[niepce] libraryclient: no module inception

commit c95297a7ccc5b7c0e14828497480276a665d58d3
Author: Hubert Figuière <hub figuiere net>
Date:   Fri Nov 16 23:30:19 2018 -0500

    libraryclient: no module inception

 src/libraryclient/libraryclient.rs | 324 -------------------------------------
 src/libraryclient/mod.rs           | 307 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 2 files changed, 305 insertions(+), 326 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/libraryclient/mod.rs b/src/libraryclient/mod.rs
index b997c6b..7310ef9 100644
--- a/src/libraryclient/mod.rs
+++ b/src/libraryclient/mod.rs
@@ -19,7 +19,310 @@
 pub mod clientimpl;
 pub mod clientinterface;
-pub mod libraryclient;
 pub use self::clientinterface::{ClientInterface,ClientInterfaceSync};
-pub use self::libraryclient::LibraryClientWrapper;
+use libc::c_char;
+use std::ffi::CStr;
+use std::path::PathBuf;
+use std::sync::Arc;
+use fwk::base::PropertyValue;
+use self::clientimpl::ClientImpl;
+use engine::db::LibraryId;
+use engine::db::library::Managed;
+use root::fwk::FileList;
+use root::eng::NiepceProperties as Np;
+/// Wrap the libclient Arc so that it can be passed around
+/// Used in the ffi for example.
+pub struct LibraryClientWrapper {
+    client: Arc<LibraryClient>
+impl LibraryClientWrapper {
+    pub fn new(dir: PathBuf, notif_id: u64) -> LibraryClientWrapper {
+        LibraryClientWrapper { client: Arc::new(LibraryClient::new(dir, notif_id)) }
+    }
+    /// unwrap the mutable client Arc
+    /// XXX we need to unsure this is thread safe.
+    /// Don't hold this reference more than you need.
+    pub fn unwrap_mut(&mut self) -> &mut LibraryClient {
+        Arc::get_mut(&mut self.client).unwrap()
+    }
+pub struct LibraryClient {
+    pimpl: ClientImpl,
+    trash_id: LibraryId
+impl LibraryClient {
+    pub fn new(dir: PathBuf, notif_id: u64) -> LibraryClient {
+        LibraryClient {
+            pimpl: ClientImpl::new(dir, notif_id),
+            trash_id: 0
+        }
+    }
+    pub fn get_trash_id(&self) -> LibraryId {
+        self.trash_id
+    }
+    pub fn set_trash_id(&mut self, id: LibraryId) {
+        self.trash_id = id;
+    }
+impl ClientInterface for LibraryClient {
+    /// get all the keywords
+    fn get_all_keywords(&mut self) {
+        self.pimpl.get_all_keywords();
+    }
+    fn query_keyword_content(&mut self, id: LibraryId) {
+        self.pimpl.query_keyword_content(id);
+    }
+    fn count_keyword(&mut self, id: LibraryId) {
+        self.pimpl.count_keyword(id);
+    }
+    /// get all the folder
+    fn get_all_folders(&mut self) {
+        self.pimpl.get_all_folders();
+    }
+    fn query_folder_content(&mut self, id: LibraryId) {
+        self.pimpl.query_folder_content(id);
+    }
+    fn count_folder(&mut self, id: LibraryId) {
+        self.pimpl.count_folder(id);
+    }
+    fn create_folder(&mut self, name: String, path: Option<String>) {
+        self.pimpl.create_folder(name, path);
+    }
+    fn delete_folder(&mut self, id: LibraryId) {
+        self.pimpl.delete_folder(id);
+    }
+    fn request_metadata(&mut self, id: LibraryId) {
+        self.pimpl.request_metadata(id);
+    }
+    /// set the metadata
+    fn set_metadata(&mut self, id: LibraryId, meta: Np, value: &PropertyValue) {
+        self.pimpl.set_metadata(id, meta, value);
+    }
+    fn write_metadata(&mut self, id: LibraryId) {
+        self.pimpl.write_metadata(id);
+    }
+    fn move_file_to_folder(&mut self, file_id: LibraryId, from: LibraryId,
+                           to: LibraryId) {
+        self.pimpl.move_file_to_folder(file_id, from, to);
+    }
+    /// get all the labels
+    fn get_all_labels(&mut self) {
+        self.pimpl.get_all_labels();
+    }
+    fn create_label(&mut self, label: String, colour: String) {
+        self.pimpl.create_label(label, colour);
+    }
+    fn delete_label(&mut self, id: LibraryId) {
+        self.pimpl.delete_label(id);
+    }
+    /// update a label
+    fn update_label(&mut self, id: LibraryId, new_name: String, new_colour: String) {
+        self.pimpl.update_label(id, new_name, new_colour);
+    }
+    /// tell to process the Xmp update Queue
+    fn process_xmp_update_queue(&mut self, write_xmp: bool) {
+        self.pimpl.process_xmp_update_queue(write_xmp);
+    }
+    /// Import files from a directory
+    /// @param dir the directory
+    /// @param manage true if imports have to be managed
+    fn import_files(&mut self, dir: String, files: Vec<String>, manage: Managed) {
+        self.pimpl.import_files(dir, files, manage);
+    }
+impl ClientInterfaceSync for LibraryClient {
+    fn create_keyword_sync(&mut self, keyword: String) -> LibraryId {
+        self.pimpl.create_keyword_sync(keyword)
+    }
+    fn create_label_sync(&mut self, name: String, colour: String) -> LibraryId {
+        self.pimpl.create_label_sync(name, colour)
+    }
+    fn create_folder_sync(&mut self, name: String, path: Option<String>) -> LibraryId {
+        self.pimpl.create_folder_sync(name, path)
+    }
+pub unsafe extern "C" fn libraryclient_new(path: *const c_char, notif_id: u64) -> *mut LibraryClientWrapper {
+    let dir = PathBuf::from(&*CStr::from_ptr(path).to_string_lossy());
+    Box::into_raw(Box::new(LibraryClientWrapper::new(dir, notif_id)))
+pub unsafe extern "C" fn libraryclient_delete(obj: *mut LibraryClientWrapper) {
+    Box::from_raw(obj);
+pub extern "C" fn libraryclient_set_trash_id(client: &mut LibraryClientWrapper, id: LibraryId) {
+    client.unwrap_mut().set_trash_id(id);
+pub extern "C" fn libraryclient_get_trash_id(client: &mut LibraryClientWrapper) -> LibraryId {
+    client.unwrap_mut().get_trash_id()
+pub extern "C" fn libraryclient_get_all_keywords(client: &mut LibraryClientWrapper) {
+    client.unwrap_mut().get_all_keywords();
+pub extern "C" fn libraryclient_get_all_folders(client: &mut LibraryClientWrapper) {
+    client.unwrap_mut().get_all_folders();
+pub extern "C" fn libraryclient_query_folder_content(client: &mut LibraryClientWrapper,
+                                                     folder_id: LibraryId) {
+    client.unwrap_mut().query_folder_content(folder_id);
+pub unsafe extern "C" fn libraryclient_create_folder_sync(client: &mut LibraryClientWrapper,
+                                                          n: *const c_char,
+                                                          p: *const c_char) -> LibraryId {
+    let name = String::from(CStr::from_ptr(n).to_string_lossy());
+    let path = if p.is_null() {
+        None
+    } else {
+        Some(String::from(CStr::from_ptr(p).to_string_lossy()))
+    };
+    client.unwrap_mut().create_folder_sync(name, path)
+pub extern "C" fn libraryclient_delete_folder(client: &mut LibraryClientWrapper,
+                                             id: LibraryId) {
+    client.unwrap_mut().delete_folder(id);
+pub extern "C" fn libraryclient_count_folder(client: &mut LibraryClientWrapper,
+                                             folder_id: LibraryId) {
+    client.unwrap_mut().count_folder(folder_id);
+pub extern "C" fn libraryclient_query_keyword_content(client: &mut LibraryClientWrapper,
+                                                      keyword_id: LibraryId) {
+    client.unwrap_mut().query_keyword_content(keyword_id);
+pub extern "C" fn libraryclient_count_keyword(client: &mut LibraryClientWrapper,
+                                             id: LibraryId) {
+    client.unwrap_mut().count_keyword(id);
+pub extern "C" fn libraryclient_request_metadata(client: &mut LibraryClientWrapper,
+                                                 file_id: LibraryId) {
+    client.unwrap_mut().request_metadata(file_id);
+pub extern "C" fn libraryclient_set_metadata(client: &mut LibraryClientWrapper,
+                                             file_id: LibraryId,
+                                             meta: Np, value: &PropertyValue) {
+    client.unwrap_mut().set_metadata(file_id, meta, value);
+pub extern "C" fn libraryclient_write_metadata(client: &mut LibraryClientWrapper,
+                                               file_id: LibraryId) {
+    client.unwrap_mut().write_metadata(file_id);
+pub extern "C" fn libraryclient_move_file_to_folder(client: &mut LibraryClientWrapper,
+                                                    file_id: LibraryId,
+                                                    from: LibraryId,
+                                                    to: LibraryId) {
+    client.unwrap_mut().move_file_to_folder(file_id, from, to);
+pub extern "C" fn libraryclient_get_all_labels(client: &mut LibraryClientWrapper) {
+    client.unwrap_mut().get_all_labels();
+pub unsafe extern "C" fn libraryclient_create_label(client: &mut LibraryClientWrapper,
+                                                    s: *const c_char, c: *const c_char) {
+    let name = CStr::from_ptr(s).to_string_lossy();
+    let colour = CStr::from_ptr(c).to_string_lossy();
+    client.unwrap_mut().create_label(String::from(name), String::from(colour));
+pub unsafe extern "C" fn libraryclient_create_label_sync(
+    client: &mut LibraryClientWrapper, s: *const c_char, c: *const c_char) -> LibraryId {
+    let name = CStr::from_ptr(s).to_string_lossy();
+    let colour = CStr::from_ptr(c).to_string_lossy();
+    client.unwrap_mut().create_label_sync(String::from(name), String::from(colour))
+pub extern "C" fn libraryclient_delete_label(client: &mut LibraryClientWrapper,
+                                             label_id: LibraryId) {
+    client.unwrap_mut().delete_label(label_id);
+pub unsafe extern "C" fn libraryclient_update_label(client: &mut LibraryClientWrapper,
+                                                    label_id: LibraryId,
+                                                    s: *const c_char, c: *const c_char) {
+    let name = CStr::from_ptr(s).to_string_lossy();
+    let colour = CStr::from_ptr(c).to_string_lossy();
+    client.unwrap_mut().update_label(label_id, String::from(name), String::from(colour));
+pub extern "C" fn libraryclient_process_xmp_update_queue(client: &mut LibraryClientWrapper,
+                                                         write_xmp: bool) {
+    client.unwrap_mut().process_xmp_update_queue(write_xmp);
+pub unsafe extern "C" fn libraryclient_import_files(client: &mut LibraryClientWrapper,
+                                                    dir: *const c_char, cfiles: &mut FileList,
+                                                    manage: Managed) {
+    let folder = CStr::from_ptr(dir).to_string_lossy();
+    let mut files: Vec<String> = vec!();
+    {
+        let len = cfiles.size();
+        for i in 0..len {
+            let f = cfiles.at_cstr(i);
+            let cstr = CStr::from_ptr(f).to_string_lossy();
+            files.push(String::from(cstr));
+        }
+    }
+    client.unwrap_mut().import_files(String::from(folder), files, manage);

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