[geary/wip/714104-refine-account-dialog: 161/180] Split out account editor TLS combo into a stand-alone class for reuse

commit 71c89425f1c825551537eb3b1fd82bbd4da5b4ad
Author: Michael Gratton <mike vee net>
Date:   Wed Sep 5 23:45:27 2018 +1000

    Split out account editor TLS combo into a stand-alone class for reuse

 src/client/accounts/accounts-editor-row.vala       | 70 ++++++++++++++++++++++
 .../accounts/accounts-editor-servers-pane.vala     | 45 ++------------
 2 files changed, 76 insertions(+), 39 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/client/accounts/accounts-editor-row.vala b/src/client/accounts/accounts-editor-row.vala
index 2ec4c2f6..a2653d72 100644
--- a/src/client/accounts/accounts-editor-row.vala
+++ b/src/client/accounts/accounts-editor-row.vala
@@ -189,6 +189,76 @@ private abstract class Accounts.ServiceRow<PaneType,V> : AccountRow<PaneType,V>
+internal class Accounts.TlsComboBox : Gtk.ComboBox {
+    private const string INSECURE_ICON = "channel-insecure-symbolic";
+    private const string SECURE_ICON = "channel-secure-symbolic";
+    public string label { get; private set; default = ""; }
+    public Geary.TlsNegotiationMethod method {
+        get {
+            try {
+                return Geary.TlsNegotiationMethod.for_value(this.active_id);
+            } catch {
+                return Geary.TlsNegotiationMethod.TRANSPORT;
+            }
+        }
+        set {
+            this.active_id = value.to_value();
+        }
+    }
+    public TlsComboBox() {
+        // Translators: This label describes what form of transport
+        // security (TLS, StartTLS, etc) used by an account's IMAP or SMTP
+        // service.
+        this.label = _("Connection security");
+        Gtk.ListStore store = new Gtk.ListStore(
+            3, typeof(string), typeof(string), typeof(string)
+        );
+               Gtk.TreeIter iter;
+               store.append(out iter);
+               store.set(
+            iter,
+            0, Geary.TlsNegotiationMethod.NONE.to_value(),
+            1, INSECURE_ICON,
+            2, _("None")
+        );
+               store.append(out iter);
+               store.set(
+            iter,
+            0, Geary.TlsNegotiationMethod.START_TLS.to_value(),
+            1, SECURE_ICON,
+            2, _("StartTLS")
+        );
+               store.append(out iter);
+               store.set(
+            iter,
+            0, Geary.TlsNegotiationMethod.TRANSPORT.to_value(),
+            1, SECURE_ICON,
+            2, _("TLS")
+        );
+        this.model = store;
+        set_id_column(0);
+        Gtk.CellRendererText text_renderer = new Gtk.CellRendererText();
+               pack_start(text_renderer, true);
+               add_attribute(text_renderer, "text", 2);
+        Gtk.CellRendererPixbuf icon_renderer = new Gtk.CellRendererPixbuf();
+               pack_start(icon_renderer, true);
+               add_attribute(icon_renderer, "icon_name", 1);
+    }
 internal class Accounts.EditorPopover : Gtk.Popover {
diff --git a/src/client/accounts/accounts-editor-servers-pane.vala 
index aeb9e4fe..8ac599b6 100644
--- a/src/client/accounts/accounts-editor-servers-pane.vala
+++ b/src/client/accounts/accounts-editor-servers-pane.vala
@@ -187,55 +187,22 @@ private class Accounts.ServiceHostRow :
 private class Accounts.ServiceSecurityRow :
-    ServiceRow<EditorServersPane,Gtk.ComboBoxText> {
-    private const string INSECURE_ICON = "channel-insecure-symbolic";
-    private const string SECURE_ICON = "channel-secure-symbolic";
+    ServiceRow<EditorServersPane,TlsComboBox> {
     public ServiceSecurityRow(Geary.AccountInformation account,
                               Geary.ServiceInformation service) {
-        Gtk.ListStore store = new Gtk.ListStore(
-            3, typeof(string), typeof(string), typeof(string)
-        );
-               Gtk.TreeIter iter;
-               store.append(out iter);
-               store.set(iter, 0, "none", 1, INSECURE_ICON, 2, _("None"));
-               store.append(out iter);
-               store.set(iter, 0, "start-tls", 1, SECURE_ICON, 2, _("StartTLS"));
-               store.append(out iter);
-               store.set(iter, 0, "tls", 1, SECURE_ICON, 2, _("TLS"));
-        Gtk.ComboBox combo = new Gtk.ComboBox.with_model(store);
-        combo.set_id_column(0);
-        Gtk.CellRendererText text_renderer = new Gtk.CellRendererText();
-               combo.pack_start(text_renderer, true);
-               combo.add_attribute(text_renderer, "text", 2);
-        Gtk.CellRendererPixbuf icon_renderer = new Gtk.CellRendererPixbuf();
-               combo.pack_start(icon_renderer, true);
-               combo.add_attribute(icon_renderer, "icon_name", 1);
-        base(
-            account,
-            service,
-            // Translators: This label describes what form of secure
-            // connection (TLS, StartTLS, etc) used by an account's
-            // IMAP or SMTP service.
-            _("Transport security"),
-            combo
-        );
+        TlsComboBox value = new TlsComboBox();
+        base(account, service, value.label, value);
     public override void update() {
         if (this.service.use_ssl) {
-            this.value.set_active_id("tls");
+            this.value.method = Geary.TlsNegotiationMethod.TRANSPORT;
         } else if (this.service.use_starttls) {
-            this.value.set_active_id("start-tls");
+            this.value.method = Geary.TlsNegotiationMethod.START_TLS;
         } else {
-            this.value.set_active_id("none");
+            this.value.method = Geary.TlsNegotiationMethod.NONE;

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