[four-in-a-row] Multi-blink.

commit 243177ae84d6d6cdd0dc44ad00589bc2cd4436a3
Author: Arnaud Bonatti <arnaud bonatti gmail com>
Date:   Mon Dec 23 00:27:24 2019 +0100


 src/four-in-a-row.vala | 61 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------
 src/game-board.vala    | 37 ++++++++++++++++++++++++------
 2 files changed, 66 insertions(+), 32 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/four-in-a-row.vala b/src/four-in-a-row.vala
index 0ab2245..0c11a4d 100644
--- a/src/four-in-a-row.vala
+++ b/src/four-in-a-row.vala
@@ -78,10 +78,8 @@ private class FourInARow : Gtk.Application
     // animation
     private static AnimID anim = AnimID.NONE;
-    private int blink_r1 = 0;
-    private int blink_c1 = 0;
-    private int blink_r2 = 0;
-    private int blink_c2 = 0;
+    private int [,] blink_lines = {{}};
+    private uint8 blink_line = 0;   // index of currenly blinking line in blink_lines
     private int blink_t = 0;
     private int blink_n = 0;
     private bool blink_on = false;
@@ -360,14 +358,13 @@ private class FourInARow : Gtk.Application
         blink_t = winner;
-        if (game_board.is_line_at ((Tile) winner, row, column,
-                               out blink_r1, out blink_c1,
-                               out blink_r2, out blink_c2))
+        if (game_board.is_line_at ((Tile) winner, row, column, out blink_lines))
             anim = AnimID.BLINK;
             blink_on = false;
             blink_n = n;
-            var temp = new Animate (0, this);
+            blink_line = 0;
+            var temp = new Animate (0, this, n);
             timeout = Timeout.add (SPEED_BLINK, temp.exec);
             while (timeout != 0)
                 main_iteration ();
@@ -379,18 +376,22 @@ private class FourInARow : Gtk.Application
         /* draw a line of 'tile' from r1,c1 to r2,c2 */
         bool done = false;
-        int d_row = 0;
-        int d_col = 0;
+        int d_row;
+        int d_col;
         if (r1 < r2)
             d_row = 1;
         else if (r1 > r2)
             d_row = -1;
+        else
+            d_row = 0;
         if (c1 < c2)
             d_col = 1;
         else if (c1 > c2)
             d_col = -1;
+        else
+            d_col = 0;
@@ -635,30 +636,30 @@ private class FourInARow : Gtk.Application
         moves = 0;
-    private inline void blink_tile (int r, int c, int t, int n)
+    private inline void blink_tile (int row, int col, int t, int n)
         if (timeout != 0)
-        blink_r1 = r;
-        blink_c1 = c;
-        blink_r2 = r;
-        blink_c2 = c;
+        blink_lines = {{ row, col, row, col }};
+        blink_line = 0;
         blink_t = t;
         blink_n = n;
         blink_on = false;
         anim = AnimID.BLINK;
-        var temp = new Animate (0, this);
+        var temp = new Animate (0, this, n);
         timeout = Timeout.add (SPEED_BLINK, temp.exec);
     private class Animate
-        int c;
-        FourInARow application;
-        internal Animate (int c, FourInARow application)
+        private int c;
+        private FourInARow application;
+        private int blink_n_times;
+        internal Animate (int c, FourInARow application, int blink_n_times = 0)
             this.c = c;
             this.application = application;
+            this.blink_n_times = blink_n_times;
         internal bool exec ()
@@ -701,15 +702,25 @@ private class FourInARow : Gtk.Application
                     return true;
                 case AnimID.BLINK:
-                    application.draw_line (application.blink_r1, application.blink_c1,
-                                           application.blink_r2, application.blink_c2,
-                                           application.blink_on ? application.blink_t : Tile.CLEAR);
+                    application.draw_line (/* row 1 */ application.blink_lines [application.blink_line, 0],
+                                           /* col 1 */ application.blink_lines [application.blink_line, 1],
+                                           /* row 2 */ application.blink_lines [application.blink_line, 2],
+                                           /* col 2 */ application.blink_lines [application.blink_line, 3],
+                                           /* tile */  application.blink_on ? application.blink_t : 
                     if (application.blink_n <= 0 && application.blink_on)
-                        anim = AnimID.NONE;
-                        application.timeout = 0;
-                        return false;
+                        if (application.blink_line >= application.blink_lines.length [0] - 1)
+                        {
+                            anim = AnimID.NONE;
+                            application.timeout = 0;
+                            return false;
+                        }
+                        else
+                        {
+                            application.blink_line++;
+                            application.blink_n += blink_n_times;
+                        }
                     application.blink_on = !application.blink_on;
                     return true;
diff --git a/src/game-board.vala b/src/game-board.vala
index e801b0e..27a8a3f 100644
--- a/src/game-board.vala
+++ b/src/game-board.vala
@@ -54,13 +54,36 @@ private class Board : Object {
     * * check if there is a line passing by a given point
-    internal bool is_line_at(Tile p, int r, int c,
-                             out int r1 = null, out int c1 = null,
-                             out int r2 = null, out int c2 = null) {
-        return is_hline_at (p, r, c, out r1, out c1, out r2, out c2) ||
-               is_vline_at (p, r, c, out r1, out c1, out r2, out c2) ||
-               is_dline1_at(p, r, c, out r1, out c1, out r2, out c2) ||
-               is_dline2_at(p, r, c, out r1, out c1, out r2, out c2);
+    internal bool is_line_at(Tile tile, int row, int col, out int [,] lines = null) {
+        uint8 n_lines = 0;
+        int [,] lines_tmp = new int [4, 4];
+        if (is_hline_at (tile, row, col, out lines_tmp [0, 0],
+                                         out lines_tmp [0, 1],
+                                         out lines_tmp [0, 2],
+                                         out lines_tmp [0, 3]))
+            n_lines++;
+        if (is_vline_at (tile, row, col, out lines_tmp [n_lines, 0],
+                                         out lines_tmp [n_lines, 1],
+                                         out lines_tmp [n_lines, 2],
+                                         out lines_tmp [n_lines, 3]))
+            n_lines++;
+        if (is_dline1_at(tile, row, col, out lines_tmp [n_lines, 0],
+                                         out lines_tmp [n_lines, 1],
+                                         out lines_tmp [n_lines, 2],
+                                         out lines_tmp [n_lines, 3]))
+            n_lines++;
+        if (is_dline2_at(tile, row, col, out lines_tmp [n_lines, 0],
+                                         out lines_tmp [n_lines, 1],
+                                         out lines_tmp [n_lines, 2],
+                                         out lines_tmp [n_lines, 3]))
+            n_lines++;
+        lines = new int [n_lines, 4];
+        for (int x = 0; x < n_lines; x++)
+            for (int y = 0; y < 4; y++)
+                lines [x, y] = lines_tmp [x, y];
+        return n_lines != 0;
     private inline bool is_hline_at(Tile p, int r, int c,

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