[adwaita-icon-theme] (28 commits) Non-fast-forward update to branch wip/jimmac/deprecate-icons

The branch 'wip/jimmac/deprecate-icons' was changed in a way that was not a fast-forward update.
NOTE: This may cause problems for people pulling from the branch. For more information,
please see:


Commits removed from the branch:

  ee0b38c... prepare for scalable fullcolor
  a390c0b... fullcolor: set the right context
  f6b1a87... Fullcolor svg: chop up script
  605b9bf... mimetypes: update to new proportions
  ce8865b... mimetypes: fix alignment
  000442f... make scalable AND symbolic install
  9f9471f... remove old bitmaps
  240ec54... Computer
  8e96bb4... networked computers
  9ee5b45... drives and computers
  d6a2fec... grid and color tweaks
  7786e03... template + cleanup
  84ab06d... move legacy fullcolor aside
  9b8ee79... fullcolor: resurrect legacy svgs
  5e9b116... fullcolor: removable media drive
  67af42e... fullcolor: unbreak package-x-generic export
  7853954... fullcolor: base emblems
  1de6f5b... fullcolor: update folder color/emblems
  08f1dc5... fullcolor: missing & loading images
  362cdc4... fullcolor: phones & tablets
  58f3f33... fullcolor: tablet has no notch
  f736aad... emblems: back to greys
  feaf69d... fullcolor: removable drive tweaks
  39c4e0a... symbolic: rerender inode-directory

Commits added to the branch:

  95515c1... symbolic: folder-download render fix (*)
  db73544... symbolic: fix rendering of folder (*)
  3587379... symbolic: rerender inode-directory (*)
  513755f... cursors: symlink fleur to all_scroll (*)
  4fb5c52... prepare for scalable fullcolor
  ccc10ae... fullcolor: set the right context
  f221502... Fullcolor svg: chop up script
  5364cd2... mimetypes: update to new proportions
  7951751... mimetypes: fix alignment
  2450e13... make scalable AND symbolic install
  d5b448d... remove old bitmaps
  591bb3b... Computer
  a25bae6... networked computers
  5243741... drives and computers
  6b57ab7... grid and color tweaks
  cc6b983... template + cleanup
  ed83046... move legacy fullcolor aside
  88510c4... fullcolor: resurrect legacy svgs
  f291dbf... fullcolor: removable media drive
  3b0d4e5... fullcolor: unbreak package-x-generic export
  52244fe... fullcolor: base emblems
  2f31ea2... fullcolor: update folder color/emblems
  659b432... fullcolor: missing & loading images
  81790ab... fullcolor: phones & tablets
  ed91f19... fullcolor: tablet has no notch
  4a488ed... emblems: back to greys
  a80c90a... fullcolor: removable drive tweaks
  a48b87b... fullcolor: removable drives

(*) This commit already existed in another branch; no separate mail sent

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