[gtk] (117 commits) Non-fast-forward update to branch shortcuts-rebased-again

The branch 'shortcuts-rebased-again' was changed in a way that was not a fast-forward update.
NOTE: This may cause problems for people pulling from the branch. For more information,
please see:


Commits removed from the branch:

  6028ef9... widget: Bring back _gtk_widget_list_controllers()
  9d644aa... bindings: Replace GtkBindingArg arguments with GVariant
  3ac0c64... bindings: Add gtk_binding_entry_add_signal_variant()
  b1feb06... bindings: Parse into GVariantBuilder directly
  431ccd2... bindings: Make gtk_binding_parse_signal() use GVariantBuild
  50a7b70... shortcutcontroller: Introduce
  ec683c4... bindings: Split out function to invoke an action signal
  c4fa5c6... gtk: Add GtkShortcut
  bf299d9... widget: Add gtk_widget_class_add_shortcut()
  1cac060... bindings: Add more variant types
  cabae1c... window: Port bindings to use shortcuts
  256554d... shortcut: Add GtkShortcutTrigger
  6624562... trigger: Add an alternative trigger
  80ba6e3... assistant: Port bindings to use shortcuts
  fee0543... combobox: Port bindings to use shortcuts
  83abcc0... shortcut: Add gtk_shortcut_set_callback()
  fd5c8d9... text: Port bindings to use shortcuts
  f01a3b0... dialog: Port binding to use shortcuts
  75938bd... widget: Port bindings to use shortcuts
  7e61eb0... treeview: Port bindings to use shortcuts
  5094d2c... shortcutcontroller: Add private API for running class short
  58e8a29... shortcutcontroller: Add gtk_shortcut_controller_add_shortcu
  fe257c8... toolbar: Port bindings to use shortcuts
  e036905... filechooserwidget: Port bindings to use shortcuts
  6973559... textview: Port bindings to use shortcuts
  f5fc21b... spinbutton: Port bindings to use shortcuts
  2e29c38... paned: Port bindings to use shortcuts
  7d2fec4... flowbox: Port bindings to use shortcuts
  d2eb135... shortcutswindow: Port bindings to use shortcuts
  aaf81aa... shortcutssection: Port bindings to use shortcuts
  c76b4f2... searchentry: Port bindings to use shortcuts
  45460e6... scrolledwindow: Port bindings to use shortcuts
  904cd49... scalebutton: Port bindings to use shortcuts
  9596ffb... scale: Port bindings to use shortcuts
  b3cd854... notebook: Port bindings to use shortcuts
  b75af4f... menushell: Port bindings to use shortcuts
  b5de4ae... menu: Port bindings to use shortcuts
  f606b0e... menubar: Port bindings to use shortcuts
  c931aeb... listbox: Port bindings to use shortcuts
  c93f88b... label: Port bindings to use shortcuts
  f14f72a... infobar: Port bindings to use shortcuts
  26ded7f... iconview: Port bindings to use shortcuts
  daa51e6... combobox: Redo key event forwarding hack
  1d3898c... treeview: Redo event forwarding hack
  81fa7bf... accelgroup: Actually have a default mod mask
  70ddefb... passwordentry: Remove unused header
  bb6fdf4... eventcontrollerkey: Remove binding handling
  e37dc75... popovermenu: Port away from GtkBindings
  898eeef... gtk: Remove bindings
  1f299d4... model button: Use simpler api for accels
  837f8c2... accellabel: Get rid of class variables
  fb674e2... accellabel: Move gtk_accelerator_get_label() code
  8f4f337... accelgroup: Add gtk_accel_group_print_label()
  b3446fb... shortcuttrigger: Add gtk_shortcut_trigger_to_label()
  4b12a35... shortcutcontroller: Add GtkShortcutScope
  5e8e933... gtk-demo: Add a dumb demo for shortcut triggers
  e6546ff... gdk: Remove GDK_RELEASE_MASK
  fb8d592... window: Get rid of public APIs that shouldn't be
  afcd3f2... window: Put F10 accelerator into its own shortcut controlle
  4e643da... shortcuttrigger: Add support for mnemonics
  853127f... shortcut: Add gtk_shortcut_set_mnemonic_activate()
  e166810... label: Implement mnemonics using shortcuts
  f60fcf5... shortcutmanager: Add
  d0ac65e... menu: Implement GtkShortcutManager
  4ccbddc... window: Remove all old mnemonic handling API
  2248846... menushell: Remove old mnemonic handling
  666658f... gtk: Remove accel paths
  4798e72... gtk: Remove GtkAccelMap
  879ac38... accelgroup: Remove unneeded APIs
  456439a... shortcut: Add GtkShortcutAction
  c20ac94... shortcut: Change the API for creating shortcuts
  ed0fcef... gtk-demo: Port the sliding puzzle demo to shortcuts
  ab3aa83... shortcutcontroller: Implement GListModel
  9c84503... shortcutcontroller: Add gtk_shortcut_controller_new_for_mod
  64c701e... widget: Keep keybindings as a GListStore
  b46a981... shortcutaction: Add gtk_shortcut_action_to_string()
  e208977... gdk: Make gdk_keyval_name() return a const char
  eecbd50... shortcuts: Mananage managed shortcuts with a custom model
  6a37bbf... shortcuttrigger: Add hash(), equal(), and compare() functio
  ff476bd... accelerators: Make gtk_accelerator_parse() return TRUE/FALS
  25be19e... accel: Add display arg to gtk_accelerator_parse_with_keycod
  9eca034... application: Replace accelerator handling with shortcuts
  f2d4de3... shortcuttrigger: Add gtk_shortcut_triger_new_parse_string()
  d8aad90... shortcutaction: Integrate with GtkBuilder property parsing
  28d54d7... shortcutcontroller: Implement GtkBuildable
  e9f427f... gtk-demo: Redo builder example to use shortcuts
  f3ef190... testgtk: Port keyval example to shortcut controllers
  fa7aa86... widget: Remove gtk_widget_add_accelerator()
  d291a1f... doc tools: Create AccelLabel image without using GtkAccelGr
  3d9bd81... testsuite: Remove GtkAccelGroup usage
  de82e04... testmenubutton: Don't create a GtkAccelGroup
  1937d0d... accels: Remove GtkAccelGroup
  7bafaac... filechooser: Remove outdated hack
  36e764d... filechooser: Trigger the location popup via bindings
  61ecfae... shortcuttrigger: Filter a few modifiers out
  ede347b... shortcutcontroller: Unref shortcut proper
  f2b813c... Add gtk_widget_class_add_binding_action
  c001e07... window: Use gtk_widget_class_add_binding_action
  eb32392... shortcut controller: Make model readable
  6e4cdf2... inspector: Show shortcut actions and triggers
  bd91236... inspector: Add a quick shortcuts page
  cdf301c... inspector: Show owners for shortcuts
  010b36e... Set names on shortcut controllers
  a3c2083... label: Remove mnemonics when unmapped
  b0f74ef... Implement group cycling
  56235d4... shortcut controller: Factor out a helper
  a4db290... popover menu: Implement shortcut manager
  17dde7c... popover menu: Make mnemonics visible

Commits added to the branch:

  fe6507f... Add a test for gtk_widget_insert_action_group (*)
  3ef8af3... Add a test for GtkText actions (*)
  377b379... widget: Bring back _gtk_widget_list_controllers()
  04b407f... bindings: Replace GtkBindingArg arguments with GVariant
  d0629ad... bindings: Add gtk_binding_entry_add_signal_variant()
  ea261b8... bindings: Parse into GVariantBuilder directly
  97508f0... bindings: Make gtk_binding_parse_signal() use GVariantBuild
  e74cc82... shortcutcontroller: Introduce
  05688c9... bindings: Split out function to invoke an action signal
  154d3c9... gtk: Add GtkShortcut
  7a59fc8... widget: Add gtk_widget_class_add_shortcut()
  4870920... bindings: Add more variant types
  43a4ecb... window: Port bindings to use shortcuts
  9b6ca91... shortcut: Add GtkShortcutTrigger
  320d114... trigger: Add an alternative trigger
  abb6d23... assistant: Port bindings to use shortcuts
  949f647... combobox: Port bindings to use shortcuts
  4eaee49... shortcut: Add gtk_shortcut_set_callback()
  38096d6... text: Port bindings to use shortcuts
  2f8b9c2... dialog: Port binding to use shortcuts
  2e5e217... widget: Port bindings to use shortcuts
  9dbb686... treeview: Port bindings to use shortcuts
  80420d9... shortcutcontroller: Add private API for running class short
  76b1e3d... shortcutcontroller: Add gtk_shortcut_controller_add_shortcu
  172625c... toolbar: Port bindings to use shortcuts
  fcd98c6... filechooserwidget: Port bindings to use shortcuts
  d882b0c... textview: Port bindings to use shortcuts
  6e16ed8... spinbutton: Port bindings to use shortcuts
  adeab54... paned: Port bindings to use shortcuts
  b1a508f... flowbox: Port bindings to use shortcuts
  ed2bc09... shortcutswindow: Port bindings to use shortcuts
  2a06df0... shortcutssection: Port bindings to use shortcuts
  cb7cc78... searchentry: Port bindings to use shortcuts
  581ede7... scrolledwindow: Port bindings to use shortcuts
  1990352... scalebutton: Port bindings to use shortcuts
  40d900e... scale: Port bindings to use shortcuts
  e5df134... notebook: Port bindings to use shortcuts
  bee8df7... menushell: Port bindings to use shortcuts
  1a23854... menu: Port bindings to use shortcuts
  edb2f31... menubar: Port bindings to use shortcuts
  8d32ee4... listbox: Port bindings to use shortcuts
  e7ff1d4... label: Port bindings to use shortcuts
  ab3d044... infobar: Port bindings to use shortcuts
  5111d8e... iconview: Port bindings to use shortcuts
  b24cfed... combobox: Redo key event forwarding hack
  308290d... treeview: Redo event forwarding hack
  44d8911... accelgroup: Actually have a default mod mask
  93cf05e... passwordentry: Remove unused header
  1e36559... eventcontrollerkey: Remove binding handling
  d9aa8a1... popovermenu: Port away from GtkBindings
  0b9c0e7... gtk: Remove bindings
  575ff4b... model button: Use simpler api for accels
  29f8051... accellabel: Get rid of class variables
  f5c236e... accellabel: Move gtk_accelerator_get_label() code
  5933758... accelgroup: Add gtk_accel_group_print_label()
  f8b95d9... shortcuttrigger: Add gtk_shortcut_trigger_to_label()
  a8ee886... shortcutcontroller: Add GtkShortcutScope
  d222e54... gtk-demo: Add a dumb demo for shortcut triggers
  724d160... gdk: Remove GDK_RELEASE_MASK
  c7add58... window: Get rid of public APIs that shouldn't be
  a7da6de... window: Put F10 accelerator into its own shortcut controlle
  f29e24d... shortcuttrigger: Add support for mnemonics
  0c2f593... shortcut: Add gtk_shortcut_set_mnemonic_activate()
  c43a70c... label: Implement mnemonics using shortcuts
  5b46ca2... shortcutmanager: Add
  d650beb... menu: Implement GtkShortcutManager
  6fff8db... window: Remove all old mnemonic handling API
  ef987e3... menushell: Remove old mnemonic handling
  8ba3992... gtk: Remove accel paths
  d181a30... gtk: Remove GtkAccelMap
  11fdada... accelgroup: Remove unneeded APIs
  56ffd97... shortcut: Add GtkShortcutAction
  afbec33... shortcut: Change the API for creating shortcuts
  1e592f1... gtk-demo: Port the sliding puzzle demo to shortcuts
  4ceab93... shortcutcontroller: Implement GListModel
  a6f516f... shortcutcontroller: Add gtk_shortcut_controller_new_for_mod
  4fc2952... widget: Keep keybindings as a GListStore
  3c28de0... shortcutaction: Add gtk_shortcut_action_to_string()
  0068fbf... gdk: Make gdk_keyval_name() return a const char
  081daaf... shortcuts: Mananage managed shortcuts with a custom model
  0c3c3e6... shortcuttrigger: Add hash(), equal(), and compare() functio
  5b5b333... accelerators: Make gtk_accelerator_parse() return TRUE/FALS
  91c67bd... accel: Add display arg to gtk_accelerator_parse_with_keycod
  3990d84... application: Replace accelerator handling with shortcuts
  7068145... shortcuttrigger: Add gtk_shortcut_triger_new_parse_string()
  9b7413a... shortcutaction: Integrate with GtkBuilder property parsing
  81e5ca6... shortcutcontroller: Implement GtkBuildable
  c9eaa87... gtk-demo: Redo builder example to use shortcuts
  a2abec5... testgtk: Port keyval example to shortcut controllers
  a0f2bd3... widget: Remove gtk_widget_add_accelerator()
  fb4aa44... doc tools: Create AccelLabel image without using GtkAccelGr
  d5709cf... testsuite: Remove GtkAccelGroup usage
  7325483... testmenubutton: Don't create a GtkAccelGroup
  4b4d788... accels: Remove GtkAccelGroup
  42cff4e... filechooser: Remove outdated hack
  9d3dad3... filechooser: Trigger the location popup via bindings
  eab3a50... shortcuttrigger: Filter a few modifiers out
  b2cadc0... shortcutcontroller: Unref shortcut proper
  3400569... Add gtk_widget_class_add_binding_action
  b7c362f... window: Use gtk_widget_class_add_binding_action
  8ac6b54... shortcut controller: Make model readable
  57369f2... inspector: Show shortcut actions and triggers
  c458e48... inspector: Add a quick shortcuts page
  d91461f... inspector: Show owners for shortcuts
  30eff6f... Set names on shortcut controllers
  1803552... label: Remove mnemonics when unmapped
  60c4d76... Implement group cycling
  6daa279... shortcut controller: Factor out a helper
  6ff35ca... popover menu: Implement shortcut manager
  f5c5f60... popover menu: Make mnemonics visible
  a24e4fb... Fix a few typos
  e9ff131... model button: Stop parsing accels
  234f672... model button: Drop accel lookup hack
  513f434... action muxer: Support injecting shortcuts
  21abb06... widget: Pass shortcuts to the action muxer
  34b6473... text: Convert bindings from signals to actions
  89b3b4f... widget_factory: Stop using GtkApplication for accels

(*) This commit already existed in another branch; no separate mail sent

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