[gnome-builder] (139 commits) ...Merge branch 'wip/chergert/refactor'

Summary of changes:

  66f5a85... asan: remove ASAN suppression file
  e76d91a... appdata: move appdata files to subdirectory
  265c9ba... build: move subdir() references
  8f00d34... snippets: move snippets into plugin subdirectory
  ac963a6... themes: move themes into library subdirectory
  e667e90... style-scheme: add updated style schemes for style refresh
  11b9d1d... build: use -Dhelp=true to enable help docs
  da47795... build: bump flatpak requirement to 1.0
  fa154db... build: bump meson version requirement to 0.48
  d7eb69a... build: rename -Dwith_tcmalloc to -Dtcmalloc=true
  aebb7a9... build: update info about build options
  0454abd... build: update options for tracing/profiling
  c1cbec5... build: use major.minor for ABI version
  64915ad... build: specify visibility args in default flags
  4f2190b... build: cleanup dependency checks and enforcements
  339f7d4... bug-buddy: set noreturn gcc attribute
  562b2b3... gstyle: register resources manually
  8d5388a... gstyle: build a static archive for gstyle
  578c9a0... build: add gconstructor.h
  75e3a19... build: move libeditorconfig to plugin location
  0ab099c... build: update and remove various meson options
  bfc1d06... refactor: move application code into libide-gui
  cbfd6cf... buffers: move IdeBuffer and accessories into libide-code
  b5d86ab... buildconfig: move .buildconfig support to plugin
  f7ac614... buildsystem: move components to libide-foundry and libide-t
  b6bb691... buildui: move and refactor buildui into plugins
  ebf3673... code: add new libide-code static library
  a9b1240... core: add new libide-core library
  251ebf5... libide-io: add libide-io static library
  d73fb62... libide-debugger: create new libide-debugger static library
  26ee09e... remove old highligting code
  7f33e22... libide-lsp: break language server code into static library
  a2947aa... remove old logging code
  72f645e... build: setup toplevel directory for libide static libs
  3f1034e... libide-sourceview: add libide-sourceview static library
  98f1f92... keybindings: break up keybindings into plugins
  884baf7... libide-threading: add new threading static library
  b758655... fusermount: port to libide-threading
  81b0a93... libide-foundry: move existing components into libide-foundr
  6c92f51... libide-projects: add libide-projects static library
  897ddd5... libide-tree: add new libide-tree static library
  2535d1b... transfers: remove legacy transfers code
  681a860... remove gconstructor.h
  8957927... editorconfig: move editorconfig code to a plugin
  387cf0d... libide-gui: add new libide-gui static library
  8d41d9a... libide-vcs: add libide-vcs static library
  fb47eb9... libide-greeter: add new libide-greeter static library
  3ead35a... modelines: move modelines support to a plugin
  931fa2e... libide-editor: add libide-editor static library
  646a8b2... remove old template code
  38b9374... libide-search: add libide-search static library
  267ef54... libide-themes: add libide-themes static library
  4817db6... libide-plugins: add libide-plugins static library
  5554d8f... libide-terminal: add libide-terminal static library
  20d0a66... util: remove legacy utility code
  6f9a0ab... webkit: add libide-webkit static library
  51bde5b... auto-save: add auto-save plugin
  4d75da5... autotools: port autotools plugin to libide-foundry
  335c4e2... beautifier: port to libide-editor
  5139777... buffer-monitor: add buffer-monitor plugin
  ad6b156... build-system: add build-system plugin
  fade53b... c-pack: port to libide-editor
  aa2a1fe... cargo: port to libide-foundry
  6028b15... clang: port to libide-foundry and libide-code
  a0f1572... cmake: port to libide-foundry
  2b3e637... code-index: port to libide-foundry and libide-code
  5423911... codeui: add codeui plugin
  e99b7c1... color-picker: port to libide-editor
  c42c8ec... command-bar: port command bar to libide-editor
  62b52a6... comment-code: port to libide-editor
  4d3a583... create-project: port to libide-greeter
  d48afaa... ctags: port to new libide-core
  55a74ad... devhelp: port to new libide-editor
  0b53325... deviced: port to libide-foundry
  36ebe87... deviceui: add deviceui plugin
  9380f1f... doap: add doap plugin
  d285486... eslint: port to libide-code and libide-foundry
  dd1b343... file-search: port to libide-search
  d5f7733... find-other-file: port to libide-editor
  63e20e6... build: use -Dplugin_deviced=true in manifest
  9adbe36... flatpak: port to new libide designs
  78c82b8... gcc: port to libide-foundry
  357aff9... gdb: port to libide-debugger
  4d1b6b4... gettext: port to libide-code
  2ebce21... git: port to new libide designs
  a72f6e7... gjs-symbols: port to libide-code
  d6fcf14... glade: port to libide-editor
  e8ce634... plugins: remove init/link hooks
  d58e312... gnome-code-assistance: port to new libide-code
  c7f85da... go-langserv: port to libide-code
  fe06907... gradle: port to libide-foundry
  d6185b1... grep: port to libide-code and libide-editor
  9dac7be... history: port to libide-editor
  78ea5a0... html-completion: port to libide-sourceview
  eafac17... html-preview: port to libide-webkit and libide-editor
  13c7922... jedi: port to libide-gui worker design
  c720137... jhbuild: port to libide-foundry
  002cfe5... ls: port to libide-editor
  068a89e... make: port to libide-foundry
  f5451f9... maven: port to libide-foundry
  8ba9df7... meson-templates: port to libide-greeter
  bfbc573... meson: port to libide-foundry
  ae7eff9... messages: port messages panel to libide-editor
  25cfe21... mono: port to libide-foundry
  691275e... newcomers: port to libide-greeter
  a1de0d1... notification: port to IdeNotification
  e8b6526... npm: port to libide-foundry
  e720633... omni-gutter: add omni-gutter plugin
  7664dfb... phpize: port to libide-foundry
  5be8533... build: update plugins build rules
  91845ac... project-tree: rewrite project tree using libide-tree
  5633cb3... python-gi-imports: port to updated libide
  45185d7... python-pack: port to updated libide-code
  3e01246... qemu: port to libide-foundry
  e592208... quick-highlight: port to libide-sourceview
  07d3658... recent: add recent tracking plugin
  046a74e... restore-cursor: add restore-cursor plugin
  7936f83... retab: port to libide-editor
  dd6bb4c... rls: rename rust-langserv to rls and port to libide-lsp
  be81690... rustup: port to libide-gui
  65d9d23... snippets: port plugin to libide-sourceview and friends
  109168f... spellcheck: port plugin to libide-editor and libide-gui
  48b13e2... support: port to libide-gui
  b8f252a... symbol-tree: port to libide-editor and libide-gui
  57dd778... sysprof: port to libide-gui
  294a19c... sysroot: port to libide-foundry
  04e7431... terminal: port plugin to libide-terminal
  c99b430... testui: add new testui plugin
  b6ec41d... todo: port to libide-gui and libide-editor
  cde93af... trim-spaces: add trim-spaces plugin
  fa835df... vala-pack: port to libide-foundry
  0125a87... valgrind: port to libide-foundry
  5dd2ed2... words: port to libide-sourceview
  28159bc... xml-pack: port to libide-code
  af51067... tests: cleanup tests and remove dead code
  75c9d1f... build: update doc generation
  8d07c7e... build: update build options for new plugins
  4660f02... po: update POTFILES.in
  26a3890... Merge branch 'wip/chergert/refactor'

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