[gitg] build: Migrate from Intltool to Gettext

commit a5dfce46b2f945fe17143afbb6453a951e028bd1
Author: Iñigo Martínez <inigomartinez gmail com>
Date:   Mon Oct 16 16:13:04 2017 +0200

    build: Migrate from Intltool to Gettext
    Recent versions of Gettext are able to translate several formats
    that are used in GNOME applications. This patch migrates from
    Intltool to Gettext by using meson's i18n features.

 data/gitg.desktop.in.in                            |   4 +-
 data/meson.build                                   |  18 +--
 ...ema.xml.in.in => org.gnome.gitg.gschema.xml.in} | 172 ++++++++++-----------
 po/POTFILES.in                                     |  57 ++++---
 po/POTFILES.skip                                   |   2 -
 5 files changed, 122 insertions(+), 131 deletions(-)
diff --git a/data/gitg.desktop.in.in b/data/gitg.desktop.in.in
index ef33e050..c8ed0816 100644
--- a/data/gitg.desktop.in.in
+++ b/data/gitg.desktop.in.in
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 [Desktop Entry]
-_Comment=Git repository browser
+Comment=Git repository browser
 Exec=gitg --no-wd %U
diff --git a/data/meson.build b/data/meson.build
index 2d95e753..26ad86ff 100644
--- a/data/meson.build
+++ b/data/meson.build
@@ -11,11 +11,12 @@ desktop_in = configure_file(
   configuration: desktop_conf,
+  type: 'desktop',
   input: desktop_in,
   output: desktop,
-  command: intltool_desktop_cmd,
+  po_dir: po_dir,
   install: true,
   install_dir: join_paths(gitg_datadir, 'applications'),
@@ -25,17 +26,10 @@ schema_conf.set('GETTEXT_PACKAGE', gitg_gettext)
 schema = 'org.gnome.gitg.gschema.xml'
-schema_in = configure_file(
-  input: schema + '.in.in',
-  output: schema + '.in',
-  configuration: schema_conf,
-  schema,
-  input: schema_in,
+  input: schema + '.in',
   output: schema,
-  command: [intltool_merge, '-x', '-u', '--no-translations', '@INPUT@', '@OUTPUT@'],
+  configuration: schema_conf,
   install: true,
   install_dir: join_paths(gitg_datadir, 'glib-2.0', 'schemas'),
diff --git a/data/org.gnome.gitg.gschema.xml.in.in b/data/org.gnome.gitg.gschema.xml.in
similarity index 77%
rename from data/org.gnome.gitg.gschema.xml.in.in
rename to data/org.gnome.gitg.gschema.xml.in
index 7d86dcdc..48144ac7 100644
--- a/data/org.gnome.gitg.gschema.xml.in.in
+++ b/data/org.gnome.gitg.gschema.xml.in
@@ -24,129 +24,129 @@
   <schema gettext-domain="@GETTEXT_PACKAGE@" id="org.gnome.gitg.preferences.main" 
     <key name="clone-directory" type="s">
-      <_summary>Default Clone Directory</_summary>
-      <_description>
+      <summary>Default Clone Directory</summary>
+      <description>
         The default directory in which new repositories should be suggested
         to be cloned.
-      </_description>
+      </description>
   <schema gettext-domain="@GETTEXT_PACKAGE@" id="org.gnome.gitg.preferences.interface" 
     <key name="orientation" enum="org.gnome.gitg.Layout">
-      <_summary>Orientation of the main interface (vertical or horizontal)</_summary>
-      <_description>
+      <summary>Orientation of the main interface (vertical or horizontal)</summary>
+      <description>
         Setting that sets the orientation of the main interface.
-      </_description>
+      </description>
     <key name="default-activity" type="s">
-      <_summary>Default Activity</_summary>
-      <_description>
+      <summary>Default Activity</summary>
+      <description>
         The activity which gitg activates by default when first launched.
-      </_description>
+      </description>
     <key name="use-gravatar" type="b">
-      <_summary>Use Gravatar</_summary>
-      <_description>
+      <summary>Use Gravatar</summary>
+      <description>
         Enable the use of gravatar to display user avatars.
-      </_description>
+      </description>
     <key name="enable-monitoring" type="b">
-      <_summary>Enable Monitoring</_summary>
-      <_description>
+      <summary>Enable Monitoring</summary>
+      <description>
         Automatically update when external changes to .git are detected
-      </_description>
+      </description>
     <key name="enable-diff-highlighting" type="b">
-      <_summary>Enable Diff Highlighting</_summary>
-      <_description>
+      <summary>Enable Diff Highlighting</summary>
+      <description>
          Setting that determines whether to enable syntax highlighting in diff
-      </_description>
+      </description>
   <schema gettext-domain="@GETTEXT_PACKAGE@" id="org.gnome.gitg.preferences.history" 
     <key name="collapse-inactive-lanes" type="i">
-      <_summary>When to Collapse Inactive Lanes</_summary>
-      <_description>
+      <summary>When to Collapse Inactive Lanes</summary>
+      <description>
         Setting that indicates when an inactive lane should be collapsed.
         Valid values are 0 - 4, where 0 indicates 'early' and 4 indicates 'late'.
-      </_description>
+      </description>
     <key name="collapse-inactive-lanes-enabled" type="b">
-      <_description>
+      <description>
         Setting that indicates whether to collapse history lanes which do not
         show activity. Enabling this can provide a cleaner history view when
         there is a lot of parallel development. See collapse-inactive-lanes
         to control when lanes should be collapsed.
-      </_description>
+      </description>
     <key name="topological-order" type="b">
-      <_summary>Show History in Topological Order</_summary>
-      <_description>
+      <summary>Show History in Topological Order</summary>
+      <description>
         Setting that indicates whether to show the history in topological order.
-      </_description>
+      </description>
     <key name="show-stash" type="b">
-      <_summary>Show Stashed Changes</_summary>
-      <_description>
+      <summary>Show Stashed Changes</summary>
+      <description>
         Setting that indicates whether to show items for the stash in the
-      </_description>
+      </description>
     <key name="show-staged" type="b">
-      <_summary>Show Staged Changes</_summary>
-      <_description>
+      <summary>Show Staged Changes</summary>
+      <description>
          Setting that indicates whether to show a virtual item for the currently
          staged changes in the history.
-      </_description>
+      </description>
     <key name="show-unstaged" type="b">
-      <_summary>Show Unstaged Changes</_summary>
-      <_description>
+      <summary>Show Unstaged Changes</summary>
+      <description>
          Setting that indicates whether to show a virtual item for the currently
          unstaged changes in the history.
-      </_description>
+      </description>
     <key name="mainline-head" type="b">
-      <_summary>Mainline Head</_summary>
-      <_description>
+      <summary>Mainline Head</summary>
+      <description>
          Setting that indicates whether to always preserve a mainline in the
          history for the current HEAD.
-      </_description>
+      </description>
     <key name="default-selection" enum="org.gnome.gitg.history.DefaultSelection">
-      <_summary>Default selection of the history activity</_summary>
-      <_description>
+      <summary>Default selection of the history activity</summary>
+      <description>
         Setting that determines the default selection on startup of the history activity.
-      </_description>
+      </description>
     <key name="reference-sort-order" enum="org.gnome.gitg.history.RefSortOrder">
-      <_summary>Reference Sort Order</_summary>
-      <_description>
+      <summary>Reference Sort Order</summary>
+      <description>
         The order by which references in the history sidebar should be sorted.
-      </_description>
+      </description>
     <key name="show-upstream-with-branch" type="b">
-      <_summary>Show Upstream With Branch</_summary>
-      <_description>
+      <summary>Show Upstream With Branch</summary>
+      <description>
          Determines whether to also show the upstream (remote) tracking branch when
          selecting a local branch in the history view.
-      </_description>
+      </description>
   <schema gettext-domain="@GETTEXT_PACKAGE@" id="org.gnome.gitg.preferences.commit" 
@@ -159,52 +159,52 @@
     <key name="show-right-margin" type="b">
-      <_summary>Show Right Margin in Commit Message View</_summary>
-      <_description>
+      <summary>Show Right Margin in Commit Message View</summary>
+      <description>
         Show a right margin indicator in the commit message view.
         This can be used to easily see where to break the commit message at
         a particular column.
-      </_description>
+      </description>
     <key name="right-margin-position" type="i">
-      <_summary>Column at Which Right Margin is Shown</_summary>
-      <_description>
+      <summary>Column at Which Right Margin is Shown</summary>
+      <description>
         The column at which the right margin is shown if the show-right-margin
         preference is set to TRUE.
-      </_description>
+      </description>
     <key name="show-subject-margin" type="b">
-      <_summary>Show Subject Margin in Commit Message View</_summary>
-      <_description>
+      <summary>Show Subject Margin in Commit Message View</summary>
+      <description>
         Highlight the subject text of the commit message when it passes the
         margin specified by subject-margin-position.
-      </_description>
+      </description>
     <key name="subject-margin-position" type="i">
-      <_summary>Column at Which Subject Margin is Shown</_summary>
-      <_description>
+      <summary>Column at Which Subject Margin is Shown</summary>
+      <description>
         The column at which the subject margin is shown if the show-subject-margin
         preference is set to TRUE.
-      </_description>
+      </description>
     <key name="enable-spell-checking" type="b">
-      <_summary>Enable Spell Checking</_summary>
-      <_description>
+      <summary>Enable Spell Checking</summary>
+      <description>
         Setting which determines whether or not spell checking is enabled
         when writing a commit message.
-      </_description>
+      </description>
     <key name="spell-checking-language" type="s">
-      <_summary>Spell Checking Language</_summary>
-      <_description>
+      <summary>Spell Checking Language</summary>
+      <description>
         The language to use when spell checking is enabled for writing a
         commit message.
-      </_description>
+      </description>
   <schema gettext-domain="@GETTEXT_PACKAGE@" id="org.gnome.gitg.preferences.diff" 
@@ -217,61 +217,61 @@
     <key name="ignore-whitespace" type="b">
-      <_summary>Ignore Whitespace Changes</_summary>
-      <_description>
+      <summary>Ignore Whitespace Changes</summary>
+      <description>
          Setting that indicates whether to ignore whitespace changes when showing
          the diff of a commit.
-      </_description>
+      </description>
     <key name="changes-inline" type="b">
-      <_summary>Show Changes Inline</_summary>
-      <_description>
+      <summary>Show Changes Inline</summary>
+      <description>
          Setting that indicates whether changes within lines should be shown
-      </_description>
+      </description>
     <key name="wrap" type="b">
-      <_summary>Wrap</_summary>
-      <_description>
+      <summary>Wrap</summary>
+      <description>
          Wrap lines.
-      </_description>
+      </description>
     <key name="context-lines" type="i">
-      <_summary>Number of Before/After Context Lines</_summary>
-      <_description>
+      <summary>Number of Before/After Context Lines</summary>
+      <description>
          Setting that determines how many lines of context (before and after)
          should be shown when showing the diff of a commit.
-      </_description>
+      </description>
     <key name="tab-width" type="i">
-      <_summary>Rendered Width of a Tab Character</_summary>
-      <_description>
+      <summary>Rendered Width of a Tab Character</summary>
+      <description>
          Setting that determines how much space a tab character should occupy
          when showing the diff of a commit.
-      </_description>
+      </description>
   <schema gettext-domain="@GETTEXT_PACKAGE@" id="org.gnome.gitg.preferences.commit.diff" 
     <key name="context-lines" type="i">
-      <_summary>Number of Before/After Context Lines</_summary>
-      <_description>
+      <summary>Number of Before/After Context Lines</summary>
+      <description>
          Setting that determines how many lines of context (before and after)
          should be shown when showing the diff to be staged/unstaged in the
          commit area.
-      </_description>
+      </description>
     <key name="tab-width" type="i">
-      <_summary>Rendered Width of a Tab Character</_summary>
-      <_description>
+      <summary>Rendered Width of a Tab Character</summary>
+      <description>
          Setting that determines how much space a tab character should occupy
          when showing the diff of a commit.
-      </_description>
+      </description>
   <schema id="org.gnome.gitg.state" path="/org/gnome/gitg/state/">
diff --git a/po/POTFILES.in b/po/POTFILES.in
index c24f64ee..fa711a3a 100644
--- a/po/POTFILES.in
+++ b/po/POTFILES.in
@@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
 # List of source files containing translatable strings.
 # This list has been automatically generated by update-potfiles.
-[encoding: UTF-8]
@@ -32,6 +31,26 @@ gitg/history/gitg-history.vala
@@ -40,32 +59,12 @@ libgitg/gitg-diff-view-file.vala
-[type: gettext/glade]gitg/resources/ui/gitg-author-details-dialog.ui
-[type: gettext/glade]gitg/resources/ui/gitg-clone-dialog.ui
-[type: gettext/glade]gitg/resources/ui/gitg-commit-dialog.ui
-[type: gettext/glade]gitg/resources/ui/gitg-commit-paned.ui
-[type: gettext/glade]gitg/resources/ui/gitg-commit-submodule-diff-view.ui
-[type: gettext/glade]gitg/resources/ui/gitg-commit-submodule-history-view.ui
-[type: gettext/glade]gitg/resources/ui/gitg-commit-submodule-info.ui
-[type: gettext/glade]gitg/resources/ui/gitg-create-branch-dialog.ui
-[type: gettext/glade]gitg/resources/ui/gitg-create-tag-dialog.ui
-[type: gettext/glade]gitg/resources/ui/gitg-dash-view.ui
-[type: gettext/glade]gitg/resources/ui/gitg-history-paned.ui
-[type: gettext/glade]gitg/resources/ui/gitg-menus.ui
-[type: gettext/glade]gitg/resources/ui/gitg-preferences-commit.ui
-[type: gettext/glade]gitg/resources/ui/gitg-preferences-history.ui
-[type: gettext/glade]gitg/resources/ui/gitg-preferences-interface.ui
-[type: gettext/glade]gitg/resources/ui/gitg-preferences.ui
-[type: gettext/glade]gitg/resources/ui/gitg-remote-notification.ui
-[type: gettext/glade]gitg/resources/ui/gitg-shortcuts.ui
-[type: gettext/glade]gitg/resources/ui/gitg-simple-notification.ui
-[type: gettext/glade]gitg/resources/ui/gitg-window.ui
-[type: gettext/glade]libgitg/resources/ui/gitg-authentication-dialog.ui
-[type: gettext/glade]libgitg/resources/ui/gitg-diff-view-commit-details.ui
-[type: gettext/glade]libgitg/resources/ui/gitg-diff-view-file-renderer-binary.ui
-[type: gettext/glade]libgitg/resources/ui/gitg-diff-view-file-renderer-image.ui
-[type: gettext/glade]libgitg/resources/ui/gitg-diff-view-options-spacing.ui
-[type: gettext/glade]libgitg/resources/ui/gitg-diff-view-options.ui
-[type: gettext/glade]libgitg/resources/ui/gitg-repository-list-box-row.ui
diff --git a/po/POTFILES.skip b/po/POTFILES.skip
index 6bb92882..63ad60a4 100644
--- a/po/POTFILES.skip
+++ b/po/POTFILES.skip
@@ -1,9 +1,7 @@
 # List of source files that should *not* be translated.
 # Please keep this file sorted alphabetically.

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