[glib-networking/alatiera/bst-ci: 2/2] CI: Add a Buildstream job

commit 7f9738f1cde8762ea14081591451ba16a43d3c33
Author: Jordan Petridis <jpetridis gnome org>
Date:   Sun Oct 21 18:35:59 2018 +0300

    CI: Add a Buildstream job
    This reuses the build definition of glib-networking from
    gnome-build-meta[1] to build and run the tests inside an
    isolated and reproducible environment

 .gitlab-ci.yml | 56 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 56 insertions(+)
diff --git a/.gitlab-ci.yml b/.gitlab-ci.yml
index 0a8c1d4..68d62c6 100644
--- a/.gitlab-ci.yml
+++ b/.gitlab-ci.yml
@@ -18,3 +18,59 @@ build_stable:
       - build/test-results
     when: on_failure
+  image: "buildstream/buildstream-fedora:master-113-499df6a5"
+  variables:
+    # Store all the bst stuff under the "${CI_PROJECT_DIR}" directory.
+    # Note that GitLab CI will only cache stuff inside the "${CI_PROJECT_DIR}" folder.
+    BST: "bst --no-strict --config build.conf --log-file ../logs/build.log --colors"
+    BST_SHA: "10abe77fe8d77385d86f225b503d9185f4ef7f3a" #  1.2.3
+  before_script:
+    - dnf install -y xorg-x11-server-Xvfb
+    # Use specific version of BuildStream
+    - git clone https://gitlab.com/BuildStream/buildstream.git
+    - git -C buildstream/ checkout $BST_SHA
+    - pip3 install buildstream/
+    # Clone the GNOME moduleset
+    - git clone --depth=1 https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-build-meta.git
+    # Ensure the log directory exists
+    - mkdir -p logs
+  script:
+    - cd gnome-build-meta/
+    # Ideally this would not be needed, but can't figure out a better way
+    - ${BST} build --track-all ${ELEMENT}
+    - ${BST} workspace open --no-checkout --track ${ELEMENT} ../
+    # FIXME: extract logs
+    - |
+      xvfb-run -a -s "-screen 0 1024x768x24" \
+        dbus-run-session \
+        ${BST} shell --build ${ELEMENT} -- /bin/bash -c \
+        'meson build && ninja -C build && NO_AT_BRIDGE=1 meson test -C build --print-errorlogs'
+    - ${BST} workspace close ${ELEMENT}
+  # Store all the downloaded git and ostree repos in the cache.
+  # This saves us fetching them on every build
+  cache:
+    key: "bst"
+    paths:
+      - "${XDG_CACHE_HOME}/buildstream/sources/"
+  # Store artifacts so we can inspect build failures
+  artifacts:
+    when: "always"
+    paths:
+      - "logs"
+      - "gnome-build-meta/project.refs"
+  variables:
+    ELEMENT: "core/glib-networking.bst"
+  extends: .bst

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