[gtk/gtk-3-24-meson: 3/64] meson: Sync build files with master and update to 3.24
- From: Christoph Reiter <creiter src gnome org>
- To: commits-list gnome org
- Cc:
- Subject: [gtk/gtk-3-24-meson: 3/64] meson: Sync build files with master and update to 3.24
- Date: Sat, 30 Mar 2019 16:10:44 +0000 (UTC)
commit 4541cebf2e85278d5279aa770ffb9ca1d3524276
Author: Nirbheek Chauhan <nirbheek centricular com>
Date: Tue Nov 20 01:37:09 2018 +0530
meson: Sync build files with master and update to 3.24
build-aux/meson/post-install.sh | 26 ++
config.h.meson | 329 +++++++++++++++++
demos/gtk-demo/geninclude.py | 108 ++++++
demos/gtk-demo/meson.build | 3 +-
demos/icon-browser/meson.build | 1 -
demos/widget-factory/meson.build | 1 -
gdk/broadway/meson.build | 78 ++++
gdk/gdkconfig.h.meson | 20 +
gdk/gen-gdk-gresources-xml.py | 33 ++
gdk/meson.build | 329 ++++++-----------
gdk/quartz/meson.build | 51 +++
gdk/wayland/meson.build | 214 ++++++-----
gdk/win32/meson.build | 48 +++
gdk/x11/meson.build | 81 ++++
gtk/Makefile.am | 4 +-
gtk/a11y/meson.build | 61 ++-
gtk/deprecated/meson.build | 47 ++-
gtk/gen-gtk-gresources-xml.py | 89 +++++
gtk/gentypefuncs.py | 55 +++
gtk/gtktestutils.c | 2 +-
gtk/inspector/meson.build | 4 +-
gtk/meson.build | 620 +++++++++++++++++++------------
gtk/theme/Adwaita/meson.build | 30 ++
gtk/theme/HighContrast/meson.build | 29 ++
meson.build | 734 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------
meson_options.txt | 42 ++-
modules/meson.build | 8 +
testsuite/gdk/meson.build | 16 +-
testsuite/gtk/meson.build | 257 ++++++-------
29 files changed, 2431 insertions(+), 889 deletions(-)
diff --git a/build-aux/meson/post-install.sh b/build-aux/meson/post-install.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..3471336bdb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build-aux/meson/post-install.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+# Package managers set this so we don't need to run
+if [ -z "$DESTDIR" ]; then
+ echo Compiling GSettings schemas...
+ glib-compile-schemas ${gtk_datadir}/glib-2.0/schemas
+ echo Updating desktop database...
+ update-desktop-database -q ${gtk_datadir}/applications
+ echo Updating icon cache...
+ gtk-update-icon-cache -q -t -f ${gtk_datadir}/icons/hicolor
+ echo Updating module cache for print backends...
+ mkdir -p ${gtk_libdir}/gtk-3.0/3.0.0/printbackends
+ gio-querymodules ${gtk_libdir}/gtk-3.0/3.0.0/printbackends
+ echo Updating module cache for input methods...
+ mkdir -p ${gtk_libdir}/gtk-3.0/3.0.0/immodules
+ gio-querymodules ${gtk_libdir}/gtk-3.0/3.0.0/immodules
diff --git a/config.h.meson b/config.h.meson
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9fd690f966
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config.h.meson
@@ -0,0 +1,329 @@
+/* config.h.in. Generated from configure.ac by autoheader. */
+/* always defined to indicate that i18n is enabled */
+#mesondefine ENABLE_NLS
+/* The prefix for our gettext translation domains. */
+#mesondefine GETTEXT_PACKAGE
+/* Disable deprecation warnings from glib */
+/* Define the location where the catalogs will be installed */
+#mesondefine GTK_LOCALEDIR
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `bind_textdomain_codeset' function. */
+/* define if we have colord */
+#mesondefine HAVE_COLORD
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <crt_externs.h> header file. */
+#mesondefine HAVE_CRT_EXTERNS_H
+/* Define to 1 if CUPS 1.6 API is available */
+#mesondefine HAVE_CUPS_API_1_6
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `dcgettext' function. */
+#mesondefine HAVE_DCGETTEXT
+/* Define to 1 if you have the declaration of `isinf', and to 0 if you don't.
+ */
+#mesondefine HAVE_DECL_ISINF
+/* Define to 1 if you have the declaration of `isnan', and to 0 if you don't.
+ */
+#mesondefine HAVE_DECL_ISNAN
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <dlfcn.h> header file. */
+#mesondefine HAVE_DLFCN_H
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <ftw.h> header file. */
+#mesondefine HAVE_FTW_H
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `getpagesize' function. */
+#mesondefine HAVE_GETPAGESIZE
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `getresuid' function. */
+#mesondefine HAVE_GETRESUID
+/* Define if the GNU gettext() function is already present or preinstalled. */
+#mesondefine HAVE_GETTEXT
+/* Define if gio-unix is available */
+#mesondefine HAVE_GIO_UNIX
+/* Have GNU ftw */
+#mesondefine HAVE_GNU_FTW
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `httpGetAuthString' function. */
+/* Define if cups http_t authstring field is accessible */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <inttypes.h> header file. */
+#mesondefine HAVE_INTTYPES_H
+/* Define to 1 if the system has the type `IPrintDialogCallback'. */
+/* Define if your <locale.h> file defines LC_MESSAGES. */
+#mesondefine HAVE_LC_MESSAGES
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `m' library (-lm). */
+#mesondefine HAVE_LIBM
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <locale.h> header file. */
+#mesondefine HAVE_LOCALE_H
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `localtime_r' function. */
+#mesondefine HAVE_LOCALTIME_R
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `lstat' function. */
+#mesondefine HAVE_LSTAT
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `mallinfo' function. */
+#mesondefine HAVE_MALLINFO
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <memory.h> header file. */
+#mesondefine HAVE_MEMORY_H
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `mkstemp' function. */
+#mesondefine HAVE_MKSTEMP
+/* Define to 1 if you have a working `mmap' system call. */
+#mesondefine HAVE_MMAP
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `nearbyint' function. */
+#mesondefine HAVE_NEARBYINT
+/* Define to 1 if libpapi available */
+#mesondefine HAVE_PAPI
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `posix_fallocate' function. */
+/* Have the Xrandr extension library */
+#mesondefine HAVE_RANDR
+/* Have the Xrandr 1.5 extension library */
+#mesondefine HAVE_RANDR15
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `rint' function. */
+#mesondefine HAVE_RINT
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `round' function. */
+#mesondefine HAVE_ROUND
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `sincos' function. */
+#mesondefine HAVE_SINCOS
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `log2` function */
+#mesondefine HAVE_LOG2
+/* Define to 1 if you ahve the `exp2` function */
+#mesondefine HAVE_EXP2
+/* Have the sockaddr_un.sun_len member */
+/* Define to 1 if solaris xinerama is available */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <stdint.h> header file. */
+#mesondefine HAVE_STDINT_H
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <stdlib.h> header file. */
+#mesondefine HAVE_STDLIB_H
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <strings.h> header file. */
+#mesondefine HAVE_STRINGS_H
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <string.h> header file. */
+#mesondefine HAVE_STRING_H
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/mman.h> header file. */
+#mesondefine HAVE_SYS_MMAN_H
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/param.h> header file. */
+#mesondefine HAVE_SYS_PARAM_H
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/stat.h> header file. */
+#mesondefine HAVE_SYS_STAT_H
+/* Define to 1 if sys/sysinfo.h is available */
+#mesondefine HAVE_SYS_SYSINFO_H
+/* Define to 1 if sys/systeminfo.h is available */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/time.h> header file. */
+#mesondefine HAVE_SYS_TIME_H
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/types.h> header file. */
+#mesondefine HAVE_SYS_TYPES_H
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <unistd.h> header file. */
+#mesondefine HAVE_UNISTD_H
+/* Have the XCOMPOSITE X extension */
+#mesondefine HAVE_XCOMPOSITE
+/* Have the Xcursor library */
+#mesondefine HAVE_XCURSOR
+/* Have the XDAMAGE X extension */
+#mesondefine HAVE_XDAMAGE
+/* Have the XFIXES X extension */
+#mesondefine HAVE_XFIXES
+/* Define to 1 if XFree Xinerama is available */
+/* Have XGenericEvent */
+/* Define to 1 if xinerama is available */
+#mesondefine HAVE_XINERAMA
+/* Define to use XKB extension */
+#mesondefine HAVE_XKB
+/* Have the SYNC extension library */
+#mesondefine HAVE_XSYNC
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `_lock_file' function */
+#mesondefine HAVE__LOCK_FILE
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `flockfile' function */
+#mesondefine HAVE_FLOCKFILE
+/* Define if _NL_MEASUREMENT_MEASUREMENT is available */
+/* Define if _NL_PAPER_HEIGHT is available */
+#mesondefine HAVE__NL_PAPER_HEIGHT
+/* Define if _NL_PAPER_WIDTH is available */
+#mesondefine HAVE__NL_PAPER_WIDTH
+/* Define if _NL_TIME_FIRST_WEEKDAY is available */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `_NSGetEnviron' function. */
+#mesondefine HAVE__NSGETENVIRON
+/* Define to the sub-directory where libtool stores uninstalled libraries. */
+#mesondefine LT_OBJDIR
+/* Define if <X11/extensions/XIproto.h> needed for xReply */
+/* Define to 1 if your C compiler doesn't accept -c and -o together. */
+#mesondefine NO_MINUS_C_MINUS_O
+/* Define to the address where bug reports for this package should be sent. */
+/* Define to the full name of this package. */
+#mesondefine PACKAGE_NAME
+/* Define to the full name and version of this package. */
+#mesondefine PACKAGE_STRING
+/* Define to the one symbol short name of this package. */
+#mesondefine PACKAGE_TARNAME
+/* Define to the home page for this package. */
+#mesondefine PACKAGE_URL
+/* Define to the version of this package. */
+#mesondefine PACKAGE_VERSION
+/* Use NSBundle functions to determine load paths for libraries, translations,
+ etc. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the ANSI C header files. */
+#mesondefine STDC_HEADERS
+/* Define to 1 if gmodule works and should be used */
+#mesondefine USE_GMODULE
+/* Enable extensions on AIX 3, Interix. */
+#ifndef _ALL_SOURCE
+# undef _ALL_SOURCE
+/* Enable GNU extensions on systems that have them. */
+#ifndef _GNU_SOURCE
+# undef _GNU_SOURCE
+/* Enable threading extensions on Solaris. */
+/* Enable extensions on HP NonStop. */
+/* Enable general extensions on Solaris. */
+#ifndef __EXTENSIONS__
+# undef __EXTENSIONS__
+/* Define to 1 if XInput 2.0 is available */
+#mesondefine XINPUT_2
+/* Define to 1 if XInput 2.2 is available */
+#mesondefine XINPUT_2_2
+/* Define to 1 if the X Window System is missing or not being used. */
+#mesondefine X_DISPLAY_MISSING
+/* Enable large inode numbers on Mac OS X 10.5. */
+# define _DARWIN_USE_64_BIT_INODE 1
+/* Number of bits in a file offset, on hosts where this is settable. */
+#mesondefine _FILE_OFFSET_BITS
+/* defines how to decorate public symbols while building */
+#mesondefine _GDK_EXTERN
+/* Define for large files, on AIX-style hosts. */
+#mesondefine _LARGE_FILES
+/* Define to 1 if on MINIX. */
+#mesondefine _MINIX
+/* Define to 2 if the system does not provide POSIX.1 features except with
+ this defined. */
+#mesondefine _POSIX_1_SOURCE
+/* Define to 1 if you need to in order for `stat' and other things to work. */
+#mesondefine _POSIX_SOURCE
+/* Define to `int' if <sys/types.h> doesn't define. */
+#mesondefine gid_t
+/* Define to `int' if <sys/types.h> doesn't define. */
+#mesondefine uid_t
+/* Define to 1 if linux/memfd.h exists */
+#mesondefine HAVE_LINUX_MEMFD_H
+#mesondefine GTK_LOCALEDIR
+#mesondefine GTK_DATADIR
+#mesondefine GTK_LIBDIR
+#mesondefine HAVE_LINUX_INPUT_H
+#mesondefine HAVE_DEV_EVDEV_INPUT_H
+#mesondefine HAVE_TRUNC
diff --git a/demos/gtk-demo/geninclude.py b/demos/gtk-demo/geninclude.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..57038a43b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/demos/gtk-demo/geninclude.py
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+import sys
+import re
+import os
+from collections import *
+out_file = sys.argv[1]
+in_files = sys.argv[2:]
+file_output = """
+typedef GtkWidget *(*GDoDemoFunc) (GtkWidget *do_widget);
+typedef struct _Demo Demo;
+struct _Demo
+ gchar *name;
+ gchar *title;
+ gchar *filename;
+ GDoDemoFunc func;
+ Demo *children;
+# Demo = namedtuple('Demo', ['name', 'title', 'file', 'func'])
+demos = []
+for demo_file in in_files:
+ filename = demo_file[demo_file.rfind('/')+1:]
+ demo_name = filename.replace(".c", "")
+ with open(demo_file, 'r') as f:
+ title = f.readline().replace("/*", "").strip()
+ file_output += "GtkWidget *do_" + demo_name + " (GtkWidget *do_widget);\n"
+ # demos += Demo(name = demo_name,
+ # title = title,
+ # file = demo_file,
+ # func = "do_" + title)
+ demos.append((demo_name, title, filename, "do_" + demo_name, -1))
+# Generate a List of "Parent names"
+parents = []
+parent_ids = []
+parent_index = 0
+for demo in demos:
+ if "/" in demo[1]:
+ slash_index = demo[1].index('/')
+ parent_name = demo[1][:slash_index]
+ do_break = False
+ # Check for duplicates
+ if not parent_name in parents:
+ parents.append(parent_name)
+ parent_ids.append(parent_index)
+ demos.append(("NULL", parent_name, "NULL", "NULL", parent_index))
+ parent_index = parent_index + 1
+# For every child with a parent, generate a list of child demos
+i = 0
+for parent in parents:
+ id = parent_ids[i]
+ file_output += "\nDemo child" + str(id) + "[] = {\n"
+ # iterate over all demos and check if the name starts with the given parent name
+ for child in demos:
+ if child[1].startswith(parent + "/"):
+ title = child[1][child[1].rfind('/') + 1:]
+ file_output += " { \"" + child[0] + "\", \"" + title + "\", \"" + child[2] + "\", " + child[3]
+ ", NULL },\n"
+ file_output += " { NULL }\n};\n"
+ i = i + 1
+# Sort demos by title
+demos = sorted(demos, key=lambda x: x[1])
+file_output += "\nDemo gtk_demos[] = {\n"
+for demo in demos:
+ # Do not generate one of these for demos with a parent demo
+ if "/" not in demo[1]:
+ child_array = "NULL"
+ name = demo[0];
+ title = demo[1];
+ file = demo[2]
+ if name != "NULL":
+ name = "\"" + name + "\""
+ if title != "NULL":
+ title = "\"" + title + "\""
+ if file != "NULL":
+ file = "\"" + file + "\""
+ if demo[4] != -1:
+ child_array = "child" + str(demo[4])
+ file_output += " { " + name + ", " + title + ", " + file + ", " + demo[3] + ", " + child_array + "
+file_output += " { NULL }\n};\n"
+ofile = open(out_file, "w")
diff --git a/demos/gtk-demo/meson.build b/demos/gtk-demo/meson.build
index ee44a8530f..4a4489231a 100644
--- a/demos/gtk-demo/meson.build
+++ b/demos/gtk-demo/meson.build
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ gtkdemo_deps = [libgtk_dep]
if harfbuzz_dep.found() and pangoft_dep.found()
demos += files('font_features.c')
- gtkdemo_deps += harfbuzz_dep
+ gtkdemo_deps += [harfbuzz_dep, pangoft_dep]
if os_unix
@@ -108,6 +108,5 @@ gtkdemo = executable(
dependencies: gtkdemo_deps,
include_directories : confinc,
- gui_app: true,
install: true
diff --git a/demos/icon-browser/meson.build b/demos/icon-browser/meson.build
index 661e5208c8..8bd7e9e5bb 100644
--- a/demos/icon-browser/meson.build
+++ b/demos/icon-browser/meson.build
@@ -17,6 +17,5 @@ iconbrowser = executable(
dependencies: libgtk_dep,
include_directories : confinc,
- gui_app: true,
install: true
diff --git a/demos/widget-factory/meson.build b/demos/widget-factory/meson.build
index 170a59e4bc..184a8abbb4 100644
--- a/demos/widget-factory/meson.build
+++ b/demos/widget-factory/meson.build
@@ -15,6 +15,5 @@ widget_factory = executable(
dependencies: libgtk_dep,
include_directories : confinc,
- gui_app: true,
install: true
diff --git a/gdk/broadway/meson.build b/gdk/broadway/meson.build
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..57e3488786
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gdk/broadway/meson.build
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+gdk_broadway_sources = files(
+ 'gdkcursor-broadway.c',
+ 'gdkdevice-broadway.c',
+ 'gdkdevicemanager-broadway.c',
+ 'gdkdisplay-broadway.c',
+ 'gdkdnd-broadway.c',
+ 'gdkeventsource.c',
+ 'gdkglobals-broadway.c',
+ 'gdkkeys-broadway.c',
+ 'gdkmonitor-broadway.c',
+ 'gdkproperty-broadway.c',
+ 'gdkscreen-broadway.c',
+ 'gdkselection-broadway.c',
+ 'gdktestutils-broadway.c',
+ 'gdkvisual-broadway.c',
+ 'gdkwindow-broadway.c',
+ 'gdkbroadway-server.c',
+gdk_broadway_public_headers = files(
+ 'gdkbroadwaydisplay.h',
+ 'gdkbroadwaysurface.h',
+ 'gdkbroadwaycursor.h',
+ 'gdkbroadwaymonitor.h',
+# Broadway backend headers aren't installed it seems
+#install_headers(gdk_broadway_public_headers, subdir: 'gtk-4.0/gdk/broadway/')
+#install_headers('gdkbroadway.h', subdir: 'gtk-4.0/gdk/')
+gdk_broadway_deps = [shmlib]
+gen_c_array = find_program('gen-c-array.py')
+clienthtml_h = custom_target('clienthtml.h',
+ input : 'client.html',
+ output : 'clienthtml.h',
+ command : [
+ gen_c_array,
+ '--array-name=client_html',
+ '--output=@OUTPUT@',
+ '@INPUT@',
+ ],
+broadwayjs_h = custom_target('broadwayjs.h',
+ input : ['broadway.js'],
+ output : 'broadwayjs.h',
+ command : [
+ gen_c_array,
+ '--array-name=broadway_js',
+ '--output=@OUTPUT@',
+ '@INPUT0@',
+ ],
+libgdk_broadway = static_library('gdk-broadway',
+ clienthtml_h, broadwayjs_h,
+ gdk_broadway_sources, gdkconfig, gdkenum_h,
+ include_directories: [confinc, gdkinc],
+ c_args: [
+ '-DG_LOG_DOMAIN="Gdk"',
+ ] + common_cflags,
+ link_args: common_ldflags,
+ dependencies: [gdk_deps, gdk_broadway_deps])
+# gtk4-broadwayd
+broadwayd_syslib = os_win32 ? find_library('ws2_32') : shmlib
+ clienthtml_h, broadwayjs_h,
+ 'broadwayd.c', 'broadway-server.c', 'broadway-output.c',
+ include_directories: [confinc, gdkinc, include_directories('.')],
+ c_args: ['-DGDK_COMPILATION', '-DG_LOG_DOMAIN="Gdk"', ],
+ dependencies : [broadwayd_syslib, gdk_deps],
+ install : true)
diff --git a/gdk/gdkconfig.h.meson b/gdk/gdkconfig.h.meson
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..14f9e8e1ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gdk/gdkconfig.h.meson
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+#ifndef __GDKCONFIG_H__
+#define __GDKCONFIG_H__
+#if !defined (__GDK_H_INSIDE__) && !defined (GDK_COMPILATION)
+#error "Only <gdk/gdk.h> can be included directly."
+#include <glib.h>
+#mesondefine GDK_WINDOWING_X11
+#mesondefine GDK_WINDOWING_WIN32
+#endif /* __GDKCONFIG_H__ */
diff --git a/gdk/gen-gdk-gresources-xml.py b/gdk/gen-gdk-gresources-xml.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..694a9159aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gdk/gen-gdk-gresources-xml.py
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Generate gdk.gresources.xml
+# Usage: gen-gdk-gresources-xml SRCDIR_GDK [OUTPUT-FILE]
+import os, sys
+srcdir = sys.argv[1]
+xml = '''<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
+ <gresource prefix='/org/gtk/libgdk'>
+def get_files(subdir,extension):
+ return sorted(filter(lambda x: x.endswith((extension)), os.listdir(os.path.join(srcdir,subdir))))
+for f in get_files('resources/glsl', '.glsl'):
+ xml += ' <file alias=\'glsl/{0}\'>resources/glsl/{0}</file>\n'.format(f)
+xml += '''
+ </gresource>
+if len(sys.argv) > 2:
+ outfile = sys.argv[2]
+ f = open(outfile, 'w')
+ f.write(xml)
+ f.close()
+ print(xml)
diff --git a/gdk/meson.build b/gdk/meson.build
index cd5d4cbe2f..e9e7b8a819 100644
--- a/gdk/meson.build
+++ b/gdk/meson.build
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-deprecated_gdk_sources = ['deprecated/gdkcolor.c']
-gdk_sources = files([
+deprecated_gdk_sources = files('deprecated/gdkcolor.c')
+gdk_sources = files(
@@ -37,9 +37,9 @@ gdk_sources = files([
-gdk_public_h_sources = files([
+gdk_public_headers = files(
@@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ gdk_public_h_sources = files([
+ 'gdkkeysyms-compat.h',
@@ -75,227 +76,125 @@ gdk_public_h_sources = files([
+install_headers(gdk_public_headers, subdir : 'gtk-3.0/gdk')
+deprecated_h_sources = files('deprecated/gdkcolor.h')
+install_headers(deprecated_h_sources, subdir : 'gtk-3.0/gdk/deprecated')
-gdk_private_h_sources = files([
+# This variable is unused, but added just for completeness
+gdk_private_headers = files(
-gdk_x_sources = [
- 'x11/MwmUtil.h',
- 'x11/gdkapplaunchcontext-x11.c',
- 'x11/gdkasync.c',
- 'x11/gdkasync.h',
- 'x11/gdkcursor-x11.c',
- 'x11/gdkdevice-core-x11.c',
- 'x11/gdkdevice-xi2.c',
- 'x11/gdkdevicemanager-core-x11.c',
- 'x11/gdkdevicemanager-x11.c',
- 'x11/gdkdevicemanager-xi2.c',
- 'x11/gdkdisplaymanager-x11.c',
- 'x11/gdkdisplay-x11.c',
- 'x11/gdkdisplay-x11.h',
- 'x11/gdkdnd-x11.c',
- 'x11/gdkeventsource.c',
- 'x11/gdkeventsource.h',
- 'x11/gdkeventtranslator.c',
- 'x11/gdkeventtranslator.h',
- 'x11/gdkgeometry-x11.c',
- 'x11/gdkglcontext-x11.c',
- 'x11/gdkglcontext-x11.h',
- 'x11/gdkkeys-x11.c',
- 'x11/gdkmain-x11.c',
- 'x11/gdkproperty-x11.c',
- 'x11/gdkscreen-x11.c',
- 'x11/gdkscreen-x11.h',
- 'x11/gdkselection-x11.c',
- 'x11/gdktestutils-x11.c',
- 'x11/gdkvisual-x11.c',
- 'x11/gdkwindow-x11.c',
- 'x11/gdkwindow-x11.h',
- 'x11/gdkxftdefaults.c',
- 'x11/gdkxid.c',
- 'x11/gdkx.h',
- 'x11/xsettings-client.h',
- 'x11/xsettings-client.c',
- 'x11/gdkmonitor-x11.c',
- 'x11/gdkmonitor-x11.h',
- 'x11/gdkx11monitor.h'
-gdk_x_private_sources = [
- 'x11/gdkprivate-x11.h',
- 'x11/gdkdevicemanagerprivate-core.h',
-gdk_wayland_sources = files([
+gdk_wayland_sources = files(
- 'wayland/gdkdisplay-wayland.h',
- 'wayland/gdkglcontext-wayland.h',
- 'wayland/gdkmonitor-wayland.h',
- 'wayland/gdkseat-wayland.h',
- 'wayland/gdkwaylanddevice.h',
- 'wayland/gdkwaylanddisplay.h',
- 'wayland/gdkwaylandglcontext.h',
- 'wayland/gdkwayland.h',
- 'wayland/gdkwaylandmonitor.h',
- 'wayland/gdkwaylandselection.h',
- 'wayland/gdkwaylandwindow.h',
-gdk_wayland_private_sources = files([
- 'wayland/gdkprivate-wayland.h',
gdk_broadway_sources = files([
- 'broadway/gdkdisplay-broadway.h',
- 'broadway/gdkscreen-broadway.h',
- 'broadway/broadway-output.h',
- 'broadway/broadway-server.h',
- 'broadway/gdkwindow-broadway.h',
- 'broadway/gdkmonitor-broadway.h',
- 'broadway/gdkeventsource.h',
- 'broadway/gdkdevicemanager-broadway.h',
- 'broadway/gdkdevice-broadway.h',
- 'broadway/broadway-buffer.h',
-gdk_broadway_private_sources = files([
- 'broadway/gdkprivate-broadway.h'
+gdk_gresource_xml = configure_file(output : 'gdk.gresource.xml',
+ input : 'gen-gdk-gresources-xml.py',
+ command : [find_program('gen-gdk-gresources-xml.py'),
+ meson.current_source_dir(), '@OUTPUT@'])
-# glsl_sources = [
- # 'gl3-texture-2d.fs.glsl',
- # 'gl3-texture-2d.vs.glsl',
- # 'gl3-texture-rect.fs.glsl',
- # 'gl3-texture-rect.vs.glsl',
- # 'gl2-texture-2d.fs.glsl',
- # 'gl2-texture-2d.fs.glsl',
- # 'gl2-texture-rect.vs.glsl',
- # 'gl2-texture-rect.vs.glsl',
- # 'gles2-texture.fs.glsl',
- # 'gles2-texture.vs.glsl',
-# ]
-# resource_xml = ''
-# foreach glsl_file : glsl_sources
- # resource_xml += ' <file alias="glsl/@0@">resources/glsl/@0@</file>\n'.format(glsl_file)
-# endforeach
-# cdata = configuration_data()
-# cdata.set('GDK_GRESOURCE_XML_FILES', resource_xml)
-# gdkresources_xml = configure_file(
- # input : 'gdk.gresource.xml.meson',
- # output : 'gdk.gresource.xml',
- # configuration : cdata
-# )
-gdkresources = gnome.compile_resources(
- 'gdkresources',
- 'gdk.gresource.xml',
+gdkresources = gnome.compile_resources('gdkresources',
+ gdk_gresource_xml,
source_dir: '.',
c_name: '_gdk',
extra_args: '--manual-register'
+gdk_headers = gdk_public_headers
-deprecated_h_sources = files(['deprecated/gdkcolor.h'])
-gdk_headers = gdk_public_h_sources + deprecated_h_sources + gdk_private_h_sources
-gdkenum_h = custom_target(
- 'gdkenum_h',
- output : 'gdkenumtypes.h',
- input : gdk_headers,
- command : [mkenum, perl, glib_mkenums, meson.current_source_dir() + '/gdkenumtypes.h.template',
'@OUTPUT@', '@INPUT@'])
+gdk_enums = gnome.mkenums('gdkenumtypes',
+ sources: gdk_public_headers,
+ c_template : 'gdkenumtypes.c.template',
+ h_template : 'gdkenumtypes.h.template',
+ install_dir: join_paths(gtk_includedir, 'gtk-3.0/gdk'),
+ install_header : true)
-gdkenum_c = custom_target(
- 'gdkenum_c',
- output : 'gdkenumtypes.c',
- input : gdk_headers,
- depends : gdkenum_h,
- command : [mkenum, perl, glib_mkenums, meson.current_source_dir() + '/gdkenumtypes.c.template',
'@OUTPUT@', '@INPUT@'])
+gdkenum_h = gdk_enums[1]
-gdkmarshal_h = custom_target(
- 'gdkmarshal_h',
- output : 'gdkmarshalers.h',
- input : 'gdkmarshalers.list',
- command : [mkmarshal, glib_marshal, '_gdk_marshal', '@INPUT@', '@OUTPUT@']
-gdkmarshal_c = custom_target(
- 'gdkmarshal_c',
- output : 'gdkmarshalers.c',
- input : 'gdkmarshalers.list',
- command : [mkmarshal, glib_marshal, '_gdk_marshal', '@INPUT@', '@OUTPUT@']
+gdk_marshalers = gnome.genmarshal('gdkmarshalers',
+ sources : 'gdkmarshalers.list',
+ prefix : '_gdk_marshal',
+ valist_marshallers : true)
-cdata = configuration_data()
-cdata.set('GTK_MAJOR_VERSION', gtk_major_version)
-cdata.set('GTK_MINOR_VERSION', gtk_minor_version)
-cdata.set('GTK_MICRO_VERSION', gtk_micro_version)
+gdkmarshal_h = gdk_marshalers[1]
+gdkconfig_cdata = configuration_data()
+gdkconfig_cdata.set('GDK_WINDOWING_X11', x11_enabled)
+gdkconfig_cdata.set('GDK_WINDOWING_WAYLAND', wayland_enabled)
+gdkconfig_cdata.set('GDK_WINDOWING_WIN32', win32_enabled)
+gdkconfig_cdata.set('GDK_WINDOWING_BROADWAY', broadway_enabled)
-if x11_enabled cdata.set('GDK_WINDOWING_X11', '') endif
-if wayland_enabled cdata.set('GDK_WINDOWING_WAYLAND', '') endif
-if broadway_enabled cdata.set('GDK_WINDOWING_BROADWAY', '') endif
gdkconfig = configure_file(
input : 'gdkconfig.h.meson',
output : 'gdkconfig.h',
- configuration : cdata
+ configuration : gdkconfig_cdata,
+ install_dir: join_paths(gtk_includedir, 'gtk-3.0/gdk'),
+ install : true)
+gdkversion_cdata = configuration_data()
+gdkversion_cdata.set('GTK_MAJOR_VERSION', gtk_major_version)
+gdkversion_cdata.set('GTK_MINOR_VERSION', gtk_minor_version)
+gdkversion_cdata.set('GTK_MICRO_VERSION', gtk_micro_version)
gdkversionmacros = configure_file(
input : 'gdkversionmacros.h.in',
output : 'gdkversionmacros.h',
- configuration: cdata
+ configuration: gdkversion_cdata,
+ install_dir: join_paths(gtk_includedir, 'gtk-3.0/gdk'))
+gdkinc = include_directories('.')
+gdkx11_inc = include_directories('x11')
+gdkwayland_inc = include_directories('wayland')
-xinc = include_directories('x11')
wlinc = include_directories('.')
+gdk_gen_headers = [gdkenum_h, gdkmarshal_h, gdkconfig, gdkversionmacros]
gdk_deps = [
- mlib,
+ libm,
@@ -303,80 +202,74 @@ gdk_deps = [
- giounix_dep,
+ platform_gio_dep,
+if win32_enabled
+ gdk_deps += [cc.find_library('advapi32'),
+ cc.find_library('comctl32'),
+ cc.find_library('dwmapi'),
+ cc.find_library('imm32'),
+ cc.find_library('setupapi'),
+ cc.find_library('winmm')]
gdk_sources = [
+ # Generated
- gdk_sources,
- deprecated_gdk_sources,
- gdkenum_c, gdkenum_h,
- gdkmarshal_c, gdkmarshal_h,
+ gdk_enums,
+ gdk_marshalers,
- gdk_headers
+ # Static
+ gdk_sources,
+ deprecated_gdk_sources,
-if x11_enabled
- gdk_deps += [
- xrender_dep,
- xi_dep,
- xext_dep,
- x11_dep,
- xcursor_dep,
- xdamage_dep,
- xfixes_dep,
- xcomposite_dep,
- xrandr_dep
- ]
- gdk_sources += [
- gdk_x_sources,
- gdk_x_private_sources
- ]
+if wayland_enabled or broadway_enabled
+ if cc.has_function('shm_open')
+ shmlib = []
+ elif cc.has_function('shm_open', args : '-lrt')
+ shmlib = cc.find_library('rt')
+ else
+ shmlib = []
+ endif
-if wayland_enabled
- subdir('wayland')
- gdk_deps += [
- shmlib,
- xkbdep,
- wlclientdep,
- wlprotocolsdep,
- wlcursordep,
- wlegldep
- ]
- gdk_sources += [
- gdk_wayland_sources,
- gdk_wayland_private_sources
- ]
-if broadway_enabled
- gdk_deps += [
- shmlib,
- ]
- gdk_sources += [
- gdk_broadway_sources,
- gdk_broadway_private_sources
- ]
+gdk_backends = []
+gdk_backends_gen_headers = [] # non-public generated headers
+foreach backend : ['broadway', 'quartz', 'wayland', 'win32', 'x11']
+ if get_variable('@0@_enabled'.format(backend))
+ subdir(backend)
+ gdk_deps += get_variable('gdk_@0@_deps'.format(backend))
+ gdk_backends += get_variable('libgdk_@0@'.format(backend))
+ # Special-case this for now to work around Meson bug with get_variable()
+ # fallback being an empty array, or any array (#1481)
+ if backend == 'wayland'
+ gdk_backends_gen_headers += get_variable('gdk_@0@_gen_headers'.format(backend))
+ endif
+ endif
+if gdk_backends.length() == 0
+ error('No backends enabled')
-libgdk = shared_library('gdk',
- sources: [gdk_sources, gdkconfig, gdkenum_h],
- include_directories: [confinc, xinc, wlinc],
- dependencies: gdk_deps,
- install: true
+libgdk = shared_library('gdk-3',
+ sources: [gdk_sources, gdk_backends_gen_headers, gdkconfig],
+ dependencies: gdk_deps,
+ include_directories: [confinc, gdkx11_inc, wlinc],
+ c_args: [
+ '-DG_LOG_DOMAIN="Gdk"',
+ ] + common_cflags,
+ link_whole: gdk_backends,
+ link_args: common_ldflags,
+ install: true)
libgdk_dep = declare_dependency(
- sources: ['gdk.h', gdkconfig, gdkenum_h],
- depends: gdk_sources,
- include_directories: [confinc, xinc, wlinc],
- dependencies: gdk_deps,
link_with: libgdk,
- link_args: ['-Bsymbolic'],
+ sources: ['gdk.h', gdkconfig, gdkenum_h],
+ include_directories: [confinc, gdkx11_inc, wlinc],
+ dependencies: gdk_deps)
diff --git a/gdk/quartz/meson.build b/gdk/quartz/meson.build
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8c1b8d1795
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gdk/quartz/meson.build
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+# FIXME: do we need to do an add_language() for objective-c here?
+gdk_quartz_sources = files(
+ 'GdkQuartzView.c',
+ 'GdkQuartzNSWindow.c',
+ 'gdkcursor-quartz.c',
+ 'gdkdevice-core-quartz.c',
+ 'gdkdevicemanager-core-quartz.c',
+ 'gdkdisplay-quartz.c',
+ 'gdkdisplaymanager-quartz.c',
+ 'gdkdnd-quartz.c',
+ 'gdkevents-quartz.c',
+ 'gdkeventloop-quartz.c',
+ 'gdkglcontext-quartz.c',
+ 'gdkglobals-quartz.c',
+ 'gdkkeys-quartz.c',
+ 'gdkmonitor-quartz.c',
+ 'gdkproperty-quartz.c',
+ 'gdkscreen-quartz.c',
+ 'gdkselection-quartz.c',
+ 'gdktestutils-quartz.c',
+ 'gdkutils-quartz.c',
+ 'gdkvisual-quartz.c',
+ 'gdkwindow-quartz.c',
+gdk_quartz_public_headers = files(
+ 'gdkquartzcursor.h',
+ 'gdkquartzdevice-core.h',
+ 'gdkquartzdevicemanager-core.h',
+ 'gdkquartzdisplay.h',
+ 'gdkquartzdisplaymanager.h',
+ 'gdkquartzdnd.h',
+ 'gdkquartzkeys.h',
+ 'gdkquartzmonitor.h',
+ 'gdkquartzscreen.h',
+ 'gdkquartzutils.h',
+ 'gdkquartzvisual.h',
+ 'gdkquartzwindow.h',
+install_headers(gdk_quartz_public_headers, subdir: 'gtk-3.0/gdk/quartz')
+install_headers('gdkquartz.h', subdir: 'gtk-3.0/gdk')
+gdk_quartz_deps = [ # FIXME
+libgdk_quartz = static_library('gdk-quartz',
+ gdk_quartz_sources, gdkconfig, gdkenum_h,
+ include_directories: [confinc, gdkinc],
+ c_args: ['-DGDK_COMPILATION', '-DG_LOG_DOMAIN="Gdk"', '-xobjective-c'],
+ dependencies: [gdk_deps, gdk_quartz_deps])
diff --git a/gdk/wayland/meson.build b/gdk/wayland/meson.build
index 6783ecf193..559e02ba3d 100644
--- a/gdk/wayland/meson.build
+++ b/gdk/wayland/meson.build
@@ -1,115 +1,105 @@
-if wayland_enabled
- runcmd = run_command('pkg-config', '--variable=pkgdatadir', 'wayland-protocols')
- if runcmd.returncode() == 0
- wayland_protocols_datadir = runcmd.stdout().strip() + '/'
+gdk_wayland_sources = files(
+ 'gdkapplaunchcontext-wayland.c',
+ 'gdkcursor-wayland.c',
+ 'gdkdevice-wayland.c',
+ 'gdkdisplay-wayland.c',
+ 'gdkdnd-wayland.c',
+ 'gdkeventsource.c',
+ 'gdkkeys-wayland.c',
+ 'gdkglcontext-wayland.c',
+ 'gdkmonitor-wayland.c',
+ 'gdkscreen-wayland.c',
+ 'gdkselection-wayland.c',
+ 'gdkwindow-wayland.c',
+ 'wm-button-layout-translation.c',
+gdk_wayland_public_headers = files(
+ 'gdkwaylanddevice.h',
+ 'gdkwaylanddisplay.h',
+ 'gdkwaylandglcontext.h',
+ 'gdkwaylandmonitor.h',
+ 'gdkwaylandselection.h',
+ 'gdkwaylandwindow.h',
+install_headers(gdk_wayland_public_headers, subdir: 'gtk-3.0/gdk/wayland')
+install_headers('gdkwayland.h', subdir: 'gtk-3.0/gdk')
+gdk_wayland_deps = [
+ shmlib,
+ xkbdep,
+ wlclientdep,
+ wlprotocolsdep,
+ wlcursordep,
+ wlegldep,
+# wayland protocols
+proto_dir = dependency('wayland-protocols').get_pkgconfig_variable('pkgdatadir')
+assert(proto_dir != '', 'Could not get pkgdatadir from wayland-protocols.pc')
+wayland_scanner = find_program('wayland-scanner')
+# Format:
+# - protocol name
+# - protocol stability ('private', 'stable' or 'unstable')
+# - protocol version (if stability is 'unstable')
+proto_sources = [
+ ['gtk-shell', 'private', ],
+ ['gtk-primary-selection', 'private', ],
+ ['pointer-gestures', 'unstable', 'v1', ],
+ ['xdg-shell', 'unstable', 'v6', ],
+ ['xdg-shell', 'stable', ],
+ ['xdg-foreign', 'unstable', 'v1', ],
+ ['tablet', 'unstable', 'v2', ],
+ ['keyboard-shortcuts-inhibit', 'unstable', 'v1', ],
+ ['server-decoration', 'private' ],
+gdk_wayland_gen_headers = []
+foreach p: proto_sources
+ proto_name = p.get(0)
+ proto_stability = p.get(1)
+ if proto_stability == 'stable'
+ output_base = proto_name
+ input = join_paths(proto_dir, '@0@/@1@/@2@.xml'.format(proto_stability, proto_name, output_base))
+ elif proto_stability == 'private'
+ output_base = proto_name
+ input = 'protocol/@0@.xml'.format(proto_name)
- error('Could not get wayland-protocols pkgdatadir via pkg-config.')
+ proto_version = p.get(2)
+ output_base = '@0@-@1@-@2@'.format(proto_name, proto_stability, proto_version)
+ input = join_paths(proto_dir, '@0@/@1@/@2@.xml'.format(proto_stability, proto_name, output_base))
- wayland_scanner = find_program('wayland-scanner')
- genprotocols = find_program('genprotocolfiles.py')
- gtk_shell_h = custom_target(
- 'gtk shell protocol header',
- input : 'protocol/gtk-shell.xml',
- output : 'gtk-shell-client-protocol.h',
- command: [genprotocols, wayland_scanner, '@INPUT@', '@OUTPUT@', 'client-header']
- )
- gtk_shell_c = custom_target(
- 'gtk shell protocol source',
- input : 'protocol/gtk-shell.xml',
- output : 'gtk-shell-protocol.c',
- command: [genprotocols, wayland_scanner, '@INPUT@', '@OUTPUT@', 'code']
- )
- pointer_gestures_h = custom_target(
- 'pointer gestures header',
- input : wayland_protocols_datadir + 'unstable/pointer-gestures/pointer-gestures-unstable-v1.xml',
- output : 'pointer-gestures-unstable-v1-client-protocol.h',
- command: [genprotocols, wayland_scanner, '@INPUT@', '@OUTPUT@', 'client-header']
- )
- pointer_gestures_c = custom_target(
- 'pointer gestures source',
- input : wayland_protocols_datadir + 'unstable/pointer-gestures/pointer-gestures-unstable-v1.xml',
- output : 'pointer-gestures-unstable-v1-protocol.c',
- command: [genprotocols, wayland_scanner, '@INPUT@', '@OUTPUT@', 'code']
- )
- primary_selection_h = custom_target(
- 'primary selection header',
- input : 'protocol/gtk-primary-selection.xml',
- output : 'gtk-primary-selection-client-protocol.h',
- command: [genprotocols, wayland_scanner,'@INPUT@', '@OUTPUT@', 'client-header']
- )
- primary_selection_c = custom_target(
- 'primary selection source',
- input : 'protocol/gtk-primary-selection.xml',
- output : 'gtk-primary-selection-protocol.c',
- command: [genprotocols, wayland_scanner,'@INPUT@', '@OUTPUT@', 'code']
- )
- xdg_shell_h = custom_target(
- 'xdg shell v6 header',
- input : wayland_protocols_datadir + 'unstable/xdg-shell/xdg-shell-unstable-v6.xml',
- output : 'xdg-shell-unstable-v6-client-protocol.h',
- command: [genprotocols, wayland_scanner,'@INPUT@', '@OUTPUT@', 'client-header']
- )
- xdg_shell_c = custom_target(
- 'xdg shell v6 source',
- input : wayland_protocols_datadir + 'unstable/xdg-shell/xdg-shell-unstable-v6.xml',
- output : 'xdg-shell-unstable-v6-protocol.c',
- command: [genprotocols, wayland_scanner,'@INPUT@', '@OUTPUT@', 'code']
- )
- xdg_foreign_h = custom_target(
- 'xdg foreign v1 header',
- input : wayland_protocols_datadir + 'unstable/xdg-foreign/xdg-foreign-unstable-v1.xml',
- output : 'xdg-foreign-unstable-v1-client-protocol.h',
- command: [genprotocols, wayland_scanner,'@INPUT@', '@OUTPUT@', 'client-header']
- )
- xdg_foreign_c = custom_target(
- 'xdg foreign v1 source',
- input : wayland_protocols_datadir + 'unstable/xdg-foreign/xdg-foreign-unstable-v1.xml',
- output : 'xdg-foreign-unstable-v1-protocol.c',
- command: [genprotocols, wayland_scanner,'@INPUT@', '@OUTPUT@', 'code']
- )
- tablet_h = custom_target(
- 'tablet v2 header',
- input : wayland_protocols_datadir + 'unstable/tablet/tablet-unstable-v2.xml',
- output : 'tablet-unstable-v2-client-protocol.h',
- command: [genprotocols, wayland_scanner,'@INPUT@', '@OUTPUT@', 'client-header']
- )
- tablet_c = custom_target(
- 'tablet v2 source',
- input : wayland_protocols_datadir + 'unstable/tablet/tablet-unstable-v2.xml',
- output : 'tablet-unstable-v2-protocol.c',
- command: [genprotocols, wayland_scanner,'@INPUT@', '@OUTPUT@', 'code']
- )
- gdk_sources += [
- gtk_shell_c,
- gtk_shell_h,
- pointer_gestures_h,
- pointer_gestures_c,
- primary_selection_h,
- primary_selection_c,
- xdg_shell_h,
- xdg_shell_c,
- xdg_foreign_h,
- xdg_foreign_c,
- tablet_h,
- tablet_c
- ]
+ gdk_wayland_gen_headers += custom_target('@0@ client header'.format(output_base),
+ input: input,
+ output: '@0@-client-protocol.h'.format(output_base),
+ command: [
+ wayland_scanner,
+ 'client-header',
+ '@INPUT@', '@OUTPUT@',
+ ])
+ gdk_wayland_sources += custom_target('@0@ source'.format(output_base),
+ input: input,
+ output: '@0@-protocol.c'.format(output_base),
+ command: [
+ wayland_scanner,
+ 'private-code',
+ '@INPUT@', '@OUTPUT@',
+ ])
+libgdk_wayland = static_library('gdk-wayland',
+ gdk_wayland_sources, gdk_wayland_gen_headers, gdkconfig, gdkenum_h,
+ include_directories: [ confinc, gdkinc, ],
+ c_args: [
+ '-DG_LOG_DOMAIN="Gdk"',
+ ] + common_cflags,
+ link_args: common_ldflags,
+ dependencies: [ gdk_deps, gdk_wayland_deps, ])
diff --git a/gdk/win32/meson.build b/gdk/win32/meson.build
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..343a9ff402
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gdk/win32/meson.build
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+gdk_win32_sources = files(
+ 'gdkcursor-win32.c',
+ 'gdkdevicemanager-win32.c',
+ 'gdkdevice-virtual.c',
+ 'gdkdevice-win32.c',
+ 'gdkdevice-wintab.c',
+ 'gdkdisplay-win32.c',
+ 'gdkdisplaymanager-win32.c',
+ 'gdkdnd-win32.c',
+ 'gdkevents-win32.c',
+ 'gdkgeometry-win32.c',
+ 'gdkglcontext-win32.c',
+ 'gdkglobals-win32.c',
+ 'gdkkeys-win32.c',
+ 'gdkmain-win32.c',
+ 'gdkmonitor-win32.c',
+ 'gdkproperty-win32.c',
+ 'gdkscreen-win32.c',
+ 'gdkselection-win32.c',
+ 'gdktestutils-win32.c',
+ 'gdkwin32id.c',
+ 'gdkwindow-win32.c',
+gdk_win32_public_headers = files(
+ 'gdkwin32cursor.h',
+ 'gdkwin32display.h',
+ 'gdkwin32displaymanager.h',
+ 'gdkwin32dnd.h',
+ 'gdkwin32glcontext.h',
+ 'gdkwin32keys.h',
+ 'gdkwin32misc.h',
+ 'gdkwin32monitor.h',
+ 'gdkwin32screen.h',
+ 'gdkwin32window.h',
+install_headers(gdk_win32_public_headers, subdir: 'gtk-3.0/gdk/win32')
+install_headers('gdkwin32.h', subdir: 'gtk-3.0/gdk')
+gdk_win32_deps = [ # FIXME
+libgdk_win32 = static_library('gdk-win32',
+ gdk_win32_sources, gdkconfig, gdkenum_h,
+ include_directories: [confinc, gdkinc],
+ dependencies: [gdk_deps, gdk_win32_deps])
diff --git a/gdk/x11/meson.build b/gdk/x11/meson.build
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c31a682d69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gdk/x11/meson.build
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+# Note: gdksettings.c gets included from xsettings-client.c, do not add here
+gdk_x11_sources = files(
+ 'gdkapplaunchcontext-x11.c',
+ 'gdkasync.c',
+ 'gdkcursor-x11.c',
+ 'gdkdevice-core-x11.c',
+ 'gdkdevice-xi2.c',
+ 'gdkdevicemanager-core-x11.c',
+ 'gdkdevicemanager-x11.c',
+ 'gdkdevicemanager-xi2.c',
+ 'gdkdisplaymanager-x11.c',
+ 'gdkdisplay-x11.c',
+ 'gdkdnd-x11.c',
+ 'gdkeventsource.c',
+ 'gdkeventtranslator.c',
+ 'gdkgeometry-x11.c',
+ 'gdkglcontext-x11.c',
+ 'gdkkeys-x11.c',
+ 'gdkmain-x11.c',
+ 'gdkproperty-x11.c',
+ 'gdkscreen-x11.c',
+ 'gdkscreen-x11.h',
+ 'gdkselection-x11.c',
+ 'gdktestutils-x11.c',
+ 'gdkvisual-x11.c',
+ 'gdkwindow-x11.c',
+ 'gdkxftdefaults.c',
+ 'gdkxid.c',
+ 'xsettings-client.c',
+ 'gdkmonitor-x11.c',
+gdk_x11_public_headers = files(
+ 'gdkx-autocleanups.h',
+ 'gdkx11applaunchcontext.h',
+ 'gdkx11cursor.h',
+ 'gdkx11device.h',
+ 'gdkx11device-core.h',
+ 'gdkx11device-xi2.h',
+ 'gdkx11devicemanager.h',
+ 'gdkx11devicemanager-core.h',
+ 'gdkx11devicemanager-xi2.h',
+ 'gdkx11display.h',
+ 'gdkx11displaymanager.h',
+ 'gdkx11dnd.h',
+ 'gdkx11glcontext.h',
+ 'gdkx11keys.h',
+ 'gdkx11monitor.h',
+ 'gdkx11property.h',
+ 'gdkx11screen.h',
+ 'gdkx11selection.h',
+ 'gdkx11utils.h',
+ 'gdkx11visual.h',
+ 'gdkx11window.h',
+install_headers(gdk_x11_public_headers, subdir: 'gtk-3.0/gdk/x11/')
+install_headers('gdkx.h', subdir: 'gtk-3.0/gdk/')
+gdk_x11_deps = [
+ xrender_dep,
+ xi_dep,
+ xext_dep,
+ x11_dep,
+ xcursor_dep,
+ xdamage_dep,
+ xfixes_dep,
+ xcomposite_dep,
+ xrandr_dep,
+ xinerama_dep,
+libgdk_x11 = static_library('gdk-x11', gdkmarshal_h,
+ gdk_x11_sources, gdkconfig, gdkenum_h,
+ include_directories: [ confinc, gdkinc, ],
+ c_args: [
+ '-DG_LOG_DOMAIN="Gdk"',
+ ] + common_cflags,
+ link_args: common_ldflags,
+ dependencies: [ gdk_deps, gdk_x11_deps, ])
diff --git a/gtk/Makefile.am b/gtk/Makefile.am
index e556e9d3af..637248c955 100644
--- a/gtk/Makefile.am
+++ b/gtk/Makefile.am
@@ -1442,7 +1442,7 @@ gtkprivatetypebuiltins.c: $(gtk_private_type_h_sources) gtkprivatetypebuiltins.
&& rm -f xgen-gptbc
-gtktypefuncs.c: stamp-gtktypebuiltins.h stamp-gtkprivatetypebuiltins.h $(top_srcdir)/gtk/*.h
$(top_srcdir)/gtk/a11y/*.h $(top_srcdir)/gtk/deprecated/*.h $(top_srcdir)/gdk/*.h Makefile
+gtktypefuncs.inc: stamp-gtktypebuiltins.h stamp-gtkprivatetypebuiltins.h $(top_srcdir)/gtk/*.h
$(top_srcdir)/gtk/a11y/*.h $(top_srcdir)/gtk/deprecated/*.h $(top_srcdir)/gdk/*.h Makefile
$(AM_V_GEN) export LC_ALL=C ; \
(echo '#undef GTK_COMPILATION' && echo '#include <gtk/gtkx.h>') > xgen-gtfsrc.c && \
@@ -1451,7 +1451,7 @@ gtktypefuncs.c: stamp-gtktypebuiltins.h stamp-gtkprivatetypebuiltins.h $(top_src
sort | uniq | \
$(SED) '{ s/^/*tp++ = /; s/$$/();/; s/^.*\(gdk_x11\|gtk_plug_\|gtk_socket_\).*$$/#ifdef
GDK_WINDOWING_X11\n&\n#endif/; }' >> xgen-gtf \
&& cp xgen-gtf $@ && rm -f xgen-gtf
-$(srcdir)/gtktestutils.c: gtktypefuncs.c
+$(srcdir)/gtktestutils.c: gtktypefuncs.inc
# target platform:
lib_LTLIBRARIES = libgtk-3.la
diff --git a/gtk/a11y/meson.build b/gtk/a11y/meson.build
index c53c22abdd..d0359158d0 100644
--- a/gtk/a11y/meson.build
+++ b/gtk/a11y/meson.build
@@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ a11y_sources = files(
+ 'gtkstackaccessible.c',
@@ -53,5 +54,61 @@ a11y_sources = files(
- 'gtkstackaccessible.c'
- )
+a11y_headers = files(
+ 'gtk-a11y-autocleanups.h',
+ 'gtkarrowaccessible.h',
+ 'gtkbooleancellaccessible.h',
+ 'gtkbuttonaccessible.h',
+ 'gtkcellaccessible.h',
+ 'gtkcellaccessibleparent.h',
+ 'gtkcheckmenuitemaccessible.h',
+ 'gtkcomboboxaccessible.h',
+ 'gtkcontaineraccessible.h',
+ 'gtkcontainercellaccessible.h',
+ 'gtkentryaccessible.h',
+ 'gtkexpanderaccessible.h',
+ 'gtkflowboxaccessible.h',
+ 'gtkflowboxchildaccessible.h',
+ 'gtkframeaccessible.h',
+ 'gtkiconviewaccessible.h',
+ 'gtkimageaccessible.h',
+ 'gtkimagecellaccessible.h',
+ 'gtklabelaccessible.h',
+ 'gtklevelbaraccessible.h',
+ 'gtklinkbuttonaccessible.h',
+ 'gtklistboxaccessible.h',
+ 'gtklistboxrowaccessible.h',
+ 'gtklockbuttonaccessible.h',
+ 'gtkmenuaccessible.h',
+ 'gtkmenubuttonaccessible.h',
+ 'gtkmenuitemaccessible.h',
+ 'gtkmenushellaccessible.h',
+ 'gtknotebookaccessible.h',
+ 'gtknotebookpageaccessible.h',
+ 'gtkpanedaccessible.h',
+ 'gtkpopoveraccessible.h',
+ 'gtkprogressbaraccessible.h',
+ 'gtkradiobuttonaccessible.h',
+ 'gtkradiomenuitemaccessible.h',
+ 'gtkrangeaccessible.h',
+ 'gtkrenderercellaccessible.h',
+ 'gtkscaleaccessible.h',
+ 'gtkscalebuttonaccessible.h',
+ 'gtkscrolledwindowaccessible.h',
+ 'gtkspinbuttonaccessible.h',
+ 'gtkspinneraccessible.h',
+ 'gtkstatusbaraccessible.h',
+ 'gtkstackaccessible.h',
+ 'gtkswitchaccessible.h',
+ 'gtktextcellaccessible.h',
+ 'gtktextviewaccessible.h',
+ 'gtktogglebuttonaccessible.h',
+ 'gtktoplevelaccessible.h',
+ 'gtktreeviewaccessible.h',
+ 'gtkwidgetaccessible.h',
+ 'gtkwindowaccessible.h',
+install_headers(a11y_headers, subdir : 'gtk-3.0/gtk/a11y')
diff --git a/gtk/deprecated/meson.build b/gtk/deprecated/meson.build
index c2cf4757eb..9dfd5f0255 100644
--- a/gtk/deprecated/meson.build
+++ b/gtk/deprecated/meson.build
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-gtk_deprecated_c_sources = files(
+gtk_deprecated_sources = files(
@@ -40,3 +40,48 @@ gtk_deprecated_c_sources = files(
+gtk_deprecated_headers = files(
+ 'gtkactivatable.h',
+ 'gtkaction.h',
+ 'gtkactiongroup.h',
+ 'gtkalignment.h',
+ 'gtkarrow.h',
+ 'gtkcolorsel.h',
+ 'gtkcolorseldialog.h',
+ 'gtkfontsel.h',
+ 'gtkgradient.h',
+ 'gtkhandlebox.h',
+ 'gtkhbbox.h',
+ 'gtkhbox.h',
+ 'gtkhpaned.h',
+ 'gtkhscale.h',
+ 'gtkhscrollbar.h',
+ 'gtkhseparator.h',
+ 'gtkhsv.h',
+ 'gtkiconfactory.h',
+ 'gtkimagemenuitem.h',
+ 'gtkmisc.h',
+ 'gtknumerableicon.h',
+ 'gtkradioaction.h',
+ 'gtkrc.h',
+ 'gtkrecentaction.h',
+ 'gtkstatusicon.h',
+ 'gtkstock.h',
+ 'gtkstyle.h',
+ 'gtkstyleproperties.h',
+ 'gtksymboliccolor.h',
+ 'gtktable.h',
+ 'gtktearoffmenuitem.h',
+ 'gtkthemingengine.h',
+ 'gtktoggleaction.h',
+ 'gtkuimanager.h',
+ 'gtkvbbox.h',
+ 'gtkvbox.h',
+ 'gtkvscale.h',
+ 'gtkvscrollbar.h',
+ 'gtkvseparator.h',
+ 'gtkvpaned.h',
+install_headers(gtk_deprecated_headers, subdir: 'gtk-3.0/gtk/deprecated/')
diff --git a/gtk/gen-gtk-gresources-xml.py b/gtk/gen-gtk-gresources-xml.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..720d588a4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gtk/gen-gtk-gresources-xml.py
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Generate gtk.gresources.xml
+# Usage: gen-gtk-gresources-xml SRCDIR_GTK [OUTPUT-FILE]
+import os, sys
+srcdir = sys.argv[1]
+xml = '''<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
+ <gresource prefix='/org/gtk/libgtk'>
+def get_files(subdir,extension):
+ return sorted(filter(lambda x: x.endswith((extension)), os.listdir(os.path.join(srcdir,subdir))))
+xml += '''
+ <file>theme/Adwaita/gtk.css</file>
+ <file>theme/Adwaita/gtk-dark.css</file>
+ <file>theme/Adwaita/gtk-contained.css</file>
+ <file>theme/Adwaita/gtk-contained-dark.css</file>
+for f in get_files('theme/Adwaita/assets', '.png'):
+ xml += ' <file preprocess=\'to-pixdata\'>theme/Adwaita/assets/{0}</file>\n'.format(f)
+xml += '\n'
+for f in get_files('theme/Adwaita/assets', '.svg'):
+ xml += ' <file>theme/Adwaita/assets/{0}</file>\n'.format(f)
+xml += '''
+ <file>theme/HighContrast/gtk.css</file>
+ <file alias='theme/HighContrastInverse/gtk.css'>theme/HighContrast/gtk-inverse.css</file>
+ <file>theme/HighContrast/gtk-contained.css</file>
+ <file>theme/HighContrast/gtk-contained-inverse.css</file>
+for f in get_files('theme/HighContrast/assets', '.png'):
+ xml += ' <file preprocess=\'to-pixdata\'>theme/HighContrast/assets/{0}</file>\n'.format(f)
+xml += '\n'
+for f in get_files('theme/HighContrast/assets', '.svg'):
+ xml += ' <file>theme/HighContrast/assets/{0}</file>\n'.format(f)
+xml += '''
+ <file>theme/win32/gtk-win32-base.css</file>
+ <file>theme/win32/gtk.css</file>
+for f in get_files('cursor', '.png'):
+ xml += ' <file>cursor/{0}</file>\n'.format(f)
+for f in get_files('gesture', '.symbolic.png'):
+ xml += ' <file alias=\'icons/64x64/actions/{0}\'>gesture/{0}</file>\n'.format(f)
+xml += '\n'
+for f in get_files('ui', '.ui'):
+ xml += ' <file preprocess=\'xml-stripblanks\'>ui/{0}</file>\n'.format(f)
+xml += '\n'
+for s in ['16x16', '22x22', '24x24', '32x32', '48x48']:
+ for c in ['actions', 'status', 'categories']:
+ icons_dir = 'icons/{0}/{1}'.format(s,c)
+ if os.path.exists(os.path.join(srcdir,icons_dir)):
+ for f in get_files(icons_dir, '.png'):
+ xml += ' <file>icons/{0}/{1}/{2}</file>\n'.format(s,c,f)
+for f in get_files('inspector', '.ui'):
+ xml += ' <file compressed=\'true\' preprocess=\'xml-stripblanks\'>inspector/{0}</file>\n'.format(f)
+xml += '''
+ <file>inspector/logo.png</file>
+ <file>emoji/emoji.data</file>
+ </gresource>
+if len(sys.argv) > 2:
+ outfile = sys.argv[2]
+ f = open(outfile, 'w')
+ f.write(xml)
+ f.close()
+ print(xml)
diff --git a/gtk/gentypefuncs.py b/gtk/gentypefuncs.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b17b7233a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gtk/gentypefuncs.py
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+import sys
+import re
+import os
+debug = os.getenv('GTK_GENTYPEFUNCS_DEBUG') is not None
+out_file = sys.argv[1]
+in_files = sys.argv[2:]
+funcs = []
+if debug: print ('Output file: ', out_file)
+if debug: print (len(in_files), 'input files')
+def open_file(filename, mode):
+ if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
+ return open(filename, mode=mode)
+ else:
+ return open(filename, mode=mode, encoding='utf-8')
+for filename in in_files:
+ if debug: print ('Input file: ', filename)
+ with open_file(filename, "r") as f:
+ for line in f:
+ line = line.rstrip('\n').rstrip('\r')
+ # print line
+ match = re.search(r'\bg[tds]k_[a-zA-Z0-9_]*_get_type\b', line)
+ if match:
+ func = match.group(0)
+ if not func in funcs:
+ funcs.append(func)
+ if debug: print ('Found ', func)
+funcs = sorted(funcs)
+for f in funcs:
+ if f.startswith('gdk_x11') or f.startswith('gtk_socket') or f.startswith('gtk_plug'):
+ file_output += '#ifdef GDK_WINDOWING_X11\n'
+ file_output += '*tp++ = {0}();\n'.format(f)
+ file_output += '#endif\n'
+ else:
+ file_output += '*tp++ = {0}();\n'.format(f)
+if debug: print (len(funcs), 'functions')
+ofile = open(out_file, "w")
diff --git a/gtk/gtktestutils.c b/gtk/gtktestutils.c
index 7b78f739fe..5c0a362296 100644
--- a/gtk/gtktestutils.c
+++ b/gtk/gtktestutils.c
@@ -764,7 +764,7 @@ gtk_test_register_all_types (void)
GType *tp;
all_registered_types = g_new0 (GType, max_gtk_types);
tp = all_registered_types;
-#include "gtktypefuncs.c"
+#include "gtktypefuncs.inc"
n_all_registered_types = tp - all_registered_types;
g_assert (n_all_registered_types + 1 < max_gtk_types);
*tp = 0;
diff --git a/gtk/inspector/meson.build b/gtk/inspector/meson.build
index a119a08db8..7ca24ae2ee 100644
--- a/gtk/inspector/meson.build
+++ b/gtk/inspector/meson.build
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ inspector_sources = files(
+ 'gtkstackcombo.c',
@@ -23,9 +24,8 @@ inspector_sources = files(
+ 'strv-editor.c',
- 'strv-editor.c',
- 'gtkstackcombo.c'
diff --git a/gtk/meson.build b/gtk/meson.build
index 46fa1a9a4d..9526c049f7 100644
--- a/gtk/meson.build
+++ b/gtk/meson.build
@@ -2,7 +2,23 @@ subdir('deprecated')
-gtk_sources = files([
+gtk_cargs = [
+ '-DG_LOG_DOMAIN="Gtk"',
+ # FIXME, support other backends
+ '-DGTK_BINARY_VERSION="@0@"'.format(gtk_binary_version),
+ '-DGTK_HOST="@0@"'.format(host_machine.system()),
+ '-DGTK_DATA_PREFIX="@0@"'.format(gtk_prefix),
+ '-DGTK_LIBDIR="@0@"'.format(gtk_libdir),
+ '-DGTK_LOCALEDIR="@0@"'.format(gtk_localedir),
+ '-DGTK_DATADIR="@0@"'.format(gtk_datadir),
+ '-DGTK_SYSCONFDIR="@0@"'.format(gtk_sysconfdir),
+# List of sources to build the library from
+gtk_sources = files(
@@ -28,6 +44,7 @@ gtk_sources = files([
+ 'gtkapplicationaccels.c',
@@ -38,17 +55,14 @@ gtk_sources = files([
+ 'gtkboxgadget.c',
- 'gtkicon.c',
- 'gtkshortcutswindow.c',
- 'gtkshortcutssection.c',
+ 'gtkbuiltinicon.c',
- 'gtkcssnode.c',
- 'gtkcsscalcvalue.c',
@@ -66,7 +80,6 @@ gtk_sources = files([
- 'gtkcenterbox.c',
@@ -74,44 +87,45 @@ gtk_sources = files([
+ 'gtkcolorpicker.c',
+ 'gtkcolorpickerkwin.c',
+ 'gtkcolorpickerportal.c',
+ 'gtkcolorpickershell.c',
+ 'gtkcomposetable.c',
- 'gtkcssgadget.c',
- 'gtkcsscustomgadget.c',
- 'gtkboxgadget.c',
- 'gtkimagedefinition.c',
- 'gtkprogresstracker.c',
- 'gtkcssimageradial.c',
- 'gtkcssimagerecolor.c',
- 'gtkcssimagefallback.c',
- 'gtkbuiltinicon.c',
- 'gtkcssstylechange.c',
- 'gtkcsspalettevalue.c',
+ 'gtkcsscalcvalue.c',
+ 'gtkcsscustomgadget.c',
+ 'gtkcssdimensionvalue.c',
+ 'gtkcssgadget.c',
+ 'gtkcssimagefallback.c',
+ 'gtkcssimageradial.c',
+ 'gtkcssimagerecolor.c',
@@ -122,7 +136,9 @@ gtk_sources = files([
+ 'gtkcssnodestylecache.c',
+ 'gtkcsspalettevalue.c',
@@ -133,12 +149,10 @@ gtk_sources = files([
+ 'gtkcssstylechange.c',
- 'gtkshortcutlabel.c',
- 'gtkfilechoosernativeportal.c',
- 'gtkdragsource.c',
@@ -152,29 +166,29 @@ gtk_sources = files([
- 'gtkcssnodestylecache.c',
- 'gtkapplicationaccels.c',
- 'gtkcssdimensionvalue.c',
- 'gtkshortcutsgroup.c',
- 'gtkshortcutsshortcut.c',
- 'gtkfilechoosernative.c',
- 'gtknativedialog.c',
+ 'gtkcsswin32sizevalue.c',
+ 'gtkdragsource.c',
- 'gtkutils.c',
- 'gtktooltipwindow.c',
+ 'gtkemojichooser.c',
+ 'gtkemojicompletion.c',
+ 'gtkeventcontrollerkey.c',
+ 'gtkeventcontrollermotion.c',
+ 'gtkeventcontrollerscroll.c',
+ 'gtkfilechoosernative.c',
+ 'gtkfilechoosernativeportal.c',
@@ -185,15 +199,9 @@ gtk_sources = files([
- 'gtkcsswin32sizevalue.c',
- 'gtkwin32theme.c',
- 'gtkwin32draw.c',
- 'gtkcomposetable.c',
- 'gdkpixbufutils.c',
- 'gtkprintoperation-portal.c',
@@ -202,21 +210,21 @@ gtk_sources = files([
+ 'gtkgesturestylus.c',
- 'gtkgizmo.c',
- 'gtkgladecatalog.c',
- 'gtkdragdest.c',
+ 'gtkicon.c',
+ 'gtkimagedefinition.c',
@@ -250,6 +258,7 @@ gtk_sources = files([
+ 'gtknativedialog.c',
@@ -270,6 +279,7 @@ gtk_sources = files([
+ 'gtkprogresstracker.c',
@@ -302,6 +312,11 @@ gtk_sources = files([
+ 'gtkshortcutsgroup.c',
+ 'gtkshortcutlabel.c',
+ 'gtkshortcutsshortcut.c',
+ 'gtkshortcutssection.c',
+ 'gtkshortcutswindow.c',
@@ -347,6 +362,7 @@ gtk_sources = files([
+ 'gtktooltipwindow.c',
@@ -359,28 +375,26 @@ gtk_sources = files([
+ 'gtkutils.c',
- 'gtkwidgetfocus.c',
+ 'gtkwin32draw.c',
- 'fallback-c89.c'
+ 'gdkpixbufutils.c',
+ 'language-names.c',
+ 'script-names.c',
-gtk_private_type_headers = files([
+gtk_private_type_headers = files(
-gtk_private_h_sources = gtk_private_type_headers + files([
- 'gtkrecentchooserutils.h',
- 'gtkrbtree.h',
-gtk_public_h_sources = files([
+gtk_public_headers = files(
@@ -452,6 +466,9 @@ gtk_public_h_sources = files([
+ 'gtkeventcontrollerkey.h',
+ 'gtkeventcontrollermotion.h',
+ 'gtkeventcontrollerscroll.h',
@@ -473,6 +490,7 @@ gtk_public_h_sources = files([
+ 'gtkgesturestylus.h',
@@ -602,52 +620,14 @@ gtk_public_h_sources = files([
-gtk_deprecated_type_headers = files([
- 'deprecated/gtkactivatable.h',
- 'deprecated/gtkaction.h',
- 'deprecated/gtkactiongroup.h',
- 'deprecated/gtkalignment.h',
- 'deprecated/gtkarrow.h',
- 'deprecated/gtkcolorsel.h',
- 'deprecated/gtkcolorseldialog.h',
- 'deprecated/gtkfontsel.h',
- 'deprecated/gtkgradient.h',
- 'deprecated/gtkhandlebox.h',
- 'deprecated/gtkhbbox.h',
- 'deprecated/gtkhbox.h',
- 'deprecated/gtkhpaned.h',
- 'deprecated/gtkhscale.h',
- 'deprecated/gtkhscrollbar.h',
- 'deprecated/gtkhseparator.h',
- 'deprecated/gtkhsv.h',
- 'deprecated/gtkiconfactory.h',
- 'deprecated/gtkimagemenuitem.h',
- 'deprecated/gtkmisc.h',
- 'deprecated/gtknumerableicon.h',
- 'deprecated/gtkradioaction.h',
- 'deprecated/gtkrc.h',
- 'deprecated/gtkrecentaction.h',
- 'deprecated/gtkstatusicon.h',
- 'deprecated/gtkstock.h',
- 'deprecated/gtkstyle.h',
- 'deprecated/gtkstyleproperties.h',
- 'deprecated/gtksymboliccolor.h',
- 'deprecated/gtktable.h',
- 'deprecated/gtktearoffmenuitem.h',
- 'deprecated/gtkthemingengine.h',
- 'deprecated/gtktoggleaction.h',
- 'deprecated/gtkuimanager.h',
- 'deprecated/gtkvbbox.h',
- 'deprecated/gtkvbox.h',
- 'deprecated/gtkvscale.h',
- 'deprecated/gtkvscrollbar.h',
- 'deprecated/gtkvseparator.h',
- 'deprecated/gtkvpaned.h',
+# Installed headers without compatibility guarantees that are not included in gtk/gtk.h
+gtk_semi_private_headers = files('gtktextlayout.h')
+install_headers(gtk_public_headers + gtk_semi_private_headers, subdir: 'gtk-3.0/gtk')
-gtk_unix_sources = files([
+gtk_unix_sources = files(
@@ -656,20 +636,57 @@ gtk_unix_sources = files([
+ 'gtkprintoperation-portal.c',
+if os_unix
+ gtk_sources += gtk_unix_sources
-gtkresources = gnome.compile_resources(
- 'gtkresources',
- 'gtk.gresource.xml',
- source_dir: '.',
- c_name: '_gtk',
- extra_args: '--manual-register'
+gtk_win32_sources = files(
+ 'gtkprint-win32.c',
+ 'gtkprintoperation-win32.c',
+ 'gtkfilechoosernativewin32.c',
+ 'gtkwin32.c',
-gtk_x11_sources = files([
+if os_win32
+ gtk_sources += gtk_win32_sources
+gen_gtk_gresources_xml = find_program('gen-gtk-gresources-xml.py')
+gtk_gresources_xml = configure_file(output: 'gtk.gresources.xml',
+ command: [
+ gen_gtk_gresources_xml,
+ meson.current_source_dir(),
+ '@OUTPUT@'
+ ])
+# Re-build the theme files if sassc is available
+theme_deps = []
+sassc = find_program('sassc', required: false)
+if sassc.found()
+ sassc_opts = [ '-a', '-M', '-t', 'compact' ]
+ subdir('theme/Adwaita')
+ subdir('theme/HighContrast')
+gtkresources = gnome.compile_resources('gtkresources',
+ gtk_gresources_xml,
+ dependencies: theme_deps,
+ source_dir: [
+ # List in order of preference
+ meson.current_build_dir(),
+ meson.current_source_dir(),
+ ],
+ c_name: '_gtk',
+ extra_args: '--manual-register')
+gtk_use_x11_sources = files([
@@ -678,122 +695,120 @@ gtk_x11_sources = files([
-gtk_wayland_sources = files([
+gtk_use_wayland_sources = files([
-dnd_sources = files([
- 'gtkclipboard.c',
- 'gtkdnd.c'
+if quartz_enabled
+ gtk_sources += files(
+ 'gtkclipboard-quartz.c',
+ 'gtkdnd-quartz.c',
+ )
+ gtk_sources += files(
+ 'gtkclipboard.c',
+ 'gtkdnd.c',
+ 'gtkdragdest.c',
+ )
-gtk_use_wayland_or_x11_c_sources = files([
- 'gtkapplication-dbus.c'
+gtk_use_wayland_or_x11_sources = files( 'gtkapplication-dbus.c')
+gtk_use_win32_sources = files(
+ 'gtkwin32embed.c',
+ 'gtkwin32embedwidget.c',
+ 'gtkmountoperation-stub.c',
+gtk_use_quartz_sources = files(
+ 'gtksearchenginequartz.c',
+ 'gtkmountoperation-stub.c',
+ 'gtkapplication-quartz.c',
+ 'gtkapplication-quartz-menu.c',
+ 'gtkfilechoosernativequartz.c',
+ 'gtkquartz.c',
+gtk_stub_sources = files('gtkmountoperation-stub.c')
gtk_dbus_src = gnome.gdbus_codegen('gtkdbusgenerated', 'gtkdbusinterfaces.xml',
interface_prefix: 'org.Gtk.',
namespace: '_Gtk')
-gtkmarshal_h = custom_target(
- 'gtkmarshal_h',
- output : 'gtkmarshalers.h',
- input : 'gtkmarshalers.list',
- command : [mkmarshal, glib_marshal, '_gtk_marshal', '@INPUT@', '@OUTPUT@']
+gtkmarshalers = gnome.genmarshal('gtkmarshalers',
+ sources: 'gtkmarshalers.list',
+ prefix: '_gtk_marshal',
+ valist_marshallers: true)
-gtkmarshal_c = custom_target(
- 'gtkmarshal_c',
- output : 'gtkmarshalers.c',
- input : 'gtkmarshalers.list',
- command : [mkmarshal, glib_marshal, '_gtk_marshal', '@INPUT@', '@OUTPUT@']
+gtkmarshal_h = gtkmarshalers[1]
+gtktypebuiltins = gnome.mkenums('gtktypebuiltins',
+ sources: gtk_public_headers + gtk_deprecated_headers + a11y_headers,
+ c_template: 'gtktypebuiltins.c.template',
+ h_template: 'gtktypebuiltins.h.template',
+ install_dir: join_paths(gtk_includedir, 'gtk-3.0/gtk'),
+ install_header: true)
+gtktypebuiltins_h = gtktypebuiltins[1]
-gtktypebuiltins_h = custom_target(
- 'gtkypebuiltins_h',
- output : 'gtktypebuiltins.h',
- input : gtk_public_h_sources + gtk_deprecated_type_headers,
- command : [mkenum, perl, glib_mkenums, meson.current_source_dir() + '/gtktypebuiltins.h.template',
'@OUTPUT@', '@INPUT@']
+gtkprivatetypebuiltins = gnome.mkenums('gtkprivatetypebuiltins',
+ sources: gtk_private_type_headers,
+ c_template: 'gtkprivatetypebuiltins.c.template',
+ h_template: 'gtkprivatetypebuiltins.h.template')
-gtktypebuiltins_c = custom_target(
- 'gtkypebuiltins_c',
- output : 'gtktypebuiltins.c',
- input : gtk_public_h_sources + gtk_deprecated_type_headers,
- depends : gtktypebuiltins_h,
- command : [mkenum, perl, glib_mkenums, meson.current_source_dir() + '/gtktypebuiltins.c.template',
'@OUTPUT@', '@INPUT@']
+gtkprivatetypebuiltins_h = gtkprivatetypebuiltins[1]
-gtkprivatetypebuiltins_h = custom_target(
- 'gtkprivateypebuiltins_h',
- output : 'gtkprivatetypebuiltins.h',
- input : gtk_private_type_headers,
- command : [mkenum, perl, glib_mkenums, meson.current_source_dir() + '/gtkprivatetypebuiltins.h.template',
'@OUTPUT@', '@INPUT@']
+# Generate gtktypefuncs.inc
+typefuncs = custom_target('gtktypefuncs.inc',
+ depends: [ gdkenum_h ],
+ output: 'gtktypefuncs.inc',
+ input: gdk_headers +
+ gtk_public_headers +
+ gtk_deprecated_headers +
+ [ gtktypebuiltins_h, gdkenum_h ],
+ command: [
+ find_program('gentypefuncs.py'),
+ '@OUTPUT@',
+ '@INPUT@',
+ ],
+ install: false)
-gtkprivatetypebuiltins_c = custom_target(
- 'gtkprivateypebuiltins_c',
- output : 'gtkprivatetypebuiltins.c',
- input : gtk_private_type_headers,
- depends : [gtkprivatetypebuiltins_h, gtktypebuiltins_h],
- command : [mkenum, perl, glib_mkenums, meson.current_source_dir() + '/gtkprivatetypebuiltins.c.template',
'@OUTPUT@', '@INPUT@']
-gentypefuncs_prog = find_program('gentypefuncs.py')
-# Generate gtktypefuncs.c
-typefuncs = custom_target(
- 'typefuncs',
- depends: gdkenum_h,
- output : 'gtktypefuncs.c',
- input : gdk_headers + gtk_public_h_sources + gtk_deprecated_type_headers + gtk_private_h_sources +
[gtktypebuiltins_h] + [gdkenum_h],
- command: [gentypefuncs_prog, '@OUTPUT@', '@INPUT@'],
- install: false,
+gtkversion_cdata = configuration_data()
+gtkversion_cdata.set('GTK_MAJOR_VERSION', gtk_major_version)
+gtkversion_cdata.set('GTK_MINOR_VERSION', gtk_minor_version)
+gtkversion_cdata.set('GTK_MICRO_VERSION', gtk_micro_version)
+gtkversion_cdata.set('GTK_BINARY_AGE', gtk_binary_age)
+gtkversion_cdata.set('GTK_INTERFACE_AGE', gtk_interface_age)
-cdata = configuration_data()
-cdata.set('GTK_MAJOR_VERSION', gtk_major_version)
-cdata.set('GTK_MINOR_VERSION', gtk_minor_version)
-cdata.set('GTK_MICRO_VERSION', gtk_micro_version)
-cdata.set('GTK_BINARY_AGE', gtk_binary_age)
-cdata.set('GTK_INTERFACE_AGE', gtk_interface_age)
-gtkversion = configure_file(
- input : 'gtkversion.h.in',
- output : 'gtkversion.h',
- configuration: cdata
+gtkversion = configure_file(input: 'gtkversion.h.in',
+ output: 'gtkversion.h',
+ configuration: gtkversion_cdata,
+ install_dir: join_paths(gtk_includedir, 'gtk-3.0/gtk'))
-gtk_cargs = [
- '-DGTK_BINARY_VERSION="' + gtk_binary_version + '"',
- '-DGTK_HOST="' + host_machine.system() + '"',
- '-DGTK_SYSCONFDIR="' + get_option('prefix') + '/etc"',
- '-DGTK_DATADIR="' + get_option('datadir') + '"',
- '-DGTK_DATA_PREFIX="'+ get_option('prefix') + '"',
+gtk_gen_headers = [
+ gtkmarshalers,
+ gtkprivatetypebuiltins,
+ gtktypebuiltins,
+ gtkversion,
gtk_sources += [
- gtk_unix_sources,
- gtk_deprecated_c_sources,
- dnd_sources,
+ gtk_deprecated_sources,
- gtkmarshal_c,
- gtkprivatetypebuiltins_c,
- gtktypebuiltins_c,
+ gtkmarshalers,
+ gtkprivatetypebuiltins,
+ gtktypebuiltins,
gtk_deps = [
- giounix_dep,
- atkbridge_dep,
+ gobject_dep,
+ platform_gio_dep,
@@ -802,68 +817,194 @@ gtk_deps = [
- mlib,
+ libm,
if x11_enabled
- runcmd = run_command('pkg-config', '--variable=prefix', 'x11')
- if runcmd.returncode() == 0
- gtk_cargs += '-DX11_DATA_PREFIX="' + runcmd.stdout().strip() + '"'
- else
- error('Could not get x11 data prefix via pkg-config.')
- endif
+ x11_data_prefix = dependency('x11').get_pkgconfig_variable('prefix')
- gtk_sources += [
- gtk_x11_sources,
- gtk_use_wayland_or_x11_c_sources
- ]
- gtk_deps += [
- xi_dep,
- x11_dep,
- pangoft_dep
- ]
+ gtk_cargs += [ '-DX11_DATA_PREFIX="@0@"'.format(x11_data_prefix), ]
+ gtk_sources += gtk_use_x11_sources
+ gtk_deps += [ xi_dep, x11_dep, ]
if wayland_enabled
- gtk_sources += [
- gtk_wayland_sources,
- gtk_use_wayland_or_x11_c_sources
- ]
- gtk_deps += [
- pangoft_dep
- ]
+ gtk_sources += gtk_use_wayland_sources
+if broadway_enabled
+ gtk_sources += ['gtkimcontextbroadway.c']
-libgtk = shared_library('gtk',
- gtk_sources,
- gtkmarshal_h,
- c_args: gtk_cargs,
- include_directories: [confinc, gdkinc, gtkinc],
- dependencies: [gtk_deps, libgdk_dep],
- install: true
+if win32_enabled
+ gtk_cargs += []
+ gtk_sources += gtk_use_win32_sources
+ gtk_deps += [ giowin32_dep, pangowin32_dep ]
+ gtk_deps += [ atkbridge_dep, ]
-libgtk_dep = declare_dependency(
- sources: [
- 'gtk.h',
- gtkversion,
- gtktypebuiltins_c,
+if quartz_enabled
+ gtk_sources += gtk_use_quartz_sources
+ gtk_cargs += ['-xobjective-c'] # FIXME? maybe add_languages() instead?
+# So we don't add these twice
+if x11_enabled or wayland_enabled
+ gtk_sources += gtk_use_wayland_or_x11_sources
+ gtk_deps += pangoft_dep
+if not (x11_enabled or win32_enabled or quartz_enabled)
+ gtk_sources += gtk_stub_sources
+if cloudproviders_enabled
+ gtk_deps += cloudproviders_dep
+# Unconditional. If libintl isn't found,
+# the object just does nothing being in the deplist
+gtk_deps += libintl_dep
+gtk_settings_schemas = [
+ 'org.gtk.Settings.FileChooser.gschema.xml',
+ 'org.gtk.Settings.ColorChooser.gschema.xml',
+ 'org.gtk.Settings.EmojiChooser.gschema.xml',
+ 'org.gtk.Settings.Debug.gschema.xml',
+install_data(gtk_settings_schemas, install_dir: gtk_schemasdir)
+gnome.compile_schemas(depend_files: files(gtk_settings_schemas),
+ build_by_default: true)
+gtk_schema_build_dir = meson.current_build_dir()
+# Check for more things
+if cc.has_header('langinfo.h')
+ foreach nl_enum: [ '_NL_MEASUREMENT_MEASUREMENT',
+ cdata.set('HAVE_' + nl_enum, cc.has_header_symbol('langinfo.h', nl_enum))
+ endforeach
+# Library
+libgtk = shared_library('gtk-3',
+ soversion: gtk_soversion,
+ sources: [typefuncs, gtk_sources, gtkmarshal_h, gtkprivatetypebuiltins_h],
+ c_args: gtk_cargs + common_cflags,
+ include_directories: [confinc, gdkinc, gtkinc],
+ dependencies: gtk_deps + [libgdk_dep],
+ link_with: libgdk,
+ link_args: common_ldflags,
+ install: true)
+gtk_dep_sources = [gtkversion, gtktypebuiltins_h]
+# Introspection
+build_gir = get_option('introspection')
+if build_gir
+ gir_args = [
+ '--quiet',
+ ]
+ # We may build some of the dependencies as sub-projects; this means
+ # that we need to depend on the built introspection data, instead of
+ # the installed one
+ gdk_gir_inc = [ 'cairo-1.0', 'Gio-2.0', ]
+ if pixbuf_dep.type_name() == 'internal'
+ gdk_gir_inc += subproject('gdk-pixbuf').get_variable('gdkpixbuf_gir').get(0)
+ else
+ gdk_gir_inc += 'GdkPixbuf-2.0'
+ endif
+ if pango_dep.type_name() == 'internal'
+ gdk_gir_inc += subproject('pango').get_variable('pango_gir').get(0)
+ else
+ gdk_gir_inc += 'Pango-1.0'
+ endif
+ gdk_gir = gnome.generate_gir(libgtk,
+ sources: gdk_public_headers + gdk_sources + [ gdkenum_h ],
+ namespace: 'Gdk',
+ nsversion: gtk_api_version,
+ identifier_prefix: 'Gdk',
+ symbol_prefix: 'gdk',
+ export_packages: 'gtk+-3.0',
+ includes: gdk_gir_inc,
+ header: 'gdk/gdk.h',
+ install: true,
+ extra_args: gir_args + [
+ ])
+ gdk_gir_dep = declare_dependency(sources: gdk_gir)
+ gtk_dep_sources += gdk_gir
+ if x11_enabled
+ gdk_x11_gir = gnome.generate_gir(libgtk,
+ sources: gdk_x11_public_headers + gdk_x11_sources,
+ namespace: 'GdkX11',
+ nsversion: gtk_api_version,
+ identifier_prefix: 'Gdk',
+ symbol_prefix: 'gdk',
+ export_packages: 'gtk+-x11-3.0',
+ includes: [ gdk_gir[0], 'xlib-2.0', ],
+ install: true,
+ dependencies: gdk_gir_dep,
+ header: 'gdk/gdkx.h',
+ extra_args: gir_args + [
+ ])
+ gtk_dep_sources += gdk_x11_gir
+ endif
+ gtk_introspection_sources = [
+ gtk_public_headers,
+ gtk_sources,
+ a11y_headers,
+ a11y_sources,
- ],
- dependencies: gtk_deps,
- link_with: [libgtk, libgdk],
- link_args: ['-Bsymbolic'],
- include_directories: [confinc, gtkinc]
+ gtkversion,
+ ]
+ gtk_gir = gnome.generate_gir(libgtk,
+ sources: gtk_introspection_sources,
+ namespace: 'Gtk',
+ nsversion: gtk_api_version,
+ identifier_prefix: 'Gtk',
+ symbol_prefix: 'gtk',
+ export_packages: 'gtk+-3.0',
+ includes: [ gdk_gir[0], 'Atk-1.0', ],
+ header: 'gtk/gtk.h',
+ install: true,
+ dependencies: gdk_gir_dep,
+ extra_args: gir_args + [
+ '--c-include=gtk/gtk-a11y.h',
+ ])
+ gtk_dep_sources += gtk_gir
+libgtk_dep = declare_dependency(sources: gtk_dep_sources,
+ include_directories: [confinc, gtkinc],
+ dependencies: gtk_deps + [libgdk_dep],
+ link_with: libgtk,
+ link_args: common_ldflags)
+if quartz_enabled
+ # HACK: install_data() doesn't allow installing under a different name (#1487)
+ # FIXME: or maybe just rename it to gtk-keys.css in the src tree?
+ configure_file(input: 'gtk-keys.css.mac',
+ output: 'gtk-keys.css',
+ copy: true,
+ install_dir: join_paths(get_option('datadir'), 'themes/Mac/gtk-4.0'))
####### Utils ######
gtk_query_settings = executable(
+ c_args: gtk_cargs,
dependencies: libgtk_dep,
install: true
@@ -871,6 +1012,7 @@ gtk_query_settings = executable(
gtk_builder_tool = executable(
+ c_args: gtk_cargs,
dependencies: libgtk_dep,
install: true
@@ -878,21 +1020,24 @@ gtk_builder_tool = executable(
gtk_update_icon_cache = executable(
+ c_args: gtk_cargs,
dependencies: libgtk_dep,
install: true
-# gtk_query_immodules = executable(
- # 'gtk-query-immodules-3.0',
- # 'queryimmodules.c',
- # 'gtkutils.c',
- # dependencies: libgtk_dep,
- # install: true
-# )
+ gtk_query_immodules = executable(
+ 'gtk-query-immodules-3.0',
+ 'queryimmodules.c',
+ 'gtkutils.c',
+ c_args: gtk_cargs,
+ dependencies: libgtk_dep,
+ install: true
gtk_encode_symbolic_svg = executable(
+ c_args: gtk_cargs,
dependencies: libgtk_dep,
install: true
@@ -900,6 +1045,7 @@ gtk_encode_symbolic_svg = executable(
gtk_launch = executable(
+ c_args: gtk_cargs,
dependencies: libgtk_dep,
install: true
diff --git a/gtk/theme/Adwaita/meson.build b/gtk/theme/Adwaita/meson.build
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7a799f947d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gtk/theme/Adwaita/meson.build
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+scss_files = files([
+ '_colors-public.scss',
+ '_colors.scss',
+ '_common.scss',
+ '_drawing.scss',
+theme_variants = [
+ 'dark',
+theme_deps += custom_target('Adwaita',
+ input: 'gtk-contained.scss',
+ output: 'gtk-contained.css',
+ command: [
+ sassc, sassc_opts, '@INPUT@', '@OUTPUT@',
+ ],
+ depend_files: scss_files,
+ build_by_default: true)
+foreach variant: theme_variants
+ theme_deps += custom_target('Adwaita-' + variant,
+ input: 'gtk-contained-@0@.scss'.format(variant),
+ output: 'gtk-contained-@0@.css'.format(variant),
+ command: [
+ sassc, sassc_opts, '@INPUT@', '@OUTPUT@',
+ ],
+ depend_files: scss_files,
+ build_by_default: true)
diff --git a/gtk/theme/HighContrast/meson.build b/gtk/theme/HighContrast/meson.build
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f3230353ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gtk/theme/HighContrast/meson.build
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+scss_files = files([
+ '_colors.scss',
+ '_common.scss',
+ '_drawing.scss',
+theme_variants = [
+ 'inverse',
+theme_deps += custom_target('HighContrast',
+ input: 'gtk-contained.scss',
+ output: 'gtk-contained.css',
+ command: [
+ sassc, sassc_opts, '@INPUT@', '@OUTPUT@',
+ ],
+ depend_files: scss_files,
+ build_by_default: true)
+foreach variant: theme_variants
+ theme_deps += custom_target('HighContrast-' + variant,
+ input: 'gtk-contained-@0@.scss'.format(variant),
+ output: 'gtk-contained-@0@.css'.format(variant),
+ command: [
+ sassc, sassc_opts, '@INPUT@', '@OUTPUT@',
+ ],
+ depend_files: scss_files,
+ build_by_default: true)
diff --git a/meson.build b/meson.build
index e3d9ec4eca..a78876f884 100644
--- a/meson.build
+++ b/meson.build
@@ -1,24 +1,73 @@
project('gtk+-3.0', 'c',
- version: '3.22.0',
+ version: '3.24.1',
default_options: [
+ meson_version : '>= 0.43.0',
license: 'LGPLv2.1+')
-gnome = import('gnome')
+glib_major_req = 2
+glib_minor_req = 53
+glib_micro_req = 4
+if glib_minor_req.is_odd()
+ glib_min_required = 'GLIB_VERSION_@0@_@1@'.format(glib_major_req, glib_minor_req - 1)
+ glib_min_required = 'GLIB_VERSION_@0@_@1@'.format(glib_major_req, glib_minor_req)
-add_global_arguments('-DG_LOG_USE_STRUCTURED=1', language: 'c')
-add_global_arguments('-DG_ENABLE_DEBUG', language: 'c')
-add_global_arguments('-DG_ENABLE_CONSISTENCY_CHECKS', language: 'c')
+if glib_minor_req.is_odd()
+ glib_max_allowed = 'GLIB_VERSION_@0@_@1@'.format(glib_major_req, glib_minor_req + 1)
+ glib_max_allowed = 'GLIB_VERSION_@0@_@1@'.format(glib_major_req, glib_minor_req)
+glib_req = '>= @0@.@1@.@2@'.format(glib_major_req, glib_minor_req, glib_micro_req)
+pango_req = '>= 1.41.0'
+atk_req = '>= 2.15.1'
+cairo_req = '>= 1.14.0'
+gdk_pixbuf_req = '>= 2.30.0'
+introspection_req = '>= 1.39.0'
+wayland_proto_req = '>= 1.12'
+wayland_req = '>= 1.9.91'
+epoxy_req = '>= 1.4'
+cloudproviders_req = '>= 0.2.5'
+xkbcommon_req = '>= 0.2.0'
+gnome = import('gnome')
-gtk_version = meson.project_version().split('.')
-gtk_major_version = gtk_version[0].to_int()
-gtk_minor_version = gtk_version[1].to_int()
-gtk_micro_version = gtk_version[2].to_int()
+add_project_arguments('-DG_LOG_USE_STRUCTURED=1', language: 'c')
+add_project_arguments('-DGLIB_MIN_REQUIRED_VERSION=' + glib_min_required, language: 'c')
+add_project_arguments('-DGLIB_MAX_ALLOWED_VERSION=' + glib_max_allowed, language: 'c')
+# Making releases:
+# 1. gtk_micro_version += 1;
+# 2. gtk_interface_age += 1;
+# 3. if any functions have been added, set gtk_interface_age to 0.
+# 4. if backwards compatibility has been broken, we're in trouble
+gtk_version = meson.project_version()
+gtk_major_version = gtk_version.split('.')[0].to_int()
+gtk_minor_version = gtk_version.split('.')[1].to_int()
+gtk_micro_version = gtk_version.split('.')[2].to_int()
gtk_interface_age = 0
-add_global_arguments('-DGTK_VERSION="' + meson.project_version() + '"', language: 'c')
+add_project_arguments('-DGTK_VERSION="@0@"'.format(meson.project_version()), language: 'c')
+add_project_arguments('-D_GNU_SOURCE', language: 'c')
+gtk_debug_cflags = []
+buildtype = get_option('buildtype')
+if buildtype.startswith('debug')
+ gtk_debug_cflags += '-DG_ENABLE_DEBUG'
+ if buildtype == 'debug'
+ gtk_debug_cflags += '-DG_ENABLE_CONSISTENCY_CHECKS'
+ endif
+elif buildtype == 'release'
+ gtk_debug_cflags += '-DG_DISABLE_CAST_CHECKS'
+add_project_arguments(gtk_debug_cflags, language: 'c')
# Define a string for the earliest version that this release has
# backwards binary compatibility with for all interfaces a module
@@ -28,167 +77,344 @@ add_global_arguments('-DGTK_VERSION="' + meson.project_version() + '"', language
gtk_binary_version = '3.0.0'
gtk_binary_age = 100 * gtk_minor_version + gtk_micro_version
-gtk_api_version = '@0@.0'.format(gtk_major_version)
-x11_enabled = get_option('enable-x11-backend')
-wayland_enabled = get_option('enable-wayland-backend')
-broadway_enabled = get_option('enable-broadway-backend')
+gtk_soversion = '0.@0@.@1@'.format(gtk_binary_age - gtk_interface_age, gtk_interface_age)
+gtk_api_version = '@0@.0'.format(gtk_major_version)
-mkmarshal = find_program('build_marshal.py')
-glib_marshal = find_program('glib-genmarshal')
-mkenum = find_program('build_enum.py')
-perl = find_program('perl')
-glib_mkenums = find_program('glib-mkenums')
+x11_enabled = get_option('x11-backend')
+wayland_enabled = get_option('wayland-backend')
+broadway_enabled = get_option('broadway-backend')
+quartz_enabled = get_option('quartz-backend')
+win32_enabled = get_option('win32-backend')
os_unix = false
os_linux = false
os_win32 = false
os_darwin = false
-if host_machine.system().contains('darwin')
+# Some windowing system backends depend on the platform we're
+# building for, so we need to ensure they are disabled; in other
+# cases, they are the only windowing system available, so we need
+# to ensure they are enabled
+if host_machine.system() == 'darwin'
os_darwin = true
-elif host_machine.system().contains('mingw')
+elif host_machine.system() == 'windows'
os_win32 = true
-elif host_machine.system().contains('linux')
+elif host_machine.system() == 'linux'
os_linux = true
os_unix = not os_win32
+if os_darwin
+ wayland_enabled = false
+ quartz_enabled = false
+if os_win32
+ wayland_enabled = false
+ x11_enabled = false
+ win32_enabled = false
+gtk_prefix = get_option('prefix')
+gtk_includedir = join_paths(gtk_prefix, get_option('includedir'))
+gtk_libdir = join_paths(gtk_prefix, get_option('libdir'))
+gtk_datadir = join_paths(gtk_prefix, get_option('datadir'))
+gtk_localedir = join_paths(gtk_prefix, get_option('localedir'))
+gtk_sysconfdir = join_paths(gtk_prefix, get_option('sysconfdir'))
+gtk_applicationsdir = join_paths(gtk_datadir, 'applications')
+gtk_schemasdir = join_paths(gtk_datadir, 'glib-2.0/schemas')
+gtk_appdatadir = join_paths(gtk_datadir, 'metainfo')
cc = meson.get_compiler('c')
cdata = configuration_data()
-cdata.set('PACKAGE_VERSION', '"'+meson.project_version()+'"')
-cdata.set('GTK_LOCALEDIR', '"'+get_option('localedir')+'"')
-cdata.set('GTK_DATADIR', '"'+get_option('datadir')+'"')
-cdata.set('GTK_LIBDIR', '"'+get_option('libdir')+'"')
-cdata.set('GETTEXT_PACKAGE', '"gtk30"')
+cdata.set_quoted('PACKAGE_VERSION', meson.project_version())
+cdata.set_quoted('GTK_LOCALEDIR', gtk_localedir)
+cdata.set_quoted('GTK_DATADIR', gtk_datadir)
+cdata.set_quoted('GTK_LIBDIR', gtk_libdir)
+cdata.set_quoted('GTK_SYSCONFDIR', gtk_sysconfdir)
+cdata.set_quoted('GETTEXT_PACKAGE', 'gtk30')
cdata.set('GTK_MAJOR_VERSION', gtk_major_version)
cdata.set('GTK_MINOR_VERSION', gtk_minor_version)
cdata.set('GTK_MICRO_VERSION', gtk_micro_version)
cdata.set('GTK_BINARY_AGE', gtk_binary_age)
cdata.set('GTK_INTERFACE_AGE', gtk_interface_age)
check_headers = [
- ['HAVE_CRT_EXTERNS_H', 'crt/externs.h'],
- ['HAVE_DLFCN_H', 'dlfcn.h'],
- ['HAVE_FTW_H', 'ftw.h'],
- ['HAVE_INTTYPES_H', 'inttypes.h'],
- ['HAVE_LOCALE_H', 'locale.h'],
- ['HAVE_MEMORY_H', 'memory.h'],
- ['HAVE_STDINT_H', 'stdint.h'],
- ['HAVE_STDLIB_H', 'stdlib.h'],
- ['HAVE_STRINGS_H', 'strings.h'],
- ['HAVE_STRING_H', 'string.h'],
- ['HAVE_SYS_MMAN_H', 'sys/mman.h'],
- ['HAVE_SYS_PARAM_H', 'sys/param.h'],
- ['HAVE_SYS_STAT_H', 'sys/stat.h'],
- ['HAVE_SYS_SYSINFO_H', 'sys/sysinfo.h'],
- ['HAVE_SYS_SYSTEMINFO_H', 'sys/systeminfo.h'],
- ['HAVE_SYS_TIME_H', 'sys/time.h'],
- ['HAVE_SYS_TYPES_H', 'sys/types.h'],
- ['HAVE_UNISTD_H', 'unistd.h'],
- ['HAVE_LINUX_MEMFD_H', 'linux/memfd.h'],
+ 'crt/externs.h',
+ 'dlfcn.h',
+ 'ftw.h',
+ 'inttypes.h',
+ 'linux/memfd.h',
+ 'linux/input.h',
+ 'dev/evdev/input.h',
+ 'locale.h',
+ 'memory.h',
+ 'stdint.h',
+ 'stdlib.h',
+ 'string.h',
+ 'strings.h',
+ 'sys/mman.h',
+ 'sys/param.h',
+ 'sys/stat.h',
+ 'sys/sysinfo.h',
+ 'sys/systeminfo.h',
+ 'sys/time.h',
+ 'sys/types.h',
+ 'unistd.h',
foreach h : check_headers
- if cc.has_header(h.get(1))
- cdata.set(h.get(0), 1)
+ if cc.has_header(h)
+ cdata.set('HAVE_' + h.underscorify().to_upper(), 1)
+# Maths functions might be implemented in libm
+libm = cc.find_library('m', required: false)
check_functions = [
-# check token HAVE_CUPS_API_1_6
- ['HAVE_DCGETTEXT', 'dcgettext', '#include<libintl.h>'],
- ['HAVE_DECL_ISINF', 'isinf', '#include<math.h>'],
- ['HAVE_DECL_ISNAN', 'isnan', '#include<math.h>'],
- ['HAVE_GETPAGESIZE', 'getpagesize', '#include<unistd.h>'],
- ['HAVE_GETRESUID', 'getresuid', '#include<unistd.h>'],
-# check token HAVE_GETTEXT
-# check token HAVE_GIO_UNIX
-# check token HAVE_GNU_FTW
-# check token HAVE_LC_MESSAGES
-# check token HAVE_LOCALTIME_R
- ['HAVE_LSTAT', 'lstat', '#include<sys/stat.h>'],
- ['HAVE_MMAP', 'mmap', '#include<sys/mman.h>'],
- ['HAVE_NEARBYINT', 'nearbyint', '#include<math.h>'],
- ['HAVE_POSIX_FALLOCATE', 'posix_fallocate', '#include<fcntl.h>'],
- ['HAVE__LOCK_FILE', '_lock_file', '#include<stdio.h>'],
- ['HAVE_FLOCKFILE', 'flockfile', '#include<stdio.h>'],
- ['HAVE_MKSTEMP', 'mkstemp', '#include<stdlib.h>'],
- ['HAVE_MALLINFO', 'mallinfo', '#include<malloc.h>'],
- ['HAVE_ROUND', 'round', '#include<math.h>'],
- ['HAVE_RINT', 'rint', '#include<math.h>'],
- ['HAVE_LOG2', 'log2', '#include<math.h>'],
- ['HAVE_EXP2', 'exp2', '#include<math.h>'],
- ['HAVE_SINCOS', 'sincos', '#include<math.h>'],
- ['HAVE_XKB', 'XkbQueryExtension', '#include<X11/XKBlib.h>'],
-# check token HAVE_XFREE_XINERAMA
-# check token HAVE_XINERAMA
-# check token HAVE__NL_PAPER_HEIGHT
-# check token HAVE__NL_PAPER_WIDTH
-# check token HAVE__NSGETENVIRON
-if x11_enabled
-check_functions += [
- ['HAVE_XGENERICEVENTS', 'XGetEventData', '#include<X11/Xlib.h>'],
- ['HAVE_XSYNC', 'XSyncQueryExtension', '#include<X11/Xlib.h>\n#include</usr/include/X11/extensions/sync.h>']
+ 'dcgettext',
+ 'getpagesize',
+ 'getresuid',
+ 'lstat',
+ 'mmap',
+ 'nearbyint',
+ 'posix_fallocate',
+ '_lock_file',
+ 'flockfile',
+ 'mkstemp',
+ 'mallinfo',
+ 'round',
+ 'rint',
+ 'log2',
+ 'exp2',
+ 'sincos',
+ 'trunc',
-foreach f : check_functions
- if cc.has_function(f.get(1), prefix : f.get(2))
- cdata.set(f.get(0), 1)
+foreach func : check_functions
+ if cc.has_function(func, dependencies: libm)
+ cdata.set('HAVE_' + func.underscorify().to_upper(), 1)
+cdata.set('HAVE_DECL_ISINF', cc.has_header_symbol('math.h', 'isinf'))
+cdata.set('HAVE_DECL_ISNAN', cc.has_header_symbol('math.h', 'isnan'))
# Disable deprecation checks for all libraries we depend on on stable branches.
# This is so newer versions of those libraries don't cause more warnings with
# a stable GTK version.
# We don't ever want to turn off deprecation warnings for master however, because
# that's where we get rid of deprecated API we use.
-if gtk_minor_version % 2 == 0
+if gtk_minor_version.is_even()
+# Compiler flags
+if cc.get_id() == 'msvc'
+ # Compiler options taken from msvc_recommended_pragmas.h
+ # in GLib, based on _Win32_Programming_ by Rector and Newcomer
+ test_cflags = []
+ add_project_arguments('-FImsvc_recommended_pragmas.h', language: 'c')
+ add_project_arguments('-D_USE_MATH_DEFINES', language: 'c')
+elif cc.get_id() == 'gcc' or cc.get_id() == 'clang'
+ test_cflags = [
+ '-fno-strict-aliasing',
+ '-Wpointer-arith',
+ '-Wimplicit-function-declaration',
+ '-Wformat=2',
+ '-Wformat-security',
+ '-Wnested-externs',
+ '-Wold-style-definition',
+ '-Wundef',
+ '-Wunused',
+ '-Wcast-align',
+ '-Wmissing-noreturn',
+ '-Wmissing-format-attribute',
+ '-Wmissing-include-dirs',
+ '-Wlogical-op',
+ '-Wignored-qualifiers',
+ '-Werror=implicit',
+ '-Werror=nonnull',
+ '-Werror=init-self',
+ '-Werror=main',
+ '-Werror=missing-braces',
+ '-Werror=sequence-point',
+ '-Werror=return-type',
+ '-Werror=trigraphs',
+ '-Werror=array-bounds',
+ '-Werror=write-strings',
+ '-Werror=address',
+ '-Werror=int-to-pointer-cast',
+ '-Werror=pointer-to-int-cast',
+ '-Werror=empty-body',
+ '-Werror=write-strings',
+ ]
+ test_cflags = []
+common_cflags = cc.get_supported_arguments(test_cflags)
+# Symbol visibility
+if get_option('default_library') != 'static'
+ if os_win32
+ cdata.set('DLL_EXPORT', true)
+ cdata.set('_GDK_EXTERN', '__declspec(dllexport) extern')
+ if cc.get_id() != 'msvc'
+ common_cflags += ['-fvisibility=hidden']
+ endif
+ else
+ cdata.set('_GDK_EXTERN', '__attribute__((visibility("default"))) extern')
+ common_cflags += ['-fvisibility=hidden']
+ endif
+common_ldflags = []
+if os_unix and not os_darwin
+ foreach ldflag: [ '-Wl,-Bsymbolic', '-Wl,-z,relro', '-Wl,-z,now', ]
+ if cc.links('int main () { return 0; }', name: ldflag, args: ldflag)
+ common_ldflags += [ ldflag ]
+ endif
+ endforeach
+# Maintain compatibility with autotools
+if os_darwin
+ common_ldflags += [ '-compatibility_version 1', '-current_version 1.0', ]
confinc = include_directories('.')
gdkinc = include_directories('gdk')
gtkinc = include_directories('gtk')
+testinc = include_directories('tests')
+# Dependencies
+glib_dep = dependency('glib-2.0', version: glib_req,
+ fallback : ['glib', 'libglib_dep'])
+gobject_dep = dependency('gobject-2.0', version: glib_req,
+ fallback : ['glib', 'libgobject_dep'])
+if os_win32
+ giowin32_dep = dependency('gio-windows-2.0', version: glib_req, required: win32_enabled,
+ fallback : ['glib', 'libgio_dep'])
+if os_unix
+ giounix_dep = dependency('gio-unix-2.0', version: glib_req, required: false,
+ fallback : ['glib', 'libgio_dep'])
+gmodule_dep = dependency('gmodule-2.0', version: glib_req,
+ fallback : ['glib', 'libgmodule_dep'])
+cairo_dep = dependency('cairo', version: cairo_req, required : cc.get_id() != 'msvc')
+cairogobj_dep = dependency('cairo-gobject', version: cairo_req, required : cc.get_id() != 'msvc')
+pango_dep = dependency('pango', version: pango_req,
+ fallback : ['pango', 'libpango_dep'])
+# Require PangoFT2 if on X11 or wayland
+require_pangoft2 = wayland_enabled or x11_enabled
+pangoft_dep = dependency('pangoft2', required: require_pangoft2,
+ fallback : ['pango', 'libpangoft2_dep'])
+if pangoft_dep.found()
+ # Need at least 2.7.1 for FT_Get_Var_Design_Coordinates()
+ # We get the dependency itself from pango, but pango doesn't care
+ # about ft2 version, so an extra check is needed.
+ ft2_dep = dependency('freetype2', version: '>= 2.7.1', required: require_pangoft2)
+if win32_enabled
+ pangowin32_dep = dependency('pangowin32')
+pangocairo_dep = dependency('pangocairo', version: cairo_req,
+ fallback : ['pango', 'libpangocairo_dep'])
+pixbuf_dep = dependency('gdk-pixbuf-2.0', version: gdk_pixbuf_req,
+ fallback : ['gdk-pixbuf', 'gdkpixbuf_dep'])
+epoxy_dep = dependency('epoxy', version: epoxy_req,
+ fallback: ['libepoxy', 'libepoxy_dep'])
+atk_dep = dependency('atk', version: atk_req)
+harfbuzz_dep = dependency('harfbuzz', version: '>= 0.9', required: false,
+ fallback: ['harfbuzz', 'libharfbuzz_dep'])
+xkbdep = dependency('xkbcommon', version: xkbcommon_req, required: wayland_enabled)
+iso_codes_dep = dependency('iso-codes', required: false)
+fontconfig_dep = [] # only used in x11 backend
+atkbridge_dep = [] # only used in x11 backend
+if os_win32
+ platform_gio_dep = giowin32_dep
+if os_unix
+ platform_gio_dep = giounix_dep
+if iso_codes_dep.found()
+ cdata.set_quoted('ISO_CODES_PREFIX', iso_codes_dep.get_pkgconfig_variable('prefix'))
+ cdata.set_quoted('ISO_CODES_PREFIX', '/usr')
+backend_immodules = []
+pc_gdk_extra_libs = []
+cairo_backends = []
+foreach backend: [ ['cairo-xlib', cairo_req, x11_enabled],
+ ['cairo-win32', cairo_req, win32_enabled],
+ ['cairo-quartz', cairo_req, quartz_enabled],
+ ['cairo', cairo_req, broadway_enabled or wayland_enabled], ]
+ backend_enabled = backend.get(2)
+ cairo_backend_req = backend.get(1)
+ cairo_backend = backend.get(0)
+ if backend_enabled
+ if dependency(cairo_backend, version: cairo_backend_req, required : cc.get_id() != 'msvc').found()
+ cairo_backends += [ cairo_backend ]
+ endif
+ endif
-glib_dep = dependency('glib-2.0', version: '>= 2.49.4')
-giounix_dep = dependency('gio-unix-2.0', required : false)
-pango_dep = dependency('pango', version: '>=1.37.3')
-pangoft_dep = dependency('pangoft2', required: wayland_enabled or x11_enabled)
-cairo_dep = dependency('cairo', version: '>= 1.14.0')
-pangocairo_dep = dependency('pangocairo')
-cairogobj_dep = dependency('cairo-gobject')
-pixbuf_dep = dependency('gdk-pixbuf-2.0', version: '>= 2.30.0')
-epoxy_dep = dependency('epoxy', version: '>= 1.0')
-atk_dep = dependency('atk', version: '>= 2.15.1')
-atkbridge_dep = dependency('atk-bridge-2.0')
-gmodule_dep = dependency('gmodule-2.0')
-colord_dep = dependency('colord', version: '>= 0.1.9', required: false)
-fontconfig_dep = dependency('fontconfig')
-harfbuzz_dep = dependency('harfbuzz', version: '>= 0.9', required: false)
-xkbdep = dependency('xkbcommon', version: '>= 0.2.0')
+cairo_pkg_found = false
+cairogobj_pkg_found = false
+if cairo_dep.found()
+ cairo_pkg_found = true
+if cairogobj_dep.found()
+ cairogobj_pkg_found = true
+cairo_libs = []
+cdata.set('HAVE_HARFBUZZ', harfbuzz_dep.found())
+cdata.set('HAVE_PANGOFT', pangoft_dep.found())
+atk_pkgs = ['atk']
+wayland_pkgs = []
if wayland_enabled
- wlclientdep = dependency('wayland-client', version: '>= 1.9.91')
- wlprotocolsdep = dependency('wayland-protocols', version: '>= 1.7')
- wlcursordep = dependency('wayland-cursor', version: '>= 1.9.91')
+ wlclientdep = dependency('wayland-client', version: wayland_req)
+ wlprotocolsdep = dependency('wayland-protocols', version: wayland_proto_req)
+ wlcursordep = dependency('wayland-cursor', version: wayland_req)
wlegldep = dependency('wayland-egl')
+ backend_immodules += ['wayland']
+ wayland_pkgs = [
+ 'wayland-client', wayland_req,
+ 'wayland-protocols', wayland_proto_req,
+ 'xkbcommon', xkbcommon_req,
+ 'wayland-cursor', wayland_req,
+ 'wayland-egl',
+ ]
+x11_pkgs = []
if x11_enabled
xrandr_dep = dependency('xrandr', version: '>= 1.2.99')
xrandr15_dep = dependency('xrandr', version: '>= 1.5', required: false)
@@ -200,67 +426,275 @@ if x11_enabled
xdamage_dep = dependency('xdamage', required: false)
xfixes_dep = dependency('xfixes', required: false)
xcomposite_dep = dependency('xcomposite', required: false)
+ fontconfig_dep = dependency('fontconfig')
+ atkbridge_dep = dependency('atk-bridge-2.0', version: atk_req)
+ backend_immodules += ['xim']
- if xdamage_dep.found()
- cdata.set('HAVE_XDAMAGE', 1)
- endif
+ x11_pkgs = ['fontconfig', 'x11', 'xext', 'xi', 'xrandr']
if xcursor_dep.found()
- cdata.set('HAVE_XCURSOR', 1)
+ x11_pkgs += ['xcursor']
+ endif
+ if xfixes_dep.found()
+ x11_pkgs += ['xfixes']
if xcomposite_dep.found()
- cdata.set('HAVE_XCOMPOSITE', 1)
+ x11_pkgs += ['xcomposite']
+ endif
+ if xdamage_dep.found()
+ x11_pkgs += ['xdamage']
- if xfixes_dep.found()
- cdata.set('HAVE_XFIXES', 1)
+ atk_pkgs += ['atk-bridge-2.0']
+ cdata.set('HAVE_XDAMAGE', xdamage_dep.found())
+ cdata.set('HAVE_XCURSOR', xcursor_dep.found())
+ cdata.set('HAVE_XCOMPOSITE', xcomposite_dep.found())
+ cdata.set('HAVE_XFIXES', xfixes_dep.found())
+ if cc.has_function('XkbQueryExtension', dependencies: x11_dep,
+ prefix : '#include <X11/XKBlib.h>')
+ cdata.set('HAVE_XKB', 1)
+ if cc.has_function('XSyncQueryExtension', dependencies: xext_dep,
+ prefix: '''#include <X11/Xlib.h>
+ #include <X11/extensions/sync.h>''')
+ cdata.set('HAVE_XSYNC', 1)
+ endif
+ if cc.has_function('XGetEventData', dependencies: x11_dep)
+ cdata.set('HAVE_XGENERICEVENTS', 1)
+ endif
- if xi_dep.found() and cc.has_header('X11/extensions/XInput2.h')
+ if xi_dep.found() and cc.has_header('X11/extensions/XInput2.h', dependencies: xi_dep)
cdata.set('XINPUT_2', 1)
- prefix = '#include<X11/Xlib.h>\n#include<X11/extensions/XInput2.h>'
- if cc.has_function('XIAllowTouchEvents', prefix: prefix) and cc.has_member('XIScrollClassInfo',
'number', prefix: prefix)
+ # Note that we also check that the XIScrollClassInfo struct is defined,
+ # because at least Ubuntu Oneiric seems to have XIAllowTouchEvents(),
+ # but not the XIScrollClassInfo struct
+ has_allow_touch_evens = cc.has_function('XIAllowTouchEvents', dependencies: xi_dep)
+ has_scroll_class_info = cc.has_member('XIScrollClassInfo', 'number', dependencies: xi_dep,
+ prefix: '''#include <X11/Xlib.h>
+ #include <X11/extensions/XInput2.h>''')
+ if has_allow_touch_evens and has_scroll_class_info
cdata.set('XINPUT_2_2', 1)
- if xrandr_dep.found()
- cdata.set('HAVE_RANDR', 1)
- if xrandr15_dep.found()
- cdata.set('HAVE_RANDR15', 1)
+ enable_xinerama = get_option('xinerama')
+ if enable_xinerama != 'no'
+ want_xinerama = enable_xinerama == 'yes'
+ xinerama_dep = dependency('xinerama', required: want_xinerama)
+ if xinerama_dep.found() and cc.has_header_symbol('X11/extensions/Xinerama.h', 'XineramaQueryExtension',
dependencies: xinerama_dep)
+ cdata.set('HAVE_XFREE_XINERAMA', 1)
+ x11_pkgs += ['xinerama']
+ else
+ xinerama_dep = []
+ cdata.set('HAVE_RANDR', xrandr_dep.found())
+ cdata.set('HAVE_RANDR15', xrandr15_dep.found())
+if broadway_enabled
+ pc_gdk_extra_libs += ['-lz']
+ backend_immodules += ['broadway']
-mlib = cc.find_library('m', required: false)
-shmlib = cc.find_library('rt')
+if quartz_enabled
+ pc_gdk_extra_libs += ['-framework Cocoa', '-framework Carbon']
+ backend_immodules += ['quartz']
-if giounix_dep.found()
- cdata.set('HAVE_GIO_UNIX', 1)
+extra_demo_ldflags = []
+if win32_enabled
+ pc_gdk_extra_libs += ['-lgdi32', '-limm32', '-lshell32', '-lole32']
+ if cc.get_id() == 'msvc'
+ # Since the demo programs are now built as pure GUI programs, we
+ # need to pass in /entry:mainCRTStartup so that they will properly
+ # link on Visual Studio builds
+ extra_demo_ldflags = ['/entry:mainCRTStartup']
+ else
+ pc_gdk_extra_libs += ['-Wl,-luuid']
+ endif
+ pc_gdk_extra_libs += ['-lwinmm', '-ldwmapi', '-lsetupapi', '-lcfgmgr32']
+ backend_immodules += ['ime']
-if colord_dep.found()
- cdata.set('HAVE_COLORD', 1)
+# Check for bind_textdomain_codeset, including -lintl if GLib brings it in by
+# doing the same check as glib. We can't check that by linking to glib because
+# it might be a subproject and hence not built yet.
+if cc.has_function('ngettext')
+ libintl_dep = []
+ libintl_dep = cc.find_library('intl', required : false)
+ if cc.has_function('bind_textdomain_codeset', dependencies: libintl_dep)
+ else
+ # Don't use subproject('proxy-libintl').get_variable('intl_dep') because that
+ # makes the dependency unconditional. This way, people have the option of
+ # either not providing the subproject or disabling it entirely with
+ # --wrap-mode=nodownload or nofallback.
+ libintl_dep = dependency('', required : false,
+ fallback: ['proxy-libintl', 'intl_dep'])
+ if libintl_dep.found()
+ endif
+ endif
-if mlib.found()
- cdata.set('HAVE_LIBM', 1)
+if os_unix
+ cdata.set('HAVE_GIO_UNIX', giounix_dep.found())
- input : 'config.h.meson',
- output: 'config.h',
- configuration: cdata
+cloudproviders_enabled = get_option('cloudproviders')
+if cloudproviders_enabled
+ cloudproviders_dep = dependency('cloudproviders', required: true)
+ if cloudproviders_dep.found()
+ cdata.set('HAVE_CLOUDPROVIDERS', cloudproviders_dep.found())
+ else
+ error('Cloudproviders support not found, but was explicitly requested.')
+ endif
+if get_option('demos')
+ subdir('demos')
+if get_option('build-tests')
+ subdir('tests')
+ subdir('testsuite')
+if get_option('build-examples')
+ subdir('examples')
+# config.h
+configure_file(input: 'config.h.meson',
+ output: 'config.h',
+ configuration: cdata)
+# pkg-config files - bit of a mess all of this
+pkgconf = configuration_data()
+pkgconf.set('prefix', get_option('prefix'))
+pkgconf.set('exec_prefix', '${prefix}')
+pkgconf.set('libdir', '${prefix}/@0@'.format(get_option('libdir')))
+pkgconf.set('includedir', '${prefix}/@0@'.format(get_option('includedir')))
+pkgconf.set('GTK_API_VERSION', gtk_api_version)
+pkgconf.set('VERSION', meson.project_version())
+pkgconf.set('GTK_BINARY_VERSION', gtk_binary_version)
+pkgconf.set('host', '@0@-@1@'.format(host_machine.cpu_family(), host_machine.system())) # FIXME
+# Requires
+pango_pkgname = win32_enabled ? 'pangowin32' : 'pango'
+gdk_packages = ' '.join([ pango_pkgname, pango_req,
+ 'pangocairo', pango_req,
+ 'gdk-pixbuf-2.0', gdk_pixbuf_req ])
+if cairo_pkg_found
+ gdk_packages += ' '.join([ ' cairo', cairo_req ])
+if cairogobj_pkg_found
+ gdk_packages += ' '.join([ ' cairo-gobject', cairo_req ])
+pkgconf.set('GDK_PACKAGES', gdk_packages)
+ ' '.join([ 'atk', atk_req,
+ 'gio-2.0', glib_req ]))
+# Requires.private
+pc_gdk_extra_libs += cairo_libs
+gio_pkgname = os_unix ? 'gio-unix-2.0' : 'gio-2.0'
+ ' '.join([ gio_pkgname, glib_req,
+ 'epoxy', epoxy_req ] + x11_pkgs + wayland_pkgs + cairo_backends))
+pangoft2_pkgs = (wayland_enabled or x11_enabled) ? ['pangoft2'] : []
+pkgconf.set('GTK_PRIVATE_PACKAGES', ' '.join(atk_pkgs + pangoft2_pkgs))
+pkgconf.set('GDK_EXTRA_LIBS', ' '.join(pc_gdk_extra_libs))
+pkgconf.set('GSK_EXTRA_LIBS', '')
+pkgconf.set('GTK_EXTRA_LIBS', '')
+pkgconf.set('GDK_EXTRA_CFLAGS', '')
+pkgconf.set('GSK_EXTRA_CFLAGS', '')
+pkgconf.set('GTK_EXTRA_CFLAGS', '')
+pkg_install_dir = join_paths(get_option('libdir'), 'pkgconfig')
+pkgs = [ 'gtk+-3.0.pc' ]
+pkg_targets = ''
+foreach backend: [ 'broadway', 'quartz', 'wayland', 'win32', 'x11', ]
+ if get_variable('@0@_enabled'.format(backend))
+ pkgs += ['gtk+-@0 -3 0 pc'.format(backend)]
+ pkg_targets += ' ' + backend
+ endif
+pkgconf.set('GDK_BACKENDS', pkg_targets.strip())
+configure_file(input: 'gdk-3.0.pc.in',
+ output: 'gdk-3.0.pc',
+ configuration: pkgconf,
+ install_dir: pkg_install_dir)
+foreach pkg: pkgs
+ configure_file(input: 'gtk+-3.0.pc.in',
+ output: pkg,
+ configuration: pkgconf,
+ install_dir: pkg_install_dir)
+if os_unix
+ configure_file(input: 'gtk+-unix-print-3.0.pc.in',
+ output: 'gtk+-unix-print-3.0.pc',
+ configuration: pkgconf,
+ install_dir: pkg_install_dir)
+#if get_option('documentation')
+# subdir('docs/tools')
+# subdir('docs/reference')
+# Keep this in sync with post-install.sh expected arguments
+ gtk_api_version,
+ gtk_binary_version,
+ gtk_libdir,
+ gtk_datadir)
+summary = [
+ '',
+ '------',
+ 'GTK+ @0@ (@1@)'.format(gtk_version, gtk_api_version),
+ '',
+ ' Display backends: @0@'.format(pkg_targets.strip()),
+ ' Print backends: @0@'.format(' '.join(print_backends)),
+ ' Cloud support: @0@'.format(get_option('cloudproviders')),
+ ' Colord support: @0@'.format(get_option('colord')),
+ ' Introspection: @0@'.format(get_option('introspection')),
+ ' Documentation: @0@'.format(get_option('documentation')),
+ ' Build tests: @0@'.format(get_option('build-tests')),
+ ' Demos: @0@'.format(get_option('demos')),
+ ' Examples: @0@'.format(get_option('build-examples')),
+ 'Directories:',
+ ' prefix: @0@'.format(gtk_prefix),
+ ' includedir: @0@'.format(gtk_includedir),
+ ' libdir: @0@'.format(gtk_libdir),
+ ' datadir: @0@'.format(gtk_datadir),
+ '------',
+ ''
diff --git a/meson_options.txt b/meson_options.txt
index e8f8ee60e9..79aca2aa66 100644
--- a/meson_options.txt
+++ b/meson_options.txt
@@ -1,3 +1,39 @@
-option('enable-x11-backend', type: 'boolean', value: 'true')
-option('enable-wayland-backend', type: 'boolean', value: 'true')
-option('enable-broadway-backend', type: 'boolean', value: 'false')
+# GDK backends
+option('x11-backend', type: 'boolean', value: true,
+ description : 'Enable the X11 gdk backend (only when building on Unix)')
+option('wayland-backend', type: 'boolean', value: true,
+ description : 'Enable the wayland gdk backend (only when building on Unix except for macOS)')
+option('broadway-backend', type: 'boolean', value: false,
+ description : 'Enable the broadway (HTML5) gdk backend')
+option('win32-backend', type: 'boolean', value: true,
+ description : 'Enable the Windows gdk backend (only when building on Windows)')
+option('quartz-backend', type: 'boolean', value: true,
+ description : 'Enable the macOS gdk backend (only when building on macOS)')
+# Optional dependencies
+option('xinerama', type: 'combo', choices : ['yes', 'no', 'auto'], value : 'auto',
+ description : 'Enable support for the Xinerama extension')
+option('cloudproviders', type: 'boolean', value: false,
+ description : 'Enable the cloudproviders support')
+# Print backends
+option('print-backends', type : 'string', value : 'cups,file',
+ description : 'Build the specified print backends (comma-separated list, "all", or "none")')
+option('colord', type: 'combo', choices : ['yes', 'no', 'auto'], value : 'auto',
+ description : 'Build colord support for the CUPS printing backend')
+# Documentation and introspection
+option('documentation', type: 'boolean', value: 'false',
+ description : 'Build API reference and tools documentation')
+option('man-pages', type: 'boolean', value: 'false',
+ description : 'Build man pages for installed tools')
+option('introspection', type: 'boolean', value: 'true',
+ description : 'Build introspection data (requires gobject-introspection)')
+# Demos and binaries
+option('demos', type: 'boolean', value: 'true',
+ description : 'Build demo programs')
+option('build-examples', type: 'boolean', value: 'true',
+ description : 'Build examples')
+option('build-tests', type: 'boolean', value: 'true',
+ description : 'Build tests')
diff --git a/modules/meson.build b/modules/meson.build
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9779ee6ae8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/meson.build
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+#if os_unix
+# subdir('printbackends')
+ print_backends = []
diff --git a/testsuite/gdk/meson.build b/testsuite/gdk/meson.build
index 6c33c5e165..326c6545a8 100644
--- a/testsuite/gdk/meson.build
+++ b/testsuite/gdk/meson.build
@@ -1,24 +1,24 @@
-test_cairo = executable('cairo', 'cairo.c', dependencies: libgdk_dep)
+test_cairo = executable('cairo', 'cairo.c', dependencies: libgtk_dep)
test('gdk/cairo', test_cairo)
-test_display = executable('display', 'display.c', dependencies: libgdk_dep)
+test_display = executable('display', 'display.c', dependencies: libgtk_dep)
test('gdk/display', test_display)
-test_encoding = executable('encoding', 'encoding.c', dependencies: libgdk_dep)
+test_encoding = executable('encoding', 'encoding.c', dependencies: libgtk_dep)
test('gdk/encoding', test_encoding)
-test_keysyms = executable('keysyms', 'keysyms.c', dependencies: libgdk_dep)
+test_keysyms = executable('keysyms', 'keysyms.c', dependencies: libgtk_dep)
test('gdk/keysyms', test_keysyms)
-test_rectangle = executable('rectangle', 'rectangle.c', dependencies: libgdk_dep)
+test_rectangle = executable('rectangle', 'rectangle.c', dependencies: libgtk_dep)
test('gdk/rectangle', test_rectangle)
-test_rgba = executable('rgba', 'rgba.c', dependencies: libgdk_dep)
+test_rgba = executable('rgba', 'rgba.c', dependencies: libgtk_dep)
test('gdk/rgba', test_rgba)
-test_seat = executable('seat', 'seat.c', dependencies: libgdk_dep)
+test_seat = executable('seat', 'seat.c', dependencies: libgtk_dep)
test('gdk/seat', test_seat)
-test_visual = executable('visual', 'visual.c', dependencies: libgdk_dep)
+test_visual = executable('visual', 'visual.c', dependencies: libgtk_dep)
test('gdk/visual', test_visual)
diff --git a/testsuite/gtk/meson.build b/testsuite/gtk/meson.build
index a11db7be76..ad1789c48c 100644
--- a/testsuite/gtk/meson.build
+++ b/testsuite/gtk/meson.build
@@ -1,150 +1,109 @@
-test_accel = executable('accel', 'accel.c', dependencies: libgtk_dep)
-test('gtk/accel test', test_accel)
-test_accessible = executable('accessible', 'accessible.c', dependencies: libgtk_dep)
-test('gtk/accessible test', test_accessible)
-test_action = executable('action', 'action.c', dependencies: libgtk_dep)
-test('gtk/action test', test_action)
-test_adjustment = executable('adjustment', 'adjustment.c', dependencies: libgtk_dep)
-test('gtk/adjustment test', test_adjustment)
-test_bitmask = executable('bitmask', 'bitmask.c', dependencies: libgtk_dep)
-test('gtk/bitmask test', test_bitmask)
-test_builder = executable('builder', 'builder.c', dependencies: libgtk_dep)
-test('gtk/builder test', test_builder)
-test_builderparser = executable(
- 'builderparser',
- 'builderparser.c',
- dependencies: libgtk_dep,
- link_with: libgtk,
- 'gtk/builderparser test',
- test_builderparser,
- env: [
- 'G_TEST_SRCDIR='+meson.source_root(),
- 'G_TEST_BUILDDIR='+meson.build_root()
+gtk_tests_export_dynamic_ldflag = []
+if cc.get_id() != 'msvc'
+ gtk_tests_export_dynamic_ldflag = ['-Wl,--export-dynamic']
+tests = [
+ ['accel'],
+ ['accessible'],
+ ['action'],
+ ['adjustment'],
+ ['bitmask', ['../../gtk/gtkallocatedbitmask.c'], ['-DGTK_COMPILATION', '-UG_ENABLE_DEBUG']],
+ ['builder', [], [], gtk_tests_export_dynamic_ldflag],
+ ['builderparser'],
+ ['cellarea'],
+ ['check-icon-names'],
+ ['check-cursor-names'],
+ ['cssprovider'],
+ ['defaultvalue'],
+ ['entry'],
+ ['firefox-stylecontext'],
+ ['floating'],
+ ['focus'],
+ ['gestures'],
+ ['grid'],
+ ['gtkmenu'],
+ ['icontheme'],
+ ['keyhash', ['../../gtk/gtkkeyhash.c', gtkresources, '../../gtk/gtkprivate.c'], gtk_cargs],
+ ['listbox'],
+ ['notify'],
+ ['no-gtk-init'],
+ ['object'],
+ ['papersize'],
+ ['rbtree', ['../../gtk/gtkrbtree.c'], ['-DGTK_COMPILATION', '-UG_ENABLE_DEBUG']],
+ ['recentmanager'],
+ ['regression-tests'],
+ ['scrolledwindow'],
+ ['spinbutton'],
+ ['stylecontext'],
+ ['templates'],
+ ['textbuffer'],
+ ['textiter'],
+ ['treemodel', ['treemodel.c', 'liststore.c', 'treestore.c', 'filtermodel.c',
+ 'modelrefcount.c', 'sortmodel.c', 'gtktreemodelrefcount.c']],
+ ['treepath'],
+ ['treeview'],
+ ['typename'],
+ ['window'],
+ ['displayclose'],
+ ['revealer-size'],
+test_cargs = []
+if os_unix
+ # tests += [['defaultvalue']] # disabled in Makefile.am as well
+ test_cargs += ['-DHAVE_UNIX_PRINT_WIDGETS']
+if x11_enabled
+ tests += [
+ ['clipboard'],
+ ['objects-finalize', ['../../gdk/x11/gdkdisplaymanager-x11.c'], ['-DGDK_COMPILATION',
-test_cellarea = executable('cellarea', 'cellarea.c', dependencies: libgtk_dep)
-test('gtk/cellarea test', test_cellarea)
-test_check_icon_names = executable('check_icon_names', 'check-icon-names.c', dependencies: libgtk_dep)
-test('gtk/check_icon_names test', test_check_icon_names)
-test_check_cursor_names = executable('check_cursor_names', 'check-cursor-names.c', dependencies: libgtk_dep)
-test('gtk/check_cursor_names test', test_check_cursor_names)
-test_clipboard = executable('clipboard', 'clipboard.c', dependencies: libgtk_dep)
-test('gtk/clipboard test', test_clipboard)
-test_cssprovider = executable('cssprovider', 'cssprovider.c', dependencies: libgtk_dep)
-test('gtk/cssprovider test', test_cssprovider)
-test_defaultvalue = executable('defaultvalue', 'defaultvalue.c', dependencies: libgtk_dep)
-test('gtk/defaultvalue test', test_defaultvalue)
-test_entry = executable('entry', 'entry.c', dependencies: libgtk_dep)
-test('gtk/entry test', test_entry)
-test_firefox_stylecontext = executable('firefox_stylecontext', 'firefox-stylecontext.c', dependencies:
-test('gtk/firefox_stylecontext test', test_firefox_stylecontext)
-test_floating = executable('floating', 'floating.c', dependencies: libgtk_dep)
-test('gtk/floating test', test_floating)
-test_focus = executable('focus', 'focus.c', dependencies: libgtk_dep)
-test('gtk/focus test', test_focus)
-test_gestures = executable('gestures', 'gestures.c', dependencies: libgtk_dep)
-test('gtk/gestures test', test_gestures)
-test_grid = executable('grid', 'grid.c', dependencies: libgtk_dep)
-test('gtk/grid test', test_grid)
-test_gtkmenu = executable('gtkmenu', 'gtkmenu.c', dependencies: libgtk_dep)
-test('gtk/gtkmenu test', test_gtkmenu)
-test_icontheme = executable('icontheme', 'icontheme.c', dependencies: libgtk_dep)
-test('gtk/icontheme test', test_icontheme)
-test_keyhash = executable('keyhash', 'keyhash.c', dependencies: libgtk_dep)
-test('gtk/keyhash test', test_keyhash)
-test_listbox = executable('listbox', 'listbox.c', dependencies: libgtk_dep)
-test('gtk/listbox test', test_listbox)
-test_notify = executable('notify', 'notify.c', dependencies: libgtk_dep)
-test('gtk/notify test', test_notify)
-test_no_gtk_init = executable('no_gtk_init', 'no-gtk-init.c', dependencies: libgtk_dep)
-test('gtk/no_gtk_init test', test_no_gtk_init)
-test_object = executable('object', 'object.c', dependencies: libgtk_dep)
-test('gtk/object test', test_object)
-test_objects_finalize = executable('objects_finalize', 'objects-finalize.c', dependencies: libgtk_dep)
-test('gtk/objects_finalize test', test_objects_finalize)
-test_papersize = executable('papersize', 'papersize.c', dependencies: libgtk_dep)
-test('gtk/papersize test', test_papersize)
-test_rbtree = executable('rbtree', 'rbtree.c', dependencies: libgtk_dep)
-test('gtk/rbtree test', test_rbtree)
-test_recentmanager = executable('recentmanager', 'recentmanager.c', dependencies: libgtk_dep)
-test('gtk/recentmanager test', test_recentmanager)
-test_regression_tests = executable('regression_tests', 'regression-tests.c', dependencies: libgtk_dep)
-test('gtk/regression_tests test', test_regression_tests)
-test_scrolledwindow = executable('scrolledwindow', 'scrolledwindow.c', dependencies: libgtk_dep)
-test('gtk/scrolledwindow test', test_scrolledwindow)
-test_spinbutton = executable('spinbutton', 'spinbutton.c', dependencies: libgtk_dep)
-test('gtk/spinbutton test', test_spinbutton)
-test_stylecontext = executable('stylecontext', 'stylecontext.c', dependencies: libgtk_dep)
-test('gtk/stylecontext test', test_stylecontext)
-test_templates = executable('templates', 'templates.c', dependencies: libgtk_dep)
-test('gtk/templates test', test_templates)
-test_textbuffer = executable('textbuffer', 'textbuffer.c', dependencies: libgtk_dep)
-test('gtk/textbuffer test', test_textbuffer)
-test_textiter = executable('textiter', 'textiter.c', dependencies: libgtk_dep)
-test('gtk/textiter test', test_textiter)
-test_treemodel = executable(
- 'treemodel',
- 'treemodel.c', 'liststore.c', 'treestore.c', 'filtermodel.c',
- 'modelrefcount.c', 'sortmodel.c', 'gtktreemodelrefcount.c',
- dependencies: libgtk_dep
-test('gtk/treemodel test', test_treemodel)
-test_treepath = executable('treepath', 'treepath.c', dependencies: libgtk_dep)
-test('gtk/treepath test', test_treepath)
-test_treeview = executable('treeview', 'treeview.c', dependencies: libgtk_dep)
-test('gtk/treeview test', test_treeview)
-test_typename = executable('typename', 'typename.c', dependencies: libgtk_dep)
-test('gtk/typename test', test_typename)
-test_window = executable('window', 'window.c', dependencies: libgtk_dep)
-test('gtk/window test', test_window)
-test_displayclose = executable('displayclose', 'displayclose.c', dependencies: libgtk_dep)
-test('gtk/displayclose test', test_displayclose)
-test_revealer_size = executable('revealer_size', 'revealer-size.c', dependencies: libgtk_dep)
-test('gtk/revealer_size test', test_revealer_size)
+foreach t : tests
+ test_name = t.get(0)
+ test_srcs = ['@0@.c'.format(test_name)] + t.get(1, [])
+ test_extra_cargs = t.get(2, [])
+ test_extra_ldflags = t.get(3, [])
+ test_exe = executable(test_name, test_srcs,
+ c_args : test_cargs + test_extra_cargs,
+ link_args : test_extra_ldflags,
+ dependencies : libgtk_dep)
+ test(test_name, test_exe,
+ args: [ '--tap', '-k' ],
+ env: [ 'GIO_USE_VOLUME_MONITOR=unix',
+ 'GTK_CSD=1',
+ 'GSK_RENDERER=cairo',
+ 'G_TEST_SRCDIR=@0@'.format(meson.current_source_dir()),
+ 'G_TEST_BUILDDIR=@0@'.format(meson.current_build_dir()),
+ 'GSETTINGS_SCHEMA_DIR=@0@'.format(gtk_schema_build_dir),
+ ],
+ suite: 'gtk')
+# FIXME: if objc autotestkeywords_CPPFLAGS += -DHAVE_OBJC=1 -x objective-c++
+if add_languages('cpp', required: false)
+ test_exe = executable('autotestkeywords',
+ 'autotestkeywords.cc',
+ c_args : test_cargs + ['-Idummy-headers'],
+ dependencies : libgtk_dep)
+ test('c++ keywords', test_exe,
+ args: [ '--tap', '-k' ],
+ env: [ 'GIO_USE_VOLUME_MONITOR=unix',
+ 'GTK_CSD=1',
+ 'G_TEST_SRCDIR=@0@'.format(meson.current_source_dir()),
+ 'G_TEST_BUILDDIR=@0@'.format(meson.current_build_dir()),
+ 'GSETTINGS_SCHEMA_DIR=@0@'.format(gtk_schema_build_dir),
+ ],
+ suite: 'gtk')
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