[gnome-notes/wip/igaldino/fix-width-and-justification] css: Fix width and alignment

commit d71f9950c8ebba0d68e74d400cda7838e9c4a22a
Author: Isaque Galdino <igaldino gmail com>
Date:   Tue Oct 2 18:02:45 2018 -0300

    css: Fix width and alignment
    On 3.30 cycle we've changed a few styles based on old mockups. Once that
    was deployed and users started to see it, users started to complaint
    about notes width being too small (#104) and notes justify alignment
    making reading and writing notes harder (#102).
    After discussing those issues with Design team, @aday and @bertob, we
    decided to revert alignment to left and to increase width to around 700
    pixels using default font and theme. @aday also asked to use ems instead
    of pixels, so notes width will change according to font size.

 data/Default.css | 3 +--
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 2 deletions(-)
diff --git a/data/Default.css b/data/Default.css
index ed43ce6..9c8f781 100644
--- a/data/Default.css
+++ b/data/Default.css
@@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
 body {
-  max-width:        500px;
+  max-width:        35.0em;
   margin:           0 auto;
   word-wrap:        break-word;
-  text-align:       justify;
   color:            black;
   background-size:  2.0em 2.0em;
   line-height:      1.5em;

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