[gegl] bin: split viewer ui out of monolithic ui.c
- From: Øyvind "pippin" Kolås <ok src gnome org>
- To: commits-list gnome org
- Cc:
- Subject: [gegl] bin: split viewer ui out of monolithic ui.c
- Date: Fri, 1 Mar 2019 12:30:25 +0000 (UTC)
commit 9fbf0449992bf6c7828fb32cd0061b659cc57646
Author: Øyvind Kolås <pippin gimp org>
Date: Fri Mar 1 13:29:03 2019 +0100
bin: split viewer ui out of monolithic ui.c
bin/Makefile.am | 2 +-
bin/lua/init.lua | 10 +
bin/ui-viewer.c | 465 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
bin/ui.c | 587 +++++++++----------------------------------------------
bin/ui.h | 13 ++
5 files changed, 582 insertions(+), 495 deletions(-)
diff --git a/bin/Makefile.am b/bin/Makefile.am
index 917e55451..dd634df66 100644
--- a/bin/Makefile.am
+++ b/bin/Makefile.am
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ argvs-commands.inc: gegl.c ui.c argvs.c Makefile
-gegl_SOURCES += ui.c ui.h mrg-gegl.c mrg-gegl.h
+gegl_SOURCES += ui.c ui.h ui-viewer.c mrg-gegl.c mrg-gegl.h
diff --git a/bin/lua/init.lua b/bin/lua/init.lua
index e59272d3d..b82bd3306 100644
--- a/bin/lua/init.lua
+++ b/bin/lua/init.lua
@@ -121,6 +121,16 @@ float hypotf (float a, float b);
GeState *app_state(void);
int argvs_eval (const char *str);
+char *ui_suffix_path (const char *path);
+char *ui_unsuffix_path (const char *path);
+int ui_hide_controls_cb (Mrg *mrg, void *data);
+char *ui_get_thumb_path (const char *path);
+void ui_queue_thumb (const char *path);
+void ui_load_path (GeState *o);
+void ui_contrasty_stroke (cairo_t *cr);
o = ffi.C.app_state()
diff --git a/bin/ui-viewer.c b/bin/ui-viewer.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a5b35c315
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/ui-viewer.c
@@ -0,0 +1,465 @@
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <dirent.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <mrg.h>
+#include <mrg-string.h>
+#include <gegl.h>
+#include <gexiv2/gexiv2.h>
+#include <gegl-paramspecs.h>
+#include <gegl-operation.h>
+#include <gegl-audio-fragment.h>
+#include "mrg-gegl.h"
+#include "argvs.h"
+#include "ui.h"
+static void entry_load (MrgEvent *event, void *data1, void *data2)
+ GeState *o = data1;
+ if (o->rev)
+ argvs_eval ("save");
+ g_free (o->path);
+ o->path = g_strdup (data2);
+ ui_load_path (o);
+ mrg_event_stop_propagate (event);
+ mrg_queue_draw (event->mrg, NULL);
+static void on_viewer_motion (MrgEvent *e, void *data1, void *data2)
+ GeState *o = data1;
+ {
+ if (!o->show_controls)
+ {
+ o->show_controls = 1;
+ mrg_queue_draw (o->mrg, NULL);
+ }
+ if (o->controls_timeout)
+ {
+ mrg_remove_idle (o->mrg, o->controls_timeout);
+ o->controls_timeout = 0;
+ }
+ o->controls_timeout = mrg_add_timeout (o->mrg, 2000, ui_hide_controls_cb, o);
+ }
+static int fade_thumbbar_cb (Mrg *mrg, void *data)
+ GeState *o = data;
+ o->show_thumbbar = 1;
+ mrg_queue_draw (o->mrg, NULL);
+ return 0;
+static void on_thumbbar_motion (MrgEvent *e, void *data1, void *data2)
+ GeState *o = data1;
+ on_viewer_motion (e, data1, NULL);
+ {
+ o->show_thumbbar = 2;
+ if (o->thumbbar_timeout)
+ {
+ mrg_remove_idle (o->mrg, o->thumbbar_timeout);
+ o->thumbbar_timeout = 0;
+ }
+ o->thumbbar_timeout = mrg_add_timeout (o->mrg, 4000, fade_thumbbar_cb, o);
+ }
+static int slide_cb (Mrg *mrg, void *data)
+ GeState *o = data;
+ o->slide_timeout = 0;
+ argvs_eval ("next");
+ return 0;
+static void draw_edit (Mrg *mrg, float x, float y, float w, float h)
+ cairo_t *cr = mrg_cr (mrg);
+ cairo_new_path (cr);
+ cairo_arc (cr, x+0.5*w, y+0.5*h, h * .4, 0.0, G_PI * 2);
+static void draw_grid (Mrg *mrg, float x, float y, float w, float h)
+ cairo_t *cr = mrg_cr (mrg);
+ cairo_new_path (cr);
+ cairo_rectangle (cr, 0.00 *w + x, 0.00 * h + y, 0.33 * w, 0.33 * h);
+ cairo_rectangle (cr, 0.66 *w + x, 0.00 * h + y, 0.33 * w, 0.33 * h);
+ cairo_rectangle (cr, 0.00 *w + x, 0.66 * h + y, 0.33 * w, 0.33 * h);
+ cairo_rectangle (cr, 0.66 *w + x, 0.66 * h + y, 0.33 * w, 0.33 * h);
+static void draw_back (Mrg *mrg, float x, float y, float w, float h)
+ cairo_t *cr = mrg_cr (mrg);
+ cairo_new_path (cr);
+ cairo_new_path (cr);
+ cairo_move_to (cr, x+0.9*w, y+0.1*h);
+ cairo_line_to (cr, x+0.9*w, y+0.9*h);
+ cairo_line_to (cr, x+0.1*w, y+0.5*h);
+static void draw_forward (Mrg *mrg, float x, float y, float w, float h)
+ cairo_t *cr = mrg_cr (mrg);
+ cairo_new_path (cr);
+ cairo_move_to (cr, x+0.1*w, y+0.1*h);
+ cairo_line_to (cr, x+0.1*w, y+0.9*h);
+ cairo_line_to (cr, x+0.9*w, y+0.5*h);
+static void on_thumbbar_drag (MrgEvent *e, void *data1, void *data2)
+ static float pinch_coord[4][2] = {0,};
+ static int pinch = 0;
+ static float orig_zoom = 1.0;
+ GeState *o = data1;
+ //GeglNode *node = data2;
+ on_viewer_motion (e, data1, data2);
+ if (e->type == MRG_DRAG_RELEASE)
+ {
+ pinch = 0;
+ } else if (e->type == MRG_DRAG_PRESS)
+ {
+ if (e->device_no == 5) /* 5 is second finger/touch point */
+ {
+ pinch_coord[1][0] = e->device_x;
+ pinch_coord[1][1] = e->device_y;
+ pinch_coord[2][0] = pinch_coord[0][0];
+ pinch_coord[2][1] = pinch_coord[0][1];
+ pinch_coord[3][0] = pinch_coord[1][0];
+ pinch_coord[3][1] = pinch_coord[1][1];
+ pinch = 1;
+ orig_zoom = o->graph_scale;
+ }
+ else if (e->device_no == 1 || e->device_no == 4) /* 1 is mouse pointer 4 is first finger */
+ {
+ pinch_coord[0][0] = e->device_x;
+ pinch_coord[0][1] = e->device_y;
+ }
+ } else if (e->type == MRG_DRAG_MOTION)
+ {
+ if (e->device_no == 1 || e->device_no == 4) /* 1 is mouse pointer 4 is first finger */
+ {
+ pinch_coord[0][0] = e->device_x;
+ pinch_coord[0][1] = e->device_y;
+ }
+ if (e->device_no == 5)
+ {
+ pinch_coord[1][0] = e->device_x;
+ pinch_coord[1][1] = e->device_y;
+ }
+ if (pinch)
+ {
+ float orig_dist = hypotf ( pinch_coord[2][0]- pinch_coord[3][0],
+ pinch_coord[2][1]- pinch_coord[3][1]);
+ float dist = hypotf (pinch_coord[0][0] - pinch_coord[1][0],
+ pinch_coord[0][1] - pinch_coord[1][1]);
+ {
+ float x, y;
+ float screen_cx = (pinch_coord[0][0] + pinch_coord[1][0])/2;
+ float screen_cy = (pinch_coord[0][1] + pinch_coord[1][1])/2;
+ //get_coords_graph (o, screen_cx, screen_cy, &x, &y);
+ x = (o->thumbbar_pan_x + screen_cx) / o->thumbbar_scale;
+ y = (o->thumbbar_pan_y + screen_cy) / o->thumbbar_scale;
+ o->thumbbar_scale = orig_zoom * (dist / orig_dist);
+ o->thumbbar_pan_x = x * o->thumbbar_scale - screen_cx;
+ o->thumbbar_pan_y = y * o->thumbbar_scale - screen_cy;
+ o->thumbbar_pan_x -= (e->delta_x )/2; /* doing half contribution of motion per finger */
+ o->thumbbar_pan_y -= (e->delta_y )/2; /* is simple and roughly right */
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (e->device_no == 1 || e->device_no == 4)
+ {
+ o->thumbbar_pan_x -= (e->delta_x );
+ o->thumbbar_pan_y -= (e->delta_y );
+ }
+ }
+ mrg_queue_draw (e->mrg, NULL);
+ }
+ mrg_event_stop_propagate (e);
+static void on_thumbbar_scroll (MrgEvent *event, void *data1, void *data2)
+ GeState *o = data1;
+ on_viewer_motion (event, data1, NULL);
+ switch (event->scroll_direction)
+ {
+ o->thumbbar_scale /= 1.1;
+ if (o->thumbbar_scale < 0.2)
+ o->thumbbar_scale = 0.2;
+ break;
+ o->thumbbar_scale *= 1.1;
+ if (o->thumbbar_scale > 3)
+ o->thumbbar_scale = 3;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ mrg_queue_draw (event->mrg, NULL);
+ mrg_event_stop_propagate (event);
+static void draw_thumb_bar (GeState *o)
+ Mrg *mrg = o->mrg;
+ float width = mrg_width(mrg);
+ float height = mrg_height(mrg);
+ cairo_t *cr = mrg_cr (mrg);
+ GList *curr = g_list_find_custom (o->paths, o->path, (void*)g_strcmp0);
+ float dim = height * 0.15 * o->thumbbar_scale;
+ float padding = .025;
+ float opacity;
+ cairo_save (cr);
+ if (o->show_thumbbar > 1)
+ {
+ opacity = o->thumbbar_opacity * (1.0 - 0.14) + 0.14 * 1.0;
+ if (opacity < 0.99)
+ mrg_queue_draw (o->mrg, NULL);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ opacity = o->thumbbar_opacity * (1.0 - 0.07) + 0.07 * 0.00;
+ if (opacity > 0.02)
+ mrg_queue_draw (o->mrg, NULL);
+ }
+ o->thumbbar_opacity = opacity;
+ cairo_rectangle (cr, 0, height-dim, width, dim);
+ mrg_listen (mrg, MRG_DRAG, on_thumbbar_drag, o, NULL);
+ mrg_listen (mrg, MRG_SCROLL, on_thumbbar_scroll, o, NULL);
+ mrg_listen (mrg, MRG_DRAG, on_thumbbar_motion, o, NULL);
+ mrg_listen (mrg, MRG_MOTION, on_thumbbar_motion, o, NULL);
+ mrg_listen (mrg, MRG_SCROLL, on_thumbbar_motion, o, NULL);
+ cairo_new_path (cr);
+ if (curr && opacity > 0.01)
+ {
+ GList *iter = curr;
+ float x = mrg_width(mrg)/2-dim/2 - o->thumbbar_pan_x;
+ for (iter = curr; iter && x < width; iter = iter->next)
+ {
+ char *path = ui_suffix_path (iter->data);
+ char *thumbpath = ui_get_thumb_path (path);
+ int w, h;
+ if (
+ access (thumbpath, F_OK) == 0 &&
+ mrg_query_image (mrg, thumbpath, &w, &h))
+ {
+ float wdim = dim, hdim = dim;
+ if (w > h) hdim = dim / (1.0 * w / h);
+ else wdim = dim * (1.0 * w / h);
+ if (w!=0 && h!=0)
+ {
+ cairo_rectangle (mrg_cr (mrg), x, height-dim, wdim, hdim);
+ if (iter == curr)
+ cairo_set_source_rgba (mrg_cr (mrg), 1,1,0,.7 * opacity);
+ else
+ cairo_set_source_rgba (mrg_cr (mrg), 1,1,1,.1 * opacity);
+ mrg_listen (mrg, MRG_TAP, entry_load, o, (void*)g_intern_string (iter->data));
+ cairo_fill (mrg_cr (mrg));
+ mrg_image (mrg, x + dim * padding, height-dim*(1.0-padding),
+ wdim * (1.0-padding*2), hdim *(1.0-padding*2), opacity, thumbpath, NULL, NULL);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (access (thumbpath, F_OK) != 0) // only queue if does not exist,
+ // mrg/stb_image seem to suffer on some of our pngs
+ {
+ ui_queue_thumb (iter->data);
+ }
+ }
+ x += dim;
+ g_free (thumbpath);
+ g_free (path);
+ }
+ x = mrg_width(mrg)/2-dim/2 - o->thumbbar_pan_x;
+ dim = height * 0.15 * o->thumbbar_scale;
+ x -= dim;
+ for (iter = curr->prev; iter && x > -dim; iter = iter->prev)
+ {
+ char *path = ui_suffix_path (iter->data);
+ char *thumbpath = ui_get_thumb_path (path);
+ int w, h;
+ if (
+ access (thumbpath, F_OK) == 0 &&
+ mrg_query_image (mrg, thumbpath, &w, &h))
+ {
+ float wdim = dim, hdim = dim;
+ if (w > h) hdim = dim / (1.0 * w / h);
+ else wdim = dim * (1.0 * w / h);
+ if (w!=0 && h!=0)
+ {
+ cairo_rectangle (mrg_cr (mrg), x, height-dim, wdim, hdim);
+ cairo_set_source_rgba (mrg_cr (mrg), 1,1,1,.1 * opacity);
+ mrg_listen (mrg, MRG_TAP, entry_load, o, (void*)g_intern_string (iter->data));
+ cairo_fill (mrg_cr (mrg));
+ mrg_image (mrg, x + dim * padding, height-dim*(1.0-padding),
+ wdim * (1.0-padding*2), hdim *(1.0-padding*2), opacity, thumbpath, NULL, NULL);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (access (thumbpath, F_OK) != 0) // only queue if does not exist,
+ // mrg/stb_image seem to suffer on some of our pngs
+ {
+ ui_queue_thumb (iter->data);
+ }
+ }
+ x -= dim;
+ g_free (thumbpath);
+ g_free (path);
+ }
+ }
+ cairo_restore (cr);
+void ui_viewer (GeState *o)
+ Mrg *mrg = o->mrg;
+ float width = mrg_width(mrg);
+ float height = mrg_height(mrg);
+ cairo_t *cr = mrg_cr (mrg);
+ cairo_save (cr);
+ cairo_rectangle (cr, 0,0, width, height);
+ draw_grid (mrg, height * 0.1/4, height * 0.1/4, height * 0.10, height * 0.10);
+ if (o->show_controls)
+ ui_contrasty_stroke (cr);
+ else
+ cairo_new_path (cr);
+ cairo_rectangle (cr, 0, 0, height * 0.15, height * 0.15);
+ if (o->show_controls)
+ {
+ cairo_set_source_rgba (cr, 1,1,1,.1);
+ cairo_fill_preserve (cr);
+ }
+ mrg_listen (mrg, MRG_PRESS, ui_run_command, "parent", NULL);
+ draw_back (mrg, height * .1 / 4, height * .5, height * .1, height *.1);
+ cairo_close_path (cr);
+ if (o->show_controls)
+ ui_contrasty_stroke (cr);
+ else
+ cairo_new_path (cr);
+ cairo_rectangle (cr, 0, height * .3, height * .15, height *.7);
+ if (o->show_controls)
+ {
+ cairo_set_source_rgba (cr, 1,1,1,.1);
+ cairo_fill_preserve (cr);
+ }
+ mrg_listen (mrg, MRG_TAP, ui_run_command, "prev", NULL);
+ cairo_new_path (cr);
+ draw_forward (mrg, width - height * .12, height * .5, height * .1, height *.1);
+ cairo_close_path (cr);
+ if (o->show_controls)
+ ui_contrasty_stroke (cr);
+ else
+ cairo_new_path (cr);
+ cairo_rectangle (cr, width - height * .15, height * .3, height * .15, height *.7);
+ if (o->show_controls)
+ {
+ cairo_set_source_rgba (cr, 1,1,1,.1);
+ cairo_fill_preserve (cr);
+ }
+ mrg_listen (mrg, MRG_TAP, ui_run_command, "next", NULL);
+ draw_edit (mrg, width - height * .15, height * .0, height * .15, height *.15);
+ if (o->show_controls)
+ ui_contrasty_stroke (cr);
+ else
+ cairo_new_path (cr);
+ cairo_rectangle (cr, width - height * .15, height * .0, height * .15, height *.15);
+ if (o->show_controls)
+ {
+ cairo_set_source_rgba (cr, 1,1,1,.1);
+ cairo_fill_preserve (cr);
+ }
+ mrg_listen (mrg, MRG_PRESS, ui_run_command, "toggle editing", NULL);
+ cairo_new_path (cr);
+ if (o->show_thumbbar)
+ draw_thumb_bar (o);
+ if (o->slide_enabled && o->slide_timeout == 0)
+ {
+ o->slide_timeout =
+ mrg_add_timeout (o->mrg, o->slide_pause * 1000, slide_cb, o);
+ }
+ cairo_restore (cr);
+ mrg_add_binding (mrg, "control-s", NULL, NULL, ui_run_command, "toggle slideshow");
+ if (o->is_fit)
+ {
+ mrg_add_binding (mrg, "right", NULL, "next image", ui_run_command, "next");
+ mrg_add_binding (mrg, "left", NULL, "previous image", ui_run_command, "prev");
+ }
+ mrg_add_binding (mrg, "page-down", NULL, NULL, ui_run_command, "next");
+ mrg_add_binding (mrg, "page-up", NULL, NULL, ui_run_command, "prev");
+ mrg_add_binding (mrg, "alt-right", NULL, "next image", ui_run_command, "next");
+ mrg_add_binding (mrg, "alt-left", NULL, "previous image", ui_run_command, "prev");
+ if (o->commandline[0]==0)
+ {
+ mrg_add_binding (mrg, "+", NULL, NULL, ui_run_command, "zoom in");
+ mrg_add_binding (mrg, "=", NULL, NULL, ui_run_command, "zoom in");
+ mrg_add_binding (mrg, "-", NULL, NULL, ui_run_command, "zoom out");
+ mrg_add_binding (mrg, "0", NULL, "pixel for pixel", ui_run_command, "zoom 1.0");
+ mrg_add_binding (mrg, "9", NULL, NULL, ui_run_command, "zoom fit");
+ }
+ mrg_add_binding (mrg, "control-m", NULL, NULL, ui_run_command, "toggle mipmap");
+ mrg_add_binding (mrg, "control-y", NULL, NULL, ui_run_command, "toggle colormanaged-display");
+ mrg_add_binding (mrg, "control-delete", NULL, NULL, ui_run_command, "discard");
diff --git a/bin/ui.c b/bin/ui.c
index 298d13d54..476728f43 100644
--- a/bin/ui.c
+++ b/bin/ui.c
@@ -468,11 +468,8 @@ void gegl_meta_set (const char *path, const char *meta_data);
char * gegl_meta_get (const char *path);
GExiv2Orientation path_get_orientation (const char *path);
-static char *suffix_path (const char *path);
-static char *unsuffix_path (const char *path);
static int is_gegl_path (const char *path);
-static void contrasty_stroke (cairo_t *cr);
static char *thumb_folder (void)
@@ -490,8 +487,7 @@ static char *thumb_folder (void)
return path;
-gchar *get_thumb_path (const char *path);
-gchar *get_thumb_path (const char *path)
+gchar *ui_get_thumb_path (const char *path)
gchar *ret;
gchar *uri = g_strdup_printf ("file://%s", path);
@@ -506,7 +502,6 @@ gchar *get_thumb_path (const char *path)
-static void load_path (GeState *o);
static void get_coords (GeState *o, float screen_x, float screen_y,
float *gegl_x, float *gegl_y);
@@ -583,7 +578,7 @@ static void populate_path_list (GeState *o)
if (is_gegl_path (fpath))
- char *tmp = unsuffix_path (fpath);
+ char *tmp = ui_unsuffix_path (fpath);
g_free (fpath);
fpath = g_strdup (tmp);
g_free (tmp);
@@ -656,7 +651,6 @@ static char *sh_esc (const char *input)
static void load_path_inner (GeState *o, char *path);
-static void run_command (MrgEvent *event_or_null, void *commandline, void *ignored);
static gboolean renderer_task (gpointer data)
@@ -891,7 +885,7 @@ int mrg_ui_main (int argc, char **argv, char **ops)
- load_path (o);
+ ui_load_path (o);
mrg_set_ui (mrg, gegl_ui, o);
on_viewer_motion (NULL, o, NULL);
@@ -938,7 +932,7 @@ cmd_thumb (COMMAND_ARGS)
GeglNode *source;
gchar *thumbpath;
- thumbpath = get_thumb_path (o->save_path);
+ thumbpath = ui_get_thumb_path (o->save_path);
gegl = gegl_node_new ();
thumbdata = g_malloc0 (256 * 256 * 4);
@@ -1005,7 +999,7 @@ int thumbgen_main (int argc, char **argv)
if (o->path)
g_free (o->path);
o->path = g_strdup (*arg);
- load_path (o);
+ ui_load_path (o);
if (!strcmp (gegl_node_get_operation (o->source), "gegl:pdf-load"))
gegl_node_set (o->source, "ppi", 72/2.0, NULL);
@@ -1020,7 +1014,7 @@ int thumbgen_main (int argc, char **argv)
exit (0);
-static int hide_controls_cb (Mrg *mrg, void *data)
+int ui_hide_controls_cb (Mrg *mrg, void *data)
GeState *o = data;
o->controls_timeout = 0;
@@ -1029,14 +1023,6 @@ static int hide_controls_cb (Mrg *mrg, void *data)
return 0;
-static int fade_thumbbar_cb (Mrg *mrg, void *data)
- GeState *o = data;
- o->show_thumbbar = 1;
- mrg_queue_draw (o->mrg, NULL);
- return 0;
static void on_viewer_motion (MrgEvent *e, void *data1, void *data2)
GeState *o = data1;
@@ -1051,22 +1037,7 @@ static void on_viewer_motion (MrgEvent *e, void *data1, void *data2)
mrg_remove_idle (o->mrg, o->controls_timeout);
o->controls_timeout = 0;
- o->controls_timeout = mrg_add_timeout (o->mrg, 2000, hide_controls_cb, o);
- }
-static void on_thumbbar_motion (MrgEvent *e, void *data1, void *data2)
- GeState *o = data1;
- on_viewer_motion (e, data1, NULL);
- {
- o->show_thumbbar = 2;
- if (o->thumbbar_timeout)
- {
- mrg_remove_idle (o->mrg, o->thumbbar_timeout);
- o->thumbbar_timeout = 0;
- }
- o->thumbbar_timeout = mrg_add_timeout (o->mrg, 4000, fade_thumbbar_cb, o);
+ o->controls_timeout = mrg_add_timeout (o->mrg, 2000, ui_hide_controls_cb, o);
@@ -1653,7 +1624,7 @@ static void unset_edited_prop (MrgEvent *e, void *data1, void *data2)
char buf[2048];
sprintf (buf, "%s='%s'", o->property_focus, o->editing_buf);
- run_command (NULL, buf, NULL);
+ ui_run_command (NULL, buf, NULL);
rev_inc (o);
@@ -1680,7 +1651,7 @@ static void entry_load (MrgEvent *event, void *data1, void *data2)
g_free (o->path);
o->path = g_strdup (data2);
- load_path (o);
+ ui_load_path (o);
mrg_event_stop_propagate (event);
mrg_queue_draw (event->mrg, NULL);
@@ -1704,6 +1675,13 @@ static void queue_thumb (const char *path, const char *thumbpath)
mrg_list_append (&thumb_queue, item);
+void ui_queue_thumb (const char *path)
+ char *thumb_path = ui_get_thumb_path (path);
+ queue_thumb (path, thumb_path);
+ g_free (thumb_path);
static void dir_scroll_cb (MrgEvent *event, void *data1, void *data2)
switch (event->scroll_direction)
@@ -1733,7 +1711,7 @@ static void dir_touch_handling (Mrg *mrg, GeState *o)
-static void ui_collection (GeState *o)
+void ui_collection (GeState *o)
Mrg *mrg = o->mrg;
cairo_t *cr = mrg_cr (mrg);
@@ -1770,7 +1748,7 @@ static void ui_collection (GeState *o)
cairo_set_source_rgba (mrg_cr (mrg), 1,1,0,.5);
cairo_fill_preserve (mrg_cr (mrg));
- mrg_listen_full (mrg, MRG_CLICK, run_command, "parent", NULL, NULL, NULL);
+ mrg_listen_full (mrg, MRG_CLICK, ui_run_command, "parent", NULL, NULL, NULL);
mrg_image (mrg, x + (dim-wdim)/2 + dim * padding, y + (dim-hdim)/2 + dim * padding,
wdim * (1.0-padding*2), hdim *(1.0-padding*2), 1.0,
@@ -1821,8 +1799,8 @@ static void ui_collection (GeState *o)
struct stat thumb_stat_buf;
struct stat suffixed_stat_buf;
- gchar *p2 = suffix_path (path);
- gchar *thumbpath = get_thumb_path (p2);
+ gchar *p2 = ui_suffix_path (path);
+ gchar *thumbpath = ui_get_thumb_path (p2);
/* we compute the thumbpath as the hash of the suffixed path, even for
* gegl documents - for gegl documents this is slightly inaccurate but consistent.
@@ -1929,75 +1907,38 @@ static void ui_collection (GeState *o)
mrg_listen (mrg, MRG_DRAG, on_dir_scroll_drag, o, NULL);
cairo_fill (cr);
- mrg_add_binding (mrg, "left", NULL, NULL, run_command, "collection left");
- mrg_add_binding (mrg, "right", NULL, NULL, run_command, "collection right");
- mrg_add_binding (mrg, "up", NULL, NULL, run_command, "collection up");
- mrg_add_binding (mrg, "down", NULL, NULL, run_command, "collection down");
+ mrg_add_binding (mrg, "left", NULL, NULL, ui_run_command, "collection left");
+ mrg_add_binding (mrg, "right", NULL, NULL, ui_run_command, "collection right");
+ mrg_add_binding (mrg, "up", NULL, NULL, ui_run_command, "collection up");
+ mrg_add_binding (mrg, "down", NULL, NULL, ui_run_command, "collection down");
- mrg_add_binding (mrg, "page-up", NULL, NULL, run_command, "collection page-up");
- mrg_add_binding (mrg, "page-down", NULL, NULL, run_command, "collection page-down");
+ mrg_add_binding (mrg, "page-up", NULL, NULL, ui_run_command, "collection page-up");
+ mrg_add_binding (mrg, "page-down", NULL, NULL, ui_run_command, "collection page-down");
- mrg_add_binding (mrg, "home", NULL, NULL, run_command, "collection first");
- mrg_add_binding (mrg, "end", NULL, NULL, run_command, "collection last");
+ mrg_add_binding (mrg, "home", NULL, NULL, ui_run_command, "collection first");
+ mrg_add_binding (mrg, "end", NULL, NULL, ui_run_command, "collection last");
if (o->commandline[0] == 0)
- mrg_add_binding (mrg, "space", NULL, NULL, run_command, "collection right");
- mrg_add_binding (mrg, "backspace", NULL, NULL, run_command, "collection left");
+ mrg_add_binding (mrg, "space", NULL, NULL, ui_run_command, "collection right");
+ mrg_add_binding (mrg, "backspace", NULL, NULL, ui_run_command, "collection left");
- mrg_add_binding (mrg, "alt-right", NULL, NULL, run_command, "collection right");
- mrg_add_binding (mrg, "alt-left", NULL, NULL, run_command, "collection left");
+ mrg_add_binding (mrg, "alt-right", NULL, NULL, ui_run_command, "collection right");
+ mrg_add_binding (mrg, "alt-left", NULL, NULL, ui_run_command, "collection left");
if (o->commandline[0]==0)
- mrg_add_binding (mrg, "+", NULL, NULL, run_command, "zoom in");
- mrg_add_binding (mrg, "=", NULL, NULL, run_command, "zoom in");
- mrg_add_binding (mrg, "-", NULL, NULL, run_command, "zoom out");
+ mrg_add_binding (mrg, "+", NULL, NULL, ui_run_command, "zoom in");
+ mrg_add_binding (mrg, "=", NULL, NULL, ui_run_command, "zoom in");
+ mrg_add_binding (mrg, "-", NULL, NULL, ui_run_command, "zoom out");
- mrg_add_binding (mrg, "escape", NULL, "parent folder", run_command, "parent");
- mrg_add_binding (mrg, "control-delete", NULL, NULL, run_command, "discard");
-static int slide_cb (Mrg *mrg, void *data)
- GeState *o = data;
- o->slide_timeout = 0;
- argvs_eval ("next");
- return 0;
+ mrg_add_binding (mrg, "escape", NULL, "parent folder", ui_run_command, "parent");
+ mrg_add_binding (mrg, "control-delete", NULL, NULL, ui_run_command, "discard");
static void scroll_cb (MrgEvent *event, void *data1, void *data2);
-static void draw_grid (Mrg *mrg, float x, float y, float w, float h)
- cairo_t *cr = mrg_cr (mrg);
- cairo_new_path (cr);
- cairo_rectangle (cr, 0.00 *w + x, 0.00 * h + y, 0.33 * w, 0.33 * h);
- cairo_rectangle (cr, 0.66 *w + x, 0.00 * h + y, 0.33 * w, 0.33 * h);
- cairo_rectangle (cr, 0.00 *w + x, 0.66 * h + y, 0.33 * w, 0.33 * h);
- cairo_rectangle (cr, 0.66 *w + x, 0.66 * h + y, 0.33 * w, 0.33 * h);
-static void draw_back (Mrg *mrg, float x, float y, float w, float h)
- cairo_t *cr = mrg_cr (mrg);
- cairo_new_path (cr);
- cairo_new_path (cr);
- cairo_move_to (cr, x+0.9*w, y+0.1*h);
- cairo_line_to (cr, x+0.9*w, y+0.9*h);
- cairo_line_to (cr, x+0.1*w, y+0.5*h);
-static void draw_forward (Mrg *mrg, float x, float y, float w, float h)
- cairo_t *cr = mrg_cr (mrg);
- cairo_new_path (cr);
- cairo_move_to (cr, x+0.1*w, y+0.1*h);
- cairo_line_to (cr, x+0.1*w, y+0.9*h);
- cairo_line_to (cr, x+0.9*w, y+0.5*h);
static void draw_edit (Mrg *mrg, float x, float y, float w, float h)
@@ -2005,264 +1946,6 @@ static void draw_edit (Mrg *mrg, float x, float y, float w, float h)
cairo_new_path (cr);
cairo_arc (cr, x+0.5*w, y+0.5*h, h * .4, 0.0, G_PI * 2);
-static void on_thumbbar_drag (MrgEvent *e, void *data1, void *data2);
-static void on_thumbbar_scroll (MrgEvent *event, void *data1, void *data2)
- GeState *o = data1;
- on_viewer_motion (event, data1, NULL);
- switch (event->scroll_direction)
- {
- o->thumbbar_scale /= 1.1;
- if (o->thumbbar_scale < 0.2)
- o->thumbbar_scale = 0.2;
- break;
- o->thumbbar_scale *= 1.1;
- if (o->thumbbar_scale > 3)
- o->thumbbar_scale = 3;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- mrg_queue_draw (event->mrg, NULL);
- mrg_event_stop_propagate (event);
-static void draw_thumb_bar (GeState *o)
- Mrg *mrg = o->mrg;
- float width = mrg_width(mrg);
- float height = mrg_height(mrg);
- cairo_t *cr = mrg_cr (mrg);
- GList *curr = g_list_find_custom (o->paths, o->path, (void*)g_strcmp0);
- float dim = height * 0.15 * o->thumbbar_scale;
- float padding = .025;
- float opacity;
- cairo_save (cr);
- if (o->show_thumbbar > 1)
- {
- opacity = o->thumbbar_opacity * (1.0 - 0.14) + 0.14 * 1.0;
- if (opacity < 0.99)
- mrg_queue_draw (o->mrg, NULL);
- }
- else
- {
- opacity = o->thumbbar_opacity * (1.0 - 0.07) + 0.07 * 0.00;
- if (opacity > 0.02)
- mrg_queue_draw (o->mrg, NULL);
- }
- o->thumbbar_opacity = opacity;
- cairo_rectangle (cr, 0, height-dim, width, dim);
- mrg_listen (mrg, MRG_DRAG, on_thumbbar_drag, o, NULL);
- mrg_listen (mrg, MRG_SCROLL, on_thumbbar_scroll, o, NULL);
- mrg_listen (mrg, MRG_DRAG, on_thumbbar_motion, o, NULL);
- mrg_listen (mrg, MRG_MOTION, on_thumbbar_motion, o, NULL);
- mrg_listen (mrg, MRG_SCROLL, on_thumbbar_motion, o, NULL);
- cairo_new_path (cr);
- if (curr && opacity > 0.01)
- {
- GList *iter = curr;
- float x = mrg_width(mrg)/2-dim/2 - o->thumbbar_pan_x;
- for (iter = curr; iter && x < width; iter = iter->next)
- {
- char *path = suffix_path (iter->data);
- char *thumbpath = get_thumb_path (path);
- int w, h;
- if (
- access (thumbpath, F_OK) == 0 &&
- mrg_query_image (mrg, thumbpath, &w, &h))
- {
- float wdim = dim, hdim = dim;
- if (w > h) hdim = dim / (1.0 * w / h);
- else wdim = dim * (1.0 * w / h);
- if (w!=0 && h!=0)
- {
- cairo_rectangle (mrg_cr (mrg), x, height-dim, wdim, hdim);
- if (iter == curr)
- cairo_set_source_rgba (mrg_cr (mrg), 1,1,0,.7 * opacity);
- else
- cairo_set_source_rgba (mrg_cr (mrg), 1,1,1,.1 * opacity);
- mrg_listen (mrg, MRG_TAP, entry_load, o, (void*)g_intern_string (iter->data));
- cairo_fill (mrg_cr (mrg));
- mrg_image (mrg, x + dim * padding, height-dim*(1.0-padding),
- wdim * (1.0-padding*2), hdim *(1.0-padding*2), opacity, thumbpath, NULL, NULL);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (access (thumbpath, F_OK) != 0) // only queue if does not exist,
- // mrg/stb_image seem to suffer on some of our pngs
- {
- queue_thumb (iter->data, thumbpath);
- }
- }
- x += dim;
- g_free (thumbpath);
- g_free (path);
- }
- x = mrg_width(mrg)/2-dim/2 - o->thumbbar_pan_x;
- dim = height * 0.15 * o->thumbbar_scale;
- x -= dim;
- for (iter = curr->prev; iter && x > -dim; iter = iter->prev)
- {
- char *path = suffix_path (iter->data);
- char *thumbpath = get_thumb_path (path);
- int w, h;
- if (
- access (thumbpath, F_OK) == 0 &&
- mrg_query_image (mrg, thumbpath, &w, &h))
- {
- float wdim = dim, hdim = dim;
- if (w > h) hdim = dim / (1.0 * w / h);
- else wdim = dim * (1.0 * w / h);
- if (w!=0 && h!=0)
- {
- cairo_rectangle (mrg_cr (mrg), x, height-dim, wdim, hdim);
- cairo_set_source_rgba (mrg_cr (mrg), 1,1,1,.1 * opacity);
- mrg_listen (mrg, MRG_TAP, entry_load, o, (void*)g_intern_string (iter->data));
- cairo_fill (mrg_cr (mrg));
- mrg_image (mrg, x + dim * padding, height-dim*(1.0-padding),
- wdim * (1.0-padding*2), hdim *(1.0-padding*2), opacity, thumbpath, NULL, NULL);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (access (thumbpath, F_OK) != 0) // only queue if does not exist,
- // mrg/stb_image seem to suffer on some of our pngs
- {
- queue_thumb (iter->data, thumbpath);
- }
- }
- x -= dim;
- g_free (thumbpath);
- g_free (path);
- }
- }
- cairo_restore (cr);
-static void ui_viewer (GeState *o)
- Mrg *mrg = o->mrg;
- float width = mrg_width(mrg);
- float height = mrg_height(mrg);
- cairo_t *cr = mrg_cr (mrg);
- cairo_save (cr);
- cairo_rectangle (cr, 0,0, width, height);
- draw_grid (mrg, height * 0.1/4, height * 0.1/4, height * 0.10, height * 0.10);
- if (o->show_controls)
- contrasty_stroke (cr);
- else
- cairo_new_path (cr);
- cairo_rectangle (cr, 0, 0, height * 0.15, height * 0.15);
- if (o->show_controls)
- {
- cairo_set_source_rgba (cr, 1,1,1,.1);
- cairo_fill_preserve (cr);
- }
- mrg_listen (mrg, MRG_PRESS, run_command, "parent", NULL);
- draw_back (mrg, height * .1 / 4, height * .5, height * .1, height *.1);
- cairo_close_path (cr);
- if (o->show_controls)
- contrasty_stroke (cr);
- else
- cairo_new_path (cr);
- cairo_rectangle (cr, 0, height * .3, height * .15, height *.7);
- if (o->show_controls)
- {
- cairo_set_source_rgba (cr, 1,1,1,.1);
- cairo_fill_preserve (cr);
- }
- mrg_listen (mrg, MRG_TAP, run_command, "prev", NULL);
- cairo_new_path (cr);
- draw_forward (mrg, width - height * .12, height * .5, height * .1, height *.1);
- cairo_close_path (cr);
- if (o->show_controls)
- contrasty_stroke (cr);
- else
- cairo_new_path (cr);
- cairo_rectangle (cr, width - height * .15, height * .3, height * .15, height *.7);
- if (o->show_controls)
- {
- cairo_set_source_rgba (cr, 1,1,1,.1);
- cairo_fill_preserve (cr);
- }
- mrg_listen (mrg, MRG_TAP, run_command, "next", NULL);
- draw_edit (mrg, width - height * .15, height * .0, height * .15, height *.15);
- if (o->show_controls)
- contrasty_stroke (cr);
- else
- cairo_new_path (cr);
- cairo_rectangle (cr, width - height * .15, height * .0, height * .15, height *.15);
- if (o->show_controls)
- {
- cairo_set_source_rgba (cr, 1,1,1,.1);
- cairo_fill_preserve (cr);
- }
- mrg_listen (mrg, MRG_PRESS, run_command, "toggle editing", NULL);
- cairo_new_path (cr);
- if (o->show_thumbbar)
- draw_thumb_bar (o);
- if (o->slide_enabled && o->slide_timeout == 0)
- {
- o->slide_timeout =
- mrg_add_timeout (o->mrg, o->slide_pause * 1000, slide_cb, o);
- }
- cairo_restore (cr);
- mrg_add_binding (mrg, "control-s", NULL, NULL, run_command, "toggle slideshow");
- if (o->is_fit)
- {
- mrg_add_binding (mrg, "right", NULL, "next image", run_command, "next");
- mrg_add_binding (mrg, "left", NULL, "previous image", run_command, "prev");
- }
- mrg_add_binding (mrg, "page-down", NULL, NULL, run_command, "next");
- mrg_add_binding (mrg, "page-up", NULL, NULL, run_command, "prev");
- mrg_add_binding (mrg, "alt-right", NULL, "next image", run_command, "next");
- mrg_add_binding (mrg, "alt-left", NULL, "previous image", run_command, "prev");
- if (o->commandline[0]==0)
- {
- mrg_add_binding (mrg, "+", NULL, NULL, run_command, "zoom in");
- mrg_add_binding (mrg, "=", NULL, NULL, run_command, "zoom in");
- mrg_add_binding (mrg, "-", NULL, NULL, run_command, "zoom out");
- mrg_add_binding (mrg, "0", NULL, "pixel for pixel", run_command, "zoom 1.0");
- mrg_add_binding (mrg, "9", NULL, NULL, run_command, "zoom fit");
- }
- mrg_add_binding (mrg, "control-m", NULL, NULL, run_command, "toggle mipmap");
- mrg_add_binding (mrg, "control-y", NULL, NULL, run_command, "toggle colormanaged-display");
- mrg_add_binding (mrg, "control-delete", NULL, NULL, run_command, "discard");
static int deferred_redraw_action (Mrg *mrg, void *data)
@@ -2408,7 +2091,7 @@ static void set_string_b (MrgEvent *event, void *data1, void *data2)
char *value = data2;
char command[1024];
sprintf (command, "op=%s", value);
- run_command (NULL, command, NULL);
+ ui_run_command (NULL, command, NULL);
set_string (event, data1, data2);
@@ -3578,88 +3261,6 @@ static void on_graph_drag (MrgEvent *e, void *data1, void *data2)
-static void on_thumbbar_drag (MrgEvent *e, void *data1, void *data2)
- static float pinch_coord[4][2] = {0,};
- static int pinch = 0;
- static float orig_zoom = 1.0;
- GeState *o = data1;
- //GeglNode *node = data2;
- on_viewer_motion (e, data1, data2);
- if (e->type == MRG_DRAG_RELEASE)
- {
- pinch = 0;
- } else if (e->type == MRG_DRAG_PRESS)
- {
- if (e->device_no == 5) /* 5 is second finger/touch point */
- {
- pinch_coord[1][0] = e->device_x;
- pinch_coord[1][1] = e->device_y;
- pinch_coord[2][0] = pinch_coord[0][0];
- pinch_coord[2][1] = pinch_coord[0][1];
- pinch_coord[3][0] = pinch_coord[1][0];
- pinch_coord[3][1] = pinch_coord[1][1];
- pinch = 1;
- orig_zoom = o->graph_scale;
- }
- else if (e->device_no == 1 || e->device_no == 4) /* 1 is mouse pointer 4 is first finger */
- {
- pinch_coord[0][0] = e->device_x;
- pinch_coord[0][1] = e->device_y;
- }
- } else if (e->type == MRG_DRAG_MOTION)
- {
- if (e->device_no == 1 || e->device_no == 4) /* 1 is mouse pointer 4 is first finger */
- {
- pinch_coord[0][0] = e->device_x;
- pinch_coord[0][1] = e->device_y;
- }
- if (e->device_no == 5)
- {
- pinch_coord[1][0] = e->device_x;
- pinch_coord[1][1] = e->device_y;
- }
- if (pinch)
- {
- float orig_dist = hypotf ( pinch_coord[2][0]- pinch_coord[3][0],
- pinch_coord[2][1]- pinch_coord[3][1]);
- float dist = hypotf (pinch_coord[0][0] - pinch_coord[1][0],
- pinch_coord[0][1] - pinch_coord[1][1]);
- {
- float x, y;
- float screen_cx = (pinch_coord[0][0] + pinch_coord[1][0])/2;
- float screen_cy = (pinch_coord[0][1] + pinch_coord[1][1])/2;
- //get_coords_graph (o, screen_cx, screen_cy, &x, &y);
- x = (o->thumbbar_pan_x + screen_cx) / o->thumbbar_scale;
- y = (o->thumbbar_pan_y + screen_cy) / o->thumbbar_scale;
- o->thumbbar_scale = orig_zoom * (dist / orig_dist);
- o->thumbbar_pan_x = x * o->thumbbar_scale - screen_cx;
- o->thumbbar_pan_y = y * o->thumbbar_scale - screen_cy;
- o->thumbbar_pan_x -= (e->delta_x )/2; /* doing half contribution of motion per finger */
- o->thumbbar_pan_y -= (e->delta_y )/2; /* is simple and roughly right */
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (e->device_no == 1 || e->device_no == 4)
- {
- o->thumbbar_pan_x -= (e->delta_x );
- o->thumbbar_pan_y -= (e->delta_y );
- }
- }
- mrg_queue_draw (e->mrg, NULL);
- }
- mrg_event_stop_propagate (e);
static void on_active_node_drag (MrgEvent *e, void *data1, void *data2, int is_aux)
@@ -4283,7 +3884,7 @@ static void draw_graph (GeState *o)
draw_edit (mrg, width - height * .15, height * .0, height * .15, height *.15);
if (o->show_controls)
- contrasty_stroke (cr);
+ ui_contrasty_stroke (cr);
cairo_new_path (cr);
cairo_rectangle (cr, width - height * .15, height * .0, height * .15, height *.15);
@@ -4292,7 +3893,7 @@ static void draw_graph (GeState *o)
cairo_set_source_rgba (cr, 1,1,1,.1);
cairo_fill_preserve (cr);
- mrg_listen (mrg, MRG_PRESS, run_command, "toggle editing", NULL);
+ mrg_listen (mrg, MRG_PRESS, ui_run_command, "toggle editing", NULL);
cairo_new_path (cr);
@@ -4380,10 +3981,8 @@ static GeglNode *node_find_by_id (GeState *o, GeglNode *iter,
return NULL;
-static void
-run_command (MrgEvent *event, void *data1, void *data_2)
+ui_run_command (MrgEvent *event, void *data1, void *data_2)
GeState *o = global_state;
char *commandline = data1;
@@ -4713,7 +4312,7 @@ static void do_commandline_run (MrgEvent *event, void *data1, void *data2)
argvs_eval ("clear");
- run_command (event, o->commandline, NULL);
+ ui_run_command (event, o->commandline, NULL);
else if (scrollback)
@@ -4735,7 +4334,7 @@ static void do_commandline_run (MrgEvent *event, void *data1, void *data2)
g_free (o->path);
o->path = g_strdup (g_list_nth_data (o->paths, o->entry_no));
- load_path (o);
+ ui_load_path (o);
@@ -4865,7 +4464,7 @@ static void ui_show_bindings (Mrg *mrg, void *data)
mrg_start (mrg, "dd.binding", NULL);mrg_printf(mrg,"%s", b->label);mrg_end (mrg);
- else if (b->cb == run_command)
+ else if (b->cb == ui_run_command)
mrg_start (mrg, "dd.binding", NULL);mrg_printf(mrg,"%s", b->cb_data);mrg_end (mrg);
@@ -5540,7 +5139,7 @@ static void draw_bounding_box (GeState *o)
cairo_transform (cr, &mat);
cairo_rectangle (cr, rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height);
- contrasty_stroke (cr);
+ ui_contrasty_stroke (cr);
cairo_restore (cr);
@@ -5723,13 +5322,13 @@ static void gegl_ui (Mrg *mrg, void *data)
- mrg_add_binding (mrg, "control-p", NULL, NULL, run_command, "toggle preferences");
- mrg_add_binding (mrg, "control-q", NULL, NULL, run_command, "quit");
- mrg_add_binding (mrg, "F11", NULL, NULL, run_command, "toggle fullscreen");
- mrg_add_binding (mrg, "control-f", NULL, NULL, run_command, "toggle fullscreen");
- mrg_add_binding (mrg, "control-l", NULL, "clear/redraw", run_command, "clear");
- mrg_add_binding (mrg, "F1", NULL, NULL, run_command, "toggle cheatsheet");
- mrg_add_binding (mrg, "control-h", NULL, NULL, run_command, "toggle cheatsheet");
+ mrg_add_binding (mrg, "control-p", NULL, NULL, ui_run_command, "toggle preferences");
+ mrg_add_binding (mrg, "control-q", NULL, NULL, ui_run_command, "quit");
+ mrg_add_binding (mrg, "F11", NULL, NULL, ui_run_command, "toggle fullscreen");
+ mrg_add_binding (mrg, "control-f", NULL, NULL, ui_run_command, "toggle fullscreen");
+ mrg_add_binding (mrg, "control-l", NULL, "clear/redraw", ui_run_command, "clear");
+ mrg_add_binding (mrg, "F1", NULL, NULL, ui_run_command, "toggle cheatsheet");
+ mrg_add_binding (mrg, "control-h", NULL, NULL, ui_run_command, "toggle cheatsheet");
@@ -5743,39 +5342,39 @@ static void gegl_ui (Mrg *mrg, void *data)
if (o->property_focus)
- mrg_add_binding (mrg, "tab", NULL, "focus graph", run_command, "prop-editor focus");
- //mrg_add_binding (mrg, "return", NULL, NULL, run_command, "prop-editor return");
- mrg_add_binding (mrg, "left", NULL, NULL, run_command, "prop-editor space");
- mrg_add_binding (mrg, "left", NULL, NULL, run_command, "prop-editor left");
- mrg_add_binding (mrg, "right", NULL, NULL, run_command, "prop-editor right");
- mrg_add_binding (mrg, "shift-left", NULL, NULL, run_command, "prop-editor shift-left");
- mrg_add_binding (mrg, "shift-right", NULL, NULL,run_command, "prop-editor shift-right");
+ mrg_add_binding (mrg, "tab", NULL, "focus graph", ui_run_command, "prop-editor focus");
+ //mrg_add_binding (mrg, "return", NULL, NULL, ui_run_command, "prop-editor return");
+ mrg_add_binding (mrg, "left", NULL, NULL, ui_run_command, "prop-editor space");
+ mrg_add_binding (mrg, "left", NULL, NULL, ui_run_command, "prop-editor left");
+ mrg_add_binding (mrg, "right", NULL, NULL, ui_run_command, "prop-editor right");
+ mrg_add_binding (mrg, "shift-left", NULL, NULL, ui_run_command, "prop-editor shift-left");
+ mrg_add_binding (mrg, "shift-right", NULL, NULL,ui_run_command, "prop-editor shift-right");
- mrg_add_binding (mrg, "tab", NULL, "focus properties", run_command, "prop-editor focus");
+ mrg_add_binding (mrg, "tab", NULL, "focus properties", ui_run_command, "prop-editor focus");
if (o->active != o->source)
- mrg_add_binding (mrg, "control-x", NULL, NULL, run_command, "remove");
+ mrg_add_binding (mrg, "control-x", NULL, NULL, ui_run_command, "remove");
if (o->active != o->source)
- mrg_add_binding (mrg, "control-c", NULL, NULL, run_command, "reference");
+ mrg_add_binding (mrg, "control-c", NULL, NULL, ui_run_command, "reference");
- mrg_add_binding (mrg, "control-v", NULL, NULL, run_command, "dereference");
+ mrg_add_binding (mrg, "control-v", NULL, NULL, ui_run_command, "dereference");
- mrg_add_binding (mrg, "home", NULL, NULL, run_command, "graph-cursor append");
- mrg_add_binding (mrg, "end", NULL, NULL, run_command, "graph-cursor source");
+ mrg_add_binding (mrg, "home", NULL, NULL, ui_run_command, "graph-cursor append");
+ mrg_add_binding (mrg, "end", NULL, NULL, ui_run_command, "graph-cursor source");
if (o->active && gegl_node_has_pad (o->active, "output"))
- mrg_add_binding (mrg, "left", NULL, NULL, run_command, "graph-cursor left");
+ mrg_add_binding (mrg, "left", NULL, NULL, ui_run_command, "graph-cursor left");
if (o->active) // && gegl_node_has_pad (o->active, "aux"))
- mrg_add_binding (mrg, "right", NULL, NULL, run_command, "graph-cursor right");
+ mrg_add_binding (mrg, "right", NULL, NULL, ui_run_command, "graph-cursor right");
// if (!o->show_graph)
- // mrg_add_binding (mrg, "space", NULL, "next image", run_command, "next");
+ // mrg_add_binding (mrg, "space", NULL, "next image", ui_run_command, "next");
- //mrg_add_binding (mrg, "backspace", NULL, NULL, run_command, "prev");
+ //mrg_add_binding (mrg, "backspace", NULL, NULL, ui_run_command, "prev");
@@ -5783,31 +5382,31 @@ static void gegl_ui (Mrg *mrg, void *data)
if (o->show_graph && !text_editor_active (o))
- mrg_add_binding (mrg, "escape", NULL, "stop editing", run_command, "toggle editing");
+ mrg_add_binding (mrg, "escape", NULL, "stop editing", ui_run_command, "toggle editing");
if (o->property_focus)
- mrg_add_binding (mrg, "up", NULL, NULL, run_command, "prop-editor up");
- mrg_add_binding (mrg, "down", NULL, NULL, run_command, "prop-editor down");
+ mrg_add_binding (mrg, "up", NULL, NULL, ui_run_command, "prop-editor up");
+ mrg_add_binding (mrg, "down", NULL, NULL, ui_run_command, "prop-editor down");
if (o->active && gegl_node_has_pad (o->active, "output"))
- mrg_add_binding (mrg, "up", NULL, NULL, run_command, "graph-cursor up");
+ mrg_add_binding (mrg, "up", NULL, NULL, ui_run_command, "graph-cursor up");
if (o->active && gegl_node_has_pad (o->active, "input"))
- mrg_add_binding (mrg, "down", NULL, NULL, run_command, "graph-cursor down");
+ mrg_add_binding (mrg, "down", NULL, NULL, ui_run_command, "graph-cursor down");
if (o->active && gegl_node_has_pad (o->active, "input") &&
gegl_node_has_pad (o->active, "output"))
- mrg_add_binding (mrg, "control-up", NULL, "swap active with node above", run_command, "swap output");
- mrg_add_binding (mrg, "control-down", NULL, "swap active with node below", run_command, "swap input");
+ mrg_add_binding (mrg, "control-up", NULL, "swap active with node above", ui_run_command, "swap
+ mrg_add_binding (mrg, "control-down", NULL, "swap active with node below", ui_run_command, "swap
- mrg_add_binding (mrg, "escape", NULL, "collection view", run_command, "parent");
+ mrg_add_binding (mrg, "escape", NULL, "collection view", ui_run_command, "parent");
@@ -5824,7 +5423,7 @@ static void gegl_ui (Mrg *mrg, void *data)
if (!text_editor_active (o))// && !o->property_focus)
- //mrg_add_binding (mrg, "tab", NULL, NULL, run_command, "toggle controls");
+ //mrg_add_binding (mrg, "tab", NULL, NULL, ui_run_command, "toggle controls");
ui_commandline (mrg, o);
@@ -5855,7 +5454,7 @@ static char *get_path_parent (const char *path)
return ret;
-static char *suffix_path (const char *path)
+char *ui_suffix_path (const char *path)
char *ret;
if (!path)
@@ -5866,7 +5465,7 @@ static char *suffix_path (const char *path)
return ret;
-static char *unsuffix_path (const char *path)
+char *ui_unsuffix_path (const char *path)
char *ret = NULL, *last_dot;
@@ -5884,7 +5483,7 @@ static int is_gegl_path (const char *path)
int ret = 0;
if (g_str_has_suffix (path, ".gegl"))
- char *unsuffixed = unsuffix_path (path);
+ char *unsuffixed = ui_unsuffix_path (path);
if (access (unsuffixed, F_OK) != -1)
ret = 1;
g_free (unsuffixed);
@@ -5892,7 +5491,7 @@ static int is_gegl_path (const char *path)
return ret;
-static void contrasty_stroke (cairo_t *cr)
+void ui_contrasty_stroke (cairo_t *cr)
double x0 = 6.0, y0 = 6.0;
double x1 = 4.0, y1 = 4.0;
@@ -5936,7 +5535,7 @@ static void load_path_inner (GeState *o,
if (o->save_path)
g_free (o->save_path);
o->save_path = path;
- path = unsuffix_path (o->save_path); // or maybe decode first line?
+ path = ui_unsuffix_path (o->save_path); // or maybe decode first line?
o->src_path = g_strdup (path);
@@ -5958,7 +5557,7 @@ static void load_path_inner (GeState *o,
- o->save_path = suffix_path (path);
+ o->save_path = ui_suffix_path (path);
o->src_path = g_strdup (path);
@@ -6132,7 +5731,7 @@ static void load_path_inner (GeState *o,
-static void load_path (GeState *o)
+void ui_load_path (GeState *o)
while (thumb_queue)
@@ -7130,7 +6729,7 @@ int cmd_discard (COMMAND_ARGS) /* "discard", 0, "", "moves the current image to
if (lastslash)
char command[2048];
- char *suffixed = suffix_path (old_path);
+ char *suffixed = ui_suffix_path (old_path);
if (lastslash == tmp)
lastslash[1] = '\0';
@@ -7216,7 +6815,7 @@ int cmd_cd (COMMAND_ARGS) /* "cd", 1, "<target>", "convenience wrapper making so
o->path = g_strdup (argv[1]);
if (o->path[strlen(o->path)-1]=='/')
- load_path (o);
+ ui_load_path (o);
@@ -7230,7 +6829,7 @@ int cmd_cd (COMMAND_ARGS) /* "cd", 1, "<target>", "convenience wrapper making so
o->path = g_strdup (rp);
if (o->path[strlen(o->path)-1]=='/')
- load_path (o);
+ ui_load_path (o);
free (rp);
g_free (new_path);
@@ -7509,7 +7108,7 @@ int cmd_next (COMMAND_ARGS) /* "next", 0, "", "next sibling element in current c
g_free (o->path);
o->path = g_strdup (curr->next->data);
- load_path (o);
+ ui_load_path (o);
mrg_queue_draw (o->mrg, NULL);
@@ -7536,7 +7135,7 @@ int cmd_parent (COMMAND_ARGS) /* "parent", 0, "", "enter parent collection (swit
lastslash[0] = '\0';
- load_path (o);
+ ui_load_path (o);
int no = 0;
@@ -7575,7 +7174,7 @@ int cmd_prev (COMMAND_ARGS) /* "prev", 0, "", "previous sibling element in curre
g_free (o->path);
o->path = g_strdup (curr->prev->data);
- load_path (o);
+ ui_load_path (o);
mrg_queue_draw (o->mrg, NULL);
@@ -7592,7 +7191,7 @@ int cmd_load (COMMAND_ARGS) /* "load-path", 1, "<path>", "load a path/image - ca
g_free (o->path);
o->path = g_strdup (argv[1]);
- load_path (o);
+ ui_load_path (o);
activate_sink_producer (o);
return 0;
diff --git a/bin/ui.h b/bin/ui.h
index b36112412..f8856f2ee 100644
--- a/bin/ui.h
+++ b/bin/ui.h
@@ -133,4 +133,17 @@ GeState* ge_state_new (void);
const char *ge_state_get_path (GeState *state, int no);
int ge_state_get_n_paths (GeState *state);
+void ui_viewer (GeState *o);
+void ui_collection (GeState *o);
+char *ui_suffix_path (const char *path);
+char *ui_unsuffix_path (const char *path);
+int ui_hide_controls_cb (Mrg *mrg, void *data);
+gchar *ui_get_thumb_path (const char *path);
+void ui_queue_thumb (const char *path);
+void ui_load_path (GeState *o);
+void ui_contrasty_stroke (cairo_t *cr);
+void ui_run_command (MrgEvent *event_or_null, void *commandline, void *ignored);
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