[pygobject/coverage-gtk-overrides] gtk overrides: improve coverage

commit c6825ff9b2e0b5e0b79224a482ebd7b0418d36a9
Author: Christoph Reiter <reiter christoph gmail com>
Date:   Sun Nov 25 15:13:59 2018 +0100

    gtk overrides: improve coverage
    Also collect coverage for the gtk4 and xenial jobs

 .gitlab-ci.yml                 |   6 +
 .gitlab-ci/test-docker-gtk4.sh |  10 +-
 .gitlab-ci/test-docker-old.sh  |  10 +-
 .gitlab-ci/test-flatpak.sh     |   4 +-
 gi/overrides/Gtk.py            |  50 ++-----
 tests/test_overrides_gtk.py    | 286 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 6 files changed, 320 insertions(+), 46 deletions(-)
diff --git a/.gitlab-ci.yml b/.gitlab-ci.yml
index a1a569b7..e00e1343 100644
--- a/.gitlab-ci.yml
+++ b/.gitlab-ci.yml
@@ -114,12 +114,18 @@ pypy3:
   stage: build_and_test
   image: registry.gitlab.gnome.org/gnome/pygobject/old:v2
+  artifacts:
+    paths:
+      - coverage/
    - bash -x ./.gitlab-ci/test-docker-old.sh
   stage: build_and_test
   image: registry.gitlab.gnome.org/gnome/pygobject/gtk4:v1
+  artifacts:
+    paths:
+      - coverage/
    - bash -x ./.gitlab-ci/test-docker-gtk4.sh
diff --git a/.gitlab-ci/test-docker-gtk4.sh b/.gitlab-ci/test-docker-gtk4.sh
index e36c715d..0dd12199 100755
--- a/.gitlab-ci/test-docker-gtk4.sh
+++ b/.gitlab-ci/test-docker-gtk4.sh
@@ -3,13 +3,17 @@
 set -e
 # ccache setup
-mkdir -p _ccache
 export CCACHE_BASEDIR="$(pwd)"
 export CCACHE_DIR="${CCACHE_BASEDIR}/_ccache"
+export COVERAGE_FILE="${COV_DIR}/.coverage.${CI_JOB_NAME}"
+mkdir -p "${COV_DIR}"
+mkdir -p "${CCACHE_DIR}"
 # test
 python -m pip install git+https://github.com/pygobject/pycairo.git
-python -m pip install pytest pytest-faulthandler
+python -m pip install pytest pytest-faulthandler coverage
 g-ir-inspect Gtk --version=4.0 --print-typelibs
 export TEST_GTK_VERSION=4.0
-xvfb-run -a python setup.py test
+python setup.py build_tests
+xvfb-run -a python -m coverage run tests/runtests.py
diff --git a/.gitlab-ci/test-docker-old.sh b/.gitlab-ci/test-docker-old.sh
index 74c81c77..91312c7c 100755
--- a/.gitlab-ci/test-docker-old.sh
+++ b/.gitlab-ci/test-docker-old.sh
@@ -7,11 +7,15 @@ virtualenv --python=python _venv
 source _venv/bin/activate
 # ccache setup
-mkdir -p _ccache
 export CCACHE_BASEDIR="$(pwd)"
 export CCACHE_DIR="${CCACHE_BASEDIR}/_ccache"
+export COVERAGE_FILE="${COV_DIR}/.coverage.${CI_JOB_NAME}"
+mkdir -p "${COV_DIR}"
+mkdir -p "${CCACHE_DIR}"
 # test
 python -m pip install git+https://github.com/pygobject/pycairo.git
-python -m pip install pytest pytest-faulthandler
-xvfb-run -a python setup.py test
+python -m pip install pytest pytest-faulthandler coverage
+python setup.py build_tests
+xvfb-run -a python -m coverage run tests/runtests.py
diff --git a/.gitlab-ci/test-flatpak.sh b/.gitlab-ci/test-flatpak.sh
index 3e3a9923..3ca5a746 100755
--- a/.gitlab-ci/test-flatpak.sh
+++ b/.gitlab-ci/test-flatpak.sh
@@ -2,5 +2,5 @@
 set -e
-python3 -m pip install --user pytest
-python3 setup.py test
+python3 -m pip install --user pytest pytest-faulthandler
+python3 setup.py test -s
diff --git a/gi/overrides/Gtk.py b/gi/overrides/Gtk.py
index 7e00c611..d9c1a05f 100644
--- a/gi/overrides/Gtk.py
+++ b/gi/overrides/Gtk.py
@@ -381,12 +381,7 @@ if Gtk._version in ("2.0", "3.0"):
             def _process_action(group_source, name, stock_id=None, label=None, accelerator=None, 
tooltip=None, entry_value=0):
                 action = RadioAction(name=name, label=label, tooltip=tooltip, stock_id=stock_id, 
-                # FIXME: join_group is a patch to Gtk+ 3.0
-                #        otherwise we can't effectively add radio actions to a
-                #        group.  Should we depend on 3.0 and error out here
-                #        or should we offer the functionality via a compat
-                #        C module?
-                if hasattr(action, 'join_group'):
+                if Gtk._version == '3.0':
                 if value == entry_value:
@@ -466,8 +461,7 @@ __all__.append('MenuItem')
 def _get_utf8_length(string):
-    if not isinstance(string, string_types):
-        raise TypeError('must be a string')
+    assert isinstance(string, string_types)
     if not isinstance(string, bytes):
         string = string.encode("utf-8")
     return len(string)
@@ -553,8 +547,7 @@ class Dialog(Gtk.Dialog, Container):
                           'Please use the "add_buttons" method for adding buttons. '
                           'See: https://wiki.gnome.org/PyGObject/InitializerDeprecations',
                           PyGTKDeprecationWarning, stacklevel=stacklevel)
-            if 'buttons' in new_kwargs:
-                del new_kwargs['buttons']
+            new_kwargs.pop('buttons', None)
             add_buttons = None
@@ -600,15 +593,15 @@ class Dialog(Gtk.Dialog, Container):
         def _button(b):
             while b:
-                t, r = b[0:2]
+                try:
+                    t, r = b[0:2]
+                except ValueError:
+                    raise ValueError('Must pass an even number of arguments')
                 b = b[2:]
                 yield t, r
-        try:
-            for text, response in _button(args):
-                self.add_button(text, response)
-        except (IndexError):
-            raise TypeError('Must pass an even number of arguments')
+        for text, response in _button(args):
+            self.add_button(text, response)
 Dialog = override(Dialog)
@@ -720,13 +713,6 @@ __all__.append('RecentInfo')
 class TextBuffer(Gtk.TextBuffer):
-    def _get_or_create_tag_table(self):
-        table = self.get_tag_table()
-        if table is None:
-            table = Gtk.TextTagTable()
-            self.set_tag_table(table)
-        return table
     def create_tag(self, tag_name=None, **properties):
         """Creates a tag and adds it to the tag table of the TextBuffer.
@@ -753,7 +739,7 @@ class TextBuffer(Gtk.TextBuffer):
         tag = Gtk.TextTag(name=tag_name, **properties)
-        self._get_or_create_tag_table().add(tag)
+        self.get_tag_table().add(tag)
         return tag
     def create_mark(self, mark_name, where, left_gravity=False):
@@ -830,11 +816,7 @@ class TreeModel(Gtk.TreeModel):
             index = len(self) + key
             if index < 0:
                 raise IndexError("row index is out of bounds: %d" % key)
-            try:
-                aiter = self.get_iter(index)
-            except ValueError:
-                raise IndexError("could not find tree path '%s'" % key)
-            return aiter
+            return self.get_iter(index)
                 aiter = self.get_iter(key)
@@ -912,11 +894,7 @@ class TreeModel(Gtk.TreeModel):
     def set_row(self, treeiter, row):
         converted_row, columns = self._convert_row(row)
         for column in columns:
-            value = row[column]
-            if value is None:
-                continue  # None means skip this row
-            self.set_value(treeiter, column, value)
+            self.set_value(treeiter, column, row[column])
     def _convert_value(self, column, value):
         '''Convert value to a GObject.Value of the expected type'''
@@ -1086,8 +1064,8 @@ class TreeModelRow(object):
         elif isinstance(iter_or_path, Gtk.TreeIter):
             self.iter = iter_or_path
-            raise TypeError("expected Gtk.TreeIter or Gtk.TreePath, \
-                %s found" % type(iter_or_path).__name__)
+            raise TypeError("expected Gtk.TreeIter or Gtk.TreePath, "
+                            "%s found" % type(iter_or_path).__name__)
     def path(self):
diff --git a/tests/test_overrides_gtk.py b/tests/test_overrides_gtk.py
index 887a4f3d..ddd652e3 100644
--- a/tests/test_overrides_gtk.py
+++ b/tests/test_overrides_gtk.py
@@ -11,10 +11,13 @@ import sys
 import gc
 import warnings
+import pytest
 from .helper import ignore_gi_deprecation_warnings, capture_glib_warnings
 import gi.overrides
 import gi.types
+from gi._compat import cmp
 from gi.repository import GLib, GObject
@@ -104,6 +107,24 @@ def test_freeze_child_notif():
     assert events.count("pack-type") == 1
+@unittest.skipUnless(Gtk, 'Gtk not available')
+@unittest.skipIf(Gtk_version == "4.0", "not in gtk4")
+def test_menu_popup():
+    m = Gtk.Menu()
+    with capture_glib_warnings():
+        m.popup(None, None, None, None, 0, 0)
+        m.popdown()
+@unittest.skipUnless(Gtk, 'Gtk not available')
+@unittest.skipIf(Gtk_version == "4.0", "not in gtk4")
+def test_button_stock():
+    with capture_glib_warnings():
+        button = Gtk.Button(stock=Gtk.STOCK_OK)
+    assert button.props.label == Gtk.STOCK_OK
+    assert button.props.use_stock
 @unittest.skipUnless(Gtk, 'Gtk not available')
 def test_wrapper_toggle_refs():
     class MyButton(Gtk.Button):
@@ -215,6 +236,53 @@ class TestGtk(unittest.TestCase):
+    @unittest.skipIf(Gtk_version == "4.0", "not in gtk4")
+    def test_action_group_error_handling(self):
+        action_group = Gtk.ActionGroup(name='TestActionGroup')
+        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
+            action_group.add_actions(42)
+        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
+            action_group.add_toggle_actions(42)
+        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
+            action_group.add_radio_actions(42)
+    @unittest.skipIf(Gtk_version == "4.0", "not in gtk4")
+    def test_action_group_no_user_data(self):
+        action_group = Gtk.ActionGroup(name='TestActionGroup')
+        called = []
+        def test_action_callback_no_data(action):
+            called.append(action)
+        action_group.add_actions([
+            ('test-action1', None, 'Test Action 1',
+             None, None, test_action_callback_no_data)])
+        action_group.add_actions([('test2-action1',)])
+        action_group.get_action('test-action1').activate()
+        action_group.add_toggle_actions([
+            ('test-action2', None, 'Test Action 2',
+             None, None, test_action_callback_no_data)])
+        action_group.add_toggle_actions([('test2-action2',)])
+        action_group.get_action('test-action2').activate()
+        def test_action_callback_no_data_radio(action, current):
+            called.append(action)
+        action_group.add_radio_actions([
+            ('test-action3', None, 'Test Action 3', None, None, 0),
+            ('test-action4', None, 'Test Action 4', None, None, 1)],
+            1, test_action_callback_no_data_radio)
+        action_group.add_radio_actions([('test2-action3',)])
+        action = action_group.get_action('test-action3')
+        assert action.get_current_value() == 1
+        action.activate()
+        assert len(called) == 3
     @unittest.skipIf(Gtk_version == "4.0", "not in gtk4")
     def test_uimanager(self):
         self.assertEqual(Gtk.UIManager, gi.overrides.Gtk.UIManager)
@@ -222,8 +290,7 @@ class TestGtk(unittest.TestCase):
     <menubar name="menubar1"></menubar>
         menubar = ui.get_widget("/menubar1")
         self.assertEqual(type(menubar), Gtk.MenuBar)
@@ -235,6 +302,9 @@ class TestGtk(unittest.TestCase):
         self.assertEqual(ag, groups[-2])
         self.assertEqual(ag2, groups[-1])
+        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
+            ui.add_ui_from_string(42)
     @unittest.skipIf(Gtk_version == "4.0", "not in gtk4")
     def test_uimanager_nonascii(self):
         ui = Gtk.UIManager()
@@ -356,6 +426,15 @@ class TestGtk(unittest.TestCase):
         button = dialog.get_widget_for_response(Gtk.ResponseType.CLOSE)
         self.assertEqual('gtk-close', button.get_label())
+        with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="even number"):
+            dialog.add_buttons('test-button2', 2, 'gtk-close')
+    @unittest.skipIf(Gtk_version == "4.0", "not in gtk4")
+    def test_dialog_deprecated_attributes(self):
+        dialog = Gtk.Dialog()
+        assert dialog.action_area == dialog.get_action_area()
+        assert dialog.vbox == dialog.get_content_area()
     def test_about_dialog(self):
         dialog = Gtk.AboutDialog()
         self.assertTrue(isinstance(dialog, Gtk.Dialog))
@@ -717,6 +796,11 @@ class TestGtk(unittest.TestCase):
         pixbuf = GdkPixbuf.Pixbuf()
+        with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as warn:
+            warnings.simplefilter('always')
+            Gtk.IconSet(pixbuf)
+        assert issubclass(warn[0].category, PyGTKDeprecationWarning)
     def test_viewport(self):
         vadjustment = Gtk.Adjustment()
         hadjustment = Gtk.Adjustment()
@@ -853,8 +937,15 @@ class TestBuilder(unittest.TestCase):
+    class SignalTestObject(GObject.GObject):
+        __gtype_name__ = "GIOverrideSignalTestObject"
     def test_add_from_string(self):
         builder = Gtk.Builder()
+        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
+            builder.add_from_string(object())
@@ -877,6 +968,9 @@ class TestBuilder(unittest.TestCase):
         builder.add_objects_from_string("", [''])
         builder.add_objects_from_string(get_example(u"รค" * 1000), [''])
+        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
+            builder.add_objects_from_string(object(), [])
     def test_extract_handler_and_args_object(self):
         class Obj():
@@ -908,6 +1002,13 @@ class TestBuilder(unittest.TestCase):
                           obj, 'not_a_handler')
+    def test_extract_handler_and_args_type_mismatch(self):
+        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
+            Gtk._extract_handler_and_args({"foo": object()}, "foo")
+        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
+            Gtk._extract_handler_and_args({"foo": []}, "foo")
     def test_builder_with_handler_and_args(self):
         builder = Gtk.Builder()
@@ -936,6 +1037,31 @@ class TestBuilder(unittest.TestCase):
         self.assertSequenceEqual(args_collector[0], (obj, 1, 2))
         self.assertSequenceEqual(args_collector[1], (obj, ))
+    def test_builder_with_handler_object(self):
+        builder = Gtk.Builder()
+        builder.add_from_string("""
+            <interface>
+              <object class="GIOverrideSignalTestObject" id="foo"/>
+              <object class="GIOverrideSignalTest" id="object_sig_test">
+                  <signal name="test-signal" handler="on_signal1" object="foo"/>
+                  <signal name="test-signal" handler="on_signal2" after="yes" object="foo" />
+              </object>
+            </interface>
+            """)
+        args_collector = []
+        def on_signal(*args):
+            args_collector.append(args)
+        builder.connect_signals({'on_signal1': (on_signal, 1, 2),
+                                 'on_signal2': on_signal})
+        obj, emitter = builder.get_objects()
+        emitter.emit("test-signal")
+        assert len(args_collector) == 2
+        assert args_collector[0] == (obj, 1, 2)
+        assert args_collector[1] == (obj, )
     def test_builder(self):
         self.assertEqual(Gtk.Builder, gi.overrides.Gtk.Builder)
@@ -996,6 +1122,31 @@ class TestBuilder(unittest.TestCase):
         self.assertEqual(signal_checker.after_sentinel, 2)
+@unittest.skipUnless(Gtk, 'Gtk not available')
+class TestTreeModelRow(unittest.TestCase):
+    def test_tree_model_row(self):
+        model = Gtk.TreeStore(int)
+        iter_ = model.append(None, [42])
+        path = model.get_path(iter_)
+        Gtk.TreeModelRow(model, iter_)
+        row = Gtk.TreeModelRow(model, path)
+        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
+            row["foo"]
+        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
+            Gtk.TreeModelRow(model, 42)
+        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
+            Gtk.TreeModelRow(42, path)
+        iter_ = model.append(None, [24])
+        row = Gtk.TreeModelRow(model, iter_)
+        assert row.previous[0] == 42
+        assert row.get_previous()[0] == 42
+        assert row.previous.previous is None
 @unittest.skipUnless(Gtk, 'Gtk not available')
 class TestTreeModel(unittest.TestCase):
@@ -2056,6 +2207,14 @@ class TestTreeModel(unittest.TestCase):
         filtered[0][1] = 'ONE'
         self.assertEqual(filtered[0][1], 'ONE')
+        def foo(store, iter_, data):
+            assert data is None
+            return False
+        filtered.set_visible_func(foo)
+        filtered.refilter()
+        assert len(filtered) == 0
     def test_list_store_performance(self):
         model = Gtk.ListStore(int, str)
@@ -2074,6 +2233,89 @@ class TestTreeModel(unittest.TestCase):
         filt = model.filter_new()
         self.assertTrue(filt is not None)
+    def test_tree_store_set(self):
+        tree_store = Gtk.TreeStore(int, int)
+        iter_ = tree_store.append(None)
+        tree_store.set(iter_)
+        assert tree_store.get_value(iter_, 0) == 0
+        tree_store.set(iter_, 0, 42)
+        assert tree_store.get_value(iter_, 0) == 42
+        assert tree_store.get_value(iter_, 1) == 0
+        tree_store.set(iter_, 0, 42, 1, 24)
+        assert tree_store.get_value(iter_, 1) == 24
+        tree_store.set(iter_, 1, 124)
+        assert tree_store.get_value(iter_, 1) == 124
+        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
+            tree_store.set(iter_, 0, 42, "foo", 24)
+        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
+            tree_store.set(iter_, "foo")
+        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
+            tree_store.set(iter_, [1, 2, 3])
+        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
+            tree_store.set(iter_, 0, 42, 24)
+    def test_list_store_set(self):
+        list_store = Gtk.ListStore(int, int)
+        iter_ = list_store.append()
+        list_store.set(iter_)
+        assert list_store.get_value(iter_, 0) == 0
+        list_store.set(iter_, 0, 42)
+        assert list_store.get_value(iter_, 0) == 42
+        assert list_store.get_value(iter_, 1) == 0
+        list_store.set(iter_, 0, 42, 1, 24)
+        assert list_store.get_value(iter_, 1) == 24
+        list_store.set(iter_, 1, 124)
+        assert list_store.get_value(iter_, 1) == 124
+        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
+            list_store.set(iter_, 0, 42, "foo", 24)
+        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
+            list_store.set(iter_, "foo")
+        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
+            list_store.set(iter_, [1, 2, 3])
+        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
+            list_store.set(iter_, 0, 42, 24)
+    def test_set_default_sort_func(self):
+        list_store = Gtk.ListStore(int)
+        list_store.append([2])
+        list_store.append([1])
+        def sort_func(store, iter1, iter2, data):
+            assert data is None
+            return cmp(store[iter1][0], store[iter2][0])
+        list_store.set_default_sort_func(sort_func)
+        list_store.set_sort_column_id(
+        assert [v[0] for v in list_store] == [1, 2]
+    def test_model_rows_reordered(self):
+        list_store = Gtk.ListStore(int)
+        list_store.append([2])
+        list_store.append([1])
+        list_store.rows_reordered(Gtk.TreePath.new_first(), None, [0, 1])
+        list_store.rows_reordered(0, None, [0, 1])
+    def test_model_set_row(self):
+        list_store = Gtk.ListStore(int, int)
+        list_store.append([1, 2])
+        iter_ = list_store.get_iter_first()
+        list_store.set_row(iter_, [3, 4])
+        assert list_store[0][:] == [3, 4]
+        list_store.set_row(iter_, [None, 7])
+        assert list_store[0][:] == [3, 7]
+        list_store.set_row(iter_, [None, GObject.Value(int, 9)])
+        assert list_store[0][:] == [3, 9]
+    def test_model_set_row_skip_on_none(self):
+        list_store = Gtk.ListStore(int, int, int, int)
+        list_store.append([1, 2, 3, 4])
+        iter_ = list_store.get_iter_first()
+        list_store.set_row(iter_, [None, 7, None, 9])
+        assert list_store[0][:] == [1, 7, 3, 9]
 @unittest.skipIf(sys.platform == "darwin", "hangs")
 @unittest.skipUnless(Gtk, 'Gtk not available')
@@ -2184,12 +2426,31 @@ class TestTreeView(unittest.TestCase):
         self.assertEqual(m, store)
         self.assertEqual(store.get_path(s), firstpath)
+        sel.unselect_all()
+        (m, s) = sel.get_selected()
+        assert s is None
+        sel.select_path(0)
+        m, r = sel.get_selected_rows()
+        assert m == store
+        assert len(r) == 1
+        assert r[0] == store[0].path
+    def test_scroll_to_cell(self):
+        store = Gtk.ListStore(int, str)
+        store.append((0, "foo"))
+        view = Gtk.TreeView()
+        view.set_model(store)
+        view.scroll_to_cell(store[0].path)
+        view.scroll_to_cell(0)
 @unittest.skipUnless(Gtk, 'Gtk not available')
 class TestTextBuffer(unittest.TestCase):
     def test_text_buffer(self):
         self.assertEqual(Gtk.TextBuffer, gi.overrides.Gtk.TextBuffer)
         buffer = Gtk.TextBuffer()
+        assert buffer.get_tag_table() is not None
         tag = buffer.create_tag('title', font='Sans 18')
         self.assertEqual(tag.props.name, 'title')
@@ -2261,6 +2522,15 @@ class TestTextBuffer(unittest.TestCase):
         self.assertRaises(ValueError, buffer.insert_with_tags_by_name,
                           buffer.get_start_iter(), 'HelloHello', 'unknowntag')
+    def test_insert(self):
+        buffer = Gtk.TextBuffer()
+        start = buffer.get_bounds()[0]
+        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
+            buffer.insert(start, 42)
+        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
+            buffer.insert_at_cursor(42)
     def test_text_iter(self):
             starts_tag = Gtk.TextIter.starts_tag
@@ -2336,6 +2606,18 @@ class TestTextBuffer(unittest.TestCase):
         self.assertEqual(values, [u"c", u"b", u"a"])
+@unittest.skipUnless(Gtk, 'Gtk not available')
+class TestPaned(unittest.TestCase):
+    def test_pack_defaults(self):
+        p = Gtk.Paned()
+        l1 = Gtk.Label()
+        l2 = Gtk.Label()
+        p.pack1(l1)
+        p.pack2(l2)
+        assert p.get_children() == [l1, l2]
 @unittest.skipUnless(Gtk, 'Gtk not available')
 class TestContainer(unittest.TestCase):

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