[gnome-software] banners: improve Bitwarden message

commit 2516cae4f08b8dd430a6d1256b0db86feb6a61e9
Author: Jakub Steiner <jimmac gmail com>
Date:   Fri Aug 2 17:12:56 2019 +0200

    banners: improve Bitwarden message

 data/assets/featured-bitwarden.svg          | 2 +-
 data/assets/org.gnome.Software.Featured.xml | 6 +++---
 2 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
diff --git a/data/assets/featured-bitwarden.svg b/data/assets/featured-bitwarden.svg
index aeac50d4..344244bf 100644
--- a/data/assets/featured-bitwarden.svg
+++ b/data/assets/featured-bitwarden.svg
@@ -1 +1 @@
-<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"; width="512" height="512" version="1.0"><path 
 d="M84.156 48.74v203.752c0 60.301 43.631 107.557 82.465 142.31 38.834 34.754 77.393 57.405 77.393 
57.405l15.004 8.852 14.89-9.041s38.442-23.255 77.176-58.254c38.734-35 82.361-81.767 
82.361-141.272V48.74zm58.215 58.215h232.86v145.537c0 26.77-29.141 67.324-63.176 98.078-20.581 18.597-40.304 
32.842-53.444 41.8-13.102-8.74-32.708-22.636-53.168-40.946-33.935-30.37-63.072-70.435-63.072-98.932z" 
color="#bebebe" font-weight="400" font-fa
 ns-serif" overflow="visible" fill="#fff"/><path style="marker:none" d="M259.404 
color="#bebebe" overflow="visible" fill="#fff"/></svg>
\ No newline at end of file
+<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"; width="800" height="400" version="1.0"><circle style="marker:none" 
cx="167" cy="157" r="33" fill="#26a269"/><circle r="33" cy="238" cx="651" style="marker:none" 
fill="#26a269"/><circle style="marker:none" cx="419" cy="154" r="33" fill="#26a269"/><g 
transform="translate(110 131)"><rect ry="11.393" rx="11.393" y="71" x="70" height="52" width="410" 
style="marker:none" fill="#fff" stroke="#26a269" stroke-width="2" stroke-linejoin="round"/><circle r="11" 
cy="97" cx="97" style="marker:none" fill="#1f1f1f"/><circle style="marker:none" cx="125" cy="97" r="11" 
fill="#1f1f1f"/><circle style="marker:none" cx="153" cy="97" r="11" fill="#1f1f1f"/><circle r="11" cy="97" 
cx="181" style="marker:none" fill="#1f1f1f"/><circle style="marker:none" cx="209" cy="97" r="11" 
fill="#1f1f1f"/><circle r="11" cy="97" cx="237" style="marker:none" fill="#1f1f1f"/><circle r="11" cy="97" 
cx="265" style="marker:none" fill="#1f1f1f"/><circle style="marker:none" cx="293
 " cy="97
 " r="11" fill="#1f1f1f"/></g><path style="marker:none" d="M187 158h440c12.314 0 21 9.739 21 21v57" 
fill="none" stroke="#26a269" stroke-width="20" stroke-linejoin="round"/><g transform="rotate(-90 309.5 
420.492) scale(1.99997)" fill="#fff"><path 
 d="M293 262a4 4 0 0 0-4-4 4 4 0 0 0-4 4 4 4 0 0 0 3 3.87V270h-2v3h4v-7.133a4 4 0 0 0 3-3.867zm-2 0a2 2 0 0 
1-2 2 2 2 0 0 1-2-2 2 2 0 0 1 2-2 2 2 0 0 1 2 2z" color="#000" font-weight="400" font-family="sans-serif" 
overflow="visible"/></g><g transform="matrix(2 0 0 2 410.938
  -4)" fi
 ll="#fff"><path style="marker:none" d="M115 119c-.554 0-1 .446-1 1v6h12v-6c0-.554-.446-1-1-1z" 
color="#bebebe" overflow="visible"/><path 
 d="M123.988 113c-1.644 0-2.965 1.355-2.957 3v6h2v-6c0-.571.386-1 .957-1h.016c.571 0 1 .429 1 
1v1h2v-1c0-1.645-1.355-3-3-3z" color="#bebebe" font-weight="400" font-family="sans-serif" 
overflow="visible"/></g><path style="marker:none" d="M165 143c-3.29 0-6 2.71-6 6v6h-2c-1.108 0-2 .892-2 
2v12h24v-12c0-1.108-.892-2-2-2h-2v-6c0-3.29-2.71-6-6-6zm0 4h4c1.143 0 2 .857 2 2v6h-8v-6c0-1.1
  2-2z" color="#bebebe" overflow="visible" fill="#fff"/></svg>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/data/assets/org.gnome.Software.Featured.xml b/data/assets/org.gnome.Software.Featured.xml
index 18cd396f..ef4f6df3 100644
--- a/data/assets/org.gnome.Software.Featured.xml
+++ b/data/assets/org.gnome.Software.Featured.xml
@@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ color: #ffffff;
 box-shadow: none;
- 30% 60% / 30% auto no-repeat, -gtk-gradient (radial,
+ 10% 60% / 10% auto no-repeat, -gtk-gradient (radial,
  center bottom, 0, center center, 0.8,
  from(#ffa348), to(#e66100));
@@ -201,9 +201,9 @@ background:
       <value key="GnomeSoftware::FeatureTile-css">border: 1px solid #1c6d8c;
 box-shadow: none;
-background: #3c8dbc 
+background: #2ec27e
- 12px 60% / 60% auto no-repeat;
+ 0 50% / 60% auto no-repeat;
 color: #fff;
 text-shadow: none;</value>

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