[gxml] Enable performance tests by default

commit 13b4e260a76258311fa5a71c7f5183a33eb088df
Author: Daniel Espinosa <esodan gmail com>
Date:   Thu Jul 4 13:58:16 2019 -0500

    Enable performance tests by default

 meson_options.txt          |   1 -
 test/EnumerationTest.vala  | 241 -------------------
 test/GXmlTest.vala         |  29 ---
 test/NodeListTest.vala     |  10 -
 test/gxml-performance.vala | 570 ---------------------------------------------
 test/meson.build           |  12 +-
 6 files changed, 1 insertion(+), 862 deletions(-)
diff --git a/meson_options.txt b/meson_options.txt
index b55f11f..dc4ea4b 100644
--- a/meson_options.txt
+++ b/meson_options.txt
@@ -1,3 +1,2 @@
-option('enable-tnode-tests', type : 'boolean', value : false, description : 'Enable TNode classes unit 
 option('disable-introspection', type : 'boolean', value : true, description : 'Disable GObject 
 option('disable-valadocs', type : 'boolean', value : true, description : 'Disable Vala Documentation')
diff --git a/test/GXmlTest.vala b/test/GXmlTest.vala
index fdb22a1..42c565e 100644
--- a/test/GXmlTest.vala
+++ b/test/GXmlTest.vala
@@ -29,34 +29,6 @@ class GXmlTest {
                // Sets 29 as fatal flags, 16 + 8 + 4 + 1; bits 0,2,3,4, recursion,error,critical,warning; 
we'll want to undo that warning one so we can catch it
                Test.init (ref args);
-               NodeListTest.add_tests ();
-               SerializableTest.add_tests ();
-               SerializableObjectModelTest.add_tests ();
-               SerializableObjectModelTDocumentTest.add_tests ();
-               SerializableGeeTreeMapTest.add_tests ();
-               SerializableGeeHashMapTest.add_tests ();
-               SerializableGeeDualKeyMapTest.add_tests ();
-               SerializableGeeArrayListTest.add_tests ();
-               SerializableGeeCollectionsTest.add_tests ();
-               SerializableGeeCollectionsTDocumentTest.add_tests ();
-               SerializableBasicTypeTest.add_tests ();
-               SerializableEnumerationTest.add_tests ();
-               TElementTest.add_tests ();
-               TCDATATest.add_tests ();
-               TCommentTest.add_tests ();
-               TDocumentTest.add_tests ();
-               TProcessingInstructionTest.add_tests ();
-               SerializablePropertyBoolTest.add_tests ();
-               SerializablePropertyDoubleTest.add_tests ();
-               SerializablePropertyFloatTest.add_tests ();
-               SerializablePropertyIntTest.add_tests ();
-               SerializablePropertyValueListTest.add_tests ();
-               SerializablePropertyEnumTest.add_tests ();
-               Performance.add_tests ();
                ValaLibxml2Test.add_tests ();
                GElementTest.add_tests ();
                GHtmlDocumentTest.add_tests ();
@@ -67,7 +39,6 @@ class GXmlTest {
                GomSerializationTest.add_tests ();
                GomSchemaTest.add_tests ();
                CssSelectorTest.add_tests ();
-               NodeListTest.add_tests ();
                Test.run ();
diff --git a/test/gxml-performance.vala b/test/gxml-performance.vala
index ec24b55..da620de 100644
--- a/test/gxml-performance.vala
+++ b/test/gxml-performance.vala
@@ -18,194 +18,9 @@
 using GXml;
-class Name : SerializableObjectModel
-  public string get_name () { return serialized_xml_node_value; }
-  public override bool serialize_use_xml_node_value () { return true; }
-  public override string to_string () { return serialized_xml_node_value; }
-class Email : SerializableObjectModel
-  public string get_mail () { return serialized_xml_node_value; }
-  public override bool serialize_use_xml_node_value () { return true; }
-  public override string to_string () { return serialized_xml_node_value; }
-class Author : SerializableObjectModel
-  public Name name   { get; set; }
-  public Email email { get; set; }
-  public override string to_string () { return @"\"$(name.get_name ())\"<$(email.get_mail ())>"; }
-  public class Array : SerializableArrayList<Author> {}
-class Authors : SerializableContainer
-  public string number { get; set; }
-  public Author.Array array { get; set; }
-  public override void init_containers ()
-  {
-    if (array == null)
-      array = new Author.Array ();
-  }
-  public override string to_string () { return @"$(get_type ().name ())"; }
-class Inventory : SerializableObjectModel, SerializableMapDualKey<int,string>
-  public int number { get; set; }
-  public int row { get; set; }
-  public string inventory { get; set; }
-  public int get_map_primary_key  () { return number; }
-  public string get_map_secondary_key () { return inventory; }
-  public override string to_string () { return @"||$(number.to_string ())|$(row.to_string 
())|$(inventory)||"; }
-  public class DualKeyMap : SerializableDualKeyMap<int, string, Inventory> {}
-class Category : SerializableObjectModel, SerializableMapKey<string>
-  public string name { get; set; }
-  public string get_map_key () { return name; }
-  public override string to_string () { return "Category: "+name; }
-  public class Map : SerializableHashMap<string,Category> {}
-class Resume : SerializableObjectModel, SerializableMapKey<string>
-  public string chapter { get; set; }
-  public string text { get; set; }
-  public string get_map_key () { return chapter; }
-  public override string to_string () { return "Chapter: "+chapter+"\n"+text; }
-  public class Map : SerializableTreeMap<string,Resume> {}
-class Book : SerializableContainer
-  public string year { get; set; }
-  public string isbn { get; set; }
-  public Name   name { get; set; }
-  public Authors authors { get; set; }
-  public Inventory.DualKeyMap inventory_registers { get; set; }
-  public Category.Map categories { get; set; }
-  public Resume.Map resumes { get; set; }
-  public override string to_string () { return @"$(name.get_name ()), $(year)"; }
-  public override void init_containers ()
-  {
-    if (inventory_registers == null)
-      inventory_registers = new Inventory.DualKeyMap ();
-    if (categories == null)
-      categories = new Category.Map ();
-    if (resumes == null)
-      resumes = new Resume.Map ();
-  }
-  public class Array : SerializableArrayList<Book> {}
-class BookStore : SerializableContainer
-  public string name { get; set; }
-  public Book.Array books { get; set; }
-  public override void init_containers ()
-  {
-    if (books == null)
-      books = new Book.Array ();
-  }
-  public override string to_string () { return name; }
 public class Performance
-  // ArrayList
-  class AElement : SerializableObjectModel
-  {
-    public string name { get; set; }
-    public AElement.named (string name) { this.name = name; }
-    public override string to_string () { return name; }
-    public class Array : SerializableArrayList<AElement> {
-      public bool enable_deserialize { get; set; default = false; }
-      public override bool deserialize_proceed () { return enable_deserialize; }
-    }
-  }
-  class CElement : SerializableObjectModel {
-    public AElement.Array elements { get; set; default = new AElement.Array (); }
-    public override string node_name () { return "CElement"; }
-    public override string to_string () { return "CElement"; }
-  }
-  // HashMap
-  class HElement : SerializableObjectModel, SerializableMapKey<string>
-  {
-    public string name { get; set; }
-    public string get_map_key () { return name; }
-    public override string node_name () { return "HElement"; }
-    public override string to_string () { return "HElement:"+name; }
-    public class HashMap : SerializableHashMap<string,HElement> {
-      public bool enable_deserialize { get; set; default = false; }
-      public override bool deserialize_proceed () { return enable_deserialize; }
-    }
-  }
-  class HcpElement : SerializableObjectModel {
-    public HElement.HashMap elements { get; set; default = new HElement.HashMap (); }
-    public override string node_name () { return "HcpElement"; }
-    public override string to_string () { return "HcpElement"; }
-  }
-  class HcsElement : SerializableObjectModel {
-    public HElement.HashMap elements { get; set; default = new HElement.HashMap (); }
-    public override string node_name () { return "HcsElement"; }
-    public override string to_string () { return "HcsElement"; }
-  }
-  class HTopElement : SerializableObjectModel {
-    [Description (nick="HcpElement")]
-    public HcpElement elements1 { get; set; default = new HcpElement (); }
-    [Description (nick="HcsElement")]
-    public HcsElement elements2 { get; set; default = new HcsElement (); }
-    public override string node_name () { return "HTopElement"; }
-    public override string to_string () { return "HToplement"; }
-    public override bool property_use_nick () { return true; }
-  }
-  // TreeMap
-  class HTElement : SerializableObjectModel, SerializableMapKey<string>
-  {
-    public string name { get; set; }
-    public string get_map_key () { return name; }
-    public override string node_name () { return "HElement"; }
-    public override string to_string () { return "HElement"; }
-    public class TreeMap : SerializableTreeMap<string,HTElement> {
-      public bool enable_deserialize { get; set; default = false; }
-      public override bool deserialize_proceed () { return enable_deserialize; }
-    }
-  }
-  class HTCElement : SerializableObjectModel {
-    public HTElement.TreeMap elements1 { get; set; default = new HTElement.TreeMap (); }
-    public HTElement.TreeMap elements2 { get; set; default = new HTElement.TreeMap (); }
-    public override string node_name () { return "HCElement"; }
-    public override string to_string () { return "HCElement"; }
-  }
-  // DualKeyMap
-  class DHElement : SerializableObjectModel, SerializableMapDualKey<string,string>
-  {
-    public string name { get; set; }
-    public string key { get; set; }
-    public string get_map_primary_key  () { return key; }
-    public string get_map_secondary_key () { return name; }
-    public override string node_name () { return "DHElement"; }
-    public override string to_string () { return "DHElement"; }
-    public class DualKeyMap : SerializableDualKeyMap<string,string,DHElement> {
-      public bool enable_deserialize { get; set; default = false; }
-      public override bool deserialize_proceed () { return enable_deserialize; }
-    }
-  }
-  class DHCElement : SerializableObjectModel {
-    public DHElement.DualKeyMap elements1 { get; set; default = new DHElement.DualKeyMap (); }
-    public DHElement.DualKeyMap elements2 { get; set; default = new DHElement.DualKeyMap (); }
-    public override string node_name () { return "DHCElement"; }
-    public override string to_string () { return "DHCElement"; }
-  }
    * Iterate recursively through all node and children nodes in document.
@@ -410,349 +225,6 @@ public class Performance
         assert_not_reached ();
-    Test.add_func ("/gxml/performance/serialize/t-document",
-    () => {
-      try {
-        double time;
-        Test.timer_start ();
-        var d = new TDocument.from_path (GXmlTestConfig.TEST_DIR + "/test-large.xml");
-        time = Test.timer_elapsed ();
-        Test.minimized_result (time, "TDocument open document from path: %g seconds", time);
-        Test.message ("Starting Deserializing...");
-        for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; i++);
-        Test.timer_start ();
-        var bs = new BookStore ();
-        bs.deserialize (d);
-        time = Test.timer_elapsed ();
-        Test.minimized_result (time, "TDocument deserialize performance: %g seconds", time);
-        for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; i++);
-        Test.timer_start ();
-        var d2 = new TDocument ();
-        bs.serialize (d2);
-        time = Test.timer_elapsed ();
-        Test.minimized_result (time, "TDocument serialize performance: %g seconds", time);
-        for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; i++);
-        Test.timer_start ();
-        var nf = GLib.File.new_for_path (GXmlTestConfig.TEST_DIR + "/test-large-tw.xml");
-        d2.indent = true;
-        d2.save_as (nf);
-        time = Test.timer_elapsed ();
-        Test.minimized_result (time, "TDocument Write to disk serialize/performance: %g seconds", time);
-        for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; i++);
-        assert (nf.query_exists ());
-        nf.delete ();
-      } catch (GLib.Error e) {
-#if DEBUG
-        GLib.message ("ERROR: "+e.message);
-        assert_not_reached ();
-      }
-    });
-    Test.add_func ("/gxml/performance/arraylist/post-deserialization/disable",
-    () => {
-      try {
-        double time;
-        Test.message ("Starting generating document...");
-        Test.timer_start ();
-        var d = new TDocument ();
-        var ce = new CElement ();
-        for (int i = 0; i < 500000; i++) {
-          var e = new AElement ();
-          ce.elements.add (e);
-        }
-        ce.serialize (d);
-        time = Test.timer_elapsed ();
-        Test.minimized_result (time, "Created document: %g seconds", time);
-        Test.message ("Starting deserializing document: Disable collection deserialization...");
-        Test.timer_start ();
-        var cep = new CElement ();
-        cep.elements.enable_deserialize = false;
-        cep.deserialize (d);
-        time = Test.timer_elapsed ();
-        Test.minimized_result (time, "Disable Deserialize Collection. Deserialized from doc: %g seconds", 
-        Test.message ("Calling deserialize_children()...");
-        Test.timer_start ();
-        cep.elements.deserialize_children ();
-        assert (!cep.elements.deserialize_children ());
-        time = Test.timer_elapsed ();
-        Test.minimized_result (time, "Disable Deserialize Collection. Deserialized from NODE: %g seconds", 
-      } catch (GLib.Error e) {
-        GLib.message ("ERROR: "+e.message);
-        assert_not_reached ();
-      }
-    });
-    Test.add_func ("/gxml/performance/arraylist/post-deserialization/enable",
-    () => {
-      try {
-        double time;
-        Test.message ("Starting generating document...");
-        Test.timer_start ();
-        var d = new TDocument ();
-        var ce = new CElement ();
-        for (int i = 0; i < 500000; i++) {
-          var e = new AElement ();
-          ce.elements.add (e);
-        }
-        ce.serialize (d);
-        time = Test.timer_elapsed ();
-        Test.minimized_result (time, "Created document: %g seconds", time);
-        Test.message ("Starting deserializing document: Enable collection deserialization...");
-        Test.timer_start ();
-        var cet = new CElement ();
-        cet.elements.enable_deserialize = true;
-        cet.deserialize (d);
-        time = Test.timer_elapsed ();
-        Test.minimized_result (time, "Enable Deserialize Collection. Deserialized from doc: %g seconds", 
-      } catch (GLib.Error e) {
-        GLib.message ("ERROR: "+e.message);
-        assert_not_reached ();
-      }
-    });
-    Test.add_func ("/gxml/performance/hashmap/post-deserialization/disable",
-    () => {
-      try {
-        double time;
-        Test.message ("Starting generating document...");
-        Test.timer_start ();
-        var d = new TDocument ();
-        var ce = new HTopElement ();
-        for (int i = 0; i < 125000; i++) {
-          var e1 = new HElement ();
-          e1.name = "1E"+i.to_string ();
-          ce.elements1.elements.set (e1.name, e1);
-          var e2 = new HElement ();
-          e2.name = "2E"+i.to_string ();
-          ce.elements2.elements.set (e2.name, e2);
-        }
-        assert (ce.elements1.elements.size == 125000);
-        assert (ce.elements2.elements.size == 125000);
-        ce.serialize (d);
-        assert (d.root != null);
-        assert (d.root.children_nodes.size == 2);
-        assert (d.root.children_nodes[0].children_nodes.size == 125000);
-        assert (d.root.children_nodes[1].children_nodes.size == 125000);
-        time = Test.timer_elapsed ();
-        Test.minimized_result (time, "Created document: %g seconds", time);
-        Test.message ("Starting deserializing document: Disable collection deserialization...");
-        Test.timer_start ();
-        var cep = new HTopElement ();
-        cep.elements1.elements.enable_deserialize = false;
-        cep.elements2.elements.enable_deserialize = false;
-        cep.deserialize (d);
-        assert(cep.elements1.elements.size == 0);
-        assert(cep.elements2.elements.size == 0);
-        time = Test.timer_elapsed ();
-        Test.minimized_result (time, "Disable Deserialize Collection. Deserialized from doc: %g seconds", 
-        Test.message ("Calling C1 deserialize_children()...");
-        Test.timer_start ();
-        assert (cep.elements1.elements.deserialize_children ());
-        assert (cep.elements1.elements.size == 125000);
-        assert (!cep.elements1.elements.deserialize_children ());
-        time = Test.timer_elapsed ();
-        Test.minimized_result (time, "C1: Disable Deserialize Collection. Deserialized from NODE: %g 
seconds", time);
-        Test.message ("Calling C2 deserialize_children()...");
-        Test.timer_start ();
-        cep.elements2.elements.deserialize_children ();
-        assert (!cep.elements2.elements.deserialize_children ());
-        time = Test.timer_elapsed ();
-        Test.minimized_result (time, "C2: Disable Deserialize Collection. Deserialized from NODE: %g 
seconds", time);
-      } catch (GLib.Error e) {
-        GLib.message ("ERROR: "+e.message);
-        assert_not_reached ();
-      }
-    });
-    Test.add_func ("/gxml/performance/hashmap/post-deserialization/enable",
-    () => {
-      try {
-        double time;
-        Test.message ("Starting generating document...");
-        Test.timer_start ();
-        var d = new TDocument ();
-        var ce = new HTopElement ();
-        for (int i = 0; i < 125000; i++) {
-          var e1 = new HElement ();
-          e1.name = "1E"+i.to_string ();
-          ce.elements1.elements.set (e1.name, e1);
-          var e2 = new HElement ();
-          e2.name = "2E"+i.to_string ();
-          ce.elements2.elements.set (e2.name, e2);
-        }
-        ce.serialize (d);
-        time = Test.timer_elapsed ();
-        Test.minimized_result (time, "Created document: %g seconds", time);
-        Test.message ("Starting deserializing document: Enable collection deserialization...");
-        Test.timer_start ();
-        var cep = new HTopElement ();
-        cep.elements1.elements.enable_deserialize = true;
-        cep.elements2.elements.enable_deserialize = true;
-        cep.deserialize (d);
-        time = Test.timer_elapsed ();
-        Test.minimized_result (time, "Disable Deserialize Collection. Deserialized from doc: %g seconds", 
-        assert (!cep.elements1.elements.deserialize_children ());
-        assert (!cep.elements2.elements.deserialize_children ());
-      } catch (GLib.Error e) {
-        GLib.message ("ERROR: "+e.message);
-        assert_not_reached ();
-      }
-    });
-    Test.add_func ("/gxml/performance/treemap/post-deserialization/disable",
-    () => {
-      try {
-        double time;
-        Test.message ("Starting generating document...");
-        Test.timer_start ();
-        var d = new TDocument ();
-        var ce = new HTCElement ();
-        for (int i = 0; i < 125000; i++) {
-          var e1 = new HTElement ();
-          e1.name = "1E"+i.to_string ();
-          ce.elements1.set (e1.name, e1);
-          var e2 = new HTElement ();
-          e2.name = "2E"+i.to_string ();
-          ce.elements2.set (e2.name, e2);
-        }
-        ce.serialize (d);
-        time = Test.timer_elapsed ();
-        Test.minimized_result (time, "Created document: %g seconds", time);
-        Test.message ("Starting deserializing document: Disable collection deserialization...");
-        Test.timer_start ();
-        var cep = new HTCElement ();
-        cep.elements1.enable_deserialize = false;
-        cep.elements2.enable_deserialize = false;
-        cep.deserialize (d);
-        time = Test.timer_elapsed ();
-        Test.minimized_result (time, "Disable Deserialize Collection. Deserialized from doc: %g seconds", 
-        Test.message ("Calling C1 deserialize_children()...");
-        Test.timer_start ();
-        cep.elements1.deserialize_children ();
-        assert (!cep.elements1.deserialize_children ());
-        time = Test.timer_elapsed ();
-        Test.minimized_result (time, "C1: Disable Deserialize Collection. Deserialized from NODE: %g 
seconds", time);
-        Test.message ("Calling C2 deserialize_children()...");
-        Test.timer_start ();
-        cep.elements2.deserialize_children ();
-        assert (!cep.elements2.deserialize_children ());
-        time = Test.timer_elapsed ();
-        Test.minimized_result (time, "C2: Disable Deserialize Collection. Deserialized from NODE: %g 
seconds", time);
-      } catch (GLib.Error e) {
-        GLib.message ("ERROR: "+e.message);
-        assert_not_reached ();
-      }
-    });
-    Test.add_func ("/gxml/performance/treemap/post-deserialization/enable",
-    () => {
-      try {
-        double time;
-        Test.message ("Starting generating document...");
-        Test.timer_start ();
-        var d = new TDocument ();
-        var ce = new HTCElement ();
-        for (int i = 0; i < 125000; i++) {
-          var e1 = new HTElement ();
-          e1.name = "1E"+i.to_string ();
-          ce.elements1.set (e1.name, e1);
-          var e2 = new HTElement ();
-          e2.name = "2E"+i.to_string ();
-          ce.elements2.set (e2.name, e2);
-        }
-        ce.serialize (d);
-        time = Test.timer_elapsed ();
-        Test.minimized_result (time, "Created document: %g seconds", time);
-        Test.message ("Starting deserializing document: Enable collection deserialization...");
-        Test.timer_start ();
-        var cep = new HTCElement ();
-        cep.elements1.enable_deserialize = true;
-        cep.elements2.enable_deserialize = true;
-        cep.deserialize (d);
-        time = Test.timer_elapsed ();
-        Test.minimized_result (time, "Disable Deserialize Collection. Deserialized from doc: %g seconds", 
-        assert (!cep.elements1.deserialize_children ());
-        assert (!cep.elements2.deserialize_children ());
-      } catch (GLib.Error e) {
-        GLib.message ("ERROR: "+e.message);
-        assert_not_reached ();
-      }
-    });
-    Test.add_func ("/gxml/performance/dualkeymap/post-deserialization/disable",
-    () => {
-      try {
-        double time;
-        Test.message ("Starting generating document...");
-        Test.timer_start ();
-        var d = new TDocument ();
-        var ce = new DHCElement ();
-        for (int i = 0; i < 125000; i++) {
-          var e1 = new DHElement ();
-          e1.key = "E1";
-          e1.name = "1E"+i.to_string ();
-          ce.elements1.set (e1.key, e1.name, e1);
-          var e2 = new DHElement ();
-          e2.key = "E2";
-          e2.name = "2E"+i.to_string ();
-          ce.elements2.set (e2.key, e2.name, e2);
-        }
-        ce.serialize (d);
-        time = Test.timer_elapsed ();
-        Test.minimized_result (time, "Created document: %g seconds", time);
-        Test.message ("Starting deserializing document: Disable collection deserialization...");
-        Test.timer_start ();
-        var cep = new DHCElement ();
-        cep.elements1.enable_deserialize = false;
-        cep.elements2.enable_deserialize = false;
-        cep.deserialize (d);
-        time = Test.timer_elapsed ();
-        Test.minimized_result (time, "Disable Deserialize Collection. Deserialized from doc: %g seconds", 
-        Test.message ("Calling C1 deserialize_children()...");
-        Test.timer_start ();
-        cep.elements1.deserialize_children ();
-        assert (!cep.elements1.deserialize_children ());
-        time = Test.timer_elapsed ();
-        Test.minimized_result (time, "C1: Disable Deserialize Collection. Deserialized from NODE: %g 
seconds", time);
-        Test.message ("Calling C2 deserialize_children()...");
-        Test.timer_start ();
-        cep.elements2.deserialize_children ();
-        assert (!cep.elements2.deserialize_children ());
-        time = Test.timer_elapsed ();
-        Test.minimized_result (time, "C2: Disable Deserialize Collection. Deserialized from NODE: %g 
seconds", time);
-      } catch (GLib.Error e) {
-        GLib.message ("ERROR: "+e.message);
-        assert_not_reached ();
-      }
-    });
-    Test.add_func ("/gxml/performance/dualkeymap/post-deserialization/enable",
-    () => {
-      try {
-        double time;
-        Test.message ("Starting generating document...");
-        Test.timer_start ();
-        var d = new TDocument ();
-        var ce = new DHCElement ();
-        for (int i = 0; i < 125000; i++) {
-          var e1 = new DHElement ();
-          e1.name = "1E"+i.to_string ();
-          ce.elements1.set (e1.key, e1.name, e1);
-          var e2 = new DHElement ();
-          e2.name = "2E"+i.to_string ();
-          ce.elements2.set (e2.key, e2.name, e2);
-        }
-        ce.serialize (d);
-        time = Test.timer_elapsed ();
-        Test.minimized_result (time, "Created document: %g seconds", time);
-        Test.message ("Starting deserializing document: Enable collection deserialization...");
-        Test.timer_start ();
-        var cep = new DHCElement ();
-        cep.elements1.enable_deserialize = true;
-        cep.elements2.enable_deserialize = true;
-        cep.deserialize (d);
-        time = Test.timer_elapsed ();
-        Test.minimized_result (time, "Disable Deserialize Collection. Deserialized from doc: %g seconds", 
-        assert (!cep.elements1.deserialize_children ());
-        assert (!cep.elements2.deserialize_children ());
-      } catch (GLib.Error e) {
-        GLib.message ("ERROR: "+e.message);
-        assert_not_reached ();
-      }
-    });
     Test.add_func ("/gxml/performance/gdocument/hashmap/post-deserialization/disable",
     () => {
       try {
@@ -960,47 +432,5 @@ public class Performance
         assert_not_reached ();
-    Test.add_func ("/gxml/performance/tdocument/arraylist/post-deserialization/enable",
-    () => {
-      try {
-                               var f = GLib.File.new_for_path 
-                               if (f.query_exists ()) f.delete ();
-        double time;
-        Test.message ("Starting generating document...");
-        Test.timer_start ();
-        var d = new TDocument ();
-        var ce = new CElement ();
-        for (int i = 0; i < 30000; i++) {
-          var e = new AElement ();
-          ce.elements.add (e);
-        }
-        ce.serialize (d);
-        d.save_as (f);
-        time = Test.timer_elapsed ();
-        Test.minimized_result (time, "Created document: %g seconds", time);
-        Test.message ("Starting deserializing document: Enable collection deserialization...");
-        Test.timer_start ();
-        var gd = new TDocument.from_path (GXmlTestConfig.TEST_SAVE_DIR+"/post-des-test-file.xml");
-        time = Test.timer_elapsed ();
-        Test.minimized_result (time, "Opening doc: %g seconds", time);
-        Test.message ("Start deseralization of TDocument");
-        Test.timer_start ();
-        var cep = new CElement ();
-        cep.elements.enable_deserialize = true;
-        cep.deserialize (gd);
-        time = Test.timer_elapsed ();
-        Test.minimized_result (time, "Enable Deserialize Collection. Deserialized from doc: %g seconds", 
-        Test.message ("Calling deserialize_children()...");
-        Test.timer_start ();
-        cep.elements.deserialize_children ();
-        assert (!cep.elements.deserialize_children ());
-        time = Test.timer_elapsed ();
-        Test.minimized_result (time, "Enable Deserialize Collection. Deserialized from NODE: %g seconds", 
-                               if (f.query_exists ()) f.delete ();
-      } catch (GLib.Error e) {
-        GLib.message ("ERROR: "+e.message);
-        assert_not_reached ();
-      }
-    });
diff --git a/test/meson.build b/test/meson.build
index 142e666..2986fe1 100644
--- a/test/meson.build
+++ b/test/meson.build
@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ testdirs_dep = declare_dependency (compile_args : [
 files_tests = files ([
-               'NodeListTest.vala',
@@ -19,15 +18,6 @@ files_tests = files ([
 tests_cargs = []
-if get_option('enable-tnode-tests')
-files_tests += files ([
-       'EnumerationTest.vala',
-       ])
-tests_cargs += [
-       ]
 t = executable('tests', files_tests + configvapi + configtestvapi,
        vala_args : [],
@@ -87,7 +77,7 @@ libxml_performance = executable('libxml-performance-load', files_libxml_performa
        link_with: libgxml
-benchmark ('libxml-performance', libxml_performance)
+benchmark ('libxml-performance-load', libxml_performance)
 files_libxml_performance_iterate = files ([

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