[vte/wip/egmont/bidi: 48/75] cursor: use member methods that protect against offscreen values

commit f65507b1b3ac8d248e7244778506c3fa9463bef9
Author: Egmont Koblinger <egmont gmail com>
Date:   Wed Aug 29 01:01:10 2018 +0200

    cursor: use member methods that protect against offscreen values

 src/vte.cc | 7 +++----
 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/vte.cc b/src/vte.cc
index d09dbabd..f9d6baf9 100644
--- a/src/vte.cc
+++ b/src/vte.cc
@@ -9123,7 +9123,6 @@ Terminal::paint_cursor()
         /* Find the first cell of the character "under" the cursor.
          * This is for CJK.  For TAB, paint the cursor where it really is. */
         VteRowData const *row_data = find_row_data(drow);
-        bidicellmap const *bidimap = m_ringview.get_row_map(drow);
        auto cell = find_charcell(col, drow);
         while (cell != NULL && cell->attr.fragment() && cell->c != '\t' && col > 0) {
@@ -9132,12 +9131,12 @@ Terminal::paint_cursor()
        /* Draw the cursor. */
-        viscol = bidimap[col].log2vis;
+        viscol = m_ringview.log2vis(drow, col);
        item.c = (cell && cell->c) ? cell->c : ' ';
        item.columns = item.c == '\t' ? 1 : cell ? cell->attr.columns() : 1;
-        item.x = (viscol - ((cell && bidimap[viscol].vis_rtl) ? cell->attr.columns() - 1 : 0)) * width;
+        item.x = (viscol - ((cell && m_ringview.vis_is_rtl(drow, viscol)) ? cell->attr.columns() - 1 : 0)) * 
        item.y = row_to_pixel(drow);
-        item.mirror = bidimap[viscol].vis_rtl;
+        item.mirror = m_ringview.vis_is_rtl(drow, viscol);
         item.box_mirror = (row_data && (row_data->attr.bidi_flags & VTE_BIDI_BOX_MIRROR));
        if (cell && cell->c != 0) {
                style = _vte_draw_get_style(cell->attr.bold(), cell->attr.italic());

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