[geary] (22 commits) Created branch wip/problem-report-logs

The branch 'wip/problem-report-logs' was created.

Summary of new commits:

  0e72500... Add Geary.Loggable interface for objects that can log and b
  9aa30c5... Add Geary.Logging.Flags.ALL to specify a message should alw
  981edfd... Convert key classes to implement Loggable
  4d31068... Switch to using GLib structured logging
  8ecf185... Fix incorrect log field key being used for Loggable objects
  f604dcb... Integrate Logging.Record into structured logging system
  cb1dc11... Pretty-print well known logging variables
  fd04413... Ensure logging system is thread-safe
  496eb3d... Add Geary.Logging.clear method, call it on app shutdown
  93f9f89... Stop printing elapsed time between logs, log absolute ms in
  06c3323... Use a reasonable sized buffer when formatting log messages
  343f974... Break up Inspector's panes into seperate components for re-
  f1ae9b1... Convert ProblemReportDialog to use Inspector views
  e38605f... Ensure Inspector overwrites existing files on save
  22f9cbc... Ensure problem report logs are filtered by accout, if any
  b9aa433... Convert MainWindow to use MainWindowInfoBars for status pro
  e33f9b2... Update MainWindowInfoBars UI
  95e539a... Capture log records in Geary.ProblemReport
  c60cc99... Fix Inspector tooltip typo
  0aa1f75... Use text label for problem dialog Save As button
  8e74490... Update problem report dialog error details text
  fe75482... Improve formatting of Inspector/problem report data for Git

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