[devhelp/wip/jimmac/app-icon-redesign] icon: update app icon

commit 619cbc63b59f4396f1da2a547afba43ca03ced94
Author: Jakub Steiner <jimmac gmail com>
Date:   Wed Jan 9 14:28:35 2019 +0100

    icon: update app icon
    - GNOME 3.32 redesign of app icons.
      See https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/Initiatives/issues/2
      for more info.
    /label ~"9. Initiative: AppIconRedesign"

 data/icons/16x16/org.gnome.Devhelp.png             |  Bin 842 -> 0 bytes
 data/icons/16x16/org.gnome.Devhelp.svg             |  185 --
 data/icons/22x22/org.gnome.Devhelp.png             |  Bin 1118 -> 0 bytes
 data/icons/22x22/org.gnome.Devhelp.svg             |  224 --
 data/icons/24x24/org.gnome.Devhelp.png             |  Bin 1029 -> 0 bytes
 data/icons/256x256/org.gnome.Devhelp.png           |  Bin 12958 -> 0 bytes
 data/icons/32x32/org.gnome.Devhelp.png             |  Bin 1525 -> 0 bytes
 data/icons/32x32/org.gnome.Devhelp.svg             |  383 ---
 data/icons/48x48/org.gnome.Devhelp.png             |  Bin 2171 -> 0 bytes
 data/icons/meson.build                             |   28 +-
 data/icons/org.gnome.Devhelp.svg                   | 2447 --------------------
 data/icons/scalable/org.gnome.Devhelp.svg          |  164 ++
 data/icons/symbolic/org.gnome.Devhelp-symbolic.svg |  100 +-
 13 files changed, 258 insertions(+), 3273 deletions(-)
diff --git a/data/icons/meson.build b/data/icons/meson.build
index 90d520f9..2d009920 100644
--- a/data/icons/meson.build
+++ b/data/icons/meson.build
@@ -1,24 +1,12 @@
-icon_sizes = [
-        '16x16',
-        '22x22',
-        '24x24',
-        '32x32',
-        '48x48',
-        '256x256'
-foreach icon_size : icon_sizes
-        install_data(
-                join_paths(icon_size, 'org.gnome.Devhelp.png'),
-                install_dir : join_paths(
-                        get_option('prefix'),
-                        get_option('datadir'),
-                        'icons/hicolor',
-                        icon_size,
-                        'apps'
-                )
+        'scalable/org.gnome.Devhelp.svg',
+        install_dir : join_paths(
+                get_option('prefix'),
+                get_option('datadir'),
+                'icons/hicolor/scalable/apps'
diff --git a/data/icons/scalable/org.gnome.Devhelp.svg b/data/icons/scalable/org.gnome.Devhelp.svg
new file mode 100644
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@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
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diff --git a/data/icons/symbolic/org.gnome.Devhelp-symbolic.svg 
index 5981d7cf..c579e8fc 100644
--- a/data/icons/symbolic/org.gnome.Devhelp-symbolic.svg
+++ b/data/icons/symbolic/org.gnome.Devhelp-symbolic.svg
@@ -1,25 +1,97 @@
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