[video-subtitles] Add Croatian translation
- From: Translations User D-L <translations src gnome org>
- To: commits-list gnome org
- Cc:
- Subject: [video-subtitles] Add Croatian translation
- Date: Wed, 12 Sep 2018 11:55:46 +0000 (UTC)
commit dc033c7b953514d0e5a1dd3f987560c75069f6b4
Author: gogo <trebelnik2 gmail com>
Date: Sun Sep 2 19:18:48 2018 +0000
Add Croatian translation
video-subtitles/gnome330/po/LINGUAS | 1 +
video-subtitles/gnome330/po/hr.po | 232 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
2 files changed, 233 insertions(+)
diff --git a/video-subtitles/gnome330/po/LINGUAS b/video-subtitles/gnome330/po/LINGUAS
index e740283..2ea3c99 100644
--- a/video-subtitles/gnome330/po/LINGUAS
+++ b/video-subtitles/gnome330/po/LINGUAS
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ el
diff --git a/video-subtitles/gnome330/po/hr.po b/video-subtitles/gnome330/po/hr.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e389eae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/video-subtitles/gnome330/po/hr.po
@@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
+# Croatian translation for video-subtitles.
+# Copyright (C) 2018 video-subtitles's COPYRIGHT HOLDER
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the video-subtitles package.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: video-subtitles master\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-09-02 14:45+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-09-02 21:18+0200\n"
+"Language-Team: Croatian <hr li org>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"X-Generator: Poedit 2.1.1\n"
+"Language: hr\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n"
+"%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);\n"
+"Last-Translator: \n"
+#. visible for 2 seconds
+#: 00:00:04.875--%3E00:00:07.125
+msgid "GNOME is a large project.."
+msgstr "GNOME je veliki projekt.."
+#. visible for 3 seconds
+#: 00:00:07.125--%3E00:00:10.333
+msgid "..creating a modern and elegant desktop experience."
+msgstr "..stvaranja moderne i elegantne radne površine."
+#. visible for 2 seconds
+#: 00:00:11.292--%3E00:00:14.125
+msgid "Behind GNOME is a passionate community of contributors.."
+msgstr "Iza GNOMA stoji strastvena zajednica doprinositelja.."
+#. visible for 2 seconds
+#: 00:00:14.125--%3E00:00:16.292
+msgid "..who all work together to improve the performance,.."
+msgstr "..koji su radili zajedno kako bi poboljšali performanse,.."
+#. visible for 2 seconds
+#: 00:00:16.292--%3E00:00:18.708
+msgid "..design and features of the GNOME desktop."
+msgstr "..dizajn i znaÄajke GNOME radne povrÅ¡ine."
+#. visible for 4 seconds
+#: 00:00:19.083--%3E00:00:23.292
+msgid ""
+"Their collective efforts bring many exciting changes in the 3.30 release."
+msgstr ""
+"Njihov kolektivni trud donosi mnogo uzbudljivih promjena u 3.30 izdanju."
+#. visible for 4 seconds
+#: 00:00:24.250--%3E00:00:28.667
+msgid ""
+"This cycle, GNOME Shell has had a serious focus on optimizing performance."
+msgstr ""
+"U ovome ciklusu, u GNOME ljusci je bio fokus na optimizaciju performansa."
+#. visible for 4 seconds
+#: 00:00:28.667--%3E00:00:33.083
+msgid "It should now be significantly easier to run on lower powered devices."
+msgstr "Sada bi trebalo biti lakše pokretanje na niskoenergetskim uređajima."
+#. visible for 3 seconds
+#: 00:00:33.333--%3E00:00:36.667
+msgid "Control Center continues to bring even more improvements,.."
+msgstr "UpravljaÄko srediÅ¡te donosi joÅ¡ viÅ¡e poboljÅ¡anja,.."
+#. visible for 4 seconds
+#: 00:00:36.667--%3E00:00:41.458
+msgid ""
+"..with GNOME 3.30 adding compatibility and control for Thunderbolt 3 devices."
+msgstr ""
+"..s GNOMOM 3.30 dodana je kompatibilnost i upravljanje za Thunderbolt 3 "
+#. visible for 4 seconds
+#: 00:00:42.250--%3E00:00:46.250
+msgid "Development on Files continues with a unified path and search bar.."
+msgstr ""
+"Razvoj na Datotekama se nastavlja s unificiranom putanjom i trakom pretrage.."
+#. visible for 2 seconds
+#: 00:00:46.250--%3E00:00:48.917
+msgid "..and now, when resizing the window.."
+msgstr "..i sada, pri promjeni veliÄine prozora.."
+#. visible for 2 seconds
+#: 00:00:48.917--%3E00:00:51.750
+msgid "..the icons will intelligently adjust their distance from one another.."
+msgstr "..ikone inteligentno prilagođavaju međusobnu udaljenost.."
+#. visible for 1 seconds
+#: 00:00:51.750--%3E00:00:53.583
+msgid "..to fill the available space."
+msgstr "..kako bi popunile dostupni prostor."
+#. visible for 3 seconds
+#: 00:00:55.083--%3E00:00:58.417
+msgid "Many other applications have had updates this cycle."
+msgstr "Mnoge druge aplikacije su nadopunjene u ovom ciklusu."
+#. visible for 2 seconds
+#: 00:00:58.417--%3E00:01:00.875
+msgid "Web has a new reader mode,.."
+msgstr "Web ima novi naÄin Äitanja,.."
+#. visible for 3 seconds
+#: 00:01:03.125--%3E00:01:06.583
+msgid "..Notes has improved note style and zoom,.."
+msgstr "..Bilješke imaju poboljšano bilježenje i zumiranje,.."
+#. visible for 3 seconds
+#: 00:01:09.292--%3E00:01:12.833
+msgid "..Boxes has gained FreeRDP support,.."
+msgstr "..Boksevi su dobili FreeRDP podršku,.."
+#. visible for 2 seconds
+#: 00:01:15.333--%3E00:01:18.292
+msgid "..and Fractal, the GNOME Matrix messaging client,.."
+msgstr "..i Fractal, GNOME Matrix klijent za dopisivanje,.."
+#. visible for 3 seconds
+#: 00:01:18.292--%3E00:01:22.208
+msgid "..has improved room discovery, performance, and stability."
+msgstr ""
+"..ima poboljšano otkrivanja soba za razgovor, performanse i stabilnost."
+#. visible for 4 seconds
+#: 00:01:26.292--%3E00:01:30.792
+msgid "With GNOME 3.30 we are also debuting a brand-new app, Podcasts.."
+msgstr "Sa GNOME 3.30 raspravljali smo o potpuno novoj aplikaciji, Podcasts.."
+#. visible for 4 seconds
+#: 00:01:30.792--%3E00:01:35.292
+msgid "..which is a fast and easy-to-use podcast client for the GNOME desktop."
+msgstr ""
+"..koji je brzi i lagan klijent za korištenje podcasta u GNOME radnoj "
+#. visible for 3 seconds
+#: 00:01:36.833--%3E00:01:40.000
+msgid "Developers can look for quality of life improvements to Builder."
+msgstr "Razvijatelji mogu potražiti kvalitetu poboljšanja u Graditelju."
+#. visible for 3 seconds
+#: 00:01:40.000--%3E00:01:43.333
+msgid "A new autocompletion engine provides more intelligent suggestions.."
+msgstr "Novi pogon automatskog dovršavanja pruža inteligentnije prijedloge.."
+#. visible for 1 seconds
+#: 00:01:43.333--%3E00:01:45.083
+msgid "..with much better performance.."
+msgstr "..s mnogo boljim performansama.."
+#. visible for 3 seconds
+#: 00:01:45.083--%3E00:01:49.042
+msgid ""
+"..and new interactive code tooltips show you beautifully formatted "
+msgstr ""
+"..i novim napomenama interaktivnog kôda koje vam prikazuju ljepše oblikovanu "
+#. visible for 2 seconds
+#: 00:01:49.042--%3E00:01:51.375
+msgid "..in real-time while you code."
+msgstr "..u stvarnom vremenu dok programirate."
+#. visible for 1 seconds
+#: 00:01:53.667--%3E00:01:55.375
+msgid "GNOME is a world-wide project,.."
+msgstr "Gnome je svjetski projekt,.."
+#. visible for 2 seconds
+#: 00:01:55.375--%3E00:01:57.917
+msgid "..and it is thanks to our passionate contributors and donors.."
+msgstr "..i zahvaljujući našim strastvenim doprinositeljima i donatorima.."
+#. visible for 4 seconds
+#: 00:01:57.917--%3E00:02:01.917
+msgid ""
+"..that we can keep providing quality, free-software to users around the "
+msgstr ""
+"..možemo nastaviti pružati kvalitetan slobodan softver korisnicima diljem "
+#. visible for 2 seconds
+#: 00:02:02.250--%3E00:02:04.417
+msgid "With the support from our Friends of GNOME,.."
+msgstr "Uz podršku naših prijatelja iz GNOMA,.."
+#. visible for 3 seconds
+#: 00:02:04.417--%3E00:02:08.333
+msgid ""
+"..we have held many events, summits, and hackfests over the past 6 months,.."
+msgstr ""
+"..održali smo mnoge događaje, samite i haker festivale u proteklih 6 "
+#. visible for 2 seconds
+#: 00:02:08.333--%3E00:02:10.542
+msgid "..including our largest GUADEC in recent years,.."
+msgstr "..ukljuÄujući naÅ¡ najveći GUADEC proteklih godina,.."
+#. visible for 3 seconds
+#: 00:02:10.542--%3E00:02:13.625
+msgid ".. which took place this year in AlmerÃÂa, Spain."
+msgstr "..koji se ove godine održao u AlmerÃji, u Å panjolskoj."
+#. visible for 2 seconds
+#: 00:02:14.083--%3E00:02:16.583
+msgid "Are you interested in contributing code, design.."
+msgstr "Zanima vas doprinos kôdu, dizajnu.."
+#. visible for 2 seconds
+#: 00:02:16.583--%3E00:02:18.708
+msgid "..or translations for our next release?"
+msgstr "..ili prevođenje za sljedeće izdanje?"
+#. visible for 1 seconds
+#: 00:02:18.708--%3E00:02:20.083
+msgid "Get involved today!"
+msgstr "Pridružite nam se danas!"
+#. visible for 2 seconds
+#: 00:02:20.083--%3E00:02:22.375
+msgid "Read more at GNOME.org"
+msgstr "ProÄitajte viÅ¡e na GNOME.org"
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