[dconf-editor] Introduce BookmarksList.

commit 08d39d249a1302b39b8845223e347f818844f287
Author: Arnaud Bonatti <arnaud bonatti gmail com>
Date:   Thu Oct 25 17:29:10 2018 +0200

    Introduce BookmarksList.

 editor/bookmarks-list.ui          |  80 ++++++
 editor/bookmarks-list.vala        | 527 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 editor/bookmarks.ui               |  75 +-----
 editor/bookmarks.vala             | 423 +++---------------------------
 editor/dconf-editor.gresource.xml |   1 +
 editor/meson.build                |   2 +
 6 files changed, 643 insertions(+), 465 deletions(-)
diff --git a/editor/bookmarks-list.ui b/editor/bookmarks-list.ui
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..575e977
--- /dev/null
+++ b/editor/bookmarks-list.ui
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<interface domain="dconf-editor">
+  <!-- interface-requires gtk+ 3.0 -->
+  <template class="BookmarksList" parent="GtkOverlay">
+    <property name="expand">True</property>
+    <property name="valign">fill</property>
+    <child>
+      <object class="GtkScrolledWindow" id="scrolled">
+        <property name="visible">True</property>
+        <property name="expand">True</property>
+        <!-- property name="window-placement">top-right</property -->
+        <property name="hscrollbar-policy">never</property>
+        <property name="shadow-type">etched-in</property>
+        <property name="max-content-height">300</property>
+        <property name="propagate-natural-width">True</property>
+        <property name="propagate-natural-height">True</property>
+        <child>
+          <object class="GtkListBox" id="bookmarks_list_box">
+            <property name="visible">True</property>
+            <signal name="selected-rows-changed" handler="on_selection_changed"/>
+            <signal name="add" handler="on_content_changed"/>
+            <signal name="remove" handler="on_content_changed"/>
+            <style>
+              <class name="padding-bottom"/>
+            </style>
+            <child type="placeholder">
+              <object class="RegistryPlaceholder">
+                <property name="label" translatable="yes">Bookmarks will&#xA;be added here</property>
+                <property name="icon-name">starred-symbolic</property> <!-- or starred-symbolic? or 
dconf-editor-symbolic? -->
+                <property name="big">False</property>
+              </object>
+            </child>
+          </object>
+        </child>
+      </object>
+    </child>
+    <child type="overlay">
+      <object class="GtkBox" id="edit_mode_box">
+        <property name="visible">False</property>
+        <property name="halign">center</property>
+        <property name="valign">end</property>
+        <property name="width-request">200</property>
+        <style>
+          <class name="linked"/>
+          <class name="linked-circular"/>
+        </style>
+        <child>
+          <object class="GtkModelButton">
+            <property name="visible">True</property>
+            <property name="hexpand">True</property>
+            <property name="centered">True</property>
+            <property name="iconic">True</property>
+            <property name="focus-on-click">False</property>
+            <property name="action-name">bookmarks.set-edit-mode</property>
+            <property name="action-target">false</property>
+            <property name="text" translatable="yes">Use</property>
+            <style>
+              <class name="left-on-ltr"/>
+            </style>
+          </object>
+        </child>
+        <child>
+          <object class="GtkModelButton">
+            <property name="visible">True</property>
+            <property name="hexpand">True</property>
+            <property name="centered">True</property>
+            <property name="iconic">True</property>
+            <property name="focus-on-click">False</property>
+            <property name="action-name">bookmarks.set-edit-mode</property>
+            <property name="action-target">true</property>
+            <property name="text" translatable="yes">Edit</property>
+            <style>
+              <class name="right-on-ltr"/>
+            </style>
+          </object>
+        </child>
+      </object>
+    </child>
+  </template>
diff --git a/editor/bookmarks-list.vala b/editor/bookmarks-list.vala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c7d3d89
--- /dev/null
+++ b/editor/bookmarks-list.vala
@@ -0,0 +1,527 @@
+  This file is part of Dconf Editor
+  Dconf Editor is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+  (at your option) any later version.
+  Dconf Editor is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+  GNU General Public License for more details.
+  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+  along with Dconf Editor.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+using Gtk;
+[GtkTemplate (ui = "/ca/desrt/dconf-editor/ui/bookmarks-list.ui")]
+private class BookmarksList : Overlay
+    [GtkChild] private ScrolledWindow   scrolled;
+    [GtkChild] private ListBox          bookmarks_list_box;
+    [GtkChild] private Box              edit_mode_box;
+    private HashTable<string, Bookmark> bookmarks_hashtable = new HashTable<string, Bookmark> (str_hash, 
+    private Bookmark? last_row = null;
+    private uint n_bookmarks = 0;
+    internal signal void selection_changed ();
+    internal enum SelectionState {
+        EMPTY,
+        UNIQUE,
+        FIRST,
+        LAST,
+        MIDDLE,
+        MULTIPLE
+    }
+    internal SelectionState get_selection_state ()
+    {
+        List<weak ListBoxRow> selected_rows = bookmarks_list_box.get_selected_rows ();
+        uint n_selected_rows = selected_rows.length ();
+        if (n_selected_rows == 0)
+            return SelectionState.EMPTY;
+        if (n_selected_rows >= 2)
+            return SelectionState.MULTIPLE;
+        int index = selected_rows.nth_data (0).get_index ();
+        bool is_first = index == 0;
+        bool is_last = bookmarks_list_box.get_row_at_index (index + 1) == null;
+        if (is_first && is_last)
+            return SelectionState.UNIQUE;
+        if (is_first)
+            return SelectionState.FIRST;
+        if (is_last)
+            return SelectionState.LAST;
+        return SelectionState.MIDDLE;
+    }
+    internal void enter_edit_mode ()
+    {
+        bookmarks_list_box.grab_focus ();
+        bookmarks_list_box.@foreach ((widget) => { ((Bookmark) widget).set_actionable (false); });
+        bookmarks_list_box.set_activate_on_single_click (false);
+        bookmarks_list_box.set_selection_mode (SelectionMode.MULTIPLE);
+    }
+    internal bool leave_edit_mode ()
+    {
+        ListBoxRow? row = (ListBoxRow?) bookmarks_list_box.get_focus_child ();  // broken, the child needs 
to have the global focus...
+        bool give_focus_to_switch = row == null;
+        if (give_focus_to_switch)
+        {
+            List<weak ListBoxRow> selected_rows = bookmarks_list_box.get_selected_rows ();
+            row = selected_rows.nth_data (0);
+        }
+        bookmarks_list_box.@foreach ((widget) => { ((Bookmark) widget).set_actionable (true); });
+        bookmarks_list_box.set_activate_on_single_click (true);
+        bookmarks_list_box.set_selection_mode (SelectionMode.SINGLE);
+        if (row != null)
+            select_row_for_real ((!) row);
+        return give_focus_to_switch;
+    }
+    internal string [] get_bookmarks ()
+    {
+        string [] bookmarks = new string [0];
+        bookmarks_list_box.@foreach ((widget) => { bookmarks += ((Bookmark) widget).bookmark_name; });
+        return bookmarks;
+    }
+    private bool has_empty_list_class = false;
+    internal bool create_bookmark_rows (Variant bookmarks_variant)
+    {
+        _create_bookmark_rows (bookmarks_variant, ref bookmarks_list_box, ref bookmarks_hashtable, ref 
last_row, ref n_bookmarks);
+        bool no_bookmarks = n_bookmarks == 0;
+        if (no_bookmarks && !has_empty_list_class)
+        {
+            bookmarks_list_box.get_style_context ().add_class ("empty-list");
+            has_empty_list_class = true;
+            edit_mode_box.hide ();
+        }
+        else if (!no_bookmarks && has_empty_list_class)
+        {
+            bookmarks_list_box.get_style_context ().remove_class ("empty-list");
+            has_empty_list_class = false;
+            edit_mode_box.show ();
+        }
+        return no_bookmarks;
+    }
+    private static void _create_bookmark_rows (Variant bookmarks_variant, ref ListBox bookmarks_list_box, 
ref HashTable<string, Bookmark> bookmarks_hashtable, ref Bookmark? last_row, ref uint n_bookmarks)
+    {
+        string saved_bookmark_name = "";
+        ListBoxRow? selected_row = bookmarks_list_box.get_selected_row ();
+        if (selected_row != null && ((!) selected_row) is Bookmark)
+            saved_bookmark_name = ((Bookmark) (!) selected_row).bookmark_name;
+        selected_row = null;
+        bookmarks_list_box.@foreach ((widget) => widget.destroy ());
+        bookmarks_hashtable.remove_all ();
+        last_row = null;
+        n_bookmarks = 0;
+        string [] bookmarks = bookmarks_variant.get_strv ();
+        string [] unduplicated_bookmarks = new string [0];
+        foreach (string bookmark in bookmarks)
+        {
+            if (DConfWindow.is_path_invalid (bookmark))
+                continue;
+            if (bookmark in unduplicated_bookmarks)
+                continue;
+            unduplicated_bookmarks += bookmark;
+            Bookmark bookmark_row = new Bookmark (bookmark);
+            bookmarks_list_box.add (bookmark_row);
+            bookmark_row.show ();
+            bookmarks_hashtable.insert (bookmark, bookmark_row);
+            last_row = bookmark_row;
+            if (saved_bookmark_name == bookmark)
+                selected_row = bookmark_row;
+            n_bookmarks ++;
+        }
+        if (selected_row == null)
+            selected_row = bookmarks_list_box.get_row_at_index (0);
+        if (selected_row != null)
+            bookmarks_list_box.select_row ((!) selected_row);
+    }
+    internal void update_bookmark_icon (string bookmark, BookmarkIcon icon)
+    {
+        Bookmark? bookmark_row = bookmarks_hashtable.lookup (bookmark);
+        if (bookmark_row == null)
+            return;
+        Widget? bookmark_grid = ((!) bookmark_row).get_child ();
+        if (bookmark_grid == null)
+            assert_not_reached ();
+        _update_bookmark_icon (((!) bookmark_grid).get_style_context (), icon);
+    }
+    private static inline void _update_bookmark_icon (StyleContext context, BookmarkIcon icon)
+    {
+        switch (icon)
+        {
+            case BookmarkIcon.VALID_FOLDER: context.add_class ("folder");
+                return;
+            case BookmarkIcon.EMPTY_FOLDER: context.add_class ("folder");
+                                            context.add_class ("erase");
+                return;
+            case BookmarkIcon.SEARCH:       context.add_class ("search");
+                return;
+            case BookmarkIcon.EMPTY_OBJECT: context.add_class ("key");
+                                            context.add_class ("dconf-key");
+                                            context.add_class ("erase");
+                return;
+            case BookmarkIcon.DCONF_OBJECT: context.add_class ("key");
+                                            context.add_class ("dconf-key");
+                return;
+            case BookmarkIcon.KEY_DEFAULTS: context.add_class ("key");
+                                            context.add_class ("gsettings-key");
+                return;
+            case BookmarkIcon.EDITED_VALUE: context.add_class ("key");
+                                            context.add_class ("gsettings-key");
+                                            context.add_class ("edited");
+                return;
+            default: assert_not_reached ();
+        }
+    }
+    /*\
+    * * keyboard
+    \*/
+    internal void down_pressed ()
+    {
+        ListBoxRow? row = bookmarks_list_box.get_selected_row ();
+        if (row == null)
+            row = bookmarks_list_box.get_row_at_index (0);
+        else
+            row = bookmarks_list_box.get_row_at_index (((!) row).get_index () + 1);
+        if (row == null)
+            return;
+        bookmarks_list_box.select_row ((!) row);
+        ((!) row).grab_focus ();
+    }
+    internal void up_pressed ()
+    {
+        ListBoxRow? row = bookmarks_list_box.get_selected_row ();
+        if (row == null)
+            row = last_row;
+        else
+        {
+            int index = ((!) row).get_index ();
+            if (index <= 0)
+                return;
+            row = bookmarks_list_box.get_row_at_index (index - 1);
+        }
+        if (row == null)
+            return;
+        bookmarks_list_box.select_row ((!) row);
+        ((!) row).grab_focus ();
+    }
+    internal void select_all ()
+    {
+        bookmarks_list_box.select_all ();
+    }
+    internal void unselect_all ()
+    {
+        bookmarks_list_box.unselect_all ();
+    }
+    /*\
+    * * remote action entries
+    \*/
+    internal void trash_bookmark (out string [] bookmarks_to_remove)
+    {
+        ListBoxRow? row = (ListBoxRow?) bookmarks_list_box.get_focus_child ();
+        bool focused_row_will_survive = row != null && !((!) row).is_selected ();
+        string [] _bookmarks_to_remove = new string [0];
+        int upper_index = int.MAX;
+        bookmarks_list_box.selected_foreach ((_list_box, selected_row) => {
+                if (!(selected_row is Bookmark))
+                    assert_not_reached ();
+                _bookmarks_to_remove += ((Bookmark) selected_row).bookmark_name;
+                if (focused_row_will_survive)
+                    return;
+                int index = selected_row.get_index ();
+                if (upper_index > index)
+                    upper_index = index;
+            });
+        if (upper_index == int.MAX)
+            assert_not_reached ();
+        if (!focused_row_will_survive)
+        {
+            row = bookmarks_list_box.get_row_at_index (upper_index + 1);
+            if (row == null)
+            {
+                if (upper_index > 0)
+                    row = bookmarks_list_box.get_row_at_index (upper_index - 1);
+                // TODO else quit mode
+            }
+        }
+        if (row != null)
+            bookmarks_list_box.select_row ((!) row);
+        bookmarks_to_remove = _bookmarks_to_remove;
+    }
+    internal bool move_top ()
+    {
+//        bookmarks_list_box.selected_foreach ((_list_box, selected_row) => {
+        ListBoxRow? row = bookmarks_list_box.get_selected_row ();
+        if (row == null)
+            return true; // TODO assert_not_reached?
+        int index = ((!) row).get_index ();
+        if (index < 0)
+            assert_not_reached ();
+        if (index == 0)
+            return true;
+        bookmarks_list_box.remove ((!) row);
+        bookmarks_list_box.prepend ((!) row);
+        select_row_for_real ((!) row);
+        Adjustment adjustment = bookmarks_list_box.get_adjustment ();
+        adjustment.set_value (adjustment.get_lower ());
+        return false;
+    }
+    internal bool move_up ()
+    {
+        ListBoxRow? row = bookmarks_list_box.get_selected_row ();
+        if (row == null)
+            return true; // TODO assert_not_reached?
+        int index = ((!) row).get_index ();
+        if (index < 0)
+            assert_not_reached ();
+        if (index == 0)
+            return true;
+        ListBoxRow? prev_row = bookmarks_list_box.get_row_at_index (index - 1);
+        if (prev_row == null)
+            assert_not_reached ();
+        Allocation list_allocation, row_allocation;
+        scrolled.get_allocation (out list_allocation);
+        Widget? row_child = ((!) prev_row).get_child ();    // using prev_row as the allocation is not 
updated anyway
+        if (row_child == null)
+            assert_not_reached ();
+        ((!) row_child).get_allocation (out row_allocation);
+        Adjustment adjustment = bookmarks_list_box.get_adjustment ();
+        int proposed_adjustemnt_value = row_allocation.y + (int) ((row_allocation.height - 
list_allocation.height) / 3.0);
+        bool should_adjust = adjustment.get_value () > proposed_adjustemnt_value;
+        bookmarks_list_box.unselect_row ((!) row);
+        bookmarks_list_box.remove ((!) prev_row);
+        if (should_adjust)
+            adjustment.set_value (proposed_adjustemnt_value);
+        bookmarks_list_box.insert ((!) prev_row, index);
+        bookmarks_list_box.select_row ((!) row);
+        return false;
+    }
+    internal bool move_down ()
+    {
+        ListBoxRow? row = bookmarks_list_box.get_selected_row ();
+        if (row == null)
+            return true; // TODO assert_not_reached?
+        int index = ((!) row).get_index ();
+        if (index < 0)
+            assert_not_reached ();
+        ListBoxRow? next_row = bookmarks_list_box.get_row_at_index (index + 1);
+        if (next_row == null)
+            return true;
+        Allocation list_allocation, row_allocation;
+        scrolled.get_allocation (out list_allocation);
+        Widget? row_child = ((!) next_row).get_child ();    // using next_row as the allocation is not 
+        if (row_child == null)
+            assert_not_reached ();
+        ((!) row_child).get_allocation (out row_allocation);
+        Adjustment adjustment = bookmarks_list_box.get_adjustment ();
+        int proposed_adjustemnt_value = row_allocation.y + (int) (2 * (row_allocation.height - 
list_allocation.height) / 3.0);
+        bool should_adjust = adjustment.get_value () < proposed_adjustemnt_value;
+        bookmarks_list_box.unselect_row ((!) row);
+        bookmarks_list_box.remove ((!) next_row);
+        if (should_adjust)
+            adjustment.set_value (proposed_adjustemnt_value);
+        bookmarks_list_box.insert ((!) next_row, index);
+        bookmarks_list_box.select_row ((!) row);
+        return false;
+    }
+    internal bool move_bottom ()
+    {
+//        bookmarks_list_box.selected_foreach ((_list_box, selected_row) => {
+        ListBoxRow? row = bookmarks_list_box.get_selected_row ();
+        if (row == null)
+            return true; // TODO assert_not_reached?
+        int index = ((!) row).get_index ();
+        if (index < 0)
+            assert_not_reached ();
+        bookmarks_list_box.remove ((!) row);
+        bookmarks_list_box.insert ((!) row, -1);
+        select_row_for_real ((!) row);
+        Adjustment adjustment = bookmarks_list_box.get_adjustment ();
+        adjustment.set_value (adjustment.get_upper ());
+        return false;
+    }
+    private void select_row_for_real (ListBoxRow row)   // ahem...
+    {
+        bookmarks_list_box.unselect_row (row);
+        bookmarks_list_box.select_row (row);
+    }
+    /*\
+    * * callbacks
+    \*/
+    [GtkCallback]
+    private void on_selection_changed ()
+    {
+        selection_changed ();
+    }
+    [GtkCallback]
+    private void on_content_changed ()
+    {
+        List<weak Widget> widgets = bookmarks_list_box.get_children ();
+        if (widgets.length () == 0)
+            edit_mode_box.hide ();
+        else
+            edit_mode_box.show ();
+    }
+[GtkTemplate (ui = "/ca/desrt/dconf-editor/ui/bookmark.ui")]
+private class Bookmark : ListBoxRow
+    [GtkChild] private Label bookmark_label;
+    public string bookmark_name { internal get; internal construct; }
+    construct
+    {
+        string bookmark_text;
+        ViewType bookmark_type;
+        parse_bookmark_name (bookmark_name, out bookmark_text, out bookmark_type);
+        construct_actions_names (bookmark_text, bookmark_type, out detailed_action_name, out 
+        set_actionable (true);
+        bookmark_label.set_label (bookmark_text);
+    }
+    internal Bookmark (string bookmark_name)
+    {
+        Object (bookmark_name: bookmark_name);
+    }
+    internal void set_actionable (bool actionable)
+    {
+        if (actionable)
+            set_detailed_action_name (detailed_action_name);
+        else
+            set_detailed_action_name (inactive_action_name);
+    }
+    /*\
+    * * Actions names
+    \*/
+    private string detailed_action_name;
+    private string inactive_action_name;
+    private static void construct_actions_names (string     bookmark_text,
+                                                 ViewType   bookmark_type,
+                                             out string     detailed_action_name,
+                                             out string     inactive_action_name)
+    {
+        switch (bookmark_type)
+        {
+            case ViewType.SEARCH:
+                Variant variant = new Variant.string (bookmark_text);
+                detailed_action_name = "ui.open-search(" + variant.print (false) + ")";
+                inactive_action_name = "ui.empty('')";
+                return;
+            case ViewType.FOLDER:
+                Variant variant = new Variant.string (bookmark_text);
+                detailed_action_name = "ui.open-folder(" + variant.print (false) + ")";
+                inactive_action_name = "ui.empty('')";
+                return;
+            case ViewType.OBJECT:
+                Variant variant = new Variant ("(sq)", bookmark_text, ModelUtils.undefined_context_id);  // 
TODO save context
+                detailed_action_name = "ui.open-object(" + variant.print (true) + ")";
+                inactive_action_name = "ui.empty(('',uint16 65535))";
+                return;
+            case ViewType.CONFIG:
+            default: assert_not_reached ();
+        }
+    }
+    private static void parse_bookmark_name (string     bookmark_name,
+                                         out string     bookmark_text,
+                                         out ViewType   bookmark_type)
+    {
+        if (bookmark_name.has_prefix ("?"))
+        {
+            bookmark_text = bookmark_name.slice (1, bookmark_name.length);
+            bookmark_type = ViewType.SEARCH;
+        }
+        else if (ModelUtils.is_folder_path (bookmark_name))
+        {
+            bookmark_text = bookmark_name;
+            bookmark_type = ViewType.FOLDER;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            bookmark_text = bookmark_name;
+            bookmark_type = ViewType.OBJECT;
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/editor/bookmarks.ui b/editor/bookmarks.ui
index 48dd100..04381a0 100644
--- a/editor/bookmarks.ui
+++ b/editor/bookmarks.ui
@@ -85,80 +85,9 @@
-          <object class="GtkOverlay">
+          <object class="BookmarksList" id="bookmarks_list">
             <property name="visible">True</property>
-            <property name="expand">True</property>
-            <property name="valign">fill</property>
-            <child>
-              <object class="GtkScrolledWindow" id="scrolled">
-                <property name="visible">True</property>
-                <property name="expand">True</property>
-                <!-- property name="window-placement">top-right</property -->
-                <property name="hscrollbar-policy">never</property>
-                <property name="shadow-type">etched-in</property>
-                <property name="max-content-height">300</property>
-                <property name="propagate-natural-width">True</property>
-                <property name="propagate-natural-height">True</property>
-                <child>
-                  <object class="GtkListBox" id="bookmarks_list_box">
-                    <property name="visible">True</property>
-                    <signal name="selected-rows-changed" handler="on_selection_changed"/>
-                    <style>
-                      <class name="padding-bottom"/>
-                    </style>
-                    <child type="placeholder">
-                      <object class="RegistryPlaceholder">
-                        <property name="label" translatable="yes">Bookmarks will&#xA;be added here</property>
-                        <property name="icon-name">starred-symbolic</property> <!-- or starred-symbolic? or 
dconf-editor-symbolic? -->
-                        <property name="big">False</property>
-                      </object>
-                    </child>
-                  </object>
-                </child>
-              </object>
-            </child>
-            <child type="overlay">
-              <object class="GtkBox" id="edit_mode_box">
-                <property name="visible">True</property>
-                <property name="halign">center</property>
-                <property name="valign">end</property>
-                <property name="width-request">200</property>
-                <style>
-                  <class name="linked"/>
-                  <class name="linked-circular"/>
-                </style>
-                <child>
-                  <object class="GtkModelButton">
-                    <property name="visible">True</property>
-                    <property name="hexpand">True</property>
-                    <property name="centered">True</property>
-                    <property name="iconic">True</property>
-                    <property name="focus-on-click">False</property>
-                    <property name="action-name">bookmarks.set-edit-mode</property>
-                    <property name="action-target">false</property>
-                    <property name="text" translatable="yes">Use</property>
-                    <style>
-                      <class name="left-on-ltr"/>
-                    </style>
-                  </object>
-                </child>
-                <child>
-                  <object class="GtkModelButton">
-                    <property name="visible">True</property>
-                    <property name="hexpand">True</property>
-                    <property name="centered">True</property>
-                    <property name="iconic">True</property>
-                    <property name="focus-on-click">False</property>
-                    <property name="action-name">bookmarks.set-edit-mode</property>
-                    <property name="action-target">true</property>
-                    <property name="text" translatable="yes">Edit</property>
-                    <style>
-                      <class name="right-on-ltr"/>
-                    </style>
-                  </object>
-                </child>
-              </object>
-            </child>
+            <signal name="selection-changed" handler="on_selection_changed"/>
diff --git a/editor/bookmarks.vala b/editor/bookmarks.vala
index 31d7a0d..64a1acd 100644
--- a/editor/bookmarks.vala
+++ b/editor/bookmarks.vala
@@ -32,17 +32,13 @@ internal enum BookmarkIcon {
 [GtkTemplate (ui = "/ca/desrt/dconf-editor/ui/bookmarks.ui")]
 private class Bookmarks : MenuButton
-    [GtkChild] private ListBox bookmarks_list_box;
-    [GtkChild] private ScrolledWindow scrolled;
-    [GtkChild] private Popover bookmarks_popover;
-    [GtkChild] private Image bookmarks_icon;
-    [GtkChild] private Switch bookmarked_switch;
-    [GtkChild] private Label switch_label;
-    [GtkChild] private Stack edit_mode_stack;
-    [GtkChild] private Box edit_mode_box;
-    [GtkChild] private BookmarksController bookmarks_controller;
+    [GtkChild] private Image                bookmarks_icon;
+    [GtkChild] private Popover              bookmarks_popover;
+    [GtkChild] private Stack                edit_mode_stack;
+    [GtkChild] private BookmarksList        bookmarks_list;
+    [GtkChild] private Switch               bookmarked_switch;
+    [GtkChild] private Label                switch_label;
+    [GtkChild] private BookmarksController  bookmarks_controller;
     private string   current_path = "/";
     private ViewType current_type = ViewType.FOLDER;
@@ -52,10 +48,6 @@ private class Bookmarks : MenuButton
     private GLib.Settings settings;
     ulong bookmarks_changed_handler = 0;
-    private HashTable<string, Bookmark> bookmarks_hashtable = new HashTable<string, Bookmark> (str_hash, 
-    private Bookmark? last_row = null;
-    private uint n_bookmarks = 0;
     internal signal void update_bookmarks_icons (Variant bookmarks_variant);
@@ -123,7 +115,7 @@ private class Bookmarks : MenuButton
             edit_mode_stack.set_visible_child_name ("edit-mode-disabled");
-            bookmarks_list_box.grab_focus ();
+            bookmarks_list.grab_focus ();
@@ -146,12 +138,12 @@ private class Bookmarks : MenuButton
                 if (name == "a")
-                    bookmarks_list_box.select_all ();
+                    bookmarks_list.select_all ();
                     return true;
                 if (name == "A")
-                    bookmarks_list_box.unselect_all ();
+                    bookmarks_list.unselect_all ();
                     return true;
@@ -209,35 +201,13 @@ private class Bookmarks : MenuButton
     internal void down_pressed ()
         requires (active)
-        ListBoxRow? row = bookmarks_list_box.get_selected_row ();
-        if (row == null)
-            row = bookmarks_list_box.get_row_at_index (0);
-        else
-            row = bookmarks_list_box.get_row_at_index (((!) row).get_index () + 1);
-        if (row == null)
-            return;
-        bookmarks_list_box.select_row ((!) row);
-        ((!) row).grab_focus ();
+        bookmarks_list.down_pressed ();
     internal void up_pressed ()
         requires (active)
-        ListBoxRow? row = bookmarks_list_box.get_selected_row ();
-        if (row == null)
-            row = last_row;
-        else
-        {
-            int index = ((!) row).get_index ();
-            if (index <= 0)
-                return;
-            row = bookmarks_list_box.get_row_at_index (index - 1);
-        }
-        if (row == null)
-            return;
-        bookmarks_list_box.select_row ((!) row);
-        ((!) row).grab_focus ();
+        bookmarks_list.up_pressed ();
     internal void bookmark_current_path ()
@@ -256,41 +226,7 @@ private class Bookmarks : MenuButton
     internal void update_bookmark_icon (string bookmark, BookmarkIcon icon)
-        Bookmark? bookmark_row = bookmarks_hashtable.lookup (bookmark);
-        if (bookmark_row == null)
-            return;
-        Widget? bookmark_grid = ((!) bookmark_row).get_child ();
-        if (bookmark_grid == null)
-            assert_not_reached ();
-        _update_bookmark_icon (((!) bookmark_grid).get_style_context (), icon);
-    }
-    private static inline void _update_bookmark_icon (StyleContext context, BookmarkIcon icon)
-    {
-        switch (icon)
-        {
-            case BookmarkIcon.VALID_FOLDER: context.add_class ("folder");
-                return;
-            case BookmarkIcon.EMPTY_FOLDER: context.add_class ("folder");
-                                            context.add_class ("erase");
-                return;
-            case BookmarkIcon.SEARCH:       context.add_class ("search");
-                return;
-            case BookmarkIcon.EMPTY_OBJECT: context.add_class ("key");
-                                            context.add_class ("dconf-key");
-                                            context.add_class ("erase");
-                return;
-            case BookmarkIcon.DCONF_OBJECT: context.add_class ("key");
-                                            context.add_class ("dconf-key");
-                return;
-            case BookmarkIcon.KEY_DEFAULTS: context.add_class ("key");
-                                            context.add_class ("gsettings-key");
-                return;
-            case BookmarkIcon.EDITED_VALUE: context.add_class ("key");
-                                            context.add_class ("gsettings-key");
-                                            context.add_class ("edited");
-                return;
-            default: assert_not_reached ();
-        }
+        bookmarks_list.update_bookmark_icon (bookmark, icon);
@@ -308,11 +244,10 @@ private class Bookmarks : MenuButton
     private void update_actions ()
         requires (actions_init_done)
-        List<weak ListBoxRow> selected_rows = bookmarks_list_box.get_selected_rows ();
-        uint n_selected_rows = selected_rows.length ();
+        BookmarksList.SelectionState selection_state = bookmarks_list.get_selection_state ();
-        bool has_selected_items = n_selected_rows > 0;
-        bool has_one_selected_item = n_selected_rows == 1;
+        bool has_selected_items = selection_state != BookmarksList.SelectionState.EMPTY;
+        bool has_one_selected_item = has_selected_items && (selection_state != 
         bool enable_move_top_action     = has_one_selected_item;    // TODO has_selected_items;
         bool enable_move_up_action      = has_one_selected_item;
@@ -321,13 +256,12 @@ private class Bookmarks : MenuButton
         if (has_one_selected_item)
-            int index = selected_rows.nth_data (0).get_index ();
-            if (index == 0)
+            if (selection_state == BookmarksList.SelectionState.UNIQUE || selection_state == 
                 enable_move_top_action = false;
                 enable_move_up_action = false;
-            if (bookmarks_list_box.get_row_at_index (index + 1) == null)
+            if (selection_state == BookmarksList.SelectionState.UNIQUE || selection_state == 
                 enable_move_down_action = false;
                 enable_move_bottom_action = false;
@@ -391,11 +325,7 @@ private class Bookmarks : MenuButton
         update_actions ();
         edit_mode_stack.set_visible_child_name ("edit-mode-on");
-        bookmarks_list_box.grab_focus ();
-        bookmarks_list_box.@foreach ((widget) => { ((Bookmark) widget).set_actionable (false); });
-        bookmarks_list_box.set_activate_on_single_click (false);
-        bookmarks_list_box.set_selection_mode (SelectionMode.MULTIPLE);
+        bookmarks_list.enter_edit_mode ();
@@ -403,60 +333,17 @@ private class Bookmarks : MenuButton
         edit_mode_state_action.set_state (false);
-        ListBoxRow? row = (ListBoxRow?) bookmarks_list_box.get_focus_child ();  // broken, the child needs 
to have the global focus...
-        bool give_focus_to_switch = row == null;
-        if (give_focus_to_switch)
-        {
-            List<weak ListBoxRow> selected_rows = bookmarks_list_box.get_selected_rows ();
-            row = selected_rows.nth_data (0);
-        }
-        bookmarks_list_box.@foreach ((widget) => { ((Bookmark) widget).set_actionable (true); });
-        bookmarks_list_box.set_activate_on_single_click (true);
-        bookmarks_list_box.set_selection_mode (SelectionMode.SINGLE);
+        bool give_focus_to_switch = bookmarks_list.leave_edit_mode ();
         edit_mode_stack.set_visible_child_name ("edit-mode-off");
-        if (row != null)
-            select_row_for_real ((!) row);
         if (give_focus_to_switch)
             bookmarked_switch.grab_focus ();
     private void trash_bookmark (/* SimpleAction action, Variant? variant */)
-        ListBoxRow? row = (ListBoxRow?) bookmarks_list_box.get_focus_child ();
-        bool focused_row_will_survive = row != null && !((!) row).is_selected ();
-        string [] bookmarks_to_remove = new string [0];
-        int upper_index = int.MAX;
-        bookmarks_list_box.selected_foreach ((_list_box, selected_row) => {
-                if (!(selected_row is Bookmark))
-                    assert_not_reached ();
-                bookmarks_to_remove += ((Bookmark) selected_row).bookmark_name;
-                if (focused_row_will_survive)
-                    return;
-                int index = selected_row.get_index ();
-                if (upper_index > index)
-                    upper_index = index;
-            });
-        if (upper_index == int.MAX)
-            assert_not_reached ();
-        if (!focused_row_will_survive)
-        {
-            row = bookmarks_list_box.get_row_at_index (upper_index + 1);
-            if (row == null)
-            {
-                if (upper_index > 0)
-                    row = bookmarks_list_box.get_row_at_index (upper_index - 1);
-                // TODO else quit mode
-            }
-        }
-        if (row != null)
-            bookmarks_list_box.select_row ((!) row);
+        string [] bookmarks_to_remove;
+        bookmarks_list.trash_bookmark (out bookmarks_to_remove);
         remove_bookmarks (settings, bookmarks_to_remove);
         update_bookmarks_icons (settings.get_value ("bookmarks"));
@@ -469,129 +356,31 @@ private class Bookmarks : MenuButton
     private void move_top       (/* SimpleAction action, Variant? variant */)
-//        bookmarks_list_box.selected_foreach ((_list_box, selected_row) => {
-        ListBoxRow? row = bookmarks_list_box.get_selected_row ();
-        if (row == null)
-            return; // TODO assert_not_reached?
-        int index = ((!) row).get_index ();
-        if (index < 0)
-            assert_not_reached ();
-        if (index == 0)
+        if (bookmarks_list.move_top ())
-        bookmarks_list_box.remove ((!) row);
-        bookmarks_list_box.prepend ((!) row);
-        select_row_for_real ((!) row);
-        Adjustment adjustment = bookmarks_list_box.get_adjustment ();
-        adjustment.set_value (adjustment.get_lower ());
         update_bookmarks_after_move ();
     private void move_up        (/* SimpleAction action, Variant? variant */)
-        ListBoxRow? row = bookmarks_list_box.get_selected_row ();
-        if (row == null)
-            return; // TODO assert_not_reached?
-        int index = ((!) row).get_index ();
-        if (index < 0)
-            assert_not_reached ();
-        if (index == 0)
+        if (bookmarks_list.move_up ())
-        ListBoxRow? prev_row = bookmarks_list_box.get_row_at_index (index - 1);
-        if (prev_row == null)
-            assert_not_reached ();
-        Allocation list_allocation, row_allocation;
-        scrolled.get_allocation (out list_allocation);
-        Widget? row_child = ((!) prev_row).get_child ();    // using prev_row as the allocation is not 
updated anyway
-        if (row_child == null)
-            assert_not_reached ();
-        ((!) row_child).get_allocation (out row_allocation);
-        Adjustment adjustment = bookmarks_list_box.get_adjustment ();
-        int proposed_adjustemnt_value = row_allocation.y + (int) ((row_allocation.height - 
list_allocation.height) / 3.0);
-        bool should_adjust = adjustment.get_value () > proposed_adjustemnt_value;
-        bookmarks_list_box.unselect_row ((!) row);
-        bookmarks_list_box.remove ((!) prev_row);
-        if (should_adjust)
-            adjustment.set_value (proposed_adjustemnt_value);
-        bookmarks_list_box.insert ((!) prev_row, index);
-        bookmarks_list_box.select_row ((!) row);
         update_bookmarks_after_move ();
     private void move_down      (/* SimpleAction action, Variant? variant */)
-        ListBoxRow? row = bookmarks_list_box.get_selected_row ();
-        if (row == null)
-            return; // TODO assert_not_reached?
-        int index = ((!) row).get_index ();
-        if (index < 0)
-            assert_not_reached ();
-        ListBoxRow? next_row = bookmarks_list_box.get_row_at_index (index + 1);
-        if (next_row == null)
+        if (bookmarks_list.move_down ())
-        Allocation list_allocation, row_allocation;
-        scrolled.get_allocation (out list_allocation);
-        Widget? row_child = ((!) next_row).get_child ();    // using next_row as the allocation is not 
-        if (row_child == null)
-            assert_not_reached ();
-        ((!) row_child).get_allocation (out row_allocation);
-        Adjustment adjustment = bookmarks_list_box.get_adjustment ();
-        int proposed_adjustemnt_value = row_allocation.y + (int) (2 * (row_allocation.height - 
list_allocation.height) / 3.0);
-        bool should_adjust = adjustment.get_value () < proposed_adjustemnt_value;
-        bookmarks_list_box.unselect_row ((!) row);
-        bookmarks_list_box.remove ((!) next_row);
-        if (should_adjust)
-            adjustment.set_value (proposed_adjustemnt_value);
-        bookmarks_list_box.insert ((!) next_row, index);
-        bookmarks_list_box.select_row ((!) row);
         update_bookmarks_after_move ();
     private void move_bottom    (/* SimpleAction action, Variant? variant */)
-//        bookmarks_list_box.selected_foreach ((_list_box, selected_row) => {
-        ListBoxRow? row = bookmarks_list_box.get_selected_row ();
-        if (row == null)
-            return; // TODO assert_not_reached?
-        int index = ((!) row).get_index ();
-        if (index < 0)
-            assert_not_reached ();
-        bookmarks_list_box.remove ((!) row);
-        bookmarks_list_box.insert ((!) row, -1);
-        select_row_for_real ((!) row);
-        Adjustment adjustment = bookmarks_list_box.get_adjustment ();
-        adjustment.set_value (adjustment.get_upper ());
+        if (bookmarks_list.move_bottom ())
+            return;
         update_bookmarks_after_move ();
-    private void select_row_for_real (ListBoxRow row)   // ahem...
-    {
-        bookmarks_list_box.unselect_row (row);
-        bookmarks_list_box.select_row (row);
-    }
     private void bookmark (SimpleAction action, Variant? path_variant)
         requires (path_variant != null)
@@ -621,8 +410,7 @@ private class Bookmarks : MenuButton
     private void update_bookmarks_after_move ()
-        string [] new_bookmarks = new string [0];
-        bookmarks_list_box.@foreach ((widget) => { new_bookmarks += ((Bookmark) widget).bookmark_name; });
+        string [] new_bookmarks = bookmarks_list.get_bookmarks ();
         string [] old_bookmarks = settings.get_strv ("bookmarks");  // be cool :-)
         foreach (string bookmark in old_bookmarks)
@@ -672,74 +460,16 @@ private class Bookmarks : MenuButton
         bookmarked_switch.active = bookmarked;
-    private bool has_empty_list_class = false;
     private void update_bookmarks (Variant bookmarks_variant)
         set_detailed_action_name ("ui.update-bookmarks-icons(" + bookmarks_variant.print (true) + ")");  // 
TODO disable action on popover closed
-        create_bookmark_rows (bookmarks_variant, ref bookmarks_list_box, ref bookmarks_hashtable, ref 
last_row, ref n_bookmarks);
-        if (n_bookmarks == 0)
+        bool no_bookmarks = bookmarks_list.create_bookmark_rows (bookmarks_variant);
+        if (no_bookmarks)
             string? visible_child_name = edit_mode_stack.get_visible_child_name (); // do it like that
             if (visible_child_name != null && (!) visible_child_name == "edit-mode-on")
                 leave_edit_mode ();
-            if (!has_empty_list_class)
-            {
-                bookmarks_list_box.get_style_context ().add_class ("empty-list");
-                has_empty_list_class = true;
-            }
-            edit_mode_box.hide ();
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            if (has_empty_list_class)
-            {
-                bookmarks_list_box.get_style_context ().remove_class ("empty-list");
-                has_empty_list_class = false;
-            }
-            edit_mode_box.show ();
-        }
-    }
-    private static void create_bookmark_rows (Variant bookmarks_variant, ref ListBox bookmarks_list_box, ref 
HashTable<string, Bookmark> bookmarks_hashtable, ref Bookmark? last_row, ref uint n_bookmarks)
-    {
-        string saved_bookmark_name = "";
-        ListBoxRow? selected_row = bookmarks_list_box.get_selected_row ();
-        if (selected_row != null && ((!) selected_row) is Bookmark)
-            saved_bookmark_name = ((Bookmark) (!) selected_row).bookmark_name;
-        selected_row = null;
-        bookmarks_list_box.@foreach ((widget) => widget.destroy ());
-        bookmarks_hashtable.remove_all ();
-        last_row = null;
-        n_bookmarks = 0;
-        string [] bookmarks = bookmarks_variant.get_strv ();
-        string [] unduplicated_bookmarks = new string [0];
-        foreach (string bookmark in bookmarks)
-        {
-            if (DConfWindow.is_path_invalid (bookmark))
-                continue;
-            if (bookmark in unduplicated_bookmarks)
-                continue;
-            unduplicated_bookmarks += bookmark;
-            Bookmark bookmark_row = new Bookmark (bookmark);
-            bookmarks_list_box.add (bookmark_row);
-            bookmark_row.show ();
-            bookmarks_hashtable.insert (bookmark, bookmark_row);
-            last_row = bookmark_row;
-            if (saved_bookmark_name == bookmark)
-                selected_row = bookmark_row;
-            n_bookmarks ++;
-        if (selected_row == null)
-            selected_row = bookmarks_list_box.get_row_at_index (0);
-        if (selected_row != null)
-            bookmarks_list_box.select_row ((!) selected_row);
     private static void append_bookmark (GLib.Settings settings, string bookmark_name)
@@ -784,94 +514,3 @@ private class Bookmarks : MenuButton
             return path;
-[GtkTemplate (ui = "/ca/desrt/dconf-editor/ui/bookmark.ui")]
-private class Bookmark : ListBoxRow
-    [GtkChild] private Label bookmark_label;
-    public string bookmark_name { internal get; internal construct; }
-    construct
-    {
-        string bookmark_text;
-        ViewType bookmark_type;
-        parse_bookmark_name (bookmark_name, out bookmark_text, out bookmark_type);
-        construct_actions_names (bookmark_text, bookmark_type, out detailed_action_name, out 
-        set_actionable (true);
-        bookmark_label.set_label (bookmark_text);
-    }
-    internal Bookmark (string bookmark_name)
-    {
-        Object (bookmark_name: bookmark_name);
-    }
-    internal void set_actionable (bool actionable)
-    {
-        if (actionable)
-            set_detailed_action_name (detailed_action_name);
-        else
-            set_detailed_action_name (inactive_action_name);
-    }
-    /*\
-    * * Actions names
-    \*/
-    private string detailed_action_name;
-    private string inactive_action_name;
-    private static void construct_actions_names (string     bookmark_text,
-                                                 ViewType   bookmark_type,
-                                             out string     detailed_action_name,
-                                             out string     inactive_action_name)
-    {
-        switch (bookmark_type)
-        {
-            case ViewType.SEARCH:
-                Variant variant = new Variant.string (bookmark_text);
-                detailed_action_name = "ui.open-search(" + variant.print (false) + ")";
-                inactive_action_name = "ui.empty('')";
-                return;
-            case ViewType.FOLDER:
-                Variant variant = new Variant.string (bookmark_text);
-                detailed_action_name = "ui.open-folder(" + variant.print (false) + ")";
-                inactive_action_name = "ui.empty('')";
-                return;
-            case ViewType.OBJECT:
-                Variant variant = new Variant ("(sq)", bookmark_text, ModelUtils.undefined_context_id);  // 
TODO save context
-                detailed_action_name = "ui.open-object(" + variant.print (true) + ")";
-                inactive_action_name = "ui.empty(('',uint16 65535))";
-                return;
-            case ViewType.CONFIG:
-            default: assert_not_reached ();
-        }
-    }
-    private static void parse_bookmark_name (string     bookmark_name,
-                                         out string     bookmark_text,
-                                         out ViewType   bookmark_type)
-    {
-        if (bookmark_name.has_prefix ("?"))
-        {
-            bookmark_text = bookmark_name.slice (1, bookmark_name.length);
-            bookmark_type = ViewType.SEARCH;
-        }
-        else if (ModelUtils.is_folder_path (bookmark_name))
-        {
-            bookmark_text = bookmark_name;
-            bookmark_type = ViewType.FOLDER;
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            bookmark_text = bookmark_name;
-            bookmark_type = ViewType.OBJECT;
-        }
-    }
diff --git a/editor/dconf-editor.gresource.xml b/editor/dconf-editor.gresource.xml
index 8696a68..ed364f0 100644
--- a/editor/dconf-editor.gresource.xml
+++ b/editor/dconf-editor.gresource.xml
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
     <file preprocess="xml-stripblanks">bookmark.ui</file>
     <file preprocess="xml-stripblanks">bookmarks.ui</file>
     <file preprocess="xml-stripblanks">bookmarks-controller.ui</file>
+    <file preprocess="xml-stripblanks">bookmarks-list.ui</file>
     <file preprocess="xml-stripblanks">browser-headerbar.ui</file>
     <file preprocess="xml-stripblanks">browser-infobar.ui</file>
     <file preprocess="xml-stripblanks">browser-stack.ui</file>
diff --git a/editor/meson.build b/editor/meson.build
index feadf38..e158ce4 100644
--- a/editor/meson.build
+++ b/editor/meson.build
@@ -69,6 +69,7 @@ sources = files(
+  'bookmarks-list.vala',
@@ -101,6 +102,7 @@ resource_data = files(
+  'bookmarks-list.ui',

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