[libdazzle] tests: reuse model for async suggestion usage

commit 7ea2fdba43c4c796669d62ae76cc147c8576e6b3
Author: Christian Hergert <chergert redhat com>
Date:   Wed Oct 24 16:02:18 2018 -0700

    tests: reuse model for async suggestion usage

 tests/test-suggestion.c | 28 +++++++++++++++++++---------
 1 file changed, 19 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)
diff --git a/tests/test-suggestion.c b/tests/test-suggestion.c
index 3f1c581..3473ddc 100644
--- a/tests/test-suggestion.c
+++ b/tests/test-suggestion.c
@@ -205,6 +205,7 @@ static gboolean
 do_add_search_results (gpointer data)
   AddSearchResults *r = data;
+  g_list_store_remove_all (r->store);
   add_search_results (r->store, r->full_query, r->query);
   return G_SOURCE_REMOVE;
@@ -232,21 +233,28 @@ search_changed (DzlSuggestionEntry *entry,
   if (str->len)
-      model = G_LIST_MODEL (g_list_store_new (DZL_TYPE_SUGGESTION));
+      GListModel *old_model = dzl_suggestion_entry_get_model (entry);
+      if (old_model == NULL)
+        {
+          model = G_LIST_MODEL (g_list_store_new (DZL_TYPE_SUGGESTION));
+          /* Update the model, but ignore selection events while
+           * that happens so that we don't update the entry box.
+           */
+          g_signal_handler_block (entry, notify_suggestion_handler);
+          dzl_suggestion_entry_set_model (entry, model);
+          g_signal_handler_unblock (entry, notify_suggestion_handler);
+          old_model = G_LIST_MODEL (model);
+        }
       res = g_slice_new0 (AddSearchResults);
-      res->store = g_object_ref (G_LIST_STORE (model));
+      res->store = g_object_ref (G_LIST_STORE (old_model));
       res->full_query = g_strdup (text);
       res->query = g_strdup (str->str);
-  /* Update the model, but ignore selection events while
-   * that happens so that we don't update the entry box.
-   */
-  g_signal_handler_block (entry, notify_suggestion_handler);
-  dzl_suggestion_entry_set_model (entry, model);
-  g_signal_handler_unblock (entry, notify_suggestion_handler);
   /* Update the model asynchonrously to ensure we test that use case */
   if (res != NULL)
     g_timeout_add_full (G_PRIORITY_HIGH,
@@ -383,9 +391,11 @@ main (gint   argc,
                       G_CALLBACK (notify_suggestion_cb),
+#if 0
   dzl_suggestion_entry_set_position_func (DZL_SUGGESTION_ENTRY (entry),
                                           NULL, NULL);
   gtk_box_set_center_widget (GTK_BOX (box), entry);
   g_signal_connect (entry, "changed", G_CALLBACK (search_changed), NULL);
   g_signal_connect (entry, "suggestion-activated", G_CALLBACK (suggestion_activated), NULL);

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