[gtk] (80 commits) Non-fast-forward update to branch wip/otte/listview

The branch 'wip/otte/listview' was changed in a way that was not a fast-forward update.
NOTE: This may cause problems for people pulling from the branch. For more information,
please see:


Commits removed from the branch:

  1fde75f... gridview: Actually do something
  8827348... Add GtkTreeExpander
  8a5bb29... demo: Add a GSettings tree demo
  add84ad... inspector: Use a treeexpander in the recorder
  2d318c1... inspector: Use a GtkTreeExpander in the object tree
  345af78... inspector: Make the recorder node list use a ListView
  537c26d... listitem: Change focus handling
  e3c2ecd... treeexpander: Implement input support
  78fdead... listview: Implement activation
  378661a... listview: Track focus movements and update selection
  46fab0c... listview: Implement (un)select all
  6e0ee9c... listview: Add a focus tracker
  6a70870... listitem: Add "listitem.select" action and keybindings for 
  49aa7c4... listview: Add gtk_list_view_get_position_at_y()
  58a785d... listview: Add move keybindings
  4dccd3d... listitemfactory: Make the builder factory properly buildabl
  0399dc2... builderlistitemfactory: Add scope argument
  1dc7773... builder: Autofill scope property of listitemfactory
  cdd2311... gtk-demo: Introduce awards
  1cc6d86... demo: Use a listview as sidebar
  c522740... listitemmanager: Handle NULL factory
  4a275f2... widget: Add gtk_widget_get_size()
  2fbb6a4... gridview: Implement anchors and scrolling
  9067677... selectionmodel: Add gtk_selection_model_user_select_item()
  3b9dc6d... gridview: Implement the list.select-item action
  1bbef61... gridview: Implement minimum row height
  2c3cf09... gridview: Add activation
  47566a4... gridview: Implement list.scroll-to action
  5926397... gridview: Add a focus tracker
  9e06ecf... gridview: Implement (un)select all
  b486143... gridview: Add move keybindings
  93e64d0... demo: Add a file browser demo
  a28caa7... listview: Port various gridview improvements
  2a8fe78... gridview: Simplify allocation code
  521e5af... Add GtkListBase
  c458b64... listbase: Move GtkScrollable implementation
  69193d9... listbase: Move item manager here
  e78af89... listbase: Move selection handling here
  17e3386... listbase: Move orientable implementation here
  30bded2... Remove gtk_selection_model_user_select_item() again
  aca6f5b... listbase: Move focus moving keybindings here
  8e01f8f... listbase: Add vfuncs to convert positions to/from coordinat
  a00f50d... listbase: Take over anchor handling
  5c5ddbf... wip: Add GtkCoverFlow
  eae92d6... Add GtkColumnView skeleton
  19f83b2... gtk-demo: Add a minesweeper demo
  dc107a5... columnview: Allow adding/removing columns
  d809138... Add GtkSignalListItemFactory
  a6abdd1... gtk-demo: Add a Coverflow application launcher
  79634df... builder: Make gtk_builder_extend_with_template() work with 
  605dac2... listitem: Make this a GObject
  779c364... listitemfactory: Reorganize vfuncs
  65012f6... listitemfactory: Simplify
  5459dfa... listitemwidget: Add a private struct
  70c254a... listitem: Move position/item/selected tracking to widget
  1b1d730... listitemwidget: Lazily create listitems
  cb1e1b0... columnview: Add listitems for the columns
  34e1af9... columnview: Implement GtkScrollable
  0166707... widget: Add a hook for resizes
  311212f... columnview: Add GtkColumnViewCell
  721ff40... inspector: Port object tree to GtkColumnView
  44eace2... columnview: Fix styling with Adwaita
  931d797... constraint-editor: Don't poke around in widget internals
  44bf223... columnview: Add a custom LayoutManager
  f680b21... tests: Add testcolumnview
  d3e542f... columnview: Add header
  3d1ab6d... inspector: Remove private struct from controllers
  f80645c... inspector: Make Controller page a GtkWidget
  b2345b7... inspector: Remove private struct for prop editor
  7929299... xxx: Add a hack to make paintables transform to/from object
  7c8a2fd... gtk-demo: Add a Clocks demo
  fd08c17... widget: Do parent_class handling properly
  19b854a... expression: Allow passing a this object to bind()
  25d6ea3... Add some tests for expression binding
  c4651f6... fontchooserwidget: Port to listmodels
  5d79629... docs: Reorganize list widgets in their own chapter
  a9566ce... builder-tool: Pass through CDATA where it makes sense
  cb0f855... listitemwidget: Add single-click-activate
  45eff66... listview: Add single-click-activate
  d58d015... gtk-demo: Add a large grid demo

Commits added to the branch:

  0816451... gridview: Actually do something
  297a279... Add GtkTreeExpander
  71f1047... demo: Add a GSettings tree demo
  d89f9b6... inspector: Use a treeexpander in the recorder
  5b5ab5c... inspector: Use a GtkTreeExpander in the object tree
  462953c... inspector: Make the recorder node list use a ListView
  7a49d2e... listitem: Change focus handling
  42c0774... treeexpander: Implement input support
  3e1cad5... listview: Implement activation
  c4af364... listview: Track focus movements and update selection
  9d5063c... listview: Implement (un)select all
  2507604... listview: Add a focus tracker
  61fc0a6... listitem: Add "listitem.select" action and keybindings for 
  eba9ec6... listview: Add gtk_list_view_get_position_at_y()
  5ae2c1f... listview: Add move keybindings
  fc82f5f... listitemfactory: Make the builder factory properly buildabl
  61362af... builderlistitemfactory: Add scope argument
  5b96335... builder: Autofill scope property of listitemfactory
  484f804... gtk-demo: Introduce awards
  3a5f47c... demo: Use a listview as sidebar
  cee950b... listitemmanager: Handle NULL factory
  0229f11... widget: Add gtk_widget_get_size()
  050bd6d... gridview: Implement anchors and scrolling
  51ecc2d... selectionmodel: Add gtk_selection_model_user_select_item()
  6218a27... gridview: Implement the list.select-item action
  b961612... gridview: Implement minimum row height
  4444bb3... gridview: Add activation
  d0495e3... gridview: Implement list.scroll-to action
  ddc665b... gridview: Add a focus tracker
  e54f3f6... gridview: Implement (un)select all
  94b1628... gridview: Add move keybindings
  27a891a... demo: Add a file browser demo
  c3bb95d... listview: Port various gridview improvements
  9fab1b3... gridview: Simplify allocation code
  013db26... Add GtkListBase
  f614011... listbase: Move GtkScrollable implementation
  ad12914... listbase: Move item manager here
  75f539b... listbase: Move selection handling here
  66142ae... listbase: Move orientable implementation here
  96d333f... Remove gtk_selection_model_user_select_item() again
  c835bb3... listbase: Move focus moving keybindings here
  64a2f04... listbase: Add vfuncs to convert positions to/from coordinat
  d1d0ade... listbase: Take over anchor handling
  1eab9ba... wip: Add GtkCoverFlow
  181b965... Add GtkColumnView skeleton
  3cc9fa9... gtk-demo: Add a minesweeper demo
  77c9d0d... columnview: Allow adding/removing columns
  01cdc67... Add GtkSignalListItemFactory
  d4d07bc... gtk-demo: Add a Coverflow application launcher
  7305756... builder: Make gtk_builder_extend_with_template() work with 
  6d73e3a... listitem: Make this a GObject
  7c402bc... listitemfactory: Reorganize vfuncs
  9b132b8... listitemfactory: Simplify
  98b4269... listitemwidget: Add a private struct
  e845e93... listitem: Move position/item/selected tracking to widget
  e4392bd... listitemwidget: Lazily create listitems
  5b28241... columnview: Add listitems for the columns
  8f4a039... columnview: Implement GtkScrollable
  f46c405... widget: Add a hook for resizes
  2b42f0f... columnview: Add GtkColumnViewCell
  7f4260f... inspector: Port object tree to GtkColumnView
  052343c... columnview: Fix styling with Adwaita
  01d4a28... constraint-editor: Don't poke around in widget internals
  a43e0b1... columnview: Add a custom LayoutManager
  db595e9... tests: Add testcolumnview
  a943b56... columnview: Add header
  3557478... inspector: Remove private struct from controllers
  12d8c40... inspector: Make Controller page a GtkWidget
  47a965a... inspector: Remove private struct for prop editor
  396a26c... xxx: Add a hack to make paintables transform to/from object
  ec41b49... gtk-demo: Add a Clocks demo
  4eec7d2... widget: Do parent_class handling properly
  07a7a69... expression: Allow passing a this object to bind()
  ab8fb7b... Add some tests for expression binding
  c7a4368... fontchooserwidget: Port to listmodels
  622d0ee... docs: Reorganize list widgets in their own chapter
  83a04b5... builder-tool: Pass through CDATA where it makes sense
  7b87b18... listitemwidget: Add single-click-activate
  3ed464f... listview: Add single-click-activate
  861c1b3... gtk-demo: Add a large grid demo

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