[gnome-klotski] build: stop using intltool

commit e9f19a4005ef9002efc387c0a36ef583282f50e4
Author: Jeremy Bicha <jbicha ubuntu com>
Date:   Thu Jan 10 19:08:46 2019 -0500

    build: stop using intltool
    modern gettext is sufficient

 autogen.sh                        |  1 -
 configure.ac                      |  3 +-
 data/Makefile.am                  |  8 +++-
 data/gnome-klotski.appdata.xml.in | 14 +++----
 data/gnome-klotski.desktop.in     |  8 ++--
 po/Makevars                       | 78 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 po/POTFILES.in                    |  3 +-
 7 files changed, 99 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)
diff --git a/autogen.sh b/autogen.sh
index 0c05d44..d1deec7 100755
--- a/autogen.sh
+++ b/autogen.sh
@@ -32,7 +32,6 @@ if [ "$#" = 0 -a "x$NOCONFIGURE" = "x" ]; then
 aclocal --install || exit 1
-intltoolize --force --copy --automake || exit 1
 autoreconf --verbose --force --install -Wno-portability || exit 1
 cd $olddir
diff --git a/configure.ac b/configure.ac
index 3c5ee46..9aaeb1c 100644
--- a/configure.ac
+++ b/configure.ac
@@ -44,7 +44,8 @@ dnl ###########################################################################
 dnl Internationalization
 dnl ###########################################################################
 dnl ###########################################################################
diff --git a/data/Makefile.am b/data/Makefile.am
index 64b6578..a73dcee 100644
--- a/data/Makefile.am
+++ b/data/Makefile.am
@@ -16,12 +16,16 @@ pixmap_DATA = \
 desktopdir = $(datadir)/applications
 desktop_in_files = gnome-klotski.desktop.in
 desktop_DATA = $(desktop_in_files:.desktop.in=.desktop)
+$(desktop_DATA): $(desktop_in_files)
+       $(AM_V_GEN)$(MSGFMT) --desktop --template $< -d $(top_srcdir)/po -o $@
 appstream_in_files = gnome-klotski.appdata.xml.in
 appstream_XML = $(appstream_in_files:.xml.in=.xml)
+$(appstream_XML): $(appstream_in_files)
+       $(AM_V_GEN)$(MSGFMT) --xml --template $< -d $(top_srcdir)/po -o $@
        $(appstream_in_files)   \
diff --git a/data/gnome-klotski.appdata.xml.in b/data/gnome-klotski.appdata.xml.in
index e23add0..e87f35a 100644
--- a/data/gnome-klotski.appdata.xml.in
+++ b/data/gnome-klotski.appdata.xml.in
@@ -4,20 +4,20 @@
-  <_name>GNOME Klotski</_name>
-  <_summary>Slide blocks to solve the puzzle</_summary>
+  <name>GNOME Klotski</name>
+  <summary>Slide blocks to solve the puzzle</summary>
-    <_p>
+    <p>
       GNOME Klotski is a set of block sliding puzzles. The objective is to move the
       patterned block to the area bordered by green markers. To do so, you’ll need
       to slide other blocks out of the way. Complete each puzzle in as few moves as
-    </_p>
-    <_p>
+    </p>
+    <p>
       GNOME Klotski comes with nearly thirty different puzzle layouts of varying
       difficulty. Some of the layouts are similar and only the size of one or more
       blocks differ. Other layouts have more variety.
-    </_p>
+    </p>
     <screenshot height="398" width="748" type="default">
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
   <url type="donation">http://www.gnome.org/friends/</url>
   <url type="help">https://help.gnome.org/users/gnome-klotski/stable/</url>
   <url type="translate">https://wiki.gnome.org/TranslationProject</url>
-  <_developer_name>The GNOME Project</_developer_name>
+  <developer_name>The GNOME Project</developer_name>
   <content_rating type="oars-1.0">
     <content_attribute id="violence-cartoon">none</content_attribute>
     <content_attribute id="violence-fantasy">none</content_attribute>
diff --git a/data/gnome-klotski.desktop.in b/data/gnome-klotski.desktop.in
index d78a81e..b85f9b9 100644
--- a/data/gnome-klotski.desktop.in
+++ b/data/gnome-klotski.desktop.in
@@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
 [Desktop Entry]
-_Comment=Slide blocks to solve the puzzle
+Comment=Slide blocks to solve the puzzle
+# Translators: Search terms to find this application. Do NOT translate or localize the semicolons! The list 
MUST also end with a semicolon!
+# Translators: Do NOT translate or transliterate this text (this is an icon file name)!
diff --git a/po/Makevars b/po/Makevars
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9bdfc0c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/Makevars
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+# Makefile variables for PO directory in any package using GNU gettext.
+# Usually the message domain is the same as the package name.
+# These two variables depend on the location of this directory.
+subdir = po
+top_builddir = ..
+# These options get passed to xgettext.
+XGETTEXT_OPTIONS = --from-code=UTF-8 --keyword=_ --keyword=N_ --keyword=C_:1c,2 --keyword=NC_:1c,2 
--keyword=g_dngettext:2,3 --add-comments
+# This is the copyright holder that gets inserted into the header of the
+# $(DOMAIN).pot file.  Set this to the copyright holder of the surrounding
+# package.  (Note that the msgstr strings, extracted from the package's
+# sources, belong to the copyright holder of the package.)  Translators are
+# expected to transfer the copyright for their translations to this person
+# or entity, or to disclaim their copyright.  The empty string stands for
+# the public domain; in this case the translators are expected to disclaim
+# their copyright.
+COPYRIGHT_HOLDER = The GNOME Klotski Developers
+# This tells whether or not to prepend "GNU " prefix to the package
+# name that gets inserted into the header of the $(DOMAIN).pot file.
+# Possible values are "yes", "no", or empty.  If it is empty, try to
+# detect it automatically by scanning the files in $(top_srcdir) for
+# "GNU packagename" string.
+# This is the email address or URL to which the translators shall report
+# bugs in the untranslated strings:
+# - Strings which are not entire sentences, see the maintainer guidelines
+#   in the GNU gettext documentation, section 'Preparing Strings'.
+# - Strings which use unclear terms or require additional context to be
+#   understood.
+# - Strings which make invalid assumptions about notation of date, time or
+#   money.
+# - Pluralisation problems.
+# - Incorrect English spelling.
+# - Incorrect formatting.
+# It can be your email address, or a mailing list address where translators
+# can write to without being subscribed, or the URL of a web page through
+# which the translators can contact you.
+MSGID_BUGS_ADDRESS = https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-klotski/issues
+# This is the list of locale categories, beyond LC_MESSAGES, for which the
+# message catalogs shall be used.  It is usually empty.
+# This tells whether the $(DOMAIN).pot file contains messages with an 'msgctxt'
+# context.  Possible values are "yes" and "no".  Set this to yes if the
+# package uses functions taking also a message context, like pgettext(), or
+# if in $(XGETTEXT_OPTIONS) you define keywords with a context argument.
+# These options get passed to msgmerge.
+# Useful options are in particular:
+#   --previous            to keep previous msgids of translated messages,
+#   --quiet               to reduce the verbosity.
+# These options get passed to msginit.
+# If you want to disable line wrapping when writing PO files, add
+# This tells whether or not to regenerate a PO file when $(DOMAIN).pot
+# has changed.  Possible values are "yes" and "no".  Set this to no if
+# the POT file is checked in the repository and the version control
+# program ignores timestamps.
+# This tells whether or not to forcibly update $(DOMAIN).pot and
+# regenerate PO files on "make dist".  Possible values are "yes" and
+# "no".  Set this to no if the POT file and PO files are maintained
+# externally.
diff --git a/po/POTFILES.in b/po/POTFILES.in
index b78a11d..2ac0595 100644
--- a/po/POTFILES.in
+++ b/po/POTFILES.in
@@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
 # List of source files containing translatable strings.
 # Please keep this file in alphabetical order.
-[encoding: UTF-8]
-[type: gettext/glade]data/klotski.ui

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