[chronojump] test-delete.py to check macosx packaging

commit 3da1ffff2de18806e443b1fd7e18c5253320a6ea
Author: Xavier de Blas <xaviblas gmail com>
Date:   Thu Apr 11 12:13:30 2019 +0200

    test-delete.py to check macosx packaging

 src/chronojump-importer/Makefile.am    |   2 +-
 src/chronojump-importer/test-delete.py | 777 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 778 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/src/chronojump-importer/Makefile.am b/src/chronojump-importer/Makefile.am
index 48f6ab09..47f43084 100644
--- a/src/chronojump-importer/Makefile.am
+++ b/src/chronojump-importer/Makefile.am
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
 TARGET = all
-bin_SCRIPTS = chronojump_importer.py
+bin_SCRIPTS = chronojump_importer.py test-delete.py
diff --git a/src/chronojump-importer/test-delete.py b/src/chronojump-importer/test-delete.py
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..fda4b0ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/chronojump-importer/test-delete.py
@@ -0,0 +1,777 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import argparse
+import logging
+import sqlite3
+import sys
+import json
+import os
+import shutil
+import re
+ * This file is part of ChronoJump
+ *
+ * ChronoJump is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * ChronoJump is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2016-2017 Carles Pina i Estany <carles pina cat>
+ */
+class Row:
+    """ A row represents a row in a table: it has column-names and their values.
+    It can contain column names that are not in the database (this can be used
+    to store other information if needed) """
+    def __init__(self):
+        self._row = {}
+    def set(self, column_name, value):
+        """ Sets the value to the column_name """
+        self._row[column_name] = value
+    def get(self, column_name):
+        """ Returns the value of column_name. Raise an exception if column_name in this row doesn't exist """
+        return self._row[column_name]
+    def has_column(self, column_name):
+        """ Returns true if the row has the column column_name """
+        return column_name in self._row
+    def columns(self):
+        """ Returns a list of columns in this row """
+        return self._row.keys()
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        # noinspection PyProtectedMember
+        return self._row == other._row
+class Table:
+    """ This class has Table operations: inserts rows, removes duplicates, updates sessionIDs, etc. """
+    def __init__(self, table_name):
+        self._table_data = []
+        self._table_name = table_name
+    def insert_row(self, row):
+        self._table_data.append(row)
+    def concatenate_table(self, other):
+        """ Concatenates other in this table. It doesn't change the table names """
+        self._table_data += other
+    def remove_duplicates(self):
+        """ Remove duplicate rows of the table. The order of the rows in the table could change """
+        new_data = []
+        for index, element in enumerate(self._table_data):
+            if element not in self._table_data[index + 1:]:
+                new_data.append(element)
+        self._table_data = new_data
+    @property
+    def name(self):
+        """ Property holding the table name """
+        return self._table_name
+    def update_session_ids(self, new_session_id):
+        """ Updates all the sessionID of each row to new_session_id """
+        changed = False
+        for row in self._table_data:
+            row.set("sessionID", new_session_id)
+            changed = True
+        if len(self._table_data) > 0:
+            assert changed
+    def update_ids(self, column_to_update, referenced_table, old_referenced_column, new_referenced_column):
+        """ For each row: matches column_to_update values with a row in referenced_table 
old_referenced_column values.
+        If they are the same it updates column_to_update with new_referenced_column
+        """
+        for row_to_update in self._table_data:
+            old_id = row_to_update.get(column_to_update)
+            for row_referenced in referenced_table:
+                old_column_name = old_referenced_column
+                if row_referenced.has_column(old_column_name) and row_referenced.get(old_referenced_column) 
== old_id:
+                    row_to_update.set(column_to_update, row_referenced.get(new_referenced_column))
+    def __iter__(self):
+        return iter(self._table_data)
+    def __len__(self):
+        return len(self._table_data)
+    def __getitem__(self, index):
+        return self._table_data[index]
+class Database:
+    """ A database represents the database and read/writes tables. """
+    def __init__(self, source_path, read_only):
+        self._is_opened = False
+        self._cursor = None
+        self._conn = None
+        self.open(source_path, read_only)
+        self._is_opened = True
+    def __del__(self):
+        self.close()
+    def open(self, filename, read_only):
+        """Opens the database specified by filename. On Python3 If read_only is True
+        the database is opened in read only mode
+        """
+        if sys.version_info >= (3, 0):
+            if read_only:
+                mode = "ro"
+            else:
+                mode = "rw"
+            uri = "file:{}?mode={}".format(filename, mode)
+            self._conn = sqlite3.connect(uri, uri=True)
+        else:
+            # On Python2 there is no uri support. This opens
+            # the database always on rw
+            self._conn = sqlite3.connect(filename)
+        self._conn.execute("pragma foreign_keys=ON")
+        self._cursor = self._conn.cursor()
+    def close(self):
+        if self._is_opened:
+            self._conn.commit()
+            self._conn.close()
+            self._is_opened = False
+    def column_names(self, table, skip_columns=None):
+        """ Returns a list with the column names of the table. Doesn't return columns mentioned in 
skip_columns """
+        self._cursor.execute("PRAGMA table_info({})".format(table))
+        result = self._cursor.fetchall()
+        names = []
+        for row in result:
+            column_name = row[1]
+            if skip_columns is None or column_name not in skip_columns:
+                names.append(column_name)
+        assert len(names) > 0
+        return names
+    def read(self, table_name, where_condition, join_clause="", group_by_clause="", extra_tables=""):
+        """ Returns a new table with the contents of this table with where_condition. """
+        column_names = self.column_names(table_name)
+        column_names_with_prefixes = self._add_prefix(column_names, "{}.".format(table_name))
+        where_condition = " WHERE {} ".format(where_condition)
+        assert '"' not in where_condition  # Easy way to avoid problems - where_condition is only used by us 
(programmers) and
+        # it doesn't depend on user data.
+        if group_by_clause != "":
+            group_by = " GROUP BY {}".format(group_by_clause)
+        else:
+            group_by = ""
+        table_names_str = table_name
+        if extra_tables != "":
+            table_names_list = [table_names_str] + extra_tables
+            table_names_str = ",".join(table_names_list)
+        format_data = {"column_names": ",".join(column_names_with_prefixes), "table_names_str": 
+                       "join_clause": join_clause, "where": where_condition, "group_by": group_by}
+        sql = "SELECT {column_names} FROM {table_names_str} {join_clause} {where} 
+        self._execute_query_and_log(sql, [])
+        results = self._cursor.fetchall()
+        table = Table(table_name)
+        for row in results:
+            table_row = Row()
+            for i, col in enumerate(row):
+                table_row.set(column_names[i], col)
+            table.insert_row(table_row)
+        return table
+    def write(self, table, matches_columns, avoids_duplicate_column=None):
+        """ Writes table into the database.
+        Inserts the data and modifies table adding new_unique_id. This is the new uniqueID
+        if the row has been inserted or the old one if the row has been reused. This
+        depends on avoids_duplicate_column.
+        For example, if matches_columns = ["Name"] it will insert a new row
+        in the table if the name didn't exist and will add new_unique_id
+        with this unique id.
+        If name already existed it will NOT insert anything in the table
+        but will add a new_unique_id with the ID of this person.
+        If matches_columns is None it means that will insert the data
+        regardless of any column.
+        """
+        for row in table:
+            if type(matches_columns) == list:
+                where = ""
+                where_values = []
+                for column in matches_columns:
+                    if where != "":
+                        where += " AND "
+                    where += "{} = ?".format(column)
+                    where_values.append(row.get(column))
+                format_data = {'table_name': table.name,
+                               'where_clause': " WHERE {}".format(where)
+                               }
+                sql = "SELECT uniqueID FROM {table_name} {where_clause}".format(**format_data)
+                self._execute_query_and_log(sql, where_values)
+                results = self._cursor.fetchall()
+            if matches_columns is None or len(results) == 0:
+                # Needs to insert it
+                self._avoid_duplicate_value(table_name=table.name, column_name=avoids_duplicate_column, 
+                new_id = self._write_row(table.name, row)
+                row.set('importer_action', 'inserted')
+            else:
+                # Uses the existing id as new_unique_id
+                new_id = results[0][0]
+                row.set('importer_action', 'reused')
+            row.set('new_uniqueID', new_id)
+        self._print_summary(table)
+    @staticmethod
+    def increment_suffix(value):
+        suffix = re.match("(.*) \(([0-9]+)\)", value)
+        if suffix is None:
+            return "{} (1)".format(value)
+        else:
+            base_name = suffix.group(1)
+            counter = int(suffix.group(2))
+            counter += 1
+            return "{} ({})".format(base_name, counter)
+    @staticmethod
+    def _add_prefix(list_of_elements, prefix):
+        """  Returns a copy of list_of_elements prefixing each element with prefix. """
+        result = []
+        for element in list_of_elements:
+            result.append("{}{}".format(prefix, element))
+        return result
+    @staticmethod
+    def _print_summary(table):
+        """ Prints a summary of which rows has been inserted, which ones reused, during the write operation 
+        inserted_ids = []
+        reused_ids = []
+        for row in table:
+            if row.get('importer_action') == 'inserted':
+                inserted_ids.append(row.get('uniqueID'))
+            elif row.get('importer_action') == 'reused':
+                reused_ids.append(row.get('uniqueID'))
+            else:
+                assert False
+        print("{table_name}".format(table_name=table.name))
+        print("\tinserted: {inserted_counter} uniqueIDs: 
+                                                                            inserted=inserted_ids))
+        print(
+            "\treused: {reused_counter} uniqueIDs: {reused}".format(reused_counter=len(reused_ids),
+                                                                    reused=reused_ids))
+    def _write_row(self, table_name, row, skip_columns=None):
+        """ Inserts the row into the table. Returns the new_id. By default skips uniqueID """
+        if skip_columns is None:
+            skip_columns = ["uniqueID"]
+        values = []
+        column_names = []
+        place_holders = []
+        table_column_names = self.column_names(table_name)
+        for column_name in row.columns():
+            if column_name in skip_columns or column_name not in table_column_names:
+                continue
+            values.append(row.get(column_name))
+            column_names.append(column_name)
+            place_holders.append("?")
+        sql = "INSERT INTO {table_name} ({column_names}) VALUES 
+                                                                                              column_names),
+                                                                                              place_holders))
+        self._execute_query_and_log(sql, values)
+        new_id = self._cursor.lastrowid
+        return new_id
+    def _avoid_duplicate_value(self, table_name, column_name, data_row):
+        """ Makes sure that data_row[column_name] doesn't exist in table_name (accessing the database).
+        If it exists it changes data_row[column_name] to the same with (1) or (2)"""
+        if column_name is None:
+            return
+        original_value = data_row.get(column_name)
+        while True:
+            sql = "SELECT count(*) FROM {table_name} WHERE {column}=?".format(table_name=table_name, 
+            binding_values = [data_row.get(column_name)]
+            self._execute_query_and_log(sql, binding_values)
+            results = self._cursor.fetchall()
+            if results[0][0] == 0:
+                break
+            else:
+                data_row.set(column_name, self.increment_suffix(data_row.get(column_name)))
+                data_row.set('new_' + column_name, data_row.get(column_name))
+                data_row.set('old_' + column_name, original_value)
+    def _execute_query_and_log(self, sql, where_values):
+        logging.debug("SQL: {} - values: {}".format(sql, where_values))
+        self._cursor.execute(sql, where_values)
+class ImportSession:
+    def __init__(self, source_path, destination_path, source_base_directory):
+        """ Creates the object to import the session source_session from source_db into destination_db. """
+        logging.debug("source path:" + source_path)
+        logging.debug("destination path:" + destination_path)
+        self.source_path = source_path
+        self.destination_path = destination_path
+        self.source_base_directory = source_base_directory
+        self.source_db = Database(source_path, read_only=True)
+        self.destination_db = Database(destination_path, read_only=False)
+        self.source_session = None
+        self.new_session_id = None
+        self.persons77 = None
+    def import_into_session(self, source_session, destination_session):
+        self.source_session = source_session
+        self.new_session_id = destination_session
+        self.import_data()
+    def import_as_new_session(self, source_session):
+        self.source_session = source_session
+        self.new_session_id = self._import_session()
+        self._import_sport()
+        self._import_speciality()
+        self.import_data()
+    def import_data(self):
+        self.persons77 = self._import_persons77()
+        self._import_person_session77()
+        self._import_jumps()
+        self._import_runs()
+        self._import_pulse()
+        self._import_encoder()
+    def _import_session(self):
+        """
+        Imports the Session information saved in self._source_session (only table Session).
+        Returns the new session ID.
+        """
+        session = self.source_db.read(table_name="Session",
+                                      where_condition="Session.uniqueID={}".format(self.source_session))
+        number_of_matching_sessions = len(session)
+        if number_of_matching_sessions == 0:
+            print("Trying to import {session} from {source_file} and it doesn't exist. Cancelling...".format(
+                session=self.source_session,
+                source_file=self.source_path))
+            sys.exit(1)
+        elif number_of_matching_sessions > 1:
+            print("Found {number_of_sessions} in {source_file} which is not possible. Cancelling...".format(
+                number_of_sessions=number_of_matching_sessions,
+                source_file=self.source_path))
+            sys.exit(1)
+        self.destination_db.write(table=session, matches_columns=None,
+                                  avoids_duplicate_column="name")
+        return session[0].get('new_uniqueID')
+    def _import_sport(self):
+        sports = self.source_db.read(table_name="sport",
+                                     where_condition="Sport.uniqueID=Session.personsSportID AND 
+                                     extra_tables=["Session"])
+        self.destination_db.write(table=sports,
+                                  matches_columns=["name", "userDefined", "hasSpeciallities", "graphLink"])
+    def _import_speciality(self):
+        # It should change the hasSpeciallities: maybe in the original database didn't have but now after
+        # doing this it will have speciallities
+        specialities = self.source_db.read(table_name="speciallity",
+                                     where_condition="Sport.uniqueID=Session.personsSportID AND 
Speciallity.sportId=Sport.uniqueID AND Session.uniqueID={}".format(self.source_session),
+                                     extra_tables=["Sport", "Session"])
+        self.destination_db.write(table=specialities,
+                                  matches_columns=["sportID", "name"])
+    def _import_persons77(self):
+        persons77 = self.source_db.read(table_name="Person77",
+                                        join_clause="LEFT JOIN personSession77 ON 
+                                        group_by_clause="Person77.uniqueID")
+        self.destination_db.write(table=persons77,
+                                  matches_columns=["name"])
+        return persons77
+    def _import_jumps(self):
+        # Imports JumpType table
+        jump_types = self.source_db.read(table_name="JumpType",
+                                         where_condition="Session.uniqueID={}".format(self.source_session),
+                                         join_clause="LEFT JOIN Jump ON JumpType.name=Jump.type LEFT JOIN 
Session ON Jump.sessionID=Session.uniqueID",
+                                         group_by_clause="JumpType.uniqueID")
+        self.destination_db.write(table=jump_types,
+                                  matches_columns=self.destination_db.column_names("JumpType", ["uniqueID"]),
+                                  avoids_duplicate_column="name")
+        # Imports JumpRjType table
+        jump_rj_types = self.source_db.read(table_name="JumpRjType",
+                                            join_clause="LEFT JOIN JumpRj ON JumpRjType.name=JumpRj.type 
LEFT JOIN Session on JumpRj.sessionID=Session.uniqueID",
+                                            group_by_clause="JumpRjType.uniqueID")
+        self.destination_db.write(table=jump_rj_types,
+                                  matches_columns=self.destination_db.column_names("JumpRjType", 
+                                  avoids_duplicate_column="name")
+        # Imports JumpRj table (with the new Person77's uniqueIDs)
+        jump_rj = self.source_db.read(table_name="JumpRj",
+                                      where_condition="JumpRj.sessionID={}".format(self.source_session))
+        jump_rj.update_ids("personID", self.persons77, "uniqueID", "new_uniqueID")
+        jump_rj.update_session_ids(self.new_session_id)
+        jump_rj.update_ids("type", jump_rj, "old_name", "new_name")
+        self.destination_db.write(table=jump_rj, matches_columns=self.destination_db.column_names("JumpRj", 
skip_columns=["uniqueID", "personID", "sessionID"]))
+        # Imports Jump table (with the new Person77's uniqueIDs)
+        jump = self.source_db.read(table_name="Jump",
+                                   where_condition="Jump.sessionID={}".format(self.source_session))
+        jump.update_ids("personID", self.persons77, "uniqueID", "new_uniqueID")
+        jump.update_session_ids(self.new_session_id)
+        jump.update_ids("type", jump_types, "old_name", "new_name")
+        self.destination_db.write(table=jump, matches_columns=self.destination_db.column_names("Jump", 
skip_columns=["uniqueID", "personID"]))
+    def _import_runs(self):
+        # Imports RunTypes table
+        run_types = self.source_db.read(table_name="RunType",
+                                        where_condition="Run.sessionID={}".format(self.source_session),
+                                        join_clause="LEFT JOIN Run ON RunType.name=Run.type",
+                                        group_by_clause="RunType.uniqueID")
+        self.destination_db.write(table=run_types,
+                                  matches_columns=self.destination_db.column_names("RunType", ["uniqueID"]),
+                                  avoids_duplicate_column="name")
+        # Imports RunIntervalTypes table
+        run_interval_types = self.source_db.read(table_name="RunIntervalType",
+                                                 join_clause="LEFT JOIN RunInterval ON 
+                                                 group_by_clause="RunIntervalType.uniqueID")
+        self.destination_db.write(table=run_interval_types,
+                                  matches_columns=self.destination_db.column_names("RunIntervalType", 
+                                  avoids_duplicate_column="name")
+        # Imports Run table (with the new Person77's uniqueIDs)
+        run = self.source_db.read(table_name="Run",
+                                  where_condition="Run.sessionID={}".format(self.source_session))
+        run.update_ids("personID", self.persons77, "uniqueID", "new_uniqueID")
+        run.update_session_ids(self.new_session_id)
+        run.update_ids("type", run_types, "old_name", "new_name")
+        self.destination_db.write(table=run,
+                                  matches_columns=self.destination_db.column_names("Run", 
skip_columns=["uniqueID", "personID", "sessionID"]))
+        # Imports RunInterval table (with the new Person77's uniqueIDs)
+        run_interval = self.source_db.read(table_name="RunInterval",
+        run_interval.update_ids("personID", self.persons77, "uniqueID", "new_uniqueID")
+        run_interval.update_session_ids(self.new_session_id)
+        run_interval.update_ids("type", run_interval_types, "old_name", "new_name")
+        self.destination_db.write(table=run_interval,
+                                  matches_columns=self.destination_db.column_names("RunInterval", 
skip_columns=["uniqueID", "personID", "sessionID"]))
+    def _import_pulse(self):
+        # Imports PulseTypes table
+        pulse_types = self.source_db.read(table_name="PulseType",
+                                          where_condition="Session.uniqueID={}".format(self.source_session),
+                                          join_clause="LEFT JOIN Pulse ON PulseType.name=Pulse.type LEFT 
JOIN Session on Pulse.sessionID=Session.uniqueID",
+                                          group_by_clause="PulseType.uniqueID")
+        self.destination_db.write(table=pulse_types,
+                                  matches_columns=self.destination_db.column_names("PulseType", 
+                                  avoids_duplicate_column="name")
+        # Imports Pulse table
+        pulse = self.source_db.read(table_name="Pulse",
+                                    where_condition="Pulse.sessionID={}".format(self.source_session))
+        pulse.update_session_ids(self.new_session_id)
+        pulse.update_ids("type", pulse_types, "old_name", "new_name")
+        self.destination_db.write(pulse, self.destination_db.column_names("Pulse", skip_columns=["uniqueID", 
"personID", "sessionID"]))
+    def _import_person_session77(self):
+        # Imports PersonSession77
+        person_session_77 = self.source_db.read(table_name="PersonSession77",
+        person_session_77.update_ids("personID", self.persons77, "uniqueID", "new_uniqueID")
+        person_session_77.update_session_ids(self.new_session_id)
+        # Inserts the person_session_77 table but not for personsIDs that already existed in this session. 
This is
+        # the case if a user imports a session into an existing session and the persons would be already 
+        self.destination_db.write(table=person_session_77, matches_columns=["sessionID", "personID"])
+    def _import_encoder(self):
+        # Imports EncoderExercise
+        encoder_exercise_from_encoder = self.source_db.read(table_name="EncoderExercise",
+                                               join_clause="LEFT JOIN Encoder ON 
+                                               group_by_clause="EncoderExercise.uniqueID")
+        encoder_exercise_from_encoder_1rm = self.source_db.read(table_name="EncoderExercise",
+                                                            where_condition="Encoder1RM.sessionID={}".format(
+                                                            self.source_session),
+                                                            join_clause="LEFT JOIN Encoder1RM ON 
+                                                            group_by_clause="EncoderExercise.uniqueID")
+        encoder_exercise = Table("encoderExercise")
+        encoder_exercise.concatenate_table(encoder_exercise_from_encoder)
+        encoder_exercise.concatenate_table(encoder_exercise_from_encoder_1rm)
+        encoder_exercise.remove_duplicates()
+        self.destination_db.write(table=encoder_exercise,
+                                  matches_columns=self.destination_db.column_names("EncoderExercise", 
+        # Imports Encoder1RM
+        encoder_1rm = self.source_db.read(table_name="Encoder1RM",
+        encoder_1rm.update_session_ids(self.new_session_id)
+        encoder_1rm.update_ids("personID", self.persons77, "uniqueID", "new_uniqueID")
+        encoder_1rm.update_ids("exerciseID", encoder_exercise, "uniqueID", "new_uniqueID")
+        self.destination_db.write(table=encoder_1rm,
+                                  matches_columns=None)
+        # Imports Encoder
+        encoder = self.source_db.read(table_name="Encoder",
+                                      where_condition="Encoder.sessionID={}".format(self.source_session))
+        encoder.update_ids("personID", self.persons77, "uniqueID", "new_uniqueID")
+        encoder.update_ids("exerciseID", encoder_exercise, "uniqueID", "new_uniqueID")
+        encoder.update_session_ids(self.new_session_id)
+        self._import_encoder_files(encoder)
+        self.destination_db.write(table=encoder,
+                                  matches_columns=self.destination_db.column_names("encoder", 
skip_columns=["uniqueID", "personID", "sessionID", "exerciseID"]))
+        # Imports EncoderSignalCurve
+        encoder_signal_curve_signals = self.source_db.read(table_name="EncoderSignalCurve",
+                                                           where_condition="Encoder.signalOrCurve='signal' 
AND Encoder.sessionID={}".format(self.source_session),
+                                                           join_clause="LEFT JOIN Encoder ON 
+        encoder_signal_curve_curves = self.source_db.read(table_name="EncoderSignalCurve",
+                                                          where_condition="Encoder.signalOrCurve='curve' AND 
+                                                          join_clause="LEFT JOIN Encoder ON 
+        encoder_signal_curve = Table("encoderSignalCurve")
+        encoder_signal_curve.concatenate_table(encoder_signal_curve_signals)
+        encoder_signal_curve.concatenate_table(encoder_signal_curve_curves)
+        encoder_signal_curve.remove_duplicates()
+        encoder_signal_curve.update_ids("signalID", encoder, "old_uniqueID", "new_uniqueID")
+        encoder_signal_curve.update_ids("curveID", encoder, "old_uniqueID", "new_uniqueID")
+        self.destination_db.write(table=encoder_signal_curve,
+                                  avoids_duplicate_column=None,
+                                  matches_columns=None)
+    @staticmethod
+    def _encoder_filename(person_id, original_filename):
+        """ original_filename is like 1-Carmelo-89-2014-12-03_12-48-54.txt. It only replaces the person_id 
(1 in this case)"""
+        filename=original_filename.split("-", 1)
+        filename[0] = str(person_id)
+        return "-".join(filename)
+    @staticmethod
+    def _encoder_url(session_id, signal_or_curve):
+        return os.path.join("encoder", str(session_id), "data", signal_or_curve)
+    @staticmethod
+    def _normalize_path(path):
+        """
+        The path that it is read from the database might use Windows separators but
+        we might be on a Linux system (or OS-X). This function should replace the directory
+        separators to the system's ones.
+        It assumes that the "/" and "\" characters are only used to separate directories.
+        """
+        if os.sep == "/":
+            # We are on Linux, OS-X or some other system with "/" separators.
+            # If the path had "\" then replace them to "/".
+            return path.replace("\\", "/")
+        elif os.sep == "\\":
+            return path.replace("/", "\\")
+    def _import_encoder_files(self, encoder_table):
+        if self.source_base_directory is None:
+            # We are skipping to copy the Encoding files. This is used in unit tests.
+            return
+        for row in encoder_table:
+            # Gets information from row
+            person_id = row.get("personID")
+            original_filename = row.get("filename")
+            original_url = self._normalize_path(row.get("url"))
+            session_id = row.get("sessionID")
+            signal_or_curve = row.get("signalOrCurve")
+            # Prepares the new filename and destination_url
+            filename=self._encoder_filename(person_id, original_filename)
+            destination_url = self._encoder_url(session_id, signal_or_curve)
+            # Sets it to the row
+            row.set("filename", filename)
+            row.set("url", destination_url)
+            # Copies the files to the new place
+            destination_directory = os.path.join(self.destination_path, "..", "..", destination_url)
+            destination_directory = os.path.abspath(destination_directory)  # os.makedirs() can't handle 
directories with ".."
+            destination_filename = os.path.join(destination_directory, filename)
+            source_file = os.path.join(self.source_base_directory, original_url, original_filename)
+            if not os.path.isdir(destination_directory):
+                os.makedirs(destination_directory)
+            shutil.copy(source_file, destination_filename)
+def json_information(database_path):
+    information = {}
+    information['sessions'] = []
+    database = Database(database_path, read_only=True)
+    sessions = database.read(table_name="Session", where_condition="1=1")
+    for session in sessions:
+        data = {'uniqueID': session.get('uniqueID'),
+                'date': session.get('date'),
+                'place': session.get('place'),
+                'comments': session.get('comments'),
+                'name': session.get('name')
+                }
+        information['sessions'].append(data)
+    preferences = database.read(table_name="Preferences", where_condition="name='databaseVersion'")
+    information['databaseVersion'] = preferences[0].get("value")
+    return information
+def show_json_information(database_path):
+    information = json_information(database_path)
+    information_str = json.dumps(information, sort_keys=True, indent=4)
+    print(information_str)
+def process_command_line():
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+        description="Allows to import a session from one Chronojump database file into another one")
+    parser.add_argument("--source", type=str, required=True,
+                        help="chronojump.sqlite that we are importing from")
+    parser.add_argument("--source_base_directory", type=str, required=False,
+                        help="Directory where the encoder/ directory (amongst database/, logs/ and 
multimedia/ can be found\n" +
+                             "By default is parent as --source")
+    parser.add_argument("--destination", type=str, required=False,
+                        help="chronojump.sqlite that we import to")
+    parser.add_argument("--source_session", type=int, required=False,
+                        help="Session from source that will be imported to the session specified by 
+                             "or to a new session if no --destination-session is specified")
+    parser.add_argument("--destination_session", type=int, required=False,
+                        help="Imports the [source_session] into the [destination_session]. If not specified 
imports as\n"
+                             "new session.")
+    parser.add_argument("--json_information", required=False, action='store_true',
+                        help="Shows information of the source database")
+    args = parser.parse_args()
+    if args.json_information:
+        show_json_information(args.source)
+    else:
+        if args.destination and args.source_session:
+            if args.source_base_directory:
+                source_base_directory = args.source_base_directory
+            else:
+                source_base_directory = os.path.join(args.source, "../..")
+            importer = ImportSession(args.source, args.destination, source_base_directory)
+            if args.destination_session is None:
+                importer.import_as_new_session(args.source_session)
+            else:
+                importer.import_into_session(args.source_session, args.destination_session)
+        else:
+            print("if --information not used --source, --destination and --source_session parameters are 
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    process_command_line()

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