[gnome-music/wip/jfelder/playlists-core-rewrite-prep-work: 2/24] query: Remove unused method clear_playlist

commit 72a7173b853cb2debfa515b7910b0c8606a7645c
Author: Jean Felder <jfelder src gnome org>
Date:   Tue Jul 2 14:12:28 2019 +0200

    query: Remove unused method clear_playlist
    Query has already a method called clear_playlist_with_id which does
    exactly the same thing. Both method have been introduced by the same
    commit but clear_playlist has never been used.

 gnomemusic/query.py | 37 -------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 37 deletions(-)
diff --git a/gnomemusic/query.py b/gnomemusic/query.py
index 227c5f16..b4a1784b 100644
--- a/gnomemusic/query.py
+++ b/gnomemusic/query.py
@@ -998,40 +998,3 @@ class Query():
         query = """?song fts:match '"nie:title" : %(name)s*' . """.replace('\n', ' ').strip() % {'name': 
         return Query.songs(query)
-    @staticmethod
-    def clear_playlist(playlist_id):
-        # TODO is there a way to do this with only one FILTER statement?
-        query = """
-    DELETE {
-        ?playlist
-            nfo:hasMediaFileListEntry ?entry .
-        ?entry
-            a rdfs:Resource .
-    }
-    WHERE {
-        ?playlist
-            a nmm:Playlist ;
-            a nfo:MediaList ;
-            nfo:hasMediaFileListEntry ?entry .
-        FILTER (
-            tracker:id(?playlist) = %(playlist_id)s
-        )
-    }
-        ?playlist nfo:entryCounter '0'
-    }
-    WHERE {
-        ?playlist
-            a nmm:Playlist ;
-            a nfo:MediaList .
-        FILTER (
-            tracker:id(?playlist) = %(playlist_id)s
-        )
-    }
-        """.replace("\n", " ").strip() % {
-            'playlist_id': playlist_id
-        }
-        return query

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