[vte/wip/inigomartinez/meson: 2/2] build: Remove autotools

commit a4aae8d088bf728539849638fb0b729d341ac09f
Author: Iñigo Martínez <inigomartinez gmail com>
Date:   Mon Jan 21 11:48:35 2019 +0100

    build: Remove autotools
    To avoid the burden of maintaining multiple build systems
    autotools support is removed.

 Makefile.am                 |  48 ---
 autogen.sh                  |  16 -
 bindings/Makefile.am        |  13 -
 bindings/gir/Makefile.am    |  34 --
 bindings/vala/Makefile.am   |  98 -----
 configure.ac                | 484 ----------------------
 doc/Makefile.am             |  11 -
 doc/reference/Makefile.am   | 168 --------
 git.mk                      | 333 ---------------
 glade/Makefile.am           |  43 --
 m4/attributes.m4            | 289 -------------
 m4/ax_cxx_compile_stdcxx.m4 | 980 --------------------------------------------
 perf/Makefile.am            |  13 -
 src/Makefile.am             | 451 --------------------
 src/app/Makefile.am         |  58 ---
 vte.pc.in                   |  11 -
 16 files changed, 3050 deletions(-)

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