[nautilus/gcovr-only-in-master] CI: Use gcovr only in master

commit 7d2c11890ad6bdd090eae1cf6a2b0efe4f516136
Author: Carlos Soriano <csoriano1618 gmail com>
Date:   Mon Oct 22 13:17:46 2018 +0000

    CI: Use gcovr only in master
    And clean up a bit the CI file.

 .gitlab-ci.yml | 30 +++++++++++++++++++++---------
 1 file changed, 21 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)
diff --git a/.gitlab-ci.yml b/.gitlab-ci.yml
index 2c8ce9d60..755cdb1a4 100644
--- a/.gitlab-ci.yml
+++ b/.gitlab-ci.yml
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ stages:
       - cd _build
       - ninja test
-.flatpak_template: &flatpak
+.flatpak_script_template: &flatpak_script
         - flatpak-builder --stop-at=${FLATPAK_MODULE} app ${MANIFEST_PATH}
         # Make sure to keep this in sync with the Flatpak manifest, all arguments
@@ -34,6 +34,25 @@ stages:
                   dbus-run-session meson test -C _build
         # Generate a Flatpak bundle
         - flatpak build-bundle repo ${BUNDLE} --runtime-repo=${RUNTIME_REPO} ${DBUS_ID}
+.flatpak_artifacts_template: &flatpak_artifacts
+    artifacts:
+        paths:
+            - ${BUNDLE}
+            - _build/meson-logs/
+        # The Flatpak bundle is always generated at the end, meaning that there
+        # won’t be one in case of failure, but the logs will be available for
+        # our expert investigators to dissect.
+        when: always
+        expire_in: 2 days
+.flatpak_template: &flatpak
+    <<: *flatpak_script
+    <<: *flatpak_artifacts
+.flatpak_gcovr_template: &flatpak_gcovr
+    extends: .flatpak_template
+    after_script:
         # Generate coverage report
         - cd _build
         - flatpak build ../app gcovr
@@ -56,14 +75,7 @@ stages:
     coverage: '/^branches:.*\s+(\S+\%).*$/'
-            - ${BUNDLE}
-            - _build/meson-logs/
             - _build/coverage.html
-        # The Flatpak bundle is always generated at the end, meaning that there
-        # won’t be one in case of failure, but the logs will be available for
-        # our expert investigators to dissect.
-        when: always
-        expire_in: 2 days
 flatpak devel:
     image: registry.gitlab.gnome.org/gnome/gnome-runtime-images/gnome:3.30
@@ -74,7 +86,7 @@ flatpak devel:
         FLATPAK_MODULE: "nautilus"
         RUNTIME_REPO: "https://sdk.gnome.org/gnome.flatpakrepo";
         DBUS_ID: "org.gnome.NautilusDevel"
-    <<: *flatpak
+    <<: *flatpak_gcovr
     stage: deploy

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