[dconf-editor] Introduce BookmarksHeaderBar.

commit 2a96024111b64139ada73d1040eccd31da0ebb5d
Author: Arnaud Bonatti <arnaud bonatti gmail com>
Date:   Thu Jan 10 20:23:05 2019 +0100

    Introduce BookmarksHeaderBar.
    A DConfHeaderBar is now a BookmarksHeaderBar which
    is a BrowserHeaderBar that is a BaseHeaderBar that
    is a NightLightAwareHeaderBar. Ok, looks good now.

 editor/base-headerbar.vala      |  27 ++--
 editor/bookmarks-headerbar.vala | 337 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 editor/bookmarks-list.vala      |  10 +-
 editor/bookmarks.ui             |   2 +-
 editor/bookmarks.vala           |  26 ++--
 editor/browser-headerbar.vala   |  52 +++----
 editor/dconf-headerbar.vala     | 327 ++------------------------------------
 editor/meson.build              |   1 +
 8 files changed, 404 insertions(+), 378 deletions(-)
diff --git a/editor/base-headerbar.vala b/editor/base-headerbar.vala
index dfb2493..2a45a37 100644
--- a/editor/base-headerbar.vala
+++ b/editor/base-headerbar.vala
@@ -180,9 +180,9 @@ private class BaseHeaderBar : NightTimeAwareHeaderBar, AdaptativeWidget
     [GtkChild] protected Stack      quit_button_stack;
-    protected void set_default_widgets_states (bool     show_go_back_button,
+    protected void set_default_widgets_states (string?  title_label_text_or_null,
+                                               bool     show_go_back_button,
                                                bool     show_ltr_left_separator,
-                                               string?  title_label_text_or_null,
                                                bool     show_info_button,
                                                bool     show_ltr_right_separator,
                                                bool     show_quit_button_stack)
@@ -210,6 +210,7 @@ private class BaseHeaderBar : NightTimeAwareHeaderBar, AdaptativeWidget
     protected const uint8 default_mode_id = 0;
     private bool default_mode_on = true;
+    protected bool no_in_window_mode { get { return default_mode_on; }}
     internal void show_default_view ()
@@ -226,9 +227,9 @@ private class BaseHeaderBar : NightTimeAwareHeaderBar, AdaptativeWidget
         if (is_not_requested_mode (default_mode_id, requested_mode_id, ref _this.default_mode_on))
-        _this.set_default_widgets_states (/* show go_back_button      */ false,
+        _this.set_default_widgets_states (/* title_label text or null */ null,
+                                          /* show go_back_button      */ false,
                                           /* show ltr_left_separator  */ false,
-                                          /* title_label text or null */ null,
                                           /* show info_button         */ true,
                                           /* show ltr_right_separator */ _this.disable_action_bar,
                                           /* show quit_button_stack   */ _this.disable_action_bar);
@@ -260,17 +261,13 @@ private class BaseHeaderBar : NightTimeAwareHeaderBar, AdaptativeWidget
         if (is_not_requested_mode (_this.about_mode_id, requested_mode_id, ref _this.about_mode_on))
-        _this.set_default_widgets_states (/* show go_back_button      */ true,
-                                          /* show ltr_left_separator  */ false,
-                                          /* title_label text or null */
-                                          /* Translators: on really small windows, the about dialog is 
replaced by an in-window view; here is the name of the view, displayed in the headerbar */
-                                                                         _("About"),
-                                          /* show info_button         */ false,
-                                          /* show ltr_right_separator */ false,
-                                          /* show quit_button_stack   */ true);
+        /* Translators: on really small windows, the about dialog is replaced by an in-window view; here is 
the name of the view, displayed in the headerbar */
+        _this.set_default_widgets_states (_("About"),   /* title_label text or null */
+                                          true,         /* show go_back_button      */
+                                          false,        /* show ltr_left_separator  */
+                                          false,        /* show info_button         */
+                                          false,        /* show ltr_right_separator */
+                                          true);        /* show quit_button_stack   */
diff --git a/editor/bookmarks-headerbar.vala b/editor/bookmarks-headerbar.vala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7b119d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/editor/bookmarks-headerbar.vala
@@ -0,0 +1,337 @@
+  This file is part of Dconf Editor
+  Dconf Editor is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+  (at your option) any later version.
+  Dconf Editor is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+  GNU General Public License for more details.
+  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+  along with Dconf Editor.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+using Gtk;
+private abstract class BookmarksHeaderBar : BrowserHeaderBar, AdaptativeWidget
+    construct
+    {
+        install_action_entries ();
+        add_bookmarks_revealer              (out bookmarks_revealer,
+                                             out bookmarks_button,              ref center_box);
+        connect_bookmarks_signals ();
+        add_bookmarks_controller            (out bookmarks_controller,          ref this);
+        register_bookmarks_modes ();
+    }
+    protected override void set_window_size (AdaptativeWidget.WindowSize new_size)
+    {
+        bool _disable_popovers = disable_popovers;
+        base.set_window_size (new_size);
+        if (disable_popovers != _disable_popovers)
+            update_bookmarks_button_visibility (/* run transitions */ true);
+    }
+    private void update_bookmarks_button_visibility (bool transition)
+    {
+        bookmarks_revealer.set_transition_duration (transition ? 300 : 0);
+        if (!disable_popovers && no_in_window_mode)
+            set_bookmarks_button_visibility (/* visibility */ true, ref bookmarks_revealer, ref 
+        else
+        {
+            bookmarks_button.active = false;
+            set_bookmarks_button_visibility (/* visibility */ false, ref bookmarks_revealer, ref 
+        }
+    }
+    private static inline void set_bookmarks_button_visibility (bool visibility,
+                                                            ref Revealer bookmarks_revealer,
+                                                            ref Bookmarks bookmarks_button)
+    {
+        bookmarks_button.sensitive = visibility;
+        bookmarks_revealer.set_reveal_child (visibility);
+    }
+    /*\
+    * * bookmarks widget
+    \*/
+    private Revealer            bookmarks_revealer;
+    private Bookmarks           bookmarks_button;
+    private BookmarksController bookmarks_controller;
+    private static void add_bookmarks_revealer (out Revealer bookmarks_revealer, out Bookmarks 
bookmarks_button, ref Box center_box)
+    {
+        bookmarks_revealer = new Revealer ();
+        bookmarks_revealer.transition_type = RevealerTransitionType.SLIDE_LEFT;
+        bookmarks_revealer.reveal_child = true;
+        bookmarks_revealer.get_style_context ().add_class ("headerbar-revealer");
+        bookmarks_button = new Bookmarks ("/ca/desrt/dconf-editor/");
+        bookmarks_button.valign = Align.CENTER;
+        bookmarks_button.focus_on_click = false;
+        bookmarks_button.get_style_context ().add_class ("image-button");   // TODO check 
+        bookmarks_button.visible = true;
+        bookmarks_revealer.add (bookmarks_button);
+        bookmarks_revealer.visible = true;
+        center_box.pack_end (bookmarks_revealer);
+    }
+    private static void add_bookmarks_controller (out BookmarksController bookmarks_controller, ref unowned 
BookmarksHeaderBar _this)
+    {
+        bookmarks_controller = new BookmarksController ("bmk", false);
+        bookmarks_controller.hexpand = true;
+        bookmarks_controller.visible = false;
+        _this.pack_start (bookmarks_controller);
+    }
+    internal signal void update_bookmarks_icons (Variant bookmarks_variant);
+    private inline void connect_bookmarks_signals ()
+    {
+        bookmarks_button.update_bookmarks_icons.connect (update_bookmarks_icons_cb);
+    }
+    private void update_bookmarks_icons_cb (Variant bookmarks_variant)
+    {
+        update_bookmarks_icons (bookmarks_variant);
+    }
+    /*\
+    * * use-bookmarks mode
+    \*/
+    private uint8 use_bookmarks_mode_id = 0;
+    private bool use_bookmarks_mode_on = false;
+    internal void show_use_bookmarks_view ()
+        requires (use_bookmarks_mode_id > 0)
+    {
+        change_mode (use_bookmarks_mode_id);
+    }
+    private void register_bookmarks_modes ()
+    {
+        use_bookmarks_mode_id = register_new_mode ();
+        edit_bookmarks_mode_id = register_new_mode ();
+        this.change_mode.connect (mode_changed_bookmarks);
+    }
+    private static void mode_changed_bookmarks (BaseHeaderBar _this, uint8 requested_mode_id)
+    {
+        BookmarksHeaderBar real_this = (BookmarksHeaderBar) _this;
+        mode_changed_use_bookmarks (real_this, requested_mode_id);
+        mode_changed_edit_bookmarks (real_this, requested_mode_id);
+        real_this.update_bookmarks_button_visibility (/* run transitions */ false);
+    }
+    private static void mode_changed_use_bookmarks (BookmarksHeaderBar _this, uint8 requested_mode_id)
+        requires (_this.use_bookmarks_mode_id > 0)
+    {
+        if (is_not_requested_mode (_this.use_bookmarks_mode_id, requested_mode_id, ref 
+        {
+            _this.update_hamburger_menu ();   // should not be useful, but <Ctrl>c-ing a bookmarks calls 
somehow a menu update  1/2
+            return;
+        }
+        /* Translators: on really small windows, the bookmarks popover is replaced by an in-window view; 
here is the name of the view, displayed in the headerbar */
+        _this.set_default_widgets_states (_("Bookmarks"),   /* title_label text or null */
+                                          true,             /* show go_back_button      */
+                                          false,            /* show ltr_left_separator  */
+                                          false,            /* show info_button         */
+                                          false,            /* show ltr_right_separator */
+                                          true);            /* show quit_button_stack   */
+    }
+    /*\
+    * * edit-bookmarks mode
+    \*/
+    private uint8 edit_bookmarks_mode_id = 0;
+    private bool edit_bookmarks_mode_on = false;
+    internal void show_edit_bookmarks_view ()
+        requires (edit_bookmarks_mode_id > 0)
+    {
+        change_mode (edit_bookmarks_mode_id);
+    }
+    private static void mode_changed_edit_bookmarks (BookmarksHeaderBar _this, uint8 requested_mode_id)
+        requires (_this.edit_bookmarks_mode_id > 0)
+    {
+        if (is_not_requested_mode (_this.edit_bookmarks_mode_id, requested_mode_id, ref 
+        {
+            _this.bookmarks_controller.hide ();
+            _this.update_hamburger_menu ();   // should not be useful, but <Ctrl>c-ing a bookmarks calls 
somehow a menu update  2/2
+            return;
+        }
+        _this.set_default_widgets_states (/* title_label text or null */ null,
+                                          /* show go_back_button      */ true,
+                                          /* show ltr_left_separator  */ true,
+                                          /* show info_button         */ false,
+                                          /* show ltr_right_separator */ false,
+                                          /* show quit_button_stack   */ true);
+        _this.bookmarks_controller.show ();
+    }
+    /*\
+    * * action entries
+    \*/
+    private void install_action_entries ()
+    {
+        SimpleActionGroup action_group = new SimpleActionGroup ();
+        action_group.add_action_entries (action_entries, this);
+        insert_action_group ("headerbar", action_group);
+    }
+    private const GLib.ActionEntry [] action_entries =
+    {
+        {   "bookmark-current",   bookmark_current },
+        { "unbookmark-current", unbookmark_current }
+    };
+    private void bookmark_current (/* SimpleAction action, Variant? variant */)
+    {
+        bookmark_current_path ();
+    }
+    private void unbookmark_current (/* SimpleAction action, Variant? variant */)
+    {
+        unbookmark_current_path ();
+    }
+    /*\
+    * * bookmarks_button proxy calls
+    \*/
+    internal string [] get_bookmarks ()     { return bookmarks_button.get_bookmarks (); }
+    internal void update_bookmark_icon (string bookmark, BookmarkIcon icon) { 
bookmarks_button.update_bookmark_icon (bookmark, icon); }
+    /*\
+    * * should move back
+    \*/
+    private string bookmark_name = "/";
+    internal override void set_path (ViewType type, string path)
+    {
+        bookmark_name = BookmarksList.get_bookmark_name (type, path);
+        bookmarks_button.set_path (type, path);
+        base.set_path (type, path);
+    }
+    internal void click_bookmarks_button ()
+    {
+        hide_hamburger_menu ();
+        if (bookmarks_button.sensitive)
+            bookmarks_button.clicked ();
+    }
+    internal void bookmark_current_path ()
+    {
+        hide_hamburger_menu ();
+        bookmarks_button.bookmark_current_path ();
+        update_hamburger_menu ();
+    }
+    internal void unbookmark_current_path ()
+    {
+        hide_hamburger_menu ();
+        bookmarks_button.unbookmark_current_path ();
+        update_hamburger_menu ();
+    }
+    /*\
+    * * hamburger menu
+    \*/
+    protected override void populate_menu (ref GLib.Menu menu)
+    {
+        base.populate_menu (ref menu);  // does nothing for now
+        bool bookmarks_mode_on = use_bookmarks_mode_on || edit_bookmarks_mode_on;
+        if (disable_popovers)
+            append_bookmark_section (bookmark_name in get_bookmarks (), bookmarks_mode_on, ref menu);
+    }
+    private static void append_bookmark_section (bool is_in_bookmarks, bool bookmarks_mode_on, ref GLib.Menu 
+    {
+        GLib.Menu section = new GLib.Menu ();
+        if (bookmarks_mode_on)
+            /* Translators: hamburger menu entry on small windows (not used in current design) */
+            section.append (_("Hide bookmarks"), "ui.empty");
+        else
+        {
+            if (is_in_bookmarks)
+                /* Translators: hamburger menu entry on small windows, to unbookmark the currently browsed 
path */
+                section.append (_("Unbookmark"), "headerbar.unbookmark-current");
+            else
+                /* Translators: hamburger menu entry on small windows, to bookmark the currently browsed 
path */
+                section.append (_("Bookmark"), "headerbar.bookmark-current");
+            /* Translators: hamburger menu entry on small windows, to show the bookmarks list */
+            section.append (_("Show bookmarks"), "ui.show-in-window-bookmarks");
+        }
+        section.freeze ();
+        menu.append_section (null, section);
+    }
+    /*\
+    * * keyboard calls
+    \*/
+    internal override bool next_match ()
+    {
+        if (bookmarks_button.active)
+            return bookmarks_button.next_match ();
+        return base.next_match ();      // false
+    }
+    internal override bool previous_match ()
+    {
+        if (bookmarks_button.active)
+            return bookmarks_button.previous_match ();
+        return base.previous_match ();  // false
+    }
+    internal bool handle_copy_text (out string copy_text)
+    {
+        if (bookmarks_button.active)
+            return bookmarks_button.handle_copy_text (out copy_text);
+        return BaseWindow.no_copy_text (out copy_text);
+    }
+    /*\
+    * * popovers methods
+    \*/
+    internal override void close_popovers ()
+    {
+        base.close_popovers ();
+        if (bookmarks_button.active)
+            bookmarks_button.active = false;
+    }
+    internal override bool has_popover ()
+    {
+        return bookmarks_button.active || base.has_popover ();
+    }
diff --git a/editor/bookmarks-list.vala b/editor/bookmarks-list.vala
index 96d4968..f920db6 100644
--- a/editor/bookmarks-list.vala
+++ b/editor/bookmarks-list.vala
@@ -454,9 +454,9 @@ private class BookmarksList : OverlayedList
         return bookmarks;
     } */
-    internal void append_bookmark (string bookmark, ViewType type)
+    internal void append_bookmark (ViewType type, string bookmark)
-        _append_bookmark (settings, get_bookmark_name (bookmark, type));
+        _append_bookmark (settings, get_bookmark_name (type, bookmark));
     private static void _append_bookmark (GLib.Settings settings, string bookmark_name)
@@ -468,9 +468,9 @@ private class BookmarksList : OverlayedList
         settings.set_strv ("bookmarks", bookmarks);
-    internal void remove_bookmark (string bookmark, ViewType type)
+    internal void remove_bookmark (ViewType type, string bookmark)
-        _remove_bookmark (settings, get_bookmark_name (bookmark, type));
+        _remove_bookmark (settings, get_bookmark_name (type, bookmark));
     private static void _remove_bookmark (GLib.Settings settings, string bookmark_name)
@@ -496,7 +496,7 @@ private class BookmarksList : OverlayedList
         settings.set_strv ("bookmarks", new_bookmarks);
-    internal static inline string get_bookmark_name (string path, ViewType type)
+    internal static inline string get_bookmark_name (ViewType type, string path)
         if (type == ViewType.SEARCH)
             return "?" + path;
diff --git a/editor/bookmarks.ui b/editor/bookmarks.ui
index a1954cb..67dd91d 100644
--- a/editor/bookmarks.ui
+++ b/editor/bookmarks.ui
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
                     <property name="visible">True</property>
                     <property name="halign">end</property>
                     <property name="action-name">browser.empty</property>
-                    <property name="action-target">('',byte 255)</property>
+                    <property name="action-target">(byte 255,'')</property>
                     <child internal-child="accessible">
                       <object class="AtkObject">
                         <!-- Translators: accessible name of the switch for bookmarking current path in the 
bookmarks popover -->
diff --git a/editor/bookmarks.vala b/editor/bookmarks.vala
index d931151..e86e59a 100644
--- a/editor/bookmarks.vala
+++ b/editor/bookmarks.vala
@@ -221,14 +221,14 @@ private class Bookmarks : MenuButton
         if (bookmarked_switch.get_active ())
-        bookmarks_list.append_bookmark (current_path, current_type);
+        bookmarks_list.append_bookmark (current_type, current_path);
     internal void unbookmark_current_path ()
         if (!bookmarked_switch.get_active ())
-        bookmarks_list.remove_bookmark (current_path, current_type);
+        bookmarks_list.remove_bookmark (current_type, current_path);
     internal void update_bookmark_icon (string bookmark, BookmarkIcon icon)
@@ -300,8 +300,8 @@ private class Bookmarks : MenuButton
         { "move-down",   move_down   },
         { "move-bottom", move_bottom },
-        {   "bookmark",    bookmark, "(sy)" },
-        { "unbookmark",  unbookmark, "(sy)" }
+        {   "bookmark",    bookmark, "(ys)" },
+        { "unbookmark",  unbookmark, "(ys)" }
     private void set_edit_mode (SimpleAction action, Variant? variant)
@@ -371,10 +371,10 @@ private class Bookmarks : MenuButton
         bookmarks_popover.closed ();    // if the popover is visible, the size of the listbox could change 
-        string bookmark;
         uint8 type;
-        ((!) path_variant).@get ("(sy)", out bookmark, out type);
-        bookmarks_list.append_bookmark (bookmark, ViewType.from_byte (type));
+        string bookmark;
+        ((!) path_variant).@get ("(ys)", out type, out bookmark);
+        bookmarks_list.append_bookmark (ViewType.from_byte (type), bookmark);
     private void unbookmark (SimpleAction action, Variant? path_variant)
@@ -382,10 +382,10 @@ private class Bookmarks : MenuButton
         bookmarks_popover.closed ();    // if the popover is visible, the size of the listbox could change 
-        string bookmark;
         uint8 type;
-        ((!) path_variant).@get ("(sy)", out bookmark, out type);
-        bookmarks_list.remove_bookmark (bookmark, ViewType.from_byte (type));
+        string bookmark;
+        ((!) path_variant).@get ("(ys)", out type, out bookmark);
+        bookmarks_list.remove_bookmark (ViewType.from_byte (type), bookmark);
@@ -408,8 +408,8 @@ private class Bookmarks : MenuButton
     private void update_icon_and_switch (Variant bookmarks_variant)
-        Variant variant = new Variant ("(sy)", current_path, ViewType.to_byte (current_type));
-        string bookmark_name = BookmarksList.get_bookmark_name (current_path, current_type);
+        Variant variant = new Variant ("(ys)", ViewType.to_byte (current_type), current_path);
+        string bookmark_name = BookmarksList.get_bookmark_name (current_type, current_path);
         if (bookmark_name in bookmarks_variant.get_strv ())
             if (bookmarks_icon.icon_name != "starred-symbolic")
@@ -429,7 +429,7 @@ private class Bookmarks : MenuButton
         if (bookmarked == bookmarked_switch.active)
-        bookmarked_switch.set_detailed_action_name ("browser.empty(('',byte 255))");
+        bookmarked_switch.set_detailed_action_name ("browser.empty((byte 255,''))");
         bookmarked_switch.active = bookmarked;
diff --git a/editor/browser-headerbar.vala b/editor/browser-headerbar.vala
index 7390700..681f3ed 100644
--- a/editor/browser-headerbar.vala
+++ b/editor/browser-headerbar.vala
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ using Gtk;
 private abstract class BrowserHeaderBar : BaseHeaderBar, AdaptativeWidget
-    protected PathWidget path_widget;
+    private PathWidget path_widget;
@@ -28,20 +28,26 @@ private abstract class BrowserHeaderBar : BaseHeaderBar, AdaptativeWidget
         register_properties_mode ();
-    private ViewType current_type = ViewType.FOLDER;
+    private bool current_type_is_config = false;
     internal virtual void set_path (ViewType type, string path)
         path_widget.set_path (type, path);
-        current_type = type;
-        update_properties_view ();  // takes care of the hamburger menu
+        if (current_type_is_config != (type == ViewType.CONFIG))
+        {
+            current_type_is_config = !current_type_is_config;
+            update_properties_view ();
+        }
     private bool is_extra_thin = false;
     protected override void set_window_size (AdaptativeWidget.WindowSize new_size)
-        is_extra_thin = AdaptativeWidget.WindowSize.is_extra_thin (new_size);
-        update_properties_view ();
+        if (is_extra_thin != AdaptativeWidget.WindowSize.is_extra_thin (new_size))
+        {
+            is_extra_thin = !is_extra_thin;
+            update_properties_view ();
+        }
         base.set_window_size (new_size);
@@ -148,13 +154,8 @@ private abstract class BrowserHeaderBar : BaseHeaderBar, AdaptativeWidget
     private void update_properties_view ()
-        if (is_extra_thin)
-        {
-            if (current_type == ViewType.CONFIG)
-                show_properties_view ();
-            else
-                hide_properties_view ();
-        }
+        if (is_extra_thin && current_type_is_config)
+            show_properties_view ();
             hide_properties_view ();
@@ -170,7 +171,6 @@ private abstract class BrowserHeaderBar : BaseHeaderBar, AdaptativeWidget
         if (properties_mode_on)
             change_mode (default_mode_id);
-        update_hamburger_menu ();
     private void register_properties_mode ()
@@ -186,17 +186,13 @@ private abstract class BrowserHeaderBar : BaseHeaderBar, AdaptativeWidget
         if (is_not_requested_mode (real_this.properties_mode_id, requested_mode_id, ref 
-        real_this.set_default_widgets_states (/* show go_back_button      */ true,
-                                              /* show ltr_left_separator  */ false,
-                                              /* title_label text or null */
-                                              /* Translators: on really small windows, name of the view when 
showing a folder properties, displayed in the headerbar */
-                                                                             _("Properties"),
-                                              /* show info_button         */ false,
-                                              /* show ltr_right_separator */ false,
-                                              /* show quit_button_stack   */ true);
+        /* Translators: on really small windows, name of the view when showing a folder properties, 
displayed in the headerbar */
+        real_this.set_default_widgets_states (_("Properties"),  /* title_label text or null */
+                                              true,             /* show go_back_button      */
+                                              false,            /* show ltr_left_separator  */
+                                              false,            /* show info_button         */
+                                              false,            /* show ltr_right_separator */
+                                              true);            /* show quit_button_stack   */
@@ -225,10 +221,6 @@ private abstract class BrowserHeaderBar : BaseHeaderBar, AdaptativeWidget
     internal override bool has_popover ()
-        if (base.has_popover ())
-            return true;
-        if (path_widget.has_popover ())
-            return true;
-        return false;
+        return base.has_popover () || path_widget.has_popover ();
diff --git a/editor/dconf-headerbar.vala b/editor/dconf-headerbar.vala
index 0c1968b..e0dfaa9 100644
--- a/editor/dconf-headerbar.vala
+++ b/editor/dconf-headerbar.vala
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
 using Gtk;
-private class DConfHeaderBar : BrowserHeaderBar, AdaptativeWidget
+private class DConfHeaderBar : BookmarksHeaderBar, AdaptativeWidget
     private bool _delay_mode = false;
     [CCode (notify = false)] internal bool delay_mode
@@ -35,20 +35,12 @@ private class DConfHeaderBar : BrowserHeaderBar, AdaptativeWidget
-        install_action_entries ();
-        add_bookmarks_revealer              (out bookmarks_revealer,
-                                             out bookmarks_button,              ref center_box);
-        connect_bookmarks_signals ();
-        add_bookmarks_controller            (out bookmarks_controller,          ref this);
         add_show_modifications_button       (out show_modifications_button,     ref quit_button_stack);
         add_modification_actions_button     (out modification_actions_button,   ref quit_button_stack);
         add_modifications_actions_button    (out modifications_actions_button,  ref this);
         construct_changes_pending_menu      (out changes_pending_menu);
         construct_quit_delayed_mode_menu    (out quit_delayed_mode_menu);
-        register_bookmarks_modes ();
         register_modifications_mode ();
@@ -60,168 +52,11 @@ private class DConfHeaderBar : BrowserHeaderBar, AdaptativeWidget
     protected override void set_window_size (AdaptativeWidget.WindowSize new_size)
-        bool _disable_popovers = disable_popovers;
         base.set_window_size (new_size);
-        if (disable_popovers != _disable_popovers)
-            update_bookmarks_button_visibility ();
         update_modifications_button ();
-    private void update_bookmarks_button_visibility ()
-    {
-        if (disable_popovers || modifications_mode_on)
-            hide_bookmarks_button (in_window_properties, ref bookmarks_revealer, ref bookmarks_button);
-        else
-            show_bookmarks_button (ref bookmarks_revealer, ref bookmarks_button);
-    }
-    private static inline void hide_bookmarks_button (bool no_transition, ref Revealer bookmarks_revealer, 
ref Bookmarks bookmarks_button)
-    {
-        bookmarks_button.active = false;
-        bookmarks_button.sensitive = false;
-        if (no_transition)
-            bookmarks_revealer.set_transition_duration (0);
-        bookmarks_revealer.set_reveal_child (false);
-        if (no_transition)
-            bookmarks_revealer.set_transition_duration (300);
-    }
-    private static inline void show_bookmarks_button (ref Revealer bookmarks_revealer, ref Bookmarks 
-    {
-        bookmarks_button.sensitive = true;
-        bookmarks_revealer.set_reveal_child (true);
-    }
-    /*\
-    * * bookmarks widget
-    \*/
-    private Revealer            bookmarks_revealer;
-    private Bookmarks           bookmarks_button;
-    private BookmarksController bookmarks_controller;
-    private static void add_bookmarks_revealer (out Revealer bookmarks_revealer, out Bookmarks 
bookmarks_button, ref Box center_box)
-    {
-        bookmarks_revealer = new Revealer ();
-        bookmarks_revealer.transition_type = RevealerTransitionType.SLIDE_LEFT;
-        bookmarks_revealer.reveal_child = true;
-        bookmarks_revealer.get_style_context ().add_class ("headerbar-revealer");
-        bookmarks_button = new Bookmarks ("/ca/desrt/dconf-editor/");
-        bookmarks_button.valign = Align.CENTER;
-        bookmarks_button.focus_on_click = false;
-        bookmarks_button.get_style_context ().add_class ("image-button");   // TODO check 
-        bookmarks_button.visible = true;
-        bookmarks_revealer.add (bookmarks_button);
-        bookmarks_revealer.visible = true;
-        center_box.pack_end (bookmarks_revealer);
-    }
-    private static void add_bookmarks_controller (out BookmarksController bookmarks_controller, ref unowned 
DConfHeaderBar _this)
-    {
-        bookmarks_controller = new BookmarksController ("bmk", false);
-        bookmarks_controller.hexpand = true;
-        bookmarks_controller.visible = false;
-        _this.pack_start (bookmarks_controller);
-    }
-    internal signal void update_bookmarks_icons (Variant bookmarks_variant);
-    private inline void connect_bookmarks_signals ()
-    {
-        bookmarks_button.update_bookmarks_icons.connect (update_bookmarks_icons_cb);
-    }
-    private void update_bookmarks_icons_cb (Variant bookmarks_variant)
-    {
-        update_bookmarks_icons (bookmarks_variant);
-    }
-    /*\
-    * * use-bookmarks mode
-    \*/
-    private uint8 use_bookmarks_mode_id = 0;
-    private bool use_bookmarks_mode_on = false;
-    internal void show_use_bookmarks_view ()
-        requires (use_bookmarks_mode_id > 0)
-    {
-        change_mode (use_bookmarks_mode_id);
-    }
-    private void register_bookmarks_modes ()
-    {
-        use_bookmarks_mode_id = register_new_mode ();
-        edit_bookmarks_mode_id = register_new_mode ();
-        this.change_mode.connect (mode_changed_bookmarks);
-    }
-    private static void mode_changed_bookmarks (BaseHeaderBar _this, uint8 requested_mode_id)
-    {
-        DConfHeaderBar real_this = (DConfHeaderBar) _this;
-        mode_changed_use_bookmarks (real_this, requested_mode_id);
-        mode_changed_edit_bookmarks (real_this, requested_mode_id);
-    }
-    private static void mode_changed_use_bookmarks (DConfHeaderBar _this, uint8 requested_mode_id)
-        requires (_this.use_bookmarks_mode_id > 0)
-    {
-        if (is_not_requested_mode (_this.use_bookmarks_mode_id, requested_mode_id, ref 
-        {
-            _this.update_hamburger_menu ();   // should not be useful, but <Ctrl>c-ing a bookmarks calls 
somehow a menu update  1/2
-            return;
-        }
-        _this.set_default_widgets_states (/* show go_back_button      */ true,
-                                          /* show ltr_left_separator  */ false,
-                                          /* title_label text or null */
-                                          /* Translators: on really small windows, the bookmarks popover is 
replaced by an in-window view; here is the name of the view, displayed in the headerbar */
-                                                                         _("Bookmarks"),
-                                          /* show info_button         */ false,
-                                          /* show ltr_right_separator */ false,
-                                          /* show quit_button_stack   */ true);
-    }
-    /*\
-    * * edit-bookmarks mode
-    \*/
-    private uint8 edit_bookmarks_mode_id = 0;
-    private bool edit_bookmarks_mode_on = false;
-    internal void show_edit_bookmarks_view ()
-        requires (edit_bookmarks_mode_id > 0)
-    {
-        change_mode (edit_bookmarks_mode_id);
-    }
-    private static void mode_changed_edit_bookmarks (DConfHeaderBar _this, uint8 requested_mode_id)
-        requires (_this.edit_bookmarks_mode_id > 0)
-    {
-        if (is_not_requested_mode (_this.edit_bookmarks_mode_id, requested_mode_id, ref 
-        {
-            _this.bookmarks_controller.hide ();
-            _this.update_hamburger_menu ();   // should not be useful, but <Ctrl>c-ing a bookmarks calls 
somehow a menu update  2/2
-            return;
-        }
-        _this.set_default_widgets_states (/* show go_back_button      */ true,
-                                          /* show ltr_left_separator  */ true,
-                                          /* title_label text or null */ null,
-                                          /* show info_button         */ false,
-                                          /* show ltr_right_separator */ false,
-                                          /* show quit_button_stack   */ true);
-        _this.bookmarks_controller.show ();
-    }
     * * modifications buttons and actions
@@ -314,51 +149,21 @@ private class DConfHeaderBar : BrowserHeaderBar, AdaptativeWidget
-    /*\
-    * * bookmarks_button proxy calls
-    \*/
-    internal string [] get_bookmarks ()     { return bookmarks_button.get_bookmarks (); }
-    internal void update_bookmark_icon (string bookmark, BookmarkIcon icon) { 
bookmarks_button.update_bookmark_icon (bookmark, icon); }
     * * should move back
-    private ViewType current_type = ViewType.FOLDER;
+    private bool is_folder_view = true;
     private string current_path = "/";
     internal override void set_path (ViewType type, string path)
-        current_type = type;
+        is_folder_view = type == ViewType.FOLDER;
         current_path = path;
-        bookmarks_button.set_path (type, path);
         base.set_path (type, path);
-    internal void click_bookmarks_button ()
-    {
-        hide_hamburger_menu ();
-        if (bookmarks_button.sensitive)
-            bookmarks_button.clicked ();
-    }
-    internal void bookmark_current_path ()
-    {
-        hide_hamburger_menu ();
-        bookmarks_button.bookmark_current_path ();
-        update_hamburger_menu ();
-    }
-    internal void unbookmark_current_path ()
-    {
-        hide_hamburger_menu ();
-        bookmarks_button.unbookmark_current_path ();
-        update_hamburger_menu ();
-    }
     * * hamburger menu
@@ -373,36 +178,9 @@ private class DConfHeaderBar : BrowserHeaderBar, AdaptativeWidget
     protected override void populate_menu (ref GLib.Menu menu)
-        bool bookmarks_mode_on = use_bookmarks_mode_on || edit_bookmarks_mode_on;
+        base.populate_menu (ref menu);
-        if (disable_popovers)
-            append_bookmark_section (current_type, current_path, BookmarksList.get_bookmark_name 
(current_path, current_type) in get_bookmarks (), bookmarks_mode_on, ref menu);
-        if (!bookmarks_mode_on)
-            append_or_not_delay_mode_section (delay_mode, current_type == ViewType.FOLDER, current_path, ref 
-    }
-    private static void append_bookmark_section (ViewType current_type, string current_path, bool 
is_in_bookmarks, bool bookmarks_mode_on, ref GLib.Menu menu)
-    {
-        GLib.Menu section = new GLib.Menu ();
-        if (bookmarks_mode_on)
-            /* Translators: hamburger menu entry on small windows (not used in current design) */
-            section.append (_("Hide bookmarks"), "ui.empty");
-        else
-        {
-            if (is_in_bookmarks)
-                /* Translators: hamburger menu entry on small windows, to unbookmark the currently browsed 
path */
-                section.append (_("Unbookmark"), "headerbar.unbookmark-current");
-            else
-                /* Translators: hamburger menu entry on small windows, to bookmark the currently browsed 
path */
-                section.append (_("Bookmark"), "headerbar.bookmark-current");
-            /* Translators: hamburger menu entry on small windows, to show the bookmarks list */
-            section.append (_("Show bookmarks"), "ui.show-in-window-bookmarks");
-        }
-        section.freeze ();
-        menu.append_section (null, section);
+        append_or_not_delay_mode_section (delay_mode, is_folder_view, current_path, ref menu);
     private static void append_or_not_delay_mode_section (bool delay_mode, bool is_folder_view, string 
current_path, ref GLib.Menu menu)
@@ -427,6 +205,7 @@ private class DConfHeaderBar : BrowserHeaderBar, AdaptativeWidget
         section.freeze ();
         menu.append_section (null, section);
     * * in-window modifications
@@ -453,26 +232,18 @@ private class DConfHeaderBar : BrowserHeaderBar, AdaptativeWidget
         if (is_not_requested_mode (real_this.modifications_mode_id, requested_mode_id, ref 
             real_this.modifications_actions_button.hide ();
-            real_this.bookmarks_revealer.show ();
-            real_this.update_bookmarks_button_visibility ();
             // if (path_widget.search_mode_enabled)
             //    path_widget.entry_grab_focus_without_selecting ();
-        real_this.set_default_widgets_states (/* show go_back_button      */ true,
-                                              /* show ltr_left_separator  */ false,
-                                              /* title_label text or null */
-                                            /* Translators: on really small windows, the bottom bar that 
appears in "delay mode" or when there're pending changes is replaced by an in-window view; here is the name 
of the view, displayed in the headerbar */
-                                                                             _("Pending"),
-                                              /* show info_button         */ false,
-                                              /* show ltr_right_separator */ false,
-                                              /* show quit_button_stack   */ false);
-        if (real_this.disable_action_bar && !real_this.disable_popovers)
-        {
-            real_this.bookmarks_button.sensitive = false;
-            real_this.bookmarks_revealer.hide ();
-        }
+        /* Translators: on really small windows, the bottom bar that appears in "delay mode" or when 
there're pending changes is replaced by an in-window view; here is the name of the view, displayed in the 
headerbar */
+        real_this.set_default_widgets_states (_("Pending"), /* title_label text or null */
+                                              true,         /* show go_back_button      */
+                                              false,        /* show ltr_left_separator  */
+                                              false,        /* show info_button         */
+                                              false,        /* show ltr_right_separator */
+                                              false);       /* show quit_button_stack   */
         real_this.modifications_actions_button.show ();
@@ -496,76 +267,4 @@ private class DConfHeaderBar : BrowserHeaderBar, AdaptativeWidget
                 quit_button_stack.set_visible_child_name ("quit-button");
-    /*\
-    * * action entries
-    \*/
-    private void install_action_entries ()
-    {
-        SimpleActionGroup action_group = new SimpleActionGroup ();
-        action_group.add_action_entries (action_entries, this);
-        insert_action_group ("headerbar", action_group);
-    }
-    private const GLib.ActionEntry [] action_entries =
-    {
-        {   "bookmark-current",   bookmark_current },
-        { "unbookmark-current", unbookmark_current }
-    };
-    private void bookmark_current (/* SimpleAction action, Variant? variant */)
-    {
-        bookmark_current_path ();
-    }
-    private void unbookmark_current (/* SimpleAction action, Variant? variant */)
-    {
-        unbookmark_current_path ();
-    }
-    /*\
-    * * keyboard calls
-    \*/
-    internal override bool next_match ()
-    {
-        if (bookmarks_button.active)
-            return bookmarks_button.next_match ();
-        return base.next_match ();      // false
-    }
-    internal override bool previous_match ()
-    {
-        if (bookmarks_button.active)
-            return bookmarks_button.previous_match ();
-        return base.previous_match ();  // false
-    }
-    internal bool handle_copy_text (out string copy_text)
-    {
-        if (bookmarks_button.active)
-            return bookmarks_button.handle_copy_text (out copy_text);
-        return BaseWindow.no_copy_text (out copy_text);
-    }
-    /*\
-    * * popovers methods
-    \*/
-    internal override void close_popovers ()
-    {
-        base.close_popovers ();
-        if (bookmarks_button.active)
-            bookmarks_button.active = false;
-    }
-    internal override bool has_popover ()
-    {
-        if (base.has_popover ())
-            return true;
-        if (bookmarks_button.active)
-            return true;
-        return false;
-    }
diff --git a/editor/meson.build b/editor/meson.build
index a47164a..c64b1e2 100644
--- a/editor/meson.build
+++ b/editor/meson.build
@@ -74,6 +74,7 @@ sources = files(
+  'bookmarks-headerbar.vala',

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