[cantarell-fonts/tweak-numerals] Tweak bold 2 and 7

commit 2bda502ad763bbcd4232f531e9b83d477e1b4d9f
Author: Nikolaus Waxweiler <madigens gmail com>
Date:   Sun Apr 21 00:22:45 2019 +0100

    Tweak bold 2 and 7

 src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/seven.glif |  8 +++---
 src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/two.glif   | 48 ++++++++++++++++----------------
 2 files changed, 28 insertions(+), 28 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/seven.glif b/src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/seven.glif
index b3a962be..3bae88c8 100644
--- a/src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/seven.glif
+++ b/src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/seven.glif
@@ -4,14 +4,14 @@
   <unicode hex="0037"/>
-      <point x="71" y="0" type="line"/>
+      <point x="63" y="0" type="line"/>
       <point x="246" y="0" type="line"/>
       <point x="525" y="612" type="line"/>
       <point x="525" y="694" type="line"/>
       <point x="10" y="694" type="line"/>
-      <point x="10" y="548" type="line"/>
-      <point x="372" y="548" type="line"/>
-      <point x="344" y="589" type="line"/>
+      <point x="10" y="544" type="line"/>
+      <point x="372" y="544" type="line"/>
+      <point x="336" y="589" type="line"/>
diff --git a/src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/two.glif b/src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/two.glif
index 65158aea..46a10741 100644
--- a/src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/two.glif
+++ b/src/Cantarell-Bold.ufo/glyphs/two.glif
@@ -1,33 +1,33 @@
 <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
 <glyph name="two" format="2">
-  <advance width="563"/>
+  <advance width="576"/>
   <unicode hex="0032"/>
-      <point x="40" y="0" type="line"/>
-      <point x="534" y="0" type="line"/>
-      <point x="534" y="154" type="line"/>
-      <point x="234" y="154" type="line"/>
-      <point x="230" y="111" type="line"/>
-      <point x="419" y="248"/>
-      <point x="511" y="373"/>
-      <point x="511" y="493" type="curve" smooth="yes"/>
-      <point x="511" y="620"/>
-      <point x="411" y="704"/>
-      <point x="255" y="704" type="curve" smooth="yes"/>
-      <point x="165" y="704"/>
-      <point x="81" y="676"/>
+      <point x="41" y="0" type="line"/>
+      <point x="547" y="0" type="line"/>
+      <point x="547" y="159" type="line"/>
+      <point x="241" y="159" type="line"/>
+      <point x="236" y="114" type="line"/>
+      <point x="432" y="248"/>
+      <point x="523" y="375"/>
+      <point x="523" y="492" type="curve" smooth="yes"/>
+      <point x="523" y="620"/>
+      <point x="419" y="704"/>
+      <point x="261" y="704" type="curve" smooth="yes"/>
+      <point x="169" y="704"/>
+      <point x="83" y="676"/>
       <point x="14" y="623" type="curve"/>
-      <point x="58" y="501" type="line"/>
-      <point x="111" y="532"/>
-      <point x="168" y="552"/>
-      <point x="222" y="552" type="curve" smooth="yes"/>
-      <point x="292" y="552"/>
-      <point x="335" y="518"/>
-      <point x="335" y="463" type="curve" smooth="yes"/>
-      <point x="335" y="388"/>
-      <point x="254" y="294"/>
-      <point x="40" y="119" type="curve"/>
+      <point x="59" y="497" type="line"/>
+      <point x="116" y="529"/>
+      <point x="175" y="548"/>
+      <point x="227" y="548" type="curve" smooth="yes"/>
+      <point x="298" y="548"/>
+      <point x="342" y="514"/>
+      <point x="342" y="461" type="curve" smooth="yes"/>
+      <point x="342" y="388"/>
+      <point x="259" y="294"/>
+      <point x="41" y="123" type="curve"/>

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