[gtk/wip/fanc999/gtk-3-24-meson-msvc: 21/36] meson: Only use cairo fallbacks when needed

commit 8c88164f73fad95afb7029b0de06739870973d93
Author: Chun-wei Fan <fanchunwei src gnome org>
Date:   Wed Mar 13 12:13:22 2019 +0800

    meson: Only use cairo fallbacks when needed
    On Visual Studio builds, since Cairo builds tend not to generate
    pkg-config files for us, look for the headers and .lib's, before
    attempting to download the Cairo repo (which is quite large) and
    building it.
    We can simplify this process when Meson gains the ability to check
    for the dependencies in a declarative fashion, but before that, this
    is what must be done.

 meson.build | 47 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------
 1 file changed, 40 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)
diff --git a/meson.build b/meson.build
index f8b94f2548..ecfbc38d05 100644
--- a/meson.build
+++ b/meson.build
@@ -307,10 +307,35 @@ if os_unix
 gmodule_dep    = dependency('gmodule-2.0', version: glib_req,
                             fallback : ['glib', 'libgmodule_dep'])
-cairo_dep      = dependency('cairo', version: cairo_req,
-                            fallback : ['cairo', 'libcairo_dep'])
-cairogobj_dep  = dependency('cairo-gobject', version: cairo_req,
-                            fallback : ['cairo', 'libcairogobject_dep'])
+# Update when we can find depedencies in a declarative manner
+cairo_dep      = dependency('cairo', version: cairo_req, required: cc.get_id() != 'msvc')
+cairogobj_dep  = dependency('cairo-gobject', version: cairo_req, required: cc.get_id() != 'msvc')
+# Remove when we can find depedencies in a declarative manner
+if not cairo_dep.found() and cc.get_id() == 'msvc'
+  if cc.has_header('cairo.h') and cc.has_header('cairo-win32.h')
+    cairo_dep = cc.find_library('cairo', required: false)
+  endif
+if not cairo_dep.found()
+  cairo_dep      = dependency('cairo', version: cairo_req,
+                              fallback : ['cairo', 'libcairo_dep'])
+# Remove when we can find depedencies in a declarative manner
+if not cairogobj_dep.found() and cc.get_id() == 'msvc'
+  if cc.has_header('cairo-gobject.h')
+    cairogobj_dep = cc.find_library('cairo-gobject', required: false)
+  endif
+if not cairogobj_dep.found()
+  cairogobj_dep  = dependency('cairo-gobject', version: cairo_req,
+                              fallback : ['cairo', 'libcairogobject_dep'])
 pango_dep      = dependency('pango', version: pango_req,
                             fallback : ['pango', 'libpango_dep'])
@@ -370,6 +395,8 @@ if cairo_found_type == 'internal'
   cairo_features = subproject('cairo').get_variable('built_features')
+cairogobj_found_type = cairogobj_dep.type_name()
 cairo_backends = []
 foreach backend: [ ['cairo-xlib', cairo_req, x11_enabled],
                    ['cairo-win32', cairo_req, win32_enabled],
@@ -383,12 +410,14 @@ foreach backend: [ ['cairo-xlib', cairo_req, x11_enabled],
       if dependency(cairo_backend, version: cairo_backend_req, required : cc.get_id() != 'msvc').found()
         cairo_backends += cairo_backend
-    else
+    elif cairo_found_type == 'internal'
       foreach f: cairo_features
         if f['name'] == cairo_backend
           cairo_backends += cairo_backend
+    elif cc.get_id() == 'msvc' and cairo_dep.found()
+      cairo_backends += 'cairo-win32'
@@ -396,10 +425,10 @@ endforeach
 cairo_pkg_found = false
 cairogobj_pkg_found = false
-if cairo_dep.found()
+if cairo_found_type == 'internal' or cairo_found_type == 'pkgconfig'
   cairo_pkg_found = true
-if cairogobj_dep.found()
+if cairogobj_found_type == 'internal' or cairogobj_found_type == 'pkgconfig'
   cairogobj_pkg_found = true
@@ -613,9 +642,13 @@ gdk_packages = ' '.join([ pango_pkgname, pango_req,
 if cairo_pkg_found
   gdk_packages += ' '.join([ ' cairo', cairo_req ])
+elif cc.get_id() == 'msvc' and cairo_dep.found()
+  gdk_packages += ' '.join([ ' -lcairo' ])
 if cairogobj_pkg_found
   gdk_packages += ' '.join([ ' cairo-gobject', cairo_req ])
+elif cc.get_id() == 'msvc' and cairogobj_dep.found()
+  gdk_packages += ' '.join([ ' -lcairo-gobject' ])
 pkgconf.set('GDK_PACKAGES', gdk_packages)

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