[tracker-oci-images/sam/podman: 3/7] Use Podman instead of Docker to build images

commit 51faf01d4b8ee6e7a8a9f0527f9e069a2ffd26df
Author: Sam Thursfield <sam afuera me uk>
Date:   Wed Dec 11 10:57:23 2019 +0100

    Use Podman instead of Docker to build images
    This pulls in a few updates from [librsvg-oci-images] which this
    project is based on:
      * Dockerfiles are not yml
      * replace docker with podman/buildah
      * fedora 30 as the image to bootstrap containers
    This should allow us to move beyond Fedora 30 to build the images at
    some point.
    librsvg-oci-images: https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/librsvg-oci-images/

 .gitlab-ci.yml                  | 76 +++++++++++++++++++----------------------
 fedora/{latest.yml => latest}   |  2 +-
 fedora/{rawhide.yml => rawhide} |  0
 3 files changed, 37 insertions(+), 41 deletions(-)
diff --git a/.gitlab-ci.yml b/.gitlab-ci.yml
index 8798140..be059ca 100644
--- a/.gitlab-ci.yml
+++ b/.gitlab-ci.yml
@@ -1,49 +1,45 @@
-image: docker:19.03.0
-    - docker:19.03.0-dind
-# When using dind, it's wise to use the overlayfs driver for
-# improved performance.
-    DOCKER_DRIVER: overlay2
+image: 'registry.fedoraproject.org/fedora:30'
-    - distro
+  - distro
+# Buildah can't use 'overlay' driver when running inside docker
 # Expects $IMAGE which should be the name+tag of the registry image.
-# Expects $OCI_YML variable which should be the path to the dockerfile
-# Expects $DIR variable which should be the name of the parrent folder of the dockerfile
-.base_template: &base_build
-    script:
-        - cd ${DIR}
-        - docker login -u gitlab-ci-token -p $CI_JOB_TOKEN $CI_REGISTRY
-        - docker build --pull -f ${OCI_YML} -t ${IMAGE} .
-        - docker images
-        - |
-          if [ "$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME" = "master" ]; then
-              docker push ${IMAGE}
-          else
-              echo "Not pushing image, as we are on non-master branch $CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME"
-          fi
+# Expects $DOCKERFILE variable which should be the path to the dockerfile
+# Expects $CONTEXT_DIR variable which should be the name of the parrent folder of the dockerfile
+  script:
+    - dnf install -y buildah podman
+    - buildah login -u gitlab-ci-token -p $CI_JOB_TOKEN $CI_REGISTRY
+    # Newer versions of podman/buildah try to set overlayfs mount options when
+    # using the vfs driver, and this causes errors.
+    - sed -i '/^mountopt =.*/d' /etc/containers/storage.conf
+    - podman build --format=docker --pull -f ${DOCKERFILE} -t ${IMAGE} ${CONTEXT_DIR}
+    - podman push ${IMAGE}
 # Expects $ARCH variable which should be the architexcture of the image ex. x86_64
 # Expects $DISTRO_NAME variable which should be the name of the distro image ex. ubuntu
 # Expects $DISTRO_VER variable which should be the version distro image ex. 18.04
-# Expects $OCI_YML variable which should be the path to the dockerfile
-.distro_template: &distro_build
-    stage: distro
-    before_script:
-        - export NAMESPACE="$(echo "${CI_PROJECT_NAMESPACE}" | tr A-Z a-z)"
-    <<: *base_build
-    variables:
-      ARCH: "amd64"
-      DISTRO_NAME: "fedora"
-      DISTRO_VER: "latest"
-      OCI_YML: "latest.yml"
-      DIR: "fedora"
+# Expects $DOCKERFILE variable which should be the path to the dockerfile
+.distro build:
+  stage: distro
+  before_script:
+  extends: '.base'
-    <<: *distro_build
+fedora latest:
+  extends: '.distro build'
+  variables:
+    ARCH: "amd64"
+    DISTRO_NAME: "fedora"
+    DISTRO_VER: "latest"
+    DOCKERFILE: "fedora/latest"
+    CONTEXT_DIR: "fedora"
+  only:
+    changes:
+      - 'fedora/*'
diff --git a/fedora/latest.yml b/fedora/latest
similarity index 69%
rename from fedora/latest.yml
rename to fedora/latest
index 026cf84..d85597e 100644
--- a/fedora/latest.yml
+++ b/fedora/latest
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-FROM fedora:latest
+FROM registry.fedoraproject.org/fedora:latest
 COPY prepare.sh cleanup.sh /root/
diff --git a/fedora/rawhide.yml b/fedora/rawhide
similarity index 100%
rename from fedora/rawhide.yml
rename to fedora/rawhide

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