</key>
+ <string>tbar.glif</string>
+ <key>tcaron</key>
+ <string>tcaron.glif</string>
+ <key>tcedilla</key>
+ <string>tcedilla.glif</string>
+ <key>tcommaaccent</key>
+ <string>tcommaaccent.glif</string>
+ <key>tdieresis</key>
+ <string>tdieresis.glif</string>
+ <key>tdotbelow</key>
+ <string>tdotbelow.glif</string>
+ <key>te-cy</key>
+ <string>te-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>tenge</key>
+ <string>tenge.glif</string>
+ <key>thinspace</key>
+ <string>thinspace.glif</string>
+ <key>thorn</key>
+ <string>thorn.glif</string>
+ <key>three</key>
+ <string>three.glif</string>
+ <key>three.dnom</key>
+ <string>three.dnom.glif</string>
+ <key>three.lf</key>
+ <string>three.lf.glif</string>
+ <key>three.numr</key>
+ <string>three.numr.glif</string>
+ <key>three.osf</key>
+ <string>three.osf.glif</string>
+ <key>three.subs</key>
+ <string>three.subs.glif</string>
+ <key>three.tf</key>
+ <string>three.tf.glif</string>
+ <key>three.tosf</key>
+ <string>three.tosf.glif</string>
+ <key>threeeighths</key>
+ <string>threeeighths.glif</string>
+ <key>threefifths</key>
+ <string>threefifths.glif</string>
+ <key>threeinferior</key>
+ <string>threeinferior.glif</string>
+ <key>threeperemspace</key>
+ <string>threeperemspace.glif</string>
+ <key>threequarters</key>
+ <string>threequarters.glif</string>
+ <key>threesuperior</key>
+ <string>threesuperior.glif</string>
+ <key>tilde</key>
+ <string>tilde.glif</string>
+ <key>tildecomb</key>
+ <string>tildecomb.glif</string>
+ <key>tildecomb.case</key>
+ <string>tildecomb.case.glif</string>
+ <key>tildecomb.loclVIET</key>
+ <string>tildecomb.loclV_I_E_T_.glif</string>
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+ <string>tildecomb_acutecomb.glif</string>
+ <key>tildecomb_dieresiscomb</key>
+ <string>tildecomb_dieresiscomb.glif</string>
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+ <string>tse-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>tshe-cy</key>
+ <string>tshe-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>tugrik</key>
+ <string>tugrik.glif</string>
+ <key>two</key>
+ <string>two.glif</string>
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+ <string>two.dnom.glif</string>
+ <key>two.lf</key>
+ <string>two.lf.glif</string>
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+ <string>two.numr.glif</string>
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+ <string>two.osf.glif</string>
+ <key>two.subs</key>
+ <string>two.subs.glif</string>
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+ <string>udieresis-cy.glif</string>
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+ <string>udieresisacute.glif</string>
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+ <string>udieresisgrave.glif</string>
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+ <string>uhornacute.glif</string>
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+ <string>uhorndotbelow.glif</string>
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+ <string>uhorngrave.glif</string>
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+ <string>uhornhookabove.glif</string>
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+ <string>uhorntilde.glif</string>
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+ <string>uhungarumlaut-cy.glif</string>
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+ <string>uinvertedbreve.glif</string>
+ <key>umacron</key>
+ <string>umacron.glif</string>
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+ <string>umacron-cy.glif</string>
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+ <string>umacrondieresis.glif</string>
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+ <string>underscore.glif</string>
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+ <string>upA_rrow.glif</string>
+ <key>uring</key>
+ <string>uring.glif</string>
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+ <string>ushort-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>ustraight-cy</key>
+ <string>ustraight-cy.glif</string>
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+ <string>ustraightstroke-cy.glif</string>
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+ <string>utilde.glif</string>
+ <key>utildeacute</key>
+ <string>utildeacute.glif</string>
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+ <string>v.glif</string>
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+ <string>ve-cy.glif</string>
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+ <string>verticallineabovecomb.glif</string>
+ <key>verticallinebelowcomb</key>
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+ <string>verticallinelowmod.glif</string>
+ <key>verticallinemod</key>
+ <string>verticallinemod.glif</string>
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+ <string>w.glif</string>
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+ <string>wacute.glif</string>
+ <key>wcircumflex</key>
+ <string>wcircumflex.glif</string>
+ <key>wdieresis</key>
+ <string>wdieresis.glif</string>
+ <key>we-cy</key>
+ <string>we-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>wgrave</key>
+ <string>wgrave.glif</string>
+ <key>whiteCircle</key>
+ <string>whiteC_ircle.glif</string>
+ <key>won</key>
+ <string>won.glif</string>
+ <key>x</key>
+ <string>x.glif</string>
+ <key>y</key>
+ <string>y.glif</string>
+ <key>yacute</key>
+ <string>yacute.glif</string>
+ <key>yat-cy</key>
+ <string>yat-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>ycircumflex</key>
+ <string>ycircumflex.glif</string>
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+ <string>ydieresis.glif</string>
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+ <string>ydotaccent.glif</string>
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+ <string>ydotbelow.glif</string>
+ <key>yen</key>
+ <string>yen.glif</string>
+ <key>yeru-cy</key>
+ <string>yeru-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>yerudieresis-cy</key>
+ <string>yerudieresis-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>ygrave</key>
+ <string>ygrave.glif</string>
+ <key>yhookabove</key>
+ <string>yhookabove.glif</string>
+ <key>yi-cy</key>
+ <string>yi-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>ymacron</key>
+ <string>ymacron.glif</string>
+ <key>ytilde</key>
+ <string>ytilde.glif</string>
+ <key>yusbig-cy</key>
+ <string>yusbig-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>z</key>
+ <string>z.glif</string>
+ <key>zacute</key>
+ <string>zacute.glif</string>
+ <key>zcaron</key>
+ <string>zcaron.glif</string>
+ <key>zdotaccent</key>
+ <string>zdotaccent.glif</string>
+ <key>zdotbelow</key>
+ <string>zdotbelow.glif</string>
+ <key>ze-cy</key>
+ <string>ze-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>zedescender-cy</key>
+ <string>zedescender-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>zedieresis-cy</key>
+ <string>zedieresis-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>zero</key>
+ <string>zero.glif</string>
+ <key>zero.dnom</key>
+ <string>zero.dnom.glif</string>
+ <key>zero.lf</key>
+ <string>zero.lf.glif</string>
+ <key>zero.lf.zero</key>
+ <string>zero.lf.zero.glif</string>
+ <key>zero.numr</key>
+ <string>zero.numr.glif</string>
+ <key>zero.osf</key>
+ <string>zero.osf.glif</string>
+ <key>zero.osf.zero</key>
+ <string>zero.osf.zero.glif</string>
+ <key>zero.subs</key>
+ <string>zero.subs.glif</string>
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+ <string>zero.tf.glif</string>
+ <key>zero.tf.zero</key>
+ <string>zero.tf.zero.glif</string>
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+ <string>zero.tosf.glif</string>
+ <key>zero.tosf.zero</key>
+ <string>zero.tosf.zero.glif</string>
+ <key>zero.zero</key>
+ <string>zero.zero.glif</string>
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+ <string>zeroinferior.glif</string>
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+ <string>zerosuperior.glif</string>
+ <key>zerothird</key>
+ <string>zerothird.glif</string>
+ <key>zerowidthspace</key>
+ <string>zerowidthspace.glif</string>
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+ <string>zhe-cy.glif</string>
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+ <string>zhedescender-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>zhedieresis-cy</key>
+ <string>zhedieresis-cy.glif</string>
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new file mode 100644
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3f5a2311
--- /dev/null
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new file mode 100644
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5704cebf
--- /dev/null
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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new file mode 100644
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
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+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyph.leftMetricsKey</key>
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+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyph.rightMetricsKey</key>
+ <string>five.lf</string>
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
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--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyph.rightMetricsKey</key>
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--- /dev/null
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+ <integer>580</integer>
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--- /dev/null
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+ <key>monoWidth</key>
+ <integer>580</integer>
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index 00000000..9e23feca
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
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+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyph.rightMetricsKey</key>
+ <string>five.numr</string>
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index 00000000..ade258b7
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
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+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyph.rightMetricsKey</key>
+ <string>five.dnom</string>
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e8d670fa
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
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+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyph.rightMetricsKey</key>
+ <string>five.numr</string>
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diff --git a/src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/fivesuperior.glif b/src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/fivesuperior.glif
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..14ff0fcf
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
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+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyph.rightMetricsKey</key>
+ <string>five.dnom</string>
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diff --git a/src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/fl.glif b/src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/fl.glif
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c8660196
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
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+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyph.rightMetricsKey</key>
+ <string>l</string>
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..60d4d533
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/florin.glif
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bcb604ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/four.dnom.glif
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
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+ <integer>-23</integer>
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+ <integer>74</integer>
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diff --git a/src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/four.glif b/src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/four.glif
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..37784459
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/four.glif
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
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+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyph.rightMetricsKey</key>
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index 00000000..3c9c2776
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..06297252
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/four.numr.glif
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyph.rightMetricsKey</key>
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index 00000000..497f37af
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
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index 00000000..b435f9a6
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
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+ <integer>-1</integer>
+ <integer>0</integer>
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..83911ab1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/kaverticalstroke-cy.glif
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
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+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyph.leftMetricsKey</key>
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+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyph.rightMetricsKey</key>
+ <string>ka-cy</string>
+ </dict>
+ </lib>
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6918daf4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/kcommaaccent.glif
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
+<glyph name="kcommaaccent" format="2">
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+ <component base="k"/>
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4b8eab82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/kgreenlandic.glif
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
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+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyph.rightMetricsKey</key>
+ <string>k</string>
+ </dict>
+ </lib>
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8bf63fb3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/kip.glif
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
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+ <advance width="753"/>
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+ <point x="104" y="694" type="line"/>
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+ </outline>
diff --git a/src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/kje-cy.glif b/src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/kje-cy.glif
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a7839620
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/kje-cy.glif
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
+<glyph name="kje-cy" format="2">
+ <advance width="562"/>
+ <unicode hex="045C"/>
+ <outline>
+ <component base="ka-cy"/>
+ <component base="acutecomb" xOffset="191"/>
+ </outline>
diff --git a/src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/l.glif b/src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/l.glif
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5da108a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/l.glif
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
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+ <point x="105" y="-8"/>
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+ </outline>
diff --git a/src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/lacute.glif b/src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/lacute.glif
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..280dd549
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/lacute.glif
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
+<glyph name="lacute" format="2">
+ <advance width="310"/>
+ <unicode hex="013A"/>
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+ <component base="l"/>
+ <component base="acutecomb.case" xOffset="48" yOffset="45"/>
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a880a192
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/layerinfo.plist
@@ -0,0 +1,2215 @@
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+<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
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+ <integer>1</integer>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.layerOrderInGlyph.Aacute</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.layerOrderInGlyph.Abreve</key>
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+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.layerOrderInGlyph.Abreveacute</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.layerOrderInGlyph.Abrevedotbelow</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.layerOrderInGlyph.Abrevegrave</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.layerOrderInGlyph.Abrevehookabove</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.layerOrderInGlyph.Abrevetilde</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.layerOrderInGlyph.Acaron</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
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+ <integer>1</integer>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.layerOrderInGlyph.Acircumflexacute</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.layerOrderInGlyph.Acircumflexdotbelow</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.layerOrderInGlyph.Acircumflexgrave</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.layerOrderInGlyph.Acircumflexhookabove</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.layerOrderInGlyph.Acircumflextilde</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.layerOrderInGlyph.Adblgrave</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.layerOrderInGlyph.Adieresis</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.layerOrderInGlyph.Adieresis-cy</key>
+ <integer>2</integer>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.layerOrderInGlyph.Adotbelow</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.layerOrderInGlyph.Agrave</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.layerOrderInGlyph.Ahookabove</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.layerOrderInGlyph.Aie-cy</key>
+ <integer>2</integer>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.layerOrderInGlyph.Ainvertedbreve</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.layerOrderInGlyph.Amacron</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.layerOrderInGlyph.Aogonek</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.layerOrderInGlyph.Aring</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.layerOrderInGlyph.Aringacute</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.layerOrderInGlyph.Atilde</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.layerOrderInGlyph.B</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.layerOrderInGlyph.Be-cy</key>
+ <integer>2</integer>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.layerOrderInGlyph.C</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.layerOrderInGlyph.Cacute</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.layerOrderInGlyph.Ccaron</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.layerOrderInGlyph.Ccedilla</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.layerOrderInGlyph.Ccedillaacute</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.layerOrderInGlyph.Ccircumflex</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.layerOrderInGlyph.Cdotaccent</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
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+ <integer>2</integer>
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+ <integer>2</integer>
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+ <integer>2</integer>
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+ <integer>2</integer>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.layerOrderInGlyph.D</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
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+ <integer>1</integer>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.layerOrderInGlyph.Dcaron</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.layerOrderInGlyph.Dcroat</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.layerOrderInGlyph.Ddotbelow</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
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+ <integer>2</integer>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.layerOrderInGlyph.Dje-cy</key>
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+ <integer>1</integer>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.layerOrderInGlyph.Dzcaron</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
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+ <integer>2</integer>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.layerOrderInGlyph.Dzhe-cy</key>
+ <integer>2</integer>
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+ <integer>1</integer>
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+ <integer>2</integer>
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+ <integer>1</integer>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.layerOrderInGlyph.Ebreve</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.layerOrderInGlyph.Ecaron</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.layerOrderInGlyph.Ecedillabreve</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.layerOrderInGlyph.Ecircumflex</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.layerOrderInGlyph.Ecircumflexacute</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.layerOrderInGlyph.Ecircumflexdotbelow</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
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+ <integer>1</integer>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.layerOrderInGlyph.Ecircumflexhookabove</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
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+ <integer>1</integer>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.layerOrderInGlyph.Edblgrave</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.layerOrderInGlyph.Edieresis</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.layerOrderInGlyph.Edotaccent</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.layerOrderInGlyph.Edotbelow</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.layerOrderInGlyph.Ef-cy</key>
+ <integer>2</integer>
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+ <integer>1</integer>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.layerOrderInGlyph.Ehookabove</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.layerOrderInGlyph.Einvertedbreve</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.layerOrderInGlyph.El-cy</key>
+ <integer>2</integer>
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+ <integer>1</integer>
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+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.layerOrderInGlyph.Endescender-cy</key>
+ <integer>2</integer>
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+ <integer>1</integer>
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+ <integer>2</integer>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.layerOrderInGlyph.Eogonek</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
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+ <integer>2</integer>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.layerOrderInGlyph.Esdescender-cy</key>
+ <integer>2</integer>
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+ <integer>1</integer>
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+ <integer>1</integer>
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+ <integer>2</integer>
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+ <integer>1</integer>
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+ <integer>1</integer>
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+ <integer>2</integer>
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+ <integer>1</integer>
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+ <integer>1</integer>
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+ <integer>1</integer>
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+ <integer>2</integer>
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+ <integer>1</integer>
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+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.layerOrderInGlyph.uring</key>
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+ <integer>2</integer>
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+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.layerOrderInGlyph.v</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
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+ <integer>2</integer>
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+ <integer>2</integer>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.layerOrderInGlyph.ygrave</key>
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+ <integer>1</integer>
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+ <integer>1</integer>
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--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1c05c6e4
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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+ <advance width="381"/>
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+ <component base="one.dnom" yOffset="260"/>
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+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyph.leftMetricsKey</key>
+ <string>one.dnom</string>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyph.rightMetricsKey</key>
+ <string>one.dnom</string>
+ </dict>
+ </lib>
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
+<glyph name="one.osf" format="2">
+ <advance width="484"/>
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+ <point x="470" y="0" type="line"/>
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+ <point x="47" y="141" type="line"/>
+ </contour>
+ </outline>
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..26923336
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/one.subs.glif
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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+<glyph name="one.subs" format="2">
+ <advance width="381"/>
+ <outline>
+ <component base="one.dnom" yOffset="-180"/>
+ </outline>
+ <lib>
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+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyph.leftMetricsKey</key>
+ <string>one.dnom</string>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyph.rightMetricsKey</key>
+ <string>one.dnom</string>
+ </dict>
+ </lib>
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index 00000000..44a670d7
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
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+ <point x="69" y="148" type="line"/>
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+ <dict>
+ <key>monoWidth</key>
+ <integer>580</integer>
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+ </lib>
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
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+ <point x="68" y="141" type="line"/>
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+ <key>monoWidth</key>
+ <integer>580</integer>
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/oneeighth.glif
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
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+ <component base="fraction" xOffset="381"/>
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+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyph.rightMetricsKey</key>
+ <string>one.numr</string>
+ </dict>
+ </lib>
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
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+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyph.leftMetricsKey</key>
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+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyph.rightMetricsKey</key>
+ <string>one.numr</string>
+ </dict>
+ </lib>
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e058357b
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
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+ <advance width="719"/>
+ <unicode hex="215F"/>
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+ <component base="one.numr"/>
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+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyph.leftMetricsKey</key>
+ <string>one.numr</string>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyph.rightMetricsKey</key>
+ <string>one.numr</string>
+ </dict>
+ </lib>
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/onehalf.glif
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
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+<glyph name="onehalf" format="2">
+ <advance width="1157"/>
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+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyph.leftMetricsKey</key>
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+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyph.rightMetricsKey</key>
+ <string>one.numr</string>
+ </dict>
+ </lib>
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7a3ae294
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/oneinferior.glif
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
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+ <advance width="381"/>
+ <unicode hex="2081"/>
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+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyph.leftMetricsKey</key>
+ <string>one.dnom</string>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyph.rightMetricsKey</key>
+ <string>one.dnom</string>
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..39e605ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/oneninth.glif
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
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+ <component base="fraction" xOffset="381"/>
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+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyph.leftMetricsKey</key>
+ <string>one.numr</string>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyph.rightMetricsKey</key>
+ <string>one.numr</string>
+ </dict>
+ </lib>
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8ec7a40b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/onequarter.glif
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
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+<glyph name="onequarter" format="2">
+ <advance width="1197"/>
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+ <component base="fraction" xOffset="381"/>
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+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyph.leftMetricsKey</key>
+ <string>one.numr</string>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyph.rightMetricsKey</key>
+ <string>one.numr</string>
+ </dict>
+ </lib>
diff --git a/src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/oneseventh.glif b/src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/oneseventh.glif
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2a1d605b
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
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+ <component base="fraction" xOffset="381"/>
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+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyph.leftMetricsKey</key>
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+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyph.rightMetricsKey</key>
+ <string>one.numr</string>
+ </dict>
+ </lib>
diff --git a/src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/onesixth.glif b/src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/onesixth.glif
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..830ba809
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/onesixth.glif
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
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+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyph.leftMetricsKey</key>
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+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyph.rightMetricsKey</key>
+ <string>one.numr</string>
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+ </lib>
diff --git a/src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/onesuperior.glif b/src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/onesuperior.glif
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..18dcc41e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/onesuperior.glif
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
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+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyph.leftMetricsKey</key>
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+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyph.rightMetricsKey</key>
+ <string>one.dnom</string>
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3c0db278
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/onetenth.glif
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
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+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyph.rightMetricsKey</key>
+ <string>one.numr</string>
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diff --git a/src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/onethird.glif b/src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/onethird.glif
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c8320b4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/onethird.glif
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
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+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyph.leftMetricsKey</key>
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+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyph.rightMetricsKey</key>
+ <string>one.numr</string>
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diff --git a/src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/oogonek.glif b/src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/oogonek.glif
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c1df5503
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
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+ <key>Tallness</key>
+ <integer>20</integer>
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e1dd63bb
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
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+ <integer>-50</integer>
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fca973fe
--- /dev/null
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+ <integer>-53</integer>
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--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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index 00000000..b52d1f59
--- /dev/null
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index 00000000..f132ae34
--- /dev/null
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..40bfc68f
--- /dev/null
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+ <integer>-1</integer>
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index 00000000..3e46d228
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
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--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..15a74cb2
--- /dev/null
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+ <key>monoWidth</key>
+ <integer>580</integer>
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diff --git a/src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/threeeighths.glif b/src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/threeeighths.glif
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fdda6184
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
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diff --git a/src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/threefifths.glif b/src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/threefifths.glif
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5fb03d78
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
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diff --git a/src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/threeinferior.glif
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..19d1a1e6
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
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+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyph.rightMetricsKey</key>
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diff --git a/src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/threeperemspace.glif
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..dd92a824
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
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diff --git a/src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/threequarters.glif
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..038a78bf
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
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+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyph.rightMetricsKey</key>
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diff --git a/src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/threesuperior.glif
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..07d8b646
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
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+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyph.rightMetricsKey</key>
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..85ee6bb0
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
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diff --git a/src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/tildecomb.case.glif
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f204f334
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..dac7a104
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
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--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
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+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
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+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>Em-cy</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.en-cy</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>En-cy</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.ereversed-cy</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>Ereversed-cy</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.five.dnom</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>five.lf</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.five.tf</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>five.lf</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.five.tosf</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>five.osf</string>
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+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.four.dnom</key>
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+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
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+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>four.lf</string>
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+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.four.tf</key>
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+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
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+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>four.lf</string>
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+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.four.tosf</key>
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+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
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+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>four.osf</string>
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+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.ge-cy</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>Ge-cy</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.ghemiddlehook-cy</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>Ghemiddlehook-cy</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.gravecomb.loclVIET</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>acutecomb</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.hardsign-cy</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>Hardsign-cy</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.hookabovecomb.loclVIET</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>hookabovecomb</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.ia-cy</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>Ia-cy</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.ii-cy</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>Ii-cy</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.iu-cy</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>Iu-cy</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.izhitsa-cy</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>Izhitsa-cy</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.ka-cy</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>Ka-cy</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.nine.dnom</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>nine.lf</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.nine.tf</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>nine.lf</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.nine.tosf</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>nine</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.one.dnom</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>one.lf</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.one.tf</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>one.lf</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.one.tosf</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>one.osf</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.ordfeminine</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>a</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.ordmasculine</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>o</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.pe-cy</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>Pe-cy</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.seven.dnom</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>seven.lf</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.seven.tf</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>seven.lf</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.seven.tosf</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>seven.osf</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.sha-cy</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>Sha-cy</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.shcha-cy</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>Shcha-cy</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.six.dnom</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>six.lf</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.six.tf</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>six.lf</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.six.tosf</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>six</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.softsign-cy</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>Softsign-cy</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.te-cy</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>Te-cy</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.three.dnom</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>three.lf</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.three.tf</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>three.lf</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.three.tosf</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>three.osf</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.tildecomb.loclVIET</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>tildecomb</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.tse-cy</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>Tse-cy</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.two.dnom</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>two.lf</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.two.tf</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>two.lf</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.two.tosf</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>two.osf</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.ve-cy</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>B</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.yeru-cy</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>Yeru-cy</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.yusbig-cy</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>Yusbig-cy</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.ze-cy</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>Ze-cy</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.zero.dnom</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>zero.lf</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.zero.tf</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>zero.lf</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.zero.tosf</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>zero.osf</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.zhe-cy</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>Zhe-cy</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
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+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.widthValue</key>
+ <integer>100</integer>
+ <key>public.glyphOrder</key>
+ <array>
+ <string>A</string>
+ <string>Aacute</string>
+ <string>Abreve</string>
+ <string>Abreveacute</string>
+ <string>Abrevedotbelow</string>
+ <string>Abrevegrave</string>
+ <string>Abrevehookabove</string>
+ <string>Abrevetilde</string>
+ <string>Acaron</string>
+ <string>Acircumflex</string>
+ <string>Acircumflexacute</string>
+ <string>Acircumflexdotbelow</string>
+ <string>Acircumflexgrave</string>
+ <string>Acircumflexhookabove</string>
+ <string>Acircumflextilde</string>
+ <string>Adblgrave</string>
+ <string>Adieresis</string>
+ <string>Adotbelow</string>
+ <string>Agrave</string>
+ <string>Ahookabove</string>
+ <string>Ainvertedbreve</string>
+ <string>Amacron</string>
+ <string>Aogonek</string>
+ <string>Aring</string>
+ <string>Aringacute</string>
+ <string>Atilde</string>
+ <string>AE</string>
+ <string>AEacute</string>
+ <string>B</string>
+ <string>C</string>
+ <string>Cacute</string>
+ <string>Ccaron</string>
+ <string>Ccedilla</string>
+ <string>Ccedillaacute</string>
+ <string>Ccircumflex</string>
+ <string>Cdotaccent</string>
+ <string>D</string>
+ <string>DZcaron</string>
+ <string>Eth</string>
+ <string>Dcaron</string>
+ <string>Dcroat</string>
+ <string>Ddotbelow</string>
+ <string>Dlinebelow</string>
+ <string>Dzcaron</string>
+ <string>E</string>
+ <string>Eacute</string>
+ <string>Ebreve</string>
+ <string>Ecaron</string>
+ <string>Ecedillabreve</string>
+ <string>Ecircumflex</string>
+ <string>Ecircumflexacute</string>
+ <string>Ecircumflexdotbelow</string>
+ <string>Ecircumflexgrave</string>
+ <string>Ecircumflexhookabove</string>
+ <string>Ecircumflextilde</string>
+ <string>Edblgrave</string>
+ <string>Edieresis</string>
+ <string>Edotaccent</string>
+ <string>Edotbelow</string>
+ <string>Egrave</string>
+ <string>Ehookabove</string>
+ <string>Einvertedbreve</string>
+ <string>Emacron</string>
+ <string>Emacronacute</string>
+ <string>Emacrongrave</string>
+ <string>Eogonek</string>
+ <string>Etilde</string>
+ <string>F</string>
+ <string>G</string>
+ <string>Gbreve</string>
+ <string>Gcaron</string>
+ <string>Gcircumflex</string>
+ <string>Gcommaaccent</string>
+ <string>Gdotaccent</string>
+ <string>Gmacron</string>
+ <string>H</string>
+ <string>Hbar</string>
+ <string>Hbrevebelow</string>
+ <string>Hcircumflex</string>
+ <string>Hdotbelow</string>
+ <string>I</string>
+ <string>Iacute</string>
+ <string>Ibreve</string>
+ <string>Icaron</string>
+ <string>Icircumflex</string>
+ <string>Idblgrave</string>
+ <string>Idieresis</string>
+ <string>Idieresisacute</string>
+ <string>Idotaccent</string>
+ <string>Idotbelow</string>
+ <string>Igrave</string>
+ <string>Ihookabove</string>
+ <string>Iinvertedbreve</string>
+ <string>Imacron</string>
+ <string>Iogonek</string>
+ <string>Itilde</string>
+ <string>J</string>
+ <string>Jacute</string>
+ <string>Jcircumflex</string>
+ <string>K</string>
+ <string>Kacute</string>
+ <string>Kcommaaccent</string>
+ <string>L</string>
+ <string>LJ</string>
+ <string>Lacute</string>
+ <string>Lcaron</string>
+ <string>Lcommaaccent</string>
+ <string>Ldot</string>
+ <string>Ldotbelow</string>
+ <string>Lj</string>
+ <string>Llinebelow</string>
+ <string>Lslash</string>
+ <string>M</string>
+ <string>Mdotbelow</string>
+ <string>N</string>
+ <string>NJ</string>
+ <string>Nacute</string>
+ <string>Ncaron</string>
+ <string>Ncommaaccent</string>
+ <string>Ndotaccent</string>
+ <string>Ndotbelow</string>
+ <string>Eng</string>
+ <string>Nj</string>
+ <string>Nlinebelow</string>
+ <string>Ntilde</string>
+ <string>O</string>
+ <string>Oacute</string>
+ <string>Obreve</string>
+ <string>Ocaron</string>
+ <string>Ocircumflex</string>
+ <string>Ocircumflexacute</string>
+ <string>Ocircumflexdotbelow</string>
+ <string>Ocircumflexgrave</string>
+ <string>Ocircumflexhookabove</string>
+ <string>Ocircumflextilde</string>
+ <string>Odblgrave</string>
+ <string>Odieresis</string>
+ <string>Odieresismacron</string>
+ <string>Odotaccentmacron</string>
+ <string>Odotbelow</string>
+ <string>Ograve</string>
+ <string>Ohookabove</string>
+ <string>Ohorn</string>
+ <string>Ohornacute</string>
+ <string>Ohorndotbelow</string>
+ <string>Ohorngrave</string>
+ <string>Ohornhookabove</string>
+ <string>Ohorntilde</string>
+ <string>Ohungarumlaut</string>
+ <string>Oinvertedbreve</string>
+ <string>Omacron</string>
+ <string>Omacronacute</string>
+ <string>Omacrongrave</string>
+ <string>Oogonek</string>
+ <string>Oslash</string>
+ <string>Oslashacute</string>
+ <string>Otilde</string>
+ <string>Otildeacute</string>
+ <string>Otildedieresis</string>
+ <string>Otildemacron</string>
+ <string>OE</string>
+ <string>P</string>
+ <string>Thorn</string>
+ <string>Q</string>
+ <string>R</string>
+ <string>Racute</string>
+ <string>Rcaron</string>
+ <string>Rcommaaccent</string>
+ <string>Rdblgrave</string>
+ <string>Rdotbelow</string>
+ <string>Rinvertedbreve</string>
+ <string>Rlinebelow</string>
+ <string>S</string>
+ <string>Sacute</string>
+ <string>Sacutedotaccent</string>
+ <string>Saltillo</string>
+ <string>Scaron</string>
+ <string>Scarondotaccent</string>
+ <string>Scedilla</string>
+ <string>Scircumflex</string>
+ <string>Scommaaccent</string>
+ <string>Sdotaccent</string>
+ <string>Sdotbelow</string>
+ <string>Sdotbelowdotaccent</string>
+ <string>Germandbls</string>
+ <string>Schwa</string>
+ <string>T</string>
+ <string>Tbar</string>
+ <string>Tcaron</string>
+ <string>Tcedilla</string>
+ <string>Tcommaaccent</string>
+ <string>Tdotbelow</string>
+ <string>Tlinebelow</string>
+ <string>U</string>
+ <string>Uacute</string>
+ <string>Ubreve</string>
+ <string>Ucaron</string>
+ <string>Ucircumflex</string>
+ <string>Udblgrave</string>
+ <string>Udieresis</string>
+ <string>Udieresisacute</string>
+ <string>Udieresiscaron</string>
+ <string>Udieresisgrave</string>
+ <string>Udieresismacron</string>
+ <string>Udotbelow</string>
+ <string>Ugrave</string>
+ <string>Uhookabove</string>
+ <string>Uhorn</string>
+ <string>Uhornacute</string>
+ <string>Uhorndotbelow</string>
+ <string>Uhorngrave</string>
+ <string>Uhornhookabove</string>
+ <string>Uhorntilde</string>
+ <string>Uhungarumlaut</string>
+ <string>Uinvertedbreve</string>
+ <string>Umacron</string>
+ <string>Umacrondieresis</string>
+ <string>Uogonek</string>
+ <string>Uring</string>
+ <string>Utilde</string>
+ <string>Utildeacute</string>
+ <string>V</string>
+ <string>W</string>
+ <string>Wacute</string>
+ <string>Wcircumflex</string>
+ <string>Wdieresis</string>
+ <string>Wgrave</string>
+ <string>X</string>
+ <string>Y</string>
+ <string>Yacute</string>
+ <string>Ycircumflex</string>
+ <string>Ydieresis</string>
+ <string>Ydotaccent</string>
+ <string>Ydotbelow</string>
+ <string>Ygrave</string>
+ <string>Yhookabove</string>
+ <string>Ymacron</string>
+ <string>Ytilde</string>
+ <string>Z</string>
+ <string>Zacute</string>
+ <string>Zcaron</string>
+ <string>Zdotaccent</string>
+ <string>Zdotbelow</string>
+ <string>a</string>
+ <string>aacute</string>
+ <string>abreve</string>
+ <string>abreveacute</string>
+ <string>abrevedotbelow</string>
+ <string>abrevegrave</string>
+ <string>abrevehookabove</string>
+ <string>abrevetilde</string>
+ <string>acaron</string>
+ <string>acircumflex</string>
+ <string>acircumflexacute</string>
+ <string>acircumflexdotbelow</string>
+ <string>acircumflexgrave</string>
+ <string>acircumflexhookabove</string>
+ <string>acircumflextilde</string>
+ <string>adblgrave</string>
+ <string>adieresis</string>
+ <string>adotbelow</string>
+ <string>agrave</string>
+ <string>ahookabove</string>
+ <string>ainvertedbreve</string>
+ <string>amacron</string>
+ <string>aogonek</string>
+ <string>aring</string>
+ <string>aringacute</string>
+ <string>atilde</string>
+ <string>ae</string>
+ <string>aeacute</string>
+ <string>b</string>
+ <string>c</string>
+ <string>cacute</string>
+ <string>ccaron</string>
+ <string>ccedilla</string>
+ <string>ccedillaacute</string>
+ <string>ccircumflex</string>
+ <string>cdotaccent</string>
+ <string>d</string>
+ <string>eth</string>
+ <string>dcaron</string>
+ <string>dcroat</string>
+ <string>ddotbelow</string>
+ <string>dlinebelow</string>
+ <string>dzcaron</string>
+ <string>e</string>
+ <string>eacute</string>
+ <string>ebreve</string>
+ <string>ecaron</string>
+ <string>ecedillabreve</string>
+ <string>ecircumflex</string>
+ <string>ecircumflexacute</string>
+ <string>ecircumflexdotbelow</string>
+ <string>ecircumflexgrave</string>
+ <string>ecircumflexhookabove</string>
+ <string>ecircumflextilde</string>
+ <string>edblgrave</string>
+ <string>edieresis</string>
+ <string>edotaccent</string>
+ <string>edotbelow</string>
+ <string>egrave</string>
+ <string>ehookabove</string>
+ <string>einvertedbreve</string>
+ <string>emacron</string>
+ <string>emacronacute</string>
+ <string>emacrongrave</string>
+ <string>eogonek</string>
+ <string>etilde</string>
+ <string>schwa</string>
+ <string>f</string>
+ <string>g</string>
+ <string>gbreve</string>
+ <string>gcaron</string>
+ <string>gcircumflex</string>
+ <string>gcommaaccent</string>
+ <string>gdotaccent</string>
+ <string>gmacron</string>
+ <string>h</string>
+ <string>hbar</string>
+ <string>hbrevebelow</string>
+ <string>hcircumflex</string>
+ <string>hdotbelow</string>
+ <string>i</string>
+ <string>idotless</string>
+ <string>iacute</string>
+ <string>ibreve</string>
+ <string>icaron</string>
+ <string>icircumflex</string>
+ <string>idblgrave</string>
+ <string>idieresis</string>
+ <string>idieresisacute</string>
+ <string>idotaccent</string>
+ <string>idotbelow</string>
+ <string>igrave</string>
+ <string>ihookabove</string>
+ <string>iinvertedbreve</string>
+ <string>imacron</string>
+ <string>iogonek</string>
+ <string>itilde</string>
+ <string>j</string>
+ <string>jdotless</string>
+ <string>jacute</string>
+ <string>jcircumflex</string>
+ <string>k</string>
+ <string>kacute</string>
+ <string>kcommaaccent</string>
+ <string>kgreenlandic</string>
+ <string>l</string>
+ <string>lacute</string>
+ <string>lcaron</string>
+ <string>lcommaaccent</string>
+ <string>ldot</string>
+ <string>ldotbelow</string>
+ <string>lj</string>
+ <string>llinebelow</string>
+ <string>lslash</string>
+ <string>m</string>
+ <string>mdotbelow</string>
+ <string>n</string>
+ <string>nacute</string>
+ <string>ncaron</string>
+ <string>ncommaaccent</string>
+ <string>ndotaccent</string>
+ <string>ndotbelow</string>
+ <string>eng</string>
+ <string>nj</string>
+ <string>nlinebelow</string>
+ <string>ntilde</string>
+ <string>o</string>
+ <string>oacute</string>
+ <string>obreve</string>
+ <string>ocaron</string>
+ <string>ocircumflex</string>
+ <string>ocircumflexacute</string>
+ <string>ocircumflexdotbelow</string>
+ <string>ocircumflexgrave</string>
+ <string>ocircumflexhookabove</string>
+ <string>ocircumflextilde</string>
+ <string>odblgrave</string>
+ <string>odieresis</string>
+ <string>odieresismacron</string>
+ <string>odotaccentmacron</string>
+ <string>odotbelow</string>
+ <string>ograve</string>
+ <string>ohookabove</string>
+ <string>ohorn</string>
+ <string>ohornacute</string>
+ <string>ohorndotbelow</string>
+ <string>ohorngrave</string>
+ <string>ohornhookabove</string>
+ <string>ohorntilde</string>
+ <string>ohungarumlaut</string>
+ <string>oinvertedbreve</string>
+ <string>omacron</string>
+ <string>omacronacute</string>
+ <string>omacrongrave</string>
+ <string>oogonek</string>
+ <string>oslash</string>
+ <string>oslashacute</string>
+ <string>otilde</string>
+ <string>otildeacute</string>
+ <string>otildedieresis</string>
+ <string>otildemacron</string>
+ <string>oe</string>
+ <string>p</string>
+ <string>thorn</string>
+ <string>q</string>
+ <string>r</string>
+ <string>racute</string>
+ <string>rcaron</string>
+ <string>rcommaaccent</string>
+ <string>rdblgrave</string>
+ <string>rdotbelow</string>
+ <string>rinvertedbreve</string>
+ <string>rlinebelow</string>
+ <string>s</string>
+ <string>sacute</string>
+ <string>sacutedotaccent</string>
+ <string>saltillo</string>
+ <string>scaron</string>
+ <string>scarondotaccent</string>
+ <string>scedilla</string>
+ <string>scircumflex</string>
+ <string>scommaaccent</string>
+ <string>sdotaccent</string>
+ <string>sdotbelow</string>
+ <string>sdotbelowdotaccent</string>
+ <string>germandbls</string>
+ <string>t</string>
+ <string>tbar</string>
+ <string>tcaron</string>
+ <string>tcedilla</string>
+ <string>tcommaaccent</string>
+ <string>tdieresis</string>
+ <string>tdotbelow</string>
+ <string>tlinebelow</string>
+ <string>u</string>
+ <string>uacute</string>
+ <string>ubreve</string>
+ <string>ucaron</string>
+ <string>ucircumflex</string>
+ <string>udblgrave</string>
+ <string>udieresis</string>
+ <string>udieresisacute</string>
+ <string>udieresiscaron</string>
+ <string>udieresisgrave</string>
+ <string>udieresismacron</string>
+ <string>udotbelow</string>
+ <string>ugrave</string>
+ <string>uhookabove</string>
+ <string>uhorn</string>
+ <string>uhornacute</string>
+ <string>uhorndotbelow</string>
+ <string>uhorngrave</string>
+ <string>uhornhookabove</string>
+ <string>uhorntilde</string>
+ <string>uhungarumlaut</string>
+ <string>uinvertedbreve</string>
+ <string>umacron</string>
+ <string>umacrondieresis</string>
+ <string>uogonek</string>
+ <string>uring</string>
+ <string>utilde</string>
+ <string>utildeacute</string>
+ <string>v</string>
+ <string>w</string>
+ <string>wacute</string>
+ <string>wcircumflex</string>
+ <string>wdieresis</string>
+ <string>wgrave</string>
+ <string>x</string>
+ <string>y</string>
+ <string>yacute</string>
+ <string>ycircumflex</string>
+ <string>ydieresis</string>
+ <string>ydotaccent</string>
+ <string>ydotbelow</string>
+ <string>ygrave</string>
+ <string>yhookabove</string>
+ <string>ymacron</string>
+ <string>ytilde</string>
+ <string>z</string>
+ <string>zacute</string>
+ <string>zcaron</string>
+ <string>zdotaccent</string>
+ <string>zdotbelow</string>
+ <string>f_f</string>
+ <string>f_f_i</string>
+ <string>f_f_l</string>
+ <string>fi</string>
+ <string>fl</string>
+ <string>ordfeminine</string>
+ <string>ordmasculine</string>
+ <string>A-cy</string>
+ <string>Be-cy</string>
+ <string>Ve-cy</string>
+ <string>Ge-cy</string>
+ <string>Gje-cy</string>
+ <string>Gheupturn-cy</string>
+ <string>De-cy</string>
+ <string>Ie-cy</string>
+ <string>Iegrave-cy</string>
+ <string>Io-cy</string>
+ <string>Zhe-cy</string>
+ <string>Ze-cy</string>
+ <string>Ii-cy</string>
+ <string>Iishort-cy</string>
+ <string>Iigrave-cy</string>
+ <string>Ka-cy</string>
+ <string>Kje-cy</string>
+ <string>El-cy</string>
+ <string>Em-cy</string>
+ <string>En-cy</string>
+ <string>O-cy</string>
+ <string>Pe-cy</string>
+ <string>Er-cy</string>
+ <string>Es-cy</string>
+ <string>Te-cy</string>
+ <string>U-cy</string>
+ <string>Ushort-cy</string>
+ <string>Ef-cy</string>
+ <string>Ha-cy</string>
+ <string>Che-cy</string>
+ <string>Tse-cy</string>
+ <string>Sha-cy</string>
+ <string>Shcha-cy</string>
+ <string>Dzhe-cy</string>
+ <string>Softsign-cy</string>
+ <string>Hardsign-cy</string>
+ <string>Yeru-cy</string>
+ <string>Lje-cy</string>
+ <string>Nje-cy</string>
+ <string>Dze-cy</string>
+ <string>E-cy</string>
+ <string>Ereversed-cy</string>
+ <string>I-cy</string>
+ <string>Yi-cy</string>
+ <string>Je-cy</string>
+ <string>Tshe-cy</string>
+ <string>Iu-cy</string>
+ <string>Ia-cy</string>
+ <string>Dje-cy</string>
+ <string>Yat-cy</string>
+ <string>Yusbig-cy</string>
+ <string>Fita-cy</string>
+ <string>Izhitsa-cy</string>
+ <string>Ghestroke-cy</string>
+ <string>Ghemiddlehook-cy</string>
+ <string>Zhedescender-cy</string>
+ <string>Zedescender-cy</string>
+ <string>Kadescender-cy</string>
+ <string>Kaverticalstroke-cy</string>
+ <string>Kabashkir-cy</string>
+ <string>Endescender-cy</string>
+ <string>Enghe-cy</string>
+ <string>Esdescender-cy</string>
+ <string>Ustraight-cy</string>
+ <string>Ustraightstroke-cy</string>
+ <string>Hadescender-cy</string>
+ <string>Chedescender-cy</string>
+ <string>Cheverticalstroke-cy</string>
+ <string>Shha-cy</string>
+ <string>Palochka-cy</string>
+ <string>Zhebreve-cy</string>
+ <string>Chekhakassian-cy</string>
+ <string>Abreve-cy</string>
+ <string>Adieresis-cy</string>
+ <string>Aie-cy</string>
+ <string>Iebreve-cy</string>
+ <string>Schwa-cy</string>
+ <string>Zhedieresis-cy</string>
+ <string>Zedieresis-cy</string>
+ <string>Imacron-cy</string>
+ <string>Idieresis-cy</string>
+ <string>Odieresis-cy</string>
+ <string>Obarred-cy</string>
+ <string>Umacron-cy</string>
+ <string>Udieresis-cy</string>
+ <string>Uhungarumlaut-cy</string>
+ <string>Chedieresis-cy</string>
+ <string>Gedescender-cy</string>
+ <string>Yerudieresis-cy</string>
+ <string>Qa-cy</string>
+ <string>We-cy</string>
+ <string>a-cy</string>
+ <string>be-cy</string>
+ <string>ve-cy</string>
+ <string>ge-cy</string>
+ <string>gje-cy</string>
+ <string>gheupturn-cy</string>
+ <string>de-cy</string>
+ <string>ie-cy</string>
+ <string>iegrave-cy</string>
+ <string>io-cy</string>
+ <string>zhe-cy</string>
+ <string>ze-cy</string>
+ <string>ii-cy</string>
+ <string>iishort-cy</string>
+ <string>iigrave-cy</string>
+ <string>ka-cy</string>
+ <string>kje-cy</string>
+ <string>el-cy</string>
+ <string>em-cy</string>
+ <string>en-cy</string>
+ <string>o-cy</string>
+ <string>pe-cy</string>
+ <string>er-cy</string>
+ <string>es-cy</string>
+ <string>te-cy</string>
+ <string>u-cy</string>
+ <string>ushort-cy</string>
+ <string>ef-cy</string>
+ <string>ha-cy</string>
+ <string>che-cy</string>
+ <string>tse-cy</string>
+ <string>sha-cy</string>
+ <string>shcha-cy</string>
+ <string>dzhe-cy</string>
+ <string>softsign-cy</string>
+ <string>hardsign-cy</string>
+ <string>yeru-cy</string>
+ <string>lje-cy</string>
+ <string>nje-cy</string>
+ <string>dze-cy</string>
+ <string>e-cy</string>
+ <string>ereversed-cy</string>
+ <string>i-cy</string>
+ <string>yi-cy</string>
+ <string>je-cy</string>
+ <string>tshe-cy</string>
+ <string>iu-cy</string>
+ <string>ia-cy</string>
+ <string>dje-cy</string>
+ <string>yat-cy</string>
+ <string>yusbig-cy</string>
+ <string>fita-cy</string>
+ <string>izhitsa-cy</string>
+ <string>ghestroke-cy</string>
+ <string>ghemiddlehook-cy</string>
+ <string>zhedescender-cy</string>
+ <string>zedescender-cy</string>
+ <string>kadescender-cy</string>
+ <string>kaverticalstroke-cy</string>
+ <string>kabashkir-cy</string>
+ <string>endescender-cy</string>
+ <string>enghe-cy</string>
+ <string>esdescender-cy</string>
+ <string>ustraight-cy</string>
+ <string>ustraightstroke-cy</string>
+ <string>hadescender-cy</string>
+ <string>chedescender-cy</string>
+ <string>cheverticalstroke-cy</string>
+ <string>shha-cy</string>
+ <string>palochka-cy</string>
+ <string>zhebreve-cy</string>
+ <string>chekhakassian-cy</string>
+ <string>abreve-cy</string>
+ <string>adieresis-cy</string>
+ <string>aie-cy</string>
+ <string>iebreve-cy</string>
+ <string>schwa-cy</string>
+ <string>zhedieresis-cy</string>
+ <string>zedieresis-cy</string>
+ <string>imacron-cy</string>
+ <string>idieresis-cy</string>
+ <string>odieresis-cy</string>
+ <string>obarred-cy</string>
+ <string>umacron-cy</string>
+ <string>udieresis-cy</string>
+ <string>uhungarumlaut-cy</string>
+ <string>chedieresis-cy</string>
+ <string>gedescender-cy</string>
+ <string>yerudieresis-cy</string>
+ <string>qa-cy</string>
+ <string>we-cy</string>
+ <string>pi</string>
+ <string>zero</string>
+ <string>one</string>
+ <string>two</string>
+ <string>three</string>
+ <string>four</string>
+ <string>five</string>
+ <string>six</string>
+ <string>seven</string>
+ <string>eight</string>
+ <string>nine</string>
+ <string>zero.lf</string>
+ <string>one.lf</string>
+ <string>two.lf</string>
+ <string>three.lf</string>
+ <string>four.lf</string>
+ <string>five.lf</string>
+ <string>six.lf</string>
+ <string>seven.lf</string>
+ <string>eight.lf</string>
+ <string>nine.lf</string>
+ <string>zero.lf.zero</string>
+ <string>zero.osf</string>
+ <string>one.osf</string>
+ <string>two.osf</string>
+ <string>three.osf</string>
+ <string>four.osf</string>
+ <string>five.osf</string>
+ <string>six.osf</string>
+ <string>seven.osf</string>
+ <string>eight.osf</string>
+ <string>nine.osf</string>
+ <string>zero.osf.zero</string>
+ <string>six.ss01</string>
+ <string>nine.ss01</string>
+ <string>zero.tf</string>
+ <string>one.tf</string>
+ <string>two.tf</string>
+ <string>three.tf</string>
+ <string>four.tf</string>
+ <string>five.tf</string>
+ <string>six.tf</string>
+ <string>seven.tf</string>
+ <string>eight.tf</string>
+ <string>nine.tf</string>
+ <string>zero.tf.zero</string>
+ <string>zero.tosf</string>
+ <string>one.tosf</string>
+ <string>two.tosf</string>
+ <string>three.tosf</string>
+ <string>four.tosf</string>
+ <string>five.tosf</string>
+ <string>six.tosf</string>
+ <string>seven.tosf</string>
+ <string>eight.tosf</string>
+ <string>nine.tosf</string>
+ <string>zero.tosf.zero</string>
+ <string>zero.zero</string>
+ <string>zeroinferior</string>
+ <string>oneinferior</string>
+ <string>twoinferior</string>
+ <string>threeinferior</string>
+ <string>fourinferior</string>
+ <string>fiveinferior</string>
+ <string>sixinferior</string>
+ <string>seveninferior</string>
+ <string>eightinferior</string>
+ <string>nineinferior</string>
+ <string>zero.subs</string>
+ <string>one.subs</string>
+ <string>two.subs</string>
+ <string>three.subs</string>
+ <string>four.subs</string>
+ <string>five.subs</string>
+ <string>six.subs</string>
+ <string>seven.subs</string>
+ <string>eight.subs</string>
+ <string>nine.subs</string>
+ <string>zero.dnom</string>
+ <string>one.dnom</string>
+ <string>two.dnom</string>
+ <string>three.dnom</string>
+ <string>four.dnom</string>
+ <string>five.dnom</string>
+ <string>six.dnom</string>
+ <string>seven.dnom</string>
+ <string>eight.dnom</string>
+ <string>nine.dnom</string>
+ <string>zero.numr</string>
+ <string>one.numr</string>
+ <string>two.numr</string>
+ <string>three.numr</string>
+ <string>four.numr</string>
+ <string>five.numr</string>
+ <string>six.numr</string>
+ <string>seven.numr</string>
+ <string>eight.numr</string>
+ <string>nine.numr</string>
+ <string>zerosuperior</string>
+ <string>onesuperior</string>
+ <string>twosuperior</string>
+ <string>threesuperior</string>
+ <string>foursuperior</string>
+ <string>fivesuperior</string>
+ <string>sixsuperior</string>
+ <string>sevensuperior</string>
+ <string>eightsuperior</string>
+ <string>ninesuperior</string>
+ <string>fraction</string>
+ <string>onefraction</string>
+ <string>onehalf</string>
+ <string>zerothird</string>
+ <string>onethird</string>
+ <string>twothirds</string>
+ <string>onequarter</string>
+ <string>threequarters</string>
+ <string>onefifth</string>
+ <string>twofifths</string>
+ <string>threefifths</string>
+ <string>fourfifths</string>
+ <string>onesixth</string>
+ <string>fivesixths</string>
+ <string>oneseventh</string>
+ <string>oneeighth</string>
+ <string>threeeighths</string>
+ <string>fiveeighths</string>
+ <string>seveneighths</string>
+ <string>oneninth</string>
+ <string>onetenth</string>
+ <string>period</string>
+ <string>comma</string>
+ <string>colon</string>
+ <string>semicolon</string>
+ <string>ellipsis</string>
+ <string>exclam</string>
+ <string>exclamdown</string>
+ <string>question</string>
+ <string>questiondown</string>
+ <string>periodcentered</string>
+ <string>bullet</string>
+ <string>asterisk</string>
+ <string>numbersign</string>
+ <string>slash</string>
+ <string>backslash</string>
+ <string>periodcentered.loclCAT.case</string>
+ <string>periodcentered.loclCAT</string>
+ <string>parenleft</string>
+ <string>parenright</string>
+ <string>braceleft</string>
+ <string>braceright</string>
+ <string>bracketleft</string>
+ <string>bracketright</string>
+ <string>hyphen</string>
+ <string>softhyphen</string>
+ <string>endash</string>
+ <string>emdash</string>
+ <string>figuredash</string>
+ <string>horizontalbar</string>
+ <string>hyphentwo</string>
+ <string>nonbreakinghyphen</string>
+ <string>underscore</string>
+ <string>quotesinglbase</string>
+ <string>quotedblbase</string>
+ <string>quotedblleft</string>
+ <string>quotedblright</string>
+ <string>quoteleft</string>
+ <string>quoteright</string>
+ <string>guillemetleft</string>
+ <string>guillemetright</string>
+ <string>guilsinglleft</string>
+ <string>guilsinglright</string>
+ <string>primeReversed</string>
+ <string>tripleprime</string>
+ <string>quotedbl</string>
+ <string>quotesingle</string>
+ <string>leftanglebracket-math</string>
+ <string>rightanglebracket-math</string>
+ <string>emquad</string>
+ <string>emspace</string>
+ <string>enquad</string>
+ <string>enspace</string>
+ <string>figurespace</string>
+ <string>fourperemspace</string>
+ <string>hairspace</string>
+ <string>punctuationspace</string>
+ <string>sixperemspace</string>
+ <string>space</string>
+ <string>nbspace</string>
+ <string>thinspace</string>
+ <string>threeperemspace</string>
+ <string>zerowidthspace</string>
+ <string>cedi</string>
+ <string>cent</string>
+ <string>colonsign</string>
+ <string>currency</string>
+ <string>dollar</string>
+ <string>dong</string>
+ <string>euro</string>
+ <string>florin</string>
+ <string>franc</string>
+ <string>guarani</string>
+ <string>kip</string>
+ <string>lira</string>
+ <string>liraTurkish</string>
+ <string>manat</string>
+ <string>naira</string>
+ <string>peseta</string>
+ <string>peso</string>
+ <string>ruble</string>
+ <string>rupeeIndian</string>
+ <string>sterling</string>
+ <string>won</string>
+ <string>yen</string>
+ <string>hryvnia</string>
+ <string>tenge</string>
+ <string>tugrik</string>
+ <string>bulletoperator</string>
+ <string>commercialMinusSign</string>
+ <string>divisionslash</string>
+ <string>equivalence</string>
+ <string>notidentical</string>
+ <string>plus</string>
+ <string>minus</string>
+ <string>multiply</string>
+ <string>divide</string>
+ <string>equal</string>
+ <string>notequal</string>
+ <string>greater</string>
+ <string>less</string>
+ <string>greaterequal</string>
+ <string>lessequal</string>
+ <string>plusminus</string>
+ <string>approxequal</string>
+ <string>logicalnot</string>
+ <string>asciitilde</string>
+ <string>asciicircum</string>
+ <string>emptyset</string>
+ <string>infinity</string>
+ <string>integral</string>
+ <string>Ohm</string>
+ <string>increment</string>
+ <string>product</string>
+ <string>summation</string>
+ <string>radical</string>
+ <string>partialdiff</string>
+ <string>micro</string>
+ <string>percent</string>
+ <string>perthousand</string>
+ <string>ratio</string>
+ <string>bulletoperator.tf</string>
+ <string>commercialMinusSign.tf</string>
+ <string>divisionslash.tf</string>
+ <string>equivalence.tf</string>
+ <string>notidentical.tf</string>
+ <string>plus.tf</string>
+ <string>minus.tf</string>
+ <string>multiply.tf</string>
+ <string>divide.tf</string>
+ <string>equal.tf</string>
+ <string>notequal.tf</string>
+ <string>greater.tf</string>
+ <string>less.tf</string>
+ <string>greaterequal.tf</string>
+ <string>lessequal.tf</string>
+ <string>plusminus.tf</string>
+ <string>approxequal.tf</string>
+ <string>logicalnot.tf</string>
+ <string>upArrow</string>
+ <string>rightArrow</string>
+ <string>downArrow</string>
+ <string>leftArrow</string>
+ <string>blackCircle</string>
+ <string>whiteCircle</string>
+ <string>lozenge</string>
+ <string>at</string>
+ <string>ampersand</string>
+ <string>paragraph</string>
+ <string>section</string>
+ <string>copyright</string>
+ <string>registered</string>
+ <string>trademark</string>
+ <string>degree</string>
+ <string>minute</string>
+ <string>second</string>
+ <string>bar</string>
+ <string>brokenbar</string>
+ <string>dagger</string>
+ <string>literSign</string>
+ <string>daggerdbl</string>
+ <string>estimated</string>
+ <string>numero</string>
+ <string>blank</string>
+ <string>apostrophemod</string>
+ <string>commaturnedmod</string>
+ <string>doubleprimemod</string>
+ <string>firsttonechinese</string>
+ <string>fourthtonechinese</string>
+ <string>primemod</string>
+ <string>ringhalfleft</string>
+ <string>ringhalfright</string>
+ <string>secondtonechinese</string>
+ <string>verticallinelowmod</string>
+ <string>verticallinemod</string>
+ <string>dieresiscomb</string>
+ <string>dieresiscomb_gravecomb</string>
+ <string>dieresiscomb_acutecomb</string>
+ <string>dieresiscomb_caroncomb</string>
+ <string>dieresiscomb_macroncomb</string>
+ <string>dotaccentcomb</string>
+ <string>dotaccentcomb_macroncomb</string>
+ <string>gravecomb</string>
+ <string>acutecomb</string>
+ <string>acutecomb_dotaccentcomb</string>
+ <string>hungarumlautcomb</string>
+ <string>caroncomb.alt</string>
+ <string>circumflexcomb</string>
+ <string>caroncomb</string>
+ <string>caroncomb_dotaccentcomb</string>
+ <string>brevecomb</string>
+ <string>ringcomb</string>
+ <string>ringcomb_acutecomb</string>
+ <string>tildecomb</string>
+ <string>tildecomb_dieresiscomb</string>
+ <string>tildecomb_acutecomb</string>
+ <string>tildecomb_macroncomb</string>
+ <string>macroncomb</string>
+ <string>macroncomb_dieresiscomb</string>
+ <string>macroncomb_gravecomb</string>
+ <string>macroncomb_acutecomb</string>
+ <string>hookabovecomb</string>
+ <string>verticallineabovecomb</string>
+ <string>dblgravecomb</string>
+ <string>breveinvertedcomb</string>
+ <string>commaturnedabovecomb</string>
+ <string>horncomb</string>
+ <string>dotbelowcomb</string>
+ <string>dieresisbelowcomb</string>
+ <string>commaaccentcomb</string>
+ <string>cedillacomb</string>
+ <string>ogonekcomb</string>
+ <string>verticallinebelowcomb</string>
+ <string>brevebelowcomb</string>
+ <string>macronbelowcomb</string>
+ <string>strokeshortcomb</string>
+ <string>strokelongcomb</string>
+ <string>slashshortcomb</string>
+ <string>slashlongcomb</string>
+ <string>acute</string>
+ <string>breve</string>
+ <string>caron</string>
+ <string>cedilla</string>
+ <string>circumflex</string>
+ <string>dieresis</string>
+ <string>dotaccent</string>
+ <string>grave</string>
+ <string>hungarumlaut</string>
+ <string>macron</string>
+ <string>ogonek</string>
+ <string>ring</string>
+ <string>tilde</string>
+ <string>dieresiscomb.case</string>
+ <string>dotaccentcomb.case</string>
+ <string>gravecomb.case</string>
+ <string>acutecomb.case</string>
+ <string>hungarumlautcomb.case</string>
+ <string>circumflexcomb.case</string>
+ <string>caroncomb.case</string>
+ <string>brevecomb.case</string>
+ <string>ringcomb.case</string>
+ <string>ringcomb_acutecomb.case</string>
+ <string>tildecomb.case</string>
+ <string>macroncomb.case</string>
+ <string>hookabovecomb.case</string>
+ <string>dblgravecomb.case</string>
+ <string>breveinvertedcomb.case</string>
+ <string>strokeshortcomb.case</string>
+ <string>slashshortcomb.case</string>
+ <string>slashlongcomb.case</string>
+ <string>macroncomb.narrow.case</string>
+ <string>ogonekcomb.tall.case</string>
+ <string>dieresiscomb.loclVIET</string>
+ <string>dotaccentcomb.loclVIET</string>
+ <string>gravecomb.loclVIET</string>
+ <string>acutecomb.loclVIET</string>
+ <string>circumflexcomb.loclVIET</string>
+ <string>caroncomb.loclVIET</string>
+ <string>brevecomb.loclVIET</string>
+ <string>tildecomb.loclVIET</string>
+ <string>macroncomb.loclVIET</string>
+ <string>hookabovecomb.loclVIET</string>
+ <string>macroncomb.narrow</string>
+ <string>ogonekcomb.narrow</string>
+ <string>macronbelowcomb.narrow</string>
+ <string>ogonekcomb.tall</string>
+ <string>brevecomb-cy</string>
+ <string>descender-cy</string>
+ <string>brevecomb-cy.case</string>
+ <string>descender-cy.case</string>
+ <string>descender-cy.strait</string>
+ <string>brevecomb_acutecomb</string>
+ <string>brevecomb_gravecomb</string>
+ <string>brevecomb_hookabovecomb</string>
+ <string>brevecomb_tildecomb</string>
+ <string>circumflexcomb_acutecomb</string>
+ <string>circumflexcomb_gravecomb</string>
+ <string>circumflexcomb_hookabovecomb</string>
+ <string>circumflexcomb_tildecomb</string>
+ <string>brevecomb_acutecomb.case</string>
+ <string>brevecomb_gravecomb.case</string>
+ <string>brevecomb_hookabovecomb.case</string>
+ <string>brevecomb_tildecomb.case</string>
+ <string>circumflexcomb_acutecomb.case</string>
+ <string>circumflexcomb_gravecomb.case</string>
+ <string>circumflexcomb_hookabovecomb.case</string>
+ <string>circumflexcomb_tildecomb.case</string>
+ <string>_descenderreversed-cy</string>
+ <string>_bar-cy</string>
+ <string>_descender-cy.case.straight</string>
+ <string>_descenderreverse-cy.case</string>
+ <string>_bottomhook</string>
+ <string>_o.numero</string>
+ <string>_slash.zero</string>
+ <string>_typoquote</string>
+ <string>_commaaccent</string>
+ <string>_slash.zero.osf</string>
+ <string>_currencyvstem</string>
+ </array>
+ <key>public.postscriptNames</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>A-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0410</string>
+ <key>Abreve-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04D0</string>
+ <key>Abreveacute</key>
+ <string>uni1EAE</string>
+ <key>Abrevedotbelow</key>
+ <string>uni1EB6</string>
+ <key>Abrevegrave</key>
+ <string>uni1EB0</string>
+ <key>Abrevehookabove</key>
+ <string>uni1EB2</string>
+ <key>Abrevetilde</key>
+ <string>uni1EB4</string>
+ <key>Acaron</key>
+ <string>uni01CD</string>
+ <key>Acircumflexacute</key>
+ <string>uni1EA4</string>
+ <key>Acircumflexdotbelow</key>
+ <string>uni1EAC</string>
+ <key>Acircumflexgrave</key>
+ <string>uni1EA6</string>
+ <key>Acircumflexhookabove</key>
+ <string>uni1EA8</string>
+ <key>Acircumflextilde</key>
+ <string>uni1EAA</string>
+ <key>Adblgrave</key>
+ <string>uni0200</string>
+ <key>Adieresis-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04D2</string>
+ <key>Adotbelow</key>
+ <string>uni1EA0</string>
+ <key>Ahookabove</key>
+ <string>uni1EA2</string>
+ <key>Aie-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04D4</string>
+ <key>Ainvertedbreve</key>
+ <string>uni0202</string>
+ <key>Be-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0411</string>
+ <key>Ccedillaacute</key>
+ <string>uni1E08</string>
+ <key>Che-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0427</string>
+ <key>Chedescender-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04B6</string>
+ <key>Chedieresis-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04F4</string>
+ <key>Chekhakassian-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04CB</string>
+ <key>Cheverticalstroke-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04B8</string>
+ <key>DZcaron</key>
+ <string>uni01C4</string>
+ <key>Ddotbelow</key>
+ <string>uni1E0C</string>
+ <key>De-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0414</string>
+ <key>Dje-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0402</string>
+ <key>Dlinebelow</key>
+ <string>uni1E0E</string>
+ <key>Dzcaron</key>
+ <string>uni01C5</string>
+ <key>Dze-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0405</string>
+ <key>Dzhe-cy</key>
+ <string>uni040F</string>
+ <key>E-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0404</string>
+ <key>Ecedillabreve</key>
+ <string>uni1E1C</string>
+ <key>Ecircumflexacute</key>
+ <string>uni1EBE</string>
+ <key>Ecircumflexdotbelow</key>
+ <string>uni1EC6</string>
+ <key>Ecircumflexgrave</key>
+ <string>uni1EC0</string>
+ <key>Ecircumflexhookabove</key>
+ <string>uni1EC2</string>
+ <key>Ecircumflextilde</key>
+ <string>uni1EC4</string>
+ <key>Edblgrave</key>
+ <string>uni0204</string>
+ <key>Edotbelow</key>
+ <string>uni1EB8</string>
+ <key>Ef-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0424</string>
+ <key>Ehookabove</key>
+ <string>uni1EBA</string>
+ <key>Einvertedbreve</key>
+ <string>uni0206</string>
+ <key>El-cy</key>
+ <string>uni041B</string>
+ <key>Em-cy</key>
+ <string>uni041C</string>
+ <key>Emacronacute</key>
+ <string>uni1E16</string>
+ <key>Emacrongrave</key>
+ <string>uni1E14</string>
+ <key>En-cy</key>
+ <string>uni041D</string>
+ <key>Endescender-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04A2</string>
+ <key>Enghe-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04A4</string>
+ <key>Er-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0420</string>
+ <key>Ereversed-cy</key>
+ <string>uni042D</string>
+ <key>Es-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0421</string>
+ <key>Esdescender-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04AA</string>
+ <key>Etilde</key>
+ <string>uni1EBC</string>
+ <key>Fita-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0472</string>
+ <key>Gcommaaccent</key>
+ <string>uni0122</string>
+ <key>Ge-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0413</string>
+ <key>Gedescender-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04F6</string>
+ <key>Germandbls</key>
+ <string>uni1E9E</string>
+ <key>Ghemiddlehook-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0494</string>
+ <key>Ghestroke-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0492</string>
+ <key>Gheupturn-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0490</string>
+ <key>Gje-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0403</string>
+ <key>Gmacron</key>
+ <string>uni1E20</string>
+ <key>Ha-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0425</string>
+ <key>Hadescender-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04B2</string>
+ <key>Hardsign-cy</key>
+ <string>uni042A</string>
+ <key>Hbrevebelow</key>
+ <string>uni1E2A</string>
+ <key>Hdotbelow</key>
+ <string>uni1E24</string>
+ <key>I-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0406</string>
+ <key>Ia-cy</key>
+ <string>uni042F</string>
+ <key>Icaron</key>
+ <string>uni01CF</string>
+ <key>Idblgrave</key>
+ <string>uni0208</string>
+ <key>Idieresis-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04E4</string>
+ <key>Idieresisacute</key>
+ <string>uni1E2E</string>
+ <key>Idotbelow</key>
+ <string>uni1ECA</string>
+ <key>Ie-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0415</string>
+ <key>Iebreve-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04D6</string>
+ <key>Iegrave-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0400</string>
+ <key>Ihookabove</key>
+ <string>uni1EC8</string>
+ <key>Ii-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0418</string>
+ <key>Iigrave-cy</key>
+ <string>uni040D</string>
+ <key>Iinvertedbreve</key>
+ <string>uni020A</string>
+ <key>Iishort-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0419</string>
+ <key>Imacron-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04E2</string>
+ <key>Io-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0401</string>
+ <key>Iu-cy</key>
+ <string>uni042E</string>
+ <key>Izhitsa-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0474</string>
+ <key>Jacute</key>
+ <string>uni00A40301</string>
+ <key>Je-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0408</string>
+ <key>Ka-cy</key>
+ <string>uni041A</string>
+ <key>Kabashkir-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04A0</string>
+ <key>Kacute</key>
+ <string>uni1E30</string>
+ <key>Kadescender-cy</key>
+ <string>uni049A</string>
+ <key>Kaverticalstroke-cy</key>
+ <string>uni049C</string>
+ <key>Kcommaaccent</key>
+ <string>uni0136</string>
+ <key>Kje-cy</key>
+ <string>uni040C</string>
+ <key>LJ</key>
+ <string>uni01C7</string>
+ <key>Lcommaaccent</key>
+ <string>uni013B</string>
+ <key>Ldotbelow</key>
+ <string>uni1E36</string>
+ <key>Lj</key>
+ <string>uni01C8</string>
+ <key>Lje-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0409</string>
+ <key>Llinebelow</key>
+ <string>uni1E3A</string>
+ <key>Mdotbelow</key>
+ <string>uni1E42</string>
+ <key>NJ</key>
+ <string>uni01CA</string>
+ <key>Ncommaaccent</key>
+ <string>uni0145</string>
+ <key>Ndotaccent</key>
+ <string>uni1E44</string>
+ <key>Ndotbelow</key>
+ <string>uni1E46</string>
+ <key>Nj</key>
+ <string>uni01CB</string>
+ <key>Nje-cy</key>
+ <string>uni040A</string>
+ <key>Nlinebelow</key>
+ <string>uni1E48</string>
+ <key>O-cy</key>
+ <string>uni041E</string>
+ <key>Obarred-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04E8</string>
+ <key>Ocaron</key>
+ <string>uni01D1</string>
+ <key>Ocircumflexacute</key>
+ <string>uni1ED0</string>
+ <key>Ocircumflexdotbelow</key>
+ <string>uni1ED8</string>
+ <key>Ocircumflexgrave</key>
+ <string>uni1ED2</string>
+ <key>Ocircumflexhookabove</key>
+ <string>uni1ED4</string>
+ <key>Ocircumflextilde</key>
+ <string>uni1ED6</string>
+ <key>Odblgrave</key>
+ <string>uni020C</string>
+ <key>Odieresis-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04E6</string>
+ <key>Odieresismacron</key>
+ <string>uni022A</string>
+ <key>Odotaccentmacron</key>
+ <string>uni0230</string>
+ <key>Odotbelow</key>
+ <string>uni1ECC</string>
+ <key>Ohm</key>
+ <string>uni2126</string>
+ <key>Ohookabove</key>
+ <string>uni1ECE</string>
+ <key>Ohornacute</key>
+ <string>uni1EDA</string>
+ <key>Ohorndotbelow</key>
+ <string>uni1EE2</string>
+ <key>Ohorngrave</key>
+ <string>uni1EDC</string>
+ <key>Ohornhookabove</key>
+ <string>uni1EDE</string>
+ <key>Ohorntilde</key>
+ <string>uni1EE0</string>
+ <key>Oinvertedbreve</key>
+ <string>uni020E</string>
+ <key>Omacronacute</key>
+ <string>uni1E52</string>
+ <key>Omacrongrave</key>
+ <string>uni1E50</string>
+ <key>Oogonek</key>
+ <string>uni01EA</string>
+ <key>Otildeacute</key>
+ <string>uni1E4C</string>
+ <key>Otildedieresis</key>
+ <string>uni1E4E</string>
+ <key>Otildemacron</key>
+ <string>uni022C</string>
+ <key>Palochka-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04C0</string>
+ <key>Pe-cy</key>
+ <string>uni041F</string>
+ <key>Qa-cy</key>
+ <string>uni051A</string>
+ <key>Rcommaaccent</key>
+ <string>uni0156</string>
+ <key>Rdblgrave</key>
+ <string>uni0210</string>
+ <key>Rdotbelow</key>
+ <string>uni1E5A</string>
+ <key>Rinvertedbreve</key>
+ <string>uni0212</string>
+ <key>Rlinebelow</key>
+ <string>uni1E5E</string>
+ <key>Sacutedotaccent</key>
+ <string>uni1E64</string>
+ <key>Saltillo</key>
+ <string>uniA78B</string>
+ <key>Scarondotaccent</key>
+ <string>uni1E66</string>
+ <key>Schwa</key>
+ <string>uni018F</string>
+ <key>Schwa-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04D8</string>
+ <key>Scommaaccent</key>
+ <string>uni0218</string>
+ <key>Sdotaccent</key>
+ <string>uni1E60</string>
+ <key>Sdotbelow</key>
+ <string>uni1E62</string>
+ <key>Sdotbelowdotaccent</key>
+ <string>uni1E68</string>
+ <key>Sha-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0428</string>
+ <key>Shcha-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0429</string>
+ <key>Shha-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04BA</string>
+ <key>Softsign-cy</key>
+ <string>uni042C</string>
+ <key>Tcedilla</key>
+ <string>uni0162</string>
+ <key>Tcommaaccent</key>
+ <string>uni021A</string>
+ <key>Tdotbelow</key>
+ <string>uni1E6C</string>
+ <key>Te-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0422</string>
+ <key>Tlinebelow</key>
+ <string>uni1E6E</string>
+ <key>Tse-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0426</string>
+ <key>Tshe-cy</key>
+ <string>uni040B</string>
+ <key>U-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0423</string>
+ <key>Ucaron</key>
+ <string>uni01D3</string>
+ <key>Udblgrave</key>
+ <string>uni0214</string>
+ <key>Udieresis-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04F0</string>
+ <key>Udieresisacute</key>
+ <string>uni01D7</string>
+ <key>Udieresiscaron</key>
+ <string>uni01D9</string>
+ <key>Udieresisgrave</key>
+ <string>uni01DB</string>
+ <key>Udieresismacron</key>
+ <string>uni01D5</string>
+ <key>Udotbelow</key>
+ <string>uni1EE4</string>
+ <key>Uhookabove</key>
+ <string>uni1EE6</string>
+ <key>Uhornacute</key>
+ <string>uni1EE8</string>
+ <key>Uhorndotbelow</key>
+ <string>uni1EF0</string>
+ <key>Uhorngrave</key>
+ <string>uni1EEA</string>
+ <key>Uhornhookabove</key>
+ <string>uni1EEC</string>
+ <key>Uhorntilde</key>
+ <string>uni1EEE</string>
+ <key>Uhungarumlaut-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04F2</string>
+ <key>Uinvertedbreve</key>
+ <string>uni0216</string>
+ <key>Umacron-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04EE</string>
+ <key>Umacrondieresis</key>
+ <string>uni1E7A</string>
+ <key>Ushort-cy</key>
+ <string>uni040E</string>
+ <key>Ustraight-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04AE</string>
+ <key>Ustraightstroke-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04B0</string>
+ <key>Utildeacute</key>
+ <string>uni1E78</string>
+ <key>Ve-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0412</string>
+ <key>We-cy</key>
+ <string>uni051C</string>
+ <key>Yat-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0462</string>
+ <key>Ydotaccent</key>
+ <string>uni1E8E</string>
+ <key>Ydotbelow</key>
+ <string>uni1EF4</string>
+ <key>Yeru-cy</key>
+ <string>uni042B</string>
+ <key>Yerudieresis-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04F8</string>
+ <key>Yhookabove</key>
+ <string>uni1EF6</string>
+ <key>Yi-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0407</string>
+ <key>Ymacron</key>
+ <string>uni0232</string>
+ <key>Ytilde</key>
+ <string>uni1EF8</string>
+ <key>Yusbig-cy</key>
+ <string>uni046A</string>
+ <key>Zdotbelow</key>
+ <string>uni1E92</string>
+ <key>Ze-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0417</string>
+ <key>Zedescender-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0498</string>
+ <key>Zedieresis-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04DE</string>
+ <key>Zhe-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0416</string>
+ <key>Zhebreve-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04C1</string>
+ <key>Zhedescender-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0496</string>
+ <key>Zhedieresis-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04DC</string>
+ <key>_bar-cy</key>
+ <string>_barcy</string>
+ <key>_descender-cy.case.straight</key>
+ <string>_descendercy.case.straight</string>
+ <key>_descenderreverse-cy.case</key>
+ <string>_descenderreversecy.case</string>
+ <key>_descenderreversed-cy</key>
+ <string>_descenderreversedcy</string>
+ <key>a-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0430</string>
+ <key>abreve-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04D1</string>
+ <key>abreveacute</key>
+ <string>uni1EAF</string>
+ <key>abrevedotbelow</key>
+ <string>uni1EB7</string>
+ <key>abrevegrave</key>
+ <string>uni1EB1</string>
+ <key>abrevehookabove</key>
+ <string>uni1EB3</string>
+ <key>abrevetilde</key>
+ <string>uni1EB5</string>
+ <key>acaron</key>
+ <string>uni01CE</string>
+ <key>acircumflexacute</key>
+ <string>uni1EA5</string>
+ <key>acircumflexdotbelow</key>
+ <string>uni1EAD</string>
+ <key>acircumflexgrave</key>
+ <string>uni1EA7</string>
+ <key>acircumflexhookabove</key>
+ <string>uni1EA9</string>
+ <key>acircumflextilde</key>
+ <string>uni1EAB</string>
+ <key>acutecomb_dotaccentcomb</key>
+ <string>uni03010307</string>
+ <key>adblgrave</key>
+ <string>uni0201</string>
+ <key>adieresis-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04D3</string>
+ <key>adotbelow</key>
+ <string>uni1EA1</string>
+ <key>ahookabove</key>
+ <string>uni1EA3</string>
+ <key>aie-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04D5</string>
+ <key>ainvertedbreve</key>
+ <string>uni0203</string>
+ <key>apostrophemod</key>
+ <string>uni02BC</string>
+ <key>be-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0431</string>
+ <key>blackCircle</key>
+ <string>uni25CF</string>
+ <key>blank</key>
+ <string>uni2423</string>
+ <key>brevebelowcomb</key>
+ <string>uni032E</string>
+ <key>brevecomb</key>
+ <string>uni0306</string>
+ <key>brevecomb-cy</key>
+ <string>brevecombcy</string>
+ <key>brevecomb-cy.case</key>
+ <string>brevecombcy.case</string>
+ <key>brevecomb.case</key>
+ <string>uni0306.case</string>
+ <key>brevecomb.loclVIET</key>
+ <string>uni0306.loclVIET</string>
+ <key>brevecomb_acutecomb</key>
+ <string>uni03060301</string>
+ <key>brevecomb_acutecomb.case</key>
+ <string>uni03060301.case</string>
+ <key>brevecomb_gravecomb</key>
+ <string>uni03060300</string>
+ <key>brevecomb_gravecomb.case</key>
+ <string>uni03060300.case</string>
+ <key>brevecomb_hookabovecomb</key>
+ <string>uni03060309</string>
+ <key>brevecomb_hookabovecomb.case</key>
+ <string>uni03060309.case</string>
+ <key>brevecomb_tildecomb</key>
+ <string>uni03060303</string>
+ <key>brevecomb_tildecomb.case</key>
+ <string>uni03060303.case</string>
+ <key>breveinvertedcomb</key>
+ <string>uni0311</string>
+ <key>breveinvertedcomb.case</key>
+ <string>uni0311.case</string>
+ <key>bulletoperator</key>
+ <string>uni2219</string>
+ <key>bulletoperator.tf</key>
+ <string>uni2219.tf</string>
+ <key>caroncomb</key>
+ <string>uni030C</string>
+ <key>caroncomb.alt</key>
+ <string>uni030C.alt</string>
+ <key>caroncomb.case</key>
+ <string>uni030C.case</string>
+ <key>caroncomb.loclVIET</key>
+ <string>uni030C.loclVIET</string>
+ <key>caroncomb_dotaccentcomb</key>
+ <string>uni030C0307</string>
+ <key>ccedillaacute</key>
+ <string>uni1E09</string>
+ <key>cedi</key>
+ <string>uni20B5</string>
+ <key>cedillacomb</key>
+ <string>uni0327</string>
+ <key>che-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0447</string>
+ <key>chedescender-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04B7</string>
+ <key>chedieresis-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04F5</string>
+ <key>chekhakassian-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04CC</string>
+ <key>cheverticalstroke-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04B9</string>
+ <key>circumflexcomb</key>
+ <string>uni0302</string>
+ <key>circumflexcomb.case</key>
+ <string>uni0302.case</string>
+ <key>circumflexcomb.loclVIET</key>
+ <string>uni0302.loclVIET</string>
+ <key>circumflexcomb_acutecomb</key>
+ <string>uni03020301</string>
+ <key>circumflexcomb_acutecomb.case</key>
+ <string>uni03020301.case</string>
+ <key>circumflexcomb_gravecomb</key>
+ <string>uni03020300</string>
+ <key>circumflexcomb_gravecomb.case</key>
+ <string>uni03020300.case</string>
+ <key>circumflexcomb_hookabovecomb</key>
+ <string>uni03020309</string>
+ <key>circumflexcomb_hookabovecomb.case</key>
+ <string>uni03020309.case</string>
+ <key>circumflexcomb_tildecomb</key>
+ <string>uni03020303</string>
+ <key>circumflexcomb_tildecomb.case</key>
+ <string>uni03020303.case</string>
+ <key>colonsign</key>
+ <string>colonmonetary</string>
+ <key>commaaccentcomb</key>
+ <string>uni0326</string>
+ <key>commaturnedabovecomb</key>
+ <string>uni0312</string>
+ <key>commaturnedmod</key>
+ <string>uni02BB</string>
+ <key>commercialMinusSign</key>
+ <string>uni2052</string>
+ <key>commercialMinusSign.tf</key>
+ <string>uni2052.tf</string>
+ <key>dblgravecomb</key>
+ <string>uni030F</string>
+ <key>dblgravecomb.case</key>
+ <string>uni030F.case</string>
+ <key>ddotbelow</key>
+ <string>uni1E0D</string>
+ <key>de-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0434</string>
+ <key>descender-cy</key>
+ <string>descendercy</string>
+ <key>descender-cy.case</key>
+ <string>descendercy.case</string>
+ <key>descender-cy.strait</key>
+ <string>descendercy.strait</string>
+ <key>dieresisbelowcomb</key>
+ <string>uni0324</string>
+ <key>dieresiscomb</key>
+ <string>uni0308</string>
+ <key>dieresiscomb.case</key>
+ <string>uni0308.case</string>
+ <key>dieresiscomb.loclVIET</key>
+ <string>uni0308.loclVIET</string>
+ <key>dieresiscomb_acutecomb</key>
+ <string>uni03080301</string>
+ <key>dieresiscomb_caroncomb</key>
+ <string>uni0308030C</string>
+ <key>dieresiscomb_gravecomb</key>
+ <string>uni03080300</string>
+ <key>dieresiscomb_macroncomb</key>
+ <string>uni03080304</string>
+ <key>divisionslash</key>
+ <string>uni2215</string>
+ <key>divisionslash.tf</key>
+ <string>uni2215.tf</string>
+ <key>dje-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0452</string>
+ <key>dlinebelow</key>
+ <string>uni1E0F</string>
+ <key>dotaccentcomb</key>
+ <string>uni0307</string>
+ <key>dotaccentcomb.case</key>
+ <string>uni0307.case</string>
+ <key>dotaccentcomb.loclVIET</key>
+ <string>uni0307.loclVIET</string>
+ <key>dotaccentcomb_macroncomb</key>
+ <string>uni03070304</string>
+ <key>doubleprimemod</key>
+ <string>uni02BA</string>
+ <key>downArrow</key>
+ <string>arrowdown</string>
+ <key>dzcaron</key>
+ <string>uni01C6</string>
+ <key>dze-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0455</string>
+ <key>dzhe-cy</key>
+ <string>uni045F</string>
+ <key>e-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0454</string>
+ <key>ecedillabreve</key>
+ <string>uni1E1D</string>
+ <key>ecircumflexacute</key>
+ <string>uni1EBF</string>
+ <key>ecircumflexdotbelow</key>
+ <string>uni1EC7</string>
+ <key>ecircumflexgrave</key>
+ <string>uni1EC1</string>
+ <key>ecircumflexhookabove</key>
+ <string>uni1EC3</string>
+ <key>ecircumflextilde</key>
+ <string>uni1EC5</string>
+ <key>edblgrave</key>
+ <string>uni0205</string>
+ <key>edotbelow</key>
+ <string>uni1EB9</string>
+ <key>ef-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0444</string>
+ <key>ehookabove</key>
+ <string>uni1EBB</string>
+ <key>eightinferior</key>
+ <string>uni2088</string>
+ <key>eightsuperior</key>
+ <string>uni2078</string>
+ <key>einvertedbreve</key>
+ <string>uni0207</string>
+ <key>el-cy</key>
+ <string>uni043B</string>
+ <key>em-cy</key>
+ <string>uni043C</string>
+ <key>emacronacute</key>
+ <string>uni1E17</string>
+ <key>emacrongrave</key>
+ <string>uni1E15</string>
+ <key>emquad</key>
+ <string>uni2001</string>
+ <key>emspace</key>
+ <string>uni2003</string>
+ <key>en-cy</key>
+ <string>uni043D</string>
+ <key>endescender-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04A3</string>
+ <key>enghe-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04A5</string>
+ <key>enquad</key>
+ <string>uni2000</string>
+ <key>enspace</key>
+ <string>uni2002</string>
+ <key>er-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0440</string>
+ <key>ereversed-cy</key>
+ <string>uni044D</string>
+ <key>es-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0441</string>
+ <key>esdescender-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04AB</string>
+ <key>etilde</key>
+ <string>uni1EBD</string>
+ <key>euro</key>
+ <string>Euro</string>
+ <key>figurespace</key>
+ <string>uni2007</string>
+ <key>firsttonechinese</key>
+ <string>uni02C9</string>
+ <key>fita-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0473</string>
+ <key>fiveinferior</key>
+ <string>uni2085</string>
+ <key>fivesixths</key>
+ <string>uni215A</string>
+ <key>fivesuperior</key>
+ <string>uni2075</string>
+ <key>fourfifths</key>
+ <string>uni2158</string>
+ <key>fourinferior</key>
+ <string>uni2084</string>
+ <key>fourperemspace</key>
+ <string>uni2005</string>
+ <key>foursuperior</key>
+ <string>uni2074</string>
+ <key>fourthtonechinese</key>
+ <string>uni02CB</string>
+ <key>gcommaaccent</key>
+ <string>uni0123</string>
+ <key>ge-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0433</string>
+ <key>gedescender-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04F7</string>
+ <key>ghemiddlehook-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0495</string>
+ <key>ghestroke-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0493</string>
+ <key>gheupturn-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0491</string>
+ <key>gje-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0453</string>
+ <key>gmacron</key>
+ <string>uni1E21</string>
+ <key>guarani</key>
+ <string>uni20B2</string>
+ <key>guillemetleft</key>
+ <string>guillemotleft</string>
+ <key>guillemetright</key>
+ <string>guillemotright</string>
+ <key>ha-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0445</string>
+ <key>hadescender-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04B3</string>
+ <key>hairspace</key>
+ <string>uni200A</string>
+ <key>hardsign-cy</key>
+ <string>uni044A</string>
+ <key>hbrevebelow</key>
+ <string>uni1E2B</string>
+ <key>hdotbelow</key>
+ <string>uni1E25</string>
+ <key>horizontalbar</key>
+ <string>uni2015</string>
+ <key>horncomb</key>
+ <string>uni031B</string>
+ <key>hryvnia</key>
+ <string>uni20B4</string>
+ <key>hungarumlautcomb</key>
+ <string>uni030B</string>
+ <key>hungarumlautcomb.case</key>
+ <string>uni030B.case</string>
+ <key>hyphentwo</key>
+ <string>uni2010</string>
+ <key>i-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0456</string>
+ <key>ia-cy</key>
+ <string>uni044F</string>
+ <key>icaron</key>
+ <string>uni01D0</string>
+ <key>idblgrave</key>
+ <string>uni0209</string>
+ <key>idieresis-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04E5</string>
+ <key>idieresisacute</key>
+ <string>uni1E2F</string>
+ <key>idotaccent</key>
+ <string>i.loclTRK</string>
+ <key>idotbelow</key>
+ <string>uni1ECB</string>
+ <key>idotless</key>
+ <string>dotlessi</string>
+ <key>ie-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0435</string>
+ <key>iebreve-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04D7</string>
+ <key>iegrave-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0450</string>
+ <key>ihookabove</key>
+ <string>uni1EC9</string>
+ <key>ii-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0438</string>
+ <key>iigrave-cy</key>
+ <string>uni045D</string>
+ <key>iinvertedbreve</key>
+ <string>uni020B</string>
+ <key>iishort-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0439</string>
+ <key>imacron-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04E3</string>
+ <key>increment</key>
+ <string>uni2206</string>
+ <key>io-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0451</string>
+ <key>iu-cy</key>
+ <string>uni044E</string>
+ <key>izhitsa-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0475</string>
+ <key>jacute</key>
+ <string>uni006A0301</string>
+ <key>jdotless</key>
+ <string>uni0237</string>
+ <key>je-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0458</string>
+ <key>ka-cy</key>
+ <string>uni043A</string>
+ <key>kabashkir-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04A1</string>
+ <key>kacute</key>
+ <string>uni1E31</string>
+ <key>kadescender-cy</key>
+ <string>uni049B</string>
+ <key>kaverticalstroke-cy</key>
+ <string>uni049D</string>
+ <key>kcommaaccent</key>
+ <string>uni0137</string>
+ <key>kip</key>
+ <string>uni20AD</string>
+ <key>kje-cy</key>
+ <string>uni045C</string>
+ <key>lcommaaccent</key>
+ <string>uni013C</string>
+ <key>ldotbelow</key>
+ <string>uni1E37</string>
+ <key>leftArrow</key>
+ <string>arrowleft</string>
+ <key>leftanglebracket-math</key>
+ <string>uni27E8</string>
+ <key>liraTurkish</key>
+ <string>uni20BA</string>
+ <key>literSign</key>
+ <string>uni2113</string>
+ <key>lj</key>
+ <string>uni01C9</string>
+ <key>lje-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0459</string>
+ <key>llinebelow</key>
+ <string>uni1E3B</string>
+ <key>macronbelowcomb</key>
+ <string>uni0331</string>
+ <key>macronbelowcomb.narrow</key>
+ <string>uni0331.narrow</string>
+ <key>macroncomb</key>
+ <string>uni0304</string>
+ <key>macroncomb.case</key>
+ <string>uni0304.case</string>
+ <key>macroncomb.loclVIET</key>
+ <string>uni0304.loclVIET</string>
+ <key>macroncomb.narrow</key>
+ <string>uni0304.narrow</string>
+ <key>macroncomb.narrow.case</key>
+ <string>uni0304.narrow.case</string>
+ <key>macroncomb_acutecomb</key>
+ <string>uni03040301</string>
+ <key>macroncomb_dieresiscomb</key>
+ <string>uni03040308</string>
+ <key>macroncomb_gravecomb</key>
+ <string>uni03040300</string>
+ <key>manat</key>
+ <string>uni20BC</string>
+ <key>mdotbelow</key>
+ <string>uni1E43</string>
+ <key>micro</key>
+ <string>uni00B5</string>
+ <key>naira</key>
+ <string>uni20A6</string>
+ <key>nbspace</key>
+ <string>uni00A0</string>
+ <key>ncommaaccent</key>
+ <string>uni0146</string>
+ <key>ndotaccent</key>
+ <string>uni1E45</string>
+ <key>ndotbelow</key>
+ <string>uni1E47</string>
+ <key>nineinferior</key>
+ <string>uni2089</string>
+ <key>ninesuperior</key>
+ <string>uni2079</string>
+ <key>nj</key>
+ <string>uni01CC</string>
+ <key>nje-cy</key>
+ <string>uni045A</string>
+ <key>nlinebelow</key>
+ <string>uni1E49</string>
+ <key>nonbreakinghyphen</key>
+ <string>uni2011</string>
+ <key>notidentical</key>
+ <string>uni2262</string>
+ <key>notidentical.tf</key>
+ <string>uni2262.tf</string>
+ <key>numero</key>
+ <string>uni2116</string>
+ <key>o-cy</key>
+ <string>uni043E</string>
+ <key>obarred-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04E9</string>
+ <key>ocaron</key>
+ <string>uni01D2</string>
+ <key>ocircumflexacute</key>
+ <string>uni1ED1</string>
+ <key>ocircumflexdotbelow</key>
+ <string>uni1ED9</string>
+ <key>ocircumflexgrave</key>
+ <string>uni1ED3</string>
+ <key>ocircumflexhookabove</key>
+ <string>uni1ED5</string>
+ <key>ocircumflextilde</key>
+ <string>uni1ED7</string>
+ <key>odblgrave</key>
+ <string>uni020D</string>
+ <key>odieresis-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04E7</string>
+ <key>odieresismacron</key>
+ <string>uni022B</string>
+ <key>odotaccentmacron</key>
+ <string>uni0231</string>
+ <key>odotbelow</key>
+ <string>uni1ECD</string>
+ <key>ogonekcomb</key>
+ <string>uni0328</string>
+ <key>ogonekcomb.narrow</key>
+ <string>uni0328.narrow</string>
+ <key>ogonekcomb.tall</key>
+ <string>uni0328.tall</string>
+ <key>ogonekcomb.tall.case</key>
+ <string>uni0328.tall.case</string>
+ <key>ohookabove</key>
+ <string>uni1ECF</string>
+ <key>ohornacute</key>
+ <string>uni1EDB</string>
+ <key>ohorndotbelow</key>
+ <string>uni1EE3</string>
+ <key>ohorngrave</key>
+ <string>uni1EDD</string>
+ <key>ohornhookabove</key>
+ <string>uni1EDF</string>
+ <key>ohorntilde</key>
+ <string>uni1EE1</string>
+ <key>oinvertedbreve</key>
+ <string>uni020F</string>
+ <key>omacronacute</key>
+ <string>uni1E53</string>
+ <key>omacrongrave</key>
+ <string>uni1E51</string>
+ <key>onefifth</key>
+ <string>uni2155</string>
+ <key>onefraction</key>
+ <string>uni215F</string>
+ <key>oneinferior</key>
+ <string>uni2081</string>
+ <key>oneninth</key>
+ <string>uni2151</string>
+ <key>oneseventh</key>
+ <string>uni2150</string>
+ <key>onesixth</key>
+ <string>uni2159</string>
+ <key>onesuperior</key>
+ <string>uni00B9</string>
+ <key>onetenth</key>
+ <string>uni2152</string>
+ <key>onethird</key>
+ <string>uni2153</string>
+ <key>oogonek</key>
+ <string>uni01EB</string>
+ <key>otildeacute</key>
+ <string>uni1E4D</string>
+ <key>otildedieresis</key>
+ <string>uni1E4F</string>
+ <key>otildemacron</key>
+ <string>uni022D</string>
+ <key>palochka-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04CF</string>
+ <key>pe-cy</key>
+ <string>uni043F</string>
+ <key>peso</key>
+ <string>uni20B1</string>
+ <key>primeReversed</key>
+ <string>uni2035</string>
+ <key>primemod</key>
+ <string>uni02B9</string>
+ <key>punctuationspace</key>
+ <string>uni2008</string>
+ <key>qa-cy</key>
+ <string>uni051B</string>
+ <key>ratio</key>
+ <string>uni2236</string>
+ <key>rcommaaccent</key>
+ <string>uni0157</string>
+ <key>rdblgrave</key>
+ <string>uni0211</string>
+ <key>rdotbelow</key>
+ <string>uni1E5B</string>
+ <key>rightArrow</key>
+ <string>arrowright</string>
+ <key>rightanglebracket-math</key>
+ <string>uni27E9</string>
+ <key>ringcomb</key>
+ <string>uni030A</string>
+ <key>ringcomb.case</key>
+ <string>uni030A.case</string>
+ <key>ringcomb_acutecomb</key>
+ <string>uni030A0301</string>
+ <key>ringcomb_acutecomb.case</key>
+ <string>uni030A0301.case</string>
+ <key>ringhalfleft</key>
+ <string>uni02BF</string>
+ <key>ringhalfright</key>
+ <string>uni02BE</string>
+ <key>rinvertedbreve</key>
+ <string>uni0213</string>
+ <key>rlinebelow</key>
+ <string>uni1E5F</string>
+ <key>ruble</key>
+ <string>uni20BD</string>
+ <key>rupeeIndian</key>
+ <string>uni20B9</string>
+ <key>sacutedotaccent</key>
+ <string>uni1E65</string>
+ <key>saltillo</key>
+ <string>uniA78C</string>
+ <key>scarondotaccent</key>
+ <string>uni1E67</string>
+ <key>schwa</key>
+ <string>uni0259</string>
+ <key>schwa-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04D9</string>
+ <key>scommaaccent</key>
+ <string>uni0219</string>
+ <key>sdotaccent</key>
+ <string>uni1E61</string>
+ <key>sdotbelow</key>
+ <string>uni1E63</string>
+ <key>sdotbelowdotaccent</key>
+ <string>uni1E69</string>
+ <key>secondtonechinese</key>
+ <string>uni02CA</string>
+ <key>seveninferior</key>
+ <string>uni2087</string>
+ <key>sevensuperior</key>
+ <string>uni2077</string>
+ <key>sha-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0448</string>
+ <key>shcha-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0449</string>
+ <key>shha-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04BB</string>
+ <key>sixinferior</key>
+ <string>uni2086</string>
+ <key>sixperemspace</key>
+ <string>uni2006</string>
+ <key>sixsuperior</key>
+ <string>uni2076</string>
+ <key>slashlongcomb</key>
+ <string>uni0338</string>
+ <key>slashlongcomb.case</key>
+ <string>uni0338.case</string>
+ <key>slashshortcomb</key>
+ <string>uni0337</string>
+ <key>slashshortcomb.case</key>
+ <string>uni0337.case</string>
+ <key>softhyphen</key>
+ <string>uni00AD</string>
+ <key>softsign-cy</key>
+ <string>uni044C</string>
+ <key>strokelongcomb</key>
+ <string>uni0336</string>
+ <key>strokeshortcomb</key>
+ <string>uni0335</string>
+ <key>strokeshortcomb.case</key>
+ <string>uni0335.case</string>
+ <key>tcedilla</key>
+ <string>uni0163</string>
+ <key>tcommaaccent</key>
+ <string>uni021B</string>
+ <key>tdieresis</key>
+ <string>uni1E97</string>
+ <key>tdotbelow</key>
+ <string>uni1E6D</string>
+ <key>te-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0442</string>
+ <key>tenge</key>
+ <string>uni20B8</string>
+ <key>thinspace</key>
+ <string>uni2009</string>
+ <key>threefifths</key>
+ <string>uni2157</string>
+ <key>threeinferior</key>
+ <string>uni2083</string>
+ <key>threeperemspace</key>
+ <string>uni2004</string>
+ <key>threesuperior</key>
+ <string>uni00B3</string>
+ <key>tildecomb_dieresiscomb</key>
+ <string>uni03030308</string>
+ <key>tildecomb_macroncomb</key>
+ <string>uni03030304</string>
+ <key>tlinebelow</key>
+ <string>uni1E6F</string>
+ <key>tripleprime</key>
+ <string>uni2034</string>
+ <key>tse-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0446</string>
+ <key>tshe-cy</key>
+ <string>uni045B</string>
+ <key>tugrik</key>
+ <string>uni20AE</string>
+ <key>twofifths</key>
+ <string>uni2156</string>
+ <key>twoinferior</key>
+ <string>uni2082</string>
+ <key>twosuperior</key>
+ <string>uni00B2</string>
+ <key>twothirds</key>
+ <string>uni2154</string>
+ <key>u-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0443</string>
+ <key>ucaron</key>
+ <string>uni01D4</string>
+ <key>udblgrave</key>
+ <string>uni0215</string>
+ <key>udieresis-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04F1</string>
+ <key>udieresisacute</key>
+ <string>uni01D8</string>
+ <key>udieresiscaron</key>
+ <string>uni01DA</string>
+ <key>udieresisgrave</key>
+ <string>uni01DC</string>
+ <key>udieresismacron</key>
+ <string>uni01D6</string>
+ <key>udotbelow</key>
+ <string>uni1EE5</string>
+ <key>uhookabove</key>
+ <string>uni1EE7</string>
+ <key>uhornacute</key>
+ <string>uni1EE9</string>
+ <key>uhorndotbelow</key>
+ <string>uni1EF1</string>
+ <key>uhorngrave</key>
+ <string>uni1EEB</string>
+ <key>uhornhookabove</key>
+ <string>uni1EED</string>
+ <key>uhorntilde</key>
+ <string>uni1EEF</string>
+ <key>uhungarumlaut-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04F3</string>
+ <key>uinvertedbreve</key>
+ <string>uni0217</string>
+ <key>umacron-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04EF</string>
+ <key>umacrondieresis</key>
+ <string>uni1E7B</string>
+ <key>upArrow</key>
+ <string>arrowup</string>
+ <key>ushort-cy</key>
+ <string>uni045E</string>
+ <key>ustraight-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04AF</string>
+ <key>ustraightstroke-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04B1</string>
+ <key>utildeacute</key>
+ <string>uni1E79</string>
+ <key>ve-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0432</string>
+ <key>verticallineabovecomb</key>
+ <string>uni030D</string>
+ <key>verticallinebelowcomb</key>
+ <string>uni0329</string>
+ <key>verticallinelowmod</key>
+ <string>uni02CC</string>
+ <key>verticallinemod</key>
+ <string>uni02C8</string>
+ <key>we-cy</key>
+ <string>uni051D</string>
+ <key>whiteCircle</key>
+ <string>circle</string>
+ <key>won</key>
+ <string>uni20A9</string>
+ <key>yat-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0463</string>
+ <key>ydotaccent</key>
+ <string>uni1E8F</string>
+ <key>ydotbelow</key>
+ <string>uni1EF5</string>
+ <key>yeru-cy</key>
+ <string>uni044B</string>
+ <key>yerudieresis-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04F9</string>
+ <key>yhookabove</key>
+ <string>uni1EF7</string>
+ <key>yi-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0457</string>
+ <key>ymacron</key>
+ <string>uni0233</string>
+ <key>ytilde</key>
+ <string>uni1EF9</string>
+ <key>yusbig-cy</key>
+ <string>uni046B</string>
+ <key>zdotbelow</key>
+ <string>uni1E93</string>
+ <key>ze-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0437</string>
+ <key>zedescender-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0499</string>
+ <key>zedieresis-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04DF</string>
+ <key>zeroinferior</key>
+ <string>uni2080</string>
+ <key>zerosuperior</key>
+ <string>uni2070</string>
+ <key>zerothird</key>
+ <string>uni2189</string>
+ <key>zerowidthspace</key>
+ <string>uni200B</string>
+ <key>zhe-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0436</string>
+ <key>zhebreve-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04C2</string>
+ <key>zhedescender-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0497</string>
+ <key>zhedieresis-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04DD</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
diff --git a/src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/metainfo.plist b/src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/metainfo.plist
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7b8b34ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/metainfo.plist
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
+<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
+<plist version="1.0">
+ <dict>
+ <key>creator</key>
+ <string>com.github.fonttools.ufoLib</string>
+ <key>formatVersion</key>
+ <integer>3</integer>
+ </dict>
diff --git a/src/Cantarell-Light.ufo/features.fea b/src/Cantarell-Light.ufo/features.fea
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..da527abc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Cantarell-Light.ufo/features.fea
@@ -0,0 +1,504 @@
+# automatic
+@Uppercase = [ A Aacute Abreve Abreveacute Abrevedotbelow Abrevegrave Abrevehookabove Abrevetilde Acaron
Acircumflex Acircumflexacute Acircumflexdotbelow Acircumflexgrave Acircumflexhookabove Acircumflextilde
Adblgrave Adieresis Adotbelow Agrave Ahookabove Ainvertedbreve Amacron Aogonek Aring Aringacute Atilde AE
AEacute B C Cacute Ccaron Ccedilla Ccedillaacute Ccircumflex Cdotaccent D DZcaron Eth Dcaron Dcroat Ddotbelow
Dlinebelow Dzcaron E Eacute Ebreve Ecaron Ecedillabreve Ecircumflex Ecircumflexacute Ecircumflexdotbelow
Ecircumflexgrave Ecircumflexhookabove Ecircumflextilde Edblgrave Edieresis Edotaccent Edotbelow Egrave
Ehookabove Einvertedbreve Emacron Emacronacute Emacrongrave Eogonek Etilde F G Gbreve Gcaron Gcircumflex
Gcommaaccent Gdotaccent Gmacron H Hbar Hbrevebelow Hcircumflex Hdotbelow I Iacute Ibreve Icaron Icircumflex
Idblgrave Idieresis Idieresisacute Idotaccent Idotbelow Igrave Ihookabove Iinvertedbreve Imacron Iogonek
Itilde J Jacute Jcircumflex K Kacute K
ent L LJ Lacute Lcaron Lcommaaccent Ldot Ldotbelow Lj Llinebelow Lslash M Mdotbelow N NJ Nacute Ncaron
Ncommaaccent Ndotaccent Ndotbelow Eng Nj Nlinebelow Ntilde O Oacute Obreve Ocaron Ocircumflex
Ocircumflexacute Ocircumflexdotbelow Ocircumflexgrave Ocircumflexhookabove Ocircumflextilde Odblgrave
Odieresis Odieresismacron Odotaccentmacron Odotbelow Ograve Ohookabove Ohorn Ohornacute Ohorndotbelow
Ohorngrave Ohornhookabove Ohorntilde Ohungarumlaut Oinvertedbreve Omacron Omacronacute Omacrongrave Oogonek
Oslash Oslashacute Otilde Otildeacute Otildedieresis Otildemacron OE P Thorn Q R Racute Rcaron Rcommaaccent
Rdblgrave Rdotbelow Rinvertedbreve Rlinebelow S Sacute Sacutedotaccent Saltillo Scaron Scarondotaccent
Scedilla Scircumflex Scommaaccent Sdotaccent Sdotbelow Sdotbelowdotaccent Germandbls Schwa T Tbar Tcaron
Tcedilla Tcommaaccent Tdotbelow Tlinebelow U Uacute Ubreve Ucaron Ucircumflex Udblgrave Udieresis
Udieresisacute Udieresiscaron Udieresisgrave Udieresismacron Udotb
elow Ugr
ave Uhookabove Uhorn Uhornacute Uhorndotbelow Uhorngrave Uhornhookabove Uhorntilde Uhungarumlaut
Uinvertedbreve Umacron Umacrondieresis Uogonek Uring Utilde Utildeacute V W Wacute Wcircumflex Wdieresis
Wgrave X Y Yacute Ycircumflex Ydieresis Ydotaccent Ydotbelow Ygrave Yhookabove Ymacron Ytilde Z Zacute Zcaron
Zdotaccent Zdotbelow A-cy Be-cy Ve-cy Ge-cy Gje-cy Gheupturn-cy De-cy Ie-cy Iegrave-cy Io-cy Zhe-cy Ze-cy
Ii-cy Iishort-cy Iigrave-cy Ka-cy Kje-cy El-cy Em-cy En-cy O-cy Pe-cy Er-cy Es-cy Te-cy U-cy Ushort-cy Ef-cy
Ha-cy Che-cy Tse-cy Sha-cy Shcha-cy Dzhe-cy Softsign-cy Hardsign-cy Yeru-cy Lje-cy Nje-cy Dze-cy E-cy
Ereversed-cy I-cy Yi-cy Je-cy Tshe-cy Iu-cy Ia-cy Dje-cy Yat-cy Yusbig-cy Fita-cy Izhitsa-cy Ghestroke-cy
Ghemiddlehook-cy Zhedescender-cy Zedescender-cy Kadescender-cy Kaverticalstroke-cy Kabashkir-cy
Endescender-cy Enghe-cy Esdescender-cy Ustraight-cy Ustraightstroke-cy Hadescender-cy Chedescender-cy
Cheverticalstroke-cy Shha-cy Palochka-cy Zhebreve-cy Che
an-cy Abreve-cy Adieresis-cy Aie-cy Iebreve-cy Schwa-cy Zhedieresis-cy Zedieresis-cy Imacron-cy Idieresis-cy
Odieresis-cy Obarred-cy Umacron-cy Udieresis-cy Uhungarumlaut-cy Chedieresis-cy Gedescender-cy
Yerudieresis-cy Qa-cy We-cy ];
+# Prefix: Languagesystems
+# automatic
+languagesystem DFLT dflt;
+languagesystem latn dflt;
+languagesystem latn NLD;
+languagesystem latn CAT;
+languagesystem latn ROM;
+languagesystem latn MOL;
+languagesystem latn KAZ;
+languagesystem latn TAT;
+languagesystem latn TRK;
+languagesystem latn CRT;
+languagesystem latn AZE;
+# Prefix: GDEF
+table GDEF {
+ GlyphClassDef
+ [A Aacute Abreve Abreveacute Abrevedotbelow Abrevegrave Abrevehookabove Abrevetilde Acaron Acircumflex
Acircumflexacute Acircumflexdotbelow Acircumflexgrave Acircumflexhookabove Acircumflextilde Adblgrave
Adieresis Adotbelow Agrave Ahookabove Ainvertedbreve Amacron Aogonek Aring Aringacute Atilde AE AEacute B C
Cacute Ccaron Ccedilla Ccedillaacute Ccircumflex Cdotaccent D Eth Dcaron Dcroat Ddotbelow Dlinebelow E Eacute
Ebreve Ecaron Ecedillabreve Ecircumflex Ecircumflexacute Ecircumflexdotbelow Ecircumflexgrave
Ecircumflexhookabove Ecircumflextilde Edblgrave Edieresis Edotaccent Edotbelow Egrave Ehookabove
Einvertedbreve Emacron Emacronacute Emacrongrave Eogonek Etilde F G Gbreve Gcaron Gcircumflex Gcommaaccent
Gdotaccent Gmacron H Hbar Hbrevebelow Hcircumflex Hdotbelow I Iacute Ibreve Icaron Icircumflex Idblgrave
Idieresis Idieresisacute Idotaccent Idotbelow Igrave Ihookabove Iinvertedbreve Imacron Iogonek Itilde J
Jacute Jcircumflex K Kacute Kcommaaccent L Lacute Lcaro
n Lcomma
accent Ldotbelow Llinebelow Lslash M Mdotbelow N Nacute Ncaron Ncommaaccent Ndotaccent Ndotbelow Nlinebelow
Ntilde O Oacute Obreve Ocaron Ocircumflex Ocircumflexacute Ocircumflexdotbelow Ocircumflexgrave
Ocircumflexhookabove Ocircumflextilde Odblgrave Odieresis Odieresismacron Odotaccentmacron Odotbelow Ograve
Ohookabove Ohorn Ohornacute Ohorndotbelow Ohorngrave Ohornhookabove Ohorntilde Ohungarumlaut Oinvertedbreve
Omacron Omacronacute Omacrongrave Oogonek Oslash Oslashacute Otilde Otildeacute Otildedieresis Otildemacron
OE P Q R Racute Rcaron Rcommaaccent Rdblgrave Rdotbelow Rinvertedbreve Rlinebelow S Sacute Sacutedotaccent
Scaron Scarondotaccent Scedilla Scircumflex Scommaaccent Sdotaccent Sdotbelow Sdotbelowdotaccent Schwa T Tbar
Tcaron Tcedilla Tcommaaccent Tdotbelow Tlinebelow U Uacute Ubreve Ucaron Ucircumflex Udblgrave Udieresis
Udieresisacute Udieresiscaron Udieresisgrave Udieresismacron Udotbelow Ugrave Uhookabove Uhorn Uhornacute
Uhorndotbelow Uhorngrave Uhornhoo
kabove U
horntilde Uhungarumlaut Uinvertedbreve Umacron Umacrondieresis Uogonek Uring Utilde Utildeacute V W Wacute
Wcircumflex Wdieresis Wgrave X Y Yacute Ycircumflex Ydieresis Ydotaccent Ydotbelow Ygrave Yhookabove Ymacron
Ytilde Z Zacute Zcaron Zdotaccent Zdotbelow a aacute abreve abreveacute abrevedotbelow abrevegrave
abrevehookabove abrevetilde acaron acircumflex acircumflexacute acircumflexdotbelow acircumflexgrave
acircumflexhookabove acircumflextilde adblgrave adieresis adotbelow agrave ahookabove ainvertedbreve amacron
aogonek aring aringacute atilde ae aeacute b c cacute ccaron ccedilla ccedillaacute ccircumflex cdotaccent d
dcaron dcroat ddotbelow dlinebelow e eacute ebreve ecaron ecedillabreve ecircumflex ecircumflexacute
ecircumflexdotbelow ecircumflexgrave ecircumflexhookabove ecircumflextilde edblgrave edieresis edotaccent
edotbelow egrave ehookabove einvertedbreve emacron emacronacute emacrongrave eogonek etilde schwa f g gbreve
gcaron gcircumflex gcommaaccent gdotacc
ent gmac
ron h hbar hbrevebelow hcircumflex hdotbelow i idotless iacute ibreve icaron icircumflex idblgrave idieresis
idieresisacute idotaccent idotbelow igrave ihookabove iinvertedbreve imacron iogonek itilde j jdotless jacute
jcircumflex k kacute kcommaaccent l lacute lcaron lcommaaccent ldotbelow llinebelow lslash m mdotbelow n
nacute ncaron ncommaaccent ndotaccent ndotbelow nlinebelow ntilde o oacute obreve ocaron ocircumflex
ocircumflexacute ocircumflexdotbelow ocircumflexgrave ocircumflexhookabove ocircumflextilde odblgrave
odieresis odieresismacron odotaccentmacron odotbelow ograve ohookabove ohorn ohornacute ohorndotbelow
ohorngrave ohornhookabove ohorntilde ohungarumlaut oinvertedbreve omacron omacronacute omacrongrave oogonek
oslash oslashacute otilde otildeacute otildedieresis otildemacron oe p q r racute rcaron rcommaaccent
rdblgrave rdotbelow rinvertedbreve rlinebelow s sacute sacutedotaccent scaron scarondotaccent scedilla
scircumflex scommaaccent sdotaccent sdotbelow s
dotaccent t tbar tcaron tcedilla tcommaaccent tdieresis tdotbelow tlinebelow u uacute ubreve ucaron
ucircumflex udblgrave udieresis udieresisacute udieresiscaron udieresisgrave udieresismacron udotbelow ugrave
uhookabove uhorn uhornacute uhorndotbelow uhorngrave uhornhookabove uhorntilde uhungarumlaut uinvertedbreve
umacron umacrondieresis uogonek uring utilde utildeacute v w wacute wcircumflex wdieresis wgrave x y yacute
ycircumflex ydieresis ydotaccent ydotbelow ygrave yhookabove ymacron ytilde z zacute zcaron zdotaccent
zdotbelow A-cy Ve-cy Ge-cy Gje-cy Ie-cy Iegrave-cy Io-cy Zhe-cy Ze-cy Ii-cy Iishort-cy Iigrave-cy Ka-cy
Kje-cy Em-cy En-cy O-cy Pe-cy Er-cy Es-cy Te-cy U-cy Ushort-cy Ha-cy Che-cy Hardsign-cy Yeru-cy Dze-cy
Ereversed-cy I-cy Yi-cy Je-cy Iu-cy Ia-cy Fita-cy Zhedescender-cy Zedescender-cy Kadescender-cy
Endescender-cy Esdescender-cy Ustraight-cy Ustraightstroke-cy Hadescender-cy Chedescender-cy Palochka-cy
Zhebreve-cy Chekhakassian-cy Abreve-cy Adieresis-cy
Aie-cy I
ebreve-cy Schwa-cy Zhedieresis-cy Zedieresis-cy Imacron-cy Idieresis-cy Odieresis-cy Obarred-cy Umacron-cy
Udieresis-cy Uhungarumlaut-cy Chedieresis-cy Gedescender-cy Yerudieresis-cy Qa-cy We-cy a-cy ge-cy gje-cy
ie-cy iegrave-cy io-cy zhe-cy ze-cy ii-cy iishort-cy iigrave-cy ka-cy kje-cy en-cy o-cy pe-cy er-cy es-cy
te-cy u-cy ushort-cy ha-cy che-cy yeru-cy dze-cy e-cy ereversed-cy i-cy yi-cy je-cy tshe-cy iu-cy ia-cy
dje-cy fita-cy zhedescender-cy zedescender-cy kadescender-cy endescender-cy esdescender-cy ustraight-cy
ustraightstroke-cy hadescender-cy chedescender-cy shha-cy palochka-cy zhebreve-cy chekhakassian-cy abreve-cy
adieresis-cy aie-cy iebreve-cy schwa-cy zhedieresis-cy zedieresis-cy imacron-cy idieresis-cy odieresis-cy
obarred-cy umacron-cy udieresis-cy uhungarumlaut-cy chedieresis-cy gedescender-cy yerudieresis-cy qa-cy
we-cy], # Base
+ , # Liga
+ [dieresiscomb dieresiscomb_gravecomb dieresiscomb_acutecomb dieresiscomb_caroncomb
dieresiscomb_macroncomb dotaccentcomb dotaccentcomb_macroncomb gravecomb acutecomb acutecomb_dotaccentcomb
hungarumlautcomb caroncomb.alt circumflexcomb caroncomb caroncomb_dotaccentcomb brevecomb ringcomb
ringcomb_acutecomb tildecomb tildecomb_dieresiscomb tildecomb_acutecomb tildecomb_macroncomb macroncomb
macroncomb_dieresiscomb macroncomb_gravecomb macroncomb_acutecomb hookabovecomb verticallineabovecomb
dblgravecomb breveinvertedcomb commaturnedabovecomb horncomb dotbelowcomb dieresisbelowcomb commaaccentcomb
cedillacomb ogonekcomb verticallinebelowcomb brevebelowcomb macronbelowcomb strokeshortcomb strokelongcomb
slashshortcomb slashlongcomb dieresiscomb.case dotaccentcomb.case gravecomb.case acutecomb.case
hungarumlautcomb.case circumflexcomb.case caroncomb.case brevecomb.case ringcomb.case ringcomb_acutecomb.case
tildecomb.case macroncomb.case hookabovecomb.case dblgravecomb.case b
rtedcomb.case strokeshortcomb.case slashshortcomb.case slashlongcomb.case macroncomb.narrow.case
ogonekcomb.tall.case dieresiscomb.loclVIET dotaccentcomb.loclVIET gravecomb.loclVIET acutecomb.loclVIET
circumflexcomb.loclVIET caroncomb.loclVIET brevecomb.loclVIET tildecomb.loclVIET macroncomb.loclVIET
hookabovecomb.loclVIET macroncomb.narrow ogonekcomb.narrow macronbelowcomb.narrow ogonekcomb.tall
brevecomb-cy descender-cy brevecomb-cy.case descender-cy.case descender-cy.strait brevecomb_acutecomb
brevecomb_gravecomb brevecomb_hookabovecomb brevecomb_tildecomb circumflexcomb_acutecomb
circumflexcomb_gravecomb circumflexcomb_hookabovecomb circumflexcomb_tildecomb brevecomb_acutecomb.case
brevecomb_gravecomb.case brevecomb_hookabovecomb.case brevecomb_tildecomb.case circumflexcomb_acutecomb.case
circumflexcomb_gravecomb.case circumflexcomb_hookabovecomb.case circumflexcomb_tildecomb.case], # Mark
+ ;
+} GDEF;
+feature aalt {
+# automatic
+feature locl;
+feature subs;
+feature sinf;
+feature sups;
+feature numr;
+feature dnom;
+feature frac;
+feature ordn;
+feature lnum;
+feature pnum;
+feature tnum;
+feature onum;
+feature case;
+feature zero;
+feature salt;
+feature ss01;
+} aalt;
+feature ccmp {
+# automatic
+lookup ccmp_Other_1 {
+ @CombiningTopAccents = [acutecomb brevecomb breveinvertedcomb caroncomb circumflexcomb
commaturnedabovecomb dblgravecomb dieresiscomb dotaccentcomb gravecomb hookabovecomb hungarumlautcomb
macroncomb ringcomb tildecomb verticallineabovecomb];
+ @CombiningNonTopAccents = [brevebelowcomb cedillacomb dieresisbelowcomb dotbelowcomb macronbelowcomb
ogonekcomb verticallinebelowcomb horncomb slashlongcomb slashshortcomb strokelongcomb strokeshortcomb];
+ sub [i j]' @CombiningTopAccents by [idotless jdotless];
+ sub [i j]' @CombiningNonTopAccents @CombiningTopAccents by [idotless jdotless];
+ @Markscomb = [dieresiscomb dotaccentcomb gravecomb acutecomb hungarumlautcomb circumflexcomb
caroncomb brevecomb ringcomb ringcomb_acutecomb tildecomb macroncomb hookabovecomb dblgravecomb
breveinvertedcomb strokeshortcomb slashshortcomb slashlongcomb macroncomb.narrow ogonekcomb.tall brevecomb-cy
descender-cy brevecomb_acutecomb brevecomb_gravecomb brevecomb_hookabovecomb brevecomb_tildecomb
circumflexcomb_acutecomb circumflexcomb_gravecomb circumflexcomb_hookabovecomb circumflexcomb_tildecomb];
+ @MarkscombCase = [dieresiscomb.case dotaccentcomb.case gravecomb.case acutecomb.case
hungarumlautcomb.case circumflexcomb.case caroncomb.case brevecomb.case ringcomb.case ringcomb_acutecomb.case
tildecomb.case macroncomb.case hookabovecomb.case dblgravecomb.case breveinvertedcomb.case
strokeshortcomb.case slashshortcomb.case slashlongcomb.case macroncomb.narrow.case ogonekcomb.tall.case
brevecomb-cy.case descender-cy.case brevecomb_acutecomb.case brevecomb_gravecomb.case
brevecomb_hookabovecomb.case brevecomb_tildecomb.case circumflexcomb_acutecomb.case
circumflexcomb_gravecomb.case circumflexcomb_hookabovecomb.case circumflexcomb_tildecomb.case];
+ sub @Markscomb @Markscomb' by @MarkscombCase;
+ sub @Uppercase @Markscomb' by @MarkscombCase;
+} ccmp_Other_1;
+lookup ccmp_Other_2 {
+ sub @Markscomb' @MarkscombCase by @MarkscombCase;
+ sub @MarkscombCase @Markscomb' by @MarkscombCase;
+} ccmp_Other_2;
+lookup ccmp_Other_3 {
+ lookupflag 0;
+ sub acutecomb dotaccentcomb by acutecomb_dotaccentcomb;
+ sub caroncomb dotaccentcomb by caroncomb_dotaccentcomb;
+ sub dieresiscomb acutecomb by dieresiscomb_acutecomb;
+ sub dieresiscomb caroncomb by dieresiscomb_caroncomb;
+ sub dieresiscomb gravecomb by dieresiscomb_gravecomb;
+ sub dieresiscomb macroncomb by dieresiscomb_macroncomb;
+ sub dotaccentcomb macroncomb by dotaccentcomb_macroncomb;
+ sub macroncomb acutecomb by macroncomb_acutecomb;
+ sub macroncomb dieresiscomb by macroncomb_dieresiscomb;
+ sub macroncomb gravecomb by macroncomb_gravecomb;
+ sub ringcomb acutecomb by ringcomb_acutecomb;
+ sub ringcomb.case acutecomb.case by ringcomb_acutecomb.case;
+ sub tildecomb acutecomb by tildecomb_acutecomb;
+ sub tildecomb dieresiscomb by tildecomb_dieresiscomb;
+ sub tildecomb macroncomb by tildecomb_macroncomb;
+} ccmp_Other_3;
+lookup ccmp_Other_4 {
+ lookupflag 0;
+ sub acutecomb dotaccentcomb by acutecomb_dotaccentcomb;
+ sub caroncomb dotaccentcomb by caroncomb_dotaccentcomb;
+ sub dieresiscomb acutecomb by dieresiscomb_acutecomb;
+ sub dieresiscomb caroncomb by dieresiscomb_caroncomb;
+ sub dieresiscomb gravecomb by dieresiscomb_gravecomb;
+ sub dieresiscomb macroncomb by dieresiscomb_macroncomb;
+ sub dotaccentcomb macroncomb by dotaccentcomb_macroncomb;
+ sub macroncomb acutecomb by macroncomb_acutecomb;
+ sub macroncomb dieresiscomb by macroncomb_dieresiscomb;
+ sub macroncomb gravecomb by macroncomb_gravecomb;
+ sub ringcomb acutecomb by ringcomb_acutecomb;
+ sub ringcomb.case acutecomb.case by ringcomb_acutecomb.case;
+ sub tildecomb acutecomb by tildecomb_acutecomb;
+ sub tildecomb dieresiscomb by tildecomb_dieresiscomb;
+ sub tildecomb macroncomb by tildecomb_macroncomb;
+} ccmp_Other_4;
+lookup ccmp_latn_1 {
+ lookupflag 0;
+ sub brevecomb acutecomb by brevecomb_acutecomb;
+ sub brevecomb.case acutecomb.case by brevecomb_acutecomb.case;
+ sub brevecomb gravecomb by brevecomb_gravecomb;
+ sub brevecomb.case gravecomb.case by brevecomb_gravecomb.case;
+ sub brevecomb hookabovecomb by brevecomb_hookabovecomb;
+ sub brevecomb.case hookabovecomb.case by brevecomb_hookabovecomb.case;
+ sub brevecomb tildecomb by brevecomb_tildecomb;
+ sub brevecomb.case tildecomb.case by brevecomb_tildecomb.case;
+ sub circumflexcomb acutecomb by circumflexcomb_acutecomb;
+ sub circumflexcomb.case acutecomb.case by circumflexcomb_acutecomb.case;
+ sub circumflexcomb gravecomb by circumflexcomb_gravecomb;
+ sub circumflexcomb.case gravecomb.case by circumflexcomb_gravecomb.case;
+ sub circumflexcomb hookabovecomb by circumflexcomb_hookabovecomb;
+ sub circumflexcomb.case hookabovecomb.case by circumflexcomb_hookabovecomb.case;
+ sub circumflexcomb tildecomb by circumflexcomb_tildecomb;
+ sub circumflexcomb.case tildecomb.case by circumflexcomb_tildecomb.case;
+} ccmp_latn_1;
+lookup ccmp_latn_2 {
+ lookupflag 0;
+ sub brevecomb acutecomb by brevecomb_acutecomb;
+ sub brevecomb.case acutecomb.case by brevecomb_acutecomb.case;
+ sub brevecomb gravecomb by brevecomb_gravecomb;
+ sub brevecomb.case gravecomb.case by brevecomb_gravecomb.case;
+ sub brevecomb hookabovecomb by brevecomb_hookabovecomb;
+ sub brevecomb.case hookabovecomb.case by brevecomb_hookabovecomb.case;
+ sub brevecomb tildecomb by brevecomb_tildecomb;
+ sub brevecomb.case tildecomb.case by brevecomb_tildecomb.case;
+ sub circumflexcomb acutecomb by circumflexcomb_acutecomb;
+ sub circumflexcomb.case acutecomb.case by circumflexcomb_acutecomb.case;
+ sub circumflexcomb gravecomb by circumflexcomb_gravecomb;
+ sub circumflexcomb.case gravecomb.case by circumflexcomb_gravecomb.case;
+ sub circumflexcomb hookabovecomb by circumflexcomb_hookabovecomb;
+ sub circumflexcomb.case hookabovecomb.case by circumflexcomb_hookabovecomb.case;
+ sub circumflexcomb tildecomb by circumflexcomb_tildecomb;
+ sub circumflexcomb.case tildecomb.case by circumflexcomb_tildecomb.case;
+} ccmp_latn_2;
+script latn;
+} ccmp;
+feature locl {
+# automatic
+script latn;
+language NLD;
+sub iacute j' by jacute;
+sub Iacute J' by Jacute;
+language CAT;
+sub l periodcentered' l by periodcentered.loclCAT;
+sub L periodcentered' L by periodcentered.loclCAT.case;
+language ROM;
+sub Scedilla by Scommaaccent;
+sub scedilla by scommaaccent;
+sub Tcedilla by Tcommaaccent;
+sub tcedilla by tcommaaccent;
+language MOL;
+sub Scedilla by Scommaaccent;
+sub scedilla by scommaaccent;
+sub Tcedilla by Tcommaaccent;
+sub tcedilla by tcommaaccent;
+language KAZ;
+sub i by idotaccent;
+language TAT;
+sub i by idotaccent;
+language TRK;
+sub i by idotaccent;
+language CRT;
+sub i by idotaccent;
+language AZE;
+sub i by idotaccent;
+} locl;
+feature subs {
+# automatic
+sub zero by zeroinferior;
+sub one by oneinferior;
+sub two by twoinferior;
+sub three by threeinferior;
+sub four by fourinferior;
+sub five by fiveinferior;
+sub six by sixinferior;
+sub seven by seveninferior;
+sub eight by eightinferior;
+sub nine by nineinferior;
+} subs;
+feature sinf {
+# automatic
+sub zero by zero.subs;
+sub one by one.subs;
+sub two by two.subs;
+sub three by three.subs;
+sub four by four.subs;
+sub five by five.subs;
+sub six by six.subs;
+sub seven by seven.subs;
+sub eight by eight.subs;
+sub nine by nine.subs;
+} sinf;
+feature sups {
+# automatic
+sub zero by zerosuperior;
+sub one by onesuperior;
+sub two by twosuperior;
+sub three by threesuperior;
+sub four by foursuperior;
+sub five by fivesuperior;
+sub six by sixsuperior;
+sub seven by sevensuperior;
+sub eight by eightsuperior;
+sub nine by ninesuperior;
+} sups;
+feature numr {
+# automatic
+sub zero by zero.numr;
+sub one by one.numr;
+sub two by two.numr;
+sub three by three.numr;
+sub four by four.numr;
+sub five by five.numr;
+sub six by six.numr;
+sub seven by seven.numr;
+sub eight by eight.numr;
+sub nine by nine.numr;
+} numr;
+feature dnom {
+# automatic
+sub zero by zero.dnom;
+sub one by one.dnom;
+sub two by two.dnom;
+sub three by three.dnom;
+sub four by four.dnom;
+sub five by five.dnom;
+sub six by six.dnom;
+sub seven by seven.dnom;
+sub eight by eight.dnom;
+sub nine by nine.dnom;
+} dnom;
+feature frac {
+# automatic
+lookup FRAC {
+ sub slash by fraction;
+} FRAC;
+lookup UP {
+ sub [zero one two three four five six seven eight nine] by [zero.numr one.numr two.numr three.numr
four.numr five.numr six.numr seven.numr eight.numr nine.numr];
+} UP;
+lookup DOWN {
+ sub fraction [zero.numr one.numr two.numr three.numr four.numr five.numr six.numr seven.numr
eight.numr nine.numr]' by [zero.dnom one.dnom two.dnom three.dnom four.dnom five.dnom six.dnom seven.dnom
eight.dnom nine.dnom];
+ sub [zero.dnom one.dnom two.dnom three.dnom four.dnom five.dnom six.dnom seven.dnom eight.dnom
nine.dnom] [zero.numr one.numr two.numr three.numr four.numr five.numr six.numr seven.numr eight.numr
nine.numr]' by [zero.dnom one.dnom two.dnom three.dnom four.dnom five.dnom six.dnom seven.dnom eight.dnom
+} DOWN;
+} frac;
+feature ordn {
+# automatic
+sub [zero one two three four five six seven eight nine] [A a]' by ordfeminine;
+sub [zero one two three four five six seven eight nine] [O o]' by ordmasculine;
+sub N o period by numero;
+} ordn;
+feature lnum {
+# automatic
+sub zero.osf by zero;
+sub one.osf by one;
+sub two.osf by two;
+sub three.osf by three;
+sub four.osf by four;
+sub five.osf by five;
+sub six.osf by six;
+sub seven.osf by seven;
+sub eight.osf by eight;
+sub nine.osf by nine;
+} lnum;
+feature pnum {
+# automatic
+sub zero.tf by zero;
+sub one.tf by one;
+sub two.tf by two;
+sub three.tf by three;
+sub four.tf by four;
+sub five.tf by five;
+sub six.tf by six;
+sub seven.tf by seven;
+sub eight.tf by eight;
+sub nine.tf by nine;
+sub bulletoperator.tf by bulletoperator;
+sub commercialMinusSign.tf by commercialMinusSign;
+sub divisionslash.tf by divisionslash;
+sub equivalence.tf by equivalence;
+sub notidentical.tf by notidentical;
+sub plus.tf by plus;
+sub minus.tf by minus;
+sub multiply.tf by multiply;
+sub divide.tf by divide;
+sub equal.tf by equal;
+sub notequal.tf by notequal;
+sub greater.tf by greater;
+sub less.tf by less;
+sub greaterequal.tf by greaterequal;
+sub lessequal.tf by lessequal;
+sub plusminus.tf by plusminus;
+sub approxequal.tf by approxequal;
+sub logicalnot.tf by logicalnot;
+sub zero.tosf by zero.osf;
+sub one.tosf by one.osf;
+sub two.tosf by two.osf;
+sub three.tosf by three.osf;
+sub four.tosf by four.osf;
+sub five.tosf by five.osf;
+sub six.tosf by six.osf;
+sub seven.tosf by seven.osf;
+sub eight.tosf by eight.osf;
+sub nine.tosf by nine.osf;
+} pnum;
+feature tnum {
+# automatic
+sub zero by zero.tf;
+sub one by one.tf;
+sub two by two.tf;
+sub three by three.tf;
+sub four by four.tf;
+sub five by five.tf;
+sub six by six.tf;
+sub seven by seven.tf;
+sub eight by eight.tf;
+sub nine by nine.tf;
+sub bulletoperator by bulletoperator.tf;
+sub commercialMinusSign by commercialMinusSign.tf;
+sub divisionslash by divisionslash.tf;
+sub equivalence by equivalence.tf;
+sub notidentical by notidentical.tf;
+sub plus by plus.tf;
+sub minus by minus.tf;
+sub multiply by multiply.tf;
+sub divide by divide.tf;
+sub equal by equal.tf;
+sub notequal by notequal.tf;
+sub greater by greater.tf;
+sub less by less.tf;
+sub greaterequal by greaterequal.tf;
+sub lessequal by lessequal.tf;
+sub plusminus by plusminus.tf;
+sub approxequal by approxequal.tf;
+sub logicalnot by logicalnot.tf;
+sub zero.osf by zero.tosf;
+sub one.osf by one.tosf;
+sub two.osf by two.tosf;
+sub three.osf by three.tosf;
+sub four.osf by four.tosf;
+sub five.osf by five.tosf;
+sub six.osf by six.tosf;
+sub seven.osf by seven.tosf;
+sub eight.osf by eight.tosf;
+sub nine.osf by nine.tosf;
+} tnum;
+feature onum {
+# automatic
+sub zero.tf by zero.tosf;
+sub one.tf by one.tosf;
+sub two.tf by two.tosf;
+sub three.tf by three.tosf;
+sub four.tf by four.tosf;
+sub five.tf by five.tosf;
+sub six.tf by six.tosf;
+sub seven.tf by seven.tosf;
+sub eight.tf by eight.tosf;
+sub nine.tf by nine.tosf;
+sub zero by zero.osf;
+sub one by one.osf;
+sub two by two.osf;
+sub three by three.osf;
+sub four by four.osf;
+sub five by five.osf;
+sub six by six.osf;
+sub seven by seven.osf;
+sub eight by eight.osf;
+sub nine by nine.osf;
+} onum;
+feature case {
+# automatic
+sub periodcentered.loclCAT by periodcentered.loclCAT.case;
+sub dieresiscomb by dieresiscomb.case;
+sub dotaccentcomb by dotaccentcomb.case;
+sub gravecomb by gravecomb.case;
+sub acutecomb by acutecomb.case;
+sub hungarumlautcomb by hungarumlautcomb.case;
+sub circumflexcomb by circumflexcomb.case;
+sub caroncomb by caroncomb.case;
+sub brevecomb by brevecomb.case;
+sub ringcomb by ringcomb.case;
+sub ringcomb_acutecomb by ringcomb_acutecomb.case;
+sub tildecomb by tildecomb.case;
+sub macroncomb by macroncomb.case;
+sub hookabovecomb by hookabovecomb.case;
+sub dblgravecomb by dblgravecomb.case;
+sub breveinvertedcomb by breveinvertedcomb.case;
+sub strokeshortcomb by strokeshortcomb.case;
+sub slashshortcomb by slashshortcomb.case;
+sub slashlongcomb by slashlongcomb.case;
+sub macroncomb.narrow by macroncomb.narrow.case;
+sub ogonekcomb.tall by ogonekcomb.tall.case;
+sub brevecomb-cy by brevecomb-cy.case;
+sub descender-cy by descender-cy.case;
+sub brevecomb_acutecomb by brevecomb_acutecomb.case;
+sub brevecomb_gravecomb by brevecomb_gravecomb.case;
+sub brevecomb_hookabovecomb by brevecomb_hookabovecomb.case;
+sub brevecomb_tildecomb by brevecomb_tildecomb.case;
+sub circumflexcomb_acutecomb by circumflexcomb_acutecomb.case;
+sub circumflexcomb_gravecomb by circumflexcomb_gravecomb.case;
+sub circumflexcomb_hookabovecomb by circumflexcomb_hookabovecomb.case;
+sub circumflexcomb_tildecomb by circumflexcomb_tildecomb.case;
+sub zero.osf by zero.lf;
+sub one.osf by one.lf;
+sub two.osf by two.lf;
+sub three.osf by three.lf;
+sub four.osf by four.lf;
+sub five.osf by five.lf;
+sub six.osf by six.lf;
+sub seven.osf by seven.lf;
+sub eight.osf by eight.lf;
+sub nine.osf by nine.lf;
+sub zero.tf by zero.lf;
+sub one.tf by one.lf;
+sub two.tf by two.lf;
+sub three.tf by three.lf;
+sub four.tf by four.lf;
+sub five.tf by five.lf;
+sub six.tf by six.lf;
+sub seven.tf by seven.lf;
+sub eight.tf by eight.lf;
+sub nine.tf by nine.lf;
+sub zero.tosf by zero.lf;
+sub one.tosf by one.lf;
+sub two.tosf by two.lf;
+sub three.tosf by three.lf;
+sub four.tosf by four.lf;
+sub five.tosf by five.lf;
+sub six.tosf by six.lf;
+sub seven.tosf by seven.lf;
+sub eight.tosf by eight.lf;
+sub nine.tosf by nine.lf;
+} case;
+feature liga {
+# automatic
+sub f f i by f_f_i;
+sub f f l by f_f_l;
+sub f f by f_f;
+sub f i by fi;
+sub f l by fl;
+} liga;
+feature zero {
+# automatic
+sub zero.lf by zero.lf.zero;
+sub zero.osf by zero.osf.zero;
+sub zero.tf by zero.tf.zero;
+sub zero.tosf by zero.tosf.zero;
+sub zero by zero.zero;
+} zero;
+feature salt {
+# automatic
+sub six by six.ss01;
+sub nine by nine.ss01;
+} salt;
+feature ss01 {
+# automatic
+sub six by six.ss01;
+sub nine by nine.ss01;
+} ss01;
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new file mode 100644
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new file mode 100644
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new file mode 100644
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new file mode 100644
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+ <key>A</key>
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+ <string>A_brevehookabove.glif</string>
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+ <key>Adieresis-cy</key>
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+ <key>Agrave</key>
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+ <key>Aie-cy</key>
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+ <key>Ehookabove</key>
+ <string>E_hookabove.glif</string>
+ <key>Einvertedbreve</key>
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+ <key>El-cy</key>
+ <string>E_l-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>Em-cy</key>
+ <string>E_m-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>Emacron</key>
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+ <key>Eth</key>
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+ <key>F</key>
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+ <key>G</key>
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+ <key>Germandbls</key>
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+ <key>Gje-cy</key>
+ <string>G_je-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>Gmacron</key>
+ <string>G_macron.glif</string>
+ <key>H</key>
+ <string>H_.glif</string>
+ <key>Ha-cy</key>
+ <string>H_a-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>Hadescender-cy</key>
+ <string>H_adescender-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>Hardsign-cy</key>
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+ <key>Hbar</key>
+ <string>H_bar.glif</string>
+ <key>Hbrevebelow</key>
+ <string>H_brevebelow.glif</string>
+ <key>Hcircumflex</key>
+ <string>H_circumflex.glif</string>
+ <key>Hdotbelow</key>
+ <string>H_dotbelow.glif</string>
+ <key>I</key>
+ <string>I_.glif</string>
+ <key>I-cy</key>
+ <string>I_-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>Ia-cy</key>
+ <string>I_a-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>Iacute</key>
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+ <key>Ibreve</key>
+ <string>I_breve.glif</string>
+ <key>Icaron</key>
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+ <key>Icircumflex</key>
+ <string>I_circumflex.glif</string>
+ <key>Idblgrave</key>
+ <string>I_dblgrave.glif</string>
+ <key>Idieresis</key>
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+ <string>I_dieresisacute.glif</string>
+ <key>Idotaccent</key>
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+ <string>I_dotbelow.glif</string>
+ <key>Ie-cy</key>
+ <string>I_e-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>Iebreve-cy</key>
+ <string>I_ebreve-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>Iegrave-cy</key>
+ <string>I_egrave-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>Igrave</key>
+ <string>I_grave.glif</string>
+ <key>Ihookabove</key>
+ <string>I_hookabove.glif</string>
+ <key>Ii-cy</key>
+ <string>I_i-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>Iigrave-cy</key>
+ <string>I_igrave-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>Iinvertedbreve</key>
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+ <key>Iishort-cy</key>
+ <string>I_ishort-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>Imacron</key>
+ <string>I_macron.glif</string>
+ <key>Imacron-cy</key>
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+ <key>Io-cy</key>
+ <string>I_o-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>Iogonek</key>
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+ <key>Itilde</key>
+ <string>I_tilde.glif</string>
+ <key>Iu-cy</key>
+ <string>I_u-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>Izhitsa-cy</key>
+ <string>I_zhitsa-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>J</key>
+ <string>J_.glif</string>
+ <key>Jacute</key>
+ <string>J_acute.glif</string>
+ <key>Jcircumflex</key>
+ <string>J_circumflex.glif</string>
+ <key>Je-cy</key>
+ <string>J_e-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>K</key>
+ <string>K_.glif</string>
+ <key>Ka-cy</key>
+ <string>K_a-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>Kabashkir-cy</key>
+ <string>K_abashkir-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>Kacute</key>
+ <string>K_acute.glif</string>
+ <key>Kadescender-cy</key>
+ <string>K_adescender-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>Kaverticalstroke-cy</key>
+ <string>K_averticalstroke-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>Kcommaaccent</key>
+ <string>K_commaaccent.glif</string>
+ <key>Kje-cy</key>
+ <string>K_je-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>L</key>
+ <string>L_.glif</string>
+ <key>LJ</key>
+ <string>L_J_.glif</string>
+ <key>Lacute</key>
+ <string>L_acute.glif</string>
+ <key>Lcaron</key>
+ <string>L_caron.glif</string>
+ <key>Lcommaaccent</key>
+ <string>L_commaaccent.glif</string>
+ <key>Ldot</key>
+ <string>L_dot.glif</string>
+ <key>Ldotbelow</key>
+ <string>L_dotbelow.glif</string>
+ <key>Lj</key>
+ <string>L_j.glif</string>
+ <key>Lje-cy</key>
+ <string>L_je-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>Llinebelow</key>
+ <string>L_linebelow.glif</string>
+ <key>Lslash</key>
+ <string>L_slash.glif</string>
+ <key>M</key>
+ <string>M_.glif</string>
+ <key>Mdotbelow</key>
+ <string>M_dotbelow.glif</string>
+ <key>N</key>
+ <string>N_.glif</string>
+ <key>NJ</key>
+ <string>N_J_.glif</string>
+ <key>Nacute</key>
+ <string>N_acute.glif</string>
+ <key>Ncaron</key>
+ <string>N_caron.glif</string>
+ <key>Ncommaaccent</key>
+ <string>N_commaaccent.glif</string>
+ <key>Ndotaccent</key>
+ <string>N_dotaccent.glif</string>
+ <key>Ndotbelow</key>
+ <string>N_dotbelow.glif</string>
+ <key>Nj</key>
+ <string>N_j.glif</string>
+ <key>Nje-cy</key>
+ <string>N_je-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>Nlinebelow</key>
+ <string>N_linebelow.glif</string>
+ <key>Ntilde</key>
+ <string>N_tilde.glif</string>
+ <key>O</key>
+ <string>O_.glif</string>
+ <key>O-cy</key>
+ <string>O_-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>OE</key>
+ <string>O_E_.glif</string>
+ <key>Oacute</key>
+ <string>O_acute.glif</string>
+ <key>Obarred-cy</key>
+ <string>O_barred-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>Obreve</key>
+ <string>O_breve.glif</string>
+ <key>Ocaron</key>
+ <string>O_caron.glif</string>
+ <key>Ocircumflex</key>
+ <string>O_circumflex.glif</string>
+ <key>Ocircumflexacute</key>
+ <string>O_circumflexacute.glif</string>
+ <key>Ocircumflexdotbelow</key>
+ <string>O_circumflexdotbelow.glif</string>
+ <key>Ocircumflexgrave</key>
+ <string>O_circumflexgrave.glif</string>
+ <key>Ocircumflexhookabove</key>
+ <string>O_circumflexhookabove.glif</string>
+ <key>Ocircumflextilde</key>
+ <string>O_circumflextilde.glif</string>
+ <key>Odblgrave</key>
+ <string>O_dblgrave.glif</string>
+ <key>Odieresis</key>
+ <string>O_dieresis.glif</string>
+ <key>Odieresis-cy</key>
+ <string>O_dieresis-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>Odieresismacron</key>
+ <string>O_dieresismacron.glif</string>
+ <key>Odotaccentmacron</key>
+ <string>O_dotaccentmacron.glif</string>
+ <key>Odotbelow</key>
+ <string>O_dotbelow.glif</string>
+ <key>Ograve</key>
+ <string>O_grave.glif</string>
+ <key>Ohm</key>
+ <string>O_hm.glif</string>
+ <key>Ohookabove</key>
+ <string>O_hookabove.glif</string>
+ <key>Ohorn</key>
+ <string>O_horn.glif</string>
+ <key>Ohornacute</key>
+ <string>O_hornacute.glif</string>
+ <key>Ohorndotbelow</key>
+ <string>O_horndotbelow.glif</string>
+ <key>Ohorngrave</key>
+ <string>O_horngrave.glif</string>
+ <key>Ohornhookabove</key>
+ <string>O_hornhookabove.glif</string>
+ <key>Ohorntilde</key>
+ <string>O_horntilde.glif</string>
+ <key>Ohungarumlaut</key>
+ <string>O_hungarumlaut.glif</string>
+ <key>Oinvertedbreve</key>
+ <string>O_invertedbreve.glif</string>
+ <key>Omacron</key>
+ <string>O_macron.glif</string>
+ <key>Omacronacute</key>
+ <string>O_macronacute.glif</string>
+ <key>Omacrongrave</key>
+ <string>O_macrongrave.glif</string>
+ <key>Oogonek</key>
+ <string>O_ogonek.glif</string>
+ <key>Oslash</key>
+ <string>O_slash.glif</string>
+ <key>Oslashacute</key>
+ <string>O_slashacute.glif</string>
+ <key>Otilde</key>
+ <string>O_tilde.glif</string>
+ <key>Otildeacute</key>
+ <string>O_tildeacute.glif</string>
+ <key>Otildedieresis</key>
+ <string>O_tildedieresis.glif</string>
+ <key>Otildemacron</key>
+ <string>O_tildemacron.glif</string>
+ <key>P</key>
+ <string>P_.glif</string>
+ <key>Palochka-cy</key>
+ <string>P_alochka-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>Pe-cy</key>
+ <string>P_e-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>Q</key>
+ <string>Q_.glif</string>
+ <key>Qa-cy</key>
+ <string>Q_a-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>R</key>
+ <string>R_.glif</string>
+ <key>Racute</key>
+ <string>R_acute.glif</string>
+ <key>Rcaron</key>
+ <string>R_caron.glif</string>
+ <key>Rcommaaccent</key>
+ <string>R_commaaccent.glif</string>
+ <key>Rdblgrave</key>
+ <string>R_dblgrave.glif</string>
+ <key>Rdotbelow</key>
+ <string>R_dotbelow.glif</string>
+ <key>Rinvertedbreve</key>
+ <string>R_invertedbreve.glif</string>
+ <key>Rlinebelow</key>
+ <string>R_linebelow.glif</string>
+ <key>S</key>
+ <string>S_.glif</string>
+ <key>Sacute</key>
+ <string>S_acute.glif</string>
+ <key>Sacutedotaccent</key>
+ <string>S_acutedotaccent.glif</string>
+ <key>Saltillo</key>
+ <string>S_altillo.glif</string>
+ <key>Scaron</key>
+ <string>S_caron.glif</string>
+ <key>Scarondotaccent</key>
+ <string>S_carondotaccent.glif</string>
+ <key>Scedilla</key>
+ <string>S_cedilla.glif</string>
+ <key>Schwa</key>
+ <string>S_chwa.glif</string>
+ <key>Schwa-cy</key>
+ <string>S_chwa-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>Scircumflex</key>
+ <string>S_circumflex.glif</string>
+ <key>Scommaaccent</key>
+ <string>S_commaaccent.glif</string>
+ <key>Sdotaccent</key>
+ <string>S_dotaccent.glif</string>
+ <key>Sdotbelow</key>
+ <string>S_dotbelow.glif</string>
+ <key>Sdotbelowdotaccent</key>
+ <string>S_dotbelowdotaccent.glif</string>
+ <key>Sha-cy</key>
+ <string>S_ha-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>Shcha-cy</key>
+ <string>S_hcha-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>Shha-cy</key>
+ <string>S_hha-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>Softsign-cy</key>
+ <string>S_oftsign-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>T</key>
+ <string>T_.glif</string>
+ <key>Tbar</key>
+ <string>T_bar.glif</string>
+ <key>Tcaron</key>
+ <string>T_caron.glif</string>
+ <key>Tcedilla</key>
+ <string>T_cedilla.glif</string>
+ <key>Tcommaaccent</key>
+ <string>T_commaaccent.glif</string>
+ <key>Tdotbelow</key>
+ <string>T_dotbelow.glif</string>
+ <key>Te-cy</key>
+ <string>T_e-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>Thorn</key>
+ <string>T_horn.glif</string>
+ <key>Tlinebelow</key>
+ <string>T_linebelow.glif</string>
+ <key>Tse-cy</key>
+ <string>T_se-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>Tshe-cy</key>
+ <string>T_she-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>U</key>
+ <string>U_.glif</string>
+ <key>U-cy</key>
+ <string>U_-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>Uacute</key>
+ <string>U_acute.glif</string>
+ <key>Ubreve</key>
+ <string>U_breve.glif</string>
+ <key>Ucaron</key>
+ <string>U_caron.glif</string>
+ <key>Ucircumflex</key>
+ <string>U_circumflex.glif</string>
+ <key>Udblgrave</key>
+ <string>U_dblgrave.glif</string>
+ <key>Udieresis</key>
+ <string>U_dieresis.glif</string>
+ <key>Udieresis-cy</key>
+ <string>U_dieresis-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>Udieresisacute</key>
+ <string>U_dieresisacute.glif</string>
+ <key>Udieresiscaron</key>
+ <string>U_dieresiscaron.glif</string>
+ <key>Udieresisgrave</key>
+ <string>U_dieresisgrave.glif</string>
+ <key>Udieresismacron</key>
+ <string>U_dieresismacron.glif</string>
+ <key>Udotbelow</key>
+ <string>U_dotbelow.glif</string>
+ <key>Ugrave</key>
+ <string>U_grave.glif</string>
+ <key>Uhookabove</key>
+ <string>U_hookabove.glif</string>
+ <key>Uhorn</key>
+ <string>U_horn.glif</string>
+ <key>Uhornacute</key>
+ <string>U_hornacute.glif</string>
+ <key>Uhorndotbelow</key>
+ <string>U_horndotbelow.glif</string>
+ <key>Uhorngrave</key>
+ <string>U_horngrave.glif</string>
+ <key>Uhornhookabove</key>
+ <string>U_hornhookabove.glif</string>
+ <key>Uhorntilde</key>
+ <string>U_horntilde.glif</string>
+ <key>Uhungarumlaut</key>
+ <string>U_hungarumlaut.glif</string>
+ <key>Uhungarumlaut-cy</key>
+ <string>U_hungarumlaut-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>Uinvertedbreve</key>
+ <string>U_invertedbreve.glif</string>
+ <key>Umacron</key>
+ <string>U_macron.glif</string>
+ <key>Umacron-cy</key>
+ <string>U_macron-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>Umacrondieresis</key>
+ <string>U_macrondieresis.glif</string>
+ <key>Uogonek</key>
+ <string>U_ogonek.glif</string>
+ <key>Uring</key>
+ <string>U_ring.glif</string>
+ <key>Ushort-cy</key>
+ <string>U_short-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>Ustraight-cy</key>
+ <string>U_straight-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>Ustraightstroke-cy</key>
+ <string>U_straightstroke-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>Utilde</key>
+ <string>U_tilde.glif</string>
+ <key>Utildeacute</key>
+ <string>U_tildeacute.glif</string>
+ <key>V</key>
+ <string>V_.glif</string>
+ <key>Ve-cy</key>
+ <string>V_e-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>W</key>
+ <string>W_.glif</string>
+ <key>Wacute</key>
+ <string>W_acute.glif</string>
+ <key>Wcircumflex</key>
+ <string>W_circumflex.glif</string>
+ <key>Wdieresis</key>
+ <string>W_dieresis.glif</string>
+ <key>We-cy</key>
+ <string>W_e-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>Wgrave</key>
+ <string>W_grave.glif</string>
+ <key>X</key>
+ <string>X_.glif</string>
+ <key>Y</key>
+ <string>Y_.glif</string>
+ <key>Yacute</key>
+ <string>Y_acute.glif</string>
+ <key>Yat-cy</key>
+ <string>Y_at-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>Ycircumflex</key>
+ <string>Y_circumflex.glif</string>
+ <key>Ydieresis</key>
+ <string>Y_dieresis.glif</string>
+ <key>Ydotaccent</key>
+ <string>Y_dotaccent.glif</string>
+ <key>Ydotbelow</key>
+ <string>Y_dotbelow.glif</string>
+ <key>Yeru-cy</key>
+ <string>Y_eru-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>Yerudieresis-cy</key>
+ <string>Y_erudieresis-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>Ygrave</key>
+ <string>Y_grave.glif</string>
+ <key>Yhookabove</key>
+ <string>Y_hookabove.glif</string>
+ <key>Yi-cy</key>
+ <string>Y_i-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>Ymacron</key>
+ <string>Y_macron.glif</string>
+ <key>Ytilde</key>
+ <string>Y_tilde.glif</string>
+ <key>Yusbig-cy</key>
+ <string>Y_usbig-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>Z</key>
+ <string>Z_.glif</string>
+ <key>Zacute</key>
+ <string>Z_acute.glif</string>
+ <key>Zcaron</key>
+ <string>Z_caron.glif</string>
+ <key>Zdotaccent</key>
+ <string>Z_dotaccent.glif</string>
+ <key>Zdotbelow</key>
+ <string>Z_dotbelow.glif</string>
+ <key>Ze-cy</key>
+ <string>Z_e-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>Zedescender-cy</key>
+ <string>Z_edescender-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>Zedieresis-cy</key>
+ <string>Z_edieresis-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>Zhe-cy</key>
+ <string>Z_he-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>Zhebreve-cy</key>
+ <string>Z_hebreve-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>Zhedescender-cy</key>
+ <string>Z_hedescender-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>Zhedieresis-cy</key>
+ <string>Z_hedieresis-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>_bar-cy</key>
+ <string>_bar-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>_bottomhook</key>
+ <string>_bottomhook.glif</string>
+ <key>_commaaccent</key>
+ <string>_commaaccent.glif</string>
+ <key>_currencyvstem</key>
+ <string>_currencyvstem.glif</string>
+ <key>_descender-cy.case.straight</key>
+ <string>_descender-cy.case.straight.glif</string>
+ <key>_descenderreverse-cy.case</key>
+ <string>_descenderreverse-cy.case.glif</string>
+ <key>_descenderreversed-cy</key>
+ <string>_descenderreversed-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>_o.numero</key>
+ <string>_o.numero.glif</string>
+ <key>_slash.zero</key>
+ <string>_slash.zero.glif</string>
+ <key>_slash.zero.osf</key>
+ <string>_slash.zero.osf.glif</string>
+ <key>_typoquote</key>
+ <string>_typoquote.glif</string>
+ <key>a</key>
+ <string>a.glif</string>
+ <key>a-cy</key>
+ <string>a-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>aacute</key>
+ <string>aacute.glif</string>
+ <key>abreve</key>
+ <string>abreve.glif</string>
+ <key>abreve-cy</key>
+ <string>abreve-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>abreveacute</key>
+ <string>abreveacute.glif</string>
+ <key>abrevedotbelow</key>
+ <string>abrevedotbelow.glif</string>
+ <key>abrevegrave</key>
+ <string>abrevegrave.glif</string>
+ <key>abrevehookabove</key>
+ <string>abrevehookabove.glif</string>
+ <key>abrevetilde</key>
+ <string>abrevetilde.glif</string>
+ <key>acaron</key>
+ <string>acaron.glif</string>
+ <key>acircumflex</key>
+ <string>acircumflex.glif</string>
+ <key>acircumflexacute</key>
+ <string>acircumflexacute.glif</string>
+ <key>acircumflexdotbelow</key>
+ <string>acircumflexdotbelow.glif</string>
+ <key>acircumflexgrave</key>
+ <string>acircumflexgrave.glif</string>
+ <key>acircumflexhookabove</key>
+ <string>acircumflexhookabove.glif</string>
+ <key>acircumflextilde</key>
+ <string>acircumflextilde.glif</string>
+ <key>acute</key>
+ <string>acute.glif</string>
+ <key>acutecomb</key>
+ <string>acutecomb.glif</string>
+ <key>acutecomb.case</key>
+ <string>acutecomb.case.glif</string>
+ <key>acutecomb.loclVIET</key>
+ <string>acutecomb.loclV_I_E_T_.glif</string>
+ <key>acutecomb_dotaccentcomb</key>
+ <string>acutecomb_dotaccentcomb.glif</string>
+ <key>adblgrave</key>
+ <string>adblgrave.glif</string>
+ <key>adieresis</key>
+ <string>adieresis.glif</string>
+ <key>adieresis-cy</key>
+ <string>adieresis-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>adotbelow</key>
+ <string>adotbelow.glif</string>
+ <key>ae</key>
+ <string>ae.glif</string>
+ <key>aeacute</key>
+ <string>aeacute.glif</string>
+ <key>agrave</key>
+ <string>agrave.glif</string>
+ <key>ahookabove</key>
+ <string>ahookabove.glif</string>
+ <key>aie-cy</key>
+ <string>aie-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>ainvertedbreve</key>
+ <string>ainvertedbreve.glif</string>
+ <key>amacron</key>
+ <string>amacron.glif</string>
+ <key>ampersand</key>
+ <string>ampersand.glif</string>
+ <key>aogonek</key>
+ <string>aogonek.glif</string>
+ <key>apostrophemod</key>
+ <string>apostrophemod.glif</string>
+ <key>approxequal</key>
+ <string>approxequal.glif</string>
+ <key>approxequal.tf</key>
+ <string>approxequal.tf.glif</string>
+ <key>aring</key>
+ <string>aring.glif</string>
+ <key>aringacute</key>
+ <string>aringacute.glif</string>
+ <key>asciicircum</key>
+ <string>asciicircum.glif</string>
+ <key>asciitilde</key>
+ <string>asciitilde.glif</string>
+ <key>asterisk</key>
+ <string>asterisk.glif</string>
+ <key>at</key>
+ <string>at.glif</string>
+ <key>atilde</key>
+ <string>atilde.glif</string>
+ <key>b</key>
+ <string>b.glif</string>
+ <key>backslash</key>
+ <string>backslash.glif</string>
+ <key>bar</key>
+ <string>bar.glif</string>
+ <key>be-cy</key>
+ <string>be-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>blackCircle</key>
+ <string>blackC_ircle.glif</string>
+ <key>blank</key>
+ <string>blank.glif</string>
+ <key>braceleft</key>
+ <string>braceleft.glif</string>
+ <key>braceright</key>
+ <string>braceright.glif</string>
+ <key>bracketleft</key>
+ <string>bracketleft.glif</string>
+ <key>bracketright</key>
+ <string>bracketright.glif</string>
+ <key>breve</key>
+ <string>breve.glif</string>
+ <key>brevebelowcomb</key>
+ <string>brevebelowcomb.glif</string>
+ <key>brevecomb</key>
+ <string>brevecomb.glif</string>
+ <key>brevecomb-cy</key>
+ <string>brevecomb-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>brevecomb-cy.case</key>
+ <string>brevecomb-cy.case.glif</string>
+ <key>brevecomb.case</key>
+ <string>brevecomb.case.glif</string>
+ <key>brevecomb.loclVIET</key>
+ <string>brevecomb.loclV_I_E_T_.glif</string>
+ <key>brevecomb_acutecomb</key>
+ <string>brevecomb_acutecomb.glif</string>
+ <key>brevecomb_acutecomb.case</key>
+ <string>brevecomb_acutecomb.case.glif</string>
+ <key>brevecomb_gravecomb</key>
+ <string>brevecomb_gravecomb.glif</string>
+ <key>brevecomb_gravecomb.case</key>
+ <string>brevecomb_gravecomb.case.glif</string>
+ <key>brevecomb_hookabovecomb</key>
+ <string>brevecomb_hookabovecomb.glif</string>
+ <key>brevecomb_hookabovecomb.case</key>
+ <string>brevecomb_hookabovecomb.case.glif</string>
+ <key>brevecomb_tildecomb</key>
+ <string>brevecomb_tildecomb.glif</string>
+ <key>brevecomb_tildecomb.case</key>
+ <string>brevecomb_tildecomb.case.glif</string>
+ <key>breveinvertedcomb</key>
+ <string>breveinvertedcomb.glif</string>
+ <key>breveinvertedcomb.case</key>
+ <string>breveinvertedcomb.case.glif</string>
+ <key>brokenbar</key>
+ <string>brokenbar.glif</string>
+ <key>bullet</key>
+ <string>bullet.glif</string>
+ <key>bulletoperator</key>
+ <string>bulletoperator.glif</string>
+ <key>bulletoperator.tf</key>
+ <string>bulletoperator.tf.glif</string>
+ <key>c</key>
+ <string>c.glif</string>
+ <key>cacute</key>
+ <string>cacute.glif</string>
+ <key>caron</key>
+ <string>caron.glif</string>
+ <key>caroncomb</key>
+ <string>caroncomb.glif</string>
+ <key>caroncomb.alt</key>
+ <string>caroncomb.alt.glif</string>
+ <key>caroncomb.case</key>
+ <string>caroncomb.case.glif</string>
+ <key>caroncomb.loclVIET</key>
+ <string>caroncomb.loclV_I_E_T_.glif</string>
+ <key>caroncomb_dotaccentcomb</key>
+ <string>caroncomb_dotaccentcomb.glif</string>
+ <key>ccaron</key>
+ <string>ccaron.glif</string>
+ <key>ccedilla</key>
+ <string>ccedilla.glif</string>
+ <key>ccedillaacute</key>
+ <string>ccedillaacute.glif</string>
+ <key>ccircumflex</key>
+ <string>ccircumflex.glif</string>
+ <key>cdotaccent</key>
+ <string>cdotaccent.glif</string>
+ <key>cedi</key>
+ <string>cedi.glif</string>
+ <key>cedilla</key>
+ <string>cedilla.glif</string>
+ <key>cedillacomb</key>
+ <string>cedillacomb.glif</string>
+ <key>cent</key>
+ <string>cent.glif</string>
+ <key>che-cy</key>
+ <string>che-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>chedescender-cy</key>
+ <string>chedescender-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>chedieresis-cy</key>
+ <string>chedieresis-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>chekhakassian-cy</key>
+ <string>chekhakassian-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>cheverticalstroke-cy</key>
+ <string>cheverticalstroke-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>circumflex</key>
+ <string>circumflex.glif</string>
+ <key>circumflexcomb</key>
+ <string>circumflexcomb.glif</string>
+ <key>circumflexcomb.case</key>
+ <string>circumflexcomb.case.glif</string>
+ <key>circumflexcomb.loclVIET</key>
+ <string>circumflexcomb.loclV_I_E_T_.glif</string>
+ <key>circumflexcomb_acutecomb</key>
+ <string>circumflexcomb_acutecomb.glif</string>
+ <key>circumflexcomb_acutecomb.case</key>
+ <string>circumflexcomb_acutecomb.case.glif</string>
+ <key>circumflexcomb_gravecomb</key>
+ <string>circumflexcomb_gravecomb.glif</string>
+ <key>circumflexcomb_gravecomb.case</key>
+ <string>circumflexcomb_gravecomb.case.glif</string>
+ <key>circumflexcomb_hookabovecomb</key>
+ <string>circumflexcomb_hookabovecomb.glif</string>
+ <key>circumflexcomb_hookabovecomb.case</key>
+ <string>circumflexcomb_hookabovecomb.case.glif</string>
+ <key>circumflexcomb_tildecomb</key>
+ <string>circumflexcomb_tildecomb.glif</string>
+ <key>circumflexcomb_tildecomb.case</key>
+ <string>circumflexcomb_tildecomb.case.glif</string>
+ <key>colon</key>
+ <string>colon.glif</string>
+ <key>colonsign</key>
+ <string>colonsign.glif</string>
+ <key>comma</key>
+ <string>comma.glif</string>
+ <key>commaaccentcomb</key>
+ <string>commaaccentcomb.glif</string>
+ <key>commaturnedabovecomb</key>
+ <string>commaturnedabovecomb.glif</string>
+ <key>commaturnedmod</key>
+ <string>commaturnedmod.glif</string>
+ <key>commercialMinusSign</key>
+ <string>commercialM_inusS_ign.glif</string>
+ <key>commercialMinusSign.tf</key>
+ <string>commercialM_inusS_ign.tf.glif</string>
+ <key>copyright</key>
+ <string>copyright.glif</string>
+ <key>currency</key>
+ <string>currency.glif</string>
+ <key>d</key>
+ <string>d.glif</string>
+ <key>dagger</key>
+ <string>dagger.glif</string>
+ <key>daggerdbl</key>
+ <string>daggerdbl.glif</string>
+ <key>dblgravecomb</key>
+ <string>dblgravecomb.glif</string>
+ <key>dblgravecomb.case</key>
+ <string>dblgravecomb.case.glif</string>
+ <key>dcaron</key>
+ <string>dcaron.glif</string>
+ <key>dcroat</key>
+ <string>dcroat.glif</string>
+ <key>ddotbelow</key>
+ <string>ddotbelow.glif</string>
+ <key>de-cy</key>
+ <string>de-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>degree</key>
+ <string>degree.glif</string>
+ <key>descender-cy</key>
+ <string>descender-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>descender-cy.case</key>
+ <string>descender-cy.case.glif</string>
+ <key>descender-cy.strait</key>
+ <string>descender-cy.strait.glif</string>
+ <key>dieresis</key>
+ <string>dieresis.glif</string>
+ <key>dieresisbelowcomb</key>
+ <string>dieresisbelowcomb.glif</string>
+ <key>dieresiscomb</key>
+ <string>dieresiscomb.glif</string>
+ <key>dieresiscomb.case</key>
+ <string>dieresiscomb.case.glif</string>
+ <key>dieresiscomb.loclVIET</key>
+ <string>dieresiscomb.loclV_I_E_T_.glif</string>
+ <key>dieresiscomb_acutecomb</key>
+ <string>dieresiscomb_acutecomb.glif</string>
+ <key>dieresiscomb_caroncomb</key>
+ <string>dieresiscomb_caroncomb.glif</string>
+ <key>dieresiscomb_gravecomb</key>
+ <string>dieresiscomb_gravecomb.glif</string>
+ <key>dieresiscomb_macroncomb</key>
+ <string>dieresiscomb_macroncomb.glif</string>
+ <key>divide</key>
+ <string>divide.glif</string>
+ <key>divide.tf</key>
+ <string>divide.tf.glif</string>
+ <key>divisionslash</key>
+ <string>divisionslash.glif</string>
+ <key>divisionslash.tf</key>
+ <string>divisionslash.tf.glif</string>
+ <key>dje-cy</key>
+ <string>dje-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>dlinebelow</key>
+ <string>dlinebelow.glif</string>
+ <key>dollar</key>
+ <string>dollar.glif</string>
+ <key>dong</key>
+ <string>dong.glif</string>
+ <key>dotaccent</key>
+ <string>dotaccent.glif</string>
+ <key>dotaccentcomb</key>
+ <string>dotaccentcomb.glif</string>
+ <key>dotaccentcomb.case</key>
+ <string>dotaccentcomb.case.glif</string>
+ <key>dotaccentcomb.loclVIET</key>
+ <string>dotaccentcomb.loclV_I_E_T_.glif</string>
+ <key>dotaccentcomb_macroncomb</key>
+ <string>dotaccentcomb_macroncomb.glif</string>
+ <key>dotbelowcomb</key>
+ <string>dotbelowcomb.glif</string>
+ <key>doubleprimemod</key>
+ <string>doubleprimemod.glif</string>
+ <key>downArrow</key>
+ <string>downA_rrow.glif</string>
+ <key>dzcaron</key>
+ <string>dzcaron.glif</string>
+ <key>dze-cy</key>
+ <string>dze-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>dzhe-cy</key>
+ <string>dzhe-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>e</key>
+ <string>e.glif</string>
+ <key>e-cy</key>
+ <string>e-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>eacute</key>
+ <string>eacute.glif</string>
+ <key>ebreve</key>
+ <string>ebreve.glif</string>
+ <key>ecaron</key>
+ <string>ecaron.glif</string>
+ <key>ecedillabreve</key>
+ <string>ecedillabreve.glif</string>
+ <key>ecircumflex</key>
+ <string>ecircumflex.glif</string>
+ <key>ecircumflexacute</key>
+ <string>ecircumflexacute.glif</string>
+ <key>ecircumflexdotbelow</key>
+ <string>ecircumflexdotbelow.glif</string>
+ <key>ecircumflexgrave</key>
+ <string>ecircumflexgrave.glif</string>
+ <key>ecircumflexhookabove</key>
+ <string>ecircumflexhookabove.glif</string>
+ <key>ecircumflextilde</key>
+ <string>ecircumflextilde.glif</string>
+ <key>edblgrave</key>
+ <string>edblgrave.glif</string>
+ <key>edieresis</key>
+ <string>edieresis.glif</string>
+ <key>edotaccent</key>
+ <string>edotaccent.glif</string>
+ <key>edotbelow</key>
+ <string>edotbelow.glif</string>
+ <key>ef-cy</key>
+ <string>ef-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>egrave</key>
+ <string>egrave.glif</string>
+ <key>ehookabove</key>
+ <string>ehookabove.glif</string>
+ <key>eight</key>
+ <string>eight.glif</string>
+ <key>eight.dnom</key>
+ <string>eight.dnom.glif</string>
+ <key>eight.lf</key>
+ <string>eight.lf.glif</string>
+ <key>eight.numr</key>
+ <string>eight.numr.glif</string>
+ <key>eight.osf</key>
+ <string>eight.osf.glif</string>
+ <key>eight.subs</key>
+ <string>eight.subs.glif</string>
+ <key>eight.tf</key>
+ <string>eight.tf.glif</string>
+ <key>eight.tosf</key>
+ <string>eight.tosf.glif</string>
+ <key>eightinferior</key>
+ <string>eightinferior.glif</string>
+ <key>eightsuperior</key>
+ <string>eightsuperior.glif</string>
+ <key>einvertedbreve</key>
+ <string>einvertedbreve.glif</string>
+ <key>el-cy</key>
+ <string>el-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>ellipsis</key>
+ <string>ellipsis.glif</string>
+ <key>em-cy</key>
+ <string>em-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>emacron</key>
+ <string>emacron.glif</string>
+ <key>emacronacute</key>
+ <string>emacronacute.glif</string>
+ <key>emacrongrave</key>
+ <string>emacrongrave.glif</string>
+ <key>emdash</key>
+ <string>emdash.glif</string>
+ <key>emptyset</key>
+ <string>emptyset.glif</string>
+ <key>emquad</key>
+ <string>emquad.glif</string>
+ <key>emspace</key>
+ <string>emspace.glif</string>
+ <key>en-cy</key>
+ <string>en-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>endash</key>
+ <string>endash.glif</string>
+ <key>endescender-cy</key>
+ <string>endescender-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>eng</key>
+ <string>eng.glif</string>
+ <key>enghe-cy</key>
+ <string>enghe-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>enquad</key>
+ <string>enquad.glif</string>
+ <key>enspace</key>
+ <string>enspace.glif</string>
+ <key>eogonek</key>
+ <string>eogonek.glif</string>
+ <key>equal</key>
+ <string>equal.glif</string>
+ <key>equal.tf</key>
+ <string>equal.tf.glif</string>
+ <key>equivalence</key>
+ <string>equivalence.glif</string>
+ <key>equivalence.tf</key>
+ <string>equivalence.tf.glif</string>
+ <key>er-cy</key>
+ <string>er-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>ereversed-cy</key>
+ <string>ereversed-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>es-cy</key>
+ <string>es-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>esdescender-cy</key>
+ <string>esdescender-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>estimated</key>
+ <string>estimated.glif</string>
+ <key>eth</key>
+ <string>eth.glif</string>
+ <key>etilde</key>
+ <string>etilde.glif</string>
+ <key>euro</key>
+ <string>euro.glif</string>
+ <key>exclam</key>
+ <string>exclam.glif</string>
+ <key>exclamdown</key>
+ <string>exclamdown.glif</string>
+ <key>f</key>
+ <string>f.glif</string>
+ <key>f_f</key>
+ <string>f_f.glif</string>
+ <key>f_f_i</key>
+ <string>f_f_i.glif</string>
+ <key>f_f_l</key>
+ <string>f_f_l.glif</string>
+ <key>fi</key>
+ <string>fi.glif</string>
+ <key>figuredash</key>
+ <string>figuredash.glif</string>
+ <key>figurespace</key>
+ <string>figurespace.glif</string>
+ <key>firsttonechinese</key>
+ <string>firsttonechinese.glif</string>
+ <key>fita-cy</key>
+ <string>fita-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>five</key>
+ <string>five.glif</string>
+ <key>five.dnom</key>
+ <string>five.dnom.glif</string>
+ <key>five.lf</key>
+ <string>five.lf.glif</string>
+ <key>five.numr</key>
+ <string>five.numr.glif</string>
+ <key>five.osf</key>
+ <string>five.osf.glif</string>
+ <key>five.subs</key>
+ <string>five.subs.glif</string>
+ <key>five.tf</key>
+ <string>five.tf.glif</string>
+ <key>five.tosf</key>
+ <string>five.tosf.glif</string>
+ <key>fiveeighths</key>
+ <string>fiveeighths.glif</string>
+ <key>fiveinferior</key>
+ <string>fiveinferior.glif</string>
+ <key>fivesixths</key>
+ <string>fivesixths.glif</string>
+ <key>fivesuperior</key>
+ <string>fivesuperior.glif</string>
+ <key>fl</key>
+ <string>fl.glif</string>
+ <key>florin</key>
+ <string>florin.glif</string>
+ <key>four</key>
+ <string>four.glif</string>
+ <key>four.dnom</key>
+ <string>four.dnom.glif</string>
+ <key>four.lf</key>
+ <string>four.lf.glif</string>
+ <key>four.numr</key>
+ <string>four.numr.glif</string>
+ <key>four.osf</key>
+ <string>four.osf.glif</string>
+ <key>four.subs</key>
+ <string>four.subs.glif</string>
+ <key>four.tf</key>
+ <string>four.tf.glif</string>
+ <key>four.tosf</key>
+ <string>four.tosf.glif</string>
+ <key>fourfifths</key>
+ <string>fourfifths.glif</string>
+ <key>fourinferior</key>
+ <string>fourinferior.glif</string>
+ <key>fourperemspace</key>
+ <string>fourperemspace.glif</string>
+ <key>foursuperior</key>
+ <string>foursuperior.glif</string>
+ <key>fourthtonechinese</key>
+ <string>fourthtonechinese.glif</string>
+ <key>fraction</key>
+ <string>fraction.glif</string>
+ <key>franc</key>
+ <string>franc.glif</string>
+ <key>g</key>
+ <string>g.glif</string>
+ <key>gbreve</key>
+ <string>gbreve.glif</string>
+ <key>gcaron</key>
+ <string>gcaron.glif</string>
+ <key>gcircumflex</key>
+ <string>gcircumflex.glif</string>
+ <key>gcommaaccent</key>
+ <string>gcommaaccent.glif</string>
+ <key>gdotaccent</key>
+ <string>gdotaccent.glif</string>
+ <key>ge-cy</key>
+ <string>ge-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>gedescender-cy</key>
+ <string>gedescender-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>germandbls</key>
+ <string>germandbls.glif</string>
+ <key>ghemiddlehook-cy</key>
+ <string>ghemiddlehook-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>ghestroke-cy</key>
+ <string>ghestroke-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>gheupturn-cy</key>
+ <string>gheupturn-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>gje-cy</key>
+ <string>gje-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>gmacron</key>
+ <string>gmacron.glif</string>
+ <key>grave</key>
+ <string>grave.glif</string>
+ <key>gravecomb</key>
+ <string>gravecomb.glif</string>
+ <key>gravecomb.case</key>
+ <string>gravecomb.case.glif</string>
+ <key>gravecomb.loclVIET</key>
+ <string>gravecomb.loclV_I_E_T_.glif</string>
+ <key>greater</key>
+ <string>greater.glif</string>
+ <key>greater.tf</key>
+ <string>greater.tf.glif</string>
+ <key>greaterequal</key>
+ <string>greaterequal.glif</string>
+ <key>greaterequal.tf</key>
+ <string>greaterequal.tf.glif</string>
+ <key>guarani</key>
+ <string>guarani.glif</string>
+ <key>guillemetleft</key>
+ <string>guillemetleft.glif</string>
+ <key>guillemetright</key>
+ <string>guillemetright.glif</string>
+ <key>guilsinglleft</key>
+ <string>guilsinglleft.glif</string>
+ <key>guilsinglright</key>
+ <string>guilsinglright.glif</string>
+ <key>h</key>
+ <string>h.glif</string>
+ <key>ha-cy</key>
+ <string>ha-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>hadescender-cy</key>
+ <string>hadescender-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>hairspace</key>
+ <string>hairspace.glif</string>
+ <key>hardsign-cy</key>
+ <string>hardsign-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>hbar</key>
+ <string>hbar.glif</string>
+ <key>hbrevebelow</key>
+ <string>hbrevebelow.glif</string>
+ <key>hcircumflex</key>
+ <string>hcircumflex.glif</string>
+ <key>hdotbelow</key>
+ <string>hdotbelow.glif</string>
+ <key>hookabovecomb</key>
+ <string>hookabovecomb.glif</string>
+ <key>hookabovecomb.case</key>
+ <string>hookabovecomb.case.glif</string>
+ <key>hookabovecomb.loclVIET</key>
+ <string>hookabovecomb.loclV_I_E_T_.glif</string>
+ <key>horizontalbar</key>
+ <string>horizontalbar.glif</string>
+ <key>horncomb</key>
+ <string>horncomb.glif</string>
+ <key>hryvnia</key>
+ <string>hryvnia.glif</string>
+ <key>hungarumlaut</key>
+ <string>hungarumlaut.glif</string>
+ <key>hungarumlautcomb</key>
+ <string>hungarumlautcomb.glif</string>
+ <key>hungarumlautcomb.case</key>
+ <string>hungarumlautcomb.case.glif</string>
+ <key>hyphen</key>
+ <string>hyphen.glif</string>
+ <key>hyphentwo</key>
+ <string>hyphentwo.glif</string>
+ <key>i</key>
+ <string>i.glif</string>
+ <key>i-cy</key>
+ <string>i-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>ia-cy</key>
+ <string>ia-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>iacute</key>
+ <string>iacute.glif</string>
+ <key>ibreve</key>
+ <string>ibreve.glif</string>
+ <key>icaron</key>
+ <string>icaron.glif</string>
+ <key>icircumflex</key>
+ <string>icircumflex.glif</string>
+ <key>idblgrave</key>
+ <string>idblgrave.glif</string>
+ <key>idieresis</key>
+ <string>idieresis.glif</string>
+ <key>idieresis-cy</key>
+ <string>idieresis-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>idieresisacute</key>
+ <string>idieresisacute.glif</string>
+ <key>idotaccent</key>
+ <string>idotaccent.glif</string>
+ <key>idotbelow</key>
+ <string>idotbelow.glif</string>
+ <key>idotless</key>
+ <string>idotless.glif</string>
+ <key>ie-cy</key>
+ <string>ie-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>iebreve-cy</key>
+ <string>iebreve-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>iegrave-cy</key>
+ <string>iegrave-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>igrave</key>
+ <string>igrave.glif</string>
+ <key>ihookabove</key>
+ <string>ihookabove.glif</string>
+ <key>ii-cy</key>
+ <string>ii-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>iigrave-cy</key>
+ <string>iigrave-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>iinvertedbreve</key>
+ <string>iinvertedbreve.glif</string>
+ <key>iishort-cy</key>
+ <string>iishort-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>imacron</key>
+ <string>imacron.glif</string>
+ <key>imacron-cy</key>
+ <string>imacron-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>increment</key>
+ <string>increment.glif</string>
+ <key>infinity</key>
+ <string>infinity.glif</string>
+ <key>integral</key>
+ <string>integral.glif</string>
+ <key>io-cy</key>
+ <string>io-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>iogonek</key>
+ <string>iogonek.glif</string>
+ <key>itilde</key>
+ <string>itilde.glif</string>
+ <key>iu-cy</key>
+ <string>iu-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>izhitsa-cy</key>
+ <string>izhitsa-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>j</key>
+ <string>j.glif</string>
+ <key>jacute</key>
+ <string>jacute.glif</string>
+ <key>jcircumflex</key>
+ <string>jcircumflex.glif</string>
+ <key>jdotless</key>
+ <string>jdotless.glif</string>
+ <key>je-cy</key>
+ <string>je-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>k</key>
+ <string>k.glif</string>
+ <key>ka-cy</key>
+ <string>ka-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>kabashkir-cy</key>
+ <string>kabashkir-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>kacute</key>
+ <string>kacute.glif</string>
+ <key>kadescender-cy</key>
+ <string>kadescender-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>kaverticalstroke-cy</key>
+ <string>kaverticalstroke-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>kcommaaccent</key>
+ <string>kcommaaccent.glif</string>
+ <key>kgreenlandic</key>
+ <string>kgreenlandic.glif</string>
+ <key>kip</key>
+ <string>kip.glif</string>
+ <key>kje-cy</key>
+ <string>kje-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>l</key>
+ <string>l.glif</string>
+ <key>lacute</key>
+ <string>lacute.glif</string>
+ <key>lcaron</key>
+ <string>lcaron.glif</string>
+ <key>lcommaaccent</key>
+ <string>lcommaaccent.glif</string>
+ <key>ldot</key>
+ <string>ldot.glif</string>
+ <key>ldotbelow</key>
+ <string>ldotbelow.glif</string>
+ <key>leftArrow</key>
+ <string>leftA_rrow.glif</string>
+ <key>leftanglebracket-math</key>
+ <string>leftanglebracket-math.glif</string>
+ <key>less</key>
+ <string>less.glif</string>
+ <key>less.tf</key>
+ <string>less.tf.glif</string>
+ <key>lessequal</key>
+ <string>lessequal.glif</string>
+ <key>lessequal.tf</key>
+ <string>lessequal.tf.glif</string>
+ <key>lira</key>
+ <string>lira.glif</string>
+ <key>liraTurkish</key>
+ <string>liraT_urkish.glif</string>
+ <key>literSign</key>
+ <string>literS_ign.glif</string>
+ <key>lj</key>
+ <string>lj.glif</string>
+ <key>lje-cy</key>
+ <string>lje-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>llinebelow</key>
+ <string>llinebelow.glif</string>
+ <key>logicalnot</key>
+ <string>logicalnot.glif</string>
+ <key>logicalnot.tf</key>
+ <string>logicalnot.tf.glif</string>
+ <key>lozenge</key>
+ <string>lozenge.glif</string>
+ <key>lslash</key>
+ <string>lslash.glif</string>
+ <key>m</key>
+ <string>m.glif</string>
+ <key>macron</key>
+ <string>macron.glif</string>
+ <key>macronbelowcomb</key>
+ <string>macronbelowcomb.glif</string>
+ <key>macronbelowcomb.narrow</key>
+ <string>macronbelowcomb.narrow.glif</string>
+ <key>macroncomb</key>
+ <string>macroncomb.glif</string>
+ <key>macroncomb.case</key>
+ <string>macroncomb.case.glif</string>
+ <key>macroncomb.loclVIET</key>
+ <string>macroncomb.loclV_I_E_T_.glif</string>
+ <key>macroncomb.narrow</key>
+ <string>macroncomb.narrow.glif</string>
+ <key>macroncomb.narrow.case</key>
+ <string>macroncomb.narrow.case.glif</string>
+ <key>macroncomb_acutecomb</key>
+ <string>macroncomb_acutecomb.glif</string>
+ <key>macroncomb_dieresiscomb</key>
+ <string>macroncomb_dieresiscomb.glif</string>
+ <key>macroncomb_gravecomb</key>
+ <string>macroncomb_gravecomb.glif</string>
+ <key>manat</key>
+ <string>manat.glif</string>
+ <key>mdotbelow</key>
+ <string>mdotbelow.glif</string>
+ <key>micro</key>
+ <string>micro.glif</string>
+ <key>minus</key>
+ <string>minus.glif</string>
+ <key>minus.tf</key>
+ <string>minus.tf.glif</string>
+ <key>minute</key>
+ <string>minute.glif</string>
+ <key>multiply</key>
+ <string>multiply.glif</string>
+ <key>multiply.tf</key>
+ <string>multiply.tf.glif</string>
+ <key>n</key>
+ <string>n.glif</string>
+ <key>nacute</key>
+ <string>nacute.glif</string>
+ <key>naira</key>
+ <string>naira.glif</string>
+ <key>nbspace</key>
+ <string>nbspace.glif</string>
+ <key>ncaron</key>
+ <string>ncaron.glif</string>
+ <key>ncommaaccent</key>
+ <string>ncommaaccent.glif</string>
+ <key>ndotaccent</key>
+ <string>ndotaccent.glif</string>
+ <key>ndotbelow</key>
+ <string>ndotbelow.glif</string>
+ <key>nine</key>
+ <string>nine.glif</string>
+ <key>nine.dnom</key>
+ <string>nine.dnom.glif</string>
+ <key>nine.lf</key>
+ <string>nine.lf.glif</string>
+ <key>nine.numr</key>
+ <string>nine.numr.glif</string>
+ <key>nine.osf</key>
+ <string>nine.osf.glif</string>
+ <key>nine.ss01</key>
+ <string>nine.ss01.glif</string>
+ <key>nine.subs</key>
+ <string>nine.subs.glif</string>
+ <key>nine.tf</key>
+ <string>nine.tf.glif</string>
+ <key>nine.tosf</key>
+ <string>nine.tosf.glif</string>
+ <key>nineinferior</key>
+ <string>nineinferior.glif</string>
+ <key>ninesuperior</key>
+ <string>ninesuperior.glif</string>
+ <key>nj</key>
+ <string>nj.glif</string>
+ <key>nje-cy</key>
+ <string>nje-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>nlinebelow</key>
+ <string>nlinebelow.glif</string>
+ <key>nonbreakinghyphen</key>
+ <string>nonbreakinghyphen.glif</string>
+ <key>notequal</key>
+ <string>notequal.glif</string>
+ <key>notequal.tf</key>
+ <string>notequal.tf.glif</string>
+ <key>notidentical</key>
+ <string>notidentical.glif</string>
+ <key>notidentical.tf</key>
+ <string>notidentical.tf.glif</string>
+ <key>ntilde</key>
+ <string>ntilde.glif</string>
+ <key>numbersign</key>
+ <string>numbersign.glif</string>
+ <key>numero</key>
+ <string>numero.glif</string>
+ <key>o</key>
+ <string>o.glif</string>
+ <key>o-cy</key>
+ <string>o-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>oacute</key>
+ <string>oacute.glif</string>
+ <key>obarred-cy</key>
+ <string>obarred-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>obreve</key>
+ <string>obreve.glif</string>
+ <key>ocaron</key>
+ <string>ocaron.glif</string>
+ <key>ocircumflex</key>
+ <string>ocircumflex.glif</string>
+ <key>ocircumflexacute</key>
+ <string>ocircumflexacute.glif</string>
+ <key>ocircumflexdotbelow</key>
+ <string>ocircumflexdotbelow.glif</string>
+ <key>ocircumflexgrave</key>
+ <string>ocircumflexgrave.glif</string>
+ <key>ocircumflexhookabove</key>
+ <string>ocircumflexhookabove.glif</string>
+ <key>ocircumflextilde</key>
+ <string>ocircumflextilde.glif</string>
+ <key>odblgrave</key>
+ <string>odblgrave.glif</string>
+ <key>odieresis</key>
+ <string>odieresis.glif</string>
+ <key>odieresis-cy</key>
+ <string>odieresis-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>odieresismacron</key>
+ <string>odieresismacron.glif</string>
+ <key>odotaccentmacron</key>
+ <string>odotaccentmacron.glif</string>
+ <key>odotbelow</key>
+ <string>odotbelow.glif</string>
+ <key>oe</key>
+ <string>oe.glif</string>
+ <key>ogonek</key>
+ <string>ogonek.glif</string>
+ <key>ogonekcomb</key>
+ <string>ogonekcomb.glif</string>
+ <key>ogonekcomb.narrow</key>
+ <string>ogonekcomb.narrow.glif</string>
+ <key>ogonekcomb.tall</key>
+ <string>ogonekcomb.tall.glif</string>
+ <key>ogonekcomb.tall.case</key>
+ <string>ogonekcomb.tall.case.glif</string>
+ <key>ograve</key>
+ <string>ograve.glif</string>
+ <key>ohookabove</key>
+ <string>ohookabove.glif</string>
+ <key>ohorn</key>
+ <string>ohorn.glif</string>
+ <key>ohornacute</key>
+ <string>ohornacute.glif</string>
+ <key>ohorndotbelow</key>
+ <string>ohorndotbelow.glif</string>
+ <key>ohorngrave</key>
+ <string>ohorngrave.glif</string>
+ <key>ohornhookabove</key>
+ <string>ohornhookabove.glif</string>
+ <key>ohorntilde</key>
+ <string>ohorntilde.glif</string>
+ <key>ohungarumlaut</key>
+ <string>ohungarumlaut.glif</string>
+ <key>oinvertedbreve</key>
+ <string>oinvertedbreve.glif</string>
+ <key>omacron</key>
+ <string>omacron.glif</string>
+ <key>omacronacute</key>
+ <string>omacronacute.glif</string>
+ <key>omacrongrave</key>
+ <string>omacrongrave.glif</string>
+ <key>one</key>
+ <string>one.glif</string>
+ <key>one.dnom</key>
+ <string>one.dnom.glif</string>
+ <key>one.lf</key>
+ <string>one.lf.glif</string>
+ <key>one.numr</key>
+ <string>one.numr.glif</string>
+ <key>one.osf</key>
+ <string>one.osf.glif</string>
+ <key>one.subs</key>
+ <string>one.subs.glif</string>
+ <key>one.tf</key>
+ <string>one.tf.glif</string>
+ <key>one.tosf</key>
+ <string>one.tosf.glif</string>
+ <key>oneeighth</key>
+ <string>oneeighth.glif</string>
+ <key>onefifth</key>
+ <string>onefifth.glif</string>
+ <key>onefraction</key>
+ <string>onefraction.glif</string>
+ <key>onehalf</key>
+ <string>onehalf.glif</string>
+ <key>oneinferior</key>
+ <string>oneinferior.glif</string>
+ <key>oneninth</key>
+ <string>oneninth.glif</string>
+ <key>onequarter</key>
+ <string>onequarter.glif</string>
+ <key>oneseventh</key>
+ <string>oneseventh.glif</string>
+ <key>onesixth</key>
+ <string>onesixth.glif</string>
+ <key>onesuperior</key>
+ <string>onesuperior.glif</string>
+ <key>onetenth</key>
+ <string>onetenth.glif</string>
+ <key>onethird</key>
+ <string>onethird.glif</string>
+ <key>oogonek</key>
+ <string>oogonek.glif</string>
+ <key>ordfeminine</key>
+ <string>ordfeminine.glif</string>
+ <key>ordmasculine</key>
+ <string>ordmasculine.glif</string>
+ <key>oslash</key>
+ <string>oslash.glif</string>
+ <key>oslashacute</key>
+ <string>oslashacute.glif</string>
+ <key>otilde</key>
+ <string>otilde.glif</string>
+ <key>otildeacute</key>
+ <string>otildeacute.glif</string>
+ <key>otildedieresis</key>
+ <string>otildedieresis.glif</string>
+ <key>otildemacron</key>
+ <string>otildemacron.glif</string>
+ <key>p</key>
+ <string>p.glif</string>
+ <key>palochka-cy</key>
+ <string>palochka-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>paragraph</key>
+ <string>paragraph.glif</string>
+ <key>parenleft</key>
+ <string>parenleft.glif</string>
+ <key>parenright</key>
+ <string>parenright.glif</string>
+ <key>partialdiff</key>
+ <string>partialdiff.glif</string>
+ <key>pe-cy</key>
+ <string>pe-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>percent</key>
+ <string>percent.glif</string>
+ <key>period</key>
+ <string>period.glif</string>
+ <key>periodcentered</key>
+ <string>periodcentered.glif</string>
+ <key>periodcentered.loclCAT</key>
+ <string>periodcentered.loclC_A_T_.glif</string>
+ <key>periodcentered.loclCAT.case</key>
+ <string>periodcentered.loclC_A_T_.case.glif</string>
+ <key>perthousand</key>
+ <string>perthousand.glif</string>
+ <key>peseta</key>
+ <string>peseta.glif</string>
+ <key>peso</key>
+ <string>peso.glif</string>
+ <key>pi</key>
+ <string>pi.glif</string>
+ <key>plus</key>
+ <string>plus.glif</string>
+ <key>plus.tf</key>
+ <string>plus.tf.glif</string>
+ <key>plusminus</key>
+ <string>plusminus.glif</string>
+ <key>plusminus.tf</key>
+ <string>plusminus.tf.glif</string>
+ <key>primeReversed</key>
+ <string>primeR_eversed.glif</string>
+ <key>primemod</key>
+ <string>primemod.glif</string>
+ <key>product</key>
+ <string>product.glif</string>
+ <key>punctuationspace</key>
+ <string>punctuationspace.glif</string>
+ <key>q</key>
+ <string>q.glif</string>
+ <key>qa-cy</key>
+ <string>qa-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>question</key>
+ <string>question.glif</string>
+ <key>questiondown</key>
+ <string>questiondown.glif</string>
+ <key>quotedbl</key>
+ <string>quotedbl.glif</string>
+ <key>quotedblbase</key>
+ <string>quotedblbase.glif</string>
+ <key>quotedblleft</key>
+ <string>quotedblleft.glif</string>
+ <key>quotedblright</key>
+ <string>quotedblright.glif</string>
+ <key>quoteleft</key>
+ <string>quoteleft.glif</string>
+ <key>quoteright</key>
+ <string>quoteright.glif</string>
+ <key>quotesinglbase</key>
+ <string>quotesinglbase.glif</string>
+ <key>quotesingle</key>
+ <string>quotesingle.glif</string>
+ <key>r</key>
+ <string>r.glif</string>
+ <key>racute</key>
+ <string>racute.glif</string>
+ <key>radical</key>
+ <string>radical.glif</string>
+ <key>ratio</key>
+ <string>ratio.glif</string>
+ <key>rcaron</key>
+ <string>rcaron.glif</string>
+ <key>rcommaaccent</key>
+ <string>rcommaaccent.glif</string>
+ <key>rdblgrave</key>
+ <string>rdblgrave.glif</string>
+ <key>rdotbelow</key>
+ <string>rdotbelow.glif</string>
+ <key>registered</key>
+ <string>registered.glif</string>
+ <key>rightArrow</key>
+ <string>rightA_rrow.glif</string>
+ <key>rightanglebracket-math</key>
+ <string>rightanglebracket-math.glif</string>
+ <key>ring</key>
+ <string>ring.glif</string>
+ <key>ringcomb</key>
+ <string>ringcomb.glif</string>
+ <key>ringcomb.case</key>
+ <string>ringcomb.case.glif</string>
+ <key>ringcomb_acutecomb</key>
+ <string>ringcomb_acutecomb.glif</string>
+ <key>ringcomb_acutecomb.case</key>
+ <string>ringcomb_acutecomb.case.glif</string>
+ <key>ringhalfleft</key>
+ <string>ringhalfleft.glif</string>
+ <key>ringhalfright</key>
+ <string>ringhalfright.glif</string>
+ <key>rinvertedbreve</key>
+ <string>rinvertedbreve.glif</string>
+ <key>rlinebelow</key>
+ <string>rlinebelow.glif</string>
+ <key>ruble</key>
+ <string>ruble.glif</string>
+ <key>rupeeIndian</key>
+ <string>rupeeI_ndian.glif</string>
+ <key>s</key>
+ <string>s.glif</string>
+ <key>sacute</key>
+ <string>sacute.glif</string>
+ <key>sacutedotaccent</key>
+ <string>sacutedotaccent.glif</string>
+ <key>saltillo</key>
+ <string>saltillo.glif</string>
+ <key>scaron</key>
+ <string>scaron.glif</string>
+ <key>scarondotaccent</key>
+ <string>scarondotaccent.glif</string>
+ <key>scedilla</key>
+ <string>scedilla.glif</string>
+ <key>schwa</key>
+ <string>schwa.glif</string>
+ <key>schwa-cy</key>
+ <string>schwa-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>scircumflex</key>
+ <string>scircumflex.glif</string>
+ <key>scommaaccent</key>
+ <string>scommaaccent.glif</string>
+ <key>sdotaccent</key>
+ <string>sdotaccent.glif</string>
+ <key>sdotbelow</key>
+ <string>sdotbelow.glif</string>
+ <key>sdotbelowdotaccent</key>
+ <string>sdotbelowdotaccent.glif</string>
+ <key>second</key>
+ <string>second.glif</string>
+ <key>secondtonechinese</key>
+ <string>secondtonechinese.glif</string>
+ <key>section</key>
+ <string>section.glif</string>
+ <key>semicolon</key>
+ <string>semicolon.glif</string>
+ <key>seven</key>
+ <string>seven.glif</string>
+ <key>seven.dnom</key>
+ <string>seven.dnom.glif</string>
+ <key>seven.lf</key>
+ <string>seven.lf.glif</string>
+ <key>seven.numr</key>
+ <string>seven.numr.glif</string>
+ <key>seven.osf</key>
+ <string>seven.osf.glif</string>
+ <key>seven.subs</key>
+ <string>seven.subs.glif</string>
+ <key>seven.tf</key>
+ <string>seven.tf.glif</string>
+ <key>seven.tosf</key>
+ <string>seven.tosf.glif</string>
+ <key>seveneighths</key>
+ <string>seveneighths.glif</string>
+ <key>seveninferior</key>
+ <string>seveninferior.glif</string>
+ <key>sevensuperior</key>
+ <string>sevensuperior.glif</string>
+ <key>sha-cy</key>
+ <string>sha-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>shcha-cy</key>
+ <string>shcha-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>shha-cy</key>
+ <string>shha-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>six</key>
+ <string>six.glif</string>
+ <key>six.dnom</key>
+ <string>six.dnom.glif</string>
+ <key>six.lf</key>
+ <string>six.lf.glif</string>
+ <key>six.numr</key>
+ <string>six.numr.glif</string>
+ <key>six.osf</key>
+ <string>six.osf.glif</string>
+ <key>six.ss01</key>
+ <string>six.ss01.glif</string>
+ <key>six.subs</key>
+ <string>six.subs.glif</string>
+ <key>six.tf</key>
+ <string>six.tf.glif</string>
+ <key>six.tosf</key>
+ <string>six.tosf.glif</string>
+ <key>sixinferior</key>
+ <string>sixinferior.glif</string>
+ <key>sixperemspace</key>
+ <string>sixperemspace.glif</string>
+ <key>sixsuperior</key>
+ <string>sixsuperior.glif</string>
+ <key>slash</key>
+ <string>slash.glif</string>
+ <key>slashlongcomb</key>
+ <string>slashlongcomb.glif</string>
+ <key>slashlongcomb.case</key>
+ <string>slashlongcomb.case.glif</string>
+ <key>slashshortcomb</key>
+ <string>slashshortcomb.glif</string>
+ <key>slashshortcomb.case</key>
+ <string>slashshortcomb.case.glif</string>
+ <key>softhyphen</key>
+ <string>softhyphen.glif</string>
+ <key>softsign-cy</key>
+ <string>softsign-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>space</key>
+ <string>space.glif</string>
+ <key>sterling</key>
+ <string>sterling.glif</string>
+ <key>strokelongcomb</key>
+ <string>strokelongcomb.glif</string>
+ <key>strokeshortcomb</key>
+ <string>strokeshortcomb.glif</string>
+ <key>strokeshortcomb.case</key>
+ <string>strokeshortcomb.case.glif</string>
+ <key>summation</key>
+ <string>summation.glif</string>
+ <key>t</key>
+ <string>t.glif</string>
+ <key>tbar</key>
+ <string>tbar.glif</string>
+ <key>tcaron</key>
+ <string>tcaron.glif</string>
+ <key>tcedilla</key>
+ <string>tcedilla.glif</string>
+ <key>tcommaaccent</key>
+ <string>tcommaaccent.glif</string>
+ <key>tdieresis</key>
+ <string>tdieresis.glif</string>
+ <key>tdotbelow</key>
+ <string>tdotbelow.glif</string>
+ <key>te-cy</key>
+ <string>te-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>tenge</key>
+ <string>tenge.glif</string>
+ <key>thinspace</key>
+ <string>thinspace.glif</string>
+ <key>thorn</key>
+ <string>thorn.glif</string>
+ <key>three</key>
+ <string>three.glif</string>
+ <key>three.dnom</key>
+ <string>three.dnom.glif</string>
+ <key>three.lf</key>
+ <string>three.lf.glif</string>
+ <key>three.numr</key>
+ <string>three.numr.glif</string>
+ <key>three.osf</key>
+ <string>three.osf.glif</string>
+ <key>three.subs</key>
+ <string>three.subs.glif</string>
+ <key>three.tf</key>
+ <string>three.tf.glif</string>
+ <key>three.tosf</key>
+ <string>three.tosf.glif</string>
+ <key>threeeighths</key>
+ <string>threeeighths.glif</string>
+ <key>threefifths</key>
+ <string>threefifths.glif</string>
+ <key>threeinferior</key>
+ <string>threeinferior.glif</string>
+ <key>threeperemspace</key>
+ <string>threeperemspace.glif</string>
+ <key>threequarters</key>
+ <string>threequarters.glif</string>
+ <key>threesuperior</key>
+ <string>threesuperior.glif</string>
+ <key>tilde</key>
+ <string>tilde.glif</string>
+ <key>tildecomb</key>
+ <string>tildecomb.glif</string>
+ <key>tildecomb.case</key>
+ <string>tildecomb.case.glif</string>
+ <key>tildecomb.loclVIET</key>
+ <string>tildecomb.loclV_I_E_T_.glif</string>
+ <key>tildecomb_acutecomb</key>
+ <string>tildecomb_acutecomb.glif</string>
+ <key>tildecomb_dieresiscomb</key>
+ <string>tildecomb_dieresiscomb.glif</string>
+ <key>tildecomb_macroncomb</key>
+ <string>tildecomb_macroncomb.glif</string>
+ <key>tlinebelow</key>
+ <string>tlinebelow.glif</string>
+ <key>trademark</key>
+ <string>trademark.glif</string>
+ <key>tripleprime</key>
+ <string>tripleprime.glif</string>
+ <key>tse-cy</key>
+ <string>tse-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>tshe-cy</key>
+ <string>tshe-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>tugrik</key>
+ <string>tugrik.glif</string>
+ <key>two</key>
+ <string>two.glif</string>
+ <key>two.dnom</key>
+ <string>two.dnom.glif</string>
+ <key>two.lf</key>
+ <string>two.lf.glif</string>
+ <key>two.numr</key>
+ <string>two.numr.glif</string>
+ <key>two.osf</key>
+ <string>two.osf.glif</string>
+ <key>two.subs</key>
+ <string>two.subs.glif</string>
+ <key>two.tf</key>
+ <string>two.tf.glif</string>
+ <key>two.tosf</key>
+ <string>two.tosf.glif</string>
+ <key>twofifths</key>
+ <string>twofifths.glif</string>
+ <key>twoinferior</key>
+ <string>twoinferior.glif</string>
+ <key>twosuperior</key>
+ <string>twosuperior.glif</string>
+ <key>twothirds</key>
+ <string>twothirds.glif</string>
+ <key>u</key>
+ <string>u.glif</string>
+ <key>u-cy</key>
+ <string>u-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>uacute</key>
+ <string>uacute.glif</string>
+ <key>ubreve</key>
+ <string>ubreve.glif</string>
+ <key>ucaron</key>
+ <string>ucaron.glif</string>
+ <key>ucircumflex</key>
+ <string>ucircumflex.glif</string>
+ <key>udblgrave</key>
+ <string>udblgrave.glif</string>
+ <key>udieresis</key>
+ <string>udieresis.glif</string>
+ <key>udieresis-cy</key>
+ <string>udieresis-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>udieresisacute</key>
+ <string>udieresisacute.glif</string>
+ <key>udieresiscaron</key>
+ <string>udieresiscaron.glif</string>
+ <key>udieresisgrave</key>
+ <string>udieresisgrave.glif</string>
+ <key>udieresismacron</key>
+ <string>udieresismacron.glif</string>
+ <key>udotbelow</key>
+ <string>udotbelow.glif</string>
+ <key>ugrave</key>
+ <string>ugrave.glif</string>
+ <key>uhookabove</key>
+ <string>uhookabove.glif</string>
+ <key>uhorn</key>
+ <string>uhorn.glif</string>
+ <key>uhornacute</key>
+ <string>uhornacute.glif</string>
+ <key>uhorndotbelow</key>
+ <string>uhorndotbelow.glif</string>
+ <key>uhorngrave</key>
+ <string>uhorngrave.glif</string>
+ <key>uhornhookabove</key>
+ <string>uhornhookabove.glif</string>
+ <key>uhorntilde</key>
+ <string>uhorntilde.glif</string>
+ <key>uhungarumlaut</key>
+ <string>uhungarumlaut.glif</string>
+ <key>uhungarumlaut-cy</key>
+ <string>uhungarumlaut-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>uinvertedbreve</key>
+ <string>uinvertedbreve.glif</string>
+ <key>umacron</key>
+ <string>umacron.glif</string>
+ <key>umacron-cy</key>
+ <string>umacron-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>umacrondieresis</key>
+ <string>umacrondieresis.glif</string>
+ <key>underscore</key>
+ <string>underscore.glif</string>
+ <key>uogonek</key>
+ <string>uogonek.glif</string>
+ <key>upArrow</key>
+ <string>upA_rrow.glif</string>
+ <key>uring</key>
+ <string>uring.glif</string>
+ <key>ushort-cy</key>
+ <string>ushort-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>ustraight-cy</key>
+ <string>ustraight-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>ustraightstroke-cy</key>
+ <string>ustraightstroke-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>utilde</key>
+ <string>utilde.glif</string>
+ <key>utildeacute</key>
+ <string>utildeacute.glif</string>
+ <key>v</key>
+ <string>v.glif</string>
+ <key>ve-cy</key>
+ <string>ve-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>verticallineabovecomb</key>
+ <string>verticallineabovecomb.glif</string>
+ <key>verticallinebelowcomb</key>
+ <string>verticallinebelowcomb.glif</string>
+ <key>verticallinelowmod</key>
+ <string>verticallinelowmod.glif</string>
+ <key>verticallinemod</key>
+ <string>verticallinemod.glif</string>
+ <key>w</key>
+ <string>w.glif</string>
+ <key>wacute</key>
+ <string>wacute.glif</string>
+ <key>wcircumflex</key>
+ <string>wcircumflex.glif</string>
+ <key>wdieresis</key>
+ <string>wdieresis.glif</string>
+ <key>we-cy</key>
+ <string>we-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>wgrave</key>
+ <string>wgrave.glif</string>
+ <key>whiteCircle</key>
+ <string>whiteC_ircle.glif</string>
+ <key>won</key>
+ <string>won.glif</string>
+ <key>x</key>
+ <string>x.glif</string>
+ <key>y</key>
+ <string>y.glif</string>
+ <key>yacute</key>
+ <string>yacute.glif</string>
+ <key>yat-cy</key>
+ <string>yat-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>ycircumflex</key>
+ <string>ycircumflex.glif</string>
+ <key>ydieresis</key>
+ <string>ydieresis.glif</string>
+ <key>ydotaccent</key>
+ <string>ydotaccent.glif</string>
+ <key>ydotbelow</key>
+ <string>ydotbelow.glif</string>
+ <key>yen</key>
+ <string>yen.glif</string>
+ <key>yeru-cy</key>
+ <string>yeru-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>yerudieresis-cy</key>
+ <string>yerudieresis-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>ygrave</key>
+ <string>ygrave.glif</string>
+ <key>yhookabove</key>
+ <string>yhookabove.glif</string>
+ <key>yi-cy</key>
+ <string>yi-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>ymacron</key>
+ <string>ymacron.glif</string>
+ <key>ytilde</key>
+ <string>ytilde.glif</string>
+ <key>yusbig-cy</key>
+ <string>yusbig-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>z</key>
+ <string>z.glif</string>
+ <key>zacute</key>
+ <string>zacute.glif</string>
+ <key>zcaron</key>
+ <string>zcaron.glif</string>
+ <key>zdotaccent</key>
+ <string>zdotaccent.glif</string>
+ <key>zdotbelow</key>
+ <string>zdotbelow.glif</string>
+ <key>ze-cy</key>
+ <string>ze-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>zedescender-cy</key>
+ <string>zedescender-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>zedieresis-cy</key>
+ <string>zedieresis-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>zero</key>
+ <string>zero.glif</string>
+ <key>zero.dnom</key>
+ <string>zero.dnom.glif</string>
+ <key>zero.lf</key>
+ <string>zero.lf.glif</string>
+ <key>zero.lf.zero</key>
+ <string>zero.lf.zero.glif</string>
+ <key>zero.numr</key>
+ <string>zero.numr.glif</string>
+ <key>zero.osf</key>
+ <string>zero.osf.glif</string>
+ <key>zero.osf.zero</key>
+ <string>zero.osf.zero.glif</string>
+ <key>zero.subs</key>
+ <string>zero.subs.glif</string>
+ <key>zero.tf</key>
+ <string>zero.tf.glif</string>
+ <key>zero.tf.zero</key>
+ <string>zero.tf.zero.glif</string>
+ <key>zero.tosf</key>
+ <string>zero.tosf.glif</string>
+ <key>zero.tosf.zero</key>
+ <string>zero.tosf.zero.glif</string>
+ <key>zero.zero</key>
+ <string>zero.zero.glif</string>
+ <key>zeroinferior</key>
+ <string>zeroinferior.glif</string>
+ <key>zerosuperior</key>
+ <string>zerosuperior.glif</string>
+ <key>zerothird</key>
+ <string>zerothird.glif</string>
+ <key>zerowidthspace</key>
+ <string>zerowidthspace.glif</string>
+ <key>zhe-cy</key>
+ <string>zhe-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>zhebreve-cy</key>
+ <string>zhebreve-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>zhedescender-cy</key>
+ <string>zhedescender-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>zhedieresis-cy</key>
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--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
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new file mode 100644
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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new file mode 100644
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
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+ <integer>0</integer>
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
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--- /dev/null
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.layerOrderInGlyph.Aacute</key>
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+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.layerOrderInGlyph.Abreveacute</key>
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+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.layerOrderInGlyph.Abrevedotbelow</key>
+ <integer>2</integer>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.layerOrderInGlyph.Abrevegrave</key>
+ <integer>2</integer>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.layerOrderInGlyph.Abrevehookabove</key>
+ <integer>2</integer>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.layerOrderInGlyph.Abrevetilde</key>
+ <integer>2</integer>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.layerOrderInGlyph.Acaron</key>
+ <integer>2</integer>
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+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.layerOrderInGlyph.Acircumflexdotbelow</key>
+ <integer>2</integer>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.layerOrderInGlyph.Acircumflexgrave</key>
+ <integer>2</integer>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.layerOrderInGlyph.Acircumflexhookabove</key>
+ <integer>2</integer>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.layerOrderInGlyph.Acircumflextilde</key>
+ <integer>2</integer>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.layerOrderInGlyph.Adblgrave</key>
+ <integer>2</integer>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.layerOrderInGlyph.Adieresis</key>
+ <integer>2</integer>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.layerOrderInGlyph.Adieresis-cy</key>
+ <integer>0</integer>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.layerOrderInGlyph.Adotbelow</key>
+ <integer>2</integer>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.layerOrderInGlyph.Agrave</key>
+ <integer>2</integer>
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+ <integer>2</integer>
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+ <integer>2</integer>
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+ <integer>2</integer>
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+ <integer>2</integer>
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+ <integer>2</integer>
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+ <integer>2</integer>
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--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
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+ <string>one.numr</string>
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--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
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+ <key>GSOffsetVertical</key>
+ <integer>10</integer>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.Schwa</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>e</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.acutecomb.loclVIET</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>acutecomb</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.brevecomb.loclVIET</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>brevecomb</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.caroncomb.loclVIET</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>caroncomb</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.che-cy</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>Che-cy</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.circumflexcomb.loclVIET</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>circumflexcomb</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.de-cy</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>De-cy</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.dzhe-cy</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>Dzhe-cy</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.eight.dnom</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>eight.lf</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.eight.tf</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>eight.lf</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.eight.tosf</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>eight.osf</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.el-cy</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>El-cy</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.em-cy</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>Em-cy</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.en-cy</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>En-cy</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.ereversed-cy</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>Ereversed-cy</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.five.dnom</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>five.lf</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.five.tf</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>five.lf</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.five.tosf</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>five.osf</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.four.dnom</key>
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+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>four.lf</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.four.tf</key>
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+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>four.lf</string>
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+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.four.tosf</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>four.osf</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.ge-cy</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>Ge-cy</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.ghemiddlehook-cy</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>Ghemiddlehook-cy</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.gravecomb.loclVIET</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>acutecomb</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.hardsign-cy</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>Hardsign-cy</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.hookabovecomb.loclVIET</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>hookabovecomb</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.ia-cy</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>Ia-cy</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.ii-cy</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>Ii-cy</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.iu-cy</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>Iu-cy</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.izhitsa-cy</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>Izhitsa-cy</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.ka-cy</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>Ka-cy</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.nine.dnom</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>nine.lf</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.nine.tf</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>nine.lf</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.nine.tosf</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>nine</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.one.dnom</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>one.lf</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.one.tf</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>one.lf</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.one.tosf</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>one.osf</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.ordfeminine</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>a</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.ordmasculine</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>o</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.pe-cy</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>Pe-cy</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.seven.dnom</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>seven.lf</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.seven.tf</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>seven.lf</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.seven.tosf</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>seven.osf</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.sha-cy</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>Sha-cy</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.shcha-cy</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>Shcha-cy</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.six.dnom</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>six.lf</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.six.tf</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>six.lf</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.six.tosf</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>six</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.softsign-cy</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>Softsign-cy</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.te-cy</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>Te-cy</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.three.dnom</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>three.lf</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.three.tf</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>three.lf</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.three.tosf</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>three.osf</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.tildecomb.loclVIET</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>tildecomb</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.tse-cy</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>Tse-cy</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.two.dnom</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>two.lf</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.two.tf</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>two.lf</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.two.tosf</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>two.osf</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.ve-cy</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>B</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.yeru-cy</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>Yeru-cy</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.yusbig-cy</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>Yusbig-cy</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.ze-cy</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>Ze-cy</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.zero.dnom</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>zero.lf</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.zero.tf</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>zero.lf</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.zero.tosf</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>zero.osf</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.zhe-cy</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>Zhe-cy</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
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+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.widthValue</key>
+ <integer>100</integer>
+ <key>public.glyphOrder</key>
+ <array>
+ <string>A</string>
+ <string>Aacute</string>
+ <string>Abreve</string>
+ <string>Abreveacute</string>
+ <string>Abrevedotbelow</string>
+ <string>Abrevegrave</string>
+ <string>Abrevehookabove</string>
+ <string>Abrevetilde</string>
+ <string>Acaron</string>
+ <string>Acircumflex</string>
+ <string>Acircumflexacute</string>
+ <string>Acircumflexdotbelow</string>
+ <string>Acircumflexgrave</string>
+ <string>Acircumflexhookabove</string>
+ <string>Acircumflextilde</string>
+ <string>Adblgrave</string>
+ <string>Adieresis</string>
+ <string>Adotbelow</string>
+ <string>Agrave</string>
+ <string>Ahookabove</string>
+ <string>Ainvertedbreve</string>
+ <string>Amacron</string>
+ <string>Aogonek</string>
+ <string>Aring</string>
+ <string>Aringacute</string>
+ <string>Atilde</string>
+ <string>AE</string>
+ <string>AEacute</string>
+ <string>B</string>
+ <string>C</string>
+ <string>Cacute</string>
+ <string>Ccaron</string>
+ <string>Ccedilla</string>
+ <string>Ccedillaacute</string>
+ <string>Ccircumflex</string>
+ <string>Cdotaccent</string>
+ <string>D</string>
+ <string>DZcaron</string>
+ <string>Eth</string>
+ <string>Dcaron</string>
+ <string>Dcroat</string>
+ <string>Ddotbelow</string>
+ <string>Dlinebelow</string>
+ <string>Dzcaron</string>
+ <string>E</string>
+ <string>Eacute</string>
+ <string>Ebreve</string>
+ <string>Ecaron</string>
+ <string>Ecedillabreve</string>
+ <string>Ecircumflex</string>
+ <string>Ecircumflexacute</string>
+ <string>Ecircumflexdotbelow</string>
+ <string>Ecircumflexgrave</string>
+ <string>Ecircumflexhookabove</string>
+ <string>Ecircumflextilde</string>
+ <string>Edblgrave</string>
+ <string>Edieresis</string>
+ <string>Edotaccent</string>
+ <string>Edotbelow</string>
+ <string>Egrave</string>
+ <string>Ehookabove</string>
+ <string>Einvertedbreve</string>
+ <string>Emacron</string>
+ <string>Emacronacute</string>
+ <string>Emacrongrave</string>
+ <string>Eogonek</string>
+ <string>Etilde</string>
+ <string>F</string>
+ <string>G</string>
+ <string>Gbreve</string>
+ <string>Gcaron</string>
+ <string>Gcircumflex</string>
+ <string>Gcommaaccent</string>
+ <string>Gdotaccent</string>
+ <string>Gmacron</string>
+ <string>H</string>
+ <string>Hbar</string>
+ <string>Hbrevebelow</string>
+ <string>Hcircumflex</string>
+ <string>Hdotbelow</string>
+ <string>I</string>
+ <string>Iacute</string>
+ <string>Ibreve</string>
+ <string>Icaron</string>
+ <string>Icircumflex</string>
+ <string>Idblgrave</string>
+ <string>Idieresis</string>
+ <string>Idieresisacute</string>
+ <string>Idotaccent</string>
+ <string>Idotbelow</string>
+ <string>Igrave</string>
+ <string>Ihookabove</string>
+ <string>Iinvertedbreve</string>
+ <string>Imacron</string>
+ <string>Iogonek</string>
+ <string>Itilde</string>
+ <string>J</string>
+ <string>Jacute</string>
+ <string>Jcircumflex</string>
+ <string>K</string>
+ <string>Kacute</string>
+ <string>Kcommaaccent</string>
+ <string>L</string>
+ <string>LJ</string>
+ <string>Lacute</string>
+ <string>Lcaron</string>
+ <string>Lcommaaccent</string>
+ <string>Ldot</string>
+ <string>Ldotbelow</string>
+ <string>Lj</string>
+ <string>Llinebelow</string>
+ <string>Lslash</string>
+ <string>M</string>
+ <string>Mdotbelow</string>
+ <string>N</string>
+ <string>NJ</string>
+ <string>Nacute</string>
+ <string>Ncaron</string>
+ <string>Ncommaaccent</string>
+ <string>Ndotaccent</string>
+ <string>Ndotbelow</string>
+ <string>Eng</string>
+ <string>Nj</string>
+ <string>Nlinebelow</string>
+ <string>Ntilde</string>
+ <string>O</string>
+ <string>Oacute</string>
+ <string>Obreve</string>
+ <string>Ocaron</string>
+ <string>Ocircumflex</string>
+ <string>Ocircumflexacute</string>
+ <string>Ocircumflexdotbelow</string>
+ <string>Ocircumflexgrave</string>
+ <string>Ocircumflexhookabove</string>
+ <string>Ocircumflextilde</string>
+ <string>Odblgrave</string>
+ <string>Odieresis</string>
+ <string>Odieresismacron</string>
+ <string>Odotaccentmacron</string>
+ <string>Odotbelow</string>
+ <string>Ograve</string>
+ <string>Ohookabove</string>
+ <string>Ohorn</string>
+ <string>Ohornacute</string>
+ <string>Ohorndotbelow</string>
+ <string>Ohorngrave</string>
+ <string>Ohornhookabove</string>
+ <string>Ohorntilde</string>
+ <string>Ohungarumlaut</string>
+ <string>Oinvertedbreve</string>
+ <string>Omacron</string>
+ <string>Omacronacute</string>
+ <string>Omacrongrave</string>
+ <string>Oogonek</string>
+ <string>Oslash</string>
+ <string>Oslashacute</string>
+ <string>Otilde</string>
+ <string>Otildeacute</string>
+ <string>Otildedieresis</string>
+ <string>Otildemacron</string>
+ <string>OE</string>
+ <string>P</string>
+ <string>Thorn</string>
+ <string>Q</string>
+ <string>R</string>
+ <string>Racute</string>
+ <string>Rcaron</string>
+ <string>Rcommaaccent</string>
+ <string>Rdblgrave</string>
+ <string>Rdotbelow</string>
+ <string>Rinvertedbreve</string>
+ <string>Rlinebelow</string>
+ <string>S</string>
+ <string>Sacute</string>
+ <string>Sacutedotaccent</string>
+ <string>Saltillo</string>
+ <string>Scaron</string>
+ <string>Scarondotaccent</string>
+ <string>Scedilla</string>
+ <string>Scircumflex</string>
+ <string>Scommaaccent</string>
+ <string>Sdotaccent</string>
+ <string>Sdotbelow</string>
+ <string>Sdotbelowdotaccent</string>
+ <string>Germandbls</string>
+ <string>Schwa</string>
+ <string>T</string>
+ <string>Tbar</string>
+ <string>Tcaron</string>
+ <string>Tcedilla</string>
+ <string>Tcommaaccent</string>
+ <string>Tdotbelow</string>
+ <string>Tlinebelow</string>
+ <string>U</string>
+ <string>Uacute</string>
+ <string>Ubreve</string>
+ <string>Ucaron</string>
+ <string>Ucircumflex</string>
+ <string>Udblgrave</string>
+ <string>Udieresis</string>
+ <string>Udieresisacute</string>
+ <string>Udieresiscaron</string>
+ <string>Udieresisgrave</string>
+ <string>Udieresismacron</string>
+ <string>Udotbelow</string>
+ <string>Ugrave</string>
+ <string>Uhookabove</string>
+ <string>Uhorn</string>
+ <string>Uhornacute</string>
+ <string>Uhorndotbelow</string>
+ <string>Uhorngrave</string>
+ <string>Uhornhookabove</string>
+ <string>Uhorntilde</string>
+ <string>Uhungarumlaut</string>
+ <string>Uinvertedbreve</string>
+ <string>Umacron</string>
+ <string>Umacrondieresis</string>
+ <string>Uogonek</string>
+ <string>Uring</string>
+ <string>Utilde</string>
+ <string>Utildeacute</string>
+ <string>V</string>
+ <string>W</string>
+ <string>Wacute</string>
+ <string>Wcircumflex</string>
+ <string>Wdieresis</string>
+ <string>Wgrave</string>
+ <string>X</string>
+ <string>Y</string>
+ <string>Yacute</string>
+ <string>Ycircumflex</string>
+ <string>Ydieresis</string>
+ <string>Ydotaccent</string>
+ <string>Ydotbelow</string>
+ <string>Ygrave</string>
+ <string>Yhookabove</string>
+ <string>Ymacron</string>
+ <string>Ytilde</string>
+ <string>Z</string>
+ <string>Zacute</string>
+ <string>Zcaron</string>
+ <string>Zdotaccent</string>
+ <string>Zdotbelow</string>
+ <string>a</string>
+ <string>aacute</string>
+ <string>abreve</string>
+ <string>abreveacute</string>
+ <string>abrevedotbelow</string>
+ <string>abrevegrave</string>
+ <string>abrevehookabove</string>
+ <string>abrevetilde</string>
+ <string>acaron</string>
+ <string>acircumflex</string>
+ <string>acircumflexacute</string>
+ <string>acircumflexdotbelow</string>
+ <string>acircumflexgrave</string>
+ <string>acircumflexhookabove</string>
+ <string>acircumflextilde</string>
+ <string>adblgrave</string>
+ <string>adieresis</string>
+ <string>adotbelow</string>
+ <string>agrave</string>
+ <string>ahookabove</string>
+ <string>ainvertedbreve</string>
+ <string>amacron</string>
+ <string>aogonek</string>
+ <string>aring</string>
+ <string>aringacute</string>
+ <string>atilde</string>
+ <string>ae</string>
+ <string>aeacute</string>
+ <string>b</string>
+ <string>c</string>
+ <string>cacute</string>
+ <string>ccaron</string>
+ <string>ccedilla</string>
+ <string>ccedillaacute</string>
+ <string>ccircumflex</string>
+ <string>cdotaccent</string>
+ <string>d</string>
+ <string>eth</string>
+ <string>dcaron</string>
+ <string>dcroat</string>
+ <string>ddotbelow</string>
+ <string>dlinebelow</string>
+ <string>dzcaron</string>
+ <string>e</string>
+ <string>eacute</string>
+ <string>ebreve</string>
+ <string>ecaron</string>
+ <string>ecedillabreve</string>
+ <string>ecircumflex</string>
+ <string>ecircumflexacute</string>
+ <string>ecircumflexdotbelow</string>
+ <string>ecircumflexgrave</string>
+ <string>ecircumflexhookabove</string>
+ <string>ecircumflextilde</string>
+ <string>edblgrave</string>
+ <string>edieresis</string>
+ <string>edotaccent</string>
+ <string>edotbelow</string>
+ <string>egrave</string>
+ <string>ehookabove</string>
+ <string>einvertedbreve</string>
+ <string>emacron</string>
+ <string>emacronacute</string>
+ <string>emacrongrave</string>
+ <string>eogonek</string>
+ <string>etilde</string>
+ <string>schwa</string>
+ <string>f</string>
+ <string>g</string>
+ <string>gbreve</string>
+ <string>gcaron</string>
+ <string>gcircumflex</string>
+ <string>gcommaaccent</string>
+ <string>gdotaccent</string>
+ <string>gmacron</string>
+ <string>h</string>
+ <string>hbar</string>
+ <string>hbrevebelow</string>
+ <string>hcircumflex</string>
+ <string>hdotbelow</string>
+ <string>i</string>
+ <string>idotless</string>
+ <string>iacute</string>
+ <string>ibreve</string>
+ <string>icaron</string>
+ <string>icircumflex</string>
+ <string>idblgrave</string>
+ <string>idieresis</string>
+ <string>idieresisacute</string>
+ <string>idotaccent</string>
+ <string>idotbelow</string>
+ <string>igrave</string>
+ <string>ihookabove</string>
+ <string>iinvertedbreve</string>
+ <string>imacron</string>
+ <string>iogonek</string>
+ <string>itilde</string>
+ <string>j</string>
+ <string>jdotless</string>
+ <string>jacute</string>
+ <string>jcircumflex</string>
+ <string>k</string>
+ <string>kacute</string>
+ <string>kcommaaccent</string>
+ <string>kgreenlandic</string>
+ <string>l</string>
+ <string>lacute</string>
+ <string>lcaron</string>
+ <string>lcommaaccent</string>
+ <string>ldot</string>
+ <string>ldotbelow</string>
+ <string>lj</string>
+ <string>llinebelow</string>
+ <string>lslash</string>
+ <string>m</string>
+ <string>mdotbelow</string>
+ <string>n</string>
+ <string>nacute</string>
+ <string>ncaron</string>
+ <string>ncommaaccent</string>
+ <string>ndotaccent</string>
+ <string>ndotbelow</string>
+ <string>eng</string>
+ <string>nj</string>
+ <string>nlinebelow</string>
+ <string>ntilde</string>
+ <string>o</string>
+ <string>oacute</string>
+ <string>obreve</string>
+ <string>ocaron</string>
+ <string>ocircumflex</string>
+ <string>ocircumflexacute</string>
+ <string>ocircumflexdotbelow</string>
+ <string>ocircumflexgrave</string>
+ <string>ocircumflexhookabove</string>
+ <string>ocircumflextilde</string>
+ <string>odblgrave</string>
+ <string>odieresis</string>
+ <string>odieresismacron</string>
+ <string>odotaccentmacron</string>
+ <string>odotbelow</string>
+ <string>ograve</string>
+ <string>ohookabove</string>
+ <string>ohorn</string>
+ <string>ohornacute</string>
+ <string>ohorndotbelow</string>
+ <string>ohorngrave</string>
+ <string>ohornhookabove</string>
+ <string>ohorntilde</string>
+ <string>ohungarumlaut</string>
+ <string>oinvertedbreve</string>
+ <string>omacron</string>
+ <string>omacronacute</string>
+ <string>omacrongrave</string>
+ <string>oogonek</string>
+ <string>oslash</string>
+ <string>oslashacute</string>
+ <string>otilde</string>
+ <string>otildeacute</string>
+ <string>otildedieresis</string>
+ <string>otildemacron</string>
+ <string>oe</string>
+ <string>p</string>
+ <string>thorn</string>
+ <string>q</string>
+ <string>r</string>
+ <string>racute</string>
+ <string>rcaron</string>
+ <string>rcommaaccent</string>
+ <string>rdblgrave</string>
+ <string>rdotbelow</string>
+ <string>rinvertedbreve</string>
+ <string>rlinebelow</string>
+ <string>s</string>
+ <string>sacute</string>
+ <string>sacutedotaccent</string>
+ <string>saltillo</string>
+ <string>scaron</string>
+ <string>scarondotaccent</string>
+ <string>scedilla</string>
+ <string>scircumflex</string>
+ <string>scommaaccent</string>
+ <string>sdotaccent</string>
+ <string>sdotbelow</string>
+ <string>sdotbelowdotaccent</string>
+ <string>germandbls</string>
+ <string>t</string>
+ <string>tbar</string>
+ <string>tcaron</string>
+ <string>tcedilla</string>
+ <string>tcommaaccent</string>
+ <string>tdieresis</string>
+ <string>tdotbelow</string>
+ <string>tlinebelow</string>
+ <string>u</string>
+ <string>uacute</string>
+ <string>ubreve</string>
+ <string>ucaron</string>
+ <string>ucircumflex</string>
+ <string>udblgrave</string>
+ <string>udieresis</string>
+ <string>udieresisacute</string>
+ <string>udieresiscaron</string>
+ <string>udieresisgrave</string>
+ <string>udieresismacron</string>
+ <string>udotbelow</string>
+ <string>ugrave</string>
+ <string>uhookabove</string>
+ <string>uhorn</string>
+ <string>uhornacute</string>
+ <string>uhorndotbelow</string>
+ <string>uhorngrave</string>
+ <string>uhornhookabove</string>
+ <string>uhorntilde</string>
+ <string>uhungarumlaut</string>
+ <string>uinvertedbreve</string>
+ <string>umacron</string>
+ <string>umacrondieresis</string>
+ <string>uogonek</string>
+ <string>uring</string>
+ <string>utilde</string>
+ <string>utildeacute</string>
+ <string>v</string>
+ <string>w</string>
+ <string>wacute</string>
+ <string>wcircumflex</string>
+ <string>wdieresis</string>
+ <string>wgrave</string>
+ <string>x</string>
+ <string>y</string>
+ <string>yacute</string>
+ <string>ycircumflex</string>
+ <string>ydieresis</string>
+ <string>ydotaccent</string>
+ <string>ydotbelow</string>
+ <string>ygrave</string>
+ <string>yhookabove</string>
+ <string>ymacron</string>
+ <string>ytilde</string>
+ <string>z</string>
+ <string>zacute</string>
+ <string>zcaron</string>
+ <string>zdotaccent</string>
+ <string>zdotbelow</string>
+ <string>f_f</string>
+ <string>f_f_i</string>
+ <string>f_f_l</string>
+ <string>fi</string>
+ <string>fl</string>
+ <string>ordfeminine</string>
+ <string>ordmasculine</string>
+ <string>A-cy</string>
+ <string>Be-cy</string>
+ <string>Ve-cy</string>
+ <string>Ge-cy</string>
+ <string>Gje-cy</string>
+ <string>Gheupturn-cy</string>
+ <string>De-cy</string>
+ <string>Ie-cy</string>
+ <string>Iegrave-cy</string>
+ <string>Io-cy</string>
+ <string>Zhe-cy</string>
+ <string>Ze-cy</string>
+ <string>Ii-cy</string>
+ <string>Iishort-cy</string>
+ <string>Iigrave-cy</string>
+ <string>Ka-cy</string>
+ <string>Kje-cy</string>
+ <string>El-cy</string>
+ <string>Em-cy</string>
+ <string>En-cy</string>
+ <string>O-cy</string>
+ <string>Pe-cy</string>
+ <string>Er-cy</string>
+ <string>Es-cy</string>
+ <string>Te-cy</string>
+ <string>U-cy</string>
+ <string>Ushort-cy</string>
+ <string>Ef-cy</string>
+ <string>Ha-cy</string>
+ <string>Che-cy</string>
+ <string>Tse-cy</string>
+ <string>Sha-cy</string>
+ <string>Shcha-cy</string>
+ <string>Dzhe-cy</string>
+ <string>Softsign-cy</string>
+ <string>Hardsign-cy</string>
+ <string>Yeru-cy</string>
+ <string>Lje-cy</string>
+ <string>Nje-cy</string>
+ <string>Dze-cy</string>
+ <string>E-cy</string>
+ <string>Ereversed-cy</string>
+ <string>I-cy</string>
+ <string>Yi-cy</string>
+ <string>Je-cy</string>
+ <string>Tshe-cy</string>
+ <string>Iu-cy</string>
+ <string>Ia-cy</string>
+ <string>Dje-cy</string>
+ <string>Yat-cy</string>
+ <string>Yusbig-cy</string>
+ <string>Fita-cy</string>
+ <string>Izhitsa-cy</string>
+ <string>Ghestroke-cy</string>
+ <string>Ghemiddlehook-cy</string>
+ <string>Zhedescender-cy</string>
+ <string>Zedescender-cy</string>
+ <string>Kadescender-cy</string>
+ <string>Kaverticalstroke-cy</string>
+ <string>Kabashkir-cy</string>
+ <string>Endescender-cy</string>
+ <string>Enghe-cy</string>
+ <string>Esdescender-cy</string>
+ <string>Ustraight-cy</string>
+ <string>Ustraightstroke-cy</string>
+ <string>Hadescender-cy</string>
+ <string>Chedescender-cy</string>
+ <string>Cheverticalstroke-cy</string>
+ <string>Shha-cy</string>
+ <string>Palochka-cy</string>
+ <string>Zhebreve-cy</string>
+ <string>Chekhakassian-cy</string>
+ <string>Abreve-cy</string>
+ <string>Adieresis-cy</string>
+ <string>Aie-cy</string>
+ <string>Iebreve-cy</string>
+ <string>Schwa-cy</string>
+ <string>Zhedieresis-cy</string>
+ <string>Zedieresis-cy</string>
+ <string>Imacron-cy</string>
+ <string>Idieresis-cy</string>
+ <string>Odieresis-cy</string>
+ <string>Obarred-cy</string>
+ <string>Umacron-cy</string>
+ <string>Udieresis-cy</string>
+ <string>Uhungarumlaut-cy</string>
+ <string>Chedieresis-cy</string>
+ <string>Gedescender-cy</string>
+ <string>Yerudieresis-cy</string>
+ <string>Qa-cy</string>
+ <string>We-cy</string>
+ <string>a-cy</string>
+ <string>be-cy</string>
+ <string>ve-cy</string>
+ <string>ge-cy</string>
+ <string>gje-cy</string>
+ <string>gheupturn-cy</string>
+ <string>de-cy</string>
+ <string>ie-cy</string>
+ <string>iegrave-cy</string>
+ <string>io-cy</string>
+ <string>zhe-cy</string>
+ <string>ze-cy</string>
+ <string>ii-cy</string>
+ <string>iishort-cy</string>
+ <string>iigrave-cy</string>
+ <string>ka-cy</string>
+ <string>kje-cy</string>
+ <string>el-cy</string>
+ <string>em-cy</string>
+ <string>en-cy</string>
+ <string>o-cy</string>
+ <string>pe-cy</string>
+ <string>er-cy</string>
+ <string>es-cy</string>
+ <string>te-cy</string>
+ <string>u-cy</string>
+ <string>ushort-cy</string>
+ <string>ef-cy</string>
+ <string>ha-cy</string>
+ <string>che-cy</string>
+ <string>tse-cy</string>
+ <string>sha-cy</string>
+ <string>shcha-cy</string>
+ <string>dzhe-cy</string>
+ <string>softsign-cy</string>
+ <string>hardsign-cy</string>
+ <string>yeru-cy</string>
+ <string>lje-cy</string>
+ <string>nje-cy</string>
+ <string>dze-cy</string>
+ <string>e-cy</string>
+ <string>ereversed-cy</string>
+ <string>i-cy</string>
+ <string>yi-cy</string>
+ <string>je-cy</string>
+ <string>tshe-cy</string>
+ <string>iu-cy</string>
+ <string>ia-cy</string>
+ <string>dje-cy</string>
+ <string>yat-cy</string>
+ <string>yusbig-cy</string>
+ <string>fita-cy</string>
+ <string>izhitsa-cy</string>
+ <string>ghestroke-cy</string>
+ <string>ghemiddlehook-cy</string>
+ <string>zhedescender-cy</string>
+ <string>zedescender-cy</string>
+ <string>kadescender-cy</string>
+ <string>kaverticalstroke-cy</string>
+ <string>kabashkir-cy</string>
+ <string>endescender-cy</string>
+ <string>enghe-cy</string>
+ <string>esdescender-cy</string>
+ <string>ustraight-cy</string>
+ <string>ustraightstroke-cy</string>
+ <string>hadescender-cy</string>
+ <string>chedescender-cy</string>
+ <string>cheverticalstroke-cy</string>
+ <string>shha-cy</string>
+ <string>palochka-cy</string>
+ <string>zhebreve-cy</string>
+ <string>chekhakassian-cy</string>
+ <string>abreve-cy</string>
+ <string>adieresis-cy</string>
+ <string>aie-cy</string>
+ <string>iebreve-cy</string>
+ <string>schwa-cy</string>
+ <string>zhedieresis-cy</string>
+ <string>zedieresis-cy</string>
+ <string>imacron-cy</string>
+ <string>idieresis-cy</string>
+ <string>odieresis-cy</string>
+ <string>obarred-cy</string>
+ <string>umacron-cy</string>
+ <string>udieresis-cy</string>
+ <string>uhungarumlaut-cy</string>
+ <string>chedieresis-cy</string>
+ <string>gedescender-cy</string>
+ <string>yerudieresis-cy</string>
+ <string>qa-cy</string>
+ <string>we-cy</string>
+ <string>pi</string>
+ <string>zero</string>
+ <string>one</string>
+ <string>two</string>
+ <string>three</string>
+ <string>four</string>
+ <string>five</string>
+ <string>six</string>
+ <string>seven</string>
+ <string>eight</string>
+ <string>nine</string>
+ <string>zero.lf</string>
+ <string>one.lf</string>
+ <string>two.lf</string>
+ <string>three.lf</string>
+ <string>four.lf</string>
+ <string>five.lf</string>
+ <string>six.lf</string>
+ <string>seven.lf</string>
+ <string>eight.lf</string>
+ <string>nine.lf</string>
+ <string>zero.lf.zero</string>
+ <string>zero.osf</string>
+ <string>one.osf</string>
+ <string>two.osf</string>
+ <string>three.osf</string>
+ <string>four.osf</string>
+ <string>five.osf</string>
+ <string>six.osf</string>
+ <string>seven.osf</string>
+ <string>eight.osf</string>
+ <string>nine.osf</string>
+ <string>zero.osf.zero</string>
+ <string>six.ss01</string>
+ <string>nine.ss01</string>
+ <string>zero.tf</string>
+ <string>one.tf</string>
+ <string>two.tf</string>
+ <string>three.tf</string>
+ <string>four.tf</string>
+ <string>five.tf</string>
+ <string>six.tf</string>
+ <string>seven.tf</string>
+ <string>eight.tf</string>
+ <string>nine.tf</string>
+ <string>zero.tf.zero</string>
+ <string>zero.tosf</string>
+ <string>one.tosf</string>
+ <string>two.tosf</string>
+ <string>three.tosf</string>
+ <string>four.tosf</string>
+ <string>five.tosf</string>
+ <string>six.tosf</string>
+ <string>seven.tosf</string>
+ <string>eight.tosf</string>
+ <string>nine.tosf</string>
+ <string>zero.tosf.zero</string>
+ <string>zero.zero</string>
+ <string>zeroinferior</string>
+ <string>oneinferior</string>
+ <string>twoinferior</string>
+ <string>threeinferior</string>
+ <string>fourinferior</string>
+ <string>fiveinferior</string>
+ <string>sixinferior</string>
+ <string>seveninferior</string>
+ <string>eightinferior</string>
+ <string>nineinferior</string>
+ <string>zero.subs</string>
+ <string>one.subs</string>
+ <string>two.subs</string>
+ <string>three.subs</string>
+ <string>four.subs</string>
+ <string>five.subs</string>
+ <string>six.subs</string>
+ <string>seven.subs</string>
+ <string>eight.subs</string>
+ <string>nine.subs</string>
+ <string>zero.dnom</string>
+ <string>one.dnom</string>
+ <string>two.dnom</string>
+ <string>three.dnom</string>
+ <string>four.dnom</string>
+ <string>five.dnom</string>
+ <string>six.dnom</string>
+ <string>seven.dnom</string>
+ <string>eight.dnom</string>
+ <string>nine.dnom</string>
+ <string>zero.numr</string>
+ <string>one.numr</string>
+ <string>two.numr</string>
+ <string>three.numr</string>
+ <string>four.numr</string>
+ <string>five.numr</string>
+ <string>six.numr</string>
+ <string>seven.numr</string>
+ <string>eight.numr</string>
+ <string>nine.numr</string>
+ <string>zerosuperior</string>
+ <string>onesuperior</string>
+ <string>twosuperior</string>
+ <string>threesuperior</string>
+ <string>foursuperior</string>
+ <string>fivesuperior</string>
+ <string>sixsuperior</string>
+ <string>sevensuperior</string>
+ <string>eightsuperior</string>
+ <string>ninesuperior</string>
+ <string>fraction</string>
+ <string>onefraction</string>
+ <string>onehalf</string>
+ <string>zerothird</string>
+ <string>onethird</string>
+ <string>twothirds</string>
+ <string>onequarter</string>
+ <string>threequarters</string>
+ <string>onefifth</string>
+ <string>twofifths</string>
+ <string>threefifths</string>
+ <string>fourfifths</string>
+ <string>onesixth</string>
+ <string>fivesixths</string>
+ <string>oneseventh</string>
+ <string>oneeighth</string>
+ <string>threeeighths</string>
+ <string>fiveeighths</string>
+ <string>seveneighths</string>
+ <string>oneninth</string>
+ <string>onetenth</string>
+ <string>period</string>
+ <string>comma</string>
+ <string>colon</string>
+ <string>semicolon</string>
+ <string>ellipsis</string>
+ <string>exclam</string>
+ <string>exclamdown</string>
+ <string>question</string>
+ <string>questiondown</string>
+ <string>periodcentered</string>
+ <string>bullet</string>
+ <string>asterisk</string>
+ <string>numbersign</string>
+ <string>slash</string>
+ <string>backslash</string>
+ <string>periodcentered.loclCAT.case</string>
+ <string>periodcentered.loclCAT</string>
+ <string>parenleft</string>
+ <string>parenright</string>
+ <string>braceleft</string>
+ <string>braceright</string>
+ <string>bracketleft</string>
+ <string>bracketright</string>
+ <string>hyphen</string>
+ <string>softhyphen</string>
+ <string>endash</string>
+ <string>emdash</string>
+ <string>figuredash</string>
+ <string>horizontalbar</string>
+ <string>hyphentwo</string>
+ <string>nonbreakinghyphen</string>
+ <string>underscore</string>
+ <string>quotesinglbase</string>
+ <string>quotedblbase</string>
+ <string>quotedblleft</string>
+ <string>quotedblright</string>
+ <string>quoteleft</string>
+ <string>quoteright</string>
+ <string>guillemetleft</string>
+ <string>guillemetright</string>
+ <string>guilsinglleft</string>
+ <string>guilsinglright</string>
+ <string>primeReversed</string>
+ <string>tripleprime</string>
+ <string>quotedbl</string>
+ <string>quotesingle</string>
+ <string>leftanglebracket-math</string>
+ <string>rightanglebracket-math</string>
+ <string>emquad</string>
+ <string>emspace</string>
+ <string>enquad</string>
+ <string>enspace</string>
+ <string>figurespace</string>
+ <string>fourperemspace</string>
+ <string>hairspace</string>
+ <string>punctuationspace</string>
+ <string>sixperemspace</string>
+ <string>space</string>
+ <string>nbspace</string>
+ <string>thinspace</string>
+ <string>threeperemspace</string>
+ <string>zerowidthspace</string>
+ <string>cedi</string>
+ <string>cent</string>
+ <string>colonsign</string>
+ <string>currency</string>
+ <string>dollar</string>
+ <string>dong</string>
+ <string>euro</string>
+ <string>florin</string>
+ <string>franc</string>
+ <string>guarani</string>
+ <string>kip</string>
+ <string>lira</string>
+ <string>liraTurkish</string>
+ <string>manat</string>
+ <string>naira</string>
+ <string>peseta</string>
+ <string>peso</string>
+ <string>ruble</string>
+ <string>rupeeIndian</string>
+ <string>sterling</string>
+ <string>won</string>
+ <string>yen</string>
+ <string>hryvnia</string>
+ <string>tenge</string>
+ <string>tugrik</string>
+ <string>bulletoperator</string>
+ <string>commercialMinusSign</string>
+ <string>divisionslash</string>
+ <string>equivalence</string>
+ <string>notidentical</string>
+ <string>plus</string>
+ <string>minus</string>
+ <string>multiply</string>
+ <string>divide</string>
+ <string>equal</string>
+ <string>notequal</string>
+ <string>greater</string>
+ <string>less</string>
+ <string>greaterequal</string>
+ <string>lessequal</string>
+ <string>plusminus</string>
+ <string>approxequal</string>
+ <string>logicalnot</string>
+ <string>asciitilde</string>
+ <string>asciicircum</string>
+ <string>emptyset</string>
+ <string>infinity</string>
+ <string>integral</string>
+ <string>Ohm</string>
+ <string>increment</string>
+ <string>product</string>
+ <string>summation</string>
+ <string>radical</string>
+ <string>partialdiff</string>
+ <string>micro</string>
+ <string>percent</string>
+ <string>perthousand</string>
+ <string>ratio</string>
+ <string>bulletoperator.tf</string>
+ <string>commercialMinusSign.tf</string>
+ <string>divisionslash.tf</string>
+ <string>equivalence.tf</string>
+ <string>notidentical.tf</string>
+ <string>plus.tf</string>
+ <string>minus.tf</string>
+ <string>multiply.tf</string>
+ <string>divide.tf</string>
+ <string>equal.tf</string>
+ <string>notequal.tf</string>
+ <string>greater.tf</string>
+ <string>less.tf</string>
+ <string>greaterequal.tf</string>
+ <string>lessequal.tf</string>
+ <string>plusminus.tf</string>
+ <string>approxequal.tf</string>
+ <string>logicalnot.tf</string>
+ <string>upArrow</string>
+ <string>rightArrow</string>
+ <string>downArrow</string>
+ <string>leftArrow</string>
+ <string>blackCircle</string>
+ <string>whiteCircle</string>
+ <string>lozenge</string>
+ <string>at</string>
+ <string>ampersand</string>
+ <string>paragraph</string>
+ <string>section</string>
+ <string>copyright</string>
+ <string>registered</string>
+ <string>trademark</string>
+ <string>degree</string>
+ <string>minute</string>
+ <string>second</string>
+ <string>bar</string>
+ <string>brokenbar</string>
+ <string>dagger</string>
+ <string>literSign</string>
+ <string>daggerdbl</string>
+ <string>estimated</string>
+ <string>numero</string>
+ <string>blank</string>
+ <string>apostrophemod</string>
+ <string>commaturnedmod</string>
+ <string>doubleprimemod</string>
+ <string>firsttonechinese</string>
+ <string>fourthtonechinese</string>
+ <string>primemod</string>
+ <string>ringhalfleft</string>
+ <string>ringhalfright</string>
+ <string>secondtonechinese</string>
+ <string>verticallinelowmod</string>
+ <string>verticallinemod</string>
+ <string>dieresiscomb</string>
+ <string>dieresiscomb_gravecomb</string>
+ <string>dieresiscomb_acutecomb</string>
+ <string>dieresiscomb_caroncomb</string>
+ <string>dieresiscomb_macroncomb</string>
+ <string>dotaccentcomb</string>
+ <string>dotaccentcomb_macroncomb</string>
+ <string>gravecomb</string>
+ <string>acutecomb</string>
+ <string>acutecomb_dotaccentcomb</string>
+ <string>hungarumlautcomb</string>
+ <string>caroncomb.alt</string>
+ <string>circumflexcomb</string>
+ <string>caroncomb</string>
+ <string>caroncomb_dotaccentcomb</string>
+ <string>brevecomb</string>
+ <string>ringcomb</string>
+ <string>ringcomb_acutecomb</string>
+ <string>tildecomb</string>
+ <string>tildecomb_dieresiscomb</string>
+ <string>tildecomb_acutecomb</string>
+ <string>tildecomb_macroncomb</string>
+ <string>macroncomb</string>
+ <string>macroncomb_dieresiscomb</string>
+ <string>macroncomb_gravecomb</string>
+ <string>macroncomb_acutecomb</string>
+ <string>hookabovecomb</string>
+ <string>verticallineabovecomb</string>
+ <string>dblgravecomb</string>
+ <string>breveinvertedcomb</string>
+ <string>commaturnedabovecomb</string>
+ <string>horncomb</string>
+ <string>dotbelowcomb</string>
+ <string>dieresisbelowcomb</string>
+ <string>commaaccentcomb</string>
+ <string>cedillacomb</string>
+ <string>ogonekcomb</string>
+ <string>verticallinebelowcomb</string>
+ <string>brevebelowcomb</string>
+ <string>macronbelowcomb</string>
+ <string>strokeshortcomb</string>
+ <string>strokelongcomb</string>
+ <string>slashshortcomb</string>
+ <string>slashlongcomb</string>
+ <string>acute</string>
+ <string>breve</string>
+ <string>caron</string>
+ <string>cedilla</string>
+ <string>circumflex</string>
+ <string>dieresis</string>
+ <string>dotaccent</string>
+ <string>grave</string>
+ <string>hungarumlaut</string>
+ <string>macron</string>
+ <string>ogonek</string>
+ <string>ring</string>
+ <string>tilde</string>
+ <string>dieresiscomb.case</string>
+ <string>dotaccentcomb.case</string>
+ <string>gravecomb.case</string>
+ <string>acutecomb.case</string>
+ <string>hungarumlautcomb.case</string>
+ <string>circumflexcomb.case</string>
+ <string>caroncomb.case</string>
+ <string>brevecomb.case</string>
+ <string>ringcomb.case</string>
+ <string>ringcomb_acutecomb.case</string>
+ <string>tildecomb.case</string>
+ <string>macroncomb.case</string>
+ <string>hookabovecomb.case</string>
+ <string>dblgravecomb.case</string>
+ <string>breveinvertedcomb.case</string>
+ <string>strokeshortcomb.case</string>
+ <string>slashshortcomb.case</string>
+ <string>slashlongcomb.case</string>
+ <string>macroncomb.narrow.case</string>
+ <string>ogonekcomb.tall.case</string>
+ <string>dieresiscomb.loclVIET</string>
+ <string>dotaccentcomb.loclVIET</string>
+ <string>gravecomb.loclVIET</string>
+ <string>acutecomb.loclVIET</string>
+ <string>circumflexcomb.loclVIET</string>
+ <string>caroncomb.loclVIET</string>
+ <string>brevecomb.loclVIET</string>
+ <string>tildecomb.loclVIET</string>
+ <string>macroncomb.loclVIET</string>
+ <string>hookabovecomb.loclVIET</string>
+ <string>macroncomb.narrow</string>
+ <string>ogonekcomb.narrow</string>
+ <string>macronbelowcomb.narrow</string>
+ <string>ogonekcomb.tall</string>
+ <string>brevecomb-cy</string>
+ <string>descender-cy</string>
+ <string>brevecomb-cy.case</string>
+ <string>descender-cy.case</string>
+ <string>descender-cy.strait</string>
+ <string>brevecomb_acutecomb</string>
+ <string>brevecomb_gravecomb</string>
+ <string>brevecomb_hookabovecomb</string>
+ <string>brevecomb_tildecomb</string>
+ <string>circumflexcomb_acutecomb</string>
+ <string>circumflexcomb_gravecomb</string>
+ <string>circumflexcomb_hookabovecomb</string>
+ <string>circumflexcomb_tildecomb</string>
+ <string>brevecomb_acutecomb.case</string>
+ <string>brevecomb_gravecomb.case</string>
+ <string>brevecomb_hookabovecomb.case</string>
+ <string>brevecomb_tildecomb.case</string>
+ <string>circumflexcomb_acutecomb.case</string>
+ <string>circumflexcomb_gravecomb.case</string>
+ <string>circumflexcomb_hookabovecomb.case</string>
+ <string>circumflexcomb_tildecomb.case</string>
+ <string>_descenderreversed-cy</string>
+ <string>_bar-cy</string>
+ <string>_descender-cy.case.straight</string>
+ <string>_descenderreverse-cy.case</string>
+ <string>_bottomhook</string>
+ <string>_o.numero</string>
+ <string>_slash.zero</string>
+ <string>_typoquote</string>
+ <string>_commaaccent</string>
+ <string>_slash.zero.osf</string>
+ <string>_currencyvstem</string>
+ </array>
+ <key>public.postscriptNames</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>A-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0410</string>
+ <key>Abreve-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04D0</string>
+ <key>Abreveacute</key>
+ <string>uni1EAE</string>
+ <key>Abrevedotbelow</key>
+ <string>uni1EB6</string>
+ <key>Abrevegrave</key>
+ <string>uni1EB0</string>
+ <key>Abrevehookabove</key>
+ <string>uni1EB2</string>
+ <key>Abrevetilde</key>
+ <string>uni1EB4</string>
+ <key>Acaron</key>
+ <string>uni01CD</string>
+ <key>Acircumflexacute</key>
+ <string>uni1EA4</string>
+ <key>Acircumflexdotbelow</key>
+ <string>uni1EAC</string>
+ <key>Acircumflexgrave</key>
+ <string>uni1EA6</string>
+ <key>Acircumflexhookabove</key>
+ <string>uni1EA8</string>
+ <key>Acircumflextilde</key>
+ <string>uni1EAA</string>
+ <key>Adblgrave</key>
+ <string>uni0200</string>
+ <key>Adieresis-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04D2</string>
+ <key>Adotbelow</key>
+ <string>uni1EA0</string>
+ <key>Ahookabove</key>
+ <string>uni1EA2</string>
+ <key>Aie-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04D4</string>
+ <key>Ainvertedbreve</key>
+ <string>uni0202</string>
+ <key>Be-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0411</string>
+ <key>Ccedillaacute</key>
+ <string>uni1E08</string>
+ <key>Che-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0427</string>
+ <key>Chedescender-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04B6</string>
+ <key>Chedieresis-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04F4</string>
+ <key>Chekhakassian-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04CB</string>
+ <key>Cheverticalstroke-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04B8</string>
+ <key>DZcaron</key>
+ <string>uni01C4</string>
+ <key>Ddotbelow</key>
+ <string>uni1E0C</string>
+ <key>De-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0414</string>
+ <key>Dje-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0402</string>
+ <key>Dlinebelow</key>
+ <string>uni1E0E</string>
+ <key>Dzcaron</key>
+ <string>uni01C5</string>
+ <key>Dze-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0405</string>
+ <key>Dzhe-cy</key>
+ <string>uni040F</string>
+ <key>E-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0404</string>
+ <key>Ecedillabreve</key>
+ <string>uni1E1C</string>
+ <key>Ecircumflexacute</key>
+ <string>uni1EBE</string>
+ <key>Ecircumflexdotbelow</key>
+ <string>uni1EC6</string>
+ <key>Ecircumflexgrave</key>
+ <string>uni1EC0</string>
+ <key>Ecircumflexhookabove</key>
+ <string>uni1EC2</string>
+ <key>Ecircumflextilde</key>
+ <string>uni1EC4</string>
+ <key>Edblgrave</key>
+ <string>uni0204</string>
+ <key>Edotbelow</key>
+ <string>uni1EB8</string>
+ <key>Ef-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0424</string>
+ <key>Ehookabove</key>
+ <string>uni1EBA</string>
+ <key>Einvertedbreve</key>
+ <string>uni0206</string>
+ <key>El-cy</key>
+ <string>uni041B</string>
+ <key>Em-cy</key>
+ <string>uni041C</string>
+ <key>Emacronacute</key>
+ <string>uni1E16</string>
+ <key>Emacrongrave</key>
+ <string>uni1E14</string>
+ <key>En-cy</key>
+ <string>uni041D</string>
+ <key>Endescender-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04A2</string>
+ <key>Enghe-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04A4</string>
+ <key>Er-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0420</string>
+ <key>Ereversed-cy</key>
+ <string>uni042D</string>
+ <key>Es-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0421</string>
+ <key>Esdescender-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04AA</string>
+ <key>Etilde</key>
+ <string>uni1EBC</string>
+ <key>Fita-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0472</string>
+ <key>Gcommaaccent</key>
+ <string>uni0122</string>
+ <key>Ge-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0413</string>
+ <key>Gedescender-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04F6</string>
+ <key>Germandbls</key>
+ <string>uni1E9E</string>
+ <key>Ghemiddlehook-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0494</string>
+ <key>Ghestroke-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0492</string>
+ <key>Gheupturn-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0490</string>
+ <key>Gje-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0403</string>
+ <key>Gmacron</key>
+ <string>uni1E20</string>
+ <key>Ha-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0425</string>
+ <key>Hadescender-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04B2</string>
+ <key>Hardsign-cy</key>
+ <string>uni042A</string>
+ <key>Hbrevebelow</key>
+ <string>uni1E2A</string>
+ <key>Hdotbelow</key>
+ <string>uni1E24</string>
+ <key>I-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0406</string>
+ <key>Ia-cy</key>
+ <string>uni042F</string>
+ <key>Icaron</key>
+ <string>uni01CF</string>
+ <key>Idblgrave</key>
+ <string>uni0208</string>
+ <key>Idieresis-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04E4</string>
+ <key>Idieresisacute</key>
+ <string>uni1E2E</string>
+ <key>Idotbelow</key>
+ <string>uni1ECA</string>
+ <key>Ie-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0415</string>
+ <key>Iebreve-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04D6</string>
+ <key>Iegrave-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0400</string>
+ <key>Ihookabove</key>
+ <string>uni1EC8</string>
+ <key>Ii-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0418</string>
+ <key>Iigrave-cy</key>
+ <string>uni040D</string>
+ <key>Iinvertedbreve</key>
+ <string>uni020A</string>
+ <key>Iishort-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0419</string>
+ <key>Imacron-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04E2</string>
+ <key>Io-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0401</string>
+ <key>Iu-cy</key>
+ <string>uni042E</string>
+ <key>Izhitsa-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0474</string>
+ <key>Jacute</key>
+ <string>uni00A40301</string>
+ <key>Je-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0408</string>
+ <key>Ka-cy</key>
+ <string>uni041A</string>
+ <key>Kabashkir-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04A0</string>
+ <key>Kacute</key>
+ <string>uni1E30</string>
+ <key>Kadescender-cy</key>
+ <string>uni049A</string>
+ <key>Kaverticalstroke-cy</key>
+ <string>uni049C</string>
+ <key>Kcommaaccent</key>
+ <string>uni0136</string>
+ <key>Kje-cy</key>
+ <string>uni040C</string>
+ <key>LJ</key>
+ <string>uni01C7</string>
+ <key>Lcommaaccent</key>
+ <string>uni013B</string>
+ <key>Ldotbelow</key>
+ <string>uni1E36</string>
+ <key>Lj</key>
+ <string>uni01C8</string>
+ <key>Lje-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0409</string>
+ <key>Llinebelow</key>
+ <string>uni1E3A</string>
+ <key>Mdotbelow</key>
+ <string>uni1E42</string>
+ <key>NJ</key>
+ <string>uni01CA</string>
+ <key>Ncommaaccent</key>
+ <string>uni0145</string>
+ <key>Ndotaccent</key>
+ <string>uni1E44</string>
+ <key>Ndotbelow</key>
+ <string>uni1E46</string>
+ <key>Nj</key>
+ <string>uni01CB</string>
+ <key>Nje-cy</key>
+ <string>uni040A</string>
+ <key>Nlinebelow</key>
+ <string>uni1E48</string>
+ <key>O-cy</key>
+ <string>uni041E</string>
+ <key>Obarred-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04E8</string>
+ <key>Ocaron</key>
+ <string>uni01D1</string>
+ <key>Ocircumflexacute</key>
+ <string>uni1ED0</string>
+ <key>Ocircumflexdotbelow</key>
+ <string>uni1ED8</string>
+ <key>Ocircumflexgrave</key>
+ <string>uni1ED2</string>
+ <key>Ocircumflexhookabove</key>
+ <string>uni1ED4</string>
+ <key>Ocircumflextilde</key>
+ <string>uni1ED6</string>
+ <key>Odblgrave</key>
+ <string>uni020C</string>
+ <key>Odieresis-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04E6</string>
+ <key>Odieresismacron</key>
+ <string>uni022A</string>
+ <key>Odotaccentmacron</key>
+ <string>uni0230</string>
+ <key>Odotbelow</key>
+ <string>uni1ECC</string>
+ <key>Ohm</key>
+ <string>uni2126</string>
+ <key>Ohookabove</key>
+ <string>uni1ECE</string>
+ <key>Ohornacute</key>
+ <string>uni1EDA</string>
+ <key>Ohorndotbelow</key>
+ <string>uni1EE2</string>
+ <key>Ohorngrave</key>
+ <string>uni1EDC</string>
+ <key>Ohornhookabove</key>
+ <string>uni1EDE</string>
+ <key>Ohorntilde</key>
+ <string>uni1EE0</string>
+ <key>Oinvertedbreve</key>
+ <string>uni020E</string>
+ <key>Omacronacute</key>
+ <string>uni1E52</string>
+ <key>Omacrongrave</key>
+ <string>uni1E50</string>
+ <key>Oogonek</key>
+ <string>uni01EA</string>
+ <key>Otildeacute</key>
+ <string>uni1E4C</string>
+ <key>Otildedieresis</key>
+ <string>uni1E4E</string>
+ <key>Otildemacron</key>
+ <string>uni022C</string>
+ <key>Palochka-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04C0</string>
+ <key>Pe-cy</key>
+ <string>uni041F</string>
+ <key>Qa-cy</key>
+ <string>uni051A</string>
+ <key>Rcommaaccent</key>
+ <string>uni0156</string>
+ <key>Rdblgrave</key>
+ <string>uni0210</string>
+ <key>Rdotbelow</key>
+ <string>uni1E5A</string>
+ <key>Rinvertedbreve</key>
+ <string>uni0212</string>
+ <key>Rlinebelow</key>
+ <string>uni1E5E</string>
+ <key>Sacutedotaccent</key>
+ <string>uni1E64</string>
+ <key>Saltillo</key>
+ <string>uniA78B</string>
+ <key>Scarondotaccent</key>
+ <string>uni1E66</string>
+ <key>Schwa</key>
+ <string>uni018F</string>
+ <key>Schwa-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04D8</string>
+ <key>Scommaaccent</key>
+ <string>uni0218</string>
+ <key>Sdotaccent</key>
+ <string>uni1E60</string>
+ <key>Sdotbelow</key>
+ <string>uni1E62</string>
+ <key>Sdotbelowdotaccent</key>
+ <string>uni1E68</string>
+ <key>Sha-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0428</string>
+ <key>Shcha-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0429</string>
+ <key>Shha-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04BA</string>
+ <key>Softsign-cy</key>
+ <string>uni042C</string>
+ <key>Tcedilla</key>
+ <string>uni0162</string>
+ <key>Tcommaaccent</key>
+ <string>uni021A</string>
+ <key>Tdotbelow</key>
+ <string>uni1E6C</string>
+ <key>Te-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0422</string>
+ <key>Tlinebelow</key>
+ <string>uni1E6E</string>
+ <key>Tse-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0426</string>
+ <key>Tshe-cy</key>
+ <string>uni040B</string>
+ <key>U-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0423</string>
+ <key>Ucaron</key>
+ <string>uni01D3</string>
+ <key>Udblgrave</key>
+ <string>uni0214</string>
+ <key>Udieresis-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04F0</string>
+ <key>Udieresisacute</key>
+ <string>uni01D7</string>
+ <key>Udieresiscaron</key>
+ <string>uni01D9</string>
+ <key>Udieresisgrave</key>
+ <string>uni01DB</string>
+ <key>Udieresismacron</key>
+ <string>uni01D5</string>
+ <key>Udotbelow</key>
+ <string>uni1EE4</string>
+ <key>Uhookabove</key>
+ <string>uni1EE6</string>
+ <key>Uhornacute</key>
+ <string>uni1EE8</string>
+ <key>Uhorndotbelow</key>
+ <string>uni1EF0</string>
+ <key>Uhorngrave</key>
+ <string>uni1EEA</string>
+ <key>Uhornhookabove</key>
+ <string>uni1EEC</string>
+ <key>Uhorntilde</key>
+ <string>uni1EEE</string>
+ <key>Uhungarumlaut-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04F2</string>
+ <key>Uinvertedbreve</key>
+ <string>uni0216</string>
+ <key>Umacron-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04EE</string>
+ <key>Umacrondieresis</key>
+ <string>uni1E7A</string>
+ <key>Ushort-cy</key>
+ <string>uni040E</string>
+ <key>Ustraight-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04AE</string>
+ <key>Ustraightstroke-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04B0</string>
+ <key>Utildeacute</key>
+ <string>uni1E78</string>
+ <key>Ve-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0412</string>
+ <key>We-cy</key>
+ <string>uni051C</string>
+ <key>Yat-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0462</string>
+ <key>Ydotaccent</key>
+ <string>uni1E8E</string>
+ <key>Ydotbelow</key>
+ <string>uni1EF4</string>
+ <key>Yeru-cy</key>
+ <string>uni042B</string>
+ <key>Yerudieresis-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04F8</string>
+ <key>Yhookabove</key>
+ <string>uni1EF6</string>
+ <key>Yi-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0407</string>
+ <key>Ymacron</key>
+ <string>uni0232</string>
+ <key>Ytilde</key>
+ <string>uni1EF8</string>
+ <key>Yusbig-cy</key>
+ <string>uni046A</string>
+ <key>Zdotbelow</key>
+ <string>uni1E92</string>
+ <key>Ze-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0417</string>
+ <key>Zedescender-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0498</string>
+ <key>Zedieresis-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04DE</string>
+ <key>Zhe-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0416</string>
+ <key>Zhebreve-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04C1</string>
+ <key>Zhedescender-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0496</string>
+ <key>Zhedieresis-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04DC</string>
+ <key>_bar-cy</key>
+ <string>_barcy</string>
+ <key>_descender-cy.case.straight</key>
+ <string>_descendercy.case.straight</string>
+ <key>_descenderreverse-cy.case</key>
+ <string>_descenderreversecy.case</string>
+ <key>_descenderreversed-cy</key>
+ <string>_descenderreversedcy</string>
+ <key>a-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0430</string>
+ <key>abreve-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04D1</string>
+ <key>abreveacute</key>
+ <string>uni1EAF</string>
+ <key>abrevedotbelow</key>
+ <string>uni1EB7</string>
+ <key>abrevegrave</key>
+ <string>uni1EB1</string>
+ <key>abrevehookabove</key>
+ <string>uni1EB3</string>
+ <key>abrevetilde</key>
+ <string>uni1EB5</string>
+ <key>acaron</key>
+ <string>uni01CE</string>
+ <key>acircumflexacute</key>
+ <string>uni1EA5</string>
+ <key>acircumflexdotbelow</key>
+ <string>uni1EAD</string>
+ <key>acircumflexgrave</key>
+ <string>uni1EA7</string>
+ <key>acircumflexhookabove</key>
+ <string>uni1EA9</string>
+ <key>acircumflextilde</key>
+ <string>uni1EAB</string>
+ <key>acutecomb_dotaccentcomb</key>
+ <string>uni03010307</string>
+ <key>adblgrave</key>
+ <string>uni0201</string>
+ <key>adieresis-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04D3</string>
+ <key>adotbelow</key>
+ <string>uni1EA1</string>
+ <key>ahookabove</key>
+ <string>uni1EA3</string>
+ <key>aie-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04D5</string>
+ <key>ainvertedbreve</key>
+ <string>uni0203</string>
+ <key>apostrophemod</key>
+ <string>uni02BC</string>
+ <key>be-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0431</string>
+ <key>blackCircle</key>
+ <string>uni25CF</string>
+ <key>blank</key>
+ <string>uni2423</string>
+ <key>brevebelowcomb</key>
+ <string>uni032E</string>
+ <key>brevecomb</key>
+ <string>uni0306</string>
+ <key>brevecomb-cy</key>
+ <string>brevecombcy</string>
+ <key>brevecomb-cy.case</key>
+ <string>brevecombcy.case</string>
+ <key>brevecomb.case</key>
+ <string>uni0306.case</string>
+ <key>brevecomb.loclVIET</key>
+ <string>uni0306.loclVIET</string>
+ <key>brevecomb_acutecomb</key>
+ <string>uni03060301</string>
+ <key>brevecomb_acutecomb.case</key>
+ <string>uni03060301.case</string>
+ <key>brevecomb_gravecomb</key>
+ <string>uni03060300</string>
+ <key>brevecomb_gravecomb.case</key>
+ <string>uni03060300.case</string>
+ <key>brevecomb_hookabovecomb</key>
+ <string>uni03060309</string>
+ <key>brevecomb_hookabovecomb.case</key>
+ <string>uni03060309.case</string>
+ <key>brevecomb_tildecomb</key>
+ <string>uni03060303</string>
+ <key>brevecomb_tildecomb.case</key>
+ <string>uni03060303.case</string>
+ <key>breveinvertedcomb</key>
+ <string>uni0311</string>
+ <key>breveinvertedcomb.case</key>
+ <string>uni0311.case</string>
+ <key>bulletoperator</key>
+ <string>uni2219</string>
+ <key>bulletoperator.tf</key>
+ <string>uni2219.tf</string>
+ <key>caroncomb</key>
+ <string>uni030C</string>
+ <key>caroncomb.alt</key>
+ <string>uni030C.alt</string>
+ <key>caroncomb.case</key>
+ <string>uni030C.case</string>
+ <key>caroncomb.loclVIET</key>
+ <string>uni030C.loclVIET</string>
+ <key>caroncomb_dotaccentcomb</key>
+ <string>uni030C0307</string>
+ <key>ccedillaacute</key>
+ <string>uni1E09</string>
+ <key>cedi</key>
+ <string>uni20B5</string>
+ <key>cedillacomb</key>
+ <string>uni0327</string>
+ <key>che-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0447</string>
+ <key>chedescender-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04B7</string>
+ <key>chedieresis-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04F5</string>
+ <key>chekhakassian-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04CC</string>
+ <key>cheverticalstroke-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04B9</string>
+ <key>circumflexcomb</key>
+ <string>uni0302</string>
+ <key>circumflexcomb.case</key>
+ <string>uni0302.case</string>
+ <key>circumflexcomb.loclVIET</key>
+ <string>uni0302.loclVIET</string>
+ <key>circumflexcomb_acutecomb</key>
+ <string>uni03020301</string>
+ <key>circumflexcomb_acutecomb.case</key>
+ <string>uni03020301.case</string>
+ <key>circumflexcomb_gravecomb</key>
+ <string>uni03020300</string>
+ <key>circumflexcomb_gravecomb.case</key>
+ <string>uni03020300.case</string>
+ <key>circumflexcomb_hookabovecomb</key>
+ <string>uni03020309</string>
+ <key>circumflexcomb_hookabovecomb.case</key>
+ <string>uni03020309.case</string>
+ <key>circumflexcomb_tildecomb</key>
+ <string>uni03020303</string>
+ <key>circumflexcomb_tildecomb.case</key>
+ <string>uni03020303.case</string>
+ <key>colonsign</key>
+ <string>colonmonetary</string>
+ <key>commaaccentcomb</key>
+ <string>uni0326</string>
+ <key>commaturnedabovecomb</key>
+ <string>uni0312</string>
+ <key>commaturnedmod</key>
+ <string>uni02BB</string>
+ <key>commercialMinusSign</key>
+ <string>uni2052</string>
+ <key>commercialMinusSign.tf</key>
+ <string>uni2052.tf</string>
+ <key>dblgravecomb</key>
+ <string>uni030F</string>
+ <key>dblgravecomb.case</key>
+ <string>uni030F.case</string>
+ <key>ddotbelow</key>
+ <string>uni1E0D</string>
+ <key>de-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0434</string>
+ <key>descender-cy</key>
+ <string>descendercy</string>
+ <key>descender-cy.case</key>
+ <string>descendercy.case</string>
+ <key>descender-cy.strait</key>
+ <string>descendercy.strait</string>
+ <key>dieresisbelowcomb</key>
+ <string>uni0324</string>
+ <key>dieresiscomb</key>
+ <string>uni0308</string>
+ <key>dieresiscomb.case</key>
+ <string>uni0308.case</string>
+ <key>dieresiscomb.loclVIET</key>
+ <string>uni0308.loclVIET</string>
+ <key>dieresiscomb_acutecomb</key>
+ <string>uni03080301</string>
+ <key>dieresiscomb_caroncomb</key>
+ <string>uni0308030C</string>
+ <key>dieresiscomb_gravecomb</key>
+ <string>uni03080300</string>
+ <key>dieresiscomb_macroncomb</key>
+ <string>uni03080304</string>
+ <key>divisionslash</key>
+ <string>uni2215</string>
+ <key>divisionslash.tf</key>
+ <string>uni2215.tf</string>
+ <key>dje-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0452</string>
+ <key>dlinebelow</key>
+ <string>uni1E0F</string>
+ <key>dotaccentcomb</key>
+ <string>uni0307</string>
+ <key>dotaccentcomb.case</key>
+ <string>uni0307.case</string>
+ <key>dotaccentcomb.loclVIET</key>
+ <string>uni0307.loclVIET</string>
+ <key>dotaccentcomb_macroncomb</key>
+ <string>uni03070304</string>
+ <key>doubleprimemod</key>
+ <string>uni02BA</string>
+ <key>downArrow</key>
+ <string>arrowdown</string>
+ <key>dzcaron</key>
+ <string>uni01C6</string>
+ <key>dze-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0455</string>
+ <key>dzhe-cy</key>
+ <string>uni045F</string>
+ <key>e-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0454</string>
+ <key>ecedillabreve</key>
+ <string>uni1E1D</string>
+ <key>ecircumflexacute</key>
+ <string>uni1EBF</string>
+ <key>ecircumflexdotbelow</key>
+ <string>uni1EC7</string>
+ <key>ecircumflexgrave</key>
+ <string>uni1EC1</string>
+ <key>ecircumflexhookabove</key>
+ <string>uni1EC3</string>
+ <key>ecircumflextilde</key>
+ <string>uni1EC5</string>
+ <key>edblgrave</key>
+ <string>uni0205</string>
+ <key>edotbelow</key>
+ <string>uni1EB9</string>
+ <key>ef-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0444</string>
+ <key>ehookabove</key>
+ <string>uni1EBB</string>
+ <key>eightinferior</key>
+ <string>uni2088</string>
+ <key>eightsuperior</key>
+ <string>uni2078</string>
+ <key>einvertedbreve</key>
+ <string>uni0207</string>
+ <key>el-cy</key>
+ <string>uni043B</string>
+ <key>em-cy</key>
+ <string>uni043C</string>
+ <key>emacronacute</key>
+ <string>uni1E17</string>
+ <key>emacrongrave</key>
+ <string>uni1E15</string>
+ <key>emquad</key>
+ <string>uni2001</string>
+ <key>emspace</key>
+ <string>uni2003</string>
+ <key>en-cy</key>
+ <string>uni043D</string>
+ <key>endescender-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04A3</string>
+ <key>enghe-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04A5</string>
+ <key>enquad</key>
+ <string>uni2000</string>
+ <key>enspace</key>
+ <string>uni2002</string>
+ <key>er-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0440</string>
+ <key>ereversed-cy</key>
+ <string>uni044D</string>
+ <key>es-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0441</string>
+ <key>esdescender-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04AB</string>
+ <key>etilde</key>
+ <string>uni1EBD</string>
+ <key>euro</key>
+ <string>Euro</string>
+ <key>figurespace</key>
+ <string>uni2007</string>
+ <key>firsttonechinese</key>
+ <string>uni02C9</string>
+ <key>fita-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0473</string>
+ <key>fiveinferior</key>
+ <string>uni2085</string>
+ <key>fivesixths</key>
+ <string>uni215A</string>
+ <key>fivesuperior</key>
+ <string>uni2075</string>
+ <key>fourfifths</key>
+ <string>uni2158</string>
+ <key>fourinferior</key>
+ <string>uni2084</string>
+ <key>fourperemspace</key>
+ <string>uni2005</string>
+ <key>foursuperior</key>
+ <string>uni2074</string>
+ <key>fourthtonechinese</key>
+ <string>uni02CB</string>
+ <key>gcommaaccent</key>
+ <string>uni0123</string>
+ <key>ge-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0433</string>
+ <key>gedescender-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04F7</string>
+ <key>ghemiddlehook-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0495</string>
+ <key>ghestroke-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0493</string>
+ <key>gheupturn-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0491</string>
+ <key>gje-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0453</string>
+ <key>gmacron</key>
+ <string>uni1E21</string>
+ <key>guarani</key>
+ <string>uni20B2</string>
+ <key>guillemetleft</key>
+ <string>guillemotleft</string>
+ <key>guillemetright</key>
+ <string>guillemotright</string>
+ <key>ha-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0445</string>
+ <key>hadescender-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04B3</string>
+ <key>hairspace</key>
+ <string>uni200A</string>
+ <key>hardsign-cy</key>
+ <string>uni044A</string>
+ <key>hbrevebelow</key>
+ <string>uni1E2B</string>
+ <key>hdotbelow</key>
+ <string>uni1E25</string>
+ <key>horizontalbar</key>
+ <string>uni2015</string>
+ <key>horncomb</key>
+ <string>uni031B</string>
+ <key>hryvnia</key>
+ <string>uni20B4</string>
+ <key>hungarumlautcomb</key>
+ <string>uni030B</string>
+ <key>hungarumlautcomb.case</key>
+ <string>uni030B.case</string>
+ <key>hyphentwo</key>
+ <string>uni2010</string>
+ <key>i-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0456</string>
+ <key>ia-cy</key>
+ <string>uni044F</string>
+ <key>icaron</key>
+ <string>uni01D0</string>
+ <key>idblgrave</key>
+ <string>uni0209</string>
+ <key>idieresis-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04E5</string>
+ <key>idieresisacute</key>
+ <string>uni1E2F</string>
+ <key>idotaccent</key>
+ <string>i.loclTRK</string>
+ <key>idotbelow</key>
+ <string>uni1ECB</string>
+ <key>idotless</key>
+ <string>dotlessi</string>
+ <key>ie-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0435</string>
+ <key>iebreve-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04D7</string>
+ <key>iegrave-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0450</string>
+ <key>ihookabove</key>
+ <string>uni1EC9</string>
+ <key>ii-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0438</string>
+ <key>iigrave-cy</key>
+ <string>uni045D</string>
+ <key>iinvertedbreve</key>
+ <string>uni020B</string>
+ <key>iishort-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0439</string>
+ <key>imacron-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04E3</string>
+ <key>increment</key>
+ <string>uni2206</string>
+ <key>io-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0451</string>
+ <key>iu-cy</key>
+ <string>uni044E</string>
+ <key>izhitsa-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0475</string>
+ <key>jacute</key>
+ <string>uni006A0301</string>
+ <key>jdotless</key>
+ <string>uni0237</string>
+ <key>je-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0458</string>
+ <key>ka-cy</key>
+ <string>uni043A</string>
+ <key>kabashkir-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04A1</string>
+ <key>kacute</key>
+ <string>uni1E31</string>
+ <key>kadescender-cy</key>
+ <string>uni049B</string>
+ <key>kaverticalstroke-cy</key>
+ <string>uni049D</string>
+ <key>kcommaaccent</key>
+ <string>uni0137</string>
+ <key>kip</key>
+ <string>uni20AD</string>
+ <key>kje-cy</key>
+ <string>uni045C</string>
+ <key>lcommaaccent</key>
+ <string>uni013C</string>
+ <key>ldotbelow</key>
+ <string>uni1E37</string>
+ <key>leftArrow</key>
+ <string>arrowleft</string>
+ <key>leftanglebracket-math</key>
+ <string>uni27E8</string>
+ <key>liraTurkish</key>
+ <string>uni20BA</string>
+ <key>literSign</key>
+ <string>uni2113</string>
+ <key>lj</key>
+ <string>uni01C9</string>
+ <key>lje-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0459</string>
+ <key>llinebelow</key>
+ <string>uni1E3B</string>
+ <key>macronbelowcomb</key>
+ <string>uni0331</string>
+ <key>macronbelowcomb.narrow</key>
+ <string>uni0331.narrow</string>
+ <key>macroncomb</key>
+ <string>uni0304</string>
+ <key>macroncomb.case</key>
+ <string>uni0304.case</string>
+ <key>macroncomb.loclVIET</key>
+ <string>uni0304.loclVIET</string>
+ <key>macroncomb.narrow</key>
+ <string>uni0304.narrow</string>
+ <key>macroncomb.narrow.case</key>
+ <string>uni0304.narrow.case</string>
+ <key>macroncomb_acutecomb</key>
+ <string>uni03040301</string>
+ <key>macroncomb_dieresiscomb</key>
+ <string>uni03040308</string>
+ <key>macroncomb_gravecomb</key>
+ <string>uni03040300</string>
+ <key>manat</key>
+ <string>uni20BC</string>
+ <key>mdotbelow</key>
+ <string>uni1E43</string>
+ <key>micro</key>
+ <string>uni00B5</string>
+ <key>naira</key>
+ <string>uni20A6</string>
+ <key>nbspace</key>
+ <string>uni00A0</string>
+ <key>ncommaaccent</key>
+ <string>uni0146</string>
+ <key>ndotaccent</key>
+ <string>uni1E45</string>
+ <key>ndotbelow</key>
+ <string>uni1E47</string>
+ <key>nineinferior</key>
+ <string>uni2089</string>
+ <key>ninesuperior</key>
+ <string>uni2079</string>
+ <key>nj</key>
+ <string>uni01CC</string>
+ <key>nje-cy</key>
+ <string>uni045A</string>
+ <key>nlinebelow</key>
+ <string>uni1E49</string>
+ <key>nonbreakinghyphen</key>
+ <string>uni2011</string>
+ <key>notidentical</key>
+ <string>uni2262</string>
+ <key>notidentical.tf</key>
+ <string>uni2262.tf</string>
+ <key>numero</key>
+ <string>uni2116</string>
+ <key>o-cy</key>
+ <string>uni043E</string>
+ <key>obarred-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04E9</string>
+ <key>ocaron</key>
+ <string>uni01D2</string>
+ <key>ocircumflexacute</key>
+ <string>uni1ED1</string>
+ <key>ocircumflexdotbelow</key>
+ <string>uni1ED9</string>
+ <key>ocircumflexgrave</key>
+ <string>uni1ED3</string>
+ <key>ocircumflexhookabove</key>
+ <string>uni1ED5</string>
+ <key>ocircumflextilde</key>
+ <string>uni1ED7</string>
+ <key>odblgrave</key>
+ <string>uni020D</string>
+ <key>odieresis-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04E7</string>
+ <key>odieresismacron</key>
+ <string>uni022B</string>
+ <key>odotaccentmacron</key>
+ <string>uni0231</string>
+ <key>odotbelow</key>
+ <string>uni1ECD</string>
+ <key>ogonekcomb</key>
+ <string>uni0328</string>
+ <key>ogonekcomb.narrow</key>
+ <string>uni0328.narrow</string>
+ <key>ogonekcomb.tall</key>
+ <string>uni0328.tall</string>
+ <key>ogonekcomb.tall.case</key>
+ <string>uni0328.tall.case</string>
+ <key>ohookabove</key>
+ <string>uni1ECF</string>
+ <key>ohornacute</key>
+ <string>uni1EDB</string>
+ <key>ohorndotbelow</key>
+ <string>uni1EE3</string>
+ <key>ohorngrave</key>
+ <string>uni1EDD</string>
+ <key>ohornhookabove</key>
+ <string>uni1EDF</string>
+ <key>ohorntilde</key>
+ <string>uni1EE1</string>
+ <key>oinvertedbreve</key>
+ <string>uni020F</string>
+ <key>omacronacute</key>
+ <string>uni1E53</string>
+ <key>omacrongrave</key>
+ <string>uni1E51</string>
+ <key>onefifth</key>
+ <string>uni2155</string>
+ <key>onefraction</key>
+ <string>uni215F</string>
+ <key>oneinferior</key>
+ <string>uni2081</string>
+ <key>oneninth</key>
+ <string>uni2151</string>
+ <key>oneseventh</key>
+ <string>uni2150</string>
+ <key>onesixth</key>
+ <string>uni2159</string>
+ <key>onesuperior</key>
+ <string>uni00B9</string>
+ <key>onetenth</key>
+ <string>uni2152</string>
+ <key>onethird</key>
+ <string>uni2153</string>
+ <key>oogonek</key>
+ <string>uni01EB</string>
+ <key>otildeacute</key>
+ <string>uni1E4D</string>
+ <key>otildedieresis</key>
+ <string>uni1E4F</string>
+ <key>otildemacron</key>
+ <string>uni022D</string>
+ <key>palochka-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04CF</string>
+ <key>pe-cy</key>
+ <string>uni043F</string>
+ <key>peso</key>
+ <string>uni20B1</string>
+ <key>primeReversed</key>
+ <string>uni2035</string>
+ <key>primemod</key>
+ <string>uni02B9</string>
+ <key>punctuationspace</key>
+ <string>uni2008</string>
+ <key>qa-cy</key>
+ <string>uni051B</string>
+ <key>ratio</key>
+ <string>uni2236</string>
+ <key>rcommaaccent</key>
+ <string>uni0157</string>
+ <key>rdblgrave</key>
+ <string>uni0211</string>
+ <key>rdotbelow</key>
+ <string>uni1E5B</string>
+ <key>rightArrow</key>
+ <string>arrowright</string>
+ <key>rightanglebracket-math</key>
+ <string>uni27E9</string>
+ <key>ringcomb</key>
+ <string>uni030A</string>
+ <key>ringcomb.case</key>
+ <string>uni030A.case</string>
+ <key>ringcomb_acutecomb</key>
+ <string>uni030A0301</string>
+ <key>ringcomb_acutecomb.case</key>
+ <string>uni030A0301.case</string>
+ <key>ringhalfleft</key>
+ <string>uni02BF</string>
+ <key>ringhalfright</key>
+ <string>uni02BE</string>
+ <key>rinvertedbreve</key>
+ <string>uni0213</string>
+ <key>rlinebelow</key>
+ <string>uni1E5F</string>
+ <key>ruble</key>
+ <string>uni20BD</string>
+ <key>rupeeIndian</key>
+ <string>uni20B9</string>
+ <key>sacutedotaccent</key>
+ <string>uni1E65</string>
+ <key>saltillo</key>
+ <string>uniA78C</string>
+ <key>scarondotaccent</key>
+ <string>uni1E67</string>
+ <key>schwa</key>
+ <string>uni0259</string>
+ <key>schwa-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04D9</string>
+ <key>scommaaccent</key>
+ <string>uni0219</string>
+ <key>sdotaccent</key>
+ <string>uni1E61</string>
+ <key>sdotbelow</key>
+ <string>uni1E63</string>
+ <key>sdotbelowdotaccent</key>
+ <string>uni1E69</string>
+ <key>secondtonechinese</key>
+ <string>uni02CA</string>
+ <key>seveninferior</key>
+ <string>uni2087</string>
+ <key>sevensuperior</key>
+ <string>uni2077</string>
+ <key>sha-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0448</string>
+ <key>shcha-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0449</string>
+ <key>shha-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04BB</string>
+ <key>sixinferior</key>
+ <string>uni2086</string>
+ <key>sixperemspace</key>
+ <string>uni2006</string>
+ <key>sixsuperior</key>
+ <string>uni2076</string>
+ <key>slashlongcomb</key>
+ <string>uni0338</string>
+ <key>slashlongcomb.case</key>
+ <string>uni0338.case</string>
+ <key>slashshortcomb</key>
+ <string>uni0337</string>
+ <key>slashshortcomb.case</key>
+ <string>uni0337.case</string>
+ <key>softhyphen</key>
+ <string>uni00AD</string>
+ <key>softsign-cy</key>
+ <string>uni044C</string>
+ <key>strokelongcomb</key>
+ <string>uni0336</string>
+ <key>strokeshortcomb</key>
+ <string>uni0335</string>
+ <key>strokeshortcomb.case</key>
+ <string>uni0335.case</string>
+ <key>tcedilla</key>
+ <string>uni0163</string>
+ <key>tcommaaccent</key>
+ <string>uni021B</string>
+ <key>tdieresis</key>
+ <string>uni1E97</string>
+ <key>tdotbelow</key>
+ <string>uni1E6D</string>
+ <key>te-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0442</string>
+ <key>tenge</key>
+ <string>uni20B8</string>
+ <key>thinspace</key>
+ <string>uni2009</string>
+ <key>threefifths</key>
+ <string>uni2157</string>
+ <key>threeinferior</key>
+ <string>uni2083</string>
+ <key>threeperemspace</key>
+ <string>uni2004</string>
+ <key>threesuperior</key>
+ <string>uni00B3</string>
+ <key>tildecomb_dieresiscomb</key>
+ <string>uni03030308</string>
+ <key>tildecomb_macroncomb</key>
+ <string>uni03030304</string>
+ <key>tlinebelow</key>
+ <string>uni1E6F</string>
+ <key>tripleprime</key>
+ <string>uni2034</string>
+ <key>tse-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0446</string>
+ <key>tshe-cy</key>
+ <string>uni045B</string>
+ <key>tugrik</key>
+ <string>uni20AE</string>
+ <key>twofifths</key>
+ <string>uni2156</string>
+ <key>twoinferior</key>
+ <string>uni2082</string>
+ <key>twosuperior</key>
+ <string>uni00B2</string>
+ <key>twothirds</key>
+ <string>uni2154</string>
+ <key>u-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0443</string>
+ <key>ucaron</key>
+ <string>uni01D4</string>
+ <key>udblgrave</key>
+ <string>uni0215</string>
+ <key>udieresis-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04F1</string>
+ <key>udieresisacute</key>
+ <string>uni01D8</string>
+ <key>udieresiscaron</key>
+ <string>uni01DA</string>
+ <key>udieresisgrave</key>
+ <string>uni01DC</string>
+ <key>udieresismacron</key>
+ <string>uni01D6</string>
+ <key>udotbelow</key>
+ <string>uni1EE5</string>
+ <key>uhookabove</key>
+ <string>uni1EE7</string>
+ <key>uhornacute</key>
+ <string>uni1EE9</string>
+ <key>uhorndotbelow</key>
+ <string>uni1EF1</string>
+ <key>uhorngrave</key>
+ <string>uni1EEB</string>
+ <key>uhornhookabove</key>
+ <string>uni1EED</string>
+ <key>uhorntilde</key>
+ <string>uni1EEF</string>
+ <key>uhungarumlaut-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04F3</string>
+ <key>uinvertedbreve</key>
+ <string>uni0217</string>
+ <key>umacron-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04EF</string>
+ <key>umacrondieresis</key>
+ <string>uni1E7B</string>
+ <key>upArrow</key>
+ <string>arrowup</string>
+ <key>ushort-cy</key>
+ <string>uni045E</string>
+ <key>ustraight-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04AF</string>
+ <key>ustraightstroke-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04B1</string>
+ <key>utildeacute</key>
+ <string>uni1E79</string>
+ <key>ve-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0432</string>
+ <key>verticallineabovecomb</key>
+ <string>uni030D</string>
+ <key>verticallinebelowcomb</key>
+ <string>uni0329</string>
+ <key>verticallinelowmod</key>
+ <string>uni02CC</string>
+ <key>verticallinemod</key>
+ <string>uni02C8</string>
+ <key>we-cy</key>
+ <string>uni051D</string>
+ <key>whiteCircle</key>
+ <string>circle</string>
+ <key>won</key>
+ <string>uni20A9</string>
+ <key>yat-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0463</string>
+ <key>ydotaccent</key>
+ <string>uni1E8F</string>
+ <key>ydotbelow</key>
+ <string>uni1EF5</string>
+ <key>yeru-cy</key>
+ <string>uni044B</string>
+ <key>yerudieresis-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04F9</string>
+ <key>yhookabove</key>
+ <string>uni1EF7</string>
+ <key>yi-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0457</string>
+ <key>ymacron</key>
+ <string>uni0233</string>
+ <key>ytilde</key>
+ <string>uni1EF9</string>
+ <key>yusbig-cy</key>
+ <string>uni046B</string>
+ <key>zdotbelow</key>
+ <string>uni1E93</string>
+ <key>ze-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0437</string>
+ <key>zedescender-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0499</string>
+ <key>zedieresis-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04DF</string>
+ <key>zeroinferior</key>
+ <string>uni2080</string>
+ <key>zerosuperior</key>
+ <string>uni2070</string>
+ <key>zerothird</key>
+ <string>uni2189</string>
+ <key>zerowidthspace</key>
+ <string>uni200B</string>
+ <key>zhe-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0436</string>
+ <key>zhebreve-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04C2</string>
+ <key>zhedescender-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0497</string>
+ <key>zhedieresis-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04DD</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
diff --git a/src/Cantarell-Light.ufo/metainfo.plist b/src/Cantarell-Light.ufo/metainfo.plist
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7b8b34ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Cantarell-Light.ufo/metainfo.plist
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
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+<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
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+ <dict>
+ <key>creator</key>
+ <string>com.github.fonttools.ufoLib</string>
+ <key>formatVersion</key>
+ <integer>3</integer>
+ </dict>
diff --git a/src/Cantarell-Regular.ufo/features.fea b/src/Cantarell-Regular.ufo/features.fea
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..da527abc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Cantarell-Regular.ufo/features.fea
@@ -0,0 +1,504 @@
+# automatic
+@Uppercase = [ A Aacute Abreve Abreveacute Abrevedotbelow Abrevegrave Abrevehookabove Abrevetilde Acaron
Acircumflex Acircumflexacute Acircumflexdotbelow Acircumflexgrave Acircumflexhookabove Acircumflextilde
Adblgrave Adieresis Adotbelow Agrave Ahookabove Ainvertedbreve Amacron Aogonek Aring Aringacute Atilde AE
AEacute B C Cacute Ccaron Ccedilla Ccedillaacute Ccircumflex Cdotaccent D DZcaron Eth Dcaron Dcroat Ddotbelow
Dlinebelow Dzcaron E Eacute Ebreve Ecaron Ecedillabreve Ecircumflex Ecircumflexacute Ecircumflexdotbelow
Ecircumflexgrave Ecircumflexhookabove Ecircumflextilde Edblgrave Edieresis Edotaccent Edotbelow Egrave
Ehookabove Einvertedbreve Emacron Emacronacute Emacrongrave Eogonek Etilde F G Gbreve Gcaron Gcircumflex
Gcommaaccent Gdotaccent Gmacron H Hbar Hbrevebelow Hcircumflex Hdotbelow I Iacute Ibreve Icaron Icircumflex
Idblgrave Idieresis Idieresisacute Idotaccent Idotbelow Igrave Ihookabove Iinvertedbreve Imacron Iogonek
Itilde J Jacute Jcircumflex K Kacute K
ent L LJ Lacute Lcaron Lcommaaccent Ldot Ldotbelow Lj Llinebelow Lslash M Mdotbelow N NJ Nacute Ncaron
Ncommaaccent Ndotaccent Ndotbelow Eng Nj Nlinebelow Ntilde O Oacute Obreve Ocaron Ocircumflex
Ocircumflexacute Ocircumflexdotbelow Ocircumflexgrave Ocircumflexhookabove Ocircumflextilde Odblgrave
Odieresis Odieresismacron Odotaccentmacron Odotbelow Ograve Ohookabove Ohorn Ohornacute Ohorndotbelow
Ohorngrave Ohornhookabove Ohorntilde Ohungarumlaut Oinvertedbreve Omacron Omacronacute Omacrongrave Oogonek
Oslash Oslashacute Otilde Otildeacute Otildedieresis Otildemacron OE P Thorn Q R Racute Rcaron Rcommaaccent
Rdblgrave Rdotbelow Rinvertedbreve Rlinebelow S Sacute Sacutedotaccent Saltillo Scaron Scarondotaccent
Scedilla Scircumflex Scommaaccent Sdotaccent Sdotbelow Sdotbelowdotaccent Germandbls Schwa T Tbar Tcaron
Tcedilla Tcommaaccent Tdotbelow Tlinebelow U Uacute Ubreve Ucaron Ucircumflex Udblgrave Udieresis
Udieresisacute Udieresiscaron Udieresisgrave Udieresismacron Udotb
elow Ugr
ave Uhookabove Uhorn Uhornacute Uhorndotbelow Uhorngrave Uhornhookabove Uhorntilde Uhungarumlaut
Uinvertedbreve Umacron Umacrondieresis Uogonek Uring Utilde Utildeacute V W Wacute Wcircumflex Wdieresis
Wgrave X Y Yacute Ycircumflex Ydieresis Ydotaccent Ydotbelow Ygrave Yhookabove Ymacron Ytilde Z Zacute Zcaron
Zdotaccent Zdotbelow A-cy Be-cy Ve-cy Ge-cy Gje-cy Gheupturn-cy De-cy Ie-cy Iegrave-cy Io-cy Zhe-cy Ze-cy
Ii-cy Iishort-cy Iigrave-cy Ka-cy Kje-cy El-cy Em-cy En-cy O-cy Pe-cy Er-cy Es-cy Te-cy U-cy Ushort-cy Ef-cy
Ha-cy Che-cy Tse-cy Sha-cy Shcha-cy Dzhe-cy Softsign-cy Hardsign-cy Yeru-cy Lje-cy Nje-cy Dze-cy E-cy
Ereversed-cy I-cy Yi-cy Je-cy Tshe-cy Iu-cy Ia-cy Dje-cy Yat-cy Yusbig-cy Fita-cy Izhitsa-cy Ghestroke-cy
Ghemiddlehook-cy Zhedescender-cy Zedescender-cy Kadescender-cy Kaverticalstroke-cy Kabashkir-cy
Endescender-cy Enghe-cy Esdescender-cy Ustraight-cy Ustraightstroke-cy Hadescender-cy Chedescender-cy
Cheverticalstroke-cy Shha-cy Palochka-cy Zhebreve-cy Che
an-cy Abreve-cy Adieresis-cy Aie-cy Iebreve-cy Schwa-cy Zhedieresis-cy Zedieresis-cy Imacron-cy Idieresis-cy
Odieresis-cy Obarred-cy Umacron-cy Udieresis-cy Uhungarumlaut-cy Chedieresis-cy Gedescender-cy
Yerudieresis-cy Qa-cy We-cy ];
+# Prefix: Languagesystems
+# automatic
+languagesystem DFLT dflt;
+languagesystem latn dflt;
+languagesystem latn NLD;
+languagesystem latn CAT;
+languagesystem latn ROM;
+languagesystem latn MOL;
+languagesystem latn KAZ;
+languagesystem latn TAT;
+languagesystem latn TRK;
+languagesystem latn CRT;
+languagesystem latn AZE;
+# Prefix: GDEF
+table GDEF {
+ GlyphClassDef
+ [A Aacute Abreve Abreveacute Abrevedotbelow Abrevegrave Abrevehookabove Abrevetilde Acaron Acircumflex
Acircumflexacute Acircumflexdotbelow Acircumflexgrave Acircumflexhookabove Acircumflextilde Adblgrave
Adieresis Adotbelow Agrave Ahookabove Ainvertedbreve Amacron Aogonek Aring Aringacute Atilde AE AEacute B C
Cacute Ccaron Ccedilla Ccedillaacute Ccircumflex Cdotaccent D Eth Dcaron Dcroat Ddotbelow Dlinebelow E Eacute
Ebreve Ecaron Ecedillabreve Ecircumflex Ecircumflexacute Ecircumflexdotbelow Ecircumflexgrave
Ecircumflexhookabove Ecircumflextilde Edblgrave Edieresis Edotaccent Edotbelow Egrave Ehookabove
Einvertedbreve Emacron Emacronacute Emacrongrave Eogonek Etilde F G Gbreve Gcaron Gcircumflex Gcommaaccent
Gdotaccent Gmacron H Hbar Hbrevebelow Hcircumflex Hdotbelow I Iacute Ibreve Icaron Icircumflex Idblgrave
Idieresis Idieresisacute Idotaccent Idotbelow Igrave Ihookabove Iinvertedbreve Imacron Iogonek Itilde J
Jacute Jcircumflex K Kacute Kcommaaccent L Lacute Lcaro
n Lcomma
accent Ldotbelow Llinebelow Lslash M Mdotbelow N Nacute Ncaron Ncommaaccent Ndotaccent Ndotbelow Nlinebelow
Ntilde O Oacute Obreve Ocaron Ocircumflex Ocircumflexacute Ocircumflexdotbelow Ocircumflexgrave
Ocircumflexhookabove Ocircumflextilde Odblgrave Odieresis Odieresismacron Odotaccentmacron Odotbelow Ograve
Ohookabove Ohorn Ohornacute Ohorndotbelow Ohorngrave Ohornhookabove Ohorntilde Ohungarumlaut Oinvertedbreve
Omacron Omacronacute Omacrongrave Oogonek Oslash Oslashacute Otilde Otildeacute Otildedieresis Otildemacron
OE P Q R Racute Rcaron Rcommaaccent Rdblgrave Rdotbelow Rinvertedbreve Rlinebelow S Sacute Sacutedotaccent
Scaron Scarondotaccent Scedilla Scircumflex Scommaaccent Sdotaccent Sdotbelow Sdotbelowdotaccent Schwa T Tbar
Tcaron Tcedilla Tcommaaccent Tdotbelow Tlinebelow U Uacute Ubreve Ucaron Ucircumflex Udblgrave Udieresis
Udieresisacute Udieresiscaron Udieresisgrave Udieresismacron Udotbelow Ugrave Uhookabove Uhorn Uhornacute
Uhorndotbelow Uhorngrave Uhornhoo
kabove U
horntilde Uhungarumlaut Uinvertedbreve Umacron Umacrondieresis Uogonek Uring Utilde Utildeacute V W Wacute
Wcircumflex Wdieresis Wgrave X Y Yacute Ycircumflex Ydieresis Ydotaccent Ydotbelow Ygrave Yhookabove Ymacron
Ytilde Z Zacute Zcaron Zdotaccent Zdotbelow a aacute abreve abreveacute abrevedotbelow abrevegrave
abrevehookabove abrevetilde acaron acircumflex acircumflexacute acircumflexdotbelow acircumflexgrave
acircumflexhookabove acircumflextilde adblgrave adieresis adotbelow agrave ahookabove ainvertedbreve amacron
aogonek aring aringacute atilde ae aeacute b c cacute ccaron ccedilla ccedillaacute ccircumflex cdotaccent d
dcaron dcroat ddotbelow dlinebelow e eacute ebreve ecaron ecedillabreve ecircumflex ecircumflexacute
ecircumflexdotbelow ecircumflexgrave ecircumflexhookabove ecircumflextilde edblgrave edieresis edotaccent
edotbelow egrave ehookabove einvertedbreve emacron emacronacute emacrongrave eogonek etilde schwa f g gbreve
gcaron gcircumflex gcommaaccent gdotacc
ent gmac
ron h hbar hbrevebelow hcircumflex hdotbelow i idotless iacute ibreve icaron icircumflex idblgrave idieresis
idieresisacute idotaccent idotbelow igrave ihookabove iinvertedbreve imacron iogonek itilde j jdotless jacute
jcircumflex k kacute kcommaaccent l lacute lcaron lcommaaccent ldotbelow llinebelow lslash m mdotbelow n
nacute ncaron ncommaaccent ndotaccent ndotbelow nlinebelow ntilde o oacute obreve ocaron ocircumflex
ocircumflexacute ocircumflexdotbelow ocircumflexgrave ocircumflexhookabove ocircumflextilde odblgrave
odieresis odieresismacron odotaccentmacron odotbelow ograve ohookabove ohorn ohornacute ohorndotbelow
ohorngrave ohornhookabove ohorntilde ohungarumlaut oinvertedbreve omacron omacronacute omacrongrave oogonek
oslash oslashacute otilde otildeacute otildedieresis otildemacron oe p q r racute rcaron rcommaaccent
rdblgrave rdotbelow rinvertedbreve rlinebelow s sacute sacutedotaccent scaron scarondotaccent scedilla
scircumflex scommaaccent sdotaccent sdotbelow s
dotaccent t tbar tcaron tcedilla tcommaaccent tdieresis tdotbelow tlinebelow u uacute ubreve ucaron
ucircumflex udblgrave udieresis udieresisacute udieresiscaron udieresisgrave udieresismacron udotbelow ugrave
uhookabove uhorn uhornacute uhorndotbelow uhorngrave uhornhookabove uhorntilde uhungarumlaut uinvertedbreve
umacron umacrondieresis uogonek uring utilde utildeacute v w wacute wcircumflex wdieresis wgrave x y yacute
ycircumflex ydieresis ydotaccent ydotbelow ygrave yhookabove ymacron ytilde z zacute zcaron zdotaccent
zdotbelow A-cy Ve-cy Ge-cy Gje-cy Ie-cy Iegrave-cy Io-cy Zhe-cy Ze-cy Ii-cy Iishort-cy Iigrave-cy Ka-cy
Kje-cy Em-cy En-cy O-cy Pe-cy Er-cy Es-cy Te-cy U-cy Ushort-cy Ha-cy Che-cy Hardsign-cy Yeru-cy Dze-cy
Ereversed-cy I-cy Yi-cy Je-cy Iu-cy Ia-cy Fita-cy Zhedescender-cy Zedescender-cy Kadescender-cy
Endescender-cy Esdescender-cy Ustraight-cy Ustraightstroke-cy Hadescender-cy Chedescender-cy Palochka-cy
Zhebreve-cy Chekhakassian-cy Abreve-cy Adieresis-cy
Aie-cy I
ebreve-cy Schwa-cy Zhedieresis-cy Zedieresis-cy Imacron-cy Idieresis-cy Odieresis-cy Obarred-cy Umacron-cy
Udieresis-cy Uhungarumlaut-cy Chedieresis-cy Gedescender-cy Yerudieresis-cy Qa-cy We-cy a-cy ge-cy gje-cy
ie-cy iegrave-cy io-cy zhe-cy ze-cy ii-cy iishort-cy iigrave-cy ka-cy kje-cy en-cy o-cy pe-cy er-cy es-cy
te-cy u-cy ushort-cy ha-cy che-cy yeru-cy dze-cy e-cy ereversed-cy i-cy yi-cy je-cy tshe-cy iu-cy ia-cy
dje-cy fita-cy zhedescender-cy zedescender-cy kadescender-cy endescender-cy esdescender-cy ustraight-cy
ustraightstroke-cy hadescender-cy chedescender-cy shha-cy palochka-cy zhebreve-cy chekhakassian-cy abreve-cy
adieresis-cy aie-cy iebreve-cy schwa-cy zhedieresis-cy zedieresis-cy imacron-cy idieresis-cy odieresis-cy
obarred-cy umacron-cy udieresis-cy uhungarumlaut-cy chedieresis-cy gedescender-cy yerudieresis-cy qa-cy
we-cy], # Base
+ , # Liga
+ [dieresiscomb dieresiscomb_gravecomb dieresiscomb_acutecomb dieresiscomb_caroncomb
dieresiscomb_macroncomb dotaccentcomb dotaccentcomb_macroncomb gravecomb acutecomb acutecomb_dotaccentcomb
hungarumlautcomb caroncomb.alt circumflexcomb caroncomb caroncomb_dotaccentcomb brevecomb ringcomb
ringcomb_acutecomb tildecomb tildecomb_dieresiscomb tildecomb_acutecomb tildecomb_macroncomb macroncomb
macroncomb_dieresiscomb macroncomb_gravecomb macroncomb_acutecomb hookabovecomb verticallineabovecomb
dblgravecomb breveinvertedcomb commaturnedabovecomb horncomb dotbelowcomb dieresisbelowcomb commaaccentcomb
cedillacomb ogonekcomb verticallinebelowcomb brevebelowcomb macronbelowcomb strokeshortcomb strokelongcomb
slashshortcomb slashlongcomb dieresiscomb.case dotaccentcomb.case gravecomb.case acutecomb.case
hungarumlautcomb.case circumflexcomb.case caroncomb.case brevecomb.case ringcomb.case ringcomb_acutecomb.case
tildecomb.case macroncomb.case hookabovecomb.case dblgravecomb.case b
rtedcomb.case strokeshortcomb.case slashshortcomb.case slashlongcomb.case macroncomb.narrow.case
ogonekcomb.tall.case dieresiscomb.loclVIET dotaccentcomb.loclVIET gravecomb.loclVIET acutecomb.loclVIET
circumflexcomb.loclVIET caroncomb.loclVIET brevecomb.loclVIET tildecomb.loclVIET macroncomb.loclVIET
hookabovecomb.loclVIET macroncomb.narrow ogonekcomb.narrow macronbelowcomb.narrow ogonekcomb.tall
brevecomb-cy descender-cy brevecomb-cy.case descender-cy.case descender-cy.strait brevecomb_acutecomb
brevecomb_gravecomb brevecomb_hookabovecomb brevecomb_tildecomb circumflexcomb_acutecomb
circumflexcomb_gravecomb circumflexcomb_hookabovecomb circumflexcomb_tildecomb brevecomb_acutecomb.case
brevecomb_gravecomb.case brevecomb_hookabovecomb.case brevecomb_tildecomb.case circumflexcomb_acutecomb.case
circumflexcomb_gravecomb.case circumflexcomb_hookabovecomb.case circumflexcomb_tildecomb.case], # Mark
+ ;
+} GDEF;
+feature aalt {
+# automatic
+feature locl;
+feature subs;
+feature sinf;
+feature sups;
+feature numr;
+feature dnom;
+feature frac;
+feature ordn;
+feature lnum;
+feature pnum;
+feature tnum;
+feature onum;
+feature case;
+feature zero;
+feature salt;
+feature ss01;
+} aalt;
+feature ccmp {
+# automatic
+lookup ccmp_Other_1 {
+ @CombiningTopAccents = [acutecomb brevecomb breveinvertedcomb caroncomb circumflexcomb
commaturnedabovecomb dblgravecomb dieresiscomb dotaccentcomb gravecomb hookabovecomb hungarumlautcomb
macroncomb ringcomb tildecomb verticallineabovecomb];
+ @CombiningNonTopAccents = [brevebelowcomb cedillacomb dieresisbelowcomb dotbelowcomb macronbelowcomb
ogonekcomb verticallinebelowcomb horncomb slashlongcomb slashshortcomb strokelongcomb strokeshortcomb];
+ sub [i j]' @CombiningTopAccents by [idotless jdotless];
+ sub [i j]' @CombiningNonTopAccents @CombiningTopAccents by [idotless jdotless];
+ @Markscomb = [dieresiscomb dotaccentcomb gravecomb acutecomb hungarumlautcomb circumflexcomb
caroncomb brevecomb ringcomb ringcomb_acutecomb tildecomb macroncomb hookabovecomb dblgravecomb
breveinvertedcomb strokeshortcomb slashshortcomb slashlongcomb macroncomb.narrow ogonekcomb.tall brevecomb-cy
descender-cy brevecomb_acutecomb brevecomb_gravecomb brevecomb_hookabovecomb brevecomb_tildecomb
circumflexcomb_acutecomb circumflexcomb_gravecomb circumflexcomb_hookabovecomb circumflexcomb_tildecomb];
+ @MarkscombCase = [dieresiscomb.case dotaccentcomb.case gravecomb.case acutecomb.case
hungarumlautcomb.case circumflexcomb.case caroncomb.case brevecomb.case ringcomb.case ringcomb_acutecomb.case
tildecomb.case macroncomb.case hookabovecomb.case dblgravecomb.case breveinvertedcomb.case
strokeshortcomb.case slashshortcomb.case slashlongcomb.case macroncomb.narrow.case ogonekcomb.tall.case
brevecomb-cy.case descender-cy.case brevecomb_acutecomb.case brevecomb_gravecomb.case
brevecomb_hookabovecomb.case brevecomb_tildecomb.case circumflexcomb_acutecomb.case
circumflexcomb_gravecomb.case circumflexcomb_hookabovecomb.case circumflexcomb_tildecomb.case];
+ sub @Markscomb @Markscomb' by @MarkscombCase;
+ sub @Uppercase @Markscomb' by @MarkscombCase;
+} ccmp_Other_1;
+lookup ccmp_Other_2 {
+ sub @Markscomb' @MarkscombCase by @MarkscombCase;
+ sub @MarkscombCase @Markscomb' by @MarkscombCase;
+} ccmp_Other_2;
+lookup ccmp_Other_3 {
+ lookupflag 0;
+ sub acutecomb dotaccentcomb by acutecomb_dotaccentcomb;
+ sub caroncomb dotaccentcomb by caroncomb_dotaccentcomb;
+ sub dieresiscomb acutecomb by dieresiscomb_acutecomb;
+ sub dieresiscomb caroncomb by dieresiscomb_caroncomb;
+ sub dieresiscomb gravecomb by dieresiscomb_gravecomb;
+ sub dieresiscomb macroncomb by dieresiscomb_macroncomb;
+ sub dotaccentcomb macroncomb by dotaccentcomb_macroncomb;
+ sub macroncomb acutecomb by macroncomb_acutecomb;
+ sub macroncomb dieresiscomb by macroncomb_dieresiscomb;
+ sub macroncomb gravecomb by macroncomb_gravecomb;
+ sub ringcomb acutecomb by ringcomb_acutecomb;
+ sub ringcomb.case acutecomb.case by ringcomb_acutecomb.case;
+ sub tildecomb acutecomb by tildecomb_acutecomb;
+ sub tildecomb dieresiscomb by tildecomb_dieresiscomb;
+ sub tildecomb macroncomb by tildecomb_macroncomb;
+} ccmp_Other_3;
+lookup ccmp_Other_4 {
+ lookupflag 0;
+ sub acutecomb dotaccentcomb by acutecomb_dotaccentcomb;
+ sub caroncomb dotaccentcomb by caroncomb_dotaccentcomb;
+ sub dieresiscomb acutecomb by dieresiscomb_acutecomb;
+ sub dieresiscomb caroncomb by dieresiscomb_caroncomb;
+ sub dieresiscomb gravecomb by dieresiscomb_gravecomb;
+ sub dieresiscomb macroncomb by dieresiscomb_macroncomb;
+ sub dotaccentcomb macroncomb by dotaccentcomb_macroncomb;
+ sub macroncomb acutecomb by macroncomb_acutecomb;
+ sub macroncomb dieresiscomb by macroncomb_dieresiscomb;
+ sub macroncomb gravecomb by macroncomb_gravecomb;
+ sub ringcomb acutecomb by ringcomb_acutecomb;
+ sub ringcomb.case acutecomb.case by ringcomb_acutecomb.case;
+ sub tildecomb acutecomb by tildecomb_acutecomb;
+ sub tildecomb dieresiscomb by tildecomb_dieresiscomb;
+ sub tildecomb macroncomb by tildecomb_macroncomb;
+} ccmp_Other_4;
+lookup ccmp_latn_1 {
+ lookupflag 0;
+ sub brevecomb acutecomb by brevecomb_acutecomb;
+ sub brevecomb.case acutecomb.case by brevecomb_acutecomb.case;
+ sub brevecomb gravecomb by brevecomb_gravecomb;
+ sub brevecomb.case gravecomb.case by brevecomb_gravecomb.case;
+ sub brevecomb hookabovecomb by brevecomb_hookabovecomb;
+ sub brevecomb.case hookabovecomb.case by brevecomb_hookabovecomb.case;
+ sub brevecomb tildecomb by brevecomb_tildecomb;
+ sub brevecomb.case tildecomb.case by brevecomb_tildecomb.case;
+ sub circumflexcomb acutecomb by circumflexcomb_acutecomb;
+ sub circumflexcomb.case acutecomb.case by circumflexcomb_acutecomb.case;
+ sub circumflexcomb gravecomb by circumflexcomb_gravecomb;
+ sub circumflexcomb.case gravecomb.case by circumflexcomb_gravecomb.case;
+ sub circumflexcomb hookabovecomb by circumflexcomb_hookabovecomb;
+ sub circumflexcomb.case hookabovecomb.case by circumflexcomb_hookabovecomb.case;
+ sub circumflexcomb tildecomb by circumflexcomb_tildecomb;
+ sub circumflexcomb.case tildecomb.case by circumflexcomb_tildecomb.case;
+} ccmp_latn_1;
+lookup ccmp_latn_2 {
+ lookupflag 0;
+ sub brevecomb acutecomb by brevecomb_acutecomb;
+ sub brevecomb.case acutecomb.case by brevecomb_acutecomb.case;
+ sub brevecomb gravecomb by brevecomb_gravecomb;
+ sub brevecomb.case gravecomb.case by brevecomb_gravecomb.case;
+ sub brevecomb hookabovecomb by brevecomb_hookabovecomb;
+ sub brevecomb.case hookabovecomb.case by brevecomb_hookabovecomb.case;
+ sub brevecomb tildecomb by brevecomb_tildecomb;
+ sub brevecomb.case tildecomb.case by brevecomb_tildecomb.case;
+ sub circumflexcomb acutecomb by circumflexcomb_acutecomb;
+ sub circumflexcomb.case acutecomb.case by circumflexcomb_acutecomb.case;
+ sub circumflexcomb gravecomb by circumflexcomb_gravecomb;
+ sub circumflexcomb.case gravecomb.case by circumflexcomb_gravecomb.case;
+ sub circumflexcomb hookabovecomb by circumflexcomb_hookabovecomb;
+ sub circumflexcomb.case hookabovecomb.case by circumflexcomb_hookabovecomb.case;
+ sub circumflexcomb tildecomb by circumflexcomb_tildecomb;
+ sub circumflexcomb.case tildecomb.case by circumflexcomb_tildecomb.case;
+} ccmp_latn_2;
+script latn;
+} ccmp;
+feature locl {
+# automatic
+script latn;
+language NLD;
+sub iacute j' by jacute;
+sub Iacute J' by Jacute;
+language CAT;
+sub l periodcentered' l by periodcentered.loclCAT;
+sub L periodcentered' L by periodcentered.loclCAT.case;
+language ROM;
+sub Scedilla by Scommaaccent;
+sub scedilla by scommaaccent;
+sub Tcedilla by Tcommaaccent;
+sub tcedilla by tcommaaccent;
+language MOL;
+sub Scedilla by Scommaaccent;
+sub scedilla by scommaaccent;
+sub Tcedilla by Tcommaaccent;
+sub tcedilla by tcommaaccent;
+language KAZ;
+sub i by idotaccent;
+language TAT;
+sub i by idotaccent;
+language TRK;
+sub i by idotaccent;
+language CRT;
+sub i by idotaccent;
+language AZE;
+sub i by idotaccent;
+} locl;
+feature subs {
+# automatic
+sub zero by zeroinferior;
+sub one by oneinferior;
+sub two by twoinferior;
+sub three by threeinferior;
+sub four by fourinferior;
+sub five by fiveinferior;
+sub six by sixinferior;
+sub seven by seveninferior;
+sub eight by eightinferior;
+sub nine by nineinferior;
+} subs;
+feature sinf {
+# automatic
+sub zero by zero.subs;
+sub one by one.subs;
+sub two by two.subs;
+sub three by three.subs;
+sub four by four.subs;
+sub five by five.subs;
+sub six by six.subs;
+sub seven by seven.subs;
+sub eight by eight.subs;
+sub nine by nine.subs;
+} sinf;
+feature sups {
+# automatic
+sub zero by zerosuperior;
+sub one by onesuperior;
+sub two by twosuperior;
+sub three by threesuperior;
+sub four by foursuperior;
+sub five by fivesuperior;
+sub six by sixsuperior;
+sub seven by sevensuperior;
+sub eight by eightsuperior;
+sub nine by ninesuperior;
+} sups;
+feature numr {
+# automatic
+sub zero by zero.numr;
+sub one by one.numr;
+sub two by two.numr;
+sub three by three.numr;
+sub four by four.numr;
+sub five by five.numr;
+sub six by six.numr;
+sub seven by seven.numr;
+sub eight by eight.numr;
+sub nine by nine.numr;
+} numr;
+feature dnom {
+# automatic
+sub zero by zero.dnom;
+sub one by one.dnom;
+sub two by two.dnom;
+sub three by three.dnom;
+sub four by four.dnom;
+sub five by five.dnom;
+sub six by six.dnom;
+sub seven by seven.dnom;
+sub eight by eight.dnom;
+sub nine by nine.dnom;
+} dnom;
+feature frac {
+# automatic
+lookup FRAC {
+ sub slash by fraction;
+} FRAC;
+lookup UP {
+ sub [zero one two three four five six seven eight nine] by [zero.numr one.numr two.numr three.numr
four.numr five.numr six.numr seven.numr eight.numr nine.numr];
+} UP;
+lookup DOWN {
+ sub fraction [zero.numr one.numr two.numr three.numr four.numr five.numr six.numr seven.numr
eight.numr nine.numr]' by [zero.dnom one.dnom two.dnom three.dnom four.dnom five.dnom six.dnom seven.dnom
eight.dnom nine.dnom];
+ sub [zero.dnom one.dnom two.dnom three.dnom four.dnom five.dnom six.dnom seven.dnom eight.dnom
nine.dnom] [zero.numr one.numr two.numr three.numr four.numr five.numr six.numr seven.numr eight.numr
nine.numr]' by [zero.dnom one.dnom two.dnom three.dnom four.dnom five.dnom six.dnom seven.dnom eight.dnom
+} DOWN;
+} frac;
+feature ordn {
+# automatic
+sub [zero one two three four five six seven eight nine] [A a]' by ordfeminine;
+sub [zero one two three four five six seven eight nine] [O o]' by ordmasculine;
+sub N o period by numero;
+} ordn;
+feature lnum {
+# automatic
+sub zero.osf by zero;
+sub one.osf by one;
+sub two.osf by two;
+sub three.osf by three;
+sub four.osf by four;
+sub five.osf by five;
+sub six.osf by six;
+sub seven.osf by seven;
+sub eight.osf by eight;
+sub nine.osf by nine;
+} lnum;
+feature pnum {
+# automatic
+sub zero.tf by zero;
+sub one.tf by one;
+sub two.tf by two;
+sub three.tf by three;
+sub four.tf by four;
+sub five.tf by five;
+sub six.tf by six;
+sub seven.tf by seven;
+sub eight.tf by eight;
+sub nine.tf by nine;
+sub bulletoperator.tf by bulletoperator;
+sub commercialMinusSign.tf by commercialMinusSign;
+sub divisionslash.tf by divisionslash;
+sub equivalence.tf by equivalence;
+sub notidentical.tf by notidentical;
+sub plus.tf by plus;
+sub minus.tf by minus;
+sub multiply.tf by multiply;
+sub divide.tf by divide;
+sub equal.tf by equal;
+sub notequal.tf by notequal;
+sub greater.tf by greater;
+sub less.tf by less;
+sub greaterequal.tf by greaterequal;
+sub lessequal.tf by lessequal;
+sub plusminus.tf by plusminus;
+sub approxequal.tf by approxequal;
+sub logicalnot.tf by logicalnot;
+sub zero.tosf by zero.osf;
+sub one.tosf by one.osf;
+sub two.tosf by two.osf;
+sub three.tosf by three.osf;
+sub four.tosf by four.osf;
+sub five.tosf by five.osf;
+sub six.tosf by six.osf;
+sub seven.tosf by seven.osf;
+sub eight.tosf by eight.osf;
+sub nine.tosf by nine.osf;
+} pnum;
+feature tnum {
+# automatic
+sub zero by zero.tf;
+sub one by one.tf;
+sub two by two.tf;
+sub three by three.tf;
+sub four by four.tf;
+sub five by five.tf;
+sub six by six.tf;
+sub seven by seven.tf;
+sub eight by eight.tf;
+sub nine by nine.tf;
+sub bulletoperator by bulletoperator.tf;
+sub commercialMinusSign by commercialMinusSign.tf;
+sub divisionslash by divisionslash.tf;
+sub equivalence by equivalence.tf;
+sub notidentical by notidentical.tf;
+sub plus by plus.tf;
+sub minus by minus.tf;
+sub multiply by multiply.tf;
+sub divide by divide.tf;
+sub equal by equal.tf;
+sub notequal by notequal.tf;
+sub greater by greater.tf;
+sub less by less.tf;
+sub greaterequal by greaterequal.tf;
+sub lessequal by lessequal.tf;
+sub plusminus by plusminus.tf;
+sub approxequal by approxequal.tf;
+sub logicalnot by logicalnot.tf;
+sub zero.osf by zero.tosf;
+sub one.osf by one.tosf;
+sub two.osf by two.tosf;
+sub three.osf by three.tosf;
+sub four.osf by four.tosf;
+sub five.osf by five.tosf;
+sub six.osf by six.tosf;
+sub seven.osf by seven.tosf;
+sub eight.osf by eight.tosf;
+sub nine.osf by nine.tosf;
+} tnum;
+feature onum {
+# automatic
+sub zero.tf by zero.tosf;
+sub one.tf by one.tosf;
+sub two.tf by two.tosf;
+sub three.tf by three.tosf;
+sub four.tf by four.tosf;
+sub five.tf by five.tosf;
+sub six.tf by six.tosf;
+sub seven.tf by seven.tosf;
+sub eight.tf by eight.tosf;
+sub nine.tf by nine.tosf;
+sub zero by zero.osf;
+sub one by one.osf;
+sub two by two.osf;
+sub three by three.osf;
+sub four by four.osf;
+sub five by five.osf;
+sub six by six.osf;
+sub seven by seven.osf;
+sub eight by eight.osf;
+sub nine by nine.osf;
+} onum;
+feature case {
+# automatic
+sub periodcentered.loclCAT by periodcentered.loclCAT.case;
+sub dieresiscomb by dieresiscomb.case;
+sub dotaccentcomb by dotaccentcomb.case;
+sub gravecomb by gravecomb.case;
+sub acutecomb by acutecomb.case;
+sub hungarumlautcomb by hungarumlautcomb.case;
+sub circumflexcomb by circumflexcomb.case;
+sub caroncomb by caroncomb.case;
+sub brevecomb by brevecomb.case;
+sub ringcomb by ringcomb.case;
+sub ringcomb_acutecomb by ringcomb_acutecomb.case;
+sub tildecomb by tildecomb.case;
+sub macroncomb by macroncomb.case;
+sub hookabovecomb by hookabovecomb.case;
+sub dblgravecomb by dblgravecomb.case;
+sub breveinvertedcomb by breveinvertedcomb.case;
+sub strokeshortcomb by strokeshortcomb.case;
+sub slashshortcomb by slashshortcomb.case;
+sub slashlongcomb by slashlongcomb.case;
+sub macroncomb.narrow by macroncomb.narrow.case;
+sub ogonekcomb.tall by ogonekcomb.tall.case;
+sub brevecomb-cy by brevecomb-cy.case;
+sub descender-cy by descender-cy.case;
+sub brevecomb_acutecomb by brevecomb_acutecomb.case;
+sub brevecomb_gravecomb by brevecomb_gravecomb.case;
+sub brevecomb_hookabovecomb by brevecomb_hookabovecomb.case;
+sub brevecomb_tildecomb by brevecomb_tildecomb.case;
+sub circumflexcomb_acutecomb by circumflexcomb_acutecomb.case;
+sub circumflexcomb_gravecomb by circumflexcomb_gravecomb.case;
+sub circumflexcomb_hookabovecomb by circumflexcomb_hookabovecomb.case;
+sub circumflexcomb_tildecomb by circumflexcomb_tildecomb.case;
+sub zero.osf by zero.lf;
+sub one.osf by one.lf;
+sub two.osf by two.lf;
+sub three.osf by three.lf;
+sub four.osf by four.lf;
+sub five.osf by five.lf;
+sub six.osf by six.lf;
+sub seven.osf by seven.lf;
+sub eight.osf by eight.lf;
+sub nine.osf by nine.lf;
+sub zero.tf by zero.lf;
+sub one.tf by one.lf;
+sub two.tf by two.lf;
+sub three.tf by three.lf;
+sub four.tf by four.lf;
+sub five.tf by five.lf;
+sub six.tf by six.lf;
+sub seven.tf by seven.lf;
+sub eight.tf by eight.lf;
+sub nine.tf by nine.lf;
+sub zero.tosf by zero.lf;
+sub one.tosf by one.lf;
+sub two.tosf by two.lf;
+sub three.tosf by three.lf;
+sub four.tosf by four.lf;
+sub five.tosf by five.lf;
+sub six.tosf by six.lf;
+sub seven.tosf by seven.lf;
+sub eight.tosf by eight.lf;
+sub nine.tosf by nine.lf;
+} case;
+feature liga {
+# automatic
+sub f f i by f_f_i;
+sub f f l by f_f_l;
+sub f f by f_f;
+sub f i by fi;
+sub f l by fl;
+} liga;
+feature zero {
+# automatic
+sub zero.lf by zero.lf.zero;
+sub zero.osf by zero.osf.zero;
+sub zero.tf by zero.tf.zero;
+sub zero.tosf by zero.tosf.zero;
+sub zero by zero.zero;
+} zero;
+feature salt {
+# automatic
+sub six by six.ss01;
+sub nine by nine.ss01;
+} salt;
+feature ss01 {
+# automatic
+sub six by six.ss01;
+sub nine by nine.ss01;
+} ss01;
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+ <key>Gmacron</key>
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+ <key>H</key>
+ <string>H_.glif</string>
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+ <key>Ii-cy</key>
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+ <key>Iigrave-cy</key>
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+ <key>Iu-cy</key>
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+ <key>Izhitsa-cy</key>
+ <string>I_zhitsa-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>J</key>
+ <string>J_.glif</string>
+ <key>Jacute</key>
+ <string>J_acute.glif</string>
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+ <string>J_circumflex.glif</string>
+ <key>Je-cy</key>
+ <string>J_e-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>K</key>
+ <string>K_.glif</string>
+ <key>Ka-cy</key>
+ <string>K_a-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>Kabashkir-cy</key>
+ <string>K_abashkir-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>Kacute</key>
+ <string>K_acute.glif</string>
+ <key>Kadescender-cy</key>
+ <string>K_adescender-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>Kaverticalstroke-cy</key>
+ <string>K_averticalstroke-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>Kcommaaccent</key>
+ <string>K_commaaccent.glif</string>
+ <key>Kje-cy</key>
+ <string>K_je-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>L</key>
+ <string>L_.glif</string>
+ <key>LJ</key>
+ <string>L_J_.glif</string>
+ <key>Lacute</key>
+ <string>L_acute.glif</string>
+ <key>Lcaron</key>
+ <string>L_caron.glif</string>
+ <key>Lcommaaccent</key>
+ <string>L_commaaccent.glif</string>
+ <key>Ldot</key>
+ <string>L_dot.glif</string>
+ <key>Ldotbelow</key>
+ <string>L_dotbelow.glif</string>
+ <key>Lj</key>
+ <string>L_j.glif</string>
+ <key>Lje-cy</key>
+ <string>L_je-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>Llinebelow</key>
+ <string>L_linebelow.glif</string>
+ <key>Lslash</key>
+ <string>L_slash.glif</string>
+ <key>M</key>
+ <string>M_.glif</string>
+ <key>Mdotbelow</key>
+ <string>M_dotbelow.glif</string>
+ <key>N</key>
+ <string>N_.glif</string>
+ <key>NJ</key>
+ <string>N_J_.glif</string>
+ <key>Nacute</key>
+ <string>N_acute.glif</string>
+ <key>Ncaron</key>
+ <string>N_caron.glif</string>
+ <key>Ncommaaccent</key>
+ <string>N_commaaccent.glif</string>
+ <key>Ndotaccent</key>
+ <string>N_dotaccent.glif</string>
+ <key>Ndotbelow</key>
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+ <key>Nj</key>
+ <string>N_j.glif</string>
+ <key>Nje-cy</key>
+ <string>N_je-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>Nlinebelow</key>
+ <string>N_linebelow.glif</string>
+ <key>Ntilde</key>
+ <string>N_tilde.glif</string>
+ <key>O</key>
+ <string>O_.glif</string>
+ <key>O-cy</key>
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+ <key>OE</key>
+ <string>O_E_.glif</string>
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+ <string>O_acute.glif</string>
+ <key>Obarred-cy</key>
+ <string>O_barred-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>Obreve</key>
+ <string>O_breve.glif</string>
+ <key>Ocaron</key>
+ <string>O_caron.glif</string>
+ <key>Ocircumflex</key>
+ <string>O_circumflex.glif</string>
+ <key>Ocircumflexacute</key>
+ <string>O_circumflexacute.glif</string>
+ <key>Ocircumflexdotbelow</key>
+ <string>O_circumflexdotbelow.glif</string>
+ <key>Ocircumflexgrave</key>
+ <string>O_circumflexgrave.glif</string>
+ <key>Ocircumflexhookabove</key>
+ <string>O_circumflexhookabove.glif</string>
+ <key>Ocircumflextilde</key>
+ <string>O_circumflextilde.glif</string>
+ <key>Odblgrave</key>
+ <string>O_dblgrave.glif</string>
+ <key>Odieresis</key>
+ <string>O_dieresis.glif</string>
+ <key>Odieresis-cy</key>
+ <string>O_dieresis-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>Odieresismacron</key>
+ <string>O_dieresismacron.glif</string>
+ <key>Odotaccentmacron</key>
+ <string>O_dotaccentmacron.glif</string>
+ <key>Odotbelow</key>
+ <string>O_dotbelow.glif</string>
+ <key>Ograve</key>
+ <string>O_grave.glif</string>
+ <key>Ohm</key>
+ <string>O_hm.glif</string>
+ <key>Ohookabove</key>
+ <string>O_hookabove.glif</string>
+ <key>Ohorn</key>
+ <string>O_horn.glif</string>
+ <key>Ohornacute</key>
+ <string>O_hornacute.glif</string>
+ <key>Ohorndotbelow</key>
+ <string>O_horndotbelow.glif</string>
+ <key>Ohorngrave</key>
+ <string>O_horngrave.glif</string>
+ <key>Ohornhookabove</key>
+ <string>O_hornhookabove.glif</string>
+ <key>Ohorntilde</key>
+ <string>O_horntilde.glif</string>
+ <key>Ohungarumlaut</key>
+ <string>O_hungarumlaut.glif</string>
+ <key>Oinvertedbreve</key>
+ <string>O_invertedbreve.glif</string>
+ <key>Omacron</key>
+ <string>O_macron.glif</string>
+ <key>Omacronacute</key>
+ <string>O_macronacute.glif</string>
+ <key>Omacrongrave</key>
+ <string>O_macrongrave.glif</string>
+ <key>Oogonek</key>
+ <string>O_ogonek.glif</string>
+ <key>Oslash</key>
+ <string>O_slash.glif</string>
+ <key>Oslashacute</key>
+ <string>O_slashacute.glif</string>
+ <key>Otilde</key>
+ <string>O_tilde.glif</string>
+ <key>Otildeacute</key>
+ <string>O_tildeacute.glif</string>
+ <key>Otildedieresis</key>
+ <string>O_tildedieresis.glif</string>
+ <key>Otildemacron</key>
+ <string>O_tildemacron.glif</string>
+ <key>P</key>
+ <string>P_.glif</string>
+ <key>Palochka-cy</key>
+ <string>P_alochka-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>Pe-cy</key>
+ <string>P_e-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>Q</key>
+ <string>Q_.glif</string>
+ <key>Qa-cy</key>
+ <string>Q_a-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>R</key>
+ <string>R_.glif</string>
+ <key>Racute</key>
+ <string>R_acute.glif</string>
+ <key>Rcaron</key>
+ <string>R_caron.glif</string>
+ <key>Rcommaaccent</key>
+ <string>R_commaaccent.glif</string>
+ <key>Rdblgrave</key>
+ <string>R_dblgrave.glif</string>
+ <key>Rdotbelow</key>
+ <string>R_dotbelow.glif</string>
+ <key>Rinvertedbreve</key>
+ <string>R_invertedbreve.glif</string>
+ <key>Rlinebelow</key>
+ <string>R_linebelow.glif</string>
+ <key>S</key>
+ <string>S_.glif</string>
+ <key>Sacute</key>
+ <string>S_acute.glif</string>
+ <key>Sacutedotaccent</key>
+ <string>S_acutedotaccent.glif</string>
+ <key>Saltillo</key>
+ <string>S_altillo.glif</string>
+ <key>Scaron</key>
+ <string>S_caron.glif</string>
+ <key>Scarondotaccent</key>
+ <string>S_carondotaccent.glif</string>
+ <key>Scedilla</key>
+ <string>S_cedilla.glif</string>
+ <key>Schwa</key>
+ <string>S_chwa.glif</string>
+ <key>Schwa-cy</key>
+ <string>S_chwa-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>Scircumflex</key>
+ <string>S_circumflex.glif</string>
+ <key>Scommaaccent</key>
+ <string>S_commaaccent.glif</string>
+ <key>Sdotaccent</key>
+ <string>S_dotaccent.glif</string>
+ <key>Sdotbelow</key>
+ <string>S_dotbelow.glif</string>
+ <key>Sdotbelowdotaccent</key>
+ <string>S_dotbelowdotaccent.glif</string>
+ <key>Sha-cy</key>
+ <string>S_ha-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>Shcha-cy</key>
+ <string>S_hcha-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>Shha-cy</key>
+ <string>S_hha-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>Softsign-cy</key>
+ <string>S_oftsign-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>T</key>
+ <string>T_.glif</string>
+ <key>Tbar</key>
+ <string>T_bar.glif</string>
+ <key>Tcaron</key>
+ <string>T_caron.glif</string>
+ <key>Tcedilla</key>
+ <string>T_cedilla.glif</string>
+ <key>Tcommaaccent</key>
+ <string>T_commaaccent.glif</string>
+ <key>Tdotbelow</key>
+ <string>T_dotbelow.glif</string>
+ <key>Te-cy</key>
+ <string>T_e-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>Thorn</key>
+ <string>T_horn.glif</string>
+ <key>Tlinebelow</key>
+ <string>T_linebelow.glif</string>
+ <key>Tse-cy</key>
+ <string>T_se-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>Tshe-cy</key>
+ <string>T_she-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>U</key>
+ <string>U_.glif</string>
+ <key>U-cy</key>
+ <string>U_-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>Uacute</key>
+ <string>U_acute.glif</string>
+ <key>Ubreve</key>
+ <string>U_breve.glif</string>
+ <key>Ucaron</key>
+ <string>U_caron.glif</string>
+ <key>Ucircumflex</key>
+ <string>U_circumflex.glif</string>
+ <key>Udblgrave</key>
+ <string>U_dblgrave.glif</string>
+ <key>Udieresis</key>
+ <string>U_dieresis.glif</string>
+ <key>Udieresis-cy</key>
+ <string>U_dieresis-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>Udieresisacute</key>
+ <string>U_dieresisacute.glif</string>
+ <key>Udieresiscaron</key>
+ <string>U_dieresiscaron.glif</string>
+ <key>Udieresisgrave</key>
+ <string>U_dieresisgrave.glif</string>
+ <key>Udieresismacron</key>
+ <string>U_dieresismacron.glif</string>
+ <key>Udotbelow</key>
+ <string>U_dotbelow.glif</string>
+ <key>Ugrave</key>
+ <string>U_grave.glif</string>
+ <key>Uhookabove</key>
+ <string>U_hookabove.glif</string>
+ <key>Uhorn</key>
+ <string>U_horn.glif</string>
+ <key>Uhornacute</key>
+ <string>U_hornacute.glif</string>
+ <key>Uhorndotbelow</key>
+ <string>U_horndotbelow.glif</string>
+ <key>Uhorngrave</key>
+ <string>U_horngrave.glif</string>
+ <key>Uhornhookabove</key>
+ <string>U_hornhookabove.glif</string>
+ <key>Uhorntilde</key>
+ <string>U_horntilde.glif</string>
+ <key>Uhungarumlaut</key>
+ <string>U_hungarumlaut.glif</string>
+ <key>Uhungarumlaut-cy</key>
+ <string>U_hungarumlaut-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>Uinvertedbreve</key>
+ <string>U_invertedbreve.glif</string>
+ <key>Umacron</key>
+ <string>U_macron.glif</string>
+ <key>Umacron-cy</key>
+ <string>U_macron-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>Umacrondieresis</key>
+ <string>U_macrondieresis.glif</string>
+ <key>Uogonek</key>
+ <string>U_ogonek.glif</string>
+ <key>Uring</key>
+ <string>U_ring.glif</string>
+ <key>Ushort-cy</key>
+ <string>U_short-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>Ustraight-cy</key>
+ <string>U_straight-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>Ustraightstroke-cy</key>
+ <string>U_straightstroke-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>Utilde</key>
+ <string>U_tilde.glif</string>
+ <key>Utildeacute</key>
+ <string>U_tildeacute.glif</string>
+ <key>V</key>
+ <string>V_.glif</string>
+ <key>Ve-cy</key>
+ <string>V_e-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>W</key>
+ <string>W_.glif</string>
+ <key>Wacute</key>
+ <string>W_acute.glif</string>
+ <key>Wcircumflex</key>
+ <string>W_circumflex.glif</string>
+ <key>Wdieresis</key>
+ <string>W_dieresis.glif</string>
+ <key>We-cy</key>
+ <string>W_e-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>Wgrave</key>
+ <string>W_grave.glif</string>
+ <key>X</key>
+ <string>X_.glif</string>
+ <key>Y</key>
+ <string>Y_.glif</string>
+ <key>Yacute</key>
+ <string>Y_acute.glif</string>
+ <key>Yat-cy</key>
+ <string>Y_at-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>Ycircumflex</key>
+ <string>Y_circumflex.glif</string>
+ <key>Ydieresis</key>
+ <string>Y_dieresis.glif</string>
+ <key>Ydotaccent</key>
+ <string>Y_dotaccent.glif</string>
+ <key>Ydotbelow</key>
+ <string>Y_dotbelow.glif</string>
+ <key>Yeru-cy</key>
+ <string>Y_eru-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>Yerudieresis-cy</key>
+ <string>Y_erudieresis-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>Ygrave</key>
+ <string>Y_grave.glif</string>
+ <key>Yhookabove</key>
+ <string>Y_hookabove.glif</string>
+ <key>Yi-cy</key>
+ <string>Y_i-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>Ymacron</key>
+ <string>Y_macron.glif</string>
+ <key>Ytilde</key>
+ <string>Y_tilde.glif</string>
+ <key>Yusbig-cy</key>
+ <string>Y_usbig-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>Z</key>
+ <string>Z_.glif</string>
+ <key>Zacute</key>
+ <string>Z_acute.glif</string>
+ <key>Zcaron</key>
+ <string>Z_caron.glif</string>
+ <key>Zdotaccent</key>
+ <string>Z_dotaccent.glif</string>
+ <key>Zdotbelow</key>
+ <string>Z_dotbelow.glif</string>
+ <key>Ze-cy</key>
+ <string>Z_e-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>Zedescender-cy</key>
+ <string>Z_edescender-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>Zedieresis-cy</key>
+ <string>Z_edieresis-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>Zhe-cy</key>
+ <string>Z_he-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>Zhebreve-cy</key>
+ <string>Z_hebreve-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>Zhedescender-cy</key>
+ <string>Z_hedescender-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>Zhedieresis-cy</key>
+ <string>Z_hedieresis-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>_bar-cy</key>
+ <string>_bar-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>_bottomhook</key>
+ <string>_bottomhook.glif</string>
+ <key>_commaaccent</key>
+ <string>_commaaccent.glif</string>
+ <key>_currencyvstem</key>
+ <string>_currencyvstem.glif</string>
+ <key>_descender-cy.case.straight</key>
+ <string>_descender-cy.case.straight.glif</string>
+ <key>_descenderreverse-cy.case</key>
+ <string>_descenderreverse-cy.case.glif</string>
+ <key>_descenderreversed-cy</key>
+ <string>_descenderreversed-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>_o.numero</key>
+ <string>_o.numero.glif</string>
+ <key>_slash.zero</key>
+ <string>_slash.zero.glif</string>
+ <key>_slash.zero.osf</key>
+ <string>_slash.zero.osf.glif</string>
+ <key>_typoquote</key>
+ <string>_typoquote.glif</string>
+ <key>a</key>
+ <string>a.glif</string>
+ <key>a-cy</key>
+ <string>a-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>aacute</key>
+ <string>aacute.glif</string>
+ <key>abreve</key>
+ <string>abreve.glif</string>
+ <key>abreve-cy</key>
+ <string>abreve-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>abreveacute</key>
+ <string>abreveacute.glif</string>
+ <key>abrevedotbelow</key>
+ <string>abrevedotbelow.glif</string>
+ <key>abrevegrave</key>
+ <string>abrevegrave.glif</string>
+ <key>abrevehookabove</key>
+ <string>abrevehookabove.glif</string>
+ <key>abrevetilde</key>
+ <string>abrevetilde.glif</string>
+ <key>acaron</key>
+ <string>acaron.glif</string>
+ <key>acircumflex</key>
+ <string>acircumflex.glif</string>
+ <key>acircumflexacute</key>
+ <string>acircumflexacute.glif</string>
+ <key>acircumflexdotbelow</key>
+ <string>acircumflexdotbelow.glif</string>
+ <key>acircumflexgrave</key>
+ <string>acircumflexgrave.glif</string>
+ <key>acircumflexhookabove</key>
+ <string>acircumflexhookabove.glif</string>
+ <key>acircumflextilde</key>
+ <string>acircumflextilde.glif</string>
+ <key>acute</key>
+ <string>acute.glif</string>
+ <key>acutecomb</key>
+ <string>acutecomb.glif</string>
+ <key>acutecomb.case</key>
+ <string>acutecomb.case.glif</string>
+ <key>acutecomb.loclVIET</key>
+ <string>acutecomb.loclV_I_E_T_.glif</string>
+ <key>acutecomb_dotaccentcomb</key>
+ <string>acutecomb_dotaccentcomb.glif</string>
+ <key>adblgrave</key>
+ <string>adblgrave.glif</string>
+ <key>adieresis</key>
+ <string>adieresis.glif</string>
+ <key>adieresis-cy</key>
+ <string>adieresis-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>adotbelow</key>
+ <string>adotbelow.glif</string>
+ <key>ae</key>
+ <string>ae.glif</string>
+ <key>aeacute</key>
+ <string>aeacute.glif</string>
+ <key>agrave</key>
+ <string>agrave.glif</string>
+ <key>ahookabove</key>
+ <string>ahookabove.glif</string>
+ <key>aie-cy</key>
+ <string>aie-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>ainvertedbreve</key>
+ <string>ainvertedbreve.glif</string>
+ <key>amacron</key>
+ <string>amacron.glif</string>
+ <key>ampersand</key>
+ <string>ampersand.glif</string>
+ <key>aogonek</key>
+ <string>aogonek.glif</string>
+ <key>apostrophemod</key>
+ <string>apostrophemod.glif</string>
+ <key>approxequal</key>
+ <string>approxequal.glif</string>
+ <key>approxequal.tf</key>
+ <string>approxequal.tf.glif</string>
+ <key>aring</key>
+ <string>aring.glif</string>
+ <key>aringacute</key>
+ <string>aringacute.glif</string>
+ <key>asciicircum</key>
+ <string>asciicircum.glif</string>
+ <key>asciitilde</key>
+ <string>asciitilde.glif</string>
+ <key>asterisk</key>
+ <string>asterisk.glif</string>
+ <key>at</key>
+ <string>at.glif</string>
+ <key>atilde</key>
+ <string>atilde.glif</string>
+ <key>b</key>
+ <string>b.glif</string>
+ <key>backslash</key>
+ <string>backslash.glif</string>
+ <key>bar</key>
+ <string>bar.glif</string>
+ <key>be-cy</key>
+ <string>be-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>blackCircle</key>
+ <string>blackC_ircle.glif</string>
+ <key>blank</key>
+ <string>blank.glif</string>
+ <key>braceleft</key>
+ <string>braceleft.glif</string>
+ <key>braceright</key>
+ <string>braceright.glif</string>
+ <key>bracketleft</key>
+ <string>bracketleft.glif</string>
+ <key>bracketright</key>
+ <string>bracketright.glif</string>
+ <key>breve</key>
+ <string>breve.glif</string>
+ <key>brevebelowcomb</key>
+ <string>brevebelowcomb.glif</string>
+ <key>brevecomb</key>
+ <string>brevecomb.glif</string>
+ <key>brevecomb-cy</key>
+ <string>brevecomb-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>brevecomb-cy.case</key>
+ <string>brevecomb-cy.case.glif</string>
+ <key>brevecomb.case</key>
+ <string>brevecomb.case.glif</string>
+ <key>brevecomb.loclVIET</key>
+ <string>brevecomb.loclV_I_E_T_.glif</string>
+ <key>brevecomb_acutecomb</key>
+ <string>brevecomb_acutecomb.glif</string>
+ <key>brevecomb_acutecomb.case</key>
+ <string>brevecomb_acutecomb.case.glif</string>
+ <key>brevecomb_gravecomb</key>
+ <string>brevecomb_gravecomb.glif</string>
+ <key>brevecomb_gravecomb.case</key>
+ <string>brevecomb_gravecomb.case.glif</string>
+ <key>brevecomb_hookabovecomb</key>
+ <string>brevecomb_hookabovecomb.glif</string>
+ <key>brevecomb_hookabovecomb.case</key>
+ <string>brevecomb_hookabovecomb.case.glif</string>
+ <key>brevecomb_tildecomb</key>
+ <string>brevecomb_tildecomb.glif</string>
+ <key>brevecomb_tildecomb.case</key>
+ <string>brevecomb_tildecomb.case.glif</string>
+ <key>breveinvertedcomb</key>
+ <string>breveinvertedcomb.glif</string>
+ <key>breveinvertedcomb.case</key>
+ <string>breveinvertedcomb.case.glif</string>
+ <key>brokenbar</key>
+ <string>brokenbar.glif</string>
+ <key>bullet</key>
+ <string>bullet.glif</string>
+ <key>bulletoperator</key>
+ <string>bulletoperator.glif</string>
+ <key>bulletoperator.tf</key>
+ <string>bulletoperator.tf.glif</string>
+ <key>c</key>
+ <string>c.glif</string>
+ <key>cacute</key>
+ <string>cacute.glif</string>
+ <key>caron</key>
+ <string>caron.glif</string>
+ <key>caroncomb</key>
+ <string>caroncomb.glif</string>
+ <key>caroncomb.alt</key>
+ <string>caroncomb.alt.glif</string>
+ <key>caroncomb.case</key>
+ <string>caroncomb.case.glif</string>
+ <key>caroncomb.loclVIET</key>
+ <string>caroncomb.loclV_I_E_T_.glif</string>
+ <key>caroncomb_dotaccentcomb</key>
+ <string>caroncomb_dotaccentcomb.glif</string>
+ <key>ccaron</key>
+ <string>ccaron.glif</string>
+ <key>ccedilla</key>
+ <string>ccedilla.glif</string>
+ <key>ccedillaacute</key>
+ <string>ccedillaacute.glif</string>
+ <key>ccircumflex</key>
+ <string>ccircumflex.glif</string>
+ <key>cdotaccent</key>
+ <string>cdotaccent.glif</string>
+ <key>cedi</key>
+ <string>cedi.glif</string>
+ <key>cedilla</key>
+ <string>cedilla.glif</string>
+ <key>cedillacomb</key>
+ <string>cedillacomb.glif</string>
+ <key>cent</key>
+ <string>cent.glif</string>
+ <key>che-cy</key>
+ <string>che-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>chedescender-cy</key>
+ <string>chedescender-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>chedieresis-cy</key>
+ <string>chedieresis-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>chekhakassian-cy</key>
+ <string>chekhakassian-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>cheverticalstroke-cy</key>
+ <string>cheverticalstroke-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>circumflex</key>
+ <string>circumflex.glif</string>
+ <key>circumflexcomb</key>
+ <string>circumflexcomb.glif</string>
+ <key>circumflexcomb.case</key>
+ <string>circumflexcomb.case.glif</string>
+ <key>circumflexcomb.loclVIET</key>
+ <string>circumflexcomb.loclV_I_E_T_.glif</string>
+ <key>circumflexcomb_acutecomb</key>
+ <string>circumflexcomb_acutecomb.glif</string>
+ <key>circumflexcomb_acutecomb.case</key>
+ <string>circumflexcomb_acutecomb.case.glif</string>
+ <key>circumflexcomb_gravecomb</key>
+ <string>circumflexcomb_gravecomb.glif</string>
+ <key>circumflexcomb_gravecomb.case</key>
+ <string>circumflexcomb_gravecomb.case.glif</string>
+ <key>circumflexcomb_hookabovecomb</key>
+ <string>circumflexcomb_hookabovecomb.glif</string>
+ <key>circumflexcomb_hookabovecomb.case</key>
+ <string>circumflexcomb_hookabovecomb.case.glif</string>
+ <key>circumflexcomb_tildecomb</key>
+ <string>circumflexcomb_tildecomb.glif</string>
+ <key>circumflexcomb_tildecomb.case</key>
+ <string>circumflexcomb_tildecomb.case.glif</string>
+ <key>colon</key>
+ <string>colon.glif</string>
+ <key>colonsign</key>
+ <string>colonsign.glif</string>
+ <key>comma</key>
+ <string>comma.glif</string>
+ <key>commaaccentcomb</key>
+ <string>commaaccentcomb.glif</string>
+ <key>commaturnedabovecomb</key>
+ <string>commaturnedabovecomb.glif</string>
+ <key>commaturnedmod</key>
+ <string>commaturnedmod.glif</string>
+ <key>commercialMinusSign</key>
+ <string>commercialM_inusS_ign.glif</string>
+ <key>commercialMinusSign.tf</key>
+ <string>commercialM_inusS_ign.tf.glif</string>
+ <key>copyright</key>
+ <string>copyright.glif</string>
+ <key>currency</key>
+ <string>currency.glif</string>
+ <key>d</key>
+ <string>d.glif</string>
+ <key>dagger</key>
+ <string>dagger.glif</string>
+ <key>daggerdbl</key>
+ <string>daggerdbl.glif</string>
+ <key>dblgravecomb</key>
+ <string>dblgravecomb.glif</string>
+ <key>dblgravecomb.case</key>
+ <string>dblgravecomb.case.glif</string>
+ <key>dcaron</key>
+ <string>dcaron.glif</string>
+ <key>dcroat</key>
+ <string>dcroat.glif</string>
+ <key>ddotbelow</key>
+ <string>ddotbelow.glif</string>
+ <key>de-cy</key>
+ <string>de-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>degree</key>
+ <string>degree.glif</string>
+ <key>descender-cy</key>
+ <string>descender-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>descender-cy.case</key>
+ <string>descender-cy.case.glif</string>
+ <key>descender-cy.strait</key>
+ <string>descender-cy.strait.glif</string>
+ <key>dieresis</key>
+ <string>dieresis.glif</string>
+ <key>dieresisbelowcomb</key>
+ <string>dieresisbelowcomb.glif</string>
+ <key>dieresiscomb</key>
+ <string>dieresiscomb.glif</string>
+ <key>dieresiscomb.case</key>
+ <string>dieresiscomb.case.glif</string>
+ <key>dieresiscomb.loclVIET</key>
+ <string>dieresiscomb.loclV_I_E_T_.glif</string>
+ <key>dieresiscomb_acutecomb</key>
+ <string>dieresiscomb_acutecomb.glif</string>
+ <key>dieresiscomb_caroncomb</key>
+ <string>dieresiscomb_caroncomb.glif</string>
+ <key>dieresiscomb_gravecomb</key>
+ <string>dieresiscomb_gravecomb.glif</string>
+ <key>dieresiscomb_macroncomb</key>
+ <string>dieresiscomb_macroncomb.glif</string>
+ <key>divide</key>
+ <string>divide.glif</string>
+ <key>divide.tf</key>
+ <string>divide.tf.glif</string>
+ <key>divisionslash</key>
+ <string>divisionslash.glif</string>
+ <key>divisionslash.tf</key>
+ <string>divisionslash.tf.glif</string>
+ <key>dje-cy</key>
+ <string>dje-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>dlinebelow</key>
+ <string>dlinebelow.glif</string>
+ <key>dollar</key>
+ <string>dollar.glif</string>
+ <key>dong</key>
+ <string>dong.glif</string>
+ <key>dotaccent</key>
+ <string>dotaccent.glif</string>
+ <key>dotaccentcomb</key>
+ <string>dotaccentcomb.glif</string>
+ <key>dotaccentcomb.case</key>
+ <string>dotaccentcomb.case.glif</string>
+ <key>dotaccentcomb.loclVIET</key>
+ <string>dotaccentcomb.loclV_I_E_T_.glif</string>
+ <key>dotaccentcomb_macroncomb</key>
+ <string>dotaccentcomb_macroncomb.glif</string>
+ <key>dotbelowcomb</key>
+ <string>dotbelowcomb.glif</string>
+ <key>doubleprimemod</key>
+ <string>doubleprimemod.glif</string>
+ <key>downArrow</key>
+ <string>downA_rrow.glif</string>
+ <key>dzcaron</key>
+ <string>dzcaron.glif</string>
+ <key>dze-cy</key>
+ <string>dze-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>dzhe-cy</key>
+ <string>dzhe-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>e</key>
+ <string>e.glif</string>
+ <key>e-cy</key>
+ <string>e-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>eacute</key>
+ <string>eacute.glif</string>
+ <key>ebreve</key>
+ <string>ebreve.glif</string>
+ <key>ecaron</key>
+ <string>ecaron.glif</string>
+ <key>ecedillabreve</key>
+ <string>ecedillabreve.glif</string>
+ <key>ecircumflex</key>
+ <string>ecircumflex.glif</string>
+ <key>ecircumflexacute</key>
+ <string>ecircumflexacute.glif</string>
+ <key>ecircumflexdotbelow</key>
+ <string>ecircumflexdotbelow.glif</string>
+ <key>ecircumflexgrave</key>
+ <string>ecircumflexgrave.glif</string>
+ <key>ecircumflexhookabove</key>
+ <string>ecircumflexhookabove.glif</string>
+ <key>ecircumflextilde</key>
+ <string>ecircumflextilde.glif</string>
+ <key>edblgrave</key>
+ <string>edblgrave.glif</string>
+ <key>edieresis</key>
+ <string>edieresis.glif</string>
+ <key>edotaccent</key>
+ <string>edotaccent.glif</string>
+ <key>edotbelow</key>
+ <string>edotbelow.glif</string>
+ <key>ef-cy</key>
+ <string>ef-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>egrave</key>
+ <string>egrave.glif</string>
+ <key>ehookabove</key>
+ <string>ehookabove.glif</string>
+ <key>eight</key>
+ <string>eight.glif</string>
+ <key>eight.dnom</key>
+ <string>eight.dnom.glif</string>
+ <key>eight.lf</key>
+ <string>eight.lf.glif</string>
+ <key>eight.numr</key>
+ <string>eight.numr.glif</string>
+ <key>eight.osf</key>
+ <string>eight.osf.glif</string>
+ <key>eight.subs</key>
+ <string>eight.subs.glif</string>
+ <key>eight.tf</key>
+ <string>eight.tf.glif</string>
+ <key>eight.tosf</key>
+ <string>eight.tosf.glif</string>
+ <key>eightinferior</key>
+ <string>eightinferior.glif</string>
+ <key>eightsuperior</key>
+ <string>eightsuperior.glif</string>
+ <key>einvertedbreve</key>
+ <string>einvertedbreve.glif</string>
+ <key>el-cy</key>
+ <string>el-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>ellipsis</key>
+ <string>ellipsis.glif</string>
+ <key>em-cy</key>
+ <string>em-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>emacron</key>
+ <string>emacron.glif</string>
+ <key>emacronacute</key>
+ <string>emacronacute.glif</string>
+ <key>emacrongrave</key>
+ <string>emacrongrave.glif</string>
+ <key>emdash</key>
+ <string>emdash.glif</string>
+ <key>emptyset</key>
+ <string>emptyset.glif</string>
+ <key>emquad</key>
+ <string>emquad.glif</string>
+ <key>emspace</key>
+ <string>emspace.glif</string>
+ <key>en-cy</key>
+ <string>en-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>endash</key>
+ <string>endash.glif</string>
+ <key>endescender-cy</key>
+ <string>endescender-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>eng</key>
+ <string>eng.glif</string>
+ <key>enghe-cy</key>
+ <string>enghe-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>enquad</key>
+ <string>enquad.glif</string>
+ <key>enspace</key>
+ <string>enspace.glif</string>
+ <key>eogonek</key>
+ <string>eogonek.glif</string>
+ <key>equal</key>
+ <string>equal.glif</string>
+ <key>equal.tf</key>
+ <string>equal.tf.glif</string>
+ <key>equivalence</key>
+ <string>equivalence.glif</string>
+ <key>equivalence.tf</key>
+ <string>equivalence.tf.glif</string>
+ <key>er-cy</key>
+ <string>er-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>ereversed-cy</key>
+ <string>ereversed-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>es-cy</key>
+ <string>es-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>esdescender-cy</key>
+ <string>esdescender-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>estimated</key>
+ <string>estimated.glif</string>
+ <key>eth</key>
+ <string>eth.glif</string>
+ <key>etilde</key>
+ <string>etilde.glif</string>
+ <key>euro</key>
+ <string>euro.glif</string>
+ <key>exclam</key>
+ <string>exclam.glif</string>
+ <key>exclamdown</key>
+ <string>exclamdown.glif</string>
+ <key>f</key>
+ <string>f.glif</string>
+ <key>f_f</key>
+ <string>f_f.glif</string>
+ <key>f_f_i</key>
+ <string>f_f_i.glif</string>
+ <key>f_f_l</key>
+ <string>f_f_l.glif</string>
+ <key>fi</key>
+ <string>fi.glif</string>
+ <key>figuredash</key>
+ <string>figuredash.glif</string>
+ <key>figurespace</key>
+ <string>figurespace.glif</string>
+ <key>firsttonechinese</key>
+ <string>firsttonechinese.glif</string>
+ <key>fita-cy</key>
+ <string>fita-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>five</key>
+ <string>five.glif</string>
+ <key>five.dnom</key>
+ <string>five.dnom.glif</string>
+ <key>five.lf</key>
+ <string>five.lf.glif</string>
+ <key>five.numr</key>
+ <string>five.numr.glif</string>
+ <key>five.osf</key>
+ <string>five.osf.glif</string>
+ <key>five.subs</key>
+ <string>five.subs.glif</string>
+ <key>five.tf</key>
+ <string>five.tf.glif</string>
+ <key>five.tosf</key>
+ <string>five.tosf.glif</string>
+ <key>fiveeighths</key>
+ <string>fiveeighths.glif</string>
+ <key>fiveinferior</key>
+ <string>fiveinferior.glif</string>
+ <key>fivesixths</key>
+ <string>fivesixths.glif</string>
+ <key>fivesuperior</key>
+ <string>fivesuperior.glif</string>
+ <key>fl</key>
+ <string>fl.glif</string>
+ <key>florin</key>
+ <string>florin.glif</string>
+ <key>four</key>
+ <string>four.glif</string>
+ <key>four.dnom</key>
+ <string>four.dnom.glif</string>
+ <key>four.lf</key>
+ <string>four.lf.glif</string>
+ <key>four.numr</key>
+ <string>four.numr.glif</string>
+ <key>four.osf</key>
+ <string>four.osf.glif</string>
+ <key>four.subs</key>
+ <string>four.subs.glif</string>
+ <key>four.tf</key>
+ <string>four.tf.glif</string>
+ <key>four.tosf</key>
+ <string>four.tosf.glif</string>
+ <key>fourfifths</key>
+ <string>fourfifths.glif</string>
+ <key>fourinferior</key>
+ <string>fourinferior.glif</string>
+ <key>fourperemspace</key>
+ <string>fourperemspace.glif</string>
+ <key>foursuperior</key>
+ <string>foursuperior.glif</string>
+ <key>fourthtonechinese</key>
+ <string>fourthtonechinese.glif</string>
+ <key>fraction</key>
+ <string>fraction.glif</string>
+ <key>franc</key>
+ <string>franc.glif</string>
+ <key>g</key>
+ <string>g.glif</string>
+ <key>gbreve</key>
+ <string>gbreve.glif</string>
+ <key>gcaron</key>
+ <string>gcaron.glif</string>
+ <key>gcircumflex</key>
+ <string>gcircumflex.glif</string>
+ <key>gcommaaccent</key>
+ <string>gcommaaccent.glif</string>
+ <key>gdotaccent</key>
+ <string>gdotaccent.glif</string>
+ <key>ge-cy</key>
+ <string>ge-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>gedescender-cy</key>
+ <string>gedescender-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>germandbls</key>
+ <string>germandbls.glif</string>
+ <key>ghemiddlehook-cy</key>
+ <string>ghemiddlehook-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>ghestroke-cy</key>
+ <string>ghestroke-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>gheupturn-cy</key>
+ <string>gheupturn-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>gje-cy</key>
+ <string>gje-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>gmacron</key>
+ <string>gmacron.glif</string>
+ <key>grave</key>
+ <string>grave.glif</string>
+ <key>gravecomb</key>
+ <string>gravecomb.glif</string>
+ <key>gravecomb.case</key>
+ <string>gravecomb.case.glif</string>
+ <key>gravecomb.loclVIET</key>
+ <string>gravecomb.loclV_I_E_T_.glif</string>
+ <key>greater</key>
+ <string>greater.glif</string>
+ <key>greater.tf</key>
+ <string>greater.tf.glif</string>
+ <key>greaterequal</key>
+ <string>greaterequal.glif</string>
+ <key>greaterequal.tf</key>
+ <string>greaterequal.tf.glif</string>
+ <key>guarani</key>
+ <string>guarani.glif</string>
+ <key>guillemetleft</key>
+ <string>guillemetleft.glif</string>
+ <key>guillemetright</key>
+ <string>guillemetright.glif</string>
+ <key>guilsinglleft</key>
+ <string>guilsinglleft.glif</string>
+ <key>guilsinglright</key>
+ <string>guilsinglright.glif</string>
+ <key>h</key>
+ <string>h.glif</string>
+ <key>ha-cy</key>
+ <string>ha-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>hadescender-cy</key>
+ <string>hadescender-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>hairspace</key>
+ <string>hairspace.glif</string>
+ <key>hardsign-cy</key>
+ <string>hardsign-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>hbar</key>
+ <string>hbar.glif</string>
+ <key>hbrevebelow</key>
+ <string>hbrevebelow.glif</string>
+ <key>hcircumflex</key>
+ <string>hcircumflex.glif</string>
+ <key>hdotbelow</key>
+ <string>hdotbelow.glif</string>
+ <key>hookabovecomb</key>
+ <string>hookabovecomb.glif</string>
+ <key>hookabovecomb.case</key>
+ <string>hookabovecomb.case.glif</string>
+ <key>hookabovecomb.loclVIET</key>
+ <string>hookabovecomb.loclV_I_E_T_.glif</string>
+ <key>horizontalbar</key>
+ <string>horizontalbar.glif</string>
+ <key>horncomb</key>
+ <string>horncomb.glif</string>
+ <key>hryvnia</key>
+ <string>hryvnia.glif</string>
+ <key>hungarumlaut</key>
+ <string>hungarumlaut.glif</string>
+ <key>hungarumlautcomb</key>
+ <string>hungarumlautcomb.glif</string>
+ <key>hungarumlautcomb.case</key>
+ <string>hungarumlautcomb.case.glif</string>
+ <key>hyphen</key>
+ <string>hyphen.glif</string>
+ <key>hyphentwo</key>
+ <string>hyphentwo.glif</string>
+ <key>i</key>
+ <string>i.glif</string>
+ <key>i-cy</key>
+ <string>i-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>ia-cy</key>
+ <string>ia-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>iacute</key>
+ <string>iacute.glif</string>
+ <key>ibreve</key>
+ <string>ibreve.glif</string>
+ <key>icaron</key>
+ <string>icaron.glif</string>
+ <key>icircumflex</key>
+ <string>icircumflex.glif</string>
+ <key>idblgrave</key>
+ <string>idblgrave.glif</string>
+ <key>idieresis</key>
+ <string>idieresis.glif</string>
+ <key>idieresis-cy</key>
+ <string>idieresis-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>idieresisacute</key>
+ <string>idieresisacute.glif</string>
+ <key>idotaccent</key>
+ <string>idotaccent.glif</string>
+ <key>idotbelow</key>
+ <string>idotbelow.glif</string>
+ <key>idotless</key>
+ <string>idotless.glif</string>
+ <key>ie-cy</key>
+ <string>ie-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>iebreve-cy</key>
+ <string>iebreve-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>iegrave-cy</key>
+ <string>iegrave-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>igrave</key>
+ <string>igrave.glif</string>
+ <key>ihookabove</key>
+ <string>ihookabove.glif</string>
+ <key>ii-cy</key>
+ <string>ii-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>iigrave-cy</key>
+ <string>iigrave-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>iinvertedbreve</key>
+ <string>iinvertedbreve.glif</string>
+ <key>iishort-cy</key>
+ <string>iishort-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>imacron</key>
+ <string>imacron.glif</string>
+ <key>imacron-cy</key>
+ <string>imacron-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>increment</key>
+ <string>increment.glif</string>
+ <key>infinity</key>
+ <string>infinity.glif</string>
+ <key>integral</key>
+ <string>integral.glif</string>
+ <key>io-cy</key>
+ <string>io-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>iogonek</key>
+ <string>iogonek.glif</string>
+ <key>itilde</key>
+ <string>itilde.glif</string>
+ <key>iu-cy</key>
+ <string>iu-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>izhitsa-cy</key>
+ <string>izhitsa-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>j</key>
+ <string>j.glif</string>
+ <key>jacute</key>
+ <string>jacute.glif</string>
+ <key>jcircumflex</key>
+ <string>jcircumflex.glif</string>
+ <key>jdotless</key>
+ <string>jdotless.glif</string>
+ <key>je-cy</key>
+ <string>je-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>k</key>
+ <string>k.glif</string>
+ <key>ka-cy</key>
+ <string>ka-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>kabashkir-cy</key>
+ <string>kabashkir-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>kacute</key>
+ <string>kacute.glif</string>
+ <key>kadescender-cy</key>
+ <string>kadescender-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>kaverticalstroke-cy</key>
+ <string>kaverticalstroke-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>kcommaaccent</key>
+ <string>kcommaaccent.glif</string>
+ <key>kgreenlandic</key>
+ <string>kgreenlandic.glif</string>
+ <key>kip</key>
+ <string>kip.glif</string>
+ <key>kje-cy</key>
+ <string>kje-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>l</key>
+ <string>l.glif</string>
+ <key>lacute</key>
+ <string>lacute.glif</string>
+ <key>lcaron</key>
+ <string>lcaron.glif</string>
+ <key>lcommaaccent</key>
+ <string>lcommaaccent.glif</string>
+ <key>ldot</key>
+ <string>ldot.glif</string>
+ <key>ldotbelow</key>
+ <string>ldotbelow.glif</string>
+ <key>leftArrow</key>
+ <string>leftA_rrow.glif</string>
+ <key>leftanglebracket-math</key>
+ <string>leftanglebracket-math.glif</string>
+ <key>less</key>
+ <string>less.glif</string>
+ <key>less.tf</key>
+ <string>less.tf.glif</string>
+ <key>lessequal</key>
+ <string>lessequal.glif</string>
+ <key>lessequal.tf</key>
+ <string>lessequal.tf.glif</string>
+ <key>lira</key>
+ <string>lira.glif</string>
+ <key>liraTurkish</key>
+ <string>liraT_urkish.glif</string>
+ <key>literSign</key>
+ <string>literS_ign.glif</string>
+ <key>lj</key>
+ <string>lj.glif</string>
+ <key>lje-cy</key>
+ <string>lje-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>llinebelow</key>
+ <string>llinebelow.glif</string>
+ <key>logicalnot</key>
+ <string>logicalnot.glif</string>
+ <key>logicalnot.tf</key>
+ <string>logicalnot.tf.glif</string>
+ <key>lozenge</key>
+ <string>lozenge.glif</string>
+ <key>lslash</key>
+ <string>lslash.glif</string>
+ <key>m</key>
+ <string>m.glif</string>
+ <key>macron</key>
+ <string>macron.glif</string>
+ <key>macronbelowcomb</key>
+ <string>macronbelowcomb.glif</string>
+ <key>macronbelowcomb.narrow</key>
+ <string>macronbelowcomb.narrow.glif</string>
+ <key>macroncomb</key>
+ <string>macroncomb.glif</string>
+ <key>macroncomb.case</key>
+ <string>macroncomb.case.glif</string>
+ <key>macroncomb.loclVIET</key>
+ <string>macroncomb.loclV_I_E_T_.glif</string>
+ <key>macroncomb.narrow</key>
+ <string>macroncomb.narrow.glif</string>
+ <key>macroncomb.narrow.case</key>
+ <string>macroncomb.narrow.case.glif</string>
+ <key>macroncomb_acutecomb</key>
+ <string>macroncomb_acutecomb.glif</string>
+ <key>macroncomb_dieresiscomb</key>
+ <string>macroncomb_dieresiscomb.glif</string>
+ <key>macroncomb_gravecomb</key>
+ <string>macroncomb_gravecomb.glif</string>
+ <key>manat</key>
+ <string>manat.glif</string>
+ <key>mdotbelow</key>
+ <string>mdotbelow.glif</string>
+ <key>micro</key>
+ <string>micro.glif</string>
+ <key>minus</key>
+ <string>minus.glif</string>
+ <key>minus.tf</key>
+ <string>minus.tf.glif</string>
+ <key>minute</key>
+ <string>minute.glif</string>
+ <key>multiply</key>
+ <string>multiply.glif</string>
+ <key>multiply.tf</key>
+ <string>multiply.tf.glif</string>
+ <key>n</key>
+ <string>n.glif</string>
+ <key>nacute</key>
+ <string>nacute.glif</string>
+ <key>naira</key>
+ <string>naira.glif</string>
+ <key>nbspace</key>
+ <string>nbspace.glif</string>
+ <key>ncaron</key>
+ <string>ncaron.glif</string>
+ <key>ncommaaccent</key>
+ <string>ncommaaccent.glif</string>
+ <key>ndotaccent</key>
+ <string>ndotaccent.glif</string>
+ <key>ndotbelow</key>
+ <string>ndotbelow.glif</string>
+ <key>nine</key>
+ <string>nine.glif</string>
+ <key>nine.dnom</key>
+ <string>nine.dnom.glif</string>
+ <key>nine.lf</key>
+ <string>nine.lf.glif</string>
+ <key>nine.numr</key>
+ <string>nine.numr.glif</string>
+ <key>nine.osf</key>
+ <string>nine.osf.glif</string>
+ <key>nine.ss01</key>
+ <string>nine.ss01.glif</string>
+ <key>nine.subs</key>
+ <string>nine.subs.glif</string>
+ <key>nine.tf</key>
+ <string>nine.tf.glif</string>
+ <key>nine.tosf</key>
+ <string>nine.tosf.glif</string>
+ <key>nineinferior</key>
+ <string>nineinferior.glif</string>
+ <key>ninesuperior</key>
+ <string>ninesuperior.glif</string>
+ <key>nj</key>
+ <string>nj.glif</string>
+ <key>nje-cy</key>
+ <string>nje-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>nlinebelow</key>
+ <string>nlinebelow.glif</string>
+ <key>nonbreakinghyphen</key>
+ <string>nonbreakinghyphen.glif</string>
+ <key>notequal</key>
+ <string>notequal.glif</string>
+ <key>notequal.tf</key>
+ <string>notequal.tf.glif</string>
+ <key>notidentical</key>
+ <string>notidentical.glif</string>
+ <key>notidentical.tf</key>
+ <string>notidentical.tf.glif</string>
+ <key>ntilde</key>
+ <string>ntilde.glif</string>
+ <key>numbersign</key>
+ <string>numbersign.glif</string>
+ <key>numero</key>
+ <string>numero.glif</string>
+ <key>o</key>
+ <string>o.glif</string>
+ <key>o-cy</key>
+ <string>o-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>oacute</key>
+ <string>oacute.glif</string>
+ <key>obarred-cy</key>
+ <string>obarred-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>obreve</key>
+ <string>obreve.glif</string>
+ <key>ocaron</key>
+ <string>ocaron.glif</string>
+ <key>ocircumflex</key>
+ <string>ocircumflex.glif</string>
+ <key>ocircumflexacute</key>
+ <string>ocircumflexacute.glif</string>
+ <key>ocircumflexdotbelow</key>
+ <string>ocircumflexdotbelow.glif</string>
+ <key>ocircumflexgrave</key>
+ <string>ocircumflexgrave.glif</string>
+ <key>ocircumflexhookabove</key>
+ <string>ocircumflexhookabove.glif</string>
+ <key>ocircumflextilde</key>
+ <string>ocircumflextilde.glif</string>
+ <key>odblgrave</key>
+ <string>odblgrave.glif</string>
+ <key>odieresis</key>
+ <string>odieresis.glif</string>
+ <key>odieresis-cy</key>
+ <string>odieresis-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>odieresismacron</key>
+ <string>odieresismacron.glif</string>
+ <key>odotaccentmacron</key>
+ <string>odotaccentmacron.glif</string>
+ <key>odotbelow</key>
+ <string>odotbelow.glif</string>
+ <key>oe</key>
+ <string>oe.glif</string>
+ <key>ogonek</key>
+ <string>ogonek.glif</string>
+ <key>ogonekcomb</key>
+ <string>ogonekcomb.glif</string>
+ <key>ogonekcomb.narrow</key>
+ <string>ogonekcomb.narrow.glif</string>
+ <key>ogonekcomb.tall</key>
+ <string>ogonekcomb.tall.glif</string>
+ <key>ogonekcomb.tall.case</key>
+ <string>ogonekcomb.tall.case.glif</string>
+ <key>ograve</key>
+ <string>ograve.glif</string>
+ <key>ohookabove</key>
+ <string>ohookabove.glif</string>
+ <key>ohorn</key>
+ <string>ohorn.glif</string>
+ <key>ohornacute</key>
+ <string>ohornacute.glif</string>
+ <key>ohorndotbelow</key>
+ <string>ohorndotbelow.glif</string>
+ <key>ohorngrave</key>
+ <string>ohorngrave.glif</string>
+ <key>ohornhookabove</key>
+ <string>ohornhookabove.glif</string>
+ <key>ohorntilde</key>
+ <string>ohorntilde.glif</string>
+ <key>ohungarumlaut</key>
+ <string>ohungarumlaut.glif</string>
+ <key>oinvertedbreve</key>
+ <string>oinvertedbreve.glif</string>
+ <key>omacron</key>
+ <string>omacron.glif</string>
+ <key>omacronacute</key>
+ <string>omacronacute.glif</string>
+ <key>omacrongrave</key>
+ <string>omacrongrave.glif</string>
+ <key>one</key>
+ <string>one.glif</string>
+ <key>one.dnom</key>
+ <string>one.dnom.glif</string>
+ <key>one.lf</key>
+ <string>one.lf.glif</string>
+ <key>one.numr</key>
+ <string>one.numr.glif</string>
+ <key>one.osf</key>
+ <string>one.osf.glif</string>
+ <key>one.subs</key>
+ <string>one.subs.glif</string>
+ <key>one.tf</key>
+ <string>one.tf.glif</string>
+ <key>one.tosf</key>
+ <string>one.tosf.glif</string>
+ <key>oneeighth</key>
+ <string>oneeighth.glif</string>
+ <key>onefifth</key>
+ <string>onefifth.glif</string>
+ <key>onefraction</key>
+ <string>onefraction.glif</string>
+ <key>onehalf</key>
+ <string>onehalf.glif</string>
+ <key>oneinferior</key>
+ <string>oneinferior.glif</string>
+ <key>oneninth</key>
+ <string>oneninth.glif</string>
+ <key>onequarter</key>
+ <string>onequarter.glif</string>
+ <key>oneseventh</key>
+ <string>oneseventh.glif</string>
+ <key>onesixth</key>
+ <string>onesixth.glif</string>
+ <key>onesuperior</key>
+ <string>onesuperior.glif</string>
+ <key>onetenth</key>
+ <string>onetenth.glif</string>
+ <key>onethird</key>
+ <string>onethird.glif</string>
+ <key>oogonek</key>
+ <string>oogonek.glif</string>
+ <key>ordfeminine</key>
+ <string>ordfeminine.glif</string>
+ <key>ordmasculine</key>
+ <string>ordmasculine.glif</string>
+ <key>oslash</key>
+ <string>oslash.glif</string>
+ <key>oslashacute</key>
+ <string>oslashacute.glif</string>
+ <key>otilde</key>
+ <string>otilde.glif</string>
+ <key>otildeacute</key>
+ <string>otildeacute.glif</string>
+ <key>otildedieresis</key>
+ <string>otildedieresis.glif</string>
+ <key>otildemacron</key>
+ <string>otildemacron.glif</string>
+ <key>p</key>
+ <string>p.glif</string>
+ <key>palochka-cy</key>
+ <string>palochka-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>paragraph</key>
+ <string>paragraph.glif</string>
+ <key>parenleft</key>
+ <string>parenleft.glif</string>
+ <key>parenright</key>
+ <string>parenright.glif</string>
+ <key>partialdiff</key>
+ <string>partialdiff.glif</string>
+ <key>pe-cy</key>
+ <string>pe-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>percent</key>
+ <string>percent.glif</string>
+ <key>period</key>
+ <string>period.glif</string>
+ <key>periodcentered</key>
+ <string>periodcentered.glif</string>
+ <key>periodcentered.loclCAT</key>
+ <string>periodcentered.loclC_A_T_.glif</string>
+ <key>periodcentered.loclCAT.case</key>
+ <string>periodcentered.loclC_A_T_.case.glif</string>
+ <key>perthousand</key>
+ <string>perthousand.glif</string>
+ <key>peseta</key>
+ <string>peseta.glif</string>
+ <key>peso</key>
+ <string>peso.glif</string>
+ <key>pi</key>
+ <string>pi.glif</string>
+ <key>plus</key>
+ <string>plus.glif</string>
+ <key>plus.tf</key>
+ <string>plus.tf.glif</string>
+ <key>plusminus</key>
+ <string>plusminus.glif</string>
+ <key>plusminus.tf</key>
+ <string>plusminus.tf.glif</string>
+ <key>primeReversed</key>
+ <string>primeR_eversed.glif</string>
+ <key>primemod</key>
+ <string>primemod.glif</string>
+ <key>product</key>
+ <string>product.glif</string>
+ <key>punctuationspace</key>
+ <string>punctuationspace.glif</string>
+ <key>q</key>
+ <string>q.glif</string>
+ <key>qa-cy</key>
+ <string>qa-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>question</key>
+ <string>question.glif</string>
+ <key>questiondown</key>
+ <string>questiondown.glif</string>
+ <key>quotedbl</key>
+ <string>quotedbl.glif</string>
+ <key>quotedblbase</key>
+ <string>quotedblbase.glif</string>
+ <key>quotedblleft</key>
+ <string>quotedblleft.glif</string>
+ <key>quotedblright</key>
+ <string>quotedblright.glif</string>
+ <key>quoteleft</key>
+ <string>quoteleft.glif</string>
+ <key>quoteright</key>
+ <string>quoteright.glif</string>
+ <key>quotesinglbase</key>
+ <string>quotesinglbase.glif</string>
+ <key>quotesingle</key>
+ <string>quotesingle.glif</string>
+ <key>r</key>
+ <string>r.glif</string>
+ <key>racute</key>
+ <string>racute.glif</string>
+ <key>radical</key>
+ <string>radical.glif</string>
+ <key>ratio</key>
+ <string>ratio.glif</string>
+ <key>rcaron</key>
+ <string>rcaron.glif</string>
+ <key>rcommaaccent</key>
+ <string>rcommaaccent.glif</string>
+ <key>rdblgrave</key>
+ <string>rdblgrave.glif</string>
+ <key>rdotbelow</key>
+ <string>rdotbelow.glif</string>
+ <key>registered</key>
+ <string>registered.glif</string>
+ <key>rightArrow</key>
+ <string>rightA_rrow.glif</string>
+ <key>rightanglebracket-math</key>
+ <string>rightanglebracket-math.glif</string>
+ <key>ring</key>
+ <string>ring.glif</string>
+ <key>ringcomb</key>
+ <string>ringcomb.glif</string>
+ <key>ringcomb.case</key>
+ <string>ringcomb.case.glif</string>
+ <key>ringcomb_acutecomb</key>
+ <string>ringcomb_acutecomb.glif</string>
+ <key>ringcomb_acutecomb.case</key>
+ <string>ringcomb_acutecomb.case.glif</string>
+ <key>ringhalfleft</key>
+ <string>ringhalfleft.glif</string>
+ <key>ringhalfright</key>
+ <string>ringhalfright.glif</string>
+ <key>rinvertedbreve</key>
+ <string>rinvertedbreve.glif</string>
+ <key>rlinebelow</key>
+ <string>rlinebelow.glif</string>
+ <key>ruble</key>
+ <string>ruble.glif</string>
+ <key>rupeeIndian</key>
+ <string>rupeeI_ndian.glif</string>
+ <key>s</key>
+ <string>s.glif</string>
+ <key>sacute</key>
+ <string>sacute.glif</string>
+ <key>sacutedotaccent</key>
+ <string>sacutedotaccent.glif</string>
+ <key>saltillo</key>
+ <string>saltillo.glif</string>
+ <key>scaron</key>
+ <string>scaron.glif</string>
+ <key>scarondotaccent</key>
+ <string>scarondotaccent.glif</string>
+ <key>scedilla</key>
+ <string>scedilla.glif</string>
+ <key>schwa</key>
+ <string>schwa.glif</string>
+ <key>schwa-cy</key>
+ <string>schwa-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>scircumflex</key>
+ <string>scircumflex.glif</string>
+ <key>scommaaccent</key>
+ <string>scommaaccent.glif</string>
+ <key>sdotaccent</key>
+ <string>sdotaccent.glif</string>
+ <key>sdotbelow</key>
+ <string>sdotbelow.glif</string>
+ <key>sdotbelowdotaccent</key>
+ <string>sdotbelowdotaccent.glif</string>
+ <key>second</key>
+ <string>second.glif</string>
+ <key>secondtonechinese</key>
+ <string>secondtonechinese.glif</string>
+ <key>section</key>
+ <string>section.glif</string>
+ <key>semicolon</key>
+ <string>semicolon.glif</string>
+ <key>seven</key>
+ <string>seven.glif</string>
+ <key>seven.dnom</key>
+ <string>seven.dnom.glif</string>
+ <key>seven.lf</key>
+ <string>seven.lf.glif</string>
+ <key>seven.numr</key>
+ <string>seven.numr.glif</string>
+ <key>seven.osf</key>
+ <string>seven.osf.glif</string>
+ <key>seven.subs</key>
+ <string>seven.subs.glif</string>
+ <key>seven.tf</key>
+ <string>seven.tf.glif</string>
+ <key>seven.tosf</key>
+ <string>seven.tosf.glif</string>
+ <key>seveneighths</key>
+ <string>seveneighths.glif</string>
+ <key>seveninferior</key>
+ <string>seveninferior.glif</string>
+ <key>sevensuperior</key>
+ <string>sevensuperior.glif</string>
+ <key>sha-cy</key>
+ <string>sha-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>shcha-cy</key>
+ <string>shcha-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>shha-cy</key>
+ <string>shha-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>six</key>
+ <string>six.glif</string>
+ <key>six.dnom</key>
+ <string>six.dnom.glif</string>
+ <key>six.lf</key>
+ <string>six.lf.glif</string>
+ <key>six.numr</key>
+ <string>six.numr.glif</string>
+ <key>six.osf</key>
+ <string>six.osf.glif</string>
+ <key>six.ss01</key>
+ <string>six.ss01.glif</string>
+ <key>six.subs</key>
+ <string>six.subs.glif</string>
+ <key>six.tf</key>
+ <string>six.tf.glif</string>
+ <key>six.tosf</key>
+ <string>six.tosf.glif</string>
+ <key>sixinferior</key>
+ <string>sixinferior.glif</string>
+ <key>sixperemspace</key>
+ <string>sixperemspace.glif</string>
+ <key>sixsuperior</key>
+ <string>sixsuperior.glif</string>
+ <key>slash</key>
+ <string>slash.glif</string>
+ <key>slashlongcomb</key>
+ <string>slashlongcomb.glif</string>
+ <key>slashlongcomb.case</key>
+ <string>slashlongcomb.case.glif</string>
+ <key>slashshortcomb</key>
+ <string>slashshortcomb.glif</string>
+ <key>slashshortcomb.case</key>
+ <string>slashshortcomb.case.glif</string>
+ <key>softhyphen</key>
+ <string>softhyphen.glif</string>
+ <key>softsign-cy</key>
+ <string>softsign-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>space</key>
+ <string>space.glif</string>
+ <key>sterling</key>
+ <string>sterling.glif</string>
+ <key>strokelongcomb</key>
+ <string>strokelongcomb.glif</string>
+ <key>strokeshortcomb</key>
+ <string>strokeshortcomb.glif</string>
+ <key>strokeshortcomb.case</key>
+ <string>strokeshortcomb.case.glif</string>
+ <key>summation</key>
+ <string>summation.glif</string>
+ <key>t</key>
+ <string>t.glif</string>
+ <key>tbar</key>
+ <string>tbar.glif</string>
+ <key>tcaron</key>
+ <string>tcaron.glif</string>
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+ <key>tcommaaccent</key>
+ <string>tcommaaccent.glif</string>
+ <key>tdieresis</key>
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+ <key>tdotbelow</key>
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+ <key>te-cy</key>
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+ <key>tenge</key>
+ <string>tenge.glif</string>
+ <key>thinspace</key>
+ <string>thinspace.glif</string>
+ <key>thorn</key>
+ <string>thorn.glif</string>
+ <key>three</key>
+ <string>three.glif</string>
+ <key>three.dnom</key>
+ <string>three.dnom.glif</string>
+ <key>three.lf</key>
+ <string>three.lf.glif</string>
+ <key>three.numr</key>
+ <string>three.numr.glif</string>
+ <key>three.osf</key>
+ <string>three.osf.glif</string>
+ <key>three.subs</key>
+ <string>three.subs.glif</string>
+ <key>three.tf</key>
+ <string>three.tf.glif</string>
+ <key>three.tosf</key>
+ <string>three.tosf.glif</string>
+ <key>threeeighths</key>
+ <string>threeeighths.glif</string>
+ <key>threefifths</key>
+ <string>threefifths.glif</string>
+ <key>threeinferior</key>
+ <string>threeinferior.glif</string>
+ <key>threeperemspace</key>
+ <string>threeperemspace.glif</string>
+ <key>threequarters</key>
+ <string>threequarters.glif</string>
+ <key>threesuperior</key>
+ <string>threesuperior.glif</string>
+ <key>tilde</key>
+ <string>tilde.glif</string>
+ <key>tildecomb</key>
+ <string>tildecomb.glif</string>
+ <key>tildecomb.case</key>
+ <string>tildecomb.case.glif</string>
+ <key>tildecomb.loclVIET</key>
+ <string>tildecomb.loclV_I_E_T_.glif</string>
+ <key>tildecomb_acutecomb</key>
+ <string>tildecomb_acutecomb.glif</string>
+ <key>tildecomb_dieresiscomb</key>
+ <string>tildecomb_dieresiscomb.glif</string>
+ <key>tildecomb_macroncomb</key>
+ <string>tildecomb_macroncomb.glif</string>
+ <key>tlinebelow</key>
+ <string>tlinebelow.glif</string>
+ <key>trademark</key>
+ <string>trademark.glif</string>
+ <key>tripleprime</key>
+ <string>tripleprime.glif</string>
+ <key>tse-cy</key>
+ <string>tse-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>tshe-cy</key>
+ <string>tshe-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>tugrik</key>
+ <string>tugrik.glif</string>
+ <key>two</key>
+ <string>two.glif</string>
+ <key>two.dnom</key>
+ <string>two.dnom.glif</string>
+ <key>two.lf</key>
+ <string>two.lf.glif</string>
+ <key>two.numr</key>
+ <string>two.numr.glif</string>
+ <key>two.osf</key>
+ <string>two.osf.glif</string>
+ <key>two.subs</key>
+ <string>two.subs.glif</string>
+ <key>two.tf</key>
+ <string>two.tf.glif</string>
+ <key>two.tosf</key>
+ <string>two.tosf.glif</string>
+ <key>twofifths</key>
+ <string>twofifths.glif</string>
+ <key>twoinferior</key>
+ <string>twoinferior.glif</string>
+ <key>twosuperior</key>
+ <string>twosuperior.glif</string>
+ <key>twothirds</key>
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+ <key>u</key>
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+ <key>uhorn</key>
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+ <string>uhornacute.glif</string>
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+ <string>uhorndotbelow.glif</string>
+ <key>uhorngrave</key>
+ <string>uhorngrave.glif</string>
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+ <string>uhornhookabove.glif</string>
+ <key>uhorntilde</key>
+ <string>uhorntilde.glif</string>
+ <key>uhungarumlaut</key>
+ <string>uhungarumlaut.glif</string>
+ <key>uhungarumlaut-cy</key>
+ <string>uhungarumlaut-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>uinvertedbreve</key>
+ <string>uinvertedbreve.glif</string>
+ <key>umacron</key>
+ <string>umacron.glif</string>
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+ <string>umacron-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>umacrondieresis</key>
+ <string>umacrondieresis.glif</string>
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+ <string>upA_rrow.glif</string>
+ <key>uring</key>
+ <string>uring.glif</string>
+ <key>ushort-cy</key>
+ <string>ushort-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>ustraight-cy</key>
+ <string>ustraight-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>ustraightstroke-cy</key>
+ <string>ustraightstroke-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>utilde</key>
+ <string>utilde.glif</string>
+ <key>utildeacute</key>
+ <string>utildeacute.glif</string>
+ <key>v</key>
+ <string>v.glif</string>
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+ <string>ve-cy.glif</string>
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+ <string>verticallinelowmod.glif</string>
+ <key>verticallinemod</key>
+ <string>verticallinemod.glif</string>
+ <key>w</key>
+ <string>w.glif</string>
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+ <string>wacute.glif</string>
+ <key>wcircumflex</key>
+ <string>wcircumflex.glif</string>
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+ <string>wdieresis.glif</string>
+ <key>we-cy</key>
+ <string>we-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>wgrave</key>
+ <string>wgrave.glif</string>
+ <key>whiteCircle</key>
+ <string>whiteC_ircle.glif</string>
+ <key>won</key>
+ <string>won.glif</string>
+ <key>x</key>
+ <string>x.glif</string>
+ <key>y</key>
+ <string>y.glif</string>
+ <key>yacute</key>
+ <string>yacute.glif</string>
+ <key>yat-cy</key>
+ <string>yat-cy.glif</string>
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+ <string>ycircumflex.glif</string>
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+ <string>ydieresis.glif</string>
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+ <string>ydotaccent.glif</string>
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+ <string>ydotbelow.glif</string>
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+ <string>yen.glif</string>
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+ <string>yeru-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>yerudieresis-cy</key>
+ <string>yerudieresis-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>ygrave</key>
+ <string>ygrave.glif</string>
+ <key>yhookabove</key>
+ <string>yhookabove.glif</string>
+ <key>yi-cy</key>
+ <string>yi-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>ymacron</key>
+ <string>ymacron.glif</string>
+ <key>ytilde</key>
+ <string>ytilde.glif</string>
+ <key>yusbig-cy</key>
+ <string>yusbig-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>z</key>
+ <string>z.glif</string>
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+ <string>zacute.glif</string>
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+ <string>zdotaccent.glif</string>
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+ <string>zdotbelow.glif</string>
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+ <string>ze-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>zedescender-cy</key>
+ <string>zedescender-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>zedieresis-cy</key>
+ <string>zedieresis-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>zero</key>
+ <string>zero.glif</string>
+ <key>zero.dnom</key>
+ <string>zero.dnom.glif</string>
+ <key>zero.lf</key>
+ <string>zero.lf.glif</string>
+ <key>zero.lf.zero</key>
+ <string>zero.lf.zero.glif</string>
+ <key>zero.numr</key>
+ <string>zero.numr.glif</string>
+ <key>zero.osf</key>
+ <string>zero.osf.glif</string>
+ <key>zero.osf.zero</key>
+ <string>zero.osf.zero.glif</string>
+ <key>zero.subs</key>
+ <string>zero.subs.glif</string>
+ <key>zero.tf</key>
+ <string>zero.tf.glif</string>
+ <key>zero.tf.zero</key>
+ <string>zero.tf.zero.glif</string>
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+ <string>zero.tosf.glif</string>
+ <key>zero.tosf.zero</key>
+ <string>zero.tosf.zero.glif</string>
+ <key>zero.zero</key>
+ <string>zero.zero.glif</string>
+ <key>zeroinferior</key>
+ <string>zeroinferior.glif</string>
+ <key>zerosuperior</key>
+ <string>zerosuperior.glif</string>
+ <key>zerothird</key>
+ <string>zerothird.glif</string>
+ <key>zerowidthspace</key>
+ <string>zerowidthspace.glif</string>
+ <key>zhe-cy</key>
+ <string>zhe-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>zhebreve-cy</key>
+ <string>zhebreve-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>zhedescender-cy</key>
+ <string>zhedescender-cy.glif</string>
+ <key>zhedieresis-cy</key>
+ <string>zhedieresis-cy.glif</string>
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a8677339
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Cantarell-Regular.ufo/glyphs/kje-cy.glif
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6581141a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Cantarell-Regular.ufo/glyphs/lacute.glif
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,2215 @@
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+ <integer>0</integer>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.layerOrderInGlyph.Abrevedotbelow</key>
+ <integer>0</integer>
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+ <integer>0</integer>
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+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.layerOrderInGlyph.Acircumflexhookabove</key>
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+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.layerOrderInGlyph.Acircumflextilde</key>
+ <integer>0</integer>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.layerOrderInGlyph.Adblgrave</key>
+ <integer>0</integer>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.layerOrderInGlyph.Adieresis</key>
+ <integer>0</integer>
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+ <integer>0</integer>
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+ <integer>0</integer>
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+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.layerOrderInGlyph.Dcaron</key>
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+ <integer>1</integer>
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+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
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+ <key>height</key>
+ <integer>68</integer>
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+ <integer>-7</integer>
+ <key>width</key>
+ <integer>74</integer>
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+ </lib>
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
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+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyph.rightMetricsKey</key>
+ <string>one.lf</string>
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
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+ <point x="61" y="71" type="line"/>
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+ </outline>
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyph.rightMetricsKey</key>
+ <string>one.dnom</string>
+ </dict>
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
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+ <point x="63" y="67" type="line"/>
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+ </outline>
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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+ <advance width="339"/>
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+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyph.rightMetricsKey</key>
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
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+ <point x="93" y="71" type="line"/>
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+ <dict>
+ <key>monoWidth</key>
+ <integer>580</integer>
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
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+ <point x="352" y="53" type="line"/>
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+ <key>monoWidth</key>
+ <integer>580</integer>
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
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+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyph.rightMetricsKey</key>
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
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+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyph.rightMetricsKey</key>
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diff --git a/src/Cantarell-Regular.ufo/glyphs/onefraction.glif
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
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+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyph.rightMetricsKey</key>
+ <string>one.numr</string>
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a7ac9988
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
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+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyph.leftMetricsKey</key>
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+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyph.rightMetricsKey</key>
+ <string>one.numr</string>
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diff --git a/src/Cantarell-Regular.ufo/glyphs/oneinferior.glif
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
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+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyph.rightMetricsKey</key>
+ <string>one.dnom</string>
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
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+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyph.leftMetricsKey</key>
+ <string>one.numr</string>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyph.rightMetricsKey</key>
+ <string>one.numr</string>
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diff --git a/src/Cantarell-Regular.ufo/glyphs/onequarter.glif
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
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+ <component base="fraction" xOffset="339"/>
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+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyph.leftMetricsKey</key>
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+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyph.rightMetricsKey</key>
+ <string>one.numr</string>
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diff --git a/src/Cantarell-Regular.ufo/glyphs/oneseventh.glif
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
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+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyph.rightMetricsKey</key>
+ <string>one.numr</string>
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
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+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyph.leftMetricsKey</key>
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+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyph.rightMetricsKey</key>
+ <string>one.numr</string>
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diff --git a/src/Cantarell-Regular.ufo/glyphs/onesuperior.glif
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
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+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyph.rightMetricsKey</key>
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1bff9d30
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
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+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyph.rightMetricsKey</key>
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
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+ <integer>22</integer>
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new file mode 100644
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@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
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--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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diff --git a/src/Cantarell-Regular.ufo/glyphs/sixinferior.glif
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
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new file mode 100644
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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new file mode 100644
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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diff --git a/src/Cantarell-Regular.ufo/glyphs/threefifths.glif
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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diff --git a/src/Cantarell-Regular.ufo/glyphs/threeinferior.glif
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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diff --git a/src/Cantarell-Regular.ufo/glyphs/threeperemspace.glif
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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diff --git a/src/Cantarell-Regular.ufo/glyphs/threesuperior.glif
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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new file mode 100644
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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+ <key>height</key>
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+ <integer>450</integer>
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--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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+ <key>include</key>
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+ <string>Acircumflextilde</string>
+ <string>Adblgrave</string>
+ <string>Adieresis</string>
+ <string>Adieresis-cy</string>
+ <string>Adotbelow</string>
+ <string>Agrave</string>
+ <string>Ahookabove</string>
+ <string>Aie-cy</string>
+ <string>Ainvertedbreve</string>
+ <string>Amacron</string>
+ <string>Aogonek</string>
+ <string>Aring</string>
+ <string>Aringacute</string>
+ <string>Atilde</string>
+ <string>B</string>
+ <string>Be-cy</string>
+ <string>C</string>
+ <string>Cacute</string>
+ <string>Ccaron</string>
+ <string>Ccedilla</string>
+ <string>Ccedillaacute</string>
+ <string>Ccircumflex</string>
+ <string>Cdotaccent</string>
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+ <string>Chedescender-cy</string>
+ <string>Chedieresis-cy</string>
+ <string>Chekhakassian-cy</string>
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+ <string>Dcaron</string>
+ <string>Dcroat</string>
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+ <string>De-cy</string>
+ <string>Dje-cy</string>
+ <string>Dlinebelow</string>
+ <string>Dze-cy</string>
+ <string>Dzhe-cy</string>
+ <string>E</string>
+ <string>E-cy</string>
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+ <string>Ebreve</string>
+ <string>Ecaron</string>
+ <string>Ecedillabreve</string>
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+ <string>Ecircumflexhookabove</string>
+ <string>Ecircumflextilde</string>
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+ <string>Ehookabove</string>
+ <string>Einvertedbreve</string>
+ <string>El-cy</string>
+ <string>Em-cy</string>
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+ <string>Emacronacute</string>
+ <string>Emacrongrave</string>
+ <string>En-cy</string>
+ <string>Endescender-cy</string>
+ <string>Eng</string>
+ <string>Enghe-cy</string>
+ <string>Eogonek</string>
+ <string>Er-cy</string>
+ <string>Ereversed-cy</string>
+ <string>Es-cy</string>
+ <string>Esdescender-cy</string>
+ <string>Eth</string>
+ <string>Etilde</string>
+ <string>F</string>
+ <string>Fita-cy</string>
+ <string>G</string>
+ <string>Gbreve</string>
+ <string>Gcaron</string>
+ <string>Gcircumflex</string>
+ <string>Gcommaaccent</string>
+ <string>Gdotaccent</string>
+ <string>Ge-cy</string>
+ <string>Gedescender-cy</string>
+ <string>Germandbls</string>
+ <string>Ghemiddlehook-cy</string>
+ <string>Ghestroke-cy</string>
+ <string>Gheupturn-cy</string>
+ <string>Gje-cy</string>
+ <string>Gmacron</string>
+ <string>H</string>
+ <string>Ha-cy</string>
+ <string>Hadescender-cy</string>
+ <string>Hardsign-cy</string>
+ <string>Hbar</string>
+ <string>Hbrevebelow</string>
+ <string>Hcircumflex</string>
+ <string>Hdotbelow</string>
+ <string>I</string>
+ <string>I-cy</string>
+ <string>Ia-cy</string>
+ <string>Iacute</string>
+ <string>Ibreve</string>
+ <string>Icaron</string>
+ <string>Icircumflex</string>
+ <string>Idblgrave</string>
+ <string>Idieresis</string>
+ <string>Idieresis-cy</string>
+ <string>Idieresisacute</string>
+ <string>Idotaccent</string>
+ <string>Idotbelow</string>
+ <string>Ie-cy</string>
+ <string>Iebreve-cy</string>
+ <string>Iegrave-cy</string>
+ <string>Igrave</string>
+ <string>Ihookabove</string>
+ <string>Ii-cy</string>
+ <string>Iigrave-cy</string>
+ <string>Iinvertedbreve</string>
+ <string>Iishort-cy</string>
+ <string>Imacron</string>
+ <string>Imacron-cy</string>
+ <string>Io-cy</string>
+ <string>Iogonek</string>
+ <string>Itilde</string>
+ <string>Iu-cy</string>
+ <string>Izhitsa-cy</string>
+ <string>J</string>
+ <string>Jacute</string>
+ <string>Jcircumflex</string>
+ <string>Je-cy</string>
+ <string>K</string>
+ <string>Ka-cy</string>
+ <string>Kabashkir-cy</string>
+ <string>Kacute</string>
+ <string>Kadescender-cy</string>
+ <string>Kaverticalstroke-cy</string>
+ <string>Kcommaaccent</string>
+ <string>Kje-cy</string>
+ <string>L</string>
+ <string>Lacute</string>
+ <string>Lcaron</string>
+ <string>Lcommaaccent</string>
+ <string>Ldotbelow</string>
+ <string>Lje-cy</string>
+ <string>Llinebelow</string>
+ <string>Lslash</string>
+ <string>M</string>
+ <string>Mdotbelow</string>
+ <string>N</string>
+ <string>Nacute</string>
+ <string>Ncaron</string>
+ <string>Ncommaaccent</string>
+ <string>Ndotaccent</string>
+ <string>Ndotbelow</string>
+ <string>Nje-cy</string>
+ <string>Nlinebelow</string>
+ <string>Ntilde</string>
+ <string>O</string>
+ <string>O-cy</string>
+ <string>OE</string>
+ <string>Oacute</string>
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+ <string>Obreve</string>
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+ <string>Ocircumflextilde</string>
+ <string>Odblgrave</string>
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+ <string>Odieresismacron</string>
+ <string>Odotaccentmacron</string>
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+ <string>Ograve</string>
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+ <string>Ohungarumlaut</string>
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+ <string>Omacrongrave</string>
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+ <string>Otilde</string>
+ <string>Otildeacute</string>
+ <string>Otildedieresis</string>
+ <string>Otildemacron</string>
+ <string>P</string>
+ <string>Palochka-cy</string>
+ <string>Pe-cy</string>
+ <string>Q</string>
+ <string>Qa-cy</string>
+ <string>R</string>
+ <string>Racute</string>
+ <string>Rcaron</string>
+ <string>Rcommaaccent</string>
+ <string>Rdblgrave</string>
+ <string>Rdotbelow</string>
+ <string>Rinvertedbreve</string>
+ <string>Rlinebelow</string>
+ <string>S</string>
+ <string>Sacute</string>
+ <string>Sacutedotaccent</string>
+ <string>Saltillo</string>
+ <string>Scaron</string>
+ <string>Scarondotaccent</string>
+ <string>Scedilla</string>
+ <string>Schwa</string>
+ <string>Schwa-cy</string>
+ <string>Scircumflex</string>
+ <string>Scommaaccent</string>
+ <string>Sdotaccent</string>
+ <string>Sdotbelow</string>
+ <string>Sdotbelowdotaccent</string>
+ <string>Sha-cy</string>
+ <string>Shcha-cy</string>
+ <string>Shha-cy</string>
+ <string>Softsign-cy</string>
+ <string>T</string>
+ <string>Tbar</string>
+ <string>Tcaron</string>
+ <string>Tcedilla</string>
+ <string>Tcommaaccent</string>
+ <string>Tdotbelow</string>
+ <string>Te-cy</string>
+ <string>Thorn</string>
+ <string>Tlinebelow</string>
+ <string>Tse-cy</string>
+ <string>Tshe-cy</string>
+ <string>U</string>
+ <string>U-cy</string>
+ <string>Uacute</string>
+ <string>Ubreve</string>
+ <string>Ucaron</string>
+ <string>Ucircumflex</string>
+ <string>Udblgrave</string>
+ <string>Udieresis</string>
+ <string>Udieresis-cy</string>
+ <string>Udieresisacute</string>
+ <string>Udieresiscaron</string>
+ <string>Udieresisgrave</string>
+ <string>Udieresismacron</string>
+ <string>Udotbelow</string>
+ <string>Ugrave</string>
+ <string>Uhookabove</string>
+ <string>Uhorn</string>
+ <string>Uhornacute</string>
+ <string>Uhorndotbelow</string>
+ <string>Uhorngrave</string>
+ <string>Uhornhookabove</string>
+ <string>Uhorntilde</string>
+ <string>Uhungarumlaut</string>
+ <string>Uhungarumlaut-cy</string>
+ <string>Uinvertedbreve</string>
+ <string>Umacron</string>
+ <string>Umacron-cy</string>
+ <string>Umacrondieresis</string>
+ <string>Uogonek</string>
+ <string>Uring</string>
+ <string>Ushort-cy</string>
+ <string>Ustraight-cy</string>
+ <string>Ustraightstroke-cy</string>
+ <string>Utilde</string>
+ <string>Utildeacute</string>
+ <string>V</string>
+ <string>Ve-cy</string>
+ <string>W</string>
+ <string>Wacute</string>
+ <string>Wcircumflex</string>
+ <string>Wdieresis</string>
+ <string>We-cy</string>
+ <string>Wgrave</string>
+ <string>X</string>
+ <string>Y</string>
+ <string>Yacute</string>
+ <string>Yat-cy</string>
+ <string>Ycircumflex</string>
+ <string>Ydieresis</string>
+ <string>Ydotaccent</string>
+ <string>Ydotbelow</string>
+ <string>Yeru-cy</string>
+ <string>Yerudieresis-cy</string>
+ <string>Ygrave</string>
+ <string>Yhookabove</string>
+ <string>Yi-cy</string>
+ <string>Ymacron</string>
+ <string>Ytilde</string>
+ <string>Yusbig-cy</string>
+ <string>Z</string>
+ <string>Zacute</string>
+ <string>Zcaron</string>
+ <string>Zdotaccent</string>
+ <string>Zdotbelow</string>
+ <string>Ze-cy</string>
+ <string>Zedescender-cy</string>
+ <string>Zedieresis-cy</string>
+ <string>Zhe-cy</string>
+ <string>Zhebreve-cy</string>
+ <string>Zhedescender-cy</string>
+ <string>Zhedieresis-cy</string>
+ <string>a</string>
+ <string>a-cy</string>
+ <string>aacute</string>
+ <string>abreve</string>
+ <string>abreve-cy</string>
+ <string>abreveacute</string>
+ <string>abrevedotbelow</string>
+ <string>abrevegrave</string>
+ <string>abrevehookabove</string>
+ <string>abrevetilde</string>
+ <string>acaron</string>
+ <string>acircumflex</string>
+ <string>acircumflexacute</string>
+ <string>acircumflexdotbelow</string>
+ <string>acircumflexgrave</string>
+ <string>acircumflexhookabove</string>
+ <string>acircumflextilde</string>
+ <string>acutecomb</string>
+ <string>acutecomb.case</string>
+ <string>acutecomb.loclVIET</string>
+ <string>acutecomb_dotaccentcomb</string>
+ <string>adblgrave</string>
+ <string>adieresis</string>
+ <string>adieresis-cy</string>
+ <string>adotbelow</string>
+ <string>ae</string>
+ <string>aeacute</string>
+ <string>agrave</string>
+ <string>ahookabove</string>
+ <string>aie-cy</string>
+ <string>ainvertedbreve</string>
+ <string>amacron</string>
+ <string>aogonek</string>
+ <string>apostrophemod</string>
+ <string>aring</string>
+ <string>aringacute</string>
+ <string>atilde</string>
+ <string>b</string>
+ <string>be-cy</string>
+ <string>brevebelowcomb</string>
+ <string>brevecomb</string>
+ <string>brevecomb-cy</string>
+ <string>brevecomb-cy.case</string>
+ <string>brevecomb.case</string>
+ <string>brevecomb.loclVIET</string>
+ <string>brevecomb_acutecomb</string>
+ <string>brevecomb_acutecomb.case</string>
+ <string>brevecomb_gravecomb</string>
+ <string>brevecomb_gravecomb.case</string>
+ <string>brevecomb_hookabovecomb</string>
+ <string>brevecomb_hookabovecomb.case</string>
+ <string>brevecomb_tildecomb</string>
+ <string>brevecomb_tildecomb.case</string>
+ <string>breveinvertedcomb</string>
+ <string>breveinvertedcomb.case</string>
+ <string>c</string>
+ <string>cacute</string>
+ <string>caron</string>
+ <string>caroncomb</string>
+ <string>caroncomb.alt</string>
+ <string>caroncomb.case</string>
+ <string>caroncomb.loclVIET</string>
+ <string>caroncomb_dotaccentcomb</string>
+ <string>ccaron</string>
+ <string>ccedilla</string>
+ <string>ccedillaacute</string>
+ <string>ccircumflex</string>
+ <string>cdotaccent</string>
+ <string>cedillacomb</string>
+ <string>che-cy</string>
+ <string>chedescender-cy</string>
+ <string>chedieresis-cy</string>
+ <string>chekhakassian-cy</string>
+ <string>cheverticalstroke-cy</string>
+ <string>circumflex</string>
+ <string>circumflexcomb</string>
+ <string>circumflexcomb.case</string>
+ <string>circumflexcomb.loclVIET</string>
+ <string>circumflexcomb_acutecomb</string>
+ <string>circumflexcomb_acutecomb.case</string>
+ <string>circumflexcomb_gravecomb</string>
+ <string>circumflexcomb_gravecomb.case</string>
+ <string>circumflexcomb_hookabovecomb</string>
+ <string>circumflexcomb_hookabovecomb.case</string>
+ <string>circumflexcomb_tildecomb</string>
+ <string>circumflexcomb_tildecomb.case</string>
+ <string>commaaccentcomb</string>
+ <string>commaturnedabovecomb</string>
+ <string>commaturnedmod</string>
+ <string>d</string>
+ <string>dblgravecomb</string>
+ <string>dblgravecomb.case</string>
+ <string>dcaron</string>
+ <string>dcroat</string>
+ <string>ddotbelow</string>
+ <string>de-cy</string>
+ <string>descender-cy</string>
+ <string>descender-cy.case</string>
+ <string>descender-cy.strait</string>
+ <string>dieresisbelowcomb</string>
+ <string>dieresiscomb</string>
+ <string>dieresiscomb.case</string>
+ <string>dieresiscomb.loclVIET</string>
+ <string>dieresiscomb_acutecomb</string>
+ <string>dieresiscomb_caroncomb</string>
+ <string>dieresiscomb_gravecomb</string>
+ <string>dieresiscomb_macroncomb</string>
+ <string>dje-cy</string>
+ <string>dlinebelow</string>
+ <string>dotaccentcomb</string>
+ <string>dotaccentcomb.case</string>
+ <string>dotaccentcomb.loclVIET</string>
+ <string>dotaccentcomb_macroncomb</string>
+ <string>dotbelowcomb</string>
+ <string>doubleprimemod</string>
+ <string>dze-cy</string>
+ <string>dzhe-cy</string>
+ <string>e</string>
+ <string>e-cy</string>
+ <string>eacute</string>
+ <string>ebreve</string>
+ <string>ecaron</string>
+ <string>ecedillabreve</string>
+ <string>ecircumflex</string>
+ <string>ecircumflexacute</string>
+ <string>ecircumflexdotbelow</string>
+ <string>ecircumflexgrave</string>
+ <string>ecircumflexhookabove</string>
+ <string>ecircumflextilde</string>
+ <string>edblgrave</string>
+ <string>edieresis</string>
+ <string>edotaccent</string>
+ <string>edotbelow</string>
+ <string>ef-cy</string>
+ <string>egrave</string>
+ <string>ehookabove</string>
+ <string>einvertedbreve</string>
+ <string>el-cy</string>
+ <string>em-cy</string>
+ <string>emacron</string>
+ <string>emacronacute</string>
+ <string>emacrongrave</string>
+ <string>en-cy</string>
+ <string>endescender-cy</string>
+ <string>eng</string>
+ <string>enghe-cy</string>
+ <string>eogonek</string>
+ <string>er-cy</string>
+ <string>ereversed-cy</string>
+ <string>es-cy</string>
+ <string>esdescender-cy</string>
+ <string>eth</string>
+ <string>etilde</string>
+ <string>f</string>
+ <string>firsttonechinese</string>
+ <string>fita-cy</string>
+ <string>fourthtonechinese</string>
+ <string>g</string>
+ <string>gbreve</string>
+ <string>gcaron</string>
+ <string>gcircumflex</string>
+ <string>gcommaaccent</string>
+ <string>gdotaccent</string>
+ <string>ge-cy</string>
+ <string>gedescender-cy</string>
+ <string>germandbls</string>
+ <string>ghemiddlehook-cy</string>
+ <string>ghestroke-cy</string>
+ <string>gheupturn-cy</string>
+ <string>gje-cy</string>
+ <string>gmacron</string>
+ <string>grave</string>
+ <string>gravecomb</string>
+ <string>gravecomb.case</string>
+ <string>gravecomb.loclVIET</string>
+ <string>h</string>
+ <string>ha-cy</string>
+ <string>hadescender-cy</string>
+ <string>hardsign-cy</string>
+ <string>hbar</string>
+ <string>hbrevebelow</string>
+ <string>hcircumflex</string>
+ <string>hdotbelow</string>
+ <string>hookabovecomb</string>
+ <string>hookabovecomb.case</string>
+ <string>hookabovecomb.loclVIET</string>
+ <string>horncomb</string>
+ <string>hungarumlautcomb</string>
+ <string>hungarumlautcomb.case</string>
+ <string>i</string>
+ <string>i-cy</string>
+ <string>ia-cy</string>
+ <string>iacute</string>
+ <string>ibreve</string>
+ <string>icaron</string>
+ <string>icircumflex</string>
+ <string>idblgrave</string>
+ <string>idieresis</string>
+ <string>idieresis-cy</string>
+ <string>idieresisacute</string>
+ <string>idotaccent</string>
+ <string>idotbelow</string>
+ <string>idotless</string>
+ <string>ie-cy</string>
+ <string>iebreve-cy</string>
+ <string>iegrave-cy</string>
+ <string>igrave</string>
+ <string>ihookabove</string>
+ <string>ii-cy</string>
+ <string>iigrave-cy</string>
+ <string>iinvertedbreve</string>
+ <string>iishort-cy</string>
+ <string>imacron</string>
+ <string>imacron-cy</string>
+ <string>io-cy</string>
+ <string>iogonek</string>
+ <string>itilde</string>
+ <string>iu-cy</string>
+ <string>izhitsa-cy</string>
+ <string>j</string>
+ <string>jacute</string>
+ <string>jcircumflex</string>
+ <string>jdotless</string>
+ <string>je-cy</string>
+ <string>k</string>
+ <string>ka-cy</string>
+ <string>kabashkir-cy</string>
+ <string>kacute</string>
+ <string>kadescender-cy</string>
+ <string>kaverticalstroke-cy</string>
+ <string>kcommaaccent</string>
+ <string>kgreenlandic</string>
+ <string>kje-cy</string>
+ <string>l</string>
+ <string>lacute</string>
+ <string>lcaron</string>
+ <string>lcommaaccent</string>
+ <string>ldotbelow</string>
+ <string>lje-cy</string>
+ <string>llinebelow</string>
+ <string>lslash</string>
+ <string>m</string>
+ <string>macronbelowcomb</string>
+ <string>macronbelowcomb.narrow</string>
+ <string>macroncomb</string>
+ <string>macroncomb.case</string>
+ <string>macroncomb.loclVIET</string>
+ <string>macroncomb.narrow</string>
+ <string>macroncomb.narrow.case</string>
+ <string>macroncomb_acutecomb</string>
+ <string>macroncomb_dieresiscomb</string>
+ <string>macroncomb_gravecomb</string>
+ <string>mdotbelow</string>
+ <string>n</string>
+ <string>nacute</string>
+ <string>ncaron</string>
+ <string>ncommaaccent</string>
+ <string>ndotaccent</string>
+ <string>ndotbelow</string>
+ <string>nje-cy</string>
+ <string>nlinebelow</string>
+ <string>ntilde</string>
+ <string>o</string>
+ <string>o-cy</string>
+ <string>oacute</string>
+ <string>obarred-cy</string>
+ <string>obreve</string>
+ <string>ocaron</string>
+ <string>ocircumflex</string>
+ <string>ocircumflexacute</string>
+ <string>ocircumflexdotbelow</string>
+ <string>ocircumflexgrave</string>
+ <string>ocircumflexhookabove</string>
+ <string>ocircumflextilde</string>
+ <string>odblgrave</string>
+ <string>odieresis</string>
+ <string>odieresis-cy</string>
+ <string>odieresismacron</string>
+ <string>odotaccentmacron</string>
+ <string>odotbelow</string>
+ <string>oe</string>
+ <string>ogonekcomb</string>
+ <string>ogonekcomb.narrow</string>
+ <string>ogonekcomb.tall</string>
+ <string>ogonekcomb.tall.case</string>
+ <string>ograve</string>
+ <string>ohookabove</string>
+ <string>ohorn</string>
+ <string>ohornacute</string>
+ <string>ohorndotbelow</string>
+ <string>ohorngrave</string>
+ <string>ohornhookabove</string>
+ <string>ohorntilde</string>
+ <string>ohungarumlaut</string>
+ <string>oinvertedbreve</string>
+ <string>omacron</string>
+ <string>omacronacute</string>
+ <string>omacrongrave</string>
+ <string>oogonek</string>
+ <string>ordfeminine</string>
+ <string>ordmasculine</string>
+ <string>oslash</string>
+ <string>oslashacute</string>
+ <string>otilde</string>
+ <string>otildeacute</string>
+ <string>otildedieresis</string>
+ <string>otildemacron</string>
+ <string>p</string>
+ <string>palochka-cy</string>
+ <string>pe-cy</string>
+ <string>pi</string>
+ <string>primemod</string>
+ <string>q</string>
+ <string>qa-cy</string>
+ <string>r</string>
+ <string>racute</string>
+ <string>rcaron</string>
+ <string>rcommaaccent</string>
+ <string>rdblgrave</string>
+ <string>rdotbelow</string>
+ <string>ringcomb</string>
+ <string>ringcomb.case</string>
+ <string>ringcomb_acutecomb</string>
+ <string>ringcomb_acutecomb.case</string>
+ <string>ringhalfleft</string>
+ <string>ringhalfright</string>
+ <string>rinvertedbreve</string>
+ <string>rlinebelow</string>
+ <string>s</string>
+ <string>sacute</string>
+ <string>sacutedotaccent</string>
+ <string>saltillo</string>
+ <string>scaron</string>
+ <string>scarondotaccent</string>
+ <string>scedilla</string>
+ <string>schwa</string>
+ <string>schwa-cy</string>
+ <string>scircumflex</string>
+ <string>scommaaccent</string>
+ <string>sdotaccent</string>
+ <string>sdotbelow</string>
+ <string>sdotbelowdotaccent</string>
+ <string>secondtonechinese</string>
+ <string>sha-cy</string>
+ <string>shcha-cy</string>
+ <string>shha-cy</string>
+ <string>slashlongcomb</string>
+ <string>slashlongcomb.case</string>
+ <string>slashshortcomb</string>
+ <string>slashshortcomb.case</string>
+ <string>softsign-cy</string>
+ <string>strokelongcomb</string>
+ <string>strokeshortcomb</string>
+ <string>strokeshortcomb.case</string>
+ <string>t</string>
+ <string>tbar</string>
+ <string>tcaron</string>
+ <string>tcedilla</string>
+ <string>tcommaaccent</string>
+ <string>tdieresis</string>
+ <string>tdotbelow</string>
+ <string>te-cy</string>
+ <string>thorn</string>
+ <string>tildecomb</string>
+ <string>tildecomb.case</string>
+ <string>tildecomb.loclVIET</string>
+ <string>tildecomb_acutecomb</string>
+ <string>tildecomb_dieresiscomb</string>
+ <string>tildecomb_macroncomb</string>
+ <string>tlinebelow</string>
+ <string>tse-cy</string>
+ <string>tshe-cy</string>
+ <string>u</string>
+ <string>u-cy</string>
+ <string>uacute</string>
+ <string>ubreve</string>
+ <string>ucaron</string>
+ <string>ucircumflex</string>
+ <string>udblgrave</string>
+ <string>udieresis</string>
+ <string>udieresis-cy</string>
+ <string>udieresisacute</string>
+ <string>udieresiscaron</string>
+ <string>udieresisgrave</string>
+ <string>udieresismacron</string>
+ <string>udotbelow</string>
+ <string>ugrave</string>
+ <string>uhookabove</string>
+ <string>uhorn</string>
+ <string>uhornacute</string>
+ <string>uhorndotbelow</string>
+ <string>uhorngrave</string>
+ <string>uhornhookabove</string>
+ <string>uhorntilde</string>
+ <string>uhungarumlaut</string>
+ <string>uhungarumlaut-cy</string>
+ <string>uinvertedbreve</string>
+ <string>umacron</string>
+ <string>umacron-cy</string>
+ <string>umacrondieresis</string>
+ <string>uogonek</string>
+ <string>uring</string>
+ <string>ushort-cy</string>
+ <string>ustraight-cy</string>
+ <string>ustraightstroke-cy</string>
+ <string>utilde</string>
+ <string>utildeacute</string>
+ <string>v</string>
+ <string>ve-cy</string>
+ <string>verticallineabovecomb</string>
+ <string>verticallinebelowcomb</string>
+ <string>verticallinelowmod</string>
+ <string>verticallinemod</string>
+ <string>w</string>
+ <string>wacute</string>
+ <string>wcircumflex</string>
+ <string>wdieresis</string>
+ <string>we-cy</string>
+ <string>wgrave</string>
+ <string>x</string>
+ <string>y</string>
+ <string>yacute</string>
+ <string>yat-cy</string>
+ <string>ycircumflex</string>
+ <string>ydieresis</string>
+ <string>ydotaccent</string>
+ <string>ydotbelow</string>
+ <string>yeru-cy</string>
+ <string>yerudieresis-cy</string>
+ <string>ygrave</string>
+ <string>yhookabove</string>
+ <string>yi-cy</string>
+ <string>ymacron</string>
+ <string>ytilde</string>
+ <string>yusbig-cy</string>
+ <string>z</string>
+ <string>zacute</string>
+ <string>zcaron</string>
+ <string>zdotaccent</string>
+ <string>zdotbelow</string>
+ <string>ze-cy</string>
+ <string>zedescender-cy</string>
+ <string>zedieresis-cy</string>
+ <string>zhe-cy</string>
+ <string>zhebreve-cy</string>
+ <string>zhedescender-cy</string>
+ <string>zhedieresis-cy</string>
+ </array>
+ <key>name</key>
+ <string>propagateAnchors</string>
+ <key>pre</key>
+ <true/>
+ </dict>
+ </array>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.Schwa</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>e</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.acutecomb.loclVIET</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>acutecomb</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.brevecomb.loclVIET</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>brevecomb</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.caroncomb.loclVIET</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>caroncomb</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.che-cy</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>Che-cy</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.circumflexcomb.loclVIET</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>circumflexcomb</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.de-cy</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>De-cy</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.dzhe-cy</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>Dzhe-cy</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.eight.dnom</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>eight.lf</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.eight.tf</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>eight.lf</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.eight.tosf</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>eight.osf</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.el-cy</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>El-cy</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.em-cy</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>Em-cy</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.en-cy</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>En-cy</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.ereversed-cy</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>Ereversed-cy</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.five.dnom</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
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+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>five.lf</string>
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+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.five.tf</key>
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+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
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+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>five.lf</string>
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+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.five.tosf</key>
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+ <key>source</key>
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+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
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+ <key>source</key>
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+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.four.tf</key>
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+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.four.tosf</key>
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+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
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+ <key>source</key>
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+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.ge-cy</key>
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+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>Ge-cy</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.ghemiddlehook-cy</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>Ghemiddlehook-cy</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.gravecomb.loclVIET</key>
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+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>acutecomb</string>
+ </dict>
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+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.hardsign-cy</key>
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+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>Hardsign-cy</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.hookabovecomb.loclVIET</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>hookabovecomb</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.ia-cy</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>Ia-cy</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.ii-cy</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>Ii-cy</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.iu-cy</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>Iu-cy</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.izhitsa-cy</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>Izhitsa-cy</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.ka-cy</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>Ka-cy</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.nine.dnom</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>nine.lf</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.nine.tf</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>nine.lf</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.nine.tosf</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>nine</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.one.dnom</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>one.lf</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.one.tf</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>one.lf</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.one.tosf</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>one.osf</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.ordfeminine</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>a</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.ordmasculine</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>o</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.pe-cy</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>Pe-cy</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.seven.dnom</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>seven.lf</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.seven.tf</key>
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+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>seven.lf</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.seven.tosf</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>seven.osf</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.sha-cy</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>Sha-cy</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.shcha-cy</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>Shcha-cy</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.six.dnom</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>six.lf</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.six.tf</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>six.lf</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.six.tosf</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>six</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.softsign-cy</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>Softsign-cy</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.te-cy</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>Te-cy</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.three.dnom</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>three.lf</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.three.tf</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>three.lf</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.three.tosf</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>three.osf</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.tildecomb.loclVIET</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>tildecomb</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.tse-cy</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>Tse-cy</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.two.dnom</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>two.lf</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.two.tf</key>
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+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>two.lf</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.two.tosf</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>two.osf</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.ve-cy</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>B</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.yeru-cy</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>Yeru-cy</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.yusbig-cy</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>Yusbig-cy</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.ze-cy</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>Ze-cy</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.zero.dnom</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
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+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.zero.tf</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>zero.lf</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.zero.tosf</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>zero.osf</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.Glyphs.glyphUserData.zhe-cy</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>RMXScaler</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>source</key>
+ <string>Zhe-cy</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
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+ <array>
+ <string>A</string>
+ <string>Aacute</string>
+ <string>Abreve</string>
+ <string>Abreveacute</string>
+ <string>Abrevedotbelow</string>
+ <string>Abrevegrave</string>
+ <string>Abrevehookabove</string>
+ <string>Abrevetilde</string>
+ <string>Acaron</string>
+ <string>Acircumflex</string>
+ <string>Acircumflexacute</string>
+ <string>Acircumflexdotbelow</string>
+ <string>Acircumflexgrave</string>
+ <string>Acircumflexhookabove</string>
+ <string>Acircumflextilde</string>
+ <string>Adblgrave</string>
+ <string>Adieresis</string>
+ <string>Adotbelow</string>
+ <string>Agrave</string>
+ <string>Ahookabove</string>
+ <string>Ainvertedbreve</string>
+ <string>Amacron</string>
+ <string>Aogonek</string>
+ <string>Aring</string>
+ <string>Aringacute</string>
+ <string>Atilde</string>
+ <string>AE</string>
+ <string>AEacute</string>
+ <string>B</string>
+ <string>C</string>
+ <string>Cacute</string>
+ <string>Ccaron</string>
+ <string>Ccedilla</string>
+ <string>Ccedillaacute</string>
+ <string>Ccircumflex</string>
+ <string>Cdotaccent</string>
+ <string>D</string>
+ <string>DZcaron</string>
+ <string>Eth</string>
+ <string>Dcaron</string>
+ <string>Dcroat</string>
+ <string>Ddotbelow</string>
+ <string>Dlinebelow</string>
+ <string>Dzcaron</string>
+ <string>E</string>
+ <string>Eacute</string>
+ <string>Ebreve</string>
+ <string>Ecaron</string>
+ <string>Ecedillabreve</string>
+ <string>Ecircumflex</string>
+ <string>Ecircumflexacute</string>
+ <string>Ecircumflexdotbelow</string>
+ <string>Ecircumflexgrave</string>
+ <string>Ecircumflexhookabove</string>
+ <string>Ecircumflextilde</string>
+ <string>Edblgrave</string>
+ <string>Edieresis</string>
+ <string>Edotaccent</string>
+ <string>Edotbelow</string>
+ <string>Egrave</string>
+ <string>Ehookabove</string>
+ <string>Einvertedbreve</string>
+ <string>Emacron</string>
+ <string>Emacronacute</string>
+ <string>Emacrongrave</string>
+ <string>Eogonek</string>
+ <string>Etilde</string>
+ <string>F</string>
+ <string>G</string>
+ <string>Gbreve</string>
+ <string>Gcaron</string>
+ <string>Gcircumflex</string>
+ <string>Gcommaaccent</string>
+ <string>Gdotaccent</string>
+ <string>Gmacron</string>
+ <string>H</string>
+ <string>Hbar</string>
+ <string>Hbrevebelow</string>
+ <string>Hcircumflex</string>
+ <string>Hdotbelow</string>
+ <string>I</string>
+ <string>Iacute</string>
+ <string>Ibreve</string>
+ <string>Icaron</string>
+ <string>Icircumflex</string>
+ <string>Idblgrave</string>
+ <string>Idieresis</string>
+ <string>Idieresisacute</string>
+ <string>Idotaccent</string>
+ <string>Idotbelow</string>
+ <string>Igrave</string>
+ <string>Ihookabove</string>
+ <string>Iinvertedbreve</string>
+ <string>Imacron</string>
+ <string>Iogonek</string>
+ <string>Itilde</string>
+ <string>J</string>
+ <string>Jacute</string>
+ <string>Jcircumflex</string>
+ <string>K</string>
+ <string>Kacute</string>
+ <string>Kcommaaccent</string>
+ <string>L</string>
+ <string>LJ</string>
+ <string>Lacute</string>
+ <string>Lcaron</string>
+ <string>Lcommaaccent</string>
+ <string>Ldot</string>
+ <string>Ldotbelow</string>
+ <string>Lj</string>
+ <string>Llinebelow</string>
+ <string>Lslash</string>
+ <string>M</string>
+ <string>Mdotbelow</string>
+ <string>N</string>
+ <string>NJ</string>
+ <string>Nacute</string>
+ <string>Ncaron</string>
+ <string>Ncommaaccent</string>
+ <string>Ndotaccent</string>
+ <string>Ndotbelow</string>
+ <string>Eng</string>
+ <string>Nj</string>
+ <string>Nlinebelow</string>
+ <string>Ntilde</string>
+ <string>O</string>
+ <string>Oacute</string>
+ <string>Obreve</string>
+ <string>Ocaron</string>
+ <string>Ocircumflex</string>
+ <string>Ocircumflexacute</string>
+ <string>Ocircumflexdotbelow</string>
+ <string>Ocircumflexgrave</string>
+ <string>Ocircumflexhookabove</string>
+ <string>Ocircumflextilde</string>
+ <string>Odblgrave</string>
+ <string>Odieresis</string>
+ <string>Odieresismacron</string>
+ <string>Odotaccentmacron</string>
+ <string>Odotbelow</string>
+ <string>Ograve</string>
+ <string>Ohookabove</string>
+ <string>Ohorn</string>
+ <string>Ohornacute</string>
+ <string>Ohorndotbelow</string>
+ <string>Ohorngrave</string>
+ <string>Ohornhookabove</string>
+ <string>Ohorntilde</string>
+ <string>Ohungarumlaut</string>
+ <string>Oinvertedbreve</string>
+ <string>Omacron</string>
+ <string>Omacronacute</string>
+ <string>Omacrongrave</string>
+ <string>Oogonek</string>
+ <string>Oslash</string>
+ <string>Oslashacute</string>
+ <string>Otilde</string>
+ <string>Otildeacute</string>
+ <string>Otildedieresis</string>
+ <string>Otildemacron</string>
+ <string>OE</string>
+ <string>P</string>
+ <string>Thorn</string>
+ <string>Q</string>
+ <string>R</string>
+ <string>Racute</string>
+ <string>Rcaron</string>
+ <string>Rcommaaccent</string>
+ <string>Rdblgrave</string>
+ <string>Rdotbelow</string>
+ <string>Rinvertedbreve</string>
+ <string>Rlinebelow</string>
+ <string>S</string>
+ <string>Sacute</string>
+ <string>Sacutedotaccent</string>
+ <string>Saltillo</string>
+ <string>Scaron</string>
+ <string>Scarondotaccent</string>
+ <string>Scedilla</string>
+ <string>Scircumflex</string>
+ <string>Scommaaccent</string>
+ <string>Sdotaccent</string>
+ <string>Sdotbelow</string>
+ <string>Sdotbelowdotaccent</string>
+ <string>Germandbls</string>
+ <string>Schwa</string>
+ <string>T</string>
+ <string>Tbar</string>
+ <string>Tcaron</string>
+ <string>Tcedilla</string>
+ <string>Tcommaaccent</string>
+ <string>Tdotbelow</string>
+ <string>Tlinebelow</string>
+ <string>U</string>
+ <string>Uacute</string>
+ <string>Ubreve</string>
+ <string>Ucaron</string>
+ <string>Ucircumflex</string>
+ <string>Udblgrave</string>
+ <string>Udieresis</string>
+ <string>Udieresisacute</string>
+ <string>Udieresiscaron</string>
+ <string>Udieresisgrave</string>
+ <string>Udieresismacron</string>
+ <string>Udotbelow</string>
+ <string>Ugrave</string>
+ <string>Uhookabove</string>
+ <string>Uhorn</string>
+ <string>Uhornacute</string>
+ <string>Uhorndotbelow</string>
+ <string>Uhorngrave</string>
+ <string>Uhornhookabove</string>
+ <string>Uhorntilde</string>
+ <string>Uhungarumlaut</string>
+ <string>Uinvertedbreve</string>
+ <string>Umacron</string>
+ <string>Umacrondieresis</string>
+ <string>Uogonek</string>
+ <string>Uring</string>
+ <string>Utilde</string>
+ <string>Utildeacute</string>
+ <string>V</string>
+ <string>W</string>
+ <string>Wacute</string>
+ <string>Wcircumflex</string>
+ <string>Wdieresis</string>
+ <string>Wgrave</string>
+ <string>X</string>
+ <string>Y</string>
+ <string>Yacute</string>
+ <string>Ycircumflex</string>
+ <string>Ydieresis</string>
+ <string>Ydotaccent</string>
+ <string>Ydotbelow</string>
+ <string>Ygrave</string>
+ <string>Yhookabove</string>
+ <string>Ymacron</string>
+ <string>Ytilde</string>
+ <string>Z</string>
+ <string>Zacute</string>
+ <string>Zcaron</string>
+ <string>Zdotaccent</string>
+ <string>Zdotbelow</string>
+ <string>a</string>
+ <string>aacute</string>
+ <string>abreve</string>
+ <string>abreveacute</string>
+ <string>abrevedotbelow</string>
+ <string>abrevegrave</string>
+ <string>abrevehookabove</string>
+ <string>abrevetilde</string>
+ <string>acaron</string>
+ <string>acircumflex</string>
+ <string>acircumflexacute</string>
+ <string>acircumflexdotbelow</string>
+ <string>acircumflexgrave</string>
+ <string>acircumflexhookabove</string>
+ <string>acircumflextilde</string>
+ <string>adblgrave</string>
+ <string>adieresis</string>
+ <string>adotbelow</string>
+ <string>agrave</string>
+ <string>ahookabove</string>
+ <string>ainvertedbreve</string>
+ <string>amacron</string>
+ <string>aogonek</string>
+ <string>aring</string>
+ <string>aringacute</string>
+ <string>atilde</string>
+ <string>ae</string>
+ <string>aeacute</string>
+ <string>b</string>
+ <string>c</string>
+ <string>cacute</string>
+ <string>ccaron</string>
+ <string>ccedilla</string>
+ <string>ccedillaacute</string>
+ <string>ccircumflex</string>
+ <string>cdotaccent</string>
+ <string>d</string>
+ <string>eth</string>
+ <string>dcaron</string>
+ <string>dcroat</string>
+ <string>ddotbelow</string>
+ <string>dlinebelow</string>
+ <string>dzcaron</string>
+ <string>e</string>
+ <string>eacute</string>
+ <string>ebreve</string>
+ <string>ecaron</string>
+ <string>ecedillabreve</string>
+ <string>ecircumflex</string>
+ <string>ecircumflexacute</string>
+ <string>ecircumflexdotbelow</string>
+ <string>ecircumflexgrave</string>
+ <string>ecircumflexhookabove</string>
+ <string>ecircumflextilde</string>
+ <string>edblgrave</string>
+ <string>edieresis</string>
+ <string>edotaccent</string>
+ <string>edotbelow</string>
+ <string>egrave</string>
+ <string>ehookabove</string>
+ <string>einvertedbreve</string>
+ <string>emacron</string>
+ <string>emacronacute</string>
+ <string>emacrongrave</string>
+ <string>eogonek</string>
+ <string>etilde</string>
+ <string>schwa</string>
+ <string>f</string>
+ <string>g</string>
+ <string>gbreve</string>
+ <string>gcaron</string>
+ <string>gcircumflex</string>
+ <string>gcommaaccent</string>
+ <string>gdotaccent</string>
+ <string>gmacron</string>
+ <string>h</string>
+ <string>hbar</string>
+ <string>hbrevebelow</string>
+ <string>hcircumflex</string>
+ <string>hdotbelow</string>
+ <string>i</string>
+ <string>idotless</string>
+ <string>iacute</string>
+ <string>ibreve</string>
+ <string>icaron</string>
+ <string>icircumflex</string>
+ <string>idblgrave</string>
+ <string>idieresis</string>
+ <string>idieresisacute</string>
+ <string>idotaccent</string>
+ <string>idotbelow</string>
+ <string>igrave</string>
+ <string>ihookabove</string>
+ <string>iinvertedbreve</string>
+ <string>imacron</string>
+ <string>iogonek</string>
+ <string>itilde</string>
+ <string>j</string>
+ <string>jdotless</string>
+ <string>jacute</string>
+ <string>jcircumflex</string>
+ <string>k</string>
+ <string>kacute</string>
+ <string>kcommaaccent</string>
+ <string>kgreenlandic</string>
+ <string>l</string>
+ <string>lacute</string>
+ <string>lcaron</string>
+ <string>lcommaaccent</string>
+ <string>ldot</string>
+ <string>ldotbelow</string>
+ <string>lj</string>
+ <string>llinebelow</string>
+ <string>lslash</string>
+ <string>m</string>
+ <string>mdotbelow</string>
+ <string>n</string>
+ <string>nacute</string>
+ <string>ncaron</string>
+ <string>ncommaaccent</string>
+ <string>ndotaccent</string>
+ <string>ndotbelow</string>
+ <string>eng</string>
+ <string>nj</string>
+ <string>nlinebelow</string>
+ <string>ntilde</string>
+ <string>o</string>
+ <string>oacute</string>
+ <string>obreve</string>
+ <string>ocaron</string>
+ <string>ocircumflex</string>
+ <string>ocircumflexacute</string>
+ <string>ocircumflexdotbelow</string>
+ <string>ocircumflexgrave</string>
+ <string>ocircumflexhookabove</string>
+ <string>ocircumflextilde</string>
+ <string>odblgrave</string>
+ <string>odieresis</string>
+ <string>odieresismacron</string>
+ <string>odotaccentmacron</string>
+ <string>odotbelow</string>
+ <string>ograve</string>
+ <string>ohookabove</string>
+ <string>ohorn</string>
+ <string>ohornacute</string>
+ <string>ohorndotbelow</string>
+ <string>ohorngrave</string>
+ <string>ohornhookabove</string>
+ <string>ohorntilde</string>
+ <string>ohungarumlaut</string>
+ <string>oinvertedbreve</string>
+ <string>omacron</string>
+ <string>omacronacute</string>
+ <string>omacrongrave</string>
+ <string>oogonek</string>
+ <string>oslash</string>
+ <string>oslashacute</string>
+ <string>otilde</string>
+ <string>otildeacute</string>
+ <string>otildedieresis</string>
+ <string>otildemacron</string>
+ <string>oe</string>
+ <string>p</string>
+ <string>thorn</string>
+ <string>q</string>
+ <string>r</string>
+ <string>racute</string>
+ <string>rcaron</string>
+ <string>rcommaaccent</string>
+ <string>rdblgrave</string>
+ <string>rdotbelow</string>
+ <string>rinvertedbreve</string>
+ <string>rlinebelow</string>
+ <string>s</string>
+ <string>sacute</string>
+ <string>sacutedotaccent</string>
+ <string>saltillo</string>
+ <string>scaron</string>
+ <string>scarondotaccent</string>
+ <string>scedilla</string>
+ <string>scircumflex</string>
+ <string>scommaaccent</string>
+ <string>sdotaccent</string>
+ <string>sdotbelow</string>
+ <string>sdotbelowdotaccent</string>
+ <string>germandbls</string>
+ <string>t</string>
+ <string>tbar</string>
+ <string>tcaron</string>
+ <string>tcedilla</string>
+ <string>tcommaaccent</string>
+ <string>tdieresis</string>
+ <string>tdotbelow</string>
+ <string>tlinebelow</string>
+ <string>u</string>
+ <string>uacute</string>
+ <string>ubreve</string>
+ <string>ucaron</string>
+ <string>ucircumflex</string>
+ <string>udblgrave</string>
+ <string>udieresis</string>
+ <string>udieresisacute</string>
+ <string>udieresiscaron</string>
+ <string>udieresisgrave</string>
+ <string>udieresismacron</string>
+ <string>udotbelow</string>
+ <string>ugrave</string>
+ <string>uhookabove</string>
+ <string>uhorn</string>
+ <string>uhornacute</string>
+ <string>uhorndotbelow</string>
+ <string>uhorngrave</string>
+ <string>uhornhookabove</string>
+ <string>uhorntilde</string>
+ <string>uhungarumlaut</string>
+ <string>uinvertedbreve</string>
+ <string>umacron</string>
+ <string>umacrondieresis</string>
+ <string>uogonek</string>
+ <string>uring</string>
+ <string>utilde</string>
+ <string>utildeacute</string>
+ <string>v</string>
+ <string>w</string>
+ <string>wacute</string>
+ <string>wcircumflex</string>
+ <string>wdieresis</string>
+ <string>wgrave</string>
+ <string>x</string>
+ <string>y</string>
+ <string>yacute</string>
+ <string>ycircumflex</string>
+ <string>ydieresis</string>
+ <string>ydotaccent</string>
+ <string>ydotbelow</string>
+ <string>ygrave</string>
+ <string>yhookabove</string>
+ <string>ymacron</string>
+ <string>ytilde</string>
+ <string>z</string>
+ <string>zacute</string>
+ <string>zcaron</string>
+ <string>zdotaccent</string>
+ <string>zdotbelow</string>
+ <string>f_f</string>
+ <string>f_f_i</string>
+ <string>f_f_l</string>
+ <string>fi</string>
+ <string>fl</string>
+ <string>ordfeminine</string>
+ <string>ordmasculine</string>
+ <string>A-cy</string>
+ <string>Be-cy</string>
+ <string>Ve-cy</string>
+ <string>Ge-cy</string>
+ <string>Gje-cy</string>
+ <string>Gheupturn-cy</string>
+ <string>De-cy</string>
+ <string>Ie-cy</string>
+ <string>Iegrave-cy</string>
+ <string>Io-cy</string>
+ <string>Zhe-cy</string>
+ <string>Ze-cy</string>
+ <string>Ii-cy</string>
+ <string>Iishort-cy</string>
+ <string>Iigrave-cy</string>
+ <string>Ka-cy</string>
+ <string>Kje-cy</string>
+ <string>El-cy</string>
+ <string>Em-cy</string>
+ <string>En-cy</string>
+ <string>O-cy</string>
+ <string>Pe-cy</string>
+ <string>Er-cy</string>
+ <string>Es-cy</string>
+ <string>Te-cy</string>
+ <string>U-cy</string>
+ <string>Ushort-cy</string>
+ <string>Ef-cy</string>
+ <string>Ha-cy</string>
+ <string>Che-cy</string>
+ <string>Tse-cy</string>
+ <string>Sha-cy</string>
+ <string>Shcha-cy</string>
+ <string>Dzhe-cy</string>
+ <string>Softsign-cy</string>
+ <string>Hardsign-cy</string>
+ <string>Yeru-cy</string>
+ <string>Lje-cy</string>
+ <string>Nje-cy</string>
+ <string>Dze-cy</string>
+ <string>E-cy</string>
+ <string>Ereversed-cy</string>
+ <string>I-cy</string>
+ <string>Yi-cy</string>
+ <string>Je-cy</string>
+ <string>Tshe-cy</string>
+ <string>Iu-cy</string>
+ <string>Ia-cy</string>
+ <string>Dje-cy</string>
+ <string>Yat-cy</string>
+ <string>Yusbig-cy</string>
+ <string>Fita-cy</string>
+ <string>Izhitsa-cy</string>
+ <string>Ghestroke-cy</string>
+ <string>Ghemiddlehook-cy</string>
+ <string>Zhedescender-cy</string>
+ <string>Zedescender-cy</string>
+ <string>Kadescender-cy</string>
+ <string>Kaverticalstroke-cy</string>
+ <string>Kabashkir-cy</string>
+ <string>Endescender-cy</string>
+ <string>Enghe-cy</string>
+ <string>Esdescender-cy</string>
+ <string>Ustraight-cy</string>
+ <string>Ustraightstroke-cy</string>
+ <string>Hadescender-cy</string>
+ <string>Chedescender-cy</string>
+ <string>Cheverticalstroke-cy</string>
+ <string>Shha-cy</string>
+ <string>Palochka-cy</string>
+ <string>Zhebreve-cy</string>
+ <string>Chekhakassian-cy</string>
+ <string>Abreve-cy</string>
+ <string>Adieresis-cy</string>
+ <string>Aie-cy</string>
+ <string>Iebreve-cy</string>
+ <string>Schwa-cy</string>
+ <string>Zhedieresis-cy</string>
+ <string>Zedieresis-cy</string>
+ <string>Imacron-cy</string>
+ <string>Idieresis-cy</string>
+ <string>Odieresis-cy</string>
+ <string>Obarred-cy</string>
+ <string>Umacron-cy</string>
+ <string>Udieresis-cy</string>
+ <string>Uhungarumlaut-cy</string>
+ <string>Chedieresis-cy</string>
+ <string>Gedescender-cy</string>
+ <string>Yerudieresis-cy</string>
+ <string>Qa-cy</string>
+ <string>We-cy</string>
+ <string>a-cy</string>
+ <string>be-cy</string>
+ <string>ve-cy</string>
+ <string>ge-cy</string>
+ <string>gje-cy</string>
+ <string>gheupturn-cy</string>
+ <string>de-cy</string>
+ <string>ie-cy</string>
+ <string>iegrave-cy</string>
+ <string>io-cy</string>
+ <string>zhe-cy</string>
+ <string>ze-cy</string>
+ <string>ii-cy</string>
+ <string>iishort-cy</string>
+ <string>iigrave-cy</string>
+ <string>ka-cy</string>
+ <string>kje-cy</string>
+ <string>el-cy</string>
+ <string>em-cy</string>
+ <string>en-cy</string>
+ <string>o-cy</string>
+ <string>pe-cy</string>
+ <string>er-cy</string>
+ <string>es-cy</string>
+ <string>te-cy</string>
+ <string>u-cy</string>
+ <string>ushort-cy</string>
+ <string>ef-cy</string>
+ <string>ha-cy</string>
+ <string>che-cy</string>
+ <string>tse-cy</string>
+ <string>sha-cy</string>
+ <string>shcha-cy</string>
+ <string>dzhe-cy</string>
+ <string>softsign-cy</string>
+ <string>hardsign-cy</string>
+ <string>yeru-cy</string>
+ <string>lje-cy</string>
+ <string>nje-cy</string>
+ <string>dze-cy</string>
+ <string>e-cy</string>
+ <string>ereversed-cy</string>
+ <string>i-cy</string>
+ <string>yi-cy</string>
+ <string>je-cy</string>
+ <string>tshe-cy</string>
+ <string>iu-cy</string>
+ <string>ia-cy</string>
+ <string>dje-cy</string>
+ <string>yat-cy</string>
+ <string>yusbig-cy</string>
+ <string>fita-cy</string>
+ <string>izhitsa-cy</string>
+ <string>ghestroke-cy</string>
+ <string>ghemiddlehook-cy</string>
+ <string>zhedescender-cy</string>
+ <string>zedescender-cy</string>
+ <string>kadescender-cy</string>
+ <string>kaverticalstroke-cy</string>
+ <string>kabashkir-cy</string>
+ <string>endescender-cy</string>
+ <string>enghe-cy</string>
+ <string>esdescender-cy</string>
+ <string>ustraight-cy</string>
+ <string>ustraightstroke-cy</string>
+ <string>hadescender-cy</string>
+ <string>chedescender-cy</string>
+ <string>cheverticalstroke-cy</string>
+ <string>shha-cy</string>
+ <string>palochka-cy</string>
+ <string>zhebreve-cy</string>
+ <string>chekhakassian-cy</string>
+ <string>abreve-cy</string>
+ <string>adieresis-cy</string>
+ <string>aie-cy</string>
+ <string>iebreve-cy</string>
+ <string>schwa-cy</string>
+ <string>zhedieresis-cy</string>
+ <string>zedieresis-cy</string>
+ <string>imacron-cy</string>
+ <string>idieresis-cy</string>
+ <string>odieresis-cy</string>
+ <string>obarred-cy</string>
+ <string>umacron-cy</string>
+ <string>udieresis-cy</string>
+ <string>uhungarumlaut-cy</string>
+ <string>chedieresis-cy</string>
+ <string>gedescender-cy</string>
+ <string>yerudieresis-cy</string>
+ <string>qa-cy</string>
+ <string>we-cy</string>
+ <string>pi</string>
+ <string>zero</string>
+ <string>one</string>
+ <string>two</string>
+ <string>three</string>
+ <string>four</string>
+ <string>five</string>
+ <string>six</string>
+ <string>seven</string>
+ <string>eight</string>
+ <string>nine</string>
+ <string>zero.lf</string>
+ <string>one.lf</string>
+ <string>two.lf</string>
+ <string>three.lf</string>
+ <string>four.lf</string>
+ <string>five.lf</string>
+ <string>six.lf</string>
+ <string>seven.lf</string>
+ <string>eight.lf</string>
+ <string>nine.lf</string>
+ <string>zero.lf.zero</string>
+ <string>zero.osf</string>
+ <string>one.osf</string>
+ <string>two.osf</string>
+ <string>three.osf</string>
+ <string>four.osf</string>
+ <string>five.osf</string>
+ <string>six.osf</string>
+ <string>seven.osf</string>
+ <string>eight.osf</string>
+ <string>nine.osf</string>
+ <string>zero.osf.zero</string>
+ <string>six.ss01</string>
+ <string>nine.ss01</string>
+ <string>zero.tf</string>
+ <string>one.tf</string>
+ <string>two.tf</string>
+ <string>three.tf</string>
+ <string>four.tf</string>
+ <string>five.tf</string>
+ <string>six.tf</string>
+ <string>seven.tf</string>
+ <string>eight.tf</string>
+ <string>nine.tf</string>
+ <string>zero.tf.zero</string>
+ <string>zero.tosf</string>
+ <string>one.tosf</string>
+ <string>two.tosf</string>
+ <string>three.tosf</string>
+ <string>four.tosf</string>
+ <string>five.tosf</string>
+ <string>six.tosf</string>
+ <string>seven.tosf</string>
+ <string>eight.tosf</string>
+ <string>nine.tosf</string>
+ <string>zero.tosf.zero</string>
+ <string>zero.zero</string>
+ <string>zeroinferior</string>
+ <string>oneinferior</string>
+ <string>twoinferior</string>
+ <string>threeinferior</string>
+ <string>fourinferior</string>
+ <string>fiveinferior</string>
+ <string>sixinferior</string>
+ <string>seveninferior</string>
+ <string>eightinferior</string>
+ <string>nineinferior</string>
+ <string>zero.subs</string>
+ <string>one.subs</string>
+ <string>two.subs</string>
+ <string>three.subs</string>
+ <string>four.subs</string>
+ <string>five.subs</string>
+ <string>six.subs</string>
+ <string>seven.subs</string>
+ <string>eight.subs</string>
+ <string>nine.subs</string>
+ <string>zero.dnom</string>
+ <string>one.dnom</string>
+ <string>two.dnom</string>
+ <string>three.dnom</string>
+ <string>four.dnom</string>
+ <string>five.dnom</string>
+ <string>six.dnom</string>
+ <string>seven.dnom</string>
+ <string>eight.dnom</string>
+ <string>nine.dnom</string>
+ <string>zero.numr</string>
+ <string>one.numr</string>
+ <string>two.numr</string>
+ <string>three.numr</string>
+ <string>four.numr</string>
+ <string>five.numr</string>
+ <string>six.numr</string>
+ <string>seven.numr</string>
+ <string>eight.numr</string>
+ <string>nine.numr</string>
+ <string>zerosuperior</string>
+ <string>onesuperior</string>
+ <string>twosuperior</string>
+ <string>threesuperior</string>
+ <string>foursuperior</string>
+ <string>fivesuperior</string>
+ <string>sixsuperior</string>
+ <string>sevensuperior</string>
+ <string>eightsuperior</string>
+ <string>ninesuperior</string>
+ <string>fraction</string>
+ <string>onefraction</string>
+ <string>onehalf</string>
+ <string>zerothird</string>
+ <string>onethird</string>
+ <string>twothirds</string>
+ <string>onequarter</string>
+ <string>threequarters</string>
+ <string>onefifth</string>
+ <string>twofifths</string>
+ <string>threefifths</string>
+ <string>fourfifths</string>
+ <string>onesixth</string>
+ <string>fivesixths</string>
+ <string>oneseventh</string>
+ <string>oneeighth</string>
+ <string>threeeighths</string>
+ <string>fiveeighths</string>
+ <string>seveneighths</string>
+ <string>oneninth</string>
+ <string>onetenth</string>
+ <string>period</string>
+ <string>comma</string>
+ <string>colon</string>
+ <string>semicolon</string>
+ <string>ellipsis</string>
+ <string>exclam</string>
+ <string>exclamdown</string>
+ <string>question</string>
+ <string>questiondown</string>
+ <string>periodcentered</string>
+ <string>bullet</string>
+ <string>asterisk</string>
+ <string>numbersign</string>
+ <string>slash</string>
+ <string>backslash</string>
+ <string>periodcentered.loclCAT.case</string>
+ <string>periodcentered.loclCAT</string>
+ <string>parenleft</string>
+ <string>parenright</string>
+ <string>braceleft</string>
+ <string>braceright</string>
+ <string>bracketleft</string>
+ <string>bracketright</string>
+ <string>hyphen</string>
+ <string>softhyphen</string>
+ <string>endash</string>
+ <string>emdash</string>
+ <string>figuredash</string>
+ <string>horizontalbar</string>
+ <string>hyphentwo</string>
+ <string>nonbreakinghyphen</string>
+ <string>underscore</string>
+ <string>quotesinglbase</string>
+ <string>quotedblbase</string>
+ <string>quotedblleft</string>
+ <string>quotedblright</string>
+ <string>quoteleft</string>
+ <string>quoteright</string>
+ <string>guillemetleft</string>
+ <string>guillemetright</string>
+ <string>guilsinglleft</string>
+ <string>guilsinglright</string>
+ <string>primeReversed</string>
+ <string>tripleprime</string>
+ <string>quotedbl</string>
+ <string>quotesingle</string>
+ <string>leftanglebracket-math</string>
+ <string>rightanglebracket-math</string>
+ <string>emquad</string>
+ <string>emspace</string>
+ <string>enquad</string>
+ <string>enspace</string>
+ <string>figurespace</string>
+ <string>fourperemspace</string>
+ <string>hairspace</string>
+ <string>punctuationspace</string>
+ <string>sixperemspace</string>
+ <string>space</string>
+ <string>nbspace</string>
+ <string>thinspace</string>
+ <string>threeperemspace</string>
+ <string>zerowidthspace</string>
+ <string>cedi</string>
+ <string>cent</string>
+ <string>colonsign</string>
+ <string>currency</string>
+ <string>dollar</string>
+ <string>dong</string>
+ <string>euro</string>
+ <string>florin</string>
+ <string>franc</string>
+ <string>guarani</string>
+ <string>kip</string>
+ <string>lira</string>
+ <string>liraTurkish</string>
+ <string>manat</string>
+ <string>naira</string>
+ <string>peseta</string>
+ <string>peso</string>
+ <string>ruble</string>
+ <string>rupeeIndian</string>
+ <string>sterling</string>
+ <string>won</string>
+ <string>yen</string>
+ <string>hryvnia</string>
+ <string>tenge</string>
+ <string>tugrik</string>
+ <string>bulletoperator</string>
+ <string>commercialMinusSign</string>
+ <string>divisionslash</string>
+ <string>equivalence</string>
+ <string>notidentical</string>
+ <string>plus</string>
+ <string>minus</string>
+ <string>multiply</string>
+ <string>divide</string>
+ <string>equal</string>
+ <string>notequal</string>
+ <string>greater</string>
+ <string>less</string>
+ <string>greaterequal</string>
+ <string>lessequal</string>
+ <string>plusminus</string>
+ <string>approxequal</string>
+ <string>logicalnot</string>
+ <string>asciitilde</string>
+ <string>asciicircum</string>
+ <string>emptyset</string>
+ <string>infinity</string>
+ <string>integral</string>
+ <string>Ohm</string>
+ <string>increment</string>
+ <string>product</string>
+ <string>summation</string>
+ <string>radical</string>
+ <string>partialdiff</string>
+ <string>micro</string>
+ <string>percent</string>
+ <string>perthousand</string>
+ <string>ratio</string>
+ <string>bulletoperator.tf</string>
+ <string>commercialMinusSign.tf</string>
+ <string>divisionslash.tf</string>
+ <string>equivalence.tf</string>
+ <string>notidentical.tf</string>
+ <string>plus.tf</string>
+ <string>minus.tf</string>
+ <string>multiply.tf</string>
+ <string>divide.tf</string>
+ <string>equal.tf</string>
+ <string>notequal.tf</string>
+ <string>greater.tf</string>
+ <string>less.tf</string>
+ <string>greaterequal.tf</string>
+ <string>lessequal.tf</string>
+ <string>plusminus.tf</string>
+ <string>approxequal.tf</string>
+ <string>logicalnot.tf</string>
+ <string>upArrow</string>
+ <string>rightArrow</string>
+ <string>downArrow</string>
+ <string>leftArrow</string>
+ <string>blackCircle</string>
+ <string>whiteCircle</string>
+ <string>lozenge</string>
+ <string>at</string>
+ <string>ampersand</string>
+ <string>paragraph</string>
+ <string>section</string>
+ <string>copyright</string>
+ <string>registered</string>
+ <string>trademark</string>
+ <string>degree</string>
+ <string>minute</string>
+ <string>second</string>
+ <string>bar</string>
+ <string>brokenbar</string>
+ <string>dagger</string>
+ <string>literSign</string>
+ <string>daggerdbl</string>
+ <string>estimated</string>
+ <string>numero</string>
+ <string>blank</string>
+ <string>apostrophemod</string>
+ <string>commaturnedmod</string>
+ <string>doubleprimemod</string>
+ <string>firsttonechinese</string>
+ <string>fourthtonechinese</string>
+ <string>primemod</string>
+ <string>ringhalfleft</string>
+ <string>ringhalfright</string>
+ <string>secondtonechinese</string>
+ <string>verticallinelowmod</string>
+ <string>verticallinemod</string>
+ <string>dieresiscomb</string>
+ <string>dieresiscomb_gravecomb</string>
+ <string>dieresiscomb_acutecomb</string>
+ <string>dieresiscomb_caroncomb</string>
+ <string>dieresiscomb_macroncomb</string>
+ <string>dotaccentcomb</string>
+ <string>dotaccentcomb_macroncomb</string>
+ <string>gravecomb</string>
+ <string>acutecomb</string>
+ <string>acutecomb_dotaccentcomb</string>
+ <string>hungarumlautcomb</string>
+ <string>caroncomb.alt</string>
+ <string>circumflexcomb</string>
+ <string>caroncomb</string>
+ <string>caroncomb_dotaccentcomb</string>
+ <string>brevecomb</string>
+ <string>ringcomb</string>
+ <string>ringcomb_acutecomb</string>
+ <string>tildecomb</string>
+ <string>tildecomb_dieresiscomb</string>
+ <string>tildecomb_acutecomb</string>
+ <string>tildecomb_macroncomb</string>
+ <string>macroncomb</string>
+ <string>macroncomb_dieresiscomb</string>
+ <string>macroncomb_gravecomb</string>
+ <string>macroncomb_acutecomb</string>
+ <string>hookabovecomb</string>
+ <string>verticallineabovecomb</string>
+ <string>dblgravecomb</string>
+ <string>breveinvertedcomb</string>
+ <string>commaturnedabovecomb</string>
+ <string>horncomb</string>
+ <string>dotbelowcomb</string>
+ <string>dieresisbelowcomb</string>
+ <string>commaaccentcomb</string>
+ <string>cedillacomb</string>
+ <string>ogonekcomb</string>
+ <string>verticallinebelowcomb</string>
+ <string>brevebelowcomb</string>
+ <string>macronbelowcomb</string>
+ <string>strokeshortcomb</string>
+ <string>strokelongcomb</string>
+ <string>slashshortcomb</string>
+ <string>slashlongcomb</string>
+ <string>acute</string>
+ <string>breve</string>
+ <string>caron</string>
+ <string>cedilla</string>
+ <string>circumflex</string>
+ <string>dieresis</string>
+ <string>dotaccent</string>
+ <string>grave</string>
+ <string>hungarumlaut</string>
+ <string>macron</string>
+ <string>ogonek</string>
+ <string>ring</string>
+ <string>tilde</string>
+ <string>dieresiscomb.case</string>
+ <string>dotaccentcomb.case</string>
+ <string>gravecomb.case</string>
+ <string>acutecomb.case</string>
+ <string>hungarumlautcomb.case</string>
+ <string>circumflexcomb.case</string>
+ <string>caroncomb.case</string>
+ <string>brevecomb.case</string>
+ <string>ringcomb.case</string>
+ <string>ringcomb_acutecomb.case</string>
+ <string>tildecomb.case</string>
+ <string>macroncomb.case</string>
+ <string>hookabovecomb.case</string>
+ <string>dblgravecomb.case</string>
+ <string>breveinvertedcomb.case</string>
+ <string>strokeshortcomb.case</string>
+ <string>slashshortcomb.case</string>
+ <string>slashlongcomb.case</string>
+ <string>macroncomb.narrow.case</string>
+ <string>ogonekcomb.tall.case</string>
+ <string>dieresiscomb.loclVIET</string>
+ <string>dotaccentcomb.loclVIET</string>
+ <string>gravecomb.loclVIET</string>
+ <string>acutecomb.loclVIET</string>
+ <string>circumflexcomb.loclVIET</string>
+ <string>caroncomb.loclVIET</string>
+ <string>brevecomb.loclVIET</string>
+ <string>tildecomb.loclVIET</string>
+ <string>macroncomb.loclVIET</string>
+ <string>hookabovecomb.loclVIET</string>
+ <string>macroncomb.narrow</string>
+ <string>ogonekcomb.narrow</string>
+ <string>macronbelowcomb.narrow</string>
+ <string>ogonekcomb.tall</string>
+ <string>brevecomb-cy</string>
+ <string>descender-cy</string>
+ <string>brevecomb-cy.case</string>
+ <string>descender-cy.case</string>
+ <string>descender-cy.strait</string>
+ <string>brevecomb_acutecomb</string>
+ <string>brevecomb_gravecomb</string>
+ <string>brevecomb_hookabovecomb</string>
+ <string>brevecomb_tildecomb</string>
+ <string>circumflexcomb_acutecomb</string>
+ <string>circumflexcomb_gravecomb</string>
+ <string>circumflexcomb_hookabovecomb</string>
+ <string>circumflexcomb_tildecomb</string>
+ <string>brevecomb_acutecomb.case</string>
+ <string>brevecomb_gravecomb.case</string>
+ <string>brevecomb_hookabovecomb.case</string>
+ <string>brevecomb_tildecomb.case</string>
+ <string>circumflexcomb_acutecomb.case</string>
+ <string>circumflexcomb_gravecomb.case</string>
+ <string>circumflexcomb_hookabovecomb.case</string>
+ <string>circumflexcomb_tildecomb.case</string>
+ <string>_descenderreversed-cy</string>
+ <string>_bar-cy</string>
+ <string>_descender-cy.case.straight</string>
+ <string>_descenderreverse-cy.case</string>
+ <string>_bottomhook</string>
+ <string>_o.numero</string>
+ <string>_slash.zero</string>
+ <string>_typoquote</string>
+ <string>_commaaccent</string>
+ <string>_slash.zero.osf</string>
+ <string>_currencyvstem</string>
+ </array>
+ <key>public.postscriptNames</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>A-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0410</string>
+ <key>Abreve-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04D0</string>
+ <key>Abreveacute</key>
+ <string>uni1EAE</string>
+ <key>Abrevedotbelow</key>
+ <string>uni1EB6</string>
+ <key>Abrevegrave</key>
+ <string>uni1EB0</string>
+ <key>Abrevehookabove</key>
+ <string>uni1EB2</string>
+ <key>Abrevetilde</key>
+ <string>uni1EB4</string>
+ <key>Acaron</key>
+ <string>uni01CD</string>
+ <key>Acircumflexacute</key>
+ <string>uni1EA4</string>
+ <key>Acircumflexdotbelow</key>
+ <string>uni1EAC</string>
+ <key>Acircumflexgrave</key>
+ <string>uni1EA6</string>
+ <key>Acircumflexhookabove</key>
+ <string>uni1EA8</string>
+ <key>Acircumflextilde</key>
+ <string>uni1EAA</string>
+ <key>Adblgrave</key>
+ <string>uni0200</string>
+ <key>Adieresis-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04D2</string>
+ <key>Adotbelow</key>
+ <string>uni1EA0</string>
+ <key>Ahookabove</key>
+ <string>uni1EA2</string>
+ <key>Aie-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04D4</string>
+ <key>Ainvertedbreve</key>
+ <string>uni0202</string>
+ <key>Be-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0411</string>
+ <key>Ccedillaacute</key>
+ <string>uni1E08</string>
+ <key>Che-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0427</string>
+ <key>Chedescender-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04B6</string>
+ <key>Chedieresis-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04F4</string>
+ <key>Chekhakassian-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04CB</string>
+ <key>Cheverticalstroke-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04B8</string>
+ <key>DZcaron</key>
+ <string>uni01C4</string>
+ <key>Ddotbelow</key>
+ <string>uni1E0C</string>
+ <key>De-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0414</string>
+ <key>Dje-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0402</string>
+ <key>Dlinebelow</key>
+ <string>uni1E0E</string>
+ <key>Dzcaron</key>
+ <string>uni01C5</string>
+ <key>Dze-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0405</string>
+ <key>Dzhe-cy</key>
+ <string>uni040F</string>
+ <key>E-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0404</string>
+ <key>Ecedillabreve</key>
+ <string>uni1E1C</string>
+ <key>Ecircumflexacute</key>
+ <string>uni1EBE</string>
+ <key>Ecircumflexdotbelow</key>
+ <string>uni1EC6</string>
+ <key>Ecircumflexgrave</key>
+ <string>uni1EC0</string>
+ <key>Ecircumflexhookabove</key>
+ <string>uni1EC2</string>
+ <key>Ecircumflextilde</key>
+ <string>uni1EC4</string>
+ <key>Edblgrave</key>
+ <string>uni0204</string>
+ <key>Edotbelow</key>
+ <string>uni1EB8</string>
+ <key>Ef-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0424</string>
+ <key>Ehookabove</key>
+ <string>uni1EBA</string>
+ <key>Einvertedbreve</key>
+ <string>uni0206</string>
+ <key>El-cy</key>
+ <string>uni041B</string>
+ <key>Em-cy</key>
+ <string>uni041C</string>
+ <key>Emacronacute</key>
+ <string>uni1E16</string>
+ <key>Emacrongrave</key>
+ <string>uni1E14</string>
+ <key>En-cy</key>
+ <string>uni041D</string>
+ <key>Endescender-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04A2</string>
+ <key>Enghe-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04A4</string>
+ <key>Er-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0420</string>
+ <key>Ereversed-cy</key>
+ <string>uni042D</string>
+ <key>Es-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0421</string>
+ <key>Esdescender-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04AA</string>
+ <key>Etilde</key>
+ <string>uni1EBC</string>
+ <key>Fita-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0472</string>
+ <key>Gcommaaccent</key>
+ <string>uni0122</string>
+ <key>Ge-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0413</string>
+ <key>Gedescender-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04F6</string>
+ <key>Germandbls</key>
+ <string>uni1E9E</string>
+ <key>Ghemiddlehook-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0494</string>
+ <key>Ghestroke-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0492</string>
+ <key>Gheupturn-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0490</string>
+ <key>Gje-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0403</string>
+ <key>Gmacron</key>
+ <string>uni1E20</string>
+ <key>Ha-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0425</string>
+ <key>Hadescender-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04B2</string>
+ <key>Hardsign-cy</key>
+ <string>uni042A</string>
+ <key>Hbrevebelow</key>
+ <string>uni1E2A</string>
+ <key>Hdotbelow</key>
+ <string>uni1E24</string>
+ <key>I-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0406</string>
+ <key>Ia-cy</key>
+ <string>uni042F</string>
+ <key>Icaron</key>
+ <string>uni01CF</string>
+ <key>Idblgrave</key>
+ <string>uni0208</string>
+ <key>Idieresis-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04E4</string>
+ <key>Idieresisacute</key>
+ <string>uni1E2E</string>
+ <key>Idotbelow</key>
+ <string>uni1ECA</string>
+ <key>Ie-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0415</string>
+ <key>Iebreve-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04D6</string>
+ <key>Iegrave-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0400</string>
+ <key>Ihookabove</key>
+ <string>uni1EC8</string>
+ <key>Ii-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0418</string>
+ <key>Iigrave-cy</key>
+ <string>uni040D</string>
+ <key>Iinvertedbreve</key>
+ <string>uni020A</string>
+ <key>Iishort-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0419</string>
+ <key>Imacron-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04E2</string>
+ <key>Io-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0401</string>
+ <key>Iu-cy</key>
+ <string>uni042E</string>
+ <key>Izhitsa-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0474</string>
+ <key>Jacute</key>
+ <string>uni00A40301</string>
+ <key>Je-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0408</string>
+ <key>Ka-cy</key>
+ <string>uni041A</string>
+ <key>Kabashkir-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04A0</string>
+ <key>Kacute</key>
+ <string>uni1E30</string>
+ <key>Kadescender-cy</key>
+ <string>uni049A</string>
+ <key>Kaverticalstroke-cy</key>
+ <string>uni049C</string>
+ <key>Kcommaaccent</key>
+ <string>uni0136</string>
+ <key>Kje-cy</key>
+ <string>uni040C</string>
+ <key>LJ</key>
+ <string>uni01C7</string>
+ <key>Lcommaaccent</key>
+ <string>uni013B</string>
+ <key>Ldotbelow</key>
+ <string>uni1E36</string>
+ <key>Lj</key>
+ <string>uni01C8</string>
+ <key>Lje-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0409</string>
+ <key>Llinebelow</key>
+ <string>uni1E3A</string>
+ <key>Mdotbelow</key>
+ <string>uni1E42</string>
+ <key>NJ</key>
+ <string>uni01CA</string>
+ <key>Ncommaaccent</key>
+ <string>uni0145</string>
+ <key>Ndotaccent</key>
+ <string>uni1E44</string>
+ <key>Ndotbelow</key>
+ <string>uni1E46</string>
+ <key>Nj</key>
+ <string>uni01CB</string>
+ <key>Nje-cy</key>
+ <string>uni040A</string>
+ <key>Nlinebelow</key>
+ <string>uni1E48</string>
+ <key>O-cy</key>
+ <string>uni041E</string>
+ <key>Obarred-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04E8</string>
+ <key>Ocaron</key>
+ <string>uni01D1</string>
+ <key>Ocircumflexacute</key>
+ <string>uni1ED0</string>
+ <key>Ocircumflexdotbelow</key>
+ <string>uni1ED8</string>
+ <key>Ocircumflexgrave</key>
+ <string>uni1ED2</string>
+ <key>Ocircumflexhookabove</key>
+ <string>uni1ED4</string>
+ <key>Ocircumflextilde</key>
+ <string>uni1ED6</string>
+ <key>Odblgrave</key>
+ <string>uni020C</string>
+ <key>Odieresis-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04E6</string>
+ <key>Odieresismacron</key>
+ <string>uni022A</string>
+ <key>Odotaccentmacron</key>
+ <string>uni0230</string>
+ <key>Odotbelow</key>
+ <string>uni1ECC</string>
+ <key>Ohm</key>
+ <string>uni2126</string>
+ <key>Ohookabove</key>
+ <string>uni1ECE</string>
+ <key>Ohornacute</key>
+ <string>uni1EDA</string>
+ <key>Ohorndotbelow</key>
+ <string>uni1EE2</string>
+ <key>Ohorngrave</key>
+ <string>uni1EDC</string>
+ <key>Ohornhookabove</key>
+ <string>uni1EDE</string>
+ <key>Ohorntilde</key>
+ <string>uni1EE0</string>
+ <key>Oinvertedbreve</key>
+ <string>uni020E</string>
+ <key>Omacronacute</key>
+ <string>uni1E52</string>
+ <key>Omacrongrave</key>
+ <string>uni1E50</string>
+ <key>Oogonek</key>
+ <string>uni01EA</string>
+ <key>Otildeacute</key>
+ <string>uni1E4C</string>
+ <key>Otildedieresis</key>
+ <string>uni1E4E</string>
+ <key>Otildemacron</key>
+ <string>uni022C</string>
+ <key>Palochka-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04C0</string>
+ <key>Pe-cy</key>
+ <string>uni041F</string>
+ <key>Qa-cy</key>
+ <string>uni051A</string>
+ <key>Rcommaaccent</key>
+ <string>uni0156</string>
+ <key>Rdblgrave</key>
+ <string>uni0210</string>
+ <key>Rdotbelow</key>
+ <string>uni1E5A</string>
+ <key>Rinvertedbreve</key>
+ <string>uni0212</string>
+ <key>Rlinebelow</key>
+ <string>uni1E5E</string>
+ <key>Sacutedotaccent</key>
+ <string>uni1E64</string>
+ <key>Saltillo</key>
+ <string>uniA78B</string>
+ <key>Scarondotaccent</key>
+ <string>uni1E66</string>
+ <key>Schwa</key>
+ <string>uni018F</string>
+ <key>Schwa-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04D8</string>
+ <key>Scommaaccent</key>
+ <string>uni0218</string>
+ <key>Sdotaccent</key>
+ <string>uni1E60</string>
+ <key>Sdotbelow</key>
+ <string>uni1E62</string>
+ <key>Sdotbelowdotaccent</key>
+ <string>uni1E68</string>
+ <key>Sha-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0428</string>
+ <key>Shcha-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0429</string>
+ <key>Shha-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04BA</string>
+ <key>Softsign-cy</key>
+ <string>uni042C</string>
+ <key>Tcedilla</key>
+ <string>uni0162</string>
+ <key>Tcommaaccent</key>
+ <string>uni021A</string>
+ <key>Tdotbelow</key>
+ <string>uni1E6C</string>
+ <key>Te-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0422</string>
+ <key>Tlinebelow</key>
+ <string>uni1E6E</string>
+ <key>Tse-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0426</string>
+ <key>Tshe-cy</key>
+ <string>uni040B</string>
+ <key>U-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0423</string>
+ <key>Ucaron</key>
+ <string>uni01D3</string>
+ <key>Udblgrave</key>
+ <string>uni0214</string>
+ <key>Udieresis-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04F0</string>
+ <key>Udieresisacute</key>
+ <string>uni01D7</string>
+ <key>Udieresiscaron</key>
+ <string>uni01D9</string>
+ <key>Udieresisgrave</key>
+ <string>uni01DB</string>
+ <key>Udieresismacron</key>
+ <string>uni01D5</string>
+ <key>Udotbelow</key>
+ <string>uni1EE4</string>
+ <key>Uhookabove</key>
+ <string>uni1EE6</string>
+ <key>Uhornacute</key>
+ <string>uni1EE8</string>
+ <key>Uhorndotbelow</key>
+ <string>uni1EF0</string>
+ <key>Uhorngrave</key>
+ <string>uni1EEA</string>
+ <key>Uhornhookabove</key>
+ <string>uni1EEC</string>
+ <key>Uhorntilde</key>
+ <string>uni1EEE</string>
+ <key>Uhungarumlaut-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04F2</string>
+ <key>Uinvertedbreve</key>
+ <string>uni0216</string>
+ <key>Umacron-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04EE</string>
+ <key>Umacrondieresis</key>
+ <string>uni1E7A</string>
+ <key>Ushort-cy</key>
+ <string>uni040E</string>
+ <key>Ustraight-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04AE</string>
+ <key>Ustraightstroke-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04B0</string>
+ <key>Utildeacute</key>
+ <string>uni1E78</string>
+ <key>Ve-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0412</string>
+ <key>We-cy</key>
+ <string>uni051C</string>
+ <key>Yat-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0462</string>
+ <key>Ydotaccent</key>
+ <string>uni1E8E</string>
+ <key>Ydotbelow</key>
+ <string>uni1EF4</string>
+ <key>Yeru-cy</key>
+ <string>uni042B</string>
+ <key>Yerudieresis-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04F8</string>
+ <key>Yhookabove</key>
+ <string>uni1EF6</string>
+ <key>Yi-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0407</string>
+ <key>Ymacron</key>
+ <string>uni0232</string>
+ <key>Ytilde</key>
+ <string>uni1EF8</string>
+ <key>Yusbig-cy</key>
+ <string>uni046A</string>
+ <key>Zdotbelow</key>
+ <string>uni1E92</string>
+ <key>Ze-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0417</string>
+ <key>Zedescender-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0498</string>
+ <key>Zedieresis-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04DE</string>
+ <key>Zhe-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0416</string>
+ <key>Zhebreve-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04C1</string>
+ <key>Zhedescender-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0496</string>
+ <key>Zhedieresis-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04DC</string>
+ <key>_bar-cy</key>
+ <string>_barcy</string>
+ <key>_descender-cy.case.straight</key>
+ <string>_descendercy.case.straight</string>
+ <key>_descenderreverse-cy.case</key>
+ <string>_descenderreversecy.case</string>
+ <key>_descenderreversed-cy</key>
+ <string>_descenderreversedcy</string>
+ <key>a-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0430</string>
+ <key>abreve-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04D1</string>
+ <key>abreveacute</key>
+ <string>uni1EAF</string>
+ <key>abrevedotbelow</key>
+ <string>uni1EB7</string>
+ <key>abrevegrave</key>
+ <string>uni1EB1</string>
+ <key>abrevehookabove</key>
+ <string>uni1EB3</string>
+ <key>abrevetilde</key>
+ <string>uni1EB5</string>
+ <key>acaron</key>
+ <string>uni01CE</string>
+ <key>acircumflexacute</key>
+ <string>uni1EA5</string>
+ <key>acircumflexdotbelow</key>
+ <string>uni1EAD</string>
+ <key>acircumflexgrave</key>
+ <string>uni1EA7</string>
+ <key>acircumflexhookabove</key>
+ <string>uni1EA9</string>
+ <key>acircumflextilde</key>
+ <string>uni1EAB</string>
+ <key>acutecomb_dotaccentcomb</key>
+ <string>uni03010307</string>
+ <key>adblgrave</key>
+ <string>uni0201</string>
+ <key>adieresis-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04D3</string>
+ <key>adotbelow</key>
+ <string>uni1EA1</string>
+ <key>ahookabove</key>
+ <string>uni1EA3</string>
+ <key>aie-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04D5</string>
+ <key>ainvertedbreve</key>
+ <string>uni0203</string>
+ <key>apostrophemod</key>
+ <string>uni02BC</string>
+ <key>be-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0431</string>
+ <key>blackCircle</key>
+ <string>uni25CF</string>
+ <key>blank</key>
+ <string>uni2423</string>
+ <key>brevebelowcomb</key>
+ <string>uni032E</string>
+ <key>brevecomb</key>
+ <string>uni0306</string>
+ <key>brevecomb-cy</key>
+ <string>brevecombcy</string>
+ <key>brevecomb-cy.case</key>
+ <string>brevecombcy.case</string>
+ <key>brevecomb.case</key>
+ <string>uni0306.case</string>
+ <key>brevecomb.loclVIET</key>
+ <string>uni0306.loclVIET</string>
+ <key>brevecomb_acutecomb</key>
+ <string>uni03060301</string>
+ <key>brevecomb_acutecomb.case</key>
+ <string>uni03060301.case</string>
+ <key>brevecomb_gravecomb</key>
+ <string>uni03060300</string>
+ <key>brevecomb_gravecomb.case</key>
+ <string>uni03060300.case</string>
+ <key>brevecomb_hookabovecomb</key>
+ <string>uni03060309</string>
+ <key>brevecomb_hookabovecomb.case</key>
+ <string>uni03060309.case</string>
+ <key>brevecomb_tildecomb</key>
+ <string>uni03060303</string>
+ <key>brevecomb_tildecomb.case</key>
+ <string>uni03060303.case</string>
+ <key>breveinvertedcomb</key>
+ <string>uni0311</string>
+ <key>breveinvertedcomb.case</key>
+ <string>uni0311.case</string>
+ <key>bulletoperator</key>
+ <string>uni2219</string>
+ <key>bulletoperator.tf</key>
+ <string>uni2219.tf</string>
+ <key>caroncomb</key>
+ <string>uni030C</string>
+ <key>caroncomb.alt</key>
+ <string>uni030C.alt</string>
+ <key>caroncomb.case</key>
+ <string>uni030C.case</string>
+ <key>caroncomb.loclVIET</key>
+ <string>uni030C.loclVIET</string>
+ <key>caroncomb_dotaccentcomb</key>
+ <string>uni030C0307</string>
+ <key>ccedillaacute</key>
+ <string>uni1E09</string>
+ <key>cedi</key>
+ <string>uni20B5</string>
+ <key>cedillacomb</key>
+ <string>uni0327</string>
+ <key>che-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0447</string>
+ <key>chedescender-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04B7</string>
+ <key>chedieresis-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04F5</string>
+ <key>chekhakassian-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04CC</string>
+ <key>cheverticalstroke-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04B9</string>
+ <key>circumflexcomb</key>
+ <string>uni0302</string>
+ <key>circumflexcomb.case</key>
+ <string>uni0302.case</string>
+ <key>circumflexcomb.loclVIET</key>
+ <string>uni0302.loclVIET</string>
+ <key>circumflexcomb_acutecomb</key>
+ <string>uni03020301</string>
+ <key>circumflexcomb_acutecomb.case</key>
+ <string>uni03020301.case</string>
+ <key>circumflexcomb_gravecomb</key>
+ <string>uni03020300</string>
+ <key>circumflexcomb_gravecomb.case</key>
+ <string>uni03020300.case</string>
+ <key>circumflexcomb_hookabovecomb</key>
+ <string>uni03020309</string>
+ <key>circumflexcomb_hookabovecomb.case</key>
+ <string>uni03020309.case</string>
+ <key>circumflexcomb_tildecomb</key>
+ <string>uni03020303</string>
+ <key>circumflexcomb_tildecomb.case</key>
+ <string>uni03020303.case</string>
+ <key>colonsign</key>
+ <string>colonmonetary</string>
+ <key>commaaccentcomb</key>
+ <string>uni0326</string>
+ <key>commaturnedabovecomb</key>
+ <string>uni0312</string>
+ <key>commaturnedmod</key>
+ <string>uni02BB</string>
+ <key>commercialMinusSign</key>
+ <string>uni2052</string>
+ <key>commercialMinusSign.tf</key>
+ <string>uni2052.tf</string>
+ <key>dblgravecomb</key>
+ <string>uni030F</string>
+ <key>dblgravecomb.case</key>
+ <string>uni030F.case</string>
+ <key>ddotbelow</key>
+ <string>uni1E0D</string>
+ <key>de-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0434</string>
+ <key>descender-cy</key>
+ <string>descendercy</string>
+ <key>descender-cy.case</key>
+ <string>descendercy.case</string>
+ <key>descender-cy.strait</key>
+ <string>descendercy.strait</string>
+ <key>dieresisbelowcomb</key>
+ <string>uni0324</string>
+ <key>dieresiscomb</key>
+ <string>uni0308</string>
+ <key>dieresiscomb.case</key>
+ <string>uni0308.case</string>
+ <key>dieresiscomb.loclVIET</key>
+ <string>uni0308.loclVIET</string>
+ <key>dieresiscomb_acutecomb</key>
+ <string>uni03080301</string>
+ <key>dieresiscomb_caroncomb</key>
+ <string>uni0308030C</string>
+ <key>dieresiscomb_gravecomb</key>
+ <string>uni03080300</string>
+ <key>dieresiscomb_macroncomb</key>
+ <string>uni03080304</string>
+ <key>divisionslash</key>
+ <string>uni2215</string>
+ <key>divisionslash.tf</key>
+ <string>uni2215.tf</string>
+ <key>dje-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0452</string>
+ <key>dlinebelow</key>
+ <string>uni1E0F</string>
+ <key>dotaccentcomb</key>
+ <string>uni0307</string>
+ <key>dotaccentcomb.case</key>
+ <string>uni0307.case</string>
+ <key>dotaccentcomb.loclVIET</key>
+ <string>uni0307.loclVIET</string>
+ <key>dotaccentcomb_macroncomb</key>
+ <string>uni03070304</string>
+ <key>doubleprimemod</key>
+ <string>uni02BA</string>
+ <key>downArrow</key>
+ <string>arrowdown</string>
+ <key>dzcaron</key>
+ <string>uni01C6</string>
+ <key>dze-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0455</string>
+ <key>dzhe-cy</key>
+ <string>uni045F</string>
+ <key>e-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0454</string>
+ <key>ecedillabreve</key>
+ <string>uni1E1D</string>
+ <key>ecircumflexacute</key>
+ <string>uni1EBF</string>
+ <key>ecircumflexdotbelow</key>
+ <string>uni1EC7</string>
+ <key>ecircumflexgrave</key>
+ <string>uni1EC1</string>
+ <key>ecircumflexhookabove</key>
+ <string>uni1EC3</string>
+ <key>ecircumflextilde</key>
+ <string>uni1EC5</string>
+ <key>edblgrave</key>
+ <string>uni0205</string>
+ <key>edotbelow</key>
+ <string>uni1EB9</string>
+ <key>ef-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0444</string>
+ <key>ehookabove</key>
+ <string>uni1EBB</string>
+ <key>eightinferior</key>
+ <string>uni2088</string>
+ <key>eightsuperior</key>
+ <string>uni2078</string>
+ <key>einvertedbreve</key>
+ <string>uni0207</string>
+ <key>el-cy</key>
+ <string>uni043B</string>
+ <key>em-cy</key>
+ <string>uni043C</string>
+ <key>emacronacute</key>
+ <string>uni1E17</string>
+ <key>emacrongrave</key>
+ <string>uni1E15</string>
+ <key>emquad</key>
+ <string>uni2001</string>
+ <key>emspace</key>
+ <string>uni2003</string>
+ <key>en-cy</key>
+ <string>uni043D</string>
+ <key>endescender-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04A3</string>
+ <key>enghe-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04A5</string>
+ <key>enquad</key>
+ <string>uni2000</string>
+ <key>enspace</key>
+ <string>uni2002</string>
+ <key>er-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0440</string>
+ <key>ereversed-cy</key>
+ <string>uni044D</string>
+ <key>es-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0441</string>
+ <key>esdescender-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04AB</string>
+ <key>etilde</key>
+ <string>uni1EBD</string>
+ <key>euro</key>
+ <string>Euro</string>
+ <key>figurespace</key>
+ <string>uni2007</string>
+ <key>firsttonechinese</key>
+ <string>uni02C9</string>
+ <key>fita-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0473</string>
+ <key>fiveinferior</key>
+ <string>uni2085</string>
+ <key>fivesixths</key>
+ <string>uni215A</string>
+ <key>fivesuperior</key>
+ <string>uni2075</string>
+ <key>fourfifths</key>
+ <string>uni2158</string>
+ <key>fourinferior</key>
+ <string>uni2084</string>
+ <key>fourperemspace</key>
+ <string>uni2005</string>
+ <key>foursuperior</key>
+ <string>uni2074</string>
+ <key>fourthtonechinese</key>
+ <string>uni02CB</string>
+ <key>gcommaaccent</key>
+ <string>uni0123</string>
+ <key>ge-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0433</string>
+ <key>gedescender-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04F7</string>
+ <key>ghemiddlehook-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0495</string>
+ <key>ghestroke-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0493</string>
+ <key>gheupturn-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0491</string>
+ <key>gje-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0453</string>
+ <key>gmacron</key>
+ <string>uni1E21</string>
+ <key>guarani</key>
+ <string>uni20B2</string>
+ <key>guillemetleft</key>
+ <string>guillemotleft</string>
+ <key>guillemetright</key>
+ <string>guillemotright</string>
+ <key>ha-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0445</string>
+ <key>hadescender-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04B3</string>
+ <key>hairspace</key>
+ <string>uni200A</string>
+ <key>hardsign-cy</key>
+ <string>uni044A</string>
+ <key>hbrevebelow</key>
+ <string>uni1E2B</string>
+ <key>hdotbelow</key>
+ <string>uni1E25</string>
+ <key>horizontalbar</key>
+ <string>uni2015</string>
+ <key>horncomb</key>
+ <string>uni031B</string>
+ <key>hryvnia</key>
+ <string>uni20B4</string>
+ <key>hungarumlautcomb</key>
+ <string>uni030B</string>
+ <key>hungarumlautcomb.case</key>
+ <string>uni030B.case</string>
+ <key>hyphentwo</key>
+ <string>uni2010</string>
+ <key>i-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0456</string>
+ <key>ia-cy</key>
+ <string>uni044F</string>
+ <key>icaron</key>
+ <string>uni01D0</string>
+ <key>idblgrave</key>
+ <string>uni0209</string>
+ <key>idieresis-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04E5</string>
+ <key>idieresisacute</key>
+ <string>uni1E2F</string>
+ <key>idotaccent</key>
+ <string>i.loclTRK</string>
+ <key>idotbelow</key>
+ <string>uni1ECB</string>
+ <key>idotless</key>
+ <string>dotlessi</string>
+ <key>ie-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0435</string>
+ <key>iebreve-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04D7</string>
+ <key>iegrave-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0450</string>
+ <key>ihookabove</key>
+ <string>uni1EC9</string>
+ <key>ii-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0438</string>
+ <key>iigrave-cy</key>
+ <string>uni045D</string>
+ <key>iinvertedbreve</key>
+ <string>uni020B</string>
+ <key>iishort-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0439</string>
+ <key>imacron-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04E3</string>
+ <key>increment</key>
+ <string>uni2206</string>
+ <key>io-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0451</string>
+ <key>iu-cy</key>
+ <string>uni044E</string>
+ <key>izhitsa-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0475</string>
+ <key>jacute</key>
+ <string>uni006A0301</string>
+ <key>jdotless</key>
+ <string>uni0237</string>
+ <key>je-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0458</string>
+ <key>ka-cy</key>
+ <string>uni043A</string>
+ <key>kabashkir-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04A1</string>
+ <key>kacute</key>
+ <string>uni1E31</string>
+ <key>kadescender-cy</key>
+ <string>uni049B</string>
+ <key>kaverticalstroke-cy</key>
+ <string>uni049D</string>
+ <key>kcommaaccent</key>
+ <string>uni0137</string>
+ <key>kip</key>
+ <string>uni20AD</string>
+ <key>kje-cy</key>
+ <string>uni045C</string>
+ <key>lcommaaccent</key>
+ <string>uni013C</string>
+ <key>ldotbelow</key>
+ <string>uni1E37</string>
+ <key>leftArrow</key>
+ <string>arrowleft</string>
+ <key>leftanglebracket-math</key>
+ <string>uni27E8</string>
+ <key>liraTurkish</key>
+ <string>uni20BA</string>
+ <key>literSign</key>
+ <string>uni2113</string>
+ <key>lj</key>
+ <string>uni01C9</string>
+ <key>lje-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0459</string>
+ <key>llinebelow</key>
+ <string>uni1E3B</string>
+ <key>macronbelowcomb</key>
+ <string>uni0331</string>
+ <key>macronbelowcomb.narrow</key>
+ <string>uni0331.narrow</string>
+ <key>macroncomb</key>
+ <string>uni0304</string>
+ <key>macroncomb.case</key>
+ <string>uni0304.case</string>
+ <key>macroncomb.loclVIET</key>
+ <string>uni0304.loclVIET</string>
+ <key>macroncomb.narrow</key>
+ <string>uni0304.narrow</string>
+ <key>macroncomb.narrow.case</key>
+ <string>uni0304.narrow.case</string>
+ <key>macroncomb_acutecomb</key>
+ <string>uni03040301</string>
+ <key>macroncomb_dieresiscomb</key>
+ <string>uni03040308</string>
+ <key>macroncomb_gravecomb</key>
+ <string>uni03040300</string>
+ <key>manat</key>
+ <string>uni20BC</string>
+ <key>mdotbelow</key>
+ <string>uni1E43</string>
+ <key>micro</key>
+ <string>uni00B5</string>
+ <key>naira</key>
+ <string>uni20A6</string>
+ <key>nbspace</key>
+ <string>uni00A0</string>
+ <key>ncommaaccent</key>
+ <string>uni0146</string>
+ <key>ndotaccent</key>
+ <string>uni1E45</string>
+ <key>ndotbelow</key>
+ <string>uni1E47</string>
+ <key>nineinferior</key>
+ <string>uni2089</string>
+ <key>ninesuperior</key>
+ <string>uni2079</string>
+ <key>nj</key>
+ <string>uni01CC</string>
+ <key>nje-cy</key>
+ <string>uni045A</string>
+ <key>nlinebelow</key>
+ <string>uni1E49</string>
+ <key>nonbreakinghyphen</key>
+ <string>uni2011</string>
+ <key>notidentical</key>
+ <string>uni2262</string>
+ <key>notidentical.tf</key>
+ <string>uni2262.tf</string>
+ <key>numero</key>
+ <string>uni2116</string>
+ <key>o-cy</key>
+ <string>uni043E</string>
+ <key>obarred-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04E9</string>
+ <key>ocaron</key>
+ <string>uni01D2</string>
+ <key>ocircumflexacute</key>
+ <string>uni1ED1</string>
+ <key>ocircumflexdotbelow</key>
+ <string>uni1ED9</string>
+ <key>ocircumflexgrave</key>
+ <string>uni1ED3</string>
+ <key>ocircumflexhookabove</key>
+ <string>uni1ED5</string>
+ <key>ocircumflextilde</key>
+ <string>uni1ED7</string>
+ <key>odblgrave</key>
+ <string>uni020D</string>
+ <key>odieresis-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04E7</string>
+ <key>odieresismacron</key>
+ <string>uni022B</string>
+ <key>odotaccentmacron</key>
+ <string>uni0231</string>
+ <key>odotbelow</key>
+ <string>uni1ECD</string>
+ <key>ogonekcomb</key>
+ <string>uni0328</string>
+ <key>ogonekcomb.narrow</key>
+ <string>uni0328.narrow</string>
+ <key>ogonekcomb.tall</key>
+ <string>uni0328.tall</string>
+ <key>ogonekcomb.tall.case</key>
+ <string>uni0328.tall.case</string>
+ <key>ohookabove</key>
+ <string>uni1ECF</string>
+ <key>ohornacute</key>
+ <string>uni1EDB</string>
+ <key>ohorndotbelow</key>
+ <string>uni1EE3</string>
+ <key>ohorngrave</key>
+ <string>uni1EDD</string>
+ <key>ohornhookabove</key>
+ <string>uni1EDF</string>
+ <key>ohorntilde</key>
+ <string>uni1EE1</string>
+ <key>oinvertedbreve</key>
+ <string>uni020F</string>
+ <key>omacronacute</key>
+ <string>uni1E53</string>
+ <key>omacrongrave</key>
+ <string>uni1E51</string>
+ <key>onefifth</key>
+ <string>uni2155</string>
+ <key>onefraction</key>
+ <string>uni215F</string>
+ <key>oneinferior</key>
+ <string>uni2081</string>
+ <key>oneninth</key>
+ <string>uni2151</string>
+ <key>oneseventh</key>
+ <string>uni2150</string>
+ <key>onesixth</key>
+ <string>uni2159</string>
+ <key>onesuperior</key>
+ <string>uni00B9</string>
+ <key>onetenth</key>
+ <string>uni2152</string>
+ <key>onethird</key>
+ <string>uni2153</string>
+ <key>oogonek</key>
+ <string>uni01EB</string>
+ <key>otildeacute</key>
+ <string>uni1E4D</string>
+ <key>otildedieresis</key>
+ <string>uni1E4F</string>
+ <key>otildemacron</key>
+ <string>uni022D</string>
+ <key>palochka-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04CF</string>
+ <key>pe-cy</key>
+ <string>uni043F</string>
+ <key>peso</key>
+ <string>uni20B1</string>
+ <key>primeReversed</key>
+ <string>uni2035</string>
+ <key>primemod</key>
+ <string>uni02B9</string>
+ <key>punctuationspace</key>
+ <string>uni2008</string>
+ <key>qa-cy</key>
+ <string>uni051B</string>
+ <key>ratio</key>
+ <string>uni2236</string>
+ <key>rcommaaccent</key>
+ <string>uni0157</string>
+ <key>rdblgrave</key>
+ <string>uni0211</string>
+ <key>rdotbelow</key>
+ <string>uni1E5B</string>
+ <key>rightArrow</key>
+ <string>arrowright</string>
+ <key>rightanglebracket-math</key>
+ <string>uni27E9</string>
+ <key>ringcomb</key>
+ <string>uni030A</string>
+ <key>ringcomb.case</key>
+ <string>uni030A.case</string>
+ <key>ringcomb_acutecomb</key>
+ <string>uni030A0301</string>
+ <key>ringcomb_acutecomb.case</key>
+ <string>uni030A0301.case</string>
+ <key>ringhalfleft</key>
+ <string>uni02BF</string>
+ <key>ringhalfright</key>
+ <string>uni02BE</string>
+ <key>rinvertedbreve</key>
+ <string>uni0213</string>
+ <key>rlinebelow</key>
+ <string>uni1E5F</string>
+ <key>ruble</key>
+ <string>uni20BD</string>
+ <key>rupeeIndian</key>
+ <string>uni20B9</string>
+ <key>sacutedotaccent</key>
+ <string>uni1E65</string>
+ <key>saltillo</key>
+ <string>uniA78C</string>
+ <key>scarondotaccent</key>
+ <string>uni1E67</string>
+ <key>schwa</key>
+ <string>uni0259</string>
+ <key>schwa-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04D9</string>
+ <key>scommaaccent</key>
+ <string>uni0219</string>
+ <key>sdotaccent</key>
+ <string>uni1E61</string>
+ <key>sdotbelow</key>
+ <string>uni1E63</string>
+ <key>sdotbelowdotaccent</key>
+ <string>uni1E69</string>
+ <key>secondtonechinese</key>
+ <string>uni02CA</string>
+ <key>seveninferior</key>
+ <string>uni2087</string>
+ <key>sevensuperior</key>
+ <string>uni2077</string>
+ <key>sha-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0448</string>
+ <key>shcha-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0449</string>
+ <key>shha-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04BB</string>
+ <key>sixinferior</key>
+ <string>uni2086</string>
+ <key>sixperemspace</key>
+ <string>uni2006</string>
+ <key>sixsuperior</key>
+ <string>uni2076</string>
+ <key>slashlongcomb</key>
+ <string>uni0338</string>
+ <key>slashlongcomb.case</key>
+ <string>uni0338.case</string>
+ <key>slashshortcomb</key>
+ <string>uni0337</string>
+ <key>slashshortcomb.case</key>
+ <string>uni0337.case</string>
+ <key>softhyphen</key>
+ <string>uni00AD</string>
+ <key>softsign-cy</key>
+ <string>uni044C</string>
+ <key>strokelongcomb</key>
+ <string>uni0336</string>
+ <key>strokeshortcomb</key>
+ <string>uni0335</string>
+ <key>strokeshortcomb.case</key>
+ <string>uni0335.case</string>
+ <key>tcedilla</key>
+ <string>uni0163</string>
+ <key>tcommaaccent</key>
+ <string>uni021B</string>
+ <key>tdieresis</key>
+ <string>uni1E97</string>
+ <key>tdotbelow</key>
+ <string>uni1E6D</string>
+ <key>te-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0442</string>
+ <key>tenge</key>
+ <string>uni20B8</string>
+ <key>thinspace</key>
+ <string>uni2009</string>
+ <key>threefifths</key>
+ <string>uni2157</string>
+ <key>threeinferior</key>
+ <string>uni2083</string>
+ <key>threeperemspace</key>
+ <string>uni2004</string>
+ <key>threesuperior</key>
+ <string>uni00B3</string>
+ <key>tildecomb_dieresiscomb</key>
+ <string>uni03030308</string>
+ <key>tildecomb_macroncomb</key>
+ <string>uni03030304</string>
+ <key>tlinebelow</key>
+ <string>uni1E6F</string>
+ <key>tripleprime</key>
+ <string>uni2034</string>
+ <key>tse-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0446</string>
+ <key>tshe-cy</key>
+ <string>uni045B</string>
+ <key>tugrik</key>
+ <string>uni20AE</string>
+ <key>twofifths</key>
+ <string>uni2156</string>
+ <key>twoinferior</key>
+ <string>uni2082</string>
+ <key>twosuperior</key>
+ <string>uni00B2</string>
+ <key>twothirds</key>
+ <string>uni2154</string>
+ <key>u-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0443</string>
+ <key>ucaron</key>
+ <string>uni01D4</string>
+ <key>udblgrave</key>
+ <string>uni0215</string>
+ <key>udieresis-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04F1</string>
+ <key>udieresisacute</key>
+ <string>uni01D8</string>
+ <key>udieresiscaron</key>
+ <string>uni01DA</string>
+ <key>udieresisgrave</key>
+ <string>uni01DC</string>
+ <key>udieresismacron</key>
+ <string>uni01D6</string>
+ <key>udotbelow</key>
+ <string>uni1EE5</string>
+ <key>uhookabove</key>
+ <string>uni1EE7</string>
+ <key>uhornacute</key>
+ <string>uni1EE9</string>
+ <key>uhorndotbelow</key>
+ <string>uni1EF1</string>
+ <key>uhorngrave</key>
+ <string>uni1EEB</string>
+ <key>uhornhookabove</key>
+ <string>uni1EED</string>
+ <key>uhorntilde</key>
+ <string>uni1EEF</string>
+ <key>uhungarumlaut-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04F3</string>
+ <key>uinvertedbreve</key>
+ <string>uni0217</string>
+ <key>umacron-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04EF</string>
+ <key>umacrondieresis</key>
+ <string>uni1E7B</string>
+ <key>upArrow</key>
+ <string>arrowup</string>
+ <key>ushort-cy</key>
+ <string>uni045E</string>
+ <key>ustraight-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04AF</string>
+ <key>ustraightstroke-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04B1</string>
+ <key>utildeacute</key>
+ <string>uni1E79</string>
+ <key>ve-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0432</string>
+ <key>verticallineabovecomb</key>
+ <string>uni030D</string>
+ <key>verticallinebelowcomb</key>
+ <string>uni0329</string>
+ <key>verticallinelowmod</key>
+ <string>uni02CC</string>
+ <key>verticallinemod</key>
+ <string>uni02C8</string>
+ <key>we-cy</key>
+ <string>uni051D</string>
+ <key>whiteCircle</key>
+ <string>circle</string>
+ <key>won</key>
+ <string>uni20A9</string>
+ <key>yat-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0463</string>
+ <key>ydotaccent</key>
+ <string>uni1E8F</string>
+ <key>ydotbelow</key>
+ <string>uni1EF5</string>
+ <key>yeru-cy</key>
+ <string>uni044B</string>
+ <key>yerudieresis-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04F9</string>
+ <key>yhookabove</key>
+ <string>uni1EF7</string>
+ <key>yi-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0457</string>
+ <key>ymacron</key>
+ <string>uni0233</string>
+ <key>ytilde</key>
+ <string>uni1EF9</string>
+ <key>yusbig-cy</key>
+ <string>uni046B</string>
+ <key>zdotbelow</key>
+ <string>uni1E93</string>
+ <key>ze-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0437</string>
+ <key>zedescender-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0499</string>
+ <key>zedieresis-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04DF</string>
+ <key>zeroinferior</key>
+ <string>uni2080</string>
+ <key>zerosuperior</key>
+ <string>uni2070</string>
+ <key>zerothird</key>
+ <string>uni2189</string>
+ <key>zerowidthspace</key>
+ <string>uni200B</string>
+ <key>zhe-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0436</string>
+ <key>zhebreve-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04C2</string>
+ <key>zhedescender-cy</key>
+ <string>uni0497</string>
+ <key>zhedieresis-cy</key>
+ <string>uni04DD</string>
+ </dict>
+ <key>width</key>
+ <integer>30</integer>
+ </dict>
diff --git a/src/Cantarell-Regular.ufo/metainfo.plist b/src/Cantarell-Regular.ufo/metainfo.plist
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7b8b34ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Cantarell-Regular.ufo/metainfo.plist
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
+<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
+<plist version="1.0">
+ <dict>
+ <key>creator</key>
+ <string>com.github.fonttools.ufoLib</string>
+ <key>formatVersion</key>
+ <integer>3</integer>
+ </dict>
diff --git a/src/Cantarell.designspace b/src/Cantarell.designspace
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6bd0e92a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Cantarell.designspace
@@ -0,0 +1,281 @@
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
+<designspace format="4.0">
+ <axes>
+ <axis tag="wght" name="Weight" minimum="100" maximum="800" default="400">
+ <map input="100" output="20"/>
+ <map input="300" output="40"/>
+ <map input="400" output="80"/>
+ <map input="700" output="126"/>
+ <map input="800" output="170"/>
+ </axis>
+ </axes>
+ <sources>
+ <source filename="Cantarell-Light.ufo" name="Cantarell Light" familyname="Cantarell" stylename="Light">
+ <location>
+ <dimension name="Weight" xvalue="20"/>
+ </location>
+ </source>
+ <source filename="Cantarell-Regular.ufo" name="Cantarell Regular" familyname="Cantarell"
+ <lib copy="1"/>
+ <groups copy="1"/>
+ <features copy="1"/>
+ <info copy="1"/>
+ <location>
+ <dimension name="Weight" xvalue="80"/>
+ </location>
+ </source>
+ <source filename="Cantarell-Bold.ufo" name="Cantarell Bold" familyname="Cantarell" stylename="Bold">
+ <location>
+ <dimension name="Weight" xvalue="170"/>
+ </location>
+ </source>
+ </sources>
+ <instances>
+ <instance name="Cantarell Thin" familyname="Cantarell" stylename="Thin"
+ <location>
+ <dimension name="Weight" xvalue="20"/>
+ </location>
+ <kerning/>
+ <info/>
+ <lib>
+ <dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.export</key>
+ <true/>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.intanceInterpolations</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>0B2E441B-685E-400D-9B9B-E078DEED62EF</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.manualInterpolation</key>
+ <false/>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.weight</key>
+ <string>Thin</string>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.width</key>
+ <string>Medium (normal)</string>
+ </dict>
+ </lib>
+ </instance>
+ <instance name="Cantarell Light" familyname="Cantarell" stylename="Light"
+ <location>
+ <dimension name="Weight" xvalue="40"/>
+ </location>
+ <kerning/>
+ <info/>
+ <lib>
+ <dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.export</key>
+ <true/>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.intanceInterpolations</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>0B2E441B-685E-400D-9B9B-E078DEED62EF</key>
+ <real>0.66667</real>
+ <key>F333AEC5-BB61-4D5E-9EDD-6124322D28F2</key>
+ <real>0.33333</real>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.manualInterpolation</key>
+ <false/>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.weight</key>
+ <string>Light</string>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.width</key>
+ <string>Medium (normal)</string>
+ </dict>
+ </lib>
+ </instance>
+ <instance name="Cantarell Regular" familyname="Cantarell" stylename="Regular"
+ <location>
+ <dimension name="Weight" xvalue="80"/>
+ </location>
+ <kerning/>
+ <info/>
+ <lib>
+ <dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.export</key>
+ <true/>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.intanceInterpolations</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>F333AEC5-BB61-4D5E-9EDD-6124322D28F2</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.manualInterpolation</key>
+ <false/>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.weight</key>
+ <string>Regular</string>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.width</key>
+ <string>Medium (normal)</string>
+ </dict>
+ </lib>
+ </instance>
+ <instance name="Cantarell Regular Interpolated" familyname="Cantarell" stylename="Regular Interpolated"
+ <location>
+ <dimension name="Weight" xvalue="80"/>
+ </location>
+ <kerning/>
+ <info/>
+ <lib>
+ <dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.customParameters</key>
+ <array>
+ <array>
+ <string>Disable Masters</string>
+ <array>
+ <string>Regular</string>
+ </array>
+ </array>
+ </array>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.export</key>
+ <false/>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.intanceInterpolations</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>0B2E441B-685E-400D-9B9B-E078DEED62EF</key>
+ <real>0.6</real>
+ <key>51C2DFEF-3776-4D13-9284-96485B799B57</key>
+ <real>0.4</real>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.manualInterpolation</key>
+ <false/>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.weight</key>
+ <string>Regular</string>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.width</key>
+ <string>Medium (normal)</string>
+ </dict>
+ </lib>
+ </instance>
+ <instance name="Cantarell Bold" familyname="Cantarell" stylename="Bold"
filename="instance_ufos/Cantarell-Bold.ufo" stylemapfamilyname="Cantarell" stylemapstylename="bold">
+ <location>
+ <dimension name="Weight" xvalue="126"/>
+ </location>
+ <kerning/>
+ <info/>
+ <lib>
+ <dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.export</key>
+ <true/>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.intanceInterpolations</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>51C2DFEF-3776-4D13-9284-96485B799B57</key>
+ <real>0.51111</real>
+ <key>F333AEC5-BB61-4D5E-9EDD-6124322D28F2</key>
+ <real>0.48889</real>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.manualInterpolation</key>
+ <false/>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.weight</key>
+ <string>Bold</string>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.width</key>
+ <string>Medium (normal)</string>
+ </dict>
+ </lib>
+ </instance>
+ <instance name="Cantarell Extra Bold" familyname="Cantarell" stylename="Extra Bold"
+ <location>
+ <dimension name="Weight" xvalue="170"/>
+ </location>
+ <kerning/>
+ <info/>
+ <lib>
+ <dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.export</key>
+ <true/>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.intanceInterpolations</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>51C2DFEF-3776-4D13-9284-96485B799B57</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
+ </dict>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.manualInterpolation</key>
+ <false/>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.weight</key>
+ <string>ExtraBold</string>
+ <key>com.schriftgestaltung.width</key>
+ <string>Medium (normal)</string>
+ </dict>
+ </lib>
+ </instance>
+ </instances>
+ <lib>
+ <dict>
+ <key>GSDimensionPlugin.Dimensions</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>0B2E441B-685E-400D-9B9B-E078DEED62EF</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>HH</key>
+ <string>19</string>
+ <key>HV</key>
+ <string>22</string>
+ <key>OH</key>
+ <string>19</string>
+ <key>OV</key>
+ <string>22</string>
+ <key>nV</key>
+ <string>21</string>
+ <key>nd</key>
+ <string>14</string>
+ <key>oH</key>
+ <string>18</string>
+ <key>oV</key>
+ <string>21</string>
+ <key>tH</key>
+ <string>17</string>
+ </dict>
+ <key>51C2DFEF-3776-4D13-9284-96485B799B57</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>HH</key>
+ <string>156</string>
+ <key>HV</key>
+ <string>176</string>
+ <key>OH</key>
+ <string>150</string>
+ <key>OV</key>
+ <string>180</string>
+ <key>nV</key>
+ <string>173</string>
+ <key>nd</key>
+ <string>125</string>
+ <key>oH</key>
+ <string>144</string>
+ <key>oV</key>
+ <string>176</string>
+ <key>tH</key>
+ <string>135</string>
+ </dict>
+ <key>F333AEC5-BB61-4D5E-9EDD-6124322D28F2</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>HH</key>
+ <string>72</string>
+ <key>HV</key>
+ <string>83</string>
+ <key>OH</key>
+ <string>73</string>
+ <key>OV</key>
+ <string>85</string>
+ <key>nV</key>
+ <string>80</string>
+ <key>nd</key>
+ <string>55</string>
+ <key>oH</key>
+ <string>70</string>
+ <key>oV</key>
+ <string>80</string>
+ <key>tH</key>
+ <string>67</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>public.skipExportGlyphs</key>
+ <array>
+ <string>_bar-cy</string>
+ <string>_bottomhook</string>
+ <string>_commaaccent</string>
+ <string>_currencyvstem</string>
+ <string>_descender-cy.case.straight</string>
+ <string>_descenderreverse-cy.case</string>
+ <string>_descenderreversed-cy</string>
+ <string>_o.numero</string>
+ <string>_slash.zero</string>
+ <string>_slash.zero.osf</string>
+ <string>_typoquote</string>
+ <string>hryvnia</string>
+ <string>tenge</string>
+ <string>tugrik</string>
+ </array>
+ </dict>
+ </lib>
diff --git a/src/Cantarell.stylespace b/src/Cantarell.stylespace
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6c9ffa85
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Cantarell.stylespace
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
+<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
+<plist version="1.0">
+ <dict>
+ <key>axes</key>
+ <array>
+ <dict>
+ <key>name</key>
+ <string>Weight</string>
+ <key>tag</key>
+ <string>wght</string>
+ <key>locations</key>
+ <array>
+ <dict>
+ <key>name</key>
+ <string>Thin</string>
+ <key>value</key>
+ <integer>100</integer>
+ </dict>
+ <dict>
+ <key>name</key>
+ <string>Light</string>
+ <key>value</key>
+ <integer>300</integer>
+ </dict>
+ <dict>
+ <key>name</key>
+ <string>Regular</string>
+ <key>value</key>
+ <integer>400</integer>
+ <key>linked_value</key>
+ <integer>700</integer>
+ <key>flags</key>
+ <array>
+ <string>ElidableAxisValueName</string>
+ </array>
+ </dict>
+ <dict>
+ <key>name</key>
+ <string>Bold</string>
+ <key>value</key>
+ <integer>700</integer>
+ </dict>
+ <dict>
+ <key>name</key>
+ <string>Extra Bold</string>
+ <key>value</key>
+ <integer>800</integer>
+ </dict>
+ </array>
+ </dict>
+ </array>
+ </dict>
diff --git a/src/meson.build b/src/meson.build
index f452eb00..bdc83a9b 100644
--- a/src/meson.build
+++ b/src/meson.build
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
- 'cantarell-fonts',
- input: 'Cantarell.glyphs',
+ 'cantarell-static-fonts',
+ input: 'Cantarell.designspace',
output: [
@@ -8,7 +8,22 @@ custom_target(
- command: [python3, fontmake_wrapper, fontmake, psautohint, '@INPUT@', '@OUTDIR@'],
+ command: [python3, make_static_fonts, '@INPUT@', psautohint, '@OUTDIR@'],
+ install: true,
+ install_dir: fontsdir,
+ 'cantarell-variable-font',
+ input: 'Cantarell.designspace',
+ output: 'Cantarell.ttf',
+ command: [
+ python3,
+ make_variable_font,
+ '@INPUT@',
+ join_paths(meson.current_source_dir(), 'Cantarell.stylespace'),
+ '@OUTPUT@'
+ ],
install: true,
install_dir: fontsdir,
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