[gnome-build-meta] (45 commits) Non-fast-forward update to branch bochecha/libgnome-games-support-meson

The branch 'bochecha/libgnome-games-support-meson' was changed in a way that was not a fast-forward update.
NOTE: This may cause problems for people pulling from the branch. For more information,
please see:


Commits removed from the branch:

  19c6347... core-deps/libgepub: Add the missing dep on libarchive
  70e564a... world/accerciser: Add the missing build dep on autotools
  9db606b... world/bijiben: Add the missing build dep on meson
  aff496b... world/bijiben: Add the missing dep on libhandy
  79c5405... world/dconf-editor: Add the missing build dep on meson
  4b1e131... world/evolution: Add the missing build dep on cmake
  cb235c8... world/evolution: Add the missing build dep on intltool
  236157b... world/evolution: Add the missing dep on gspell
  8ae3ba2... world/five-or-more: Add the missing build dep on meson
  052a690... world/ghex: Add the missing build dep on meson
  80b92e9... world/gnome-chess: Add the missing build dep on meson
  541fc2a... world/gnome-devel-docs: Add the missing build dep on autoto
  82ab0b8... world/gnome-dictionary: Add the missing build dep on meson
  f1df7a4... world/gnome-dictionary: Add the missing build dep on docboo
  e63ff5e... world/gnome-games: Add the missing build dep on meson
  9afa1ad... world/gnome-klotski: Add the missing build dep on meson
  c54f80f... world/gnome-mahjongg: Add the missing build dep on meson
  1ef9519... world/gnome-mines: Add the missing build dep on meson
  6e919f5... world/gnome-multi-writer: Add the missing build dep on meso
  187ed82... world/gnome-nibbles: Add the missing build dep on meson
  57d489f... world/gnome-recipes: Add the missing build dep on meson
  311104c... world/gnome-robots: Add the missing build dep on meson
  51c75e3... world/gnome-sudoku: Add the missing build dep on meson
  4e6d143... world/gnome-sudoku: Add the missing build dep on vala
  9a7d717... world/gnome-taquin: Add the missing build dep on meson
  5b49879... world/gnome-tetravex: Add the missing build dep on meson
  8e07425... world/gnome-todo: Add the missing build dep on meson
  2956fb1... world/hitori: Move to meson
  97a90e4... world/iagno: Add the missing build dep on meson
  f557368... world/libgnome-games-support: Add the missing build dep on 
  76f057c... world/libimobiledevice: Don't build the Python bindings
  44819ac... world/libmanette: Add the missing build dep on meson
  832567b... world/lightsoff: Add the missing build dep on meson
  9c4f9d9... world/network-manager-applet: Add the missing dep on libnma
  4d61049... world/plist: Don't build the Python bindings
  bd407f7... world/quadrapassel: Add the missing build dep on meson
  7aa0896... world/retro-gtk: Add the missing build dep on meson
  149002f... world/swell-foop: Add the missing build dep on meson
  09a91f4... world/tali: Add the missing build dep on meson
  dab438a... world/telepathy-glib: Add the missing build dep on autotool
  f8a68e8... world/telepathy-logger: Add the missing build dep on intlto
  d9e98d7... world/telepathy-logger: Add the missing build dep on autoto
  58b0add... world/telepathy-mission-control: Add the missing build dep 
  463b331... Move libgepub.bst to world

Commits added to the branch:

  2a64378... Move gtksourceview to the SDK (*)
  d676250... core-deps/libgepub: Add the missing dep on libarchive
  701c1e4... world/accerciser: Add the missing build dep on autotools
  ed33e58... world/bijiben: Add the missing build dep on meson
  221b2ba... world/bijiben: Add the missing dep on libhandy
  aa6d043... world/dconf-editor: Add the missing build dep on meson
  191b094... world/evolution: Add the missing build dep on cmake
  1e3f631... world/evolution: Add the missing build dep on intltool
  08dd470... world/evolution: Add the missing dep on gspell
  eb75394... world/five-or-more: Add the missing build dep on meson
  4a19d84... world/ghex: Add the missing build dep on meson
  df9f8b7... world/gnome-chess: Add the missing build dep on meson
  7684ca2... world/gnome-devel-docs: Add the missing build dep on autoto
  bb23044... world/gnome-dictionary: Add the missing build dep on meson
  b71aa13... world/gnome-dictionary: Add the missing build dep on docboo
  fb2456e... world/gnome-games: Add the missing build dep on meson
  95ea085... world/gnome-klotski: Add the missing build dep on meson
  fe9a798... world/gnome-mahjongg: Add the missing build dep on meson
  28dcedf... world/gnome-mines: Add the missing build dep on meson
  27d4b8d... world/gnome-multi-writer: Add the missing build dep on meso
  e6f5d2e... world/gnome-nibbles: Add the missing build dep on meson
  1cb41eb... world/gnome-recipes: Add the missing build dep on meson
  ec7a412... world/gnome-robots: Add the missing build dep on meson
  4020222... world/gnome-sudoku: Add the missing build dep on meson
  d5f8451... world/gnome-sudoku: Add the missing build dep on vala
  0c71a25... world/gnome-taquin: Add the missing build dep on meson
  cc2c12b... world/gnome-tetravex: Add the missing build dep on meson
  c671155... world/gnome-todo: Add the missing build dep on meson
  5b18a39... world/hitori: Move to meson
  afd3ee4... world/iagno: Add the missing build dep on meson
  9aa5f5d... world/libgnome-games-support: Add the missing build dep on 
  4d14501... world/libimobiledevice: Don't build the Python bindings
  08bcca2... world/libmanette: Add the missing build dep on meson
  5ea2357... world/lightsoff: Add the missing build dep on meson
  915c8db... world/network-manager-applet: Add the missing dep on libnma
  e5d280d... world/plist: Don't build the Python bindings
  5fc39e4... world/quadrapassel: Add the missing build dep on meson
  217ecea... world/retro-gtk: Add the missing build dep on meson
  9af9c2f... world/swell-foop: Add the missing build dep on meson
  615735a... world/tali: Add the missing build dep on meson
  b5b6c0a... world/telepathy-glib: Add the missing build dep on autotool
  81c0913... world/telepathy-logger: Add the missing build dep on intlto
  52d6f51... world/telepathy-logger: Add the missing build dep on autoto
  b161124... world/telepathy-mission-control: Add the missing build dep 
  8cdceaf... Move libgepub.bst to world

(*) This commit already existed in another branch; no separate mail sent

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