[nautilus/alatiera/poking-ci] CI: Improve formatting of yaml

commit 91f8f9a17b295113f5f56bc3f2f39e673385b597
Author: Jordan Petridis <jpetridis gnome org>
Date:   Tue Oct 9 14:04:03 2018 +0300

    CI: Improve formatting of yaml

 .gitlab-ci.yml | 55 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------
 1 file changed, 40 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)
diff --git a/.gitlab-ci.yml b/.gitlab-ci.yml
index 277399821..9cecacb47 100644
--- a/.gitlab-ci.yml
+++ b/.gitlab-ci.yml
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ stop_review:
         - master@GNOME/nautilus
         - tags
+fedora rawhide:
     image: fedora:rawhide
     stage: cross_environment
@@ -107,34 +107,59 @@ fedora:rawhide:
         - web
         - tags
+ubuntu devel:
     image: ubuntu:devel
     stage: cross_environment
+    variables:
+        DEPENDANCIES: |
+          git \
+          gcc \
+          meson \
+          gettext \
+          itstool \
+          gobject-introspection \
+          desktop-file-utils \
+          libxml2-dev \
+          libgtk-3-dev \
+          libgexiv2-dev \
+          libseccomp-dev \
+          libgnome-autoar-0-dev \
+          libgirepository1.0-dev \
+          libtracker-sparql-2.0-dev \
+          libtracker-control-2.0-dev \
+          gsettings-desktop-schemas-dev \
         # Ubuntu requires running update to fetch metadata and find packges
         - apt-get update
-        - apt-get install -y gcc meson gettext itstool git libgtk-3-dev
-                             libgnome-autoar-0-dev
-                             gobject-introspection libxml2-dev
-                             libtracker-control-2.0-dev desktop-file-utils libgexiv2-dev
-                             libtracker-sparql-2.0-dev
-                             libgirepository1.0-dev gsettings-desktop-schemas-dev
-                             libseccomp-dev
+        - apt-get install -y $DEPENDANCIES
     <<: *distro_test
         - schedules
         - web
         - tags
+opensuse tumbleweed:
     image: opensuse:tumbleweed
     stage: cross_environment
+    variables:
+        DEPENDANCIES: |
+          git \
+          gcc \
+          meson \
+          itstool \
+          gtk3-devel \
+          gettext-tools \
+          libxml2-devel \
+          tracker-devel \
+          libgexiv2-devel \
+          gettext-runtime \
+          gnome-autoar-devel \
+          desktop-file-utils \
+          gobject-introspection-devel \
+          gsettings-desktop-schemas-devel \
+          libseccomp-devel
-        - zypper install -y gcc meson gettext-runtime gettext-tools itstool git
-                            gtk3-devel gnome-autoar-devel
-                            gobject-introspection-devel libxml2-devel tracker-devel
-                            desktop-file-utils libgexiv2-devel gsettings-desktop-schemas-devel
-                            libseccomp-devel
+        - zypper install -y $DEPENDANCIES
     <<: *distro_test
         - schedules

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