[libgit2-glib] Created tag v0.27.7

The signed tag 'v0.27.7' was created.

Tagger: Alberto Fanjul <albertofanjul gmail com>
Date: 1541296382 +0100

    Tag 0.27.7

Changes since the last tag 'v0.26.4':

Alberto Fanjul (6):
      Change url for issue tracker
      Release 0.30.0
      Revert "Release 0.30.0"
      Merge branch 'fix/tchaik/109' into 'master'
      Adding new co-maintainer
      Release 0.27.7

Ignacio Casal Quinteiro (2):
      Merge branch 'libgit2-027' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'pkg-config' into 'master'

Martin Blanchard (2):
      diff: Cache object by content, not location
      diff: Factorise initialisation of wrapper data

Roy Buitenhuis (1):
      package-config generation bug, wrong format used in meson.build

Steve Langasek (1):
      Compatibility with libgit2 0.27

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