[gimp] plug-ins: port file-openraster to Python 3 + new API.
- From: Jehan <jehanp src gnome org>
- To: commits-list gnome org
- Cc:
- Subject: [gimp] plug-ins: port file-openraster to Python 3 + new API.
- Date: Sun, 25 Aug 2019 10:02:00 +0000 (UTC)
commit 13ea5caec29b63b2b444f1381e550db688fa870b
Author: Jehan <jehan girinstud io>
Date: Sun Aug 25 04:05:40 2019 +0200
plug-ins: port file-openraster to Python 3 + new API.
Apart from porting, only code logics change is the whole
encode()/decode() code because it created a string vs bytes mess and the
zipfile API apparently didn't like to deal with bytes, even though the
docs say otherwise.
It's hard to test on my UTF-8 system, so please anyone working with
non-UTF-8 paths, we welcome reports if ORA load/save does not work
Other than this, load, save and load_thumb were all tested and working
properly so far.
plug-ins/pygimp/plug-ins/file-openraster.py | 393 ---------------------------
plug-ins/python/Makefile.am | 5 +-
plug-ins/python/file-openraster.py | 399 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
3 files changed, 403 insertions(+), 394 deletions(-)
diff --git a/plug-ins/python/Makefile.am b/plug-ins/python/Makefile.am
index 16b7b82e2d..2654592109 100644
--- a/plug-ins/python/Makefile.am
+++ b/plug-ins/python/Makefile.am
@@ -9,9 +9,11 @@ palette_offset_SCRIPTS = palette-offset.py
palette_to_gradientdir = $(gimpplugindir)/plug-ins/palette-to-gradient
palette_to_gradient_SCRIPTS = palette-to-gradient.py
+file_openrasterdir= $(gimpplugindir)/plug-ins/file-openraster
+file_openraster_SCRIPTS = file-openraster.py
# TODO: to be ported:
## colorxhtml.py
-## file-openraster.py
## foggify.py
## gradients-save-as-css.py
## histogram-export.py
@@ -29,6 +31,7 @@ if GIMP_UNSTABLE
+ file-openraster.py \
palette-offset.py \
diff --git a/plug-ins/python/file-openraster.py b/plug-ins/python/file-openraster.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..ba62f531bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plug-ins/python/file-openraster.py
@@ -0,0 +1,399 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# GIMP Plug-in for the OpenRaster file format
+# http://create.freedesktop.org/wiki/OpenRaster
+# Copyright (C) 2009 by Jon Nordby <jononor gmail com>
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# Based on MyPaint source code by Martin Renold
+# http://gitorious.org/mypaint/mypaint/blobs/edd84bcc1e091d0d56aa6d26637aa8a925987b6a/lib/document.py
+import gi
+gi.require_version('Gimp', '3.0')
+from gi.repository import Gimp
+gi.require_version('Gegl', '0.4')
+from gi.repository import Gegl
+from gi.repository import GObject
+from gi.repository import GLib
+from gi.repository import Gio
+import os, sys, tempfile, zipfile
+import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
+NESTED_STACK_END = object()
+layermodes_map = {
+ "svg:src-over": Gimp.LayerMode.NORMAL,
+ "svg:multiply": Gimp.LayerMode.MULTIPLY_LEGACY,
+ "svg:screen": Gimp.LayerMode.SCREEN_LEGACY,
+ "svg:overlay": Gimp.LayerMode.OVERLAY,
+ "svg:darken": Gimp.LayerMode.DARKEN_ONLY_LEGACY,
+ "svg:lighten": Gimp.LayerMode.LIGHTEN_ONLY_LEGACY,
+ "svg:color-dodge": Gimp.LayerMode.DODGE_LEGACY,
+ "svg:color-burn": Gimp.LayerMode.BURN_LEGACY,
+ "svg:hard-light": Gimp.LayerMode.HARDLIGHT_LEGACY,
+ "svg:soft-light": Gimp.LayerMode.SOFTLIGHT_LEGACY,
+ "svg:difference": Gimp.LayerMode.DIFFERENCE_LEGACY,
+ "svg:color": Gimp.LayerMode.HSL_COLOR_LEGACY,
+ "svg:luminosity": Gimp.LayerMode.HSV_VALUE_LEGACY,
+ "svg:hue": Gimp.LayerMode.HSV_HUE_LEGACY,
+ "svg:saturation": Gimp.LayerMode.HSV_SATURATION_LEGACY,
+ "svg:plus": Gimp.LayerMode.ADDITION_LEGACY,
+def reverse_map(mapping):
+ return dict((v,k) for k, v in mapping.items())
+def get_image_attributes(orafile):
+ xml = orafile.read('stack.xml')
+ image = ET.fromstring(xml)
+ stack = image.find('stack')
+ w = int(image.attrib.get('w', ''))
+ h = int(image.attrib.get('h', ''))
+ return stack, w, h
+def get_layer_attributes(layer):
+ a = layer.attrib
+ path = a.get('src', '')
+ name = a.get('name', '')
+ x = int(a.get('x', '0'))
+ y = int(a.get('y', '0'))
+ opac = float(a.get('opacity', '1.0'))
+ visible = a.get('visibility', 'visible') != 'hidden'
+ m = a.get('composite-op', 'svg:src-over')
+ layer_mode = layermodes_map.get(m, Gimp.LayerMode.NORMAL)
+ return path, name, x, y, opac, visible, layer_mode
+def get_group_layer_attributes(layer):
+ a = layer.attrib
+ name = a.get('name', '')
+ opac = float(a.get('opacity', '1.0'))
+ visible = a.get('visibility', 'visible') != 'hidden'
+ m = a.get('composite-op', 'svg:src-over')
+ layer_mode = layermodes_map.get(m, NORMAL_MODE)
+ return name, 0, 0, opac, visible, layer_mode
+def thumbnail_ora(procedure, file, thumb_size, args, data):
+ tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp('gimp-plugin-file-openraster')
+ orafile = zipfile.ZipFile(file.peek_path())
+ stack, w, h = get_image_attributes(orafile)
+ # create temp file
+ tmp = os.path.join(tempdir, 'tmp.png')
+ with open(tmp, 'wb') as fid:
+ fid.write(orafile.read('Thumbnails/thumbnail.png'))
+ args = Gimp.ValueArray.new(2)
+ args.insert(0, GObject.Value(Gimp.RunMode, Gimp.RunMode.NONINTERACTIVE))
+ args.insert(1, GObject.Value(GObject.TYPE_STRING, tmp))
+ img = Gimp.get_pdb().run_procedure('file-png-load', args)
+ img = img.index(1)
+ img = Gimp.Image.get_by_id(img)
+ # TODO: scaling
+ os.remove(tmp)
+ os.rmdir(tempdir)
+ retval = Gimp.ValueArray.new(2)
+ retval.insert(0, GObject.Value(Gimp.PDBStatusType, Gimp.PDBStatusType.SUCCESS))
+ retval.insert(1, GObject.Value(Gimp.Image, img))
+ retval.insert(2, GObject.Value(GObject.TYPE_INT, w))
+ retval.insert(3, GObject.Value(GObject.TYPE_INT, h))
+ retval.insert(4, GObject.Value(Gimp.ImageType, Gimp.ImageType.RGB_IMAGE))
+ retval.insert(5, GObject.Value(GObject.TYPE_INT, 1))
+ return retval
+def save_ora(procedure, run_mode, image, drawable, file, args, data):
+ def write_file_str(zfile, fname, data):
+ # work around a permission bug in the zipfile library:
+ # http://bugs.python.org/issue3394
+ zi = zipfile.ZipInfo(fname)
+ zi.external_attr = int("100644", 8) << 16
+ zfile.writestr(zi, data)
+ tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp('gimp-plugin-file-openraster')
+ # use .tmpsave extension, so we don't overwrite a valid file if
+ # there is an exception
+ orafile = zipfile.ZipFile(file.peek_path() + '.tmpsave', 'w', compression=zipfile.ZIP_STORED)
+ write_file_str(orafile, 'mimetype', 'image/openraster') # must be the first file written
+ # build image attributes
+ xml_image = ET.Element('image')
+ stack = ET.SubElement(xml_image, 'stack')
+ a = xml_image.attrib
+ a['w'] = str(image.width())
+ a['h'] = str(image.height())
+ def store_layer(image, drawable, path):
+ tmp = os.path.join(tempdir, 'tmp.png')
+ interlace, compression = 0, 2
+ args = Gimp.ValueArray.new(11)
+ args.insert(0, GObject.Value(Gimp.RunMode, Gimp.RunMode.NONINTERACTIVE))
+ args.insert(1, GObject.Value(Gimp.Image, image))
+ args.insert(2, GObject.Value(Gimp.Drawable, drawable))
+ args.insert(3, GObject.Value(GObject.TYPE_STRING, tmp))
+ args.insert(4, GObject.Value(GObject.TYPE_STRING, 'tmp.png'))
+ args.insert(5, GObject.Value(GObject.TYPE_BOOLEAN, interlace))
+ args.insert(6, GObject.Value(GObject.TYPE_INT, compression))
+ # write all PNG chunks except oFFs(ets)
+ args.insert(7, GObject.Value(GObject.TYPE_BOOLEAN, True))
+ args.insert(8, GObject.Value(GObject.TYPE_BOOLEAN, True))
+ args.insert(9, GObject.Value(GObject.TYPE_BOOLEAN, False))
+ args.insert(10, GObject.Value(GObject.TYPE_BOOLEAN, True))
+ Gimp.get_pdb().run_procedure('file-png-save', args)
+ orafile.write(tmp, path)
+ os.remove(tmp)
+ def add_layer(parent, x, y, opac, gimp_layer, path, visible=True):
+ store_layer(image, gimp_layer, path)
+ # create layer attributes
+ layer = ET.Element('layer')
+ parent.append(layer)
+ a = layer.attrib
+ a['src'] = path
+ a['name'] = gimp_layer.get_name()
+ a['x'] = str(x)
+ a['y'] = str(y)
+ a['opacity'] = str(opac)
+ a['visibility'] = 'visible' if visible else 'hidden'
+ a['composite-op'] = reverse_map(layermodes_map).get(gimp_layer.get_mode(), 'svg:src-over')
+ return layer
+ def add_group_layer(parent, opac, gimp_layer, visible=True):
+ # create layer attributes
+ group_layer = ET.Element('stack')
+ parent.append(group_layer)
+ a = group_layer.attrib
+ a['name'] = gimp_layer.name
+ a['opacity'] = str(opac)
+ a['visibility'] = 'visible' if visible else 'hidden'
+ a['composite-op'] = reverse_map(layermodes_map).get(gimp_layer.get_mode(), 'svg:src-over')
+ return group_layer
+ def enumerate_layers(layers):
+ for layer in layers:
+ if not layer.is_group():
+ yield layer
+ else:
+ yield layer
+ for sublayer in enumerate_layers(layer.get_children()):
+ yield sublayer
+ # save layers
+ parent_groups = []
+ i = 0
+ for lay in enumerate_layers(image.get_layers()):
+ if lay is NESTED_STACK_END:
+ parent_groups.pop()
+ continue
+ _, x, y = lay.offsets()
+ opac = lay.get_opacity () / 100.0 # needs to be between 0.0 and 1.0
+ if not parent_groups:
+ path_name = 'data/{:03d}.png'.format(i)
+ i += 1
+ else:
+ path_name = 'data/{}-{:03d}.png'.format(
+ parent_groups[-1][1], parent_groups[-1][2])
+ parent_groups[-1][2] += 1
+ parent = stack if not parent_groups else parent_groups[-1][0]
+ if lay.is_group():
+ group = add_group_layer(parent, opac, lay, lay.get_visible())
+ group_path = ("{:03d}".format(i) if not parent_groups else
+ parent_groups[-1][1] + "-{:03d}".format(parent_groups[-1][2]))
+ parent_groups.append([group, group_path , 0])
+ else:
+ add_layer(parent, x, y, opac, lay, path_name, lay.get_visible())
+ # save mergedimage
+ args = Gimp.ValueArray.new(1)
+ args.insert(0, GObject.Value(Gimp.Image, image))
+ thumb = Gimp.get_pdb().run_procedure('gimp-image-duplicate', args)
+ thumb = thumb.index(1)
+ thumb = Gimp.Image.get_by_id(thumb)
+ thumb_layer = thumb.merge_visible_layers (Gimp.MergeType.CLIP_TO_IMAGE)
+ store_layer (thumb, thumb_layer, 'mergedimage.png')
+ # save thumbnail
+ w, h = image.width(), image.height()
+ if max (w, h) > 256:
+ # should be at most 256x256, without changing aspect ratio
+ if w > h:
+ w, h = 256, max(h*256/w, 1)
+ else:
+ w, h = max(w*256/h, 1), 256
+ thumb_layer.scale(w, h, False)
+ if thumb.get_precision() != Gimp.Precision.U8_GAMMA:
+ thumb.convert_precision (Gimp.Precision.U8_GAMMA)
+ store_layer(thumb, thumb_layer, 'Thumbnails/thumbnail.png')
+ thumb.delete()
+ # write stack.xml
+ xml = ET.tostring(xml_image, encoding='UTF-8')
+ write_file_str(orafile, 'stack.xml', xml)
+ # finish up
+ orafile.close()
+ os.rmdir(tempdir)
+ if os.path.exists(file.peek_path()):
+ os.remove(file.peek_path()) # win32 needs that
+ os.rename(file.peek_path() + '.tmpsave', file.peek_path())
+ retval = Gimp.ValueArray.new(1)
+ retval.insert(0, GObject.Value(Gimp.PDBStatusType, Gimp.PDBStatusType.SUCCESS))
+ return retval
+def load_ora(procedure, run_mode, file, args, data):
+ tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp('gimp-plugin-file-openraster')
+ orafile = zipfile.ZipFile(file.peek_path())
+ stack, w, h = get_image_attributes(orafile)
+ img = Gimp.Image.new(w, h, Gimp.ImageBaseType.RGB)
+ img.set_filename (file.peek_path())
+ def get_layers(root):
+ """iterates over layers and nested stacks"""
+ for item in root:
+ if item.tag == 'layer':
+ yield item
+ elif item.tag == 'stack':
+ yield item
+ for subitem in get_layers(item):
+ yield subitem
+ parent_groups = []
+ layer_no = 0
+ for item in get_layers(stack):
+ if item is NESTED_STACK_END:
+ parent_groups.pop()
+ continue
+ if item.tag == 'stack':
+ name, x, y, opac, visible, layer_mode = get_group_layer_attributes(item)
+ gimp_layer = img.layer_group_new()
+ else:
+ path, name, x, y, opac, visible, layer_mode = get_layer_attributes(item)
+ if not path.lower().endswith('.png'):
+ continue
+ if not name:
+ # use the filename without extension as name
+ n = os.path.basename(path)
+ name = os.path.splitext(n)[0]
+ # create temp file. Needed because gimp cannot load files from inside a zip file
+ tmp = os.path.join(tempdir, 'tmp.png')
+ with open(tmp, 'wb') as fid:
+ try:
+ data = orafile.read(path)
+ except KeyError:
+ # support for bad zip files (saved by old versions of this plugin)
+ data = orafile.read(path.encode('utf-8'))
+ print('WARNING: bad OpenRaster ZIP file. There is an utf-8 encoded filename that does
not have the utf-8 flag set:', repr(path))
+ fid.write(data)
+ # import layer, set attributes and add to image
+ args = Gimp.ValueArray.new(3)
+ arg0 = GObject.Value(Gimp.RunMode, Gimp.RunMode.NONINTERACTIVE)
+ args.insert(0, arg0)
+ arg1 = GObject.Value(Gimp.Image, img)
+ args.insert(1, arg1)
+ arg2 = GObject.Value(GObject.TYPE_STRING, tmp)
+ args.insert(2, arg2)
+ gimp_layer = Gimp.get_pdb().run_procedure('gimp-file-load-layer', args)
+ gimp_layer = gimp_layer.index(1)
+ gimp_layer = Gimp.Item.get_by_id(gimp_layer)
+ os.remove(tmp)
+ gimp_layer.set_name(name)
+ gimp_layer.set_mode(layer_mode)
+ gimp_layer.set_offsets(x, y) # move to correct position
+ gimp_layer.set_opacity(opac * 100) # a float between 0 and 100
+ gimp_layer.set_visible(visible)
+ img.insert_layer(gimp_layer,
+ parent_groups[-1][0] if parent_groups else None,
+ parent_groups[-1][1] if parent_groups else layer_no)
+ if parent_groups:
+ parent_groups[-1][1] += 1
+ else:
+ layer_no += 1
+ if gimp_layer.is_group():
+ parent_groups.append([gimp_layer, 0])
+ os.rmdir(tempdir)
+ retval = Gimp.ValueArray.new(2)
+ arg0 = GObject.Value(Gimp.PDBStatusType, Gimp.PDBStatusType.SUCCESS)
+ retval.insert(0, arg0)
+ arg1 = GObject.Value(Gimp.Image, img)
+ retval.insert(1, arg1)
+ return retval
+class FileOpenRaster (Gimp.PlugIn):
+ ## GimpPlugIn virtual methods ##
+ def do_query_procedures(self):
+ self.set_translation_domain("gimp30-python",
+ Gio.file_new_for_path(Gimp.locale_directory()))
+ return [ 'file-openraster-save',
+ 'file-openraster-load',
+ 'file-openraster-load-thumb' ]
+ def do_create_procedure(self, name):
+ if name == 'file-openraster-save':
+ procedure = Gimp.SaveProcedure.new(self, name,
+ Gimp.PDBProcType.PLUGIN,
+ save_ora, None)
+ procedure.set_image_types("*");
+ procedure.set_documentation ('save an OpenRaster (.ora) file',
+ 'save an OpenRaster (.ora) file',
+ name)
+ procedure.set_menu_label('OpenRaster')
+ procedure.set_extensions ("ora");
+ elif name == 'file-openraster-load':
+ procedure = Gimp.LoadProcedure.new (self, name,
+ Gimp.PDBProcType.PLUGIN,
+ load_ora, None)
+ procedure.set_menu_label('OpenRaster')
+ procedure.set_documentation ('load an OpenRaster (.ora) file',
+ 'load an OpenRaster (.ora) file',
+ name)
+ procedure.set_mime_types ("image/openraster");
+ procedure.set_extensions ("ora");
+ procedure.set_thumbnail_loader ('file-openraster-load-thumb');
+ else: # 'file-openraster-load-thumb'
+ procedure = Gimp.ThumbnailProcedure.new (self, name,
+ Gimp.PDBProcType.PLUGIN,
+ thumbnail_ora, None)
+ procedure.set_documentation ('loads a thumbnail from an OpenRaster (.ora) file',
+ 'loads a thumbnail from an OpenRaster (.ora) file',
+ name)
+ pass
+ procedure.set_attribution('Jon Nordby', #author
+ 'Jon Nordby', #copyright
+ '2009') #year
+ return procedure
+Gimp.main(FileOpenRaster.__gtype__, sys.argv)
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