[geary/wip/181-special-folder-dupes: 7/7] Rework GenericAccount::ensure_special_folder_asyc yet again

commit bb0060b571c70948c29deb14e449868643812248
Author: Michael Gratton <mike vee net>
Date:   Mon Jan 14 23:22:57 2019 +1100

    Rework GenericAccount::ensure_special_folder_asyc yet again
    This time, it was overriding SPECIAL-USE attrs based on the config file,
    causing bad config folders to be used as GMail specials. Now, it checks
    the folder is already set as the special type before going looking for
    it by name.

 .../imap-engine/imap-engine-generic-account.vala   | 187 ++++++++++++---------
 1 file changed, 108 insertions(+), 79 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/engine/imap-engine/imap-engine-generic-account.vala 
index 708b6750..ba045ff8 100644
--- a/src/engine/imap-engine/imap-engine-generic-account.vala
+++ b/src/engine/imap-engine/imap-engine-generic-account.vala
@@ -638,6 +638,8 @@ private abstract class Geary.ImapEngine.GenericAccount : Geary.Account {
         foreach (Geary.SpecialFolderType special in specials.keys) {
             MinimalFolder? minimal = specials.get(special) as MinimalFolder;
             if (minimal.special_folder_type != special) {
+                debug("%s: Promoting %s to %s",
+                      to_string(), minimal.to_string(), special.to_string());
@@ -693,85 +695,94 @@ private abstract class Geary.ImapEngine.GenericAccount : Geary.Account {
      * Locates a special folder, creating it if needed.
-    internal async Geary.Folder ensure_special_folder_async(Imap.AccountSession remote,
-                                                            Geary.SpecialFolderType special,
-                                                            Cancellable? cancellable)
-        throws Error {
-        Geary.FolderPath? path = information.get_special_folder_path(special);
-        if (path != null && !remote.is_folder_path_valid(path)) {
-            debug("Ignoring bad special folder path '%s' for type %s",
-                  path.to_string(),
-                  special.to_string());
-            path = null;
-        }
-        if (path == null) {
-            Geary.FolderPath root =
-                yield remote.get_default_personal_namespace(cancellable);
-            Gee.List<string> search_names = special_search_names.get(special);
-            foreach (string search_name in search_names) {
-                Geary.FolderPath search_path = root.get_child(search_name);
-                foreach (Geary.FolderPath test_path in folder_map.keys) {
-                    if (test_path.compare_normalized_ci(search_path) == 0) {
-                        path = search_path;
-                        break;
+    internal async Folder
+        ensure_special_folder_async(Imap.AccountSession remote,
+                                    SpecialFolderType type,
+                                    GLib.Cancellable? cancellable)
+        throws GLib.Error {
+        Folder? special = get_special_folder(type);
+        if (special == null) {
+            FolderPath? path = information.get_special_folder_path(type);
+            if (path != null && !remote.is_folder_path_valid(path)) {
+                debug("%s: Ignoring bad special folder path '%s' for type %s",
+                      to_string(),
+                      path.to_string(),
+                      type.to_string());
+                path = null;
+            }
+            if (path == null) {
+                FolderPath root =
+                    yield remote.get_default_personal_namespace(cancellable);
+                Gee.List<string> search_names = special_search_names.get(type);
+                foreach (string search_name in search_names) {
+                    FolderPath search_path = root.get_child(search_name);
+                    foreach (FolderPath test_path in folder_map.keys) {
+                        if (test_path.compare_normalized_ci(search_path) == 0) {
+                            path = search_path;
+                            break;
+                        }
+                    if (path != null)
+                        break;
-                if (path != null)
-                    break;
-            }
-            if (path == null)
-                path = root.get_child(search_names[0]);
+                if (path == null) {
+                    path = root.get_child(search_names[0]);
+                }
-            debug("Guessed folder \'%s\' for special_path %s",
-                  path.to_string(), special.to_string()
-            );
-            information.set_special_folder_path(special, path);
-        }
+                debug("%s: Guessed folder \'%s\' for special_path %s",
+                      to_string(), path.to_string(), type.to_string()
+                );
+                information.set_special_folder_path(type, path);
+            }
-        if (!this.folder_map.has_key(path)) {
-            debug("Creating \"%s\" to use as special folder %s",
-                  path.to_string(), special.to_string());
+            if (!this.folder_map.has_key(path)) {
+                debug("%s: Creating \"%s\" to use as special folder %s",
+                      to_string(), path.to_string(), type.to_string());
-            GLib.Error? created_err = null;
-            try {
-                yield remote.create_folder_async(path, special, cancellable);
-            } catch (GLib.Error err) {
-                // Hang on to the error since the folder might exist
-                // on the remote, so try fetching it anyway.
-                created_err = err;
-            }
+                GLib.Error? created_err = null;
+                try {
+                    yield remote.create_folder_async(path, type, cancellable);
+                } catch (GLib.Error err) {
+                    // Hang on to the error since the folder might exist
+                    // on the remote, so try fetching it anyway.
+                    created_err = err;
+                }
-            Imap.Folder? remote_folder = null;
-            try {
-                remote_folder = yield remote.fetch_folder_async(
-                    path, cancellable
-                );
-            } catch (GLib.Error err) {
-                // If we couldn't fetch it after also failing to
-                // create it, it's probably due to the problem
-                // creating it, so throw that error instead.
-                if (created_err != null) {
-                    throw created_err;
-                } else {
-                    throw err;
+                Imap.Folder? remote_folder = null;
+                try {
+                    remote_folder = yield remote.fetch_folder_async(
+                        path, cancellable
+                    );
+                } catch (GLib.Error err) {
+                    // If we couldn't fetch it after also failing to
+                    // create it, it's probably due to the problem
+                    // creating it, so throw that error instead.
+                    if (created_err != null) {
+                        throw created_err;
+                    } else {
+                        throw err;
+                    }
+                ImapDB.Folder local_folder =
+                    yield this.local.clone_folder_async(
+                        remote_folder, cancellable
+                    );
+                add_folders(
+                    Collection.single(local_folder), created_err != null
+                );
-            ImapDB.Folder local_folder = yield this.local.clone_folder_async(
-                remote_folder, cancellable
+            special= this.folder_map.get(path);
+            promote_folders(
+                Collection.single_map<SpecialFolderType,Folder>(
+                    type, special
+                )
-            add_folders(Collection.single(local_folder), created_err != null);
-        Geary.Folder special_folder = this.folder_map.get(path);
-        promote_folders(
-            Collection.single_map<Geary.SpecialFolderType,Geary.Folder>(
-                special, special_folder
-            )
-        );
-        return special_folder;
+        return special;
@@ -1079,25 +1090,43 @@ internal class Geary.ImapEngine.LoadFolders : AccountOperation {
-    private async void check_special_folders(Cancellable cancellable)
-        throws Error {
+    private async void check_special_folders(GLib.Cancellable cancellable)
+        throws GLib.Error {
+        // Local folders loaded that have the SPECIAL-USE flags set
+        // will have been promoted already via derived account type's
+        // new_child overrides or some other means. However for those
+        // that do not have the flag, check here against the local
+        // config and promote ASAP.
+        //
+        // Can't just use ensure_special_folder_async however since
+        // that will attempt to create the folders if missing, which
+        // is bad if offline.
         GenericAccount generic = (GenericAccount) this.account;
-        Gee.Map<Geary.SpecialFolderType,Geary.Folder> specials =
+        Gee.Map<Geary.SpecialFolderType,Geary.Folder> added_specials =
             new Gee.HashMap<Geary.SpecialFolderType,Geary.Folder>();
-        foreach (Geary.SpecialFolderType special in this.specials) {
-            Geary.FolderPath? path = generic.information.get_special_folder_path(special);
-            if (path != null) {
-                try {
-                    Geary.Folder target = yield generic.fetch_folder_async(path, cancellable);
-                    specials.set(special, target);
-                } catch (Error err) {
-                    debug("%s: Previously used special folder %s not loaded: %s",
-                          generic.information.id, special.to_string(), err.message);
+        foreach (Geary.SpecialFolderType type in this.specials) {
+            if (generic.get_special_folder(type) == null) {
+                Geary.FolderPath? path =
+                    generic.information.get_special_folder_path(type);
+                if (path != null) {
+                    try {
+                        Geary.Folder target = yield generic.fetch_folder_async(
+                            path, cancellable
+                        );
+                        added_specials.set(type, target);
+                    } catch (Error err) {
+                        debug(
+                            "%s: Previously used special folder %s not loaded: %s",
+                            generic.information.id,
+                            type.to_string(),
+                            err.message
+                        );
+                    }
-        generic.promote_folders(specials);
+        generic.promote_folders(added_specials);

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