[gimp] libgimp: move the old plug-in and procedure api to gimplegacy.h

commit 7b7c5187822e45962241e4bec01c6bef5bfdd604
Author: Michael Natterer <mitch gimp org>
Date:   Tue Jul 30 21:36:32 2019 +0200

    libgimp: move the old plug-in and procedure api to gimplegacy.h
    The implementations are still in gimp.c.

 libgimp/Makefile.am  |   1 +
 libgimp/gimp.h       | 266 +---------------------------------------------
 libgimp/gimplegacy.h | 294 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 296 insertions(+), 265 deletions(-)
diff --git a/libgimp/Makefile.am b/libgimp/Makefile.am
index 66ea23eb5f..9441cb1b27 100644
--- a/libgimp/Makefile.am
+++ b/libgimp/Makefile.am
@@ -152,6 +152,7 @@ gimpinclude_HEADERS = \
        gimpimage.h                     \
        gimpimagecolorprofile.h         \
        gimplayer.h                     \
+       gimplegacy.h                    \
        gimppaletteselect.h             \
        gimpparamspecs.h                \
        gimppatternselect.h             \
diff --git a/libgimp/gimp.h b/libgimp/gimp.h
index bb52b16daf..b2a3d0ccf3 100644
--- a/libgimp/gimp.h
+++ b/libgimp/gimp.h
@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@
 #include <libgimp/gimpimage.h>
 #include <libgimp/gimpimagecolorprofile.h>
 #include <libgimp/gimplayer.h>
+#include <libgimp/gimplegacy.h>
 #include <libgimp/gimppaletteselect.h>
 #include <libgimp/gimpparamspecs.h>
 #include <libgimp/gimppatternselect.h>
@@ -70,119 +71,6 @@ G_BEGIN_DECLS
 #define gimp_set_data         gimp_procedural_db_set_data
- * GimpInitProc:
- *
- * The init procedure is run at every GIMP startup.
- */
-typedef void (* GimpInitProc)  (void);
- * GimpQuitProc:
- *
- * The quit procedure is run each time the plug-in ends.
- */
-typedef void (* GimpQuitProc)  (void);
- * GimpQueryProc:
- *
- * The initialization procedure is run at GIMP startup, only the first
- * time after a plug-in is installed, or if it has been updated.
- */
-typedef void (* GimpQueryProc) (void);
- * GimpRunProc:
- * @name: the name of the procedure which has been called.
- * @n_params: the number of parameters passed to the procedure.
- * @param: (array length=n_params): the parameters passed to @name.
- * @n_return_vals: (out caller-allocates): the number of values returned by @name.
- * @return_vals: (array length=n_return_vals) (out callee-allocates): the returned values.
- *
- * The run procedure is run during the lifetime of the GIMP session,
- * each time a plug-in procedure is called.
- */
-typedef void (* GimpRunProc)   (const gchar      *name,
-                                gint              n_params,
-                                const GimpParam  *param,
-                                gint             *n_return_vals,
-                                GimpParam       **return_vals);
- * GimpPlugInInfo:
- * @init_proc:  called when the gimp application initially starts up
- * @quit_proc:  called when the gimp application exits
- * @query_proc: called by gimp so that the plug-in can inform the
- *              gimp of what it does. (ie. installing a procedure database
- *              procedure).
- * @run_proc:   called to run a procedure the plug-in installed in the
- *              procedure database.
- **/
-struct _GimpPlugInInfo
-  GimpInitProc  init_proc;
-  GimpQuitProc  quit_proc;
-  GimpQueryProc query_proc;
-  GimpRunProc   run_proc;
-struct _GimpParamDef
-  GimpPDBArgType  type;
-  gchar          *name;
-  gchar          *description;
-union _GimpParamData
-  gint32            d_int32;
-  gint16            d_int16;
-  guint8            d_int8;
-  gdouble           d_float;
-  gchar            *d_string;
-  gint32           *d_int32array;
-  gint16           *d_int16array;
-  guint8           *d_int8array;
-  gdouble          *d_floatarray;
-  gchar           **d_stringarray;
-  GimpRGB          *d_colorarray;
-  GimpRGB           d_color;
-  gint32            d_display;
-  gint32            d_image;
-  gint32            d_item;
-  gint32            d_layer;
-  gint32            d_layer_mask;
-  gint32            d_channel;
-  gint32            d_drawable;
-  gint32            d_selection;
-  gint32            d_boundary;
-  gint32            d_vectors;
-  gint32            d_unit;
-  GimpParasite      d_parasite;
-  gint32            d_tattoo;
-  GimpPDBStatusType d_status;
-struct _GimpParam
-  GimpPDBArgType type;
-  GimpParamData  data;
- *
- * Boxed type representing parameters and returned values, as passed
- * through the plug-in legacy API.
- *
- * Since: 3.0
- */
-#define GIMP_TYPE_PARAM (gimp_param_get_type ())
-GType gimp_param_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
  * @plug_in_type: The #GType of the plug-in's #GimpPlugIn subclass
@@ -248,89 +136,6 @@ GType gimp_param_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
- * MAIN:
- *
- * A macro that expands to the appropriate main() function for the
- * platform being compiled for.
- *
- * To use this macro, simply place a line that contains just the code
- * MAIN() at the toplevel of your file.  No semicolon should be used.
- **/
-#ifdef G_OS_WIN32
-/* Define WinMain() because plug-ins are built as GUI applications. Also
- * define a main() in case some plug-in still is built as a console
- * application.
- */
-#  ifdef __GNUC__
-#    ifndef _stdcall
-#      define _stdcall __attribute__((stdcall))
-#    endif
-#  endif
-#  define MAIN()                                        \
-   struct HINSTANCE__;                                  \
-                                                        \
-   int _stdcall                                         \
-   WinMain (struct HINSTANCE__ *hInstance,              \
-            struct HINSTANCE__ *hPrevInstance,          \
-            char *lpszCmdLine,                          \
-            int   nCmdShow);                            \
-                                                        \
-   int _stdcall                                         \
-   WinMain (struct HINSTANCE__ *hInstance,              \
-            struct HINSTANCE__ *hPrevInstance,          \
-            char *lpszCmdLine,                          \
-            int   nCmdShow)                             \
-   {                                                    \
-     return gimp_main_legacy (&PLUG_IN_INFO,            \
-                              _argc, __argv);           \
-   }                                                    \
-                                                        \
-   int                                                  \
-   main (int argc, char *argv[])                        \
-   {                                                    \
-     /* Use __argc and __argv here, too, as they work   \
-      * better with mingw-w64.                          \
-      */                                                \
-     return gimp_main_legacy (&PLUG_IN_INFO,            \
-                              __argc, __argv);          \
-   }
-#  define MAIN()                                        \
-   int                                                  \
-   main (int argc, char *argv[])                        \
-   {                                                    \
-     return gimp_main_legacy (&PLUG_IN_INFO,            \
-                              argc, argv);              \
-   }
-void                gimp_plug_in_info_set_callbacks    (GimpPlugInInfo    *info,
-                                                        GimpInitProc       init_proc,
-                                                        GimpQuitProc       quit_proc,
-                                                        GimpQueryProc      query_proc,
-                                                        GimpRunProc        run_proc);
-GimpParam         * gimp_param_from_int32              (gint32             value);
-gint32              gimp_param_get_int32               (GimpParam         *param);
-GimpParam         * gimp_param_from_status             (GimpPDBStatusType  value);
-GimpPDBStatusType   gimp_param_get_status              (GimpParam         *param);
-GimpParam         * gimp_param_from_string             (gchar             *value);
-gchar             * gimp_param_get_string              (GimpParam         *param);
-/* The main procedure that must be called with the PLUG_IN_INFO
- * structure and the 'argc' and 'argv' that are passed to "main".
- */
-gint           gimp_main_legacy         (const GimpPlugInInfo *info,
-                                         gint                  argc,
-                                         gchar                *argv[]);
 /* The main procedure that must be called with the plug-in's
  * GimpPlugIn subclass type and the 'argc' and 'argv' that are passed
  * to "main".
@@ -344,44 +149,6 @@ gint           gimp_main                (GType                 plug_in_type,
 void           gimp_quit                (void) G_GNUC_NORETURN;
-/* Install a procedure in the procedure database.
- */
-void           gimp_install_procedure   (const gchar        *name,
-                                         const gchar        *blurb,
-                                         const gchar        *help,
-                                         const gchar        *author,
-                                         const gchar        *copyright,
-                                         const gchar        *date,
-                                         const gchar        *menu_label,
-                                         const gchar        *image_types,
-                                         GimpPDBProcType     type,
-                                         gint                n_params,
-                                         gint                n_return_vals,
-                                         const GimpParamDef *params,
-                                         const GimpParamDef *return_vals);
-/* Install a temporary procedure in the procedure database.
- */
-void           gimp_install_temp_proc   (const gchar        *name,
-                                         const gchar        *blurb,
-                                         const gchar        *help,
-                                         const gchar        *author,
-                                         const gchar        *copyright,
-                                         const gchar        *date,
-                                         const gchar        *menu_label,
-                                         const gchar        *image_types,
-                                         GimpPDBProcType     type,
-                                         gint                n_params,
-                                         gint                n_return_vals,
-                                         const GimpParamDef *params,
-                                         const GimpParamDef *return_vals,
-                                         GimpRunProc         run_proc);
-/* Uninstall a temporary procedure
- */
-void           gimp_uninstall_temp_proc (const gchar        *name);
 /* Notify the main GIMP application that the extension is ready to run
 void           gimp_extension_ack       (void);
@@ -394,23 +161,6 @@ void           gimp_extension_enable    (void);
 void           gimp_extension_process   (guint            timeout);
-/* Run a procedure in the procedure database. The parameters are
- *  specified via the variable length argument list. The return
- *  values are returned in the 'GimpParam*' array.
- */
-GimpParam    * gimp_run_procedure       (const gchar     *name,
-                                         gint            *n_return_vals,
-                                         ...);
-/* Run a procedure in the procedure database. The parameters are
- *  specified as an array of GimpParam.  The return
- *  values are returned in the 'GimpParam*' array.
- */
-GimpParam    * gimp_run_procedure2      (const gchar     *name,
-                                         gint            *n_return_vals,
-                                         gint             n_params,
-                                         const GimpParam *params);
 /* Run a procedure in the procedure database. The parameters are
  *  specified as a GimpValueArray, so are the return values.
@@ -419,20 +169,6 @@ GimpParam    * gimp_run_procedure2      (const gchar     *name,
 GimpValueArray * gimp_run_procedure_with_array (const gchar    *name,
                                                 GimpValueArray *arguments);
-/* Destroy the an array of parameters. This is useful for
- *  destroying the return values returned by a call to
- *  'gimp_run_procedure'.
- */
-void           gimp_destroy_params      (GimpParam       *params,
-                                         gint             n_params);
-/* Destroy the an array of GimpParamDef's. This is useful for
- *  destroying the return values returned by a call to
- *  'gimp_procedural_db_proc_info'.
- */
-void           gimp_destroy_paramdefs   (GimpParamDef    *paramdefs,
-                                         gint             n_params);
 /* Retrieve the error message for the last procedure call.
 const gchar  * gimp_get_pdb_error       (void);
diff --git a/libgimp/gimplegacy.h b/libgimp/gimplegacy.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e12176a873
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libgimp/gimplegacy.h
@@ -0,0 +1,294 @@
+/* LIBGIMP - The GIMP Library
+ * Copyright (C) 1995-1997 Peter Mattis and Spencer Kimball
+ *
+ * gimplegacy.h
+ *
+ * This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ * version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library.  If not, see
+ * <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ */
+#ifndef __GIMP_LEGACY_H__
+#define __GIMP_LEGACY_H__
+ * GimpInitProc:
+ *
+ * The init procedure is run at every GIMP startup.
+ */
+typedef void (* GimpInitProc)  (void);
+ * GimpQuitProc:
+ *
+ * The quit procedure is run each time the plug-in ends.
+ */
+typedef void (* GimpQuitProc)  (void);
+ * GimpQueryProc:
+ *
+ * The initialization procedure is run at GIMP startup, only the first
+ * time after a plug-in is installed, or if it has been updated.
+ */
+typedef void (* GimpQueryProc) (void);
+ * GimpRunProc:
+ * @name: the name of the procedure which has been called.
+ * @n_params: the number of parameters passed to the procedure.
+ * @param: (array length=n_params): the parameters passed to @name.
+ * @n_return_vals: (out caller-allocates): the number of values returned by @name.
+ * @return_vals: (array length=n_return_vals) (out callee-allocates): the returned values.
+ *
+ * The run procedure is run during the lifetime of the GIMP session,
+ * each time a plug-in procedure is called.
+ */
+typedef void (* GimpRunProc)   (const gchar      *name,
+                                gint              n_params,
+                                const GimpParam  *param,
+                                gint             *n_return_vals,
+                                GimpParam       **return_vals);
+ * GimpPlugInInfo:
+ * @init_proc:  called when the gimp application initially starts up
+ * @quit_proc:  called when the gimp application exits
+ * @query_proc: called by gimp so that the plug-in can inform the
+ *              gimp of what it does. (ie. installing a procedure database
+ *              procedure).
+ * @run_proc:   called to run a procedure the plug-in installed in the
+ *              procedure database.
+ **/
+struct _GimpPlugInInfo
+  GimpInitProc  init_proc;
+  GimpQuitProc  quit_proc;
+  GimpQueryProc query_proc;
+  GimpRunProc   run_proc;
+struct _GimpParamDef
+  GimpPDBArgType  type;
+  gchar          *name;
+  gchar          *description;
+union _GimpParamData
+  gint32            d_int32;
+  gint16            d_int16;
+  guint8            d_int8;
+  gdouble           d_float;
+  gchar            *d_string;
+  gint32           *d_int32array;
+  gint16           *d_int16array;
+  guint8           *d_int8array;
+  gdouble          *d_floatarray;
+  gchar           **d_stringarray;
+  GimpRGB          *d_colorarray;
+  GimpRGB           d_color;
+  gint32            d_display;
+  gint32            d_image;
+  gint32            d_item;
+  gint32            d_layer;
+  gint32            d_layer_mask;
+  gint32            d_channel;
+  gint32            d_drawable;
+  gint32            d_selection;
+  gint32            d_boundary;
+  gint32            d_vectors;
+  gint32            d_unit;
+  GimpParasite      d_parasite;
+  gint32            d_tattoo;
+  GimpPDBStatusType d_status;
+struct _GimpParam
+  GimpPDBArgType type;
+  GimpParamData  data;
+ *
+ * Boxed type representing parameters and returned values, as passed
+ * through the plug-in legacy API.
+ *
+ * Since: 3.0
+ */
+#define GIMP_TYPE_PARAM (gimp_param_get_type ())
+GType gimp_param_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
+ * MAIN:
+ *
+ * A macro that expands to the appropriate main() function for the
+ * platform being compiled for.
+ *
+ * To use this macro, simply place a line that contains just the code
+ * MAIN() at the toplevel of your file.  No semicolon should be used.
+ **/
+#ifdef G_OS_WIN32
+/* Define WinMain() because plug-ins are built as GUI applications. Also
+ * define a main() in case some plug-in still is built as a console
+ * application.
+ */
+#  ifdef __GNUC__
+#    ifndef _stdcall
+#      define _stdcall __attribute__((stdcall))
+#    endif
+#  endif
+#  define MAIN()                                        \
+   struct HINSTANCE__;                                  \
+                                                        \
+   int _stdcall                                         \
+   WinMain (struct HINSTANCE__ *hInstance,              \
+            struct HINSTANCE__ *hPrevInstance,          \
+            char *lpszCmdLine,                          \
+            int   nCmdShow);                            \
+                                                        \
+   int _stdcall                                         \
+   WinMain (struct HINSTANCE__ *hInstance,              \
+            struct HINSTANCE__ *hPrevInstance,          \
+            char *lpszCmdLine,                          \
+            int   nCmdShow)                             \
+   {                                                    \
+     return gimp_main_legacy (&PLUG_IN_INFO,            \
+                              _argc, __argv);           \
+   }                                                    \
+                                                        \
+   int                                                  \
+   main (int argc, char *argv[])                        \
+   {                                                    \
+     /* Use __argc and __argv here, too, as they work   \
+      * better with mingw-w64.                          \
+      */                                                \
+     return gimp_main_legacy (&PLUG_IN_INFO,            \
+                              __argc, __argv);          \
+   }
+#  define MAIN()                                        \
+   int                                                  \
+   main (int argc, char *argv[])                        \
+   {                                                    \
+     return gimp_main_legacy (&PLUG_IN_INFO,            \
+                              argc, argv);              \
+   }
+void                gimp_plug_in_info_set_callbacks    (GimpPlugInInfo    *info,
+                                                        GimpInitProc       init_proc,
+                                                        GimpQuitProc       quit_proc,
+                                                        GimpQueryProc      query_proc,
+                                                        GimpRunProc        run_proc);
+GimpParam         * gimp_param_from_int32              (gint32             value);
+gint32              gimp_param_get_int32               (GimpParam         *param);
+GimpParam         * gimp_param_from_status             (GimpPDBStatusType  value);
+GimpPDBStatusType   gimp_param_get_status              (GimpParam         *param);
+GimpParam         * gimp_param_from_string             (gchar             *value);
+gchar             * gimp_param_get_string              (GimpParam         *param);
+/* The main procedure that must be called with the PLUG_IN_INFO
+ * structure and the 'argc' and 'argv' that are passed to "main".
+ */
+gint           gimp_main_legacy         (const GimpPlugInInfo *info,
+                                         gint                  argc,
+                                         gchar                *argv[]);
+/* Install a procedure in the procedure database.
+ */
+void           gimp_install_procedure   (const gchar        *name,
+                                         const gchar        *blurb,
+                                         const gchar        *help,
+                                         const gchar        *author,
+                                         const gchar        *copyright,
+                                         const gchar        *date,
+                                         const gchar        *menu_label,
+                                         const gchar        *image_types,
+                                         GimpPDBProcType     type,
+                                         gint                n_params,
+                                         gint                n_return_vals,
+                                         const GimpParamDef *params,
+                                         const GimpParamDef *return_vals);
+/* Install a temporary procedure in the procedure database.
+ */
+void           gimp_install_temp_proc   (const gchar        *name,
+                                         const gchar        *blurb,
+                                         const gchar        *help,
+                                         const gchar        *author,
+                                         const gchar        *copyright,
+                                         const gchar        *date,
+                                         const gchar        *menu_label,
+                                         const gchar        *image_types,
+                                         GimpPDBProcType     type,
+                                         gint                n_params,
+                                         gint                n_return_vals,
+                                         const GimpParamDef *params,
+                                         const GimpParamDef *return_vals,
+                                         GimpRunProc         run_proc);
+/* Uninstall a temporary procedure
+ */
+void           gimp_uninstall_temp_proc (const gchar        *name);
+/* Run a procedure in the procedure database. The parameters are
+ *  specified via the variable length argument list. The return
+ *  values are returned in the 'GimpParam*' array.
+ */
+GimpParam    * gimp_run_procedure       (const gchar     *name,
+                                         gint            *n_return_vals,
+                                         ...);
+/* Run a procedure in the procedure database. The parameters are
+ *  specified as an array of GimpParam.  The return
+ *  values are returned in the 'GimpParam*' array.
+ */
+GimpParam    * gimp_run_procedure2      (const gchar     *name,
+                                         gint            *n_return_vals,
+                                         gint             n_params,
+                                         const GimpParam *params);
+/* Destroy the an array of parameters. This is useful for
+ *  destroying the return values returned by a call to
+ *  'gimp_run_procedure'.
+ */
+void           gimp_destroy_params      (GimpParam       *params,
+                                         gint             n_params);
+/* Destroy the an array of GimpParamDef's. This is useful for
+ *  destroying the return values returned by a call to
+ *  'gimp_procedural_db_proc_info'.
+ */
+void           gimp_destroy_paramdefs   (GimpParamDef    *paramdefs,
+                                         gint             n_params);
+#endif /* __GIMP_LEGACY_H__ */

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