[adwaita-icon-theme/wip/jimmac/deprecate-icons] Fullcolor svg: chop up script
- From: Jakub Steiner <jimmac src gnome org>
- To: commits-list gnome org
- Cc:
- Subject: [adwaita-icon-theme/wip/jimmac/deprecate-icons] Fullcolor svg: chop up script
- Date: Sat, 10 Nov 2018 11:56:13 +0000 (UTC)
commit f6b1a87a7a68263183852d3686d92b7d3fc784b0
Author: Jakub Steiner <jimmac gmail com>
Date: Sat Nov 10 12:53:48 2018 +0100
Fullcolor svg: chop up script
- svago will need a lot of effort to ever export fullcolor svgs
- inkscape pretends to export plain svg based on id, but
- really the only thing that works is the old horrible verbs approach.
.../mimetypes/application-x-executable.svg | 15 +
Adwaita/scalable/mimetypes/audio-x-generic.svg | 6 +
Adwaita/scalable/mimetypes/font-x-generic.svg | 23 +
Adwaita/scalable/mimetypes/image-x-generic.svg | 31 +
Adwaita/scalable/mimetypes/package-x-generic.svg | 18 +
Adwaita/scalable/mimetypes/text-html.svg | 35 +
.../scalable/mimetypes/text-x-generic-template.svg | 27 +
Adwaita/scalable/mimetypes/text-x-generic.svg | 27 +
Adwaita/scalable/mimetypes/text-x-preview.svg | 17 +
Adwaita/scalable/mimetypes/text-x-script.svg | 30 +
.../scalable/mimetypes/x-office-address-book.svg | 24 +
.../mimetypes/x-office-document-template.svg | 29 +
Adwaita/scalable/mimetypes/x-office-document.svg | 32 +
.../mimetypes/x-office-drawing-template.svg | 29 +
Adwaita/scalable/mimetypes/x-office-drawing.svg | 40 +
.../mimetypes/x-office-presentation-template.svg | 30 +
.../scalable/mimetypes/x-office-presentation.svg | 26 +
.../mimetypes/x-office-spreadsheet-template.svg | 61 +
.../scalable/mimetypes/x-office-spreadsheet.svg | 51 +
Adwaita/scalable/places/folder-documents.svg | 10 +
Adwaita/scalable/places/folder-download.svg | 10 +
Adwaita/scalable/places/folder-drag-accept.svg | 7 +
Adwaita/scalable/places/folder-music.svg | 10 +
Adwaita/scalable/places/folder-open.svg | 7 +
Adwaita/scalable/places/folder-pictures.svg | 10 +
Adwaita/scalable/places/folder-publicshare.svg | 10 +
Adwaita/scalable/places/folder-remote.svg | 9 +
Adwaita/scalable/places/folder-saved-search.svg | 10 +
Adwaita/scalable/places/folder-templates.svg | 28 +
Adwaita/scalable/places/folder-videos.svg | 13 +
Adwaita/scalable/places/folder.svg | 7 +
Adwaita/scalable/places/user-bookmark.svg | 10 +
Adwaita/scalable/places/user-desktop.svg | 11 +
Adwaita/scalable/places/user-home.svg | 10 +
.../status/process-working-symbolic.svg | 0
.../symbolic/places/folder-download-symbolic.svg | 3224 --------------------
src/fullcolor/folders.svg | 5 +-
svg-migraine.rb | 98 +
38 files changed, 814 insertions(+), 3226 deletions(-)
diff --git a/Adwaita/scalable/mimetypes/application-x-executable.svg
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font-weight="400" font-family="Sans" overflow="visible"/>
+ <rect y="413" x="51" width="1" style="marker:none" height="1" overflow="visible"
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+ <rect y="413" x="57" width="1" style="marker:none" height="1" overflow="visible"
+ <rect y="413" x="59" width="1" style="marker:none" height="1" overflow="visible"
+ <rect y="411.812" x="60" width="1" style="marker:none" height="1.188" overflow="visible"
+ </g>
+ </g>
diff --git a/Adwaita/scalable/places/folder-videos.svg b/Adwaita/scalable/places/folder-videos.svg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..487cc566
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Adwaita/scalable/places/folder-videos.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="128" version="1.0" height="128">
+ <g transform="translate(-420 -1962)">
+ <g fill="#87bae1">
+ <path style="marker:none" d="M440.68 1973.866c-4.799-.023-8.689 3.89-8.689
8.69v86.889h95.454c4.947 0 8.689-3.442 8.689-8.734v-69.998c0-4.799-3.89-8.692-8.69-8.69L476 1982l-8-8z"
+ <path style="marker:none" d="M484 1996l-8.689 8.278h-34.63a8.689 8.689 0 0 0-8.69
8.689v65.167h95.49c4.32 0 8.653-3.597 8.653-8.686v-64.733c0-4.799-3.89-8.686-8.69-8.689z" fill="#f7fbfd"/>
+ <path style="marker:none" d="M536.134 2065.398v4.047a8.689 8.689 0 0 1-8.69
8.689h-95.578v-4.047h95.579a8.689 8.689 0 0 0 8.689-8.69z" fill="#e6e6e6"/>
+ </g>
+ <g transform="matrix(-2.5 0 0 2.5 554 1326)" color="#bebebe" fill="#87bae1">
+ <rect y="280" x="21.031" width="9.969" style="marker:none" ry="1" rx="1" height="9"
+ <path style="marker:none" d="M31 284.47l3.47-3.47H35v7h-.5z" overflow="visible"/>
+ </g>
+ </g>
diff --git a/Adwaita/scalable/places/folder.svg b/Adwaita/scalable/places/folder.svg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4c1f8577
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Adwaita/scalable/places/folder.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="128" version="1.0" height="128">
+ <g transform="translate(0 -1642)">
+ <path style="marker:none" d="M20.68 1653.866c-4.799-.023-8.689 3.89-8.689 8.69v86.889h95.454c4.947 0
8.689-3.442 8.689-8.734v-69.998c0-4.799-3.89-8.692-8.69-8.69L56 1662l-8-8z" fill="#6aa9da"/>
+ <path style="marker:none" d="M64 1676l-8.689 8.278h-34.63a8.689 8.689 0 0 0-8.69
8.689v65.167h95.49c4.32 0 8.653-3.597 8.653-8.686v-64.733c0-4.799-3.89-8.686-8.69-8.689z" fill="#f7fbfd"/>
+ <path style="marker:none" d="M116.134 1745.398v4.047a8.689 8.689 0 0 1-8.69
8.689H11.867v-4.047h95.579a8.689 8.689 0 0 0 8.689-8.69z" fill="#e6e6e6"/>
+ </g>
diff --git a/Adwaita/scalable/places/user-bookmark.svg b/Adwaita/scalable/places/user-bookmark.svg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2cbbb704
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Adwaita/scalable/places/user-bookmark.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="128" version="1.0" height="128">
+ <g transform="translate(-280 -1962)">
+ <g fill="#87bae1">
+ <path style="marker:none" d="M300.68 1973.866c-4.799-.023-8.689 3.89-8.689
8.69v86.889h95.454c4.947 0 8.689-3.442 8.689-8.734v-69.998c0-4.799-3.89-8.692-8.69-8.69L336 1982l-8-8z"
+ <path style="marker:none" d="M344 1996l-8.689 8.278h-34.63a8.689 8.689 0 0 0-8.69
8.689v65.167h95.49c4.32 0 8.653-3.597 8.653-8.686v-64.733c0-4.799-3.89-8.686-8.69-8.689z" fill="#f7fbfd"/>
+ <path style="marker:none" d="M396.134 2065.398v4.047a8.689 8.689 0 0 1-8.69
8.689h-95.578v-4.047h95.579a8.689 8.689 0 0 0 8.689-8.69z" fill="#e6e6e6"/>
+ </g>
+ <path style="marker:none" d="M353.865 2050.677c-1.846 1.331-7.562-4.48-9.838-4.488-2.277-.01-8.043
5.752-9.88 4.407-1.836-1.345 1.924-8.576 1.23-10.744-.695-2.168-7.957-5.871-7.245-8.034.711-2.162 8.75-.821
10.598-2.151 1.847-1.33 3.125-9.382 5.402-9.373 2.276.009 3.485 8.069 5.32 9.414 1.837 1.346 9.889.074 10.584
2.242.695 2.167-6.597 5.808-7.31 7.97-.712 2.162 2.987 9.426 1.14 10.757z" color="#000" overflow="visible"
+ </g>
diff --git a/Adwaita/scalable/places/user-desktop.svg b/Adwaita/scalable/places/user-desktop.svg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..20289d97
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Adwaita/scalable/places/user-desktop.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="128" version="1.0" height="128">
+ <g transform="translate(-280 -1802)">
+ <g fill="#87bae1">
+ <path style="marker:none" d="M300.555 1813.855c-4.799-.023-8.689 3.89-8.689
8.69v86.89h95.454c4.947 0 8.689-3.442 8.689-8.735v-69.998c0-4.799-3.89-8.692-8.69-8.689l-51.444-.024-8-8z"
+ <path style="marker:none" d="M343.875 1835.99l-8.689 8.277h-34.63a8.689 8.689 0 0 0-8.69
8.689v65.167h95.49c4.32 0 8.653-3.596 8.653-8.685v-64.734c0-4.798-3.89-8.686-8.69-8.689z" fill="#f7fbfd"/>
+ <path style="marker:none" d="M396.009 1905.387v4.047a8.689 8.689 0 0 1-8.69
8.69h-95.578v-4.048h95.579a8.689 8.689 0 0 0 8.689-8.689z" fill="#e6e6e6"/>
+ </g>
+ <path
d="M330.876 1858.99a2.5 2.5 0 0 0-2.031 2.5v32.5a2.5 2.5 0 0 0 2.5 2.5h25a2.5 2.5 0 0 0 2.5-2.5v-23.594a2.5
2.5 0 0 0-.703-1.797l-8.906-8.907a2.5 2.5 0 0 0-1.797-.703h-16.094a2.5 2.5 0 0 0-.235 0 2.5 2.5 0 0 0-.235
0zm2.969 5h12.5v7.5h7.5v20h-20z" color="#000" font-weight="400" font-family="Sans" overflow="visible"
+ <path d="M320.125 1893.49v7.5h7.5zM367.625 1893.49v7.5h-7.5zM320.125 1864.49v-7.5h7.5zM367.625
1864.49v-7.5h-7.5z" fill="#87bae1"/>
+ </g>
diff --git a/Adwaita/scalable/places/user-home.svg b/Adwaita/scalable/places/user-home.svg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..40581520
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Adwaita/scalable/places/user-home.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="128" version="1.0" height="128">
+ <g transform="translate(-420 -1802)">
+ <g fill="#87bae1">
+ <path style="marker:none" d="M440.68 1814.1c-4.799-.023-8.689 3.89-8.689 8.69v86.89h95.454c4.947
0 8.689-3.442 8.689-8.735v-69.998c0-4.799-3.89-8.692-8.69-8.689l-51.444-.024-8-8z" fill="#6aa9da"/>
+ <path style="marker:none" d="M484 1836.234l-8.689 8.278h-34.63a8.689 8.689 0 0 0-8.69
8.689v65.167h95.49c4.32 0 8.653-3.596 8.653-8.685v-64.734c0-4.799-3.89-8.686-8.69-8.689z" fill="#f7fbfd"/>
+ <path style="marker:none" d="M536.134 1905.632v4.047a8.689 8.689 0 0 1-8.69
8.69h-95.578v-4.048h95.579a8.689 8.689 0 0 0 8.689-8.69z" fill="#e6e6e6"/>
+ </g>
+ <path
d="M486.05 1861.736a2.5 2.5 0 0 0-1.5.463l-17.499 12.5a2.501 2.501 0 0 0-1.045 2.036h-.005v2.5h2.447a2.501
2.501 0 0 0 1.508-.464l1.045-.747v13.71a2.5 2.5 0 0 0 2.5 2.5H498.5a2.5 2.5 0 0 0
2.5-2.5v-13.715l1.05.752a2.501 2.501 0 0 0 1.45.464h2.5v-2.403a2.501 2.501 0 0 0-1.045-2.133l-17.5-12.5a2.5
2.5 0 0 0-1.406-.463zm-.05 5.57l10 7.144v14.784h-7.5v-10H481v10h-4.999v-14.784z" color="#000"
font-weight="400" font-family="sans-serif" overflow="visible" fill="#87bae1"/>
+ </g>
diff --git a/Adwaita/scalable-up-to-32/status/process-working-symbolic.svg
similarity index 100%
rename from Adwaita/scalable-up-to-32/status/process-working-symbolic.svg
rename to Adwaita/symbolic-up-to-32/status/process-working-symbolic.svg
diff --git a/src/fullcolor/folders.svg b/src/fullcolor/folders.svg
index fa431d57..d288fa6b 100644
--- a/src/fullcolor/folders.svg
+++ b/src/fullcolor/folders.svg
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@
- inkscape:cx="343.05432"
+ inkscape:cx="381.55432"
@@ -199,7 +199,8 @@
- id="g3169">
+ id="folder"
+ inkscape:label="#g3169">
diff --git a/svg-migraine.rb b/svg-migraine.rb
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..592c533b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/svg-migraine.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env ruby
+require "rexml/document"
+require "fileutils"
+include REXML
+INKSCAPE = 'flatpak run org.inkscape.Inkscape'
+# INKSCAPE = '/usr/bin/inkscape'
+PREFIX = "Adwaita/scalable"
+# SVGO is a Node.js SVG optimization tool install with 'sudo npm install -g svgo'
+# script will skip if SVGO is not present
+SVGO = '/usr/bin/svgo'
+if ARGV.empty?
+ puts "Invoke with puts #{$PROGRAM_NAME} [PLATE.svg] [ICON_NAME]?"
+ exit
+SRC = ARGV[0]
+def chopSVG(icon)
+ FileUtils.mkdir_p(icon[:dir]) unless File.exists?(icon[:dir])
+ unless (File.exists?(icon[:file]) && !icon[:forcerender])
+ FileUtils.cp(SRC,icon[:file])
+ puts " >> #{icon[:name]}"
+ # extract the icon
+ cmd = "#{INKSCAPE} -f #{icon[:file]} "
+ cmd += "--select #{icon[:id]} --verb=FitCanvasToSelection --verb=EditInvertInAllLayers
--verb=EditDelete " # delete everything but the icon
+ cmd += "--verb=FileVacuum --verb=FileSave --verb=FileQuit > /dev/null 2>&1"
+ system(cmd)
+ # remove bounding rectangle
+ svgcrop = Document.new(File.new(icon[:file], 'r'))
+ svgcrop.root.each_element("//rect") do |rect|
+ w = ((rect.attributes["width"].to_f * 10).round / 10.0).to_i #get rid of 16 vs
+ h = ((rect.attributes["width"].to_f * 10).round / 10.0).to_i #Inkscape bugs
+ if w == 128 && h == 128
+ rect.remove
+ end
+ end
+ icon_f = File.new(icon[:file],'w+')
+ icon_f.puts svgcrop
+ icon_f.close
+ # save as plain SVG
+ cmd = "#{INKSCAPE} -f #{icon[:file]} -z --vacuum-defs --export-plain-svg=#{icon[:file]} >
/dev/null 2>&1"
+ system(cmd)
+ # remove as many extraneous elements as possible with SVGO
+ cmd = "#{SVGO} --pretty --disable=convertShapeToPath -i #{icon[:file]} -o #{icon[:file]} >
/dev/null 2>&1"
+ system(cmd)
+ else
+ puts " -- #{icon[:name]} already exists"
+ end
+end #end of function
+def get_output_filename(d,n)
+ outfile = "#{d}/#{n}.svg"
+ return outfile
+# Open SVG file.
+svg = Document.new(File.new(SRC, 'r'))
+if (ARGV[1].nil?) #render all SVGs
+ puts "Rendering from icons in #{SRC}"
+ # Go through every layer.
+ svg.root.each_element("/svg/g[@inkscape:groupmode='layer']") do |context|
+ context_name = context.attributes.get_attribute("inkscape:label").value
+ if context_name.end_with?("legacy")
+ puts "Skipping layer '" + context_name + "'"
+ else
+ puts "Going through layer '" + context_name + "'"
+ context.each_element("g") do |icon|
+ #puts "DEBUG #{icon.attributes.get_attribute('id')}"
+ dir = "#{PREFIX}/#{context_name}"
+ icon_name = icon.elements["title"].text
+ puts icon_name
+ chopSVG({ :name => icon_name,
+ :id => icon.attributes.get_attribute("id"),
+ :dir => dir,
+ :file => get_output_filename(dir, icon_name)})
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ puts "\nrendered all SVGs"
+else #only render the icons passed
+ icons = ARGV
+ ARGV.each do |icon_name|
+ icon = svg.root.elements["//g/title[text() = '#{icon_name}']"].parent
+ dir = "#{PREFIX}/#{icon.parent.attributes['inkscape:label']}"
+ #chopSVG({ :name => icon_name,
+ # :id => icon.attributes["id"],
+ # :dir => dir,
+ # :file => get_output_filename(dir, icon_name),
+ # :forcerender => true})
+ end
+ puts "\nrendered #{ARGV.length} icons"
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