[librsvg] text: move text drawing into text.rs

commit c9f89c9ce04252c0c3a24cbcec788d5ba585971c
Author: Paolo Borelli <pborelli gnome org>
Date:   Mon Dec 31 16:00:20 2018 +0100

    text: move text drawing into text.rs

 rsvg_internals/src/drawing_ctx.rs | 146 +---------------------------------
 rsvg_internals/src/text.rs        | 160 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----
 2 files changed, 145 insertions(+), 161 deletions(-)
diff --git a/rsvg_internals/src/drawing_ctx.rs b/rsvg_internals/src/drawing_ctx.rs
index 21fe5315..515df453 100644
--- a/rsvg_internals/src/drawing_ctx.rs
+++ b/rsvg_internals/src/drawing_ctx.rs
@@ -2,8 +2,7 @@ use cairo;
 use cairo::MatrixTrait;
 use cairo_sys;
 use glib::translate::*;
-use pango::{self, ContextExt, FontMapExt, LayoutExt};
-use pango_sys;
+use pango::{self, FontMapExt};
 use pangocairo;
 use std::cell::RefCell;
 use std::rc::{Rc, Weak};
@@ -15,7 +14,6 @@ use defs::Fragment;
 use dpi::Dpi;
 use error::RenderingError;
 use filters;
-use float_eq_cairo::ApproxEqCairo;
 use gradient::NodeGradient;
 use handle::{self, RsvgHandle};
 use length::Dasharray;
@@ -634,104 +632,7 @@ impl DrawingCtx {
-    pub fn draw_pango_layout(
-        &mut self,
-        layout: &pango::Layout,
-        values: &ComputedValues,
-        x: f64,
-        y: f64,
-        clipping: bool,
-    ) -> Result<(), RenderingError> {
-        let (ink, _) = layout.get_extents();
-        if ink.width == 0 || ink.height == 0 {
-            return Ok(());
-        }
-        let cr = self.get_cairo_context();
-        cr.save();
-        self.set_affine_on_cr(&cr);
-        let affine = cr.get_matrix();
-        let gravity = layout.get_context().unwrap().get_gravity();
-        let bbox = compute_text_bbox(&ink, x, y, &affine, gravity);
-        if !clipping {
-            self.insert_bbox(&bbox);
-        }
-        cr.set_antialias(cairo::Antialias::from(values.text_rendering));
-        self.setup_cr_for_stroke(&cr, values);
-        let rotation = unsafe { pango_sys::pango_gravity_to_rotation(gravity.to_glib()) };
-        cr.move_to(x, y);
-        if !rotation.approx_eq_cairo(&0.0) {
-            cr.rotate(-rotation);
-        }
-        let current_color = &values.color.0;
-        let fill_opacity = &values.fill_opacity.0;
-        let res = if !clipping {
-            self.set_source_paint_server(&values.fill.0, fill_opacity, &bbox, current_color)
-                .and_then(|had_paint_server| {
-                    if had_paint_server {
-                        pangocairo::functions::update_layout(&cr, layout);
-                        pangocairo::functions::show_layout(&cr, layout);
-                    };
-                    Ok(())
-                })
-        } else {
-            Ok(())
-        };
-        if res.is_ok() {
-            let stroke_opacity = &values.stroke_opacity.0;
-            let mut need_layout_path = clipping;
-            let res = if !clipping {
-                self.set_source_paint_server(
-                    &values.stroke.0,
-                    stroke_opacity,
-                    &bbox,
-                    &current_color,
-                )
-                .and_then(|had_paint_server| {
-                    if had_paint_server {
-                        need_layout_path = true;
-                    }
-                    Ok(())
-                })
-            } else {
-                Ok(())
-            };
-            if res.is_ok() {
-                if need_layout_path {
-                    pangocairo::functions::update_layout(&cr, layout);
-                    pangocairo::functions::layout_path(&cr, layout);
-                    if !clipping {
-                        let ib = BoundingBox::new(&affine).with_ink_extents(cr.stroke_extents());
-                        cr.stroke();
-                        self.insert_bbox(&ib);
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        cr.restore();
-        res
-    }
-    fn setup_cr_for_stroke(&self, cr: &cairo::Context, values: &ComputedValues) {
+    pub fn setup_cr_for_stroke(&self, cr: &cairo::Context, values: &ComputedValues) {
         let params = self.get_view_params();
         cr.set_line_width(values.stroke_width.0.normalize(values, &params));
@@ -925,49 +826,6 @@ impl DrawingCtx {
-// FIXME: should the pango crate provide this like PANGO_GRAVITY_IS_VERTICAL() ?
-fn gravity_is_vertical(gravity: pango::Gravity) -> bool {
-    match gravity {
-        pango::Gravity::East | pango::Gravity::West => true,
-        _ => false,
-    }
-fn compute_text_bbox(
-    ink: &pango::Rectangle,
-    x: f64,
-    y: f64,
-    affine: &cairo::Matrix,
-    gravity: pango::Gravity,
-) -> BoundingBox {
-    let pango_scale = f64::from(pango::SCALE);
-    let ink_x = f64::from(ink.x);
-    let ink_y = f64::from(ink.y);
-    let ink_width = f64::from(ink.width);
-    let ink_height = f64::from(ink.height);
-    let rect = if gravity_is_vertical(gravity) {
-        cairo::Rectangle {
-            x: x + (ink_x - ink_height) / pango_scale,
-            y: y + ink_y / pango_scale,
-            width: ink_height / pango_scale,
-            height: ink_width / pango_scale,
-        }
-    } else {
-        cairo::Rectangle {
-            x: x + ink_x / pango_scale,
-            y: y + ink_y / pango_scale,
-            width: ink_width / pango_scale,
-            height: ink_height / pango_scale,
-        }
-    };
-    BoundingBox::new(affine)
-        .with_rect(Some(rect))
-        .with_ink_rect(Some(rect))
 fn compute_stroke_and_fill_box(cr: &cairo::Context, values: &ComputedValues) -> BoundingBox {
     let affine = cr.get_matrix();
diff --git a/rsvg_internals/src/text.rs b/rsvg_internals/src/text.rs
index b0360f66..ad62e05d 100644
--- a/rsvg_internals/src/text.rs
+++ b/rsvg_internals/src/text.rs
@@ -1,10 +1,14 @@
+use glib::translate::*;
 use pango::{self, ContextExt, LayoutExt};
+use pango_sys;
 use std::cell::{Cell, RefCell};
 use attributes::Attribute;
+use bbox::BoundingBox;
 use defs::Fragment;
 use drawing_ctx::DrawingCtx;
 use error::{AttributeResultExt, RenderingError};
+use float_eq_cairo::ApproxEqCairo;
 use font_props::FontWeightSpec;
 use handle::RsvgHandle;
 use length::*;
@@ -13,16 +17,8 @@ use parsers::ParseValue;
 use property_bag::PropertyBag;
 use space::{xml_space_normalize, NormalizeDefault, XmlSpaceNormalize};
 use state::{
-    ComputedValues,
-    Direction,
-    FontStretch,
-    FontStyle,
-    FontVariant,
-    TextAnchor,
-    UnicodeBidi,
-    WritingMode,
-    XmlLang,
-    XmlSpace,
+    ComputedValues, Direction, FontStretch, FontStyle, FontVariant, TextAnchor, UnicodeBidi,
+    WritingMode, XmlLang, XmlSpace,
 /// An absolutely-positioned array of `Span`s
@@ -258,13 +254,143 @@ impl PositionedSpan {
     fn draw(&self, draw_ctx: &mut DrawingCtx, clipping: bool) -> Result<(), RenderingError> {
-        draw_ctx.draw_pango_layout(
-            &self.layout,
-            &self.values,
-            self.rendered_position.0,
-            self.rendered_position.1,
-            clipping,
-        )
+        let cr = draw_ctx.get_cairo_context();
+        cr.save();
+        draw_ctx.set_affine_on_cr(&cr);
+        let affine = cr.get_matrix();
+        let gravity = self.layout.get_context().unwrap().get_gravity();
+        let bbox = self.compute_text_bbox(&affine, gravity);
+        if bbox.is_none() {
+            cr.restore();
+            return Ok(());
+        }
+        let bbox = bbox.unwrap();
+        if !clipping {
+            draw_ctx.insert_bbox(&bbox);
+        }
+        cr.set_antialias(cairo::Antialias::from(self.values.text_rendering));
+        draw_ctx.setup_cr_for_stroke(&cr, &self.values);
+        cr.move_to(self.rendered_position.0, self.rendered_position.1);
+        let rotation = unsafe { pango_sys::pango_gravity_to_rotation(gravity.to_glib()) };
+        if !rotation.approx_eq_cairo(&0.0) {
+            cr.rotate(-rotation);
+        }
+        let current_color = &self.values.color.0;
+        let fill_opacity = &self.values.fill_opacity.0;
+        let res = if !clipping {
+            draw_ctx
+                .set_source_paint_server(&self.values.fill.0, fill_opacity, &bbox, current_color)
+                .and_then(|had_paint_server| {
+                    if had_paint_server {
+                        pangocairo::functions::update_layout(&cr, &self.layout);
+                        pangocairo::functions::show_layout(&cr, &self.layout);
+                    };
+                    Ok(())
+                })
+        } else {
+            Ok(())
+        };
+        if res.is_ok() {
+            let stroke_opacity = &self.values.stroke_opacity.0;
+            let mut need_layout_path = clipping;
+            let res = if !clipping {
+                draw_ctx
+                    .set_source_paint_server(
+                        &self.values.stroke.0,
+                        stroke_opacity,
+                        &bbox,
+                        &current_color,
+                    )
+                    .and_then(|had_paint_server| {
+                        if had_paint_server {
+                            need_layout_path = true;
+                        }
+                        Ok(())
+                    })
+            } else {
+                Ok(())
+            };
+            if res.is_ok() {
+                if need_layout_path {
+                    pangocairo::functions::update_layout(&cr, &self.layout);
+                    pangocairo::functions::layout_path(&cr, &self.layout);
+                    if !clipping {
+                        let ib = BoundingBox::new(&affine).with_ink_extents(cr.stroke_extents());
+                        cr.stroke();
+                        draw_ctx.insert_bbox(&ib);
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        cr.restore();
+        res
+    }
+    fn compute_text_bbox(
+        &self,
+        affine: &cairo::Matrix,
+        gravity: pango::Gravity,
+    ) -> Option<BoundingBox> {
+        let (ink, _) = self.layout.get_extents();
+        if ink.width == 0 || ink.height == 0 {
+            return None;
+        }
+        let (x, y) = self.rendered_position;
+        let ink_x = f64::from(ink.x);
+        let ink_y = f64::from(ink.y);
+        let ink_width = f64::from(ink.width);
+        let ink_height = f64::from(ink.height);
+        let pango_scale = f64::from(pango::SCALE);
+        let rect = if gravity_is_vertical(gravity) {
+            cairo::Rectangle {
+                x: x + (ink_x - ink_height) / pango_scale,
+                y: y + ink_y / pango_scale,
+                width: ink_height / pango_scale,
+                height: ink_width / pango_scale,
+            }
+        } else {
+            cairo::Rectangle {
+                x: x + ink_x / pango_scale,
+                y: y + ink_y / pango_scale,
+                width: ink_width / pango_scale,
+                height: ink_height / pango_scale,
+            }
+        };
+        let bbox = BoundingBox::new(affine)
+            .with_rect(Some(rect))
+            .with_ink_rect(Some(rect));
+        Some(bbox)
+    }
+// FIXME: should the pango crate provide this like PANGO_GRAVITY_IS_VERTICAL() ?
+fn gravity_is_vertical(gravity: pango::Gravity) -> bool {
+    match gravity {
+        pango::Gravity::East | pango::Gravity::West => true,
+        _ => false,

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