[gvfs] (37 commits) Non-fast-forward update to branch wip/oholy/admin-authorization-fix

The branch 'wip/oholy/admin-authorization-fix' was changed in a way that was not a fast-forward update.
NOTE: This may cause problems for people pulling from the branch. For more information,
please see:


Commits removed from the branch:

  ffa753a... admin: Prevent access if any authentication agent isn't ava
  a7d1bd5... admin: Add comment to .rules file

Commits added to the branch:

  e9653aa... dav: Try authenticate again even if 403 was returned (*)
  b92980d... afp: Try to find credentials even if user is not specified (*)
  2c472cd... keyring: Prefer the most recent item (*)
  00b87d1... build: Remove unnecessary dir defines (*)
  c25bc35... build: Make monitors build commands common (*)
  f4ee93b... build: Add trailing commas (*)
  5bc6331... build: Always use dependency function for libgcrypt (*)
  9523d8e... build: Use / instead of join_paths (*)
  22e9f77... build: Fix the use of pkg-config file variables (*)
  12f4c5a... build: Fix the parameter order in configure_file (*)
  dc34f1b... build: Use generators placeholders (*)
  32bde01... build: Remove gdbus codegen workaround (*)
  db31059... build: Do not use prefix on directory variables (*)
  28dfdbf... build: Define meson information early (*)
  a644c87... build: Avoid extra variable on compiler flag checking (*)
  7aaada6... build: Simplify man file building (*)
  a60d8c0... build: Make use of dictionaries to gain readibility (*)
  3e3a732... Revert "build: Make use of dictionaries to gain readibility (*)
  925dee4... Revert "build: Simplify man file building" (*)
  2b0a405... Revert "build: Avoid extra variable on compiler flag checki (*)
  d197493... Revert "build: Define meson information early" (*)
  47203ab... Revert "build: Do not use prefix on directory variables" (*)
  7a2ff50... Revert "build: Remove gdbus codegen workaround" (*)
  2a42f83... Revert "build: Use generators placeholders" (*)
  057122b... Revert "build: Fix the parameter order in configure_file" (*)
  ab6723f... Revert "build: Fix the use of pkg-config file variables" (*)
  f1678f8... Revert "build: Use / instead of join_paths" (*)
  367af21... Revert "build: Always use dependency function for libgcrypt (*)
  44b2c15... Revert "build: Add trailing commas" (*)
  0876980... Revert "build: Make monitors build commands common" (*)
  87bbe80... Revert "build: Remove unnecessary dir defines" (*)
  8f840a1... Update NEWS for 1.39.4 release (*)
  dd98c77... Post release version bump (*)
  cdda8a8... admin: Prevent access if any authentication agent isn't ava
  fb7bae6... admin: Add comment to .rules file
  fc5807c... admin: Add comments to .policy file
  f1f814a... admin: Update message in .policy

(*) This commit already existed in another branch; no separate mail sent

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