[gnome-break-timer] (25 commits) Created branch dylanmccall/meson-build

The branch 'dylanmccall/meson-build' was created.

Summary of new commits:

  8110792... Remove autotools build system in favour of Meson
  a3ce8f6... Add Flatpak manifest for org.gnome.BreakTimer
  09f5ee9... Improved Meson build configuration
  0d48d6a... Vala compatibility fixes for settings and common modules
  119790a... Include org.gnome.break-timer.gschema.xml in build
  0a48db5... Build and install required resources for settings applicati
  c08ad63... Use suggested action style for buttons in settings applicat
  9c1870b... Fix errors with desktop files and service names
  c74d7f7... Add padding to break settings dialog
  986bb9e... Rename icons and gsettings schema
  e5bde30... Add a launcher script to launch settings or helper programs
  03b59bc... Move "helper" code to the BreakTimer.Helper namespace
  e2edfd2... Fix build and run errors for the helper module
  a77cf13... Implement MutterActivityMonitorBackend
  21cc075... Change all *.vala files to indent with spaces
  2a4734a... Remove unnecessary using statements
  49c7cf6... Update bug tracker URL
  aae1cd8... Remove trailing whitespace from all files
  5d26ed6... Put back Vala's Posix package
  f3e332c... Remove ScreenOverlay and replace libcanberra-gtk
  b030159... Rename an unclear variable in RestBreakView
  6021e4a... Add permissions to Flatpak manifest
  3ffbcb4... Tidy up config constants and nested classes
  ff2f76b... Fix gettext in settings app
  b160ca8... Move vala sources to "src"

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