[gegl] transform: use gegl_parallel_distribute_area() for parallelization

commit 7c881a60174ad9b813a968b49744ca933d613162
Author: Ell <ell_se yahoo com>
Date:   Sat Nov 10 15:40:29 2018 -0500

    transform: use gegl_parallel_distribute_area() for parallelization
    In GeglTransformCore, use gegl_parallel_distribute_area(), added in
    the commit before last, to parallelize processing, instead of a
    local thread pool.

 operations/transform/transform-core.c | 108 +++++++++++-----------------------
 1 file changed, 35 insertions(+), 73 deletions(-)
diff --git a/operations/transform/transform-core.c b/operations/transform/transform-core.c
index e11dc34b1..7a7e41753 100644
--- a/operations/transform/transform-core.c
+++ b/operations/transform/transform-core.c
@@ -1062,47 +1062,39 @@ typedef struct ThreadData
                 gint                 level);
-  GeglOperation            *operation;
-  GeglOperationContext     *context;
-  GeglBuffer               *output;
-  gint                     *pending;
-  GeglMatrix3              *matrix;
-  gint                      level;
-  gboolean                  success;
-  GeglRectangle             roi;
+  GeglOperation        *operation;
+  GeglOperationContext *context;
+  GeglBuffer           *input;
+  GeglBuffer           *output;
+  GeglMatrix3          *matrix;
+  const GeglRectangle  *roi;
+  gint                  level;
 } ThreadData;
-static void thread_process (gpointer thread_data, gpointer input)
+static void
+thread_process (const GeglRectangle *area,
+                ThreadData          *data)
-  ThreadData *data = thread_data;
+  GeglBuffer *input;
-  if (! input)
+  if (area->x == data->roi->x && area->y == data->roi->y)
+    {
+      input = g_object_ref (data->input);
+    }
+  else
       input = gegl_operation_context_dup_input_maybe_copy (data->context,
-                                                           "input", &data->roi);
+                                                           "input", area);
   data->func (data->operation,
-              &data->roi,
+              area,
   g_object_unref (input);
-  g_atomic_int_add (data->pending, -1);
-static GThreadPool *thread_pool (void)
-  static GThreadPool *pool = NULL;
-  if (!pool)
-    {
-      pool =  g_thread_pool_new (thread_process, NULL, gegl_config_threads(),
-                                 FALSE, NULL);
-    }
-  return pool;
@@ -1678,53 +1670,23 @@ gegl_transform_process (GeglOperation        *operation,
       if (gegl_operation_use_threading (operation, result))
-        gint threads = gegl_config_threads ();
-        GThreadPool *pool = thread_pool ();
-        ThreadData thread_data[GEGL_MAX_THREADS];
-        gint pending = threads;
-        if (result->width > result->height)
-        {
-          gint bit = result->width / threads;
-          for (gint j = 0; j < threads; j++)
-          {
-            thread_data[j].roi.y = result->y;
-            thread_data[j].roi.height = result->height;
-            thread_data[j].roi.x = result->x + bit * j;
-            thread_data[j].roi.width = bit;
-          }
-          thread_data[threads-1].roi.width = result->width - (bit * (threads-1));
-        }
-        else
-        {
-          gint bit = result->height / threads;
-          for (gint j = 0; j < threads; j++)
-          {
-            thread_data[j].roi.x = result->x;
-            thread_data[j].roi.width = result->width;
-            thread_data[j].roi.y = result->y + bit * j;
-            thread_data[j].roi.height = bit;
-          }
-          thread_data[threads-1].roi.height = result->height - (bit * (threads-1));
-        }
-        for (gint i = 0; i < threads; i++)
-        {
-          thread_data[i].func = func;
-          thread_data[i].matrix = &matrix;
-          thread_data[i].operation = operation;
-          thread_data[i].context = context;
-          thread_data[i].output = output;
-          thread_data[i].pending = &pending;
-          thread_data[i].level = level;
-          thread_data[i].success = TRUE;
-        }
-        for (gint i = 1; i < threads; i++)
-          g_thread_pool_push (pool, &thread_data[i], NULL);
-        thread_process (&thread_data[0], g_object_ref (input));
-        while (g_atomic_int_get (&pending)) {};
+        ThreadData data;
+        data.func = func;
+        data.matrix = &matrix;
+        data.operation = operation;
+        data.context = context;
+        data.input = input;
+        data.output = output;
+        data.roi = result;
+        data.level = level;
+        gegl_parallel_distribute_area (
+          result,
+          gegl_operation_get_min_threaded_sub_area (operation),
+          (GeglParallelDistributeAreaFunc) thread_process,
+          &data);

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