[gnome-internet-radio-locator] Formatting sources

commit f777a77720d32e0f556c9156b6472b98e3189999
Author: Ole Aamot <ole gnome org>
Date:   Sun Feb 3 21:16:47 2019 +0100

    Formatting sources

 src/gnome-internet-radio-locator-gui.c     |  132 ++--
 src/gnome-internet-radio-locator-markers.c |  998 ++++++++++++++-------------
 src/gnome-internet-radio-locator-player.c  | 1017 +++++++++++++---------------
 src/gnome-internet-radio-locator-station.c |    4 +-
 src/gnome-internet-radio-locator.c         |   29 +-
 5 files changed, 1024 insertions(+), 1156 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/gnome-internet-radio-locator-gui.c b/src/gnome-internet-radio-locator-gui.c
index efdcb1b..2b6f5af 100644
--- a/src/gnome-internet-radio-locator-gui.c
+++ b/src/gnome-internet-radio-locator-gui.c
@@ -53,19 +53,13 @@ GNOMEInternetRadioLocatorStationInfo *stationinfo, *localstation;
 GtkWidget *create_stations_selector(char *selected_station_uri,
                                    char *filename)
        GtkWidget *stations_selector;
        GtkWidget *align, *menu, *drop_down, *item;
        gchar *station_uri, *station_name, *station_location, *station_band, *station_description, 
        gchar *label, *world_station_xml_filename, *local_station_xml_file;
        int i = 0, selection = -1;
        GStatBuf stats;
        memset(&stats, 0, sizeof(stats));
        /* The Stations dialog */
        /* stations_selector = gtk_dialog_new_with_buttons("Select a station", */
        /*                                              GTK_WINDOW(gnome_internet_radio_locator_app), */
@@ -81,12 +75,9 @@ GtkWidget *create_stations_selector(char *selected_station_uri,
        /*                (GTK_DIALOG(stations_selector)->vbox), align); */
        /* gtk_container_set_border_width(GTK_CONTAINER(align), 6); */
        /* gtk_widget_show(align); */
        menu = gtk_menu_new();
        /* creating the menu items */
        /* world_station_xml_filename = gnome_program_locate_file(NULL, */
        /*                                                     GNOME_FILE_DOMAIN_APP_DATADIR, */
"gnome-internet-radio-locator/gnome-internet-radio-locator.xml", */
@@ -94,16 +85,13 @@ GtkWidget *create_stations_selector(char *selected_station_uri,
        /*                                                     NULL); */
        /* world_station_xml_filename = 
g_strdup("https://people.gnome.org/~ole/gnome-internet-radio-locator/gnome-internet-radio-locator.xml";); */
        world_station_xml_filename = g_strconcat(GNOME_INTERNET_RADIO_LOCATOR_DATADIR, 
"/gnome-internet-radio-locator.xml", NULL);
        GNOME_INTERNET_RADIO_LOCATOR_DEBUG_MSG("world_station_xml_filename = %s\n",
        if (world_station_xml_filename == NULL) {
                g_warning(_("Failed to open %s\n"),
        local_station_xml_file =
            g_strconcat(g_get_home_dir(), "/.gnome-internet-radio-locator/gnome-internet-radio-locator.xml", 
@@ -112,19 +100,14 @@ GtkWidget *create_stations_selector(char *selected_station_uri,
        } else {
                localstation = NULL;
        if (localstation == NULL) {
                g_warning(_("Failed to open %s\n"), local_station_xml_file);
 /*   g_free (local_station_xml_file); */
        stationinfo =
        gnome_internet_radio_locator_stations = NULL;
        while (stationinfo != NULL) {
                label =
@@ -311,96 +294,85 @@ GtkWidget *create_new_station_selector(gchar *location) {
        g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(completion), "match-selected",
                         G_CALLBACK(on_location_matches), NULL);
        location_model = gtk_list_store_new(2, G_TYPE_STRING, G_TYPE_STRING);
        world_station_xml_filename = g_strconcat(GNOME_INTERNET_RADIO_LOCATOR_DATADIR, 
"/gnome-internet-radio-locator.xml", NULL);
        GNOME_INTERNET_RADIO_LOCATOR_DEBUG_MSG("world_station_xml_filename = %s\n",
        if (world_station_xml_filename == NULL) {
                g_warning((_("Failed to open %s.  Please install it.\n")),
        local_station_xml_file =
            g_strconcat(g_get_home_dir(), "/.gnome_internet_radio_locator/gnome_internet_radio_locator.xml", 
        if (!g_stat(local_station_xml_file, &stats)) {
                localstation = gnome_internet_radio_locator_station_load_from_file(NULL, 
        } else {
                localstation = NULL;
        if (localstation == NULL) {
                g_warning(_("Failed to open %s\n"), local_station_xml_file);
        stationinfo = gnome_internet_radio_locator_station_load_from_file(localstation,
-         gtk_widget_show(nameentry);
-         gtk_widget_show(locationentry);
-         gtk_widget_show(urientry);
-         gtk_widget_show(bandentry);
-         gtk_widget_show(descriptionentry);
-         gtk_widget_show(websiteentry);
-         gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(content_area), nameentry);
-         gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(content_area), bandentry);
-         gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(content_area), locationentry);
-         gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(content_area), urientry);
-         gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(content_area), descriptionentry);
-         gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(content_area), websiteentry);
-         /* g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(station_selector), GTK_RESPONSE_ACCEPT, */
-         /*             G_CALLBACK(on_new_station_selector_changed), */
-         /*             NULL); */
-         g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(station_selector), "station_name",
-                           (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text(GTK_ENTRY(nameentry)));
-         g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(station_selector), "station_band",
-                           (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text(GTK_ENTRY(bandentry)));
-         g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(station_selector), "station_location",
-                           (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text(GTK_ENTRY(locationentry)));
-         g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(station_selector), "station_uri",
-                           (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text(GTK_ENTRY(urientry)));
-         g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(station_selector), "station_description",
-                           (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text(GTK_ENTRY(descriptionentry)));
-         g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(station_selector), "station_website",
-                           (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text(GTK_ENTRY(websiteentry)));
+       gtk_widget_show(nameentry);
+       gtk_widget_show(locationentry);
+       gtk_widget_show(urientry);
+       gtk_widget_show(bandentry);
+       gtk_widget_show(descriptionentry);
+       gtk_widget_show(websiteentry);
+       gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(content_area), nameentry);
+       gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(content_area), bandentry);
+       gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(content_area), locationentry);
+       gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(content_area), urientry);
+       gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(content_area), descriptionentry);
+       gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(content_area), websiteentry);
+       /* g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(station_selector), GTK_RESPONSE_ACCEPT, */
+       /*               G_CALLBACK(on_new_station_selector_changed), */
+       /*               NULL); */
+       g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(station_selector), "station_name",
+                         (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text(GTK_ENTRY(nameentry)));
+       g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(station_selector), "station_band",
+                         (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text(GTK_ENTRY(bandentry)));
+       g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(station_selector), "station_location",
+                         (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text(GTK_ENTRY(locationentry)));
+       g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(station_selector), "station_uri",
+                         (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text(GTK_ENTRY(urientry)));
+       g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(station_selector), "station_description",
+                         (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text(GTK_ENTRY(descriptionentry)));
+       g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(station_selector), "station_website",
+                         (gchar *) gtk_entry_get_text(GTK_ENTRY(websiteentry)));
 #if 0 /* FIXME: Add input fields */
-         g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(station_selector), "station_description",
-                           (gchar *) station_description);
-         g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(station_selector), "station_website",
-                           (gchar *) station_website);
+       g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(station_selector), "station_description",
+                         (gchar *) station_description);
+       g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(station_selector), "station_website",
+                         (gchar *) station_website);
-         // gtk_widget_show(station_selector);
-         // g_free(label);
-         g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(station_selector), "response",
-                          G_CALLBACK(gtk_widget_hide),
-                          (gpointer) station_selector);
-         g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(station_selector), "delete-event",
-                          G_CALLBACK(gtk_widget_hide),
-                          (gpointer) station_selector);
-         /* tz_db_free (db); */
-         /* g_free (pixmap_dir); */
-         /* g_free (filename); */
-         /* g_free (path); */
-         return station_selector;
+       // gtk_widget_show(station_selector);
+       // g_free(label);
+       g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(station_selector), "response",
+                        G_CALLBACK(gtk_widget_hide),
+                        (gpointer) station_selector);
+       g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(station_selector), "delete-event",
+                        G_CALLBACK(gtk_widget_hide),
+                        (gpointer) station_selector);
+       /* tz_db_free (db); */
+       /* g_free (pixmap_dir); */
+       /* g_free (filename); */
+       /* g_free (path); */
+       return station_selector;
 GtkWidget *create_gnome_internet_radio_locator_app(void)
        GtkWidget *gnome_internet_radio_locator_app;
        GtkWidget *vbox1;
        GtkWidget *gnome_internet_radio_locator_pixmap;
        GtkWidget *appbar;
        GtkWidget *progress;
        gsize length;
        const gchar *selected_station, *selected_station_uri, *selected_station_name, 
*selected_station_location, *selected_station_description;
        GNOMEInternetRadioLocatorData *gnome_internet_radio_locator_data = 
g_new0(GNOMEInternetRadioLocatorData, 1);
        char *pmf;
        gtk_window_set_title(GTK_WINDOW(gnome_internet_radio_locator_app), "GNOME Internet Radio Locator");
@@ -418,7 +390,6 @@ GtkWidget *create_gnome_internet_radio_locator_app(void)
        /* gnome_internet_radio_locator->selected_station_description = selected_station_description; */
        gnome_internet_radio_locator->selected_listener_uri =
        gnome_internet_radio_locator->selected_listener_name =
@@ -427,7 +398,6 @@ GtkWidget *create_gnome_internet_radio_locator_app(void)
        gnome_internet_radio_locator->selected_listener_description =
        GNOME_INTERNET_RADIO_LOCATOR_DEBUG_MSG("gnome_internet_radio_locator->selected_listener_uri: %s\n",
        GNOME_INTERNET_RADIO_LOCATOR_DEBUG_MSG("gnome_internet_radio_locator->selected_listener_name: %s\n",
@@ -438,7 +408,6 @@ GtkWidget *create_gnome_internet_radio_locator_app(void)
        gnome_internet_radio_locator->selected_station_uri =
        gnome_internet_radio_locator->selected_station_name =
@@ -447,14 +416,12 @@ GtkWidget *create_gnome_internet_radio_locator_app(void)
        gnome_internet_radio_locator->selected_station_description =
        gnome_internet_radio_locator->selected_station_name =
        gnome_internet_radio_locator->selected_station_location =
        gnome_internet_radio_locator->selected_station_description =
        GNOME_INTERNET_RADIO_LOCATOR_DEBUG_MSG("gnome_internet_radio_locator->selected_station_uri: %s\n",
        GNOME_INTERNET_RADIO_LOCATOR_DEBUG_MSG("gnome_internet_radio_locator->selected_station_name: %s\n",
@@ -463,7 +430,6 @@ GtkWidget *create_gnome_internet_radio_locator_app(void)
        if (strcmp(gnome_internet_radio_locator->selected_station_uri,"")==0) {
                gnome_internet_radio_locator->selected_station_uri = 
@@ -479,7 +445,6 @@ GtkWidget *create_gnome_internet_radio_locator_app(void)
        if (strcmp(gnome_internet_radio_locator->selected_station_description,"")==0) {
                gnome_internet_radio_locator->selected_station_description = g_strdup(_("WNYC 93.9 FM and AM 
820 are New York's flagship public radio stations, broadcasting the finest programs from NPR, American Public 
Media, Public Radio International and the BBC World Service, as well as a wide range of award-winning local 
        gnome_internet_radio_locator->selected_streams_uri =
        gnome_internet_radio_locator->selected_streams_mime =
@@ -492,7 +457,6 @@ GtkWidget *create_gnome_internet_radio_locator_app(void)
        gnome_internet_radio_locator->selected_streams_channels =
        GNOME_INTERNET_RADIO_LOCATOR_DEBUG_MSG("gnome_internet_radio_locator->selected_streams_uri: %s\n",
        GNOME_INTERNET_RADIO_LOCATOR_DEBUG_MSG("gnome_internet_radio_locator->selected_streams_mime: %s\n",
@@ -505,9 +469,7 @@ GtkWidget *create_gnome_internet_radio_locator_app(void)
        GNOME_INTERNET_RADIO_LOCATOR_DEBUG_MSG("gnome_internet_radio_locator->selected_channels: %0x\n",
        return gnome_internet_radio_locator_app;
diff --git a/src/gnome-internet-radio-locator-markers.c b/src/gnome-internet-radio-locator-markers.c
index 7127451..11dc540 100644
--- a/src/gnome-internet-radio-locator-markers.c
+++ b/src/gnome-internet-radio-locator-markers.c
@@ -108,508 +108,506 @@ marker_function (ChamplainMarker *self,
 ChamplainMarkerLayer *
 create_marker_layer (G_GNUC_UNUSED ChamplainView *view, ChamplainPathLayer **path)
-  ClutterActor *marker;
-  ClutterActor *layer_actor;
-  ClutterColor city_color = { 0xf3, 0x94, 0x07, 0xbb };
-  ClutterColor text_color = { 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff };
-  LocationCallbackData callback_data;
-  gchar *station = NULL;
-  *path = champlain_path_layer_new ();
-  layer = champlain_marker_layer_new_full (CHAMPLAIN_SELECTION_SINGLE);
-  layer_actor = CLUTTER_ACTOR (layer);
-  /* Create callback that updates the map periodically */
-  /* callback_data.view = CHAMPLAIN_VIEW (view); */
-  /* callback_data.marker = CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (layer); */
-  /* g_timeout_add (1000, (GSourceFunc) location_callback, &callback_data); */
-  /* marker = champlain_point_new (); */
-  /* champlain_location_set_location (CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker),  37.873093, -122.303769); */
-  /* champlain_location_set_location (CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker),  37.873093, -122.303769); */
-  /* champlain_marker_layer_add_marker (layer, CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker)); */
-  /* champlain_path_layer_add_node (*path, CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker)); */
+       ClutterActor *marker;
+       ClutterActor *layer_actor;
+       ClutterColor city_color = { 0xf3, 0x94, 0x07, 0xbb };
+       ClutterColor text_color = { 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff };
+       LocationCallbackData callback_data;
+       gchar *station = NULL;
+       *path = champlain_path_layer_new ();
+       layer = champlain_marker_layer_new_full (CHAMPLAIN_SELECTION_SINGLE);
+       layer_actor = CLUTTER_ACTOR (layer);
+       /* Create callback that updates the map periodically */
+       /* callback_data.view = CHAMPLAIN_VIEW (view); */
+       /* callback_data.marker = CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (layer); */
+       /* g_timeout_add (1000, (GSourceFunc) location_callback, &callback_data); */
+       /* marker = champlain_point_new (); */
+       /* champlain_location_set_location (CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker),  37.873093, -122.303769); */
+       /* champlain_location_set_location (CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker),  37.873093, -122.303769); */
+       /* champlain_marker_layer_add_marker (layer, CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker)); */
+       /* champlain_path_layer_add_node (*path, CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker)); */
 #if 0
-  marker = champlain_label_new_with_text ("Norway\n<span size=\"small\">Oslo</span>", "Helvetica 14", NULL, 
-  champlain_label_set_use_markup (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), TRUE);
-  champlain_label_set_alignment (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), PANGO_ALIGN_RIGHT);
-  champlain_label_set_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &city_color);
-  champlain_label_set_text_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &text_color);
-  champlain_location_set_location (CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker),  37.873093, -122.303769);
-  champlain_marker_layer_add_marker (layer, CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
-  champlain_path_layer_add_node (*path, CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker));
+       marker = champlain_label_new_with_text ("Norway\n<span size=\"small\">Oslo</span>", "Helvetica 14", 
+       champlain_label_set_use_markup (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), TRUE);
+       champlain_label_set_alignment (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), PANGO_ALIGN_RIGHT);
+       champlain_label_set_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &city_color);
+       champlain_label_set_text_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &text_color);
+       champlain_location_set_location (CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker),  37.873093, -122.303769);
+       champlain_marker_layer_add_marker (layer, CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
+       champlain_path_layer_add_node (*path, CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker));
-  marker = champlain_label_new_from_file ("icons/emblem-generic.png", NULL);
-  station = g_strdup("Ayr, Scotland\n<span size=\"small\">UWS Radio</span>");
-  champlain_label_set_text (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), station);
-  champlain_label_set_use_markup (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), TRUE);
-  champlain_label_set_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &city_color);
-  champlain_label_set_text_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &text_color);
-  champlain_location_set_location (CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker), 55.4594119, -4.6326702);
-  champlain_marker_layer_add_marker (layer, CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
-  champlain_marker_animate_in(CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
-  /* champlain_path_layer_add_node (*path, CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker)); */
-  g_signal_connect(CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION(marker), "button-press", G_CALLBACK(marker_function), station);
-  marker = champlain_label_new_from_file ("icons/emblem-generic.png", NULL);
-  station = g_strdup("Bergen, Norway\n<span size=\"small\">SRIB</span>");
-  champlain_label_set_text (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), station);
-  champlain_label_set_use_markup (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), TRUE);
-  champlain_label_set_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &city_color);
-  champlain_label_set_text_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &text_color);
-  champlain_location_set_location (CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker), 60.3943034, 5.3258117);
-  champlain_marker_layer_add_marker (layer, CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
-  champlain_marker_animate_in(CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
-  /* champlain_path_layer_add_node (*path, CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker)); */
-  g_signal_connect(CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION(marker), "button-press", G_CALLBACK(marker_function), station);
-  marker = champlain_label_new_from_file ("icons/emblem-generic.png", NULL);
-  station = g_strdup("Berkeley, California\n<span size=\"small\">KALX</span>");
-  champlain_label_set_text (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), station);
-  champlain_label_set_use_markup (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), TRUE);
-  champlain_label_set_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &city_color);
-  champlain_label_set_text_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &text_color);
-  champlain_location_set_location (CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker), 37.873093, -122.303769);
-  champlain_marker_layer_add_marker (layer, CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
-  champlain_marker_animate_in(CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
-  /* champlain_path_layer_add_node (*path, CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker)); */
-  g_signal_connect(CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION(marker), "button-press", G_CALLBACK(marker_function), station);
-  marker = champlain_label_new_from_file ("icons/emblem-generic.png", NULL);
-  station = g_strdup("Boston, Massachusetts\n<span size=\"small\">http://www.wtburadio.org/</span>");
-  champlain_label_set_text (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), station);
-  champlain_label_set_use_markup (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), TRUE);
-  champlain_label_set_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &city_color);
-  champlain_label_set_text_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &text_color);
-  champlain_location_set_location (CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker), 42.3602534, -71.0582912);
-  champlain_marker_layer_add_marker (layer, CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
-  champlain_marker_animate_in(CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
-  /* champlain_path_layer_add_node (*path, CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker)); */
-  g_signal_connect(CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION(marker), "button-press", G_CALLBACK(marker_function), station);
-  marker = champlain_label_new_from_file ("icons/emblem-generic.png", NULL);
-  station = g_strdup("Bruxelles, Belgium\n<span size=\"small\">Radio Campus</span>");
-  champlain_label_set_text (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), station);
-  champlain_label_set_use_markup (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), TRUE);
-  champlain_label_set_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &city_color);
-  champlain_label_set_text_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &text_color);
-  champlain_location_set_location (CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker), 50.84404145, 4.36720169448285);
-  champlain_marker_layer_add_marker (layer, CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
-  champlain_marker_animate_in(CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
-  /* champlain_path_layer_add_node (*path, CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker)); */
-  g_signal_connect(CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION(marker), "button-press", G_CALLBACK(marker_function), station);
-  marker = champlain_label_new_from_file ("icons/emblem-generic.png", NULL);
-  station = g_strdup("Calgary, Canada\n<span size=\"small\">CJSW</span>");
-  champlain_label_set_text (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), station);
-  champlain_label_set_use_markup (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), TRUE);
-  champlain_label_set_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &city_color);
-  champlain_label_set_text_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &text_color);
-  champlain_location_set_location (CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker), 51.0534234, -114.0625892);
-  champlain_marker_layer_add_marker (layer, CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
-  champlain_marker_animate_in(CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
-  /* champlain_path_layer_add_node (*path, CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker)); */
-  g_signal_connect(CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION(marker), "button-press", G_CALLBACK(marker_function), station);
-  marker = champlain_label_new_from_file ("icons/emblem-generic.png", NULL);
-  station = g_strdup("WHRB-FM, Cambridge, Massachusetts\n<span size=\"small\">http://www.whrb.org/</span>");
-  champlain_label_set_text (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), station);
-  champlain_label_set_use_markup (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), TRUE);
-  champlain_label_set_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &city_color);
-  champlain_label_set_text_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &text_color);
-  champlain_location_set_location (CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker), 42.3723191, -71.1186638);
-  champlain_marker_layer_add_marker (layer, CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
-  champlain_marker_animate_in(CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
-  /* champlain_path_layer_add_node (*path, CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker)); */
-  g_signal_connect(CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION(marker), "button-press", G_CALLBACK(marker_function), station);
-  marker = champlain_label_new_from_file ("icons/emblem-generic.png", NULL);
-  station = g_strdup("WMBR-FM, Cambridge, Massachusetts\n<span size=\"small\">http://www.wmbr.org/</span>");
-  champlain_label_set_text (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), station);
-  champlain_label_set_use_markup (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), TRUE);
-  champlain_label_set_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &city_color);
-  champlain_label_set_text_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &text_color);
-  champlain_location_set_location (CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker), 42.3617430, -71.0839082);
-  champlain_marker_layer_add_marker (layer, CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
-  champlain_marker_animate_in(CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
-  /* champlain_path_layer_add_node (*path, CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker)); */
-  g_signal_connect(CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION(marker), "button-press", G_CALLBACK(marker_function), station);
-  marker = champlain_label_new_from_file ("icons/emblem-generic.png", NULL);
-  station = g_strdup("Cambridge, United Kingdom\n<span size=\"small\">Cam FM</span>");
-  champlain_label_set_text (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), station);
-  champlain_label_set_use_markup (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), TRUE);
-  champlain_label_set_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &city_color);
-  champlain_label_set_text_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &text_color);
-  champlain_location_set_location (CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker), 52.2033051, 0.124862);
-  champlain_marker_layer_add_marker (layer, CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
-  champlain_marker_animate_in(CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
-  /* champlain_path_layer_add_node (*path, CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker)); */
-  g_signal_connect(CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION(marker), "button-press", G_CALLBACK(marker_function), station);
-  marker = champlain_label_new_from_file ("icons/emblem-generic.png", NULL);
-  station = g_strdup("Cape Town, South Africa\n<span size=\"small\">UCT Radio</span>");
-  champlain_label_set_text (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), station);
-  champlain_label_set_use_markup (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), TRUE);
-  champlain_label_set_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &city_color);
-  champlain_label_set_text_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &text_color);
-  champlain_location_set_location (CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker), -33.928992, 18.417396);
-  champlain_marker_layer_add_marker (layer, CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
-  champlain_marker_animate_in(CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
-  /* champlain_path_layer_add_node (*path, CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker)); */
-  g_signal_connect(CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION(marker), "button-press", G_CALLBACK(marker_function), station);
-  marker = champlain_label_new_from_file ("icons/emblem-generic.png", NULL);
-  station = g_strdup("Copenhagen, Denmark\n<span size=\"small\">Danmarks Radio Nyheder</span>");
-  champlain_label_set_text (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), station);
-  champlain_label_set_use_markup (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), TRUE);
-  champlain_label_set_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &city_color);
-  champlain_label_set_text_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &text_color);
-  champlain_location_set_location (CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker), 55.6867243, 12.5700724);
-  champlain_marker_layer_add_marker (layer, CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
-  champlain_marker_animate_in(CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
-  /* champlain_path_layer_add_node (*path, CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker)); */
-  g_signal_connect(CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION(marker), "button-press", G_CALLBACK(marker_function), station);
-  marker = champlain_label_new_from_file ("icons/emblem-generic.png", NULL);
-  station = g_strdup("Chicago, Illinois\n<span size=\"small\">WHPK</span>");
-  champlain_label_set_text (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), station);
-  champlain_label_set_use_markup (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), TRUE);
-  champlain_label_set_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &city_color);
-  champlain_label_set_text_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &text_color);
-  champlain_location_set_location (CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker), 41.8755546, -87.6244212);
-  champlain_marker_layer_add_marker (layer, CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
-  champlain_marker_animate_in(CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
-  /* champlain_path_layer_add_node (*path, CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker)); */
-  g_signal_connect(CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION(marker), "button-press", G_CALLBACK(marker_function), station);
-  marker = champlain_label_new_from_file ("icons/emblem-generic.png", NULL);
-  station = g_strdup("Dublin, Ireland\n<span size=\"small\">DCUfm</span>");
-  champlain_label_set_text (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), station);
-  champlain_label_set_use_markup (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), TRUE);
-  champlain_label_set_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &city_color);
-  champlain_label_set_text_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &text_color);
-  champlain_location_set_location (CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker), 53.3497645, -6.2602732);
-  champlain_marker_layer_add_marker (layer, CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
-  /* champlain_path_layer_add_node (*path, CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker)); */
-  g_signal_connect(CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION(marker), "button-press", G_CALLBACK(marker_function), station);
-  marker = champlain_label_new_from_file ("icons/emblem-generic.png", NULL);
-  station = g_strdup("Guatemala City, Guatemala\n<span size=\"small\">Radio Universidad</span>");
-  champlain_label_set_text (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), station);
-  champlain_label_set_use_markup (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), TRUE);
-  champlain_label_set_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &city_color);
-  champlain_label_set_text_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &text_color);
-  champlain_location_set_location (CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker), 14.6417889, -90.5132239);
-  champlain_marker_layer_add_marker (layer, CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
-  champlain_marker_animate_in(CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
-  /* champlain_path_layer_add_node (*path, CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker)); */
-  g_signal_connect(CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION(marker), "button-press", G_CALLBACK(marker_function), station);
-  marker = champlain_label_new_from_file ("icons/emblem-generic.png", NULL);
-  station = g_strdup("Honolulu, Hawaii\n<span size=\"small\">Hawaii Public Radio</span>");
-  champlain_label_set_text (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), station);
-  champlain_label_set_use_markup (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), TRUE);
-  champlain_label_set_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &city_color);
-  champlain_label_set_text_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &text_color);
-  champlain_location_set_location (CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker), 21.304547, -157.8556764);
-  champlain_marker_layer_add_marker (layer, CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
-  champlain_marker_animate_in(CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
-  /* champlain_path_layer_add_node (*path, CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker)); */
-  g_signal_connect(CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION(marker), "button-press", G_CALLBACK(marker_function), station);
-  marker = champlain_label_new_from_file ("icons/emblem-generic.png", NULL);
-  station = g_strdup("Kingston, Canada\n<span size=\"small\">CFRC</span>");
-  champlain_label_set_text (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), station);
-  champlain_label_set_use_markup (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), TRUE);
-  champlain_label_set_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &city_color);
-  champlain_label_set_text_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &text_color);
-  champlain_location_set_location (CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker), 44.230687, -76.481323);
-  champlain_marker_layer_add_marker (layer, CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
-  champlain_marker_animate_in(CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
-  /* champlain_path_layer_add_node (*path, CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker)); */
-  g_signal_connect(CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION(marker), "button-press", G_CALLBACK(marker_function), station);
-  marker = champlain_label_new_from_file ("icons/emblem-generic.png", NULL);
-  station = g_strdup("Kristiansand, Norway\n<span size=\"small\">NRK Sørlandet</span>");
-  champlain_label_set_text (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), station);
-  champlain_label_set_use_markup (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), TRUE);
-  champlain_label_set_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &city_color);
-  champlain_label_set_text_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &text_color);
-  champlain_location_set_location (CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker), 58.14615, 7.9957333);
-  champlain_marker_layer_add_marker (layer, CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
-  champlain_marker_animate_in(CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
-  /* champlain_path_layer_add_node (*path, CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker)); */
-  g_signal_connect(CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION(marker), "button-press", G_CALLBACK(marker_function), station);
-  marker = champlain_label_new_from_file ("icons/emblem-generic.png", NULL);
-  station = g_strdup("Houston, Texas\n<span size=\"small\">Coog Radio, University of Houston</span>");
-  champlain_label_set_text (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), station);
-  champlain_label_set_use_markup (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), TRUE);
-  champlain_label_set_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &city_color);
-  champlain_label_set_text_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &text_color);
-  champlain_location_set_location (CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker), 29.7589382, -95.3676974);
-  champlain_marker_layer_add_marker (layer, CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
-  champlain_marker_animate_in(CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
-  /* champlain_path_layer_add_node (*path, CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker)); */
-  g_signal_connect(CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION(marker), "button-press", G_CALLBACK(marker_function), station);
-  marker = champlain_label_new_from_file ("icons/emblem-generic.png", NULL);
-  station = g_strdup("London, United Kingdom\n<span size=\"small\">Imperial College Radio</span>");
-  champlain_label_set_text (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), station);
-  champlain_label_set_use_markup (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), TRUE);
-  champlain_label_set_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &city_color);
-  champlain_label_set_text_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &text_color);
-  champlain_location_set_location (CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker), 51.5073219, -0.1276474);
-  champlain_marker_layer_add_marker (layer, CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
-  champlain_marker_animate_in(CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
-  /* champlain_path_layer_add_node (*path, CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker)); */
-  g_signal_connect(CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION(marker), "button-press", G_CALLBACK(marker_function), station);
-  marker = champlain_label_new_from_file ("icons/emblem-generic.png", NULL);
-  station = g_strdup("Los Angeles, California\n<span size=\"small\">KXSC</span>");
-  champlain_label_set_text (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), station);
-  champlain_label_set_use_markup (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), TRUE);
-  champlain_label_set_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &city_color);
-  champlain_label_set_text_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &text_color);
-  champlain_location_set_location (CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker), 34.1430079, -118.14176172581);
-  champlain_marker_layer_add_marker (layer, CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
-  champlain_marker_animate_in(CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
-  /* champlain_path_layer_add_node (*path, CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker)); */
-  g_signal_connect(CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION(marker), "button-press", G_CALLBACK(marker_function), station);
-  marker = champlain_label_new_from_file ("icons/emblem-generic.png", NULL);
-  station = g_strdup("México City, México\n<span size=\"small\">Radio UNAM</span>");
-  champlain_label_set_text (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), station);
-  champlain_label_set_use_markup (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), TRUE);
-  champlain_label_set_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &city_color);
-  champlain_label_set_text_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &text_color);
-  champlain_location_set_location (CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker), 19.647012, -101.22900565);
-  champlain_marker_layer_add_marker (layer, CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
-  champlain_marker_animate_in(CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
-  /* champlain_path_layer_add_node (*path, CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker)); */
-  g_signal_connect(CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION(marker), "button-press", G_CALLBACK(marker_function), station);
-  marker = champlain_label_new_from_file ("icons/emblem-generic.png", NULL);
-  station = g_strdup("Moscow, Russia\n<span size=\"small\">Echo of Moscow</span>");
-  champlain_label_set_text (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), station);
-  champlain_label_set_use_markup (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), TRUE);
-  champlain_label_set_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &city_color);
-  champlain_label_set_text_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &text_color);
-  champlain_location_set_location (CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker), 55.4792046, 37.3273304);
-  champlain_marker_layer_add_marker (layer, CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
-  champlain_marker_animate_in(CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
-  /* champlain_path_layer_add_node (*path, CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker)); */
-  g_signal_connect(CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION(marker), "button-press", G_CALLBACK(marker_function), station);
-  marker = champlain_label_new_from_file ("icons/emblem-generic.png", NULL);
-  station = g_strdup("Newcastle, Australia\n<span size=\"small\">2NURFM</span>");
-  champlain_label_set_text (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), station);
-  champlain_label_set_use_markup (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), TRUE);
-  champlain_label_set_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &city_color);
-  champlain_label_set_text_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &text_color);
-  champlain_location_set_location (CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker), -32.9272881, 151.7812534);
-  champlain_marker_layer_add_marker (layer, CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
-  champlain_marker_animate_in(CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
-  /* champlain_path_layer_add_node (*path, CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker)); */
-  g_signal_connect(CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION(marker), "button-press", G_CALLBACK(marker_function), station);
-  marker = champlain_label_new_from_file ("icons/emblem-generic.png", NULL);
-  station = g_strdup("New Orleans, Louisiana\n<span size=\"small\">WWNO</span>");
-  champlain_label_set_text (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), station);
-  champlain_label_set_use_markup (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), TRUE);
-  champlain_label_set_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &city_color);
-  champlain_label_set_text_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &text_color);
-  champlain_location_set_location (CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker), 29.9499323, -90.0701156);
-  champlain_marker_layer_add_marker (layer, CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
-  champlain_marker_animate_in(CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
-  /* champlain_path_layer_add_node (*path, CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker)); */
-  g_signal_connect(CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION(marker), "button-press", G_CALLBACK(marker_function), station);
-  marker = champlain_label_new_from_file ("icons/emblem-generic.png", NULL);
-  station = g_strdup("New York City, New York\n<span size=\"small\">WKCR</span>");
-  champlain_label_set_text (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), station);
-  champlain_label_set_use_markup (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), TRUE);
-  champlain_label_set_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &city_color);
-  champlain_label_set_text_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &text_color);
-  champlain_location_set_location (CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker), 40.7306458, -73.9866136);
-  champlain_marker_layer_add_marker (layer, CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
-  champlain_marker_animate_in(CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
-  /* champlain_path_layer_add_node (*path, CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker)); */
-  g_signal_connect(CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION(marker), "button-press", G_CALLBACK(marker_function), station);
-  marker = champlain_label_new_from_file ("icons/emblem-generic.png", NULL);
-  station = g_strdup("Oslo, Norway\n<span size=\"small\">NRK Sport</span>");
-  champlain_label_set_text (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), station);
-  champlain_label_set_use_markup (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), TRUE);
-  champlain_label_set_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &city_color);
-  champlain_label_set_text_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &text_color);
-  champlain_location_set_location (CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker), 59.9132694, 10.7391112);
-  champlain_marker_layer_add_marker (layer, CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
-  champlain_marker_animate_in(CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
-  /* champlain_path_layer_add_node (*path, CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker)); */
-  g_signal_connect(CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION(marker), "button-press", G_CALLBACK(marker_function), station);
-  marker = champlain_label_new_from_file ("icons/emblem-generic.png", NULL);
-  station = g_strdup("Oxford, United Kingdom\n<span size=\"small\">Oxide Radio</span>");
-  champlain_label_set_text (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), station);
-  champlain_label_set_use_markup (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), TRUE);
-  champlain_label_set_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &city_color);
-  champlain_label_set_text_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &text_color);
-  champlain_location_set_location (CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker), 51.7520131, -1.2578499);
-  champlain_marker_layer_add_marker (layer, CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
-  champlain_marker_animate_in(CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
-  /* champlain_path_layer_add_node (*path, CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker)); */
-  g_signal_connect(CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION(marker), "button-press", G_CALLBACK(marker_function), station);
-  marker = champlain_label_new_from_file ("icons/emblem-generic.png", NULL);
-  station = g_strdup("Ottawa, Canada\n<span size=\"small\">CHUO</span>");
-  champlain_label_set_text (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), station);
-  champlain_label_set_use_markup (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), TRUE);
-  champlain_label_set_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &city_color);
-  champlain_label_set_text_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &text_color);
-  champlain_location_set_location (CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker), 45.421106, -75.690308);
-  champlain_marker_layer_add_marker (layer, CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
-  champlain_marker_animate_in(CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
-  /* champlain_path_layer_add_node (*path, CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker)); */
-  g_signal_connect(CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION(marker), "button-press", G_CALLBACK(marker_function), station);
-  marker = champlain_label_new_from_file ("icons/emblem-generic.png", NULL);
-  station = g_strdup("Paris, France\n<span size=\"small\">Radio Campus Paris</span>");
-  champlain_label_set_text (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), station);
-  champlain_label_set_use_markup (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), TRUE);
-  champlain_label_set_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &city_color);
-  champlain_label_set_text_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &text_color);
-  champlain_location_set_location (CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker), 48.8566101, 2.3514992);
-  champlain_marker_layer_add_marker (layer, CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
-  champlain_marker_animate_in(CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
-  /* champlain_path_layer_add_node (*path, CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker)); */
-  g_signal_connect(CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION(marker), "button-press", G_CALLBACK(marker_function), station);
-  marker = champlain_label_new_from_file ("icons/emblem-generic.png", NULL);
-  station = g_strdup("Phoenix, Arizona\n<span size=\"small\">KASC</span>");
-  champlain_label_set_text (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), station);
-  champlain_label_set_use_markup (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), TRUE);
-  champlain_label_set_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &city_color);
-  champlain_label_set_text_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &text_color);
-  champlain_location_set_location (CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker), 33.4485866, -112.0773456);
-  champlain_marker_layer_add_marker (layer, CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
-  champlain_marker_animate_in(CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
-  /* champlain_path_layer_add_node (*path, CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker)); */
-  g_signal_connect(CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION(marker), "button-press", G_CALLBACK(marker_function), station);
-  marker = champlain_label_new_from_file ("icons/emblem-generic.png", NULL);
-  station = g_strdup("San Francisco, California\n<span size=\"small\">SomaFM</span>");
-  champlain_label_set_text (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), station);
-  champlain_label_set_use_markup (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), TRUE);
-  champlain_label_set_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &city_color);
-  champlain_label_set_text_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &text_color);
-  champlain_location_set_location (CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker), 37.7792808, -122.4192363);
-  champlain_marker_layer_add_marker (layer, CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
-  champlain_marker_animate_in(CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
-  /* champlain_path_layer_add_node (*path, CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker)); */
-  g_signal_connect(CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION(marker), "button-press", G_CALLBACK(marker_function), station);
-  marker = champlain_label_new_from_file ("icons/emblem-generic.png", NULL);
-  station = g_strdup("Seattle, Washington\n<span size=\"small\">KSUB</span>");
-  champlain_label_set_text (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), station);
-  champlain_label_set_use_markup (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), TRUE);
-  champlain_label_set_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &city_color);
-  champlain_label_set_text_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &text_color);
-  champlain_location_set_location (CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker), 47.6038321, -122.3300624);
-  champlain_marker_layer_add_marker (layer, CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
-  champlain_marker_animate_in(CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
-  /* champlain_path_layer_add_node (*path, CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker)); */
-  g_signal_connect(CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION(marker), "button-press", G_CALLBACK(marker_function), station);
-  marker = champlain_label_new_from_file ("icons/emblem-generic.png", NULL);
-  station = g_strdup("Stanford, California\n<span size=\"small\">KZSU</span>");
-  champlain_label_set_text (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), station);
-  champlain_label_set_use_markup (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), TRUE);
-  champlain_label_set_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &city_color);
-  champlain_label_set_text_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &text_color);
-  champlain_location_set_location (CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker), 37.4248398, -122.1677058);
-  champlain_marker_layer_add_marker (layer, CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
-  champlain_marker_animate_in(CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
-  /* champlain_path_layer_add_node (*path, CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker)); */
-  g_signal_connect(CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION(marker), "button-press", G_CALLBACK(marker_function), station);
-  marker = champlain_label_new_from_file ("icons/emblem-generic.png", NULL);
-  station = g_strdup("Stockholm, Sweden\n<span size=\"small\">Sveriges Radio P1</span>");
-  champlain_label_set_text (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), station);
-  champlain_label_set_use_markup (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), TRUE);
-  champlain_label_set_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &city_color);
-  champlain_label_set_text_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &text_color);
-  champlain_location_set_location (CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker), 59.3251172, 18.0710935);
-  champlain_marker_layer_add_marker (layer, CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
-  champlain_marker_animate_in(CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
-  /* champlain_path_layer_add_node (*path, CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker)); */
-  g_signal_connect(CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION(marker), "button-press", G_CALLBACK(marker_function), station);
-  marker = champlain_label_new_from_file ("icons/emblem-generic.png", NULL);
-  station = g_strdup("Sydney, Canada\n<span size=\"small\">Caper Radio</span>");
-  champlain_label_set_text (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), station);
-  champlain_label_set_use_markup (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), TRUE);
-  champlain_label_set_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &city_color);
-  champlain_label_set_text_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &text_color);
-  champlain_location_set_location (CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker), 46.1654766, -60.1735637935906);
-  champlain_marker_layer_add_marker (layer, CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
-  champlain_marker_animate_in(CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
-  /* champlain_path_layer_add_node (*path, CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker)); */
-  g_signal_connect(CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION(marker), "button-press", G_CALLBACK(marker_function), station);
-  marker = champlain_label_new_from_file ("icons/emblem-generic.png", NULL);
-  station = g_strdup("Tampere, Finland\n<span size=\"small\">Radio Moreeni</span>");
-  champlain_label_set_text (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), station);
-  champlain_label_set_use_markup (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), TRUE);
-  champlain_label_set_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &city_color);
-  champlain_label_set_text_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &text_color);
-  champlain_location_set_location (CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker), 61.4980214, 23.7603118);
-  champlain_marker_layer_add_marker (layer, CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
-  champlain_marker_animate_in(CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
-  /* champlain_path_layer_add_node (*path, CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker)); */
-  g_signal_connect(CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION(marker), "button-press", G_CALLBACK(marker_function), station);
-  marker = champlain_label_new_from_file ("icons/emblem-generic.png", NULL);
-  station = g_strdup("Toronto, Canada\n<span size=\"small\">CIUT</span>");
-  champlain_label_set_text (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), station);
-  champlain_label_set_use_markup (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), TRUE);
-  champlain_label_set_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &city_color);
-  champlain_label_set_text_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &text_color);
-  champlain_location_set_location (CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker), 43.653963, -79.387207);
-  champlain_marker_layer_add_marker (layer, CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
-  champlain_marker_animate_in(CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
-  /* champlain_path_layer_add_node (*path, CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker)); */
-  g_signal_connect(CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION(marker), "button-press", G_CALLBACK(marker_function), station);
-  marker = champlain_label_new_from_file ("icons/emblem-generic.png", NULL);
-  station = g_strdup("Trondheim, Norway\n<span size=\"small\">Radio Revolt</span>");
-  champlain_label_set_text (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), station);
-  champlain_label_set_use_markup (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), TRUE);
-  champlain_label_set_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &city_color);
-  champlain_label_set_text_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &text_color);
-  champlain_location_set_location (CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker), 63.4305658, 10.3951929);
-  champlain_marker_layer_add_marker (layer, CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
-  champlain_marker_animate_in(CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
-  /* champlain_path_layer_add_node (*path, CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker)); */
-  g_signal_connect(CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION(marker), "button-press", G_CALLBACK(marker_function), station);
-  marker = champlain_label_new_from_file ("icons/emblem-generic.png", NULL);
-  station = g_strdup("Warsaw, Poland\n<span size=\"small\">Radio Aktywne</span>");
-  champlain_label_set_text (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), station);
-  champlain_label_set_use_markup (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), TRUE);
-  champlain_label_set_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &city_color);
-  champlain_label_set_text_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &text_color);
-  champlain_location_set_location (CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker), 52.2319237, 21.0067265);
-  champlain_marker_layer_add_marker (layer, CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
-  champlain_marker_animate_in(CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
-  /* champlain_path_layer_add_node (*path, CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker)); */
-  g_signal_connect(CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION(marker), "button-press", G_CALLBACK(marker_function), station);
-  marker = champlain_label_new_from_file ("icons/emblem-generic.png", NULL);
-  station = g_strdup("Washington, District of Columbia\n<span size=\"small\">WAMU</span>");
-  champlain_label_set_text (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), station);
-  champlain_label_set_use_markup (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), TRUE);
-  champlain_label_set_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &city_color);
-  champlain_label_set_text_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &text_color);
-  champlain_location_set_location (CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker), 38.8949549, -77.0366456);
-  champlain_marker_layer_add_marker (layer, CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
-  champlain_marker_animate_in(CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
-  /* champlain_path_layer_add_node (*path, CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker)); */
-  g_signal_connect(CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION(marker), "button-press", G_CALLBACK(marker_function), station);
-  marker = champlain_label_new_from_file ("icons/emblem-generic.png", NULL);
-  station = g_strdup("Waterloo, Canada\n<span size=\"small\">SoundFM</span>");
-  champlain_label_set_text (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), station);
-  champlain_label_set_use_markup (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), TRUE);
-  champlain_label_set_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &city_color);
-  champlain_label_set_text_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &text_color);
-  champlain_location_set_location (CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker), 43.466874, -80.524635);
-  champlain_marker_layer_add_marker (layer, CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
-  champlain_marker_animate_in(CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
-  /* champlain_path_layer_add_node (*path, CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker)); */
-  g_signal_connect(CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION(marker), "button-press", G_CALLBACK(marker_function), station);
+       marker = champlain_label_new_from_file ("icons/emblem-generic.png", NULL);
+       station = g_strdup("Ayr, Scotland\n<span size=\"small\">UWS Radio</span>");
+       champlain_label_set_text (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), station);
+       champlain_label_set_use_markup (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), TRUE);
+       champlain_label_set_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &city_color);
+       champlain_label_set_text_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &text_color);
+       champlain_location_set_location (CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker), 55.4594119, -4.6326702);
+       champlain_marker_layer_add_marker (layer, CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
+       champlain_marker_animate_in(CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
+       /* champlain_path_layer_add_node (*path, CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker)); */
+       g_signal_connect(CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION(marker), "button-press", G_CALLBACK(marker_function), station);
+       marker = champlain_label_new_from_file ("icons/emblem-generic.png", NULL);
+       station = g_strdup("Bergen, Norway\n<span size=\"small\">SRIB</span>");
+       champlain_label_set_text (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), station);
+       champlain_label_set_use_markup (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), TRUE);
+       champlain_label_set_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &city_color);
+       champlain_label_set_text_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &text_color);
+       champlain_location_set_location (CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker), 60.3943034, 5.3258117);
+       champlain_marker_layer_add_marker (layer, CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
+       champlain_marker_animate_in(CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
+       /* champlain_path_layer_add_node (*path, CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker)); */
+       g_signal_connect(CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION(marker), "button-press", G_CALLBACK(marker_function), station);
+       marker = champlain_label_new_from_file ("icons/emblem-generic.png", NULL);
+       station = g_strdup("Berkeley, California\n<span size=\"small\">KALX</span>");
+       champlain_label_set_text (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), station);
+       champlain_label_set_use_markup (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), TRUE);
+       champlain_label_set_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &city_color);
+       champlain_label_set_text_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &text_color);
+       champlain_location_set_location (CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker), 37.873093, -122.303769);
+       champlain_marker_layer_add_marker (layer, CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
+       champlain_marker_animate_in(CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
+       /* champlain_path_layer_add_node (*path, CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker)); */
+       g_signal_connect(CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION(marker), "button-press", G_CALLBACK(marker_function), station);
+       marker = champlain_label_new_from_file ("icons/emblem-generic.png", NULL);
+       station = g_strdup("Boston, Massachusetts\n<span size=\"small\">http://www.wtburadio.org/</span>");
+       champlain_label_set_text (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), station);
+       champlain_label_set_use_markup (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), TRUE);
+       champlain_label_set_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &city_color);
+       champlain_label_set_text_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &text_color);
+       champlain_location_set_location (CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker), 42.3602534, -71.0582912);
+       champlain_marker_layer_add_marker (layer, CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
+       champlain_marker_animate_in(CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
+       /* champlain_path_layer_add_node (*path, CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker)); */
+       g_signal_connect(CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION(marker), "button-press", G_CALLBACK(marker_function), station);
+       marker = champlain_label_new_from_file ("icons/emblem-generic.png", NULL);
+       station = g_strdup("Bruxelles, Belgium\n<span size=\"small\">Radio Campus</span>");
+       champlain_label_set_text (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), station);
+       champlain_label_set_use_markup (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), TRUE);
+       champlain_label_set_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &city_color);
+       champlain_label_set_text_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &text_color);
+       champlain_location_set_location (CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker), 50.84404145, 4.36720169448285);
+       champlain_marker_layer_add_marker (layer, CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
+       champlain_marker_animate_in(CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
+       /* champlain_path_layer_add_node (*path, CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker)); */
+       g_signal_connect(CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION(marker), "button-press", G_CALLBACK(marker_function), station);
+       marker = champlain_label_new_from_file ("icons/emblem-generic.png", NULL);
+       station = g_strdup("Calgary, Canada\n<span size=\"small\">CJSW</span>");
+       champlain_label_set_text (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), station);
+       champlain_label_set_use_markup (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), TRUE);
+       champlain_label_set_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &city_color);
+       champlain_label_set_text_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &text_color);
+       champlain_location_set_location (CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker), 51.0534234, -114.0625892);
+       champlain_marker_layer_add_marker (layer, CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
+       champlain_marker_animate_in(CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
+       /* champlain_path_layer_add_node (*path, CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker)); */
+       g_signal_connect(CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION(marker), "button-press", G_CALLBACK(marker_function), station);
+       marker = champlain_label_new_from_file ("icons/emblem-generic.png", NULL);
+       station = g_strdup("WHRB-FM, Cambridge, Massachusetts\n<span 
+       champlain_label_set_text (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), station);
+       champlain_label_set_use_markup (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), TRUE);
+       champlain_label_set_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &city_color);
+       champlain_label_set_text_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &text_color);
+       champlain_location_set_location (CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker), 42.3723191, -71.1186638);
+       champlain_marker_layer_add_marker (layer, CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
+       champlain_marker_animate_in(CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
+       /* champlain_path_layer_add_node (*path, CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker)); */
+       g_signal_connect(CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION(marker), "button-press", G_CALLBACK(marker_function), station);
+       marker = champlain_label_new_from_file ("icons/emblem-generic.png", NULL);
+       station = g_strdup("WMBR-FM, Cambridge, Massachusetts\n<span 
+       champlain_label_set_text (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), station);
+       champlain_label_set_use_markup (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), TRUE);
+       champlain_label_set_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &city_color);
+       champlain_label_set_text_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &text_color);
+       champlain_location_set_location (CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker), 42.3617430, -71.0839082);
+       champlain_marker_layer_add_marker (layer, CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
+       champlain_marker_animate_in(CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
+       /* champlain_path_layer_add_node (*path, CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker)); */
+       g_signal_connect(CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION(marker), "button-press", G_CALLBACK(marker_function), station);
+       marker = champlain_label_new_from_file ("icons/emblem-generic.png", NULL);
+       station = g_strdup("Cambridge, United Kingdom\n<span size=\"small\">Cam FM</span>");
+       champlain_label_set_text (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), station);
+       champlain_label_set_use_markup (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), TRUE);
+       champlain_label_set_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &city_color);
+       champlain_label_set_text_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &text_color);
+       champlain_location_set_location (CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker), 52.2033051, 0.124862);
+       champlain_marker_layer_add_marker (layer, CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
+       champlain_marker_animate_in(CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
+       /* champlain_path_layer_add_node (*path, CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker)); */
+       g_signal_connect(CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION(marker), "button-press", G_CALLBACK(marker_function), station);
+       marker = champlain_label_new_from_file ("icons/emblem-generic.png", NULL);
+       station = g_strdup("Cape Town, South Africa\n<span size=\"small\">UCT Radio</span>");
+       champlain_label_set_text (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), station);
+       champlain_label_set_use_markup (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), TRUE);
+       champlain_label_set_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &city_color);
+       champlain_label_set_text_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &text_color);
+       champlain_location_set_location (CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker), -33.928992, 18.417396);
+       champlain_marker_layer_add_marker (layer, CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
+       champlain_marker_animate_in(CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
+       /* champlain_path_layer_add_node (*path, CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker)); */
+       g_signal_connect(CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION(marker), "button-press", G_CALLBACK(marker_function), station);
+       marker = champlain_label_new_from_file ("icons/emblem-generic.png", NULL);
+       station = g_strdup("Copenhagen, Denmark\n<span size=\"small\">Danmarks Radio Nyheder</span>");
+       champlain_label_set_text (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), station);
+       champlain_label_set_use_markup (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), TRUE);
+       champlain_label_set_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &city_color);
+       champlain_label_set_text_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &text_color);
+       champlain_location_set_location (CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker), 55.6867243, 12.5700724);
+       champlain_marker_layer_add_marker (layer, CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
+       champlain_marker_animate_in(CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
+       /* champlain_path_layer_add_node (*path, CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker)); */
+       g_signal_connect(CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION(marker), "button-press", G_CALLBACK(marker_function), station);
+       marker = champlain_label_new_from_file ("icons/emblem-generic.png", NULL);
+       station = g_strdup("Chicago, Illinois\n<span size=\"small\">WHPK</span>");
+       champlain_label_set_text (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), station);
+       champlain_label_set_use_markup (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), TRUE);
+       champlain_label_set_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &city_color);
+       champlain_label_set_text_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &text_color);
+       champlain_location_set_location (CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker), 41.8755546, -87.6244212);
+       champlain_marker_layer_add_marker (layer, CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
+       champlain_marker_animate_in(CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
+       /* champlain_path_layer_add_node (*path, CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker)); */
+       g_signal_connect(CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION(marker), "button-press", G_CALLBACK(marker_function), station);
+       marker = champlain_label_new_from_file ("icons/emblem-generic.png", NULL);
+       station = g_strdup("Dublin, Ireland\n<span size=\"small\">DCUfm</span>");
+       champlain_label_set_text (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), station);
+       champlain_label_set_use_markup (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), TRUE);
+       champlain_label_set_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &city_color);
+       champlain_label_set_text_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &text_color);
+       champlain_location_set_location (CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker), 53.3497645, -6.2602732);
+       champlain_marker_layer_add_marker (layer, CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
+       /* champlain_path_layer_add_node (*path, CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker)); */
+       g_signal_connect(CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION(marker), "button-press", G_CALLBACK(marker_function), station);
+       marker = champlain_label_new_from_file ("icons/emblem-generic.png", NULL);
+       station = g_strdup("Guatemala City, Guatemala\n<span size=\"small\">Radio Universidad</span>");
+       champlain_label_set_text (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), station);
+       champlain_label_set_use_markup (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), TRUE);
+       champlain_label_set_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &city_color);
+       champlain_label_set_text_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &text_color);
+       champlain_location_set_location (CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker), 14.6417889, -90.5132239);
+       champlain_marker_layer_add_marker (layer, CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
+       champlain_marker_animate_in(CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
+       /* champlain_path_layer_add_node (*path, CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker)); */
+       g_signal_connect(CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION(marker), "button-press", G_CALLBACK(marker_function), station);
+       marker = champlain_label_new_from_file ("icons/emblem-generic.png", NULL);
+       station = g_strdup("Honolulu, Hawaii\n<span size=\"small\">Hawaii Public Radio</span>");
+       champlain_label_set_text (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), station);
+       champlain_label_set_use_markup (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), TRUE);
+       champlain_label_set_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &city_color);
+       champlain_label_set_text_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &text_color);
+       champlain_location_set_location (CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker), 21.304547, -157.8556764);
+       champlain_marker_layer_add_marker (layer, CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
+       champlain_marker_animate_in(CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
+       /* champlain_path_layer_add_node (*path, CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker)); */
+       g_signal_connect(CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION(marker), "button-press", G_CALLBACK(marker_function), station);
+       marker = champlain_label_new_from_file ("icons/emblem-generic.png", NULL);
+       station = g_strdup("Kingston, Canada\n<span size=\"small\">CFRC</span>");
+       champlain_label_set_text (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), station);
+       champlain_label_set_use_markup (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), TRUE);
+       champlain_label_set_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &city_color);
+       champlain_label_set_text_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &text_color);
+       champlain_location_set_location (CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker), 44.230687, -76.481323);
+       champlain_marker_layer_add_marker (layer, CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
+       champlain_marker_animate_in(CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
+       /* champlain_path_layer_add_node (*path, CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker)); */
+       g_signal_connect(CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION(marker), "button-press", G_CALLBACK(marker_function), station);
+       marker = champlain_label_new_from_file ("icons/emblem-generic.png", NULL);
+       station = g_strdup("Kristiansand, Norway\n<span size=\"small\">NRK Sørlandet</span>");
+       champlain_label_set_text (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), station);
+       champlain_label_set_use_markup (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), TRUE);
+       champlain_label_set_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &city_color);
+       champlain_label_set_text_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &text_color);
+       champlain_location_set_location (CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker), 58.14615, 7.9957333);
+       champlain_marker_layer_add_marker (layer, CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
+       champlain_marker_animate_in(CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
+       /* champlain_path_layer_add_node (*path, CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker)); */
+       g_signal_connect(CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION(marker), "button-press", G_CALLBACK(marker_function), station);
+       marker = champlain_label_new_from_file ("icons/emblem-generic.png", NULL);
+       station = g_strdup("Houston, Texas\n<span size=\"small\">Coog Radio, University of Houston</span>");
+       champlain_label_set_text (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), station);
+       champlain_label_set_use_markup (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), TRUE);
+       champlain_label_set_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &city_color);
+       champlain_label_set_text_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &text_color);
+       champlain_location_set_location (CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker), 29.7589382, -95.3676974);
+       champlain_marker_layer_add_marker (layer, CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
+       champlain_marker_animate_in(CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
+       /* champlain_path_layer_add_node (*path, CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker)); */
+       g_signal_connect(CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION(marker), "button-press", G_CALLBACK(marker_function), station);
+       marker = champlain_label_new_from_file ("icons/emblem-generic.png", NULL);
+       station = g_strdup("London, United Kingdom\n<span size=\"small\">Imperial College Radio</span>");
+       champlain_label_set_text (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), station);
+       champlain_label_set_use_markup (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), TRUE);
+       champlain_label_set_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &city_color);
+       champlain_label_set_text_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &text_color);
+       champlain_location_set_location (CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker), 51.5073219, -0.1276474);
+       champlain_marker_layer_add_marker (layer, CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
+       champlain_marker_animate_in(CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
+       /* champlain_path_layer_add_node (*path, CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker)); */
+       g_signal_connect(CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION(marker), "button-press", G_CALLBACK(marker_function), station);
+       marker = champlain_label_new_from_file ("icons/emblem-generic.png", NULL);
+       station = g_strdup("Los Angeles, California\n<span size=\"small\">KXSC</span>");
+       champlain_label_set_text (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), station);
+       champlain_label_set_use_markup (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), TRUE);
+       champlain_label_set_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &city_color);
+       champlain_label_set_text_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &text_color);
+       champlain_location_set_location (CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker), 34.1430079, -118.14176172581);
+       champlain_marker_layer_add_marker (layer, CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
+       champlain_marker_animate_in(CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
+       /* champlain_path_layer_add_node (*path, CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker)); */
+       g_signal_connect(CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION(marker), "button-press", G_CALLBACK(marker_function), station);
+       marker = champlain_label_new_from_file ("icons/emblem-generic.png", NULL);
+       station = g_strdup("México City, México\n<span size=\"small\">Radio UNAM</span>");
+       champlain_label_set_text (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), station);
+       champlain_label_set_use_markup (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), TRUE);
+       champlain_label_set_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &city_color);
+       champlain_label_set_text_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &text_color);
+       champlain_location_set_location (CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker), 19.647012, -101.22900565);
+       champlain_marker_layer_add_marker (layer, CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
+       champlain_marker_animate_in(CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
+       /* champlain_path_layer_add_node (*path, CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker)); */
+       g_signal_connect(CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION(marker), "button-press", G_CALLBACK(marker_function), station);
+       marker = champlain_label_new_from_file ("icons/emblem-generic.png", NULL);
+       station = g_strdup("Moscow, Russia\n<span size=\"small\">Echo of Moscow</span>");
+       champlain_label_set_text (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), station);
+       champlain_label_set_use_markup (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), TRUE);
+       champlain_label_set_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &city_color);
+       champlain_label_set_text_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &text_color);
+       champlain_location_set_location (CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker), 55.4792046, 37.3273304);
+       champlain_marker_layer_add_marker (layer, CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
+       champlain_marker_animate_in(CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
+       /* champlain_path_layer_add_node (*path, CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker)); */
+       g_signal_connect(CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION(marker), "button-press", G_CALLBACK(marker_function), station);
+       marker = champlain_label_new_from_file ("icons/emblem-generic.png", NULL);
+       station = g_strdup("Newcastle, Australia\n<span size=\"small\">2NURFM</span>");
+       champlain_label_set_text (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), station);
+       champlain_label_set_use_markup (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), TRUE);
+       champlain_label_set_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &city_color);
+       champlain_label_set_text_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &text_color);
+       champlain_location_set_location (CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker), -32.9272881, 151.7812534);
+       champlain_marker_layer_add_marker (layer, CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
+       champlain_marker_animate_in(CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
+       /* champlain_path_layer_add_node (*path, CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker)); */
+       g_signal_connect(CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION(marker), "button-press", G_CALLBACK(marker_function), station);
+       marker = champlain_label_new_from_file ("icons/emblem-generic.png", NULL);
+       station = g_strdup("New Orleans, Louisiana\n<span size=\"small\">WWNO</span>");
+       champlain_label_set_text (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), station);
+       champlain_label_set_use_markup (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), TRUE);
+       champlain_label_set_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &city_color);
+       champlain_label_set_text_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &text_color);
+       champlain_location_set_location (CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker), 29.9499323, -90.0701156);
+       champlain_marker_layer_add_marker (layer, CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
+       champlain_marker_animate_in(CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
+       /* champlain_path_layer_add_node (*path, CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker)); */
+       g_signal_connect(CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION(marker), "button-press", G_CALLBACK(marker_function), station);
+       marker = champlain_label_new_from_file ("icons/emblem-generic.png", NULL);
+       station = g_strdup("New York City, New York\n<span size=\"small\">WKCR</span>");
+       champlain_label_set_text (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), station);
+       champlain_label_set_use_markup (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), TRUE);
+       champlain_label_set_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &city_color);
+       champlain_label_set_text_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &text_color);
+       champlain_location_set_location (CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker), 40.7306458, -73.9866136);
+       champlain_marker_layer_add_marker (layer, CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
+       champlain_marker_animate_in(CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
+       /* champlain_path_layer_add_node (*path, CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker)); */
+       g_signal_connect(CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION(marker), "button-press", G_CALLBACK(marker_function), station);
+       marker = champlain_label_new_from_file ("icons/emblem-generic.png", NULL);
+       station = g_strdup("Oslo, Norway\n<span size=\"small\">NRK Sport</span>");
+       champlain_label_set_text (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), station);
+       champlain_label_set_use_markup (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), TRUE);
+       champlain_label_set_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &city_color);
+       champlain_label_set_text_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &text_color);
+       champlain_location_set_location (CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker), 59.9132694, 10.7391112);
+       champlain_marker_layer_add_marker (layer, CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
+       champlain_marker_animate_in(CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
+       /* champlain_path_layer_add_node (*path, CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker)); */
+       g_signal_connect(CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION(marker), "button-press", G_CALLBACK(marker_function), station);
+       marker = champlain_label_new_from_file ("icons/emblem-generic.png", NULL);
+       station = g_strdup("Oxford, United Kingdom\n<span size=\"small\">Oxide Radio</span>");
+       champlain_label_set_text (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), station);
+       champlain_label_set_use_markup (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), TRUE);
+       champlain_label_set_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &city_color);
+       champlain_label_set_text_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &text_color);
+       champlain_location_set_location (CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker), 51.7520131, -1.2578499);
+       champlain_marker_layer_add_marker (layer, CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
+       champlain_marker_animate_in(CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
+       /* champlain_path_layer_add_node (*path, CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker)); */
+       g_signal_connect(CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION(marker), "button-press", G_CALLBACK(marker_function), station);
+       marker = champlain_label_new_from_file ("icons/emblem-generic.png", NULL);
+       station = g_strdup("Ottawa, Canada\n<span size=\"small\">CHUO</span>");
+       champlain_label_set_text (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), station);
+       champlain_label_set_use_markup (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), TRUE);
+       champlain_label_set_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &city_color);
+       champlain_label_set_text_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &text_color);
+       champlain_location_set_location (CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker), 45.421106, -75.690308);
+       champlain_marker_layer_add_marker (layer, CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
+       champlain_marker_animate_in(CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
+       /* champlain_path_layer_add_node (*path, CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker)); */
+       g_signal_connect(CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION(marker), "button-press", G_CALLBACK(marker_function), station);
+       marker = champlain_label_new_from_file ("icons/emblem-generic.png", NULL);
+       station = g_strdup("Paris, France\n<span size=\"small\">Radio Campus Paris</span>");
+       champlain_label_set_text (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), station);
+       champlain_label_set_use_markup (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), TRUE);
+       champlain_label_set_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &city_color);
+       champlain_label_set_text_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &text_color);
+       champlain_location_set_location (CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker), 48.8566101, 2.3514992);
+       champlain_marker_layer_add_marker (layer, CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
+       champlain_marker_animate_in(CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
+       /* champlain_path_layer_add_node (*path, CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker)); */
+       g_signal_connect(CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION(marker), "button-press", G_CALLBACK(marker_function), station);
+       marker = champlain_label_new_from_file ("icons/emblem-generic.png", NULL);
+       station = g_strdup("Phoenix, Arizona\n<span size=\"small\">KASC</span>");
+       champlain_label_set_text (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), station);
+       champlain_label_set_use_markup (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), TRUE);
+       champlain_label_set_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &city_color);
+       champlain_label_set_text_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &text_color);
+       champlain_location_set_location (CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker), 33.4485866, -112.0773456);
+       champlain_marker_layer_add_marker (layer, CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
+       champlain_marker_animate_in(CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
+       /* champlain_path_layer_add_node (*path, CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker)); */
+       g_signal_connect(CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION(marker), "button-press", G_CALLBACK(marker_function), station);
+       marker = champlain_label_new_from_file ("icons/emblem-generic.png", NULL);
+       station = g_strdup("San Francisco, California\n<span size=\"small\">SomaFM</span>");
+       champlain_label_set_text (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), station);
+       champlain_label_set_use_markup (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), TRUE);
+       champlain_label_set_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &city_color);
+       champlain_label_set_text_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &text_color);
+       champlain_location_set_location (CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker), 37.7792808, -122.4192363);
+       champlain_marker_layer_add_marker (layer, CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
+       champlain_marker_animate_in(CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
+       /* champlain_path_layer_add_node (*path, CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker)); */
+       g_signal_connect(CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION(marker), "button-press", G_CALLBACK(marker_function), station);
+       marker = champlain_label_new_from_file ("icons/emblem-generic.png", NULL);
+       station = g_strdup("Seattle, Washington\n<span size=\"small\">KSUB</span>");
+       champlain_label_set_text (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), station);
+       champlain_label_set_use_markup (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), TRUE);
+       champlain_label_set_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &city_color);
+       champlain_label_set_text_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &text_color);
+       champlain_location_set_location (CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker), 47.6038321, -122.3300624);
+       champlain_marker_layer_add_marker (layer, CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
+       champlain_marker_animate_in(CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
+       /* champlain_path_layer_add_node (*path, CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker)); */
+       g_signal_connect(CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION(marker), "button-press", G_CALLBACK(marker_function), station);
+       marker = champlain_label_new_from_file ("icons/emblem-generic.png", NULL);
+       station = g_strdup("Stanford, California\n<span size=\"small\">KZSU</span>");
+       champlain_label_set_text (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), station);
+       champlain_label_set_use_markup (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), TRUE);
+       champlain_label_set_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &city_color);
+       champlain_label_set_text_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &text_color);
+       champlain_location_set_location (CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker), 37.4248398, -122.1677058);
+       champlain_marker_layer_add_marker (layer, CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
+       champlain_marker_animate_in(CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
+       /* champlain_path_layer_add_node (*path, CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker)); */
+       g_signal_connect(CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION(marker), "button-press", G_CALLBACK(marker_function), station);
+       marker = champlain_label_new_from_file ("icons/emblem-generic.png", NULL);
+       station = g_strdup("Stockholm, Sweden\n<span size=\"small\">Sveriges Radio P1</span>");
+       champlain_label_set_text (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), station);
+       champlain_label_set_use_markup (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), TRUE);
+       champlain_label_set_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &city_color);
+       champlain_label_set_text_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &text_color);
+       champlain_location_set_location (CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker), 59.3251172, 18.0710935);
+       champlain_marker_layer_add_marker (layer, CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
+       champlain_marker_animate_in(CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
+       /* champlain_path_layer_add_node (*path, CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker)); */
+       g_signal_connect(CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION(marker), "button-press", G_CALLBACK(marker_function), station);
+       marker = champlain_label_new_from_file ("icons/emblem-generic.png", NULL);
+       station = g_strdup("Sydney, Canada\n<span size=\"small\">Caper Radio</span>");
+       champlain_label_set_text (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), station);
+       champlain_label_set_use_markup (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), TRUE);
+       champlain_label_set_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &city_color);
+       champlain_label_set_text_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &text_color);
+       champlain_location_set_location (CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker), 46.1654766, -60.1735637935906);
+       champlain_marker_layer_add_marker (layer, CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
+       champlain_marker_animate_in(CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
+       /* champlain_path_layer_add_node (*path, CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker)); */
+       g_signal_connect(CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION(marker), "button-press", G_CALLBACK(marker_function), station);
+       marker = champlain_label_new_from_file ("icons/emblem-generic.png", NULL);
+       station = g_strdup("Tampere, Finland\n<span size=\"small\">Radio Moreeni</span>");
+       champlain_label_set_text (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), station);
+       champlain_label_set_use_markup (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), TRUE);
+       champlain_label_set_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &city_color);
+       champlain_label_set_text_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &text_color);
+       champlain_location_set_location (CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker), 61.4980214, 23.7603118);
+       champlain_marker_layer_add_marker (layer, CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
+       champlain_marker_animate_in(CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
+       /* champlain_path_layer_add_node (*path, CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker)); */
+       g_signal_connect(CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION(marker), "button-press", G_CALLBACK(marker_function), station);
+       marker = champlain_label_new_from_file ("icons/emblem-generic.png", NULL);
+       station = g_strdup("Toronto, Canada\n<span size=\"small\">CIUT</span>");
+       champlain_label_set_text (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), station);
+       champlain_label_set_use_markup (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), TRUE);
+       champlain_label_set_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &city_color);
+       champlain_label_set_text_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &text_color);
+       champlain_location_set_location (CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker), 43.653963, -79.387207);
+       champlain_marker_layer_add_marker (layer, CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
+       champlain_marker_animate_in(CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
+       /* champlain_path_layer_add_node (*path, CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker)); */
+       g_signal_connect(CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION(marker), "button-press", G_CALLBACK(marker_function), station);
+       marker = champlain_label_new_from_file ("icons/emblem-generic.png", NULL);
+       station = g_strdup("Trondheim, Norway\n<span size=\"small\">Radio Revolt</span>");
+       champlain_label_set_text (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), station);
+       champlain_label_set_use_markup (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), TRUE);
+       champlain_label_set_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &city_color);
+       champlain_label_set_text_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &text_color);
+       champlain_location_set_location (CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker), 63.4305658, 10.3951929);
+       champlain_marker_layer_add_marker (layer, CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
+       champlain_marker_animate_in(CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
+       /* champlain_path_layer_add_node (*path, CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker)); */
+       g_signal_connect(CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION(marker), "button-press", G_CALLBACK(marker_function), station);
+       marker = champlain_label_new_from_file ("icons/emblem-generic.png", NULL);
+       station = g_strdup("Warsaw, Poland\n<span size=\"small\">Radio Aktywne</span>");
+       champlain_label_set_text (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), station);
+       champlain_label_set_use_markup (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), TRUE);
+       champlain_label_set_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &city_color);
+       champlain_label_set_text_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &text_color);
+       champlain_location_set_location (CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker), 52.2319237, 21.0067265);
+       champlain_marker_layer_add_marker (layer, CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
+       champlain_marker_animate_in(CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
+       /* champlain_path_layer_add_node (*path, CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker)); */
+       g_signal_connect(CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION(marker), "button-press", G_CALLBACK(marker_function), station);
+       marker = champlain_label_new_from_file ("icons/emblem-generic.png", NULL);
+       station = g_strdup("Washington, District of Columbia\n<span size=\"small\">WAMU</span>");
+       champlain_label_set_text (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), station);
+       champlain_label_set_use_markup (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), TRUE);
+       champlain_label_set_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &city_color);
+       champlain_label_set_text_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &text_color);
+       champlain_location_set_location (CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker), 38.8949549, -77.0366456);
+       champlain_marker_layer_add_marker (layer, CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
+       champlain_marker_animate_in(CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
+       /* champlain_path_layer_add_node (*path, CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker)); */
+       g_signal_connect(CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION(marker), "button-press", G_CALLBACK(marker_function), station);
+       marker = champlain_label_new_from_file ("icons/emblem-generic.png", NULL);
+       station = g_strdup("Waterloo, Canada\n<span size=\"small\">SoundFM</span>");
+       champlain_label_set_text (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), station);
+       champlain_label_set_use_markup (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), TRUE);
+       champlain_label_set_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &city_color);
+       champlain_label_set_text_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &text_color);
+       champlain_location_set_location (CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker), 43.466874, -80.524635);
+       champlain_marker_layer_add_marker (layer, CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
+       champlain_marker_animate_in(CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
+       /* champlain_path_layer_add_node (*path, CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker)); */
+       g_signal_connect(CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION(marker), "button-press", G_CALLBACK(marker_function), station);
 #if 0
-  marker = champlain_label_new_from_file ("icons/emblem-important.png", NULL);
-  champlain_label_set_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &city_color);
-  champlain_label_set_text_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &text_color);
-  champlain_location_set_location (CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker), 37.873093, -122.303769);
-  champlain_marker_layer_add_marker (layer, CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
-  champlain_path_layer_add_node (*path, CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker));
-  marker = champlain_point_new ();
-  champlain_label_set_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &city_color);
-  champlain_label_set_text_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &text_color);
-  champlain_location_set_location (CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker), 37.873093, -122.303769);
-  champlain_marker_layer_add_marker (layer, CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
-  champlain_path_layer_add_node (*path, CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker));
-  marker = champlain_label_new_from_file ("icons/emblem-favorite.png", NULL);
-  champlain_label_set_draw_background (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), FALSE);
-  champlain_label_set_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &city_color);
-  champlain_label_set_text_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &text_color);
-  champlain_location_set_location (CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker), 37.873093, -122.303769);
-  champlain_marker_layer_add_marker (layer, CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
-  champlain_path_layer_add_node (*path, CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker));
+       marker = champlain_label_new_from_file ("icons/emblem-important.png", NULL);
+       champlain_label_set_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &city_color);
+       champlain_label_set_text_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &text_color);
+       champlain_location_set_location (CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker), 37.873093, -122.303769);
+       champlain_marker_layer_add_marker (layer, CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
+       champlain_path_layer_add_node (*path, CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker));
+       marker = champlain_point_new ();
+       champlain_label_set_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &city_color);
+       champlain_label_set_text_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &text_color);
+       champlain_location_set_location (CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker), 37.873093, -122.303769);
+       champlain_marker_layer_add_marker (layer, CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
+       champlain_path_layer_add_node (*path, CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker));
+       marker = champlain_label_new_from_file ("icons/emblem-favorite.png", NULL);
+       champlain_label_set_draw_background (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), FALSE);
+       champlain_label_set_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &city_color);
+       champlain_label_set_text_color (CHAMPLAIN_LABEL (marker), &text_color);
+       champlain_location_set_location (CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker), 37.873093, -122.303769);
+       champlain_marker_layer_add_marker (layer, CHAMPLAIN_MARKER (marker));
+       champlain_path_layer_add_node (*path, CHAMPLAIN_LOCATION (marker));
-  champlain_marker_layer_set_all_markers_draggable (layer);
-  clutter_actor_show (layer_actor);
-  return layer;
+       champlain_marker_layer_set_all_markers_draggable (layer);
+       clutter_actor_show (layer_actor);
+       return layer;
diff --git a/src/gnome-internet-radio-locator-player.c b/src/gnome-internet-radio-locator-player.c
index 24e76fe..41546e4 100644
--- a/src/gnome-internet-radio-locator-player.c
+++ b/src/gnome-internet-radio-locator-player.c
@@ -75,340 +75,298 @@ gnome_internet_radio_locator_player_main(gchar *streamuri, gchar *name)
 static void
 end_of_stream_cb (GstPlayer * player, GstPlay * play)
-  g_print ("\n");
-  /* and switch to next item in list */
-  if (!play_next (play)) {
-    g_print ("Reached end of play list.\n");
-    g_main_loop_quit (play->loop);
-  }
+       g_print ("\n");
+       /* and switch to next item in list */
+       if (!play_next (play)) {
+               g_print ("Reached end of play list.\n");
+               g_main_loop_quit (play->loop);
+       }
 #if 0
 static void
 error_cb (GstPlayer * player, GError * err, GstPlay * play)
-  g_printerr ("ERROR %s for %s\n", err->message, play->uris[play->cur_idx]);
-  /* if looping is enabled, then disable it else will keep looping forever */
-  play->repeat = FALSE;
-  /* try next item in list then */
-  if (!play_next (play)) {
-    g_print ("Reached end of play list.\n");
-    g_main_loop_quit (play->loop);
-  }
+       g_printerr ("ERROR %s for %s\n", err->message, play->uris[play->cur_idx]);
+       /* if looping is enabled, then disable it else will keep looping forever */
+       play->repeat = FALSE;
+       /* try next item in list then */
+       if (!play_next (play)) {
+               g_print ("Reached end of play list.\n");
+               g_main_loop_quit (play->loop);
+       }
 static void
 position_updated_cb (GstPlayer * player, GstClockTime pos, GstPlay * play)
-  GstClockTime dur = -1;
-  gchar status[64] = { 0, };
-  g_object_get (play->player, "duration", &dur, NULL);
-  memset (status, ' ', sizeof (status) - 1);
-  if (pos != -1 && dur > 0 && dur != -1) {
-    gchar dstr[32], pstr[32];
-    /* FIXME: pretty print in nicer format */
-    g_snprintf (pstr, 32, "%" GST_TIME_FORMAT, GST_TIME_ARGS (pos));
-    pstr[9] = '\0';
-    g_snprintf (dstr, 32, "%" GST_TIME_FORMAT, GST_TIME_ARGS (dur));
-    dstr[9] = '\0';
-    g_print ("%s / %s %s\r", pstr, dstr, status);
-  }
+       GstClockTime dur = -1;
+       gchar status[64] = { 0, };
+       g_object_get (play->player, "duration", &dur, NULL);
+       memset (status, ' ', sizeof (status) - 1);
+       if (pos != -1 && dur > 0 && dur != -1) {
+               gchar dstr[32], pstr[32];
+               /* FIXME: pretty print in nicer format */
+               g_snprintf (pstr, 32, "%" GST_TIME_FORMAT, GST_TIME_ARGS (pos));
+               pstr[9] = '\0';
+               g_snprintf (dstr, 32, "%" GST_TIME_FORMAT, GST_TIME_ARGS (dur));
+               dstr[9] = '\0';
+               g_print ("%s / %s %s\r", pstr, dstr, status);
+       }
 static void
 state_changed_cb (GstPlayer * player, GstPlayerState state, GstPlay * play)
-  g_print ("State changed: %s\n", gst_player_state_get_name (state));
+       g_print ("State changed: %s\n", gst_player_state_get_name (state));
 static void
 buffering_cb (GstPlayer * player, gint percent, GstPlay * play)
-  g_print ("Buffering: %d\n", percent);
+       g_print ("Buffering: %d\n", percent);
 static void
 print_one_tag (const GstTagList * list, const gchar * tag, gpointer user_data)
-  gint i, num;
-  num = gst_tag_list_get_tag_size (list, tag);
-  for (i = 0; i < num; ++i) {
-    const GValue *val;
-    val = gst_tag_list_get_value_index (list, tag, i);
-    if (G_VALUE_HOLDS_STRING (val)) {
-      g_print ("    %s : %s \n", tag, g_value_get_string (val));
-    } else if (G_VALUE_HOLDS_UINT (val)) {
-      g_print ("    %s : %u \n", tag, g_value_get_uint (val));
-    } else if (G_VALUE_HOLDS_DOUBLE (val)) {
-      g_print ("    %s : %g \n", tag, g_value_get_double (val));
-    } else if (G_VALUE_HOLDS_BOOLEAN (val)) {
-      g_print ("    %s : %s \n", tag,
-          g_value_get_boolean (val) ? "true" : "false");
-    } else if (GST_VALUE_HOLDS_DATE_TIME (val)) {
-      GstDateTime *dt = g_value_get_boxed (val);
-      gchar *dt_str = gst_date_time_to_iso8601_string (dt);
-      g_print ("    %s : %s \n", tag, dt_str);
-      g_free (dt_str);
-    } else {
-      g_print ("    %s : tag of type '%s' \n", tag, G_VALUE_TYPE_NAME (val));
-    }
-  }
+       gint i, num;
+       num = gst_tag_list_get_tag_size (list, tag);
+       for (i = 0; i < num; ++i) {
+               const GValue *val;
+               val = gst_tag_list_get_value_index (list, tag, i);
+               if (G_VALUE_HOLDS_STRING (val)) {
+                       g_print ("    %s : %s \n", tag, g_value_get_string (val));
+               } else if (G_VALUE_HOLDS_UINT (val)) {
+                       g_print ("    %s : %u \n", tag, g_value_get_uint (val));
+               } else if (G_VALUE_HOLDS_DOUBLE (val)) {
+                       g_print ("    %s : %g \n", tag, g_value_get_double (val));
+               } else if (G_VALUE_HOLDS_BOOLEAN (val)) {
+                       g_print ("    %s : %s \n", tag,
+                                g_value_get_boolean (val) ? "true" : "false");
+               } else if (GST_VALUE_HOLDS_DATE_TIME (val)) {
+                       GstDateTime *dt = g_value_get_boxed (val);
+                       gchar *dt_str = gst_date_time_to_iso8601_string (dt);
+                       g_print ("    %s : %s \n", tag, dt_str);
+                       g_free (dt_str);
+               } else {
+                       g_print ("    %s : tag of type '%s' \n", tag, G_VALUE_TYPE_NAME (val));
+               }
+       }
 static void
 print_video_info (GstPlayerVideoInfo * info)
-  gint fps_n, fps_d;
-  guint par_n, par_d;
-  if (info == NULL)
-    return;
-  g_print ("  width : %d\n", gst_player_video_info_get_width (info));
-  g_print ("  height : %d\n", gst_player_video_info_get_height (info));
-  g_print ("  max_bitrate : %d\n",
-      gst_player_video_info_get_max_bitrate (info));
-  g_print ("  bitrate : %d\n", gst_player_video_info_get_bitrate (info));
-  gst_player_video_info_get_framerate (info, &fps_n, &fps_d);
-  g_print ("  framerate : %.2f\n", (gdouble) fps_n / fps_d);
-  gst_player_video_info_get_pixel_aspect_ratio (info, &par_n, &par_d);
-  g_print ("  pixel-aspect-ratio  %u:%u\n", par_n, par_d);
+       gint fps_n, fps_d;
+       guint par_n, par_d;
+       if (info == NULL)
+               return;
+       g_print ("  width : %d\n", gst_player_video_info_get_width (info));
+       g_print ("  height : %d\n", gst_player_video_info_get_height (info));
+       g_print ("  max_bitrate : %d\n",
+                gst_player_video_info_get_max_bitrate (info));
+       g_print ("  bitrate : %d\n", gst_player_video_info_get_bitrate (info));
+       gst_player_video_info_get_framerate (info, &fps_n, &fps_d);
+       g_print ("  framerate : %.2f\n", (gdouble) fps_n / fps_d);
+       gst_player_video_info_get_pixel_aspect_ratio (info, &par_n, &par_d);
+       g_print ("  pixel-aspect-ratio  %u:%u\n", par_n, par_d);
 static void
 print_audio_info (GstPlayerAudioInfo * info)
-  if (info == NULL)
-    return;
-  g_print ("  sample rate : %d\n",
-      gst_player_audio_info_get_sample_rate (info));
-  g_print ("  channels : %d\n", gst_player_audio_info_get_channels (info));
-  g_print ("  max_bitrate : %d\n",
-      gst_player_audio_info_get_max_bitrate (info));
-  g_print ("  bitrate : %d\n", gst_player_audio_info_get_bitrate (info));
-  g_print ("  language : %s\n", gst_player_audio_info_get_language (info));
+       if (info == NULL)
+               return;
+       g_print ("  sample rate : %d\n",
+                gst_player_audio_info_get_sample_rate (info));
+       g_print ("  channels : %d\n", gst_player_audio_info_get_channels (info));
+       g_print ("  max_bitrate : %d\n",
+                gst_player_audio_info_get_max_bitrate (info));
+       g_print ("  bitrate : %d\n", gst_player_audio_info_get_bitrate (info));
+       g_print ("  language : %s\n", gst_player_audio_info_get_language (info));
 static void
 print_subtitle_info (GstPlayerSubtitleInfo * info)
-  if (info == NULL)
-    return;
-  g_print ("  language : %s\n", gst_player_subtitle_info_get_language (info));
+       if (info == NULL)
+               return;
+       g_print ("  language : %s\n", gst_player_subtitle_info_get_language (info));
 static void
 print_all_stream_info (GstPlayerMediaInfo * media_info)
-  guint count = 0;
-  GList *list, *l;
-  g_print ("URI : %s\n", gst_player_media_info_get_uri (media_info));
-  g_print ("Duration: %" GST_TIME_FORMAT "\n",
-      GST_TIME_ARGS (gst_player_media_info_get_duration (media_info)));
-  g_print ("Global taglist:\n");
-  if (gst_player_media_info_get_tags (media_info))
-    gst_tag_list_foreach (gst_player_media_info_get_tags (media_info),
-        print_one_tag, NULL);
-  else
-    g_print ("  (nil) \n");
-  list = gst_player_media_info_get_stream_list (media_info);
-  if (!list)
-    return;
-  g_print ("All Stream information\n");
-  for (l = list; l != NULL; l = l->next) {
-    GstTagList *tags = NULL;
-    GstPlayerStreamInfo *stream = (GstPlayerStreamInfo *) l->data;
-    g_print (" Stream # %u \n", count++);
-    g_print ("  type : %s_%u\n",
-        gst_player_stream_info_get_stream_type (stream),
-        gst_player_stream_info_get_index (stream));
-    tags = gst_player_stream_info_get_tags (stream);
-    g_print ("  taglist : \n");
-    if (tags) {
-      gst_tag_list_foreach (tags, print_one_tag, NULL);
-    }
-    if (GST_IS_PLAYER_VIDEO_INFO (stream))
-      print_video_info ((GstPlayerVideoInfo *) stream);
-    else if (GST_IS_PLAYER_AUDIO_INFO (stream))
-      print_audio_info ((GstPlayerAudioInfo *) stream);
-    else
-      print_subtitle_info ((GstPlayerSubtitleInfo *) stream);
-  }
+       guint count = 0;
+       GList *list, *l;
+       g_print ("URI : %s\n", gst_player_media_info_get_uri (media_info));
+       g_print ("Duration: %" GST_TIME_FORMAT "\n",
+                GST_TIME_ARGS (gst_player_media_info_get_duration (media_info)));
+       g_print ("Global taglist:\n");
+       if (gst_player_media_info_get_tags (media_info))
+               gst_tag_list_foreach (gst_player_media_info_get_tags (media_info),
+                                     print_one_tag, NULL);
+       else
+               g_print ("  (nil) \n");
+       list = gst_player_media_info_get_stream_list (media_info);
+       if (!list)
+               return;
+       g_print ("All Stream information\n");
+       for (l = list; l != NULL; l = l->next) {
+               GstTagList *tags = NULL;
+               GstPlayerStreamInfo *stream = (GstPlayerStreamInfo *) l->data;
+               g_print (" Stream # %u \n", count++);
+               g_print ("  type : %s_%u\n",
+                        gst_player_stream_info_get_stream_type (stream),
+                        gst_player_stream_info_get_index (stream));
+               tags = gst_player_stream_info_get_tags (stream);
+               g_print ("  taglist : \n");
+               if (tags) {
+                       gst_tag_list_foreach (tags, print_one_tag, NULL);
+               }
+               if (GST_IS_PLAYER_VIDEO_INFO (stream))
+                       print_video_info ((GstPlayerVideoInfo *) stream);
+               else if (GST_IS_PLAYER_AUDIO_INFO (stream))
+                       print_audio_info ((GstPlayerAudioInfo *) stream);
+               else
+                       print_subtitle_info ((GstPlayerSubtitleInfo *) stream);
+       }
 static void
 print_all_video_stream (GstPlayerMediaInfo * media_info)
-  GList *list, *l;
-  list = gst_player_get_video_streams (media_info);
-  if (!list)
-    return;
-  g_print ("All video streams\n");
-  for (l = list; l != NULL; l = l->next) {
-    GstPlayerVideoInfo *info = (GstPlayerVideoInfo *) l->data;
-    GstPlayerStreamInfo *sinfo = (GstPlayerStreamInfo *) info;
-    g_print (" %s_%d #\n", gst_player_stream_info_get_stream_type (sinfo),
-        gst_player_stream_info_get_index (sinfo));
-    print_video_info (info);
-  }
+       GList *list, *l;
+       list = gst_player_get_video_streams (media_info);
+       if (!list)
+               return;
+       g_print ("All video streams\n");
+       for (l = list; l != NULL; l = l->next) {
+               GstPlayerVideoInfo *info = (GstPlayerVideoInfo *) l->data;
+               GstPlayerStreamInfo *sinfo = (GstPlayerStreamInfo *) info;
+               g_print (" %s_%d #\n", gst_player_stream_info_get_stream_type (sinfo),
+                        gst_player_stream_info_get_index (sinfo));
+               print_video_info (info);
+       }
 static void
 print_all_subtitle_stream (GstPlayerMediaInfo * media_info)
-  GList *list, *l;
-  list = gst_player_get_subtitle_streams (media_info);
-  if (!list)
-    return;
-  g_print ("All subtitle streams:\n");
-  for (l = list; l != NULL; l = l->next) {
-    GstPlayerSubtitleInfo *info = (GstPlayerSubtitleInfo *) l->data;
-    GstPlayerStreamInfo *sinfo = (GstPlayerStreamInfo *) info;
-    g_print (" %s_%d #\n", gst_player_stream_info_get_stream_type (sinfo),
-        gst_player_stream_info_get_index (sinfo));
-    print_subtitle_info (info);
-  }
+       GList *list, *l;
+       list = gst_player_get_subtitle_streams (media_info);
+       if (!list)
+               return;
+       g_print ("All subtitle streams:\n");
+       for (l = list; l != NULL; l = l->next) {
+               GstPlayerSubtitleInfo *info = (GstPlayerSubtitleInfo *) l->data;
+               GstPlayerStreamInfo *sinfo = (GstPlayerStreamInfo *) info;
+               g_print (" %s_%d #\n", gst_player_stream_info_get_stream_type (sinfo),
+                        gst_player_stream_info_get_index (sinfo));
+               print_subtitle_info (info);
+       }
 static void
 print_all_audio_stream (GstPlayerMediaInfo * media_info)
-  GList *list, *l;
-  list = gst_player_get_audio_streams (media_info);
-  if (!list)
-    return;
-  g_print ("All audio streams: \n");
-  for (l = list; l != NULL; l = l->next) {
-    GstPlayerAudioInfo *info = (GstPlayerAudioInfo *) l->data;
-    GstPlayerStreamInfo *sinfo = (GstPlayerStreamInfo *) info;
-    g_print (" %s_%d #\n", gst_player_stream_info_get_stream_type (sinfo),
-        gst_player_stream_info_get_index (sinfo));
-    print_audio_info (info);
-  }
+       GList *list, *l;
+       list = gst_player_get_audio_streams (media_info);
+       if (!list)
+               return;
+       g_print ("All audio streams: \n");
+       for (l = list; l != NULL; l = l->next) {
+               GstPlayerAudioInfo *info = (GstPlayerAudioInfo *) l->data;
+               GstPlayerStreamInfo *sinfo = (GstPlayerStreamInfo *) info;
+               g_print (" %s_%d #\n", gst_player_stream_info_get_stream_type (sinfo),
+                        gst_player_stream_info_get_index (sinfo));
+               print_audio_info (info);
+       }
 static void
 print_current_tracks (GstPlay * play)
-  GstPlayerAudioInfo *audio = NULL;
-  GstPlayerVideoInfo *video = NULL;
-  GstPlayerSubtitleInfo *subtitle = NULL;
-  g_print ("Current video track: \n");
-  video = gst_player_get_current_video_track (play->player);
-  print_video_info (video);
-  g_print ("Current audio track: \n");
-  audio = gst_player_get_current_audio_track (play->player);
-  print_audio_info (audio);
-  g_print ("Current subtitle track: \n");
-  subtitle = gst_player_get_current_subtitle_track (play->player);
-  print_subtitle_info (subtitle);
-  if (audio)
-    g_object_unref (audio);
-  if (video)
-    g_object_unref (video);
-  if (subtitle)
-    g_object_unref (subtitle);
+       GstPlayerAudioInfo *audio = NULL;
+       GstPlayerVideoInfo *video = NULL;
+       GstPlayerSubtitleInfo *subtitle = NULL;
+       g_print ("Current video track: \n");
+       video = gst_player_get_current_video_track (play->player);
+       print_video_info (video);
+       g_print ("Current audio track: \n");
+       audio = gst_player_get_current_audio_track (play->player);
+       print_audio_info (audio);
+       g_print ("Current subtitle track: \n");
+       subtitle = gst_player_get_current_subtitle_track (play->player);
+       print_subtitle_info (subtitle);
+       if (audio)
+               g_object_unref (audio);
+       if (video)
+               g_object_unref (video);
+       if (subtitle)
+               g_object_unref (subtitle);
 static void
 print_media_info (GstPlayerMediaInfo * media_info)
-  print_all_stream_info (media_info);
-  g_print ("\n");
-  print_all_video_stream (media_info);
-  g_print ("\n");
-  print_all_audio_stream (media_info);
-  g_print ("\n");
-  print_all_subtitle_stream (media_info);
+       print_all_stream_info (media_info);
+       g_print ("\n");
+       print_all_video_stream (media_info);
+       g_print ("\n");
+       print_all_audio_stream (media_info);
+       g_print ("\n");
+       print_all_subtitle_stream (media_info);
 static void
 media_info_cb (GstPlayer * player, GstPlayerMediaInfo * info, GstPlay * play)
-  static int once = 0;
-  if (!once) {
-    print_media_info (info);
-    print_current_tracks (play);
-    once = 1;
-  }
+       static int once = 0;
+       if (!once) {
+               print_media_info (info);
+               print_current_tracks (play);
+               once = 1;
+       }
 #if 0
 static GstPlay *
 play_new (gchar ** uris, gdouble initial_volume)
-  GstPlay *play;
-  play = g_new0 (GstPlay, 1);
-  play->uris = uris;
-  play->num_uris = g_strv_length (uris);
-  play->cur_idx = -1;
-  play->player =
-      gst_player_new (NULL, gst_player_g_main_context_signal_dispatcher_new
-      (NULL));
-  g_signal_connect (play->player, "position-updated",
-      G_CALLBACK (position_updated_cb), play);
-  g_signal_connect (play->player, "state-changed",
-      G_CALLBACK (state_changed_cb), play);
-  g_signal_connect (play->player, "buffering", G_CALLBACK (buffering_cb), play);
-  g_signal_connect (play->player, "end-of-stream",
-      G_CALLBACK (end_of_stream_cb), play);
-  g_signal_connect (play->player, "error", G_CALLBACK (error_cb), play);
-  g_signal_connect (play->player, "media-info-updated",
-      G_CALLBACK (media_info_cb), play);
-  play->loop = g_main_loop_new (NULL, FALSE);
-  play->desired_state = GST_STATE_PLAYING;
-  play_set_relative_volume (play, initial_volume - 1.0);
-  return play;
+       GstPlay *play;
+       play = g_new0 (GstPlay, 1);
+       play->uris = uris;
+       play->num_uris = g_strv_length (uris);
+       play->cur_idx = -1;
+       play->player =
+               gst_player_new (NULL, gst_player_g_main_context_signal_dispatcher_new
+                               (NULL));
+       g_signal_connect (play->player, "position-updated",
+                         G_CALLBACK (position_updated_cb), play);
+       g_signal_connect (play->player, "state-changed",
+                         G_CALLBACK (state_changed_cb), play);
+       g_signal_connect (play->player, "buffering", G_CALLBACK (buffering_cb), play);
+       g_signal_connect (play->player, "end-of-stream",
+                         G_CALLBACK (end_of_stream_cb), play);
+       g_signal_connect (play->player, "error", G_CALLBACK (error_cb), play);
+       g_signal_connect (play->player, "media-info-updated",
+                         G_CALLBACK (media_info_cb), play);
+       play->loop = g_main_loop_new (NULL, FALSE);
+       play->desired_state = GST_STATE_PLAYING;
+       play_set_relative_volume (play, initial_volume - 1.0);
+       return play;
 static void
 play_free (GstPlay * play)
-  play_reset (play);
-  gst_object_unref (play->player);
-  g_main_loop_unref (play->loop);
-  g_strfreev (play->uris);
-  g_free (play);
+       play_reset (play);
+       gst_object_unref (play->player);
+       g_main_loop_unref (play->loop);
+       g_strfreev (play->uris);
+       g_free (play);
 /* reset for new file/stream */
@@ -420,15 +378,12 @@ play_reset (GstPlay * play)
 static void
 play_set_relative_volume (GstPlay * play, gdouble volume_step)
-  gdouble volume;
-  g_object_get (play->player, "volume", &volume, NULL);
-  volume = round ((volume + volume_step) * VOLUME_STEPS) / VOLUME_STEPS;
-  volume = CLAMP (volume, 0.0, 10.0);
-  g_object_set (play->player, "volume", volume, NULL);
-  g_print ("Volume: %.0f%%                  \n", volume * 100);
+       gdouble volume;
+       g_object_get (play->player, "volume", &volume, NULL);
+       volume = round ((volume + volume_step) * VOLUME_STEPS) / VOLUME_STEPS;
+       volume = CLAMP (volume, 0.0, 10.0);
+       g_object_set (play->player, "volume", volume, NULL);
+       g_print ("Volume: %.0f%%                  \n", volume * 100);
 static gdouble
@@ -443,33 +398,28 @@ get_volume (GtkWidget *widget, GstPlay *play)
 static gchar *
 play_uri_get_display_name (GstPlayer * player, const gchar * uri)
-  gchar *loc;
-  if (gst_uri_has_protocol (uri, "file")) {
+       gchar *loc;
+       if (gst_uri_has_protocol (uri, "file")) {
     loc = g_filename_from_uri (uri, NULL, NULL);
-  } else if (gst_uri_has_protocol (uri, "pushfile")) {
-    loc = g_filename_from_uri (uri + 4, NULL, NULL);
-  } else {
-    loc = g_strdup (uri);
-  }
-  /* Maybe additionally use glib's filename to display name function */
-  return loc;
+       } else if (gst_uri_has_protocol (uri, "pushfile")) {
+               loc = g_filename_from_uri (uri + 4, NULL, NULL);
+       } else {
+               loc = g_strdup (uri);
+       }
+       /* Maybe additionally use glib's filename to display name function */
+       return loc;
 play_uri (GstPlayer *player, const gchar * next_uri)
-  gchar *loc;
-  play_reset (player);
-  loc = play_uri_get_display_name (player, next_uri);
-  g_print ("Now playing %s\n", loc);
-  g_free (loc);
-  g_object_set (player, "uri", next_uri, NULL);
-  gst_player_play (player);
+       gchar *loc;
+       play_reset (player);
+       loc = play_uri_get_display_name (player, next_uri);
+       g_print ("Now playing %s\n", loc);
+       g_free (loc);
+       g_object_set (player, "uri", next_uri, NULL);
+       gst_player_play (player);
 /* returns FALSE if we have reached the end of the playlist */
@@ -477,188 +427,170 @@ play_uri (GstPlayer *player, const gchar * next_uri)
 static gboolean
 play_next (GstPlay * play)
-  if ((play->cur_idx + 1) >= play->num_uris) {
-    if (play->repeat) {
-      g_print ("Looping playlist \n");
-      play->cur_idx = -1;
-    } else
-      return FALSE;
-  }
-  play_uri (play, play->uris[++play->cur_idx]);
-  return TRUE;
+       if ((play->cur_idx + 1) >= play->num_uris) {
+               if (play->repeat) {
+                       g_print ("Looping playlist \n");
+                       play->cur_idx = -1;
+               } else
+                       return FALSE;
+       }
+       play_uri (play, play->uris[++play->cur_idx]);
+       return TRUE;
 /* returns FALSE if we have reached the beginning of the playlist */
 static gboolean
 play_prev (GstPlay * play)
-  if (play->cur_idx == 0 || play->num_uris <= 1)
-    return FALSE;
-  play_uri (play, play->uris[--play->cur_idx]);
-  return TRUE;
+       if (play->cur_idx == 0 || play->num_uris <= 1)
+               return FALSE;
+       play_uri (play, play->uris[--play->cur_idx]);
+       return TRUE;
 static void
 do_play (GstPlay * play)
-  gint i;
-  /* dump playlist */
-  for (i = 0; i < play->num_uris; ++i)
-    GST_INFO ("%4u : %s", i, play->uris[i]);
-  if (!play_next (play))
-    return;
-  g_main_loop_run (play->loop);
+       gint i;
+       /* dump playlist */
+       for (i = 0; i < play->num_uris; ++i)
+               GST_INFO ("%4u : %s", i, play->uris[i]);
+       if (!play_next (play))
+               return;
+       g_main_loop_run (play->loop);
 static void
 add_to_playlist (GPtrArray * playlist, const gchar * filename)
-  GDir *dir;
-  gchar *uri;
-  if (gst_uri_is_valid (filename)) {
-    g_ptr_array_add (playlist, g_strdup (filename));
-    return;
-  }
-  if ((dir = g_dir_open (filename, 0, NULL))) {
-    const gchar *entry;
-    /* FIXME: sort entries for each directory? */
-    while ((entry = g_dir_read_name (dir))) {
-      gchar *path;
-      path = g_strconcat (filename, G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S, entry, NULL);
-      add_to_playlist (playlist, path);
-      g_free (path);
-    }
-    g_dir_close (dir);
-    return;
-  }
-  uri = gst_filename_to_uri (filename, NULL);
-  if (uri != NULL)
-    g_ptr_array_add (playlist, uri);
-  else
-    g_warning ("Could not make URI out of filename '%s'", filename);
+       GDir *dir;
+       gchar *uri;
+       if (gst_uri_is_valid (filename)) {
+               g_ptr_array_add (playlist, g_strdup (filename));
+               return;
+       }
+       if ((dir = g_dir_open (filename, 0, NULL))) {
+               const gchar *entry;
+               /* FIXME: sort entries for each directory? */
+               while ((entry = g_dir_read_name (dir))) {
+                       gchar *path;
+                       path = g_strconcat (filename, G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S, entry, NULL);
+                       add_to_playlist (playlist, path);
+                       g_free (path);
+               }
+               g_dir_close (dir);
+               return;
+       }
+       uri = gst_filename_to_uri (filename, NULL);
+       if (uri != NULL)
+               g_ptr_array_add (playlist, uri);
+       else
+               g_warning ("Could not make URI out of filename '%s'", filename);
 static void
 shuffle_uris (gchar ** uris, guint num)
-  gchar *tmp;
-  guint i, j;
-  if (num < 2)
-    return;
-  for (i = 0; i < num; i++) {
-    /* gets equally distributed random number in 0..num-1 [0;num[ */
-    j = g_random_int_range (0, num);
-    tmp = uris[j];
-    uris[j] = uris[i];
-    uris[i] = tmp;
-  }
+       gchar *tmp;
+       guint i, j;
+       if (num < 2)
+               return;
+       for (i = 0; i < num; i++) {
+               /* gets equally distributed random number in 0..num-1 [0;num[ */
+               j = g_random_int_range (0, num);
+               tmp = uris[j];
+               uris[j] = uris[i];
+               uris[i] = tmp;
+       }
 static void
 restore_terminal (void)
-  gst_play_kb_set_key_handler (NULL, NULL);
+       gst_play_kb_set_key_handler (NULL, NULL);
 static void
 toggle_paused (GstPlay * play)
-  if (play->desired_state == GST_STATE_PLAYING) {
-    play->desired_state = GST_STATE_PAUSED;
-    gst_player_pause (play->player);
-  } else {
-    play->desired_state = GST_STATE_PLAYING;
-    gst_player_play (play->player);
-  }
+       if (play->desired_state == GST_STATE_PLAYING) {
+               play->desired_state = GST_STATE_PAUSED;
+               gst_player_pause (play->player);
+       } else {
+               play->desired_state = GST_STATE_PLAYING;
+               gst_player_play (play->player);
+       }
 static void
 relative_seek (GstPlay * play, gdouble percent)
-  gint64 dur = -1, pos = -1;
-  g_return_if_fail (percent >= -1.0 && percent <= 1.0);
-  g_object_get (play->player, "position", &pos, "duration", &dur, NULL);
-  if (dur <= 0) {
-    g_print ("\nCould not seek.\n");
-    return;
-  }
-  pos = pos + dur * percent;
-  if (pos < 0)
-    pos = 0;
-  gst_player_seek (play->player, pos);
+       gint64 dur = -1, pos = -1;
+       g_return_if_fail (percent >= -1.0 && percent <= 1.0);
+       g_object_get (play->player, "position", &pos, "duration", &dur, NULL);
+       if (dur <= 0) {
+               g_print ("\nCould not seek.\n");
+               return;
+       }
+       pos = pos + dur * percent;
+       if (pos < 0)
+               pos = 0;
+       gst_player_seek (play->player, pos);
 static void
 keyboard_cb (const gchar * key_input, gpointer user_data)
-  GstPlay *play = (GstPlay *) user_data;
-  switch (g_ascii_tolower (key_input[0])) {
-    case 'i':
-    {
-      GstPlayerMediaInfo *media_info = gst_player_get_media_info (play->player);
-      if (media_info) {
-        print_media_info (media_info);
-        g_object_unref (media_info);
-        print_current_tracks (play);
-      }
-      break;
-    }
-    case ' ':
-      toggle_paused (play);
-      break;
-    case 'q':
-    case 'Q':
-      g_main_loop_quit (play->loop);
-      break;
-    case '>':
-      if (!play_next (play)) {
-        g_print ("\nReached end of play list.\n");
-        g_main_loop_quit (play->loop);
-      }
-      break;
-    case '<':
-      play_prev (play);
-      break;
-    case 27:                   /* ESC */
-      if (key_input[1] == '\0') {
-        g_main_loop_quit (play->loop);
-        break;
-      }
-      /* fall through */
-    default:
-      if (strcmp (key_input, GST_PLAY_KB_ARROW_RIGHT) == 0) {
-        relative_seek (play, +0.08);
-      } else if (strcmp (key_input, GST_PLAY_KB_ARROW_LEFT) == 0) {
-        relative_seek (play, -0.01);
-      } else if (strcmp (key_input, GST_PLAY_KB_ARROW_UP) == 0) {
-        play_set_relative_volume (play, +1.0 / VOLUME_STEPS);
-      } else if (strcmp (key_input, GST_PLAY_KB_ARROW_DOWN) == 0) {
-        play_set_relative_volume (play, -1.0 / VOLUME_STEPS);
-      } else {
-        GST_INFO ("keyboard input:");
-        for (; *key_input != '\0'; ++key_input)
-          GST_INFO ("  code %3d", *key_input);
-      }
-      break;
-  }
+       GstPlay *play = (GstPlay *) user_data;
+       switch (g_ascii_tolower (key_input[0])) {
+       case 'i':
+       {
+               GstPlayerMediaInfo *media_info = gst_player_get_media_info (play->player);
+               if (media_info) {
+                       print_media_info (media_info);
+                       g_object_unref (media_info);
+                       print_current_tracks (play);
+               }
+               break;
+       }
+       case ' ':
+               toggle_paused (play);
+               break;
+       case 'q':
+       case 'Q':
+               g_main_loop_quit (play->loop);
+               break;
+       case '>':
+               if (!play_next (play)) {
+                       g_print ("\nReached end of play list.\n");
+                       g_main_loop_quit (play->loop);
+               }
+               break;
+       case '<':
+               play_prev (play);
+               break;
+       case 27:                   /* ESC */
+               if (key_input[1] == '\0') {
+                       g_main_loop_quit (play->loop);
+                       break;
+               }
+               /* fall through */
+       default:
+               if (strcmp (key_input, GST_PLAY_KB_ARROW_RIGHT) == 0) {
+                       relative_seek (play, +0.08);
+               } else if (strcmp (key_input, GST_PLAY_KB_ARROW_LEFT) == 0) {
+                       relative_seek (play, -0.01);
+               } else if (strcmp (key_input, GST_PLAY_KB_ARROW_UP) == 0) {
+                       play_set_relative_volume (play, +1.0 / VOLUME_STEPS);
+               } else if (strcmp (key_input, GST_PLAY_KB_ARROW_DOWN) == 0) {
+                       play_set_relative_volume (play, -1.0 / VOLUME_STEPS);
+               } else {
+                       GST_INFO ("keyboard input:");
+                       for (; *key_input != '\0'; ++key_input)
+                               GST_INFO ("  code %3d", *key_input);
+               }
+               break;
+       }
@@ -680,7 +612,7 @@ gnome_internet_radio_locator_player_stop (GstPlayer *player)
 gnome_internet_radio_locator_player_pause (GstPlayer *player)
-  /* FIXME: Unable to quit after pause is called for the first time. */
+       /* FIXME: Unable to quit after pause is called for the first time. */
 #if 0
@@ -690,140 +622,117 @@ gnome_internet_radio_locator_player_pause (GstPlayer *player)
 main (int argc, char **argv)
-  GstPlay *play;
-  GPtrArray *playlist;
-  gboolean print_version = FALSE;
-  gboolean interactive = FALSE; /* FIXME: maybe enable by default? */
-  gboolean shuffle = FALSE;
-  gboolean repeat = FALSE;
-  gdouble volume = 1.0;
-  gchar **filenames = NULL;
-  gchar **uris;
-  guint num, i;
-  GError *err = NULL;
-  GOptionContext *ctx;
-  gchar *playlist_file = NULL;
-  GOptionEntry options[] = {
-    {"version", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &print_version,
-        "Print version information and exit", NULL},
-    {"shuffle", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &shuffle,
-        "Shuffle playlist", NULL},
-    {"interactive", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &interactive,
-        "Interactive control via keyboard", NULL},
-    {"volume", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_DOUBLE, &volume,
-        "Volume", NULL},
-    {"playlist", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_FILENAME, &playlist_file,
-        "Playlist file containing input media files", NULL},
-    {"loop", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &repeat, "Repeat all", NULL},
-    {NULL}
-  };
-  g_set_prgname ("gst-play");
-  ctx = g_option_context_new ("FILE1|URI1 [FILE2|URI2] [FILE3|URI3] ...");
-  g_option_context_add_main_entries (ctx, options, NULL);
-  g_option_context_add_group (ctx, gst_init_get_option_group ());
-  if (!g_option_context_parse (ctx, &argc, &argv, &err)) {
-    g_print ("Error initializing: %s\n", GST_STR_NULL (err->message));
-    g_clear_error (&err);
-    g_option_context_free (ctx);
-    return 1;
-  }
-  g_option_context_free (ctx);
-  GST_DEBUG_CATEGORY_INIT (play_debug, "play", 0, "gst-play");
-  if (print_version) {
-    gchar *version_str;
-    version_str = gst_version_string ();
-    g_print ("%s version %s\n", g_get_prgname (), "1.0");
-    g_print ("%s\n", version_str);
-    g_free (version_str);
-    g_free (playlist_file);
-    return 0;
-  }
-  playlist = g_ptr_array_new ();
-  if (playlist_file != NULL) {
-    gchar *playlist_contents = NULL;
-    gchar **lines = NULL;
-    if (g_file_get_contents (playlist_file, &playlist_contents, NULL, &err)) {
-      lines = g_strsplit (playlist_contents, "\n", 0);
-      num = g_strv_length (lines);
-      for (i = 0; i < num; i++) {
-        if (lines[i][0] != '\0') {
-          GST_LOG ("Playlist[%d]: %s", i + 1, lines[i]);
-          add_to_playlist (playlist, lines[i]);
-        }
-      }
-      g_strfreev (lines);
-      g_free (playlist_contents);
-    } else {
-      g_printerr ("Could not read playlist: %s\n", err->message);
-      g_clear_error (&err);
-    }
-    g_free (playlist_file);
-    playlist_file = NULL;
-  }
-  if (playlist->len == 0 && (filenames == NULL || *filenames == NULL)) {
-    g_printerr ("Usage: %s FILE1|URI1 [FILE2|URI2] [FILE3|URI3] ...",
-        "gst-play");
-    g_printerr ("\n\n"),
-        g_printerr ("%s\n\n",
-        "You must provide at least one filename or URI to play.");
-    /* No input provided. Free array */
-    g_ptr_array_free (playlist, TRUE);
-    return 1;
-  }
-  /* fill playlist */
-  if (filenames != NULL && *filenames != NULL) {
-    num = g_strv_length (filenames);
-    for (i = 0; i < num; ++i) {
-      GST_LOG ("command line argument: %s", filenames[i]);
-      add_to_playlist (playlist, filenames[i]);
-    }
-    g_strfreev (filenames);
-  }
-  num = playlist->len;
-  g_ptr_array_add (playlist, NULL);
-  uris = (gchar **) g_ptr_array_free (playlist, FALSE);
-  if (shuffle)
-    shuffle_uris (uris, num);
-  /* prepare */
-  play = play_new (uris, volume);
-  play->repeat = repeat;
-  if (interactive) {
-    if (gst_play_kb_set_key_handler (keyboard_cb, play)) {
-      atexit (restore_terminal);
-    } else {
-      g_print ("Interactive keyboard handling in terminal not available.\n");
-    }
-  }
-  /* play */
-  do_play (play);
-  /* clean up */
-  play_free (play);
-  g_print ("\n");
-  gst_deinit ();
-  return 0;
+       GstPlay *play;
+       GPtrArray *playlist;
+       gboolean print_version = FALSE;
+       gboolean interactive = FALSE; /* FIXME: maybe enable by default? */
+       gboolean shuffle = FALSE;
+       gboolean repeat = FALSE;
+       gdouble volume = 1.0;
+       gchar **filenames = NULL;
+       gchar **uris;
+       guint num, i;
+       GError *err = NULL;
+       GOptionContext *ctx;
+       gchar *playlist_file = NULL;
+       GOptionEntry options[] = {
+               {"version", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &print_version,
+                "Print version information and exit", NULL},
+               {"shuffle", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &shuffle,
+                "Shuffle playlist", NULL},
+               {"interactive", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &interactive,
+                "Interactive control via keyboard", NULL},
+               {"volume", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_DOUBLE, &volume,
+                "Volume", NULL},
+               {"playlist", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_FILENAME, &playlist_file,
+                "Playlist file containing input media files", NULL},
+               {"loop", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &repeat, "Repeat all", NULL},
+               {G_OPTION_REMAINING, 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_FILENAME_ARRAY, &filenames, NULL},
+               {NULL}
+       };
+       g_set_prgname ("gst-play");
+       ctx = g_option_context_new ("FILE1|URI1 [FILE2|URI2] [FILE3|URI3] ...");
+       g_option_context_add_main_entries (ctx, options, NULL);
+       g_option_context_add_group (ctx, gst_init_get_option_group ());
+       if (!g_option_context_parse (ctx, &argc, &argv, &err)) {
+               g_print ("Error initializing: %s\n", GST_STR_NULL (err->message));
+               g_clear_error (&err);
+               g_option_context_free (ctx);
+               return 1;
+       }
+       g_option_context_free (ctx);
+       GST_DEBUG_CATEGORY_INIT (play_debug, "play", 0, "gst-play");
+       if (print_version) {
+               gchar *version_str;
+               version_str = gst_version_string ();
+               g_print ("%s version %s\n", g_get_prgname (), "1.0");
+               g_print ("%s\n", version_str);
+               g_free (version_str);
+               g_free (playlist_file);
+               return 0;
+       }
+       playlist = g_ptr_array_new ();
+       if (playlist_file != NULL) {
+               gchar *playlist_contents = NULL;
+               gchar **lines = NULL;
+               if (g_file_get_contents (playlist_file, &playlist_contents, NULL, &err)) {
+                       lines = g_strsplit (playlist_contents, "\n", 0);
+                       num = g_strv_length (lines);
+                       for (i = 0; i < num; i++) {
+                               if (lines[i][0] != '\0') {
+                                       GST_LOG ("Playlist[%d]: %s", i + 1, lines[i]);
+                                       add_to_playlist (playlist, lines[i]);
+                               }
+                       }
+                       g_strfreev (lines);
+                       g_free (playlist_contents);
+               } else {
+                       g_printerr ("Could not read playlist: %s\n", err->message);
+                       g_clear_error (&err);
+               }
+               g_free (playlist_file);
+               playlist_file = NULL;
+       }
+       if (playlist->len == 0 && (filenames == NULL || *filenames == NULL)) {
+               g_printerr ("Usage: %s FILE1|URI1 [FILE2|URI2] [FILE3|URI3] ...",
+                           "gst-play");
+               g_printerr ("\n\n"),
+                       g_printerr ("%s\n\n",
+                                   "You must provide at least one filename or URI to play.");
+               /* No input provided. Free array */
+               g_ptr_array_free (playlist, TRUE);
+               return 1;
+       }
+       /* fill playlist */
+       if (filenames != NULL && *filenames != NULL) {
+               num = g_strv_length (filenames);
+               for (i = 0; i < num; ++i) {
+                       GST_LOG ("command line argument: %s", filenames[i]);
+                       add_to_playlist (playlist, filenames[i]);
+               }
+               g_strfreev (filenames);
+       }
+       num = playlist->len;
+       g_ptr_array_add (playlist, NULL);
+       uris = (gchar **) g_ptr_array_free (playlist, FALSE);
+       if (shuffle)
+               shuffle_uris (uris, num);
+       /* prepare */
+       play = play_new (uris, volume);
+       play->repeat = repeat;
+       if (interactive) {
+               if (gst_play_kb_set_key_handler (keyboard_cb, play)) {
+                       atexit (restore_terminal);
+               } else {
+                       g_print ("Interactive keyboard handling in terminal not available.\n");
+               }
+       }
+       /* play */
+       do_play (play);
+       /* clean up */
+       play_free (play);
+       g_print ("\n");
+       gst_deinit ();
+       return 0;
diff --git a/src/gnome-internet-radio-locator-station.c b/src/gnome-internet-radio-locator-station.c
index 8d8f0cb..2d1f852 100644
--- a/src/gnome-internet-radio-locator-station.c
+++ b/src/gnome-internet-radio-locator-station.c
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ void gnome_internet_radio_locator_helper_run(gchar *url, gchar *name, GNOMEInter
                                                                      GTK_STOCK_CANCEL, GTK_RESPONSE_CANCEL,
                                                                      GTK_STOCK_SAVE, GTK_RESPONSE_ACCEPT,
-                               default_filename = 
g_strconcat(gnome_internet_radio_locator->selected_station_name, " - Broadcast Recording - ", outstr, ".mp3", 
+                               default_filename = 
g_strconcat(gnome_internet_radio_locator->selected_station_name, " - Broadcast Recording - ", outstr, ".mp3", 
                                gtk_file_chooser_set_current_name (GTK_FILE_CHOOSER (dialog), 
                                if (gtk_dialog_run (GTK_DIALOG (dialog)) == GTK_RESPONSE_ACCEPT)
@@ -335,7 +335,7 @@ void gnome_internet_radio_locator_helper_run(gchar *url, gchar *name, GNOMEInter
                /* Install timeout fnction that will move the progress bar */
                gnome_internet_radio_locator->timeout_id = 
 /* #endif */
-#if 0 
+#if 0
                ret = g_spawn_async_with_pipes( NULL, /* command */ argv, NULL,
                                                G_SPAWN_DO_NOT_REAP_CHILD|G_SPAWN_DEFAULT, NULL,
                                                NULL, &gnome_internet_radio_locator->record_pid, NULL, &out, 
&error, NULL );
diff --git a/src/gnome-internet-radio-locator.c b/src/gnome-internet-radio-locator.c
index 9284fad..7aa7c0a 100644
--- a/src/gnome-internet-radio-locator.c
+++ b/src/gnome-internet-radio-locator.c
@@ -410,47 +410,47 @@ listen_station(GSimpleAction *simple, GVariant *parameter, gpointer user_data) {
 static void
 stop_station(GSimpleAction *simple, GVariant *parameter, gpointer user_data) {
-  guint context_id;
-  gnome_internet_radio_locator_player_stop(player);
-  context_id = gtk_statusbar_get_context_id (GTK_STATUSBAR (statusbar), "Station Name");
-  gtk_statusbar_pop (GTK_STATUSBAR (statusbar), GPOINTER_TO_INT (context_id));
-  gtk_statusbar_push (GTK_STATUSBAR (statusbar), GPOINTER_TO_INT (context_id), "Search by city or drag/click 
on the zoomable map to listen to a radio broadcast");  
-  return;
+       guint context_id;
+       gnome_internet_radio_locator_player_stop(player);
+       context_id = gtk_statusbar_get_context_id (GTK_STATUSBAR (statusbar), "Station Name");
+       gtk_statusbar_pop (GTK_STATUSBAR (statusbar), GPOINTER_TO_INT (context_id));
+       gtk_statusbar_push (GTK_STATUSBAR (statusbar), GPOINTER_TO_INT (context_id), "Search by city or 
drag/click on the zoomable map to listen to a radio broadcast");
+       return;
 static void
 pause_station(GSimpleAction *simple, GVariant *parameter, gpointer user_data) {
   /* FIXME: Removing Pause.  Can't quit after gst_player_pause is called. */
 #if 0
-  gnome_internet_radio_locator_player_pause(player);
+       gnome_internet_radio_locator_player_pause(player);
-  return;
+       return;
 static void
 prev_station(GSimpleAction *simple, GVariant *parameter, gpointer user_data) {
        g_print(_("Previous Internet Radio Station\n"));
-  return;
+       return;
 static void
 stations_all(GSimpleAction *simple, GVariant *parameter, gpointer user_data) {
-  return;
+       return;
 static void
 next_station(GSimpleAction *simple, GVariant *parameter, gpointer user_data) {
-  return;
+       return;
 static void
 about_station_cb(GSimpleAction *simple, GVariant *parameter, gpointer user_data) {
-  return;
+       return;
 static void
 about_program_cb(GSimpleAction *simple, GVariant *parameter, gpointer user_data) {
-  return;
+       return;
 static void
@@ -555,7 +555,7 @@ static void
 gnome_internet_radio_locator_window_cb (GtkApplication *app,
                gpointer user_data)
-  GtkWidget *widget, *grid, *toolbar, *new, *search, *listen, *stop, *prev, *stations, *next, *station, 
*program, *quit;
+       GtkWidget *widget, *grid, *toolbar, *new, *search, *listen, *stop, *prev, *stations, *next, *station, 
*program, *quit;
        window = gtk_application_window_new (app);
        widget = gtk_champlain_embed_new();
@@ -1044,4 +1044,3 @@ main (int argc,
        return status;

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