[balsa/wip/gtk4: 315/351] mailbox-node: Declare it final

commit 824b17497dc392d81b41b22a3504a194d722b411
Author: Peter Bloomfield <PeterBloomfield bellsouth net>
Date:   Mon Apr 30 13:35:21 2018 -0400

    mailbox-node: Declare it final
    but leave it public.

 src/mailbox-node.c | 1040 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------
 src/mailbox-node.h |  112 +++---
 src/save-restore.c |    2 +-
 src/save-restore.h |    2 +-
 uncrustify.cfg     |    2 +-
 5 files changed, 619 insertions(+), 539 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/mailbox-node.c b/src/mailbox-node.c
index f1bbe64..3eae091 100644
--- a/src/mailbox-node.c
+++ b/src/mailbox-node.c
@@ -5,20 +5,20 @@
  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) 
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
  * any later version.
- *  
+ *
  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of 
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *  
+ *
  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  * along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
 #if defined(HAVE_CONFIG_H) && HAVE_CONFIG_H
-# include "config.h"
+#   include "config.h"
 #endif                          /* HAVE_CONFIG_H */
 #include "mailbox-node.h"
@@ -35,53 +35,57 @@
 #include <glib/gi18n.h>
 #include "libbalsa-conf.h"
-/* MailboxNode object is a GUI representation of a mailbox, or entire 
+/* MailboxNode object is a GUI representation of a mailbox, or entire
    set of them. It can read itself from the configuration, save its data,
    and provide a dialog box for the properties edition.
    Folders can additionally scan associated directory or IMAP server to
    retrieve their tree of mailboxes.
-static GObjectClass *parent_class = NULL;
+ */
 typedef struct imap_scan_item_ imap_scan_item;
 struct imap_scan_item_ {
     gchar *fn;
     LibBalsaMailbox **special;
-    unsigned scanned:1, selectable:1, marked:1;
+    unsigned scanned : 1, selectable : 1, marked : 1;
-static void balsa_mailbox_node_class_init(BalsaMailboxNodeClass *
-                                            klass);
-static void balsa_mailbox_node_init(BalsaMailboxNode * mn);
-static void balsa_mailbox_node_dispose(GObject * object);
-static void balsa_mailbox_node_finalize(GObject * object);
-static void balsa_mailbox_node_real_save_config(BalsaMailboxNode* mn,
-                                               const gchar * group);
-static void balsa_mailbox_node_real_load_config(BalsaMailboxNode* mn,
-                                               const gchar * group);
-static BalsaMailboxNode *imap_scan_create_mbnode(BalsaMailboxNode * root,
-                                                imap_scan_item * isi,
-                                                int delim);
-static gboolean imap_scan_attach_mailbox(BalsaMailboxNode * mbnode,
-                                         imap_scan_item * isi);
-static gboolean bmbn_scan_children_idle(BalsaMailboxNode ** mn);
-static gboolean restore_children_from_cache(BalsaMailboxNode *mn);
-static BalsaMailboxNode *add_local_mailbox(BalsaMailboxNode * root,
-                                          const gchar * name,
-                                          const gchar * path,
-                                          GType type);
-static BalsaMailboxNode *add_local_folder(BalsaMailboxNode * root,
-                                         const char *d_name,
-                                         const char *fn);
-static void handle_imap_path(const char *fn, char delim, int noselect,
-                            int noscan, int marked, void *data);
-static gint check_imap_path(const char *fn, LibBalsaServer * server,
-                           guint depth);
-static void mark_imap_path(const gchar * fn, gpointer data);
+static void balsa_mailbox_node_dispose(GObject *object);
+static void balsa_mailbox_node_finalize(GObject *object);
+static void balsa_mailbox_node_real_save_config(BalsaMailboxNode *mn,
+                                                const gchar      *group);
+static void balsa_mailbox_node_real_load_config(BalsaMailboxNode *mn,
+                                                const gchar      *group);
+static BalsaMailboxNode *imap_scan_create_mbnode(BalsaMailboxNode *root,
+                                                 imap_scan_item   *isi,
+                                                 int               delim);
+static gboolean          imap_scan_attach_mailbox(BalsaMailboxNode *mbnode,
+                                                  imap_scan_item   *isi);
+static gboolean          bmbn_scan_children_idle(BalsaMailboxNode **mn);
+static gboolean          restore_children_from_cache(BalsaMailboxNode *mn);
+static BalsaMailboxNode *add_local_mailbox(BalsaMailboxNode *root,
+                                           const gchar      *name,
+                                           const gchar      *path,
+                                           GType             type);
+static BalsaMailboxNode *add_local_folder(BalsaMailboxNode *root,
+                                          const char       *d_name,
+                                          const char       *fn);
+static void handle_imap_path(const char *fn,
+                             char        delim,
+                             int         noselect,
+                             int         noscan,
+                             int         marked,
+                             void       *data);
+static gint check_imap_path(const char     *fn,
+                            LibBalsaServer *server,
+                            guint           depth);
+static void mark_imap_path(const gchar *fn,
+                           gpointer     data);
+G_DEFINE_TYPE(BalsaMailboxNode, balsa_mailbox_node, G_TYPE_OBJECT)
 enum {
@@ -93,158 +97,135 @@ enum {
 static guint balsa_mailbox_node_signals[LAST_SIGNAL];
-    static GType mailbox_node_type = 0;
-    if (!mailbox_node_type) {
-       static const GTypeInfo mailbox_node_info = {
-           sizeof(BalsaMailboxNodeClass),
-            NULL,               /* base_init */
-            NULL,               /* base_finalize */
-           (GClassInitFunc)  balsa_mailbox_node_class_init,
-            NULL,               /* class_finalize */
-            NULL,               /* class_data */
-           sizeof(BalsaMailboxNode),
-            0,                  /* n_preallocs */
-           (GInstanceInitFunc) balsa_mailbox_node_init
-       };
-       mailbox_node_type =
-           g_type_register_static(G_TYPE_OBJECT, "BalsaMailboxNode",
-                                   &mailbox_node_info, 0);
-    }
-    return mailbox_node_type;
 static void
-balsa_mailbox_node_class_init(BalsaMailboxNodeClass * klass)
+balsa_mailbox_node_class_init(BalsaMailboxNodeClass *klass)
     GObjectClass *object_class;
-    parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent(klass);
     object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS(klass);
+    /* No vfunc for this signal, because BalsaMailboxNode is a final
+     * type, so we just connect to the signal in
+     * balsa_mailbox_node_init. At this time, no one else connects to
+     * it, so we could drop it, and simply call
+     * balsa_mailbox_node_real_save_config; we'll keep it in case of
+     * future developments. */
     balsa_mailbox_node_signals[SAVE_CONFIG] =
-       g_signal_new("save-config",
+        g_signal_new("save-config",
-                     G_STRUCT_OFFSET(BalsaMailboxNodeClass, save_config),
-                     NULL, NULL,
-                     g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__POINTER,
-                    G_TYPE_NONE, 1,
-                    G_TYPE_POINTER);
+                     0, NULL, NULL, NULL,
+                     G_TYPE_NONE, 1, G_TYPE_POINTER);
+    /* Ditto */
     balsa_mailbox_node_signals[LOAD_CONFIG] =
-       g_signal_new("load-config",
+        g_signal_new("load-config",
-                     G_STRUCT_OFFSET(BalsaMailboxNodeClass, load_config),
-                     NULL, NULL,
-                     g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__POINTER,
-                    G_TYPE_NONE, 1,
-                    G_TYPE_POINTER);
+                     0, NULL, NULL, NULL,
+                     G_TYPE_NONE, 1, G_TYPE_POINTER);
     balsa_mailbox_node_signals[SHOW_PROP_DIALOG] =
-       g_signal_new("show-prop-dialog",
+        g_signal_new("show-prop-dialog",
-                     G_STRUCT_OFFSET(BalsaMailboxNodeClass,
-                                     show_prop_dialog),
-                     NULL, NULL,
-                     g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID,
-                    G_TYPE_NONE, 0);
+                     0, NULL, NULL, NULL,
+                     G_TYPE_NONE, 0);
     balsa_mailbox_node_signals[APPEND_SUBTREE] =
-       g_signal_new("append-subtree",
+        g_signal_new("append-subtree",
-                     G_STRUCT_OFFSET(BalsaMailboxNodeClass, append_subtree),
-                     NULL, NULL,
-                     g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID,
-                    G_TYPE_NONE, 0);
-    klass->save_config = balsa_mailbox_node_real_save_config;
-    klass->load_config = balsa_mailbox_node_real_load_config;
-    klass->show_prop_dialog = NULL;
-    klass->append_subtree   = NULL;
+                     0, NULL, NULL, NULL,
+                     G_TYPE_NONE, 0);
-    object_class->dispose = balsa_mailbox_node_dispose;
+    object_class->dispose  = balsa_mailbox_node_dispose;
     object_class->finalize = balsa_mailbox_node_finalize;
 static void
-balsa_mailbox_node_init(BalsaMailboxNode * mn)
+balsa_mailbox_node_init(BalsaMailboxNode *mn)
-    mn->parent = NULL;
-    mn->mailbox = NULL;
-    mn->style = 0;
-    mn->name = NULL;
-    mn->dir = NULL;
+    mn->parent        = NULL;
+    mn->mailbox       = NULL;
+    mn->style         = 0;
+    mn->name          = NULL;
+    mn->dir           = NULL;
     mn->config_prefix = NULL;
-    mn->subscribed = FALSE;
-    mn->scanned = FALSE;
+    mn->subscribed    = FALSE;
+    mn->scanned       = FALSE;
+    g_signal_connect(mn, "save-config",
+                     G_CALLBACK(balsa_mailbox_node_real_save_config), NULL);
+    g_signal_connect(mn, "load-config",
+                     G_CALLBACK(balsa_mailbox_node_real_load_config), NULL);
 static void
-balsa_mailbox_node_dispose(GObject * object)
+balsa_mailbox_node_dispose(GObject *object)
-    BalsaMailboxNode *mn = BALSA_MAILBOX_NODE(object);
+    BalsaMailboxNode *mn     = BALSA_MAILBOX_NODE(object);
     LibBalsaMailbox *mailbox = mn->mailbox;
     if (mailbox != NULL) {
-        config_save_mailbox_view(libbalsa_mailbox_get_url(mailbox), libbalsa_mailbox_get_view(mailbox));
-       if (balsa_app.main_window != NULL) {
-           balsa_window_close_mbnode(balsa_app.main_window, mn);
-        }
+        config_save_mailbox_view(libbalsa_mailbox_get_url(mailbox),
+                                 libbalsa_mailbox_get_view(mailbox));
+        if (balsa_app.main_window != NULL)
+            balsa_window_close_mbnode(balsa_app.main_window, mn);
-    G_OBJECT_CLASS(parent_class)->dispose(object);
+    G_OBJECT_CLASS(balsa_mailbox_node_parent_class)->dispose(object);
 static void
-balsa_mailbox_node_finalize(GObject * object)
+balsa_mailbox_node_finalize(GObject *object)
     BalsaMailboxNode *mn;
     mn = BALSA_MAILBOX_NODE(object);
-    mn->parent  = NULL;
+    mn->parent = NULL;
     if (mn->server != NULL) {
-       g_signal_handlers_disconnect_matched(mn->server,
+        g_signal_handlers_disconnect_matched(mn->server,
                                              G_SIGNAL_MATCH_DATA, 0,
-                                            (GQuark) 0, NULL, NULL, mn);
+                                             (GQuark) 0, NULL, NULL, mn);
-    G_OBJECT_CLASS(parent_class)->finalize(object);
+    G_OBJECT_CLASS(balsa_mailbox_node_parent_class)->finalize(object);
 static void
-balsa_mailboxes_append_children(GtkTreeModel *model, GtkTreeIter *parent,
-                                GPtrArray *children_names)
+balsa_mailboxes_append_children(GtkTreeModel *model,
+                                GtkTreeIter  *parent,
+                                GPtrArray    *children_names)
     GtkTreeIter child;
     if (!gtk_tree_model_iter_children(model, &child, parent))
-       return;
+        return;
     do {
         BalsaMailboxNode *mbnode;
         gchar *str;
         gtk_tree_model_get(model, &child, 0, &mbnode, -1);
-        if(mbnode->mailbox) {
-            const char *path = 
+        if (mbnode->mailbox) {
+            const char *path =
-                (LIBBALSA_MAILBOX_IMAP(mbnode->mailbox));
+                    (LIBBALSA_MAILBOX_IMAP(mbnode->mailbox));
             str = g_strconcat("PXS", path, NULL);
         } else {
@@ -256,25 +237,27 @@ balsa_mailboxes_append_children(GtkTreeModel *model, GtkTreeIter *parent,
         balsa_mailboxes_append_children(model, &child, children_names);
-    } while(gtk_tree_model_iter_next(model, &child));
+    } while (gtk_tree_model_iter_next(model, &child));
 static void
-balsa_mailbox_node_real_save_config(BalsaMailboxNode* mn, const gchar * group)
+balsa_mailbox_node_real_save_config(BalsaMailboxNode *mn,
+                                    const gchar      *group)
     GPtrArray *children_names;
     GtkTreeIter iter;
-    if(mn->name)
-       printf("Saving mailbox node %s with group %s\n", mn->name, group);
+    if (mn->name)
+        printf("Saving mailbox node %s with group %s\n", mn->name, group);
-    libbalsa_conf_set_string("Name",      mn->name);
+    libbalsa_conf_set_string("Name", mn->name);
     libbalsa_conf_set_string("Directory", mn->dir);
-    libbalsa_conf_set_bool("Subscribed",  mn->subscribed);
-    libbalsa_conf_set_bool("ListInbox",   mn->list_inbox);
+    libbalsa_conf_set_bool("Subscribed", mn->subscribed);
+    libbalsa_conf_set_bool("ListInbox", mn->list_inbox);
     if (balsa_find_iter_by_data(&iter, mn)) {
         GtkTreeModel *model = GTK_TREE_MODEL(balsa_app.mblist_tree_store);
@@ -283,7 +266,7 @@ balsa_mailbox_node_real_save_config(BalsaMailboxNode* mn, const gchar * group)
         printf("Saving %d children\n", children_names->len);
         libbalsa_conf_set_vector("Children", children_names->len,
-                                 (const char*const*)(children_names->pdata));
+                                 (const char *const *)(children_names->pdata));
         g_ptr_array_foreach(children_names, (GFunc)g_free, NULL);
         g_ptr_array_free(children_names, TRUE);
@@ -292,8 +275,10 @@ balsa_mailbox_node_real_save_config(BalsaMailboxNode* mn, const gchar * group)
     mn->config_prefix = g_strdup(group);
 static void
-balsa_mailbox_node_real_load_config(BalsaMailboxNode* mn, const gchar * group)
+balsa_mailbox_node_real_load_config(BalsaMailboxNode *mn,
+                                    const gchar      *group)
     mn->config_prefix = g_strdup(group);
@@ -301,6 +286,7 @@ balsa_mailbox_node_real_load_config(BalsaMailboxNode* mn, const gchar * group)
     mn->name = libbalsa_conf_get_string("Name");
 BalsaMailboxNode *
@@ -309,13 +295,15 @@ balsa_mailbox_node_new(void)
     return mn;
 static void
-dir_conf_edit(BalsaMailboxNode* mb)
+dir_conf_edit(BalsaMailboxNode *mb)
                       _("The folder edition to be written."));
 /* read_dir_cb and helpers */
 typedef struct _CheckPathInfo CheckPathInfo;
@@ -325,8 +313,9 @@ struct _CheckPathInfo {
 static gboolean
-check_url_func(const gchar * group, const gchar * encoded_url,
-               CheckPathInfo * cpi)
+check_url_func(const gchar   *group,
+               const gchar   *encoded_url,
+               CheckPathInfo *cpi)
     gchar *url;
@@ -345,8 +334,10 @@ check_url_func(const gchar * group, const gchar * encoded_url,
     return cpi->must_scan;
 static gboolean
-check_local_path(const gchar * path, guint depth)
+check_local_path(const gchar *path,
+                 guint        depth)
     size_t len;
     CheckPathInfo cpi;
@@ -356,60 +347,67 @@ check_local_path(const gchar * path, guint depth)
     len = strlen(balsa_app.local_mail_directory);
     if (libbalsa_path_is_below_dir(path, balsa_app.local_mail_directory)
-       && !strchr(&path[++len], G_DIR_SEPARATOR))
-       /* Top level folder. */
-       return TRUE;
+        && !strchr(&path[++len], G_DIR_SEPARATOR))
+        /* Top level folder. */
+        return TRUE;
-    cpi.url = g_strconcat("file://", path, NULL);
+    cpi.url       = g_strconcat("file://", path, NULL);
     cpi.must_scan = FALSE;
                                 (LibBalsaConfForeachFunc) check_url_func,
-    if(balsa_app.debug) 
-       printf("check_local_path: path “%s” must_scan %d.\n",
+    if (balsa_app.debug)
+        printf("check_local_path: path “%s” must_scan %d.\n",
                cpi.url, cpi.must_scan);
     return cpi.must_scan;
 static gboolean
 mark_local_path(BalsaMailboxNode *mbnode)
     if (mbnode->scanned)
         return FALSE;
     mbnode->scanned = TRUE;
     return TRUE;
 /** Read local directory in search for mailboxes. Never does any
     caching - it is not worth it. */
 static void
-read_dir_cb(BalsaMailboxNode* mb)
+read_dir_cb(BalsaMailboxNode *mb)
-    libbalsa_scanner_local_dir(mb, mb->name, 
-                              (LocalCheck *) check_local_path,
-                              (LocalMark *) mark_local_path,
-                              (LocalHandler *) add_local_folder,
-                              (LocalHandler *) add_local_mailbox,
+    libbalsa_scanner_local_dir(mb, mb->name,
+                               (LocalCheck *) check_local_path,
+                               (LocalMark *) mark_local_path,
+                               (LocalHandler *) add_local_folder,
+                               (LocalHandler *) add_local_mailbox,
                                (mb->mailbox ?
                                 G_TYPE_FROM_INSTANCE(mb->mailbox) :
                                 (GType) 0));
 static void
-load_mailbox_view(BalsaMailboxNode * mbnode)
+load_mailbox_view(BalsaMailboxNode *mbnode)
     LibBalsaMailbox *mailbox = mbnode->mailbox;
-    if (!libbalsa_mailbox_get_view(mailbox))
+    if (!libbalsa_mailbox_get_view(mailbox)) {
-                                  (libbalsa_mailbox_get_url(mailbox)));
+                                      (libbalsa_mailbox_get_url(mailbox)));
+    }
 static gboolean
-imap_scan_attach_mailbox(BalsaMailboxNode * mbnode, imap_scan_item * isi)
+imap_scan_attach_mailbox(BalsaMailboxNode *mbnode,
+                         imap_scan_item   *isi)
     LibBalsaMailbox *mailbox;
     LibBalsaMailboxImap *m;
@@ -419,31 +417,31 @@ imap_scan_attach_mailbox(BalsaMailboxNode * mbnode, imap_scan_item * isi)
     if (!g_signal_has_handler_pending(G_OBJECT(mbnode),
                                       [SHOW_PROP_DIALOG], 0, FALSE))
-       g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(mbnode), "show-prop-dialog",
+        g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(mbnode), "show-prop-dialog",
                          G_CALLBACK(folder_conf_imap_sub_node), NULL);
     if (LIBBALSA_IS_MAILBOX_IMAP(mbnode->mailbox))
         /* it already has a mailbox */
         return FALSE;
     mailbox = libbalsa_mailbox_imap_new();
-    m = LIBBALSA_MAILBOX_IMAP(mailbox);
+    m       = LIBBALSA_MAILBOX_IMAP(mailbox);
-                                      mbnode->server);
+                                       mbnode->server);
     libbalsa_mailbox_imap_set_path(m, isi->fn);
-    if(balsa_app.debug)
+    if (balsa_app.debug)
         printf("imap_scan_attach_mailbox: add mbox of name %s "
-              "(full path %s)\n", isi->fn, libbalsa_mailbox_get_url(mailbox));
+               "(full path %s)\n", isi->fn, libbalsa_mailbox_get_url(mailbox));
     /* avoid allocating the name again: */
     libbalsa_mailbox_set_name(mailbox, mbnode->name);
     g_clear_pointer(&mbnode->name, g_free);
     mbnode->mailbox = mailbox;
     if (isi->special) {
-       if (*isi->special)
-           g_object_remove_weak_pointer(G_OBJECT(*isi->special),
-                                        (gpointer) isi->special);
+        if (*isi->special)
+            g_object_remove_weak_pointer(G_OBJECT(*isi->special),
+                                         (gpointer) isi->special);
         *isi->special = mailbox;
-       g_object_add_weak_pointer(G_OBJECT(m), (gpointer) isi->special);
+        g_object_add_weak_pointer(G_OBJECT(m), (gpointer) isi->special);
         if (isi->special == &balsa_app.outbox)
             libbalsa_mailbox_set_no_reassemble(mailbox, TRUE);
@@ -451,6 +449,7 @@ imap_scan_attach_mailbox(BalsaMailboxNode * mbnode, imap_scan_item * isi)
     return TRUE;
 /* imap_dir_cb:
    handles append-subtree signal for IMAP folder sets.
    Scanning imap folders may be a time consuming operation and this
@@ -462,7 +461,7 @@ imap_scan_attach_mailbox(BalsaMailboxNode * mbnode, imap_scan_item * isi)
    mailbox tree is deleted after a is started and before b.
    We do it by remembering url of the root and
    by finding the root again when phase b. is about to start.
+ */
 typedef struct imap_scan_tree_ imap_scan_tree;
 struct imap_scan_tree_ {
@@ -470,45 +469,48 @@ struct imap_scan_tree_ {
     char delim;
-static void imap_scan_destroy_tree(imap_scan_tree * tree);
+static void imap_scan_destroy_tree(imap_scan_tree *tree);
 static void
-imap_dir_cb(BalsaMailboxNode* mb)
+imap_dir_cb(BalsaMailboxNode *mb)
-    gchar* msg;
-    BalsaMailboxNode* mroot=mb;
+    gchar *msg;
+    BalsaMailboxNode *mroot = mb;
     BalsaMailboxNode *n;
     GSList *list;
-    GError *error = NULL;
-    imap_scan_tree imap_tree = { NULL, '.' };
+    GError *error            = NULL;
+    imap_scan_tree imap_tree = {
+        NULL, '.'
+    };
     GtkStatusbar *statusbar;
     guint context_id;
     if (!balsa_app.main_window)
-    statusbar = GTK_STATUSBAR(balsa_app.main_window->statusbar);
+    statusbar  = GTK_STATUSBAR(balsa_app.main_window->statusbar);
     context_id = gtk_statusbar_get_context_id(statusbar, "MailboxNode imap");
-    if(restore_children_from_cache(mb))
+    if (restore_children_from_cache(mb))
-    while(mroot->parent)
-       mroot = mroot->parent;
+    while (mroot->parent) {
+        mroot = mroot->parent;
+    }
     msg = g_strdup_printf(_("Scanning %s. Please wait…"), mroot->name);
     gtk_statusbar_push(statusbar, context_id, msg);
     libbalsa_scanner_imap_dir(mb, mb->server, mb->dir, mb->delim,
-                             mb->subscribed, mb->list_inbox, 
+                              mb->subscribed, mb->list_inbox,
-    if(error) {
+    if (error) {
                              error->code == LIBBALSA_MAILBOX_NETWORK_ERROR
                              ? _("Scanning of %s failed: %s\n"
@@ -533,48 +535,50 @@ imap_dir_cb(BalsaMailboxNode* mb)
     imap_tree.list = g_slist_reverse(imap_tree.list);
     for (list = imap_tree.list; list != NULL; list = list->next) {
         imap_scan_item *item = list->data;
-       n = imap_scan_create_mbnode(mb, item, imap_tree.delim);
-       if (item->selectable && imap_scan_attach_mailbox(n, item))
-           balsa_mblist_mailbox_node_redraw(n);
-        if(item->marked)
+        n = imap_scan_create_mbnode(mb, item, imap_tree.delim);
+        if (item->selectable && imap_scan_attach_mailbox(n, item))
+            balsa_mblist_mailbox_node_redraw(n);
+        if (item->marked)
             libbalsa_mailbox_set_unread_messages_flag(n->mailbox, TRUE);
-    if(balsa_app.debug && mb->name)
-        printf("imap_dir_cb:  main mailbox node %s mailbox is %p\n", 
+    if (balsa_app.debug && mb->name)
+        printf("imap_dir_cb:  main mailbox node %s mailbox is %p\n",
                mb->name, mb->mailbox);
-    if(balsa_app.debug) printf("%d: Scanning done.\n", (int)time(NULL));
+    if (balsa_app.debug) printf("%d: Scanning done.\n", (int)time(NULL));
     gtk_statusbar_pop(statusbar, context_id);
     /* We can save the cache now... */
 BalsaMailboxNode *
-balsa_mailbox_node_new_from_mailbox(LibBalsaMailbox * mb)
+balsa_mailbox_node_new_from_mailbox(LibBalsaMailbox *mb)
     BalsaMailboxNode *mbn;
-    mbn = BALSA_MAILBOX_NODE(balsa_mailbox_node_new());
+    mbn          = BALSA_MAILBOX_NODE(balsa_mailbox_node_new());
     mbn->mailbox = mb;
-    g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(mbn), "show-prop-dialog", 
-                    G_CALLBACK(mailbox_conf_edit), NULL);
+    g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(mbn), "show-prop-dialog",
+                     G_CALLBACK(mailbox_conf_edit), NULL);
-       /* Mh and Maildir mailboxes are directories, and may be nested,
-        * so we need to be able to append a subtree. */
-       mbn->name =
+        /* Mh and Maildir mailboxes are directories, and may be nested,
+         * so we need to be able to append a subtree. */
+        mbn->name =
             g_strdup(libbalsa_mailbox_local_get_path((LibBalsaMailboxLocal *) mb));
-       mbn->dir = g_strdup(mbn->name);
-       g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(mbn), "append-subtree", 
+        mbn->dir = g_strdup(mbn->name);
+        g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(mbn), "append-subtree",
                          G_CALLBACK(read_dir_cb), NULL);
     return mbn;
 BalsaMailboxNode *
-balsa_mailbox_node_new_from_dir(const gchar* dir)
+balsa_mailbox_node_new_from_dir(const gchar *dir)
     BalsaMailboxNode *mbn;
@@ -582,155 +586,173 @@ balsa_mailbox_node_new_from_dir(const gchar* dir)
     mbn->name = g_strdup(dir);
     mbn->dir  = g_strdup(dir);
-    g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(mbn), "show-prop-dialog", 
-                    G_CALLBACK(dir_conf_edit), NULL);
-    g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(mbn), "append-subtree", 
-                    G_CALLBACK(read_dir_cb), NULL);
+    g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(mbn), "show-prop-dialog",
+                     G_CALLBACK(dir_conf_edit), NULL);
+    g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(mbn), "append-subtree",
+                     G_CALLBACK(read_dir_cb), NULL);
     return mbn;
 /* balsa_mailbox_node_new_from_config:
    creates the mailbox node from given configuration data.
    Because local folders are not very useful, we assume that folders created
-   in this way are IMAP folders. Otherwise, we should follow a procedure 
+   in this way are IMAP folders. Otherwise, we should follow a procedure
    similiar to mailbox creation from configuration data.
-balsa_mailbox_node_new_from_config(const gchar* group)
+ */
+BalsaMailboxNode *
+balsa_mailbox_node_new_from_config(const gchar *group)
     gboolean def;
     gint n_children;
     gchar **children;
-    BalsaMailboxNode * folder = balsa_mailbox_node_new();
+    BalsaMailboxNode *folder = balsa_mailbox_node_new();
     folder->server = LIBBALSA_SERVER(libbalsa_imap_server_new_from_config());
-    if(balsa_app.debug)
-       printf("Server loaded, host: %s, %s.\n",
+    if (balsa_app.debug) {
+        printf("Server loaded, host: %s, %s.\n",
-              libbalsa_server_get_use_ssl(folder->server) ? "SSL" : "no SSL");
-    g_signal_connect_swapped(G_OBJECT(folder->server), "config-changed", 
+               libbalsa_server_get_use_ssl(folder->server) ? "SSL" : "no SSL");
+    }
+    g_signal_connect_swapped(G_OBJECT(folder->server), "config-changed",
                              G_CALLBACK(config_folder_update), folder);
-    g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(folder), "show-prop-dialog", 
-                    G_CALLBACK(folder_conf_imap_node), NULL);
-    g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(folder), "append-subtree", 
-                    G_CALLBACK(imap_dir_cb), NULL);
+    g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(folder), "show-prop-dialog",
+                     G_CALLBACK(folder_conf_imap_node), NULL);
+    g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(folder), "append-subtree",
+                     G_CALLBACK(imap_dir_cb), NULL);
                                          G_CALLBACK(ask_password), NULL);
     balsa_mailbox_node_load_config(folder, group);
-    folder->dir = libbalsa_conf_get_string("Directory");
+    folder->dir        = libbalsa_conf_get_string("Directory");
     folder->subscribed =
-       libbalsa_conf_get_bool("Subscribed"); 
+        libbalsa_conf_get_bool("Subscribed");
     folder->list_inbox =
-       libbalsa_conf_get_bool("ListInbox=true"); 
+        libbalsa_conf_get_bool("ListInbox=true");
-    libbalsa_conf_get_vector_with_default("Children",&n_children,
-                                          &children,&def);
-    if(!def) {
+    libbalsa_conf_get_vector_with_default("Children", &n_children,
+                                          &children, &def);
+    if (!def)
         g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(folder), "children-cache", children);
-    }
     return folder;
-static BalsaMailboxNode*
-balsa_mailbox_node_new_imap_node(LibBalsaServer* s, const char*p)
+static BalsaMailboxNode *
+balsa_mailbox_node_new_imap_node(LibBalsaServer *s,
+                                 const char     *p)
-    BalsaMailboxNode * folder = balsa_mailbox_node_new();
+    BalsaMailboxNode *folder = balsa_mailbox_node_new();
     folder->server = s;
-    folder->dir = g_strdup(p);
-    g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(folder), "append-subtree", 
-                    G_CALLBACK(imap_dir_cb), NULL);
+    folder->dir    = g_strdup(p);
+    g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(folder), "append-subtree",
+                     G_CALLBACK(imap_dir_cb), NULL);
     return folder;
-balsa_mailbox_node_new_imap(LibBalsaServer* s, const char*p)
+BalsaMailboxNode *
+balsa_mailbox_node_new_imap(LibBalsaServer *s,
+                            const char     *p)
-    BalsaMailboxNode * folder = balsa_mailbox_node_new_imap_node(s, p);
+    BalsaMailboxNode *folder = balsa_mailbox_node_new_imap_node(s, p);
     folder->mailbox = libbalsa_mailbox_imap_new();
-       LIBBALSA_MAILBOX_REMOTE(folder->mailbox), s);
+        LIBBALSA_MAILBOX_REMOTE(folder->mailbox), s);
     libbalsa_mailbox_imap_set_path(LIBBALSA_MAILBOX_IMAP(folder->mailbox), p);
     return folder;
-balsa_mailbox_node_new_imap_folder(LibBalsaServer* s, const char*p)
+BalsaMailboxNode *
+balsa_mailbox_node_new_imap_folder(LibBalsaServer *s,
+                                   const char     *p)
-    BalsaMailboxNode * folder = balsa_mailbox_node_new_imap_node(s, p);
+    BalsaMailboxNode *folder = balsa_mailbox_node_new_imap_node(s, p);
-    g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(folder), "show-prop-dialog", 
-                    G_CALLBACK(folder_conf_imap_node), NULL);
+    g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(folder), "show-prop-dialog",
+                     G_CALLBACK(folder_conf_imap_node), NULL);
     return folder;
-balsa_mailbox_node_show_prop_dialog(BalsaMailboxNode* mn)
+balsa_mailbox_node_show_prop_dialog(BalsaMailboxNode *mn)
     if (mn)
                       balsa_mailbox_node_signals[SHOW_PROP_DIALOG], 0);
-balsa_mailbox_node_append_subtree(BalsaMailboxNode * mn)
+balsa_mailbox_node_append_subtree(BalsaMailboxNode *mn)
-                 balsa_mailbox_node_signals[APPEND_SUBTREE], 0);
+                  balsa_mailbox_node_signals[APPEND_SUBTREE], 0);
-balsa_mailbox_node_show_prop_dialog_cb(GtkWidget * widget, gpointer data)
+balsa_mailbox_node_show_prop_dialog_cb(GtkWidget *widget,
+                                       gpointer   data)
-    balsa_mailbox_node_show_prop_dialog((BalsaMailboxNode*)data);
+    balsa_mailbox_node_show_prop_dialog((BalsaMailboxNode *)data);
 /* balsa_mailbox_node_load_config:
    load general configurtion: name ordering, threading option etc
    with some sane defaults.
+ */
-balsa_mailbox_node_load_config(BalsaMailboxNode* mn, const gchar* group)
+balsa_mailbox_node_load_config(BalsaMailboxNode *mn,
+                               const gchar      *group)
-                 balsa_mailbox_node_signals[LOAD_CONFIG], 0, group);
+                  balsa_mailbox_node_signals[LOAD_CONFIG], 0, group);
-balsa_mailbox_node_save_config(BalsaMailboxNode* mn, const gchar* group)
+balsa_mailbox_node_save_config(BalsaMailboxNode *mn,
+                               const gchar      *group)
-                 balsa_mailbox_node_signals[SAVE_CONFIG], 0, group);
+                  balsa_mailbox_node_signals[SAVE_CONFIG], 0, group);
 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
  * Rescanning.
  * --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 static BalsaMailboxNode *
-find_dir(const gchar * dir)
+find_dir(const gchar *dir)
     if (strcmp(dir, balsa_app.local_mail_directory) == 0)
         return g_object_ref(balsa_app.root_node);
     return balsa_find_dir(NULL, dir);
-balsa_mailbox_local_append(LibBalsaMailbox* mbx)
+balsa_mailbox_local_append(LibBalsaMailbox *mbx)
     gchar *dir;
     BalsaMailboxNode *mbnode;
@@ -741,29 +763,30 @@ balsa_mailbox_local_append(LibBalsaMailbox* mbx)
     dir = g_strdup(libbalsa_mailbox_local_get_path((LibBalsaMailboxLocal *) mbx));
     while (dir[1] /* i.e. dir != "/" */
            && !(parent = find_dir(dir))) {
-        gchar* tmp =  g_path_get_dirname(dir);
+        gchar *tmp = g_path_get_dirname(dir);
         dir = tmp;
-    mbnode = balsa_mailbox_node_new_from_mailbox(mbx);
+    mbnode         = balsa_mailbox_node_new_from_mailbox(mbx);
     mbnode->parent = parent;
     balsa_mblist_mailbox_node_append(parent, mbnode);
-    if(parent)
-       g_object_unref(parent);
+    if (parent)
+        g_object_unref(parent);
 /* balsa_mailbox_node_rescan:
    rescans given folders. It can be called on configuration update or just
-   to discover mailboxes that did not exist when balsa was initially 
+   to discover mailboxes that did not exist when balsa was initially
    NOTE: applicable only to folders (mailbox collections).
    the expansion state preservation is not perfect, only top level is
+ */
-balsa_mailbox_node_rescan(BalsaMailboxNode * mn)
+balsa_mailbox_node_rescan(BalsaMailboxNode *mn)
     if (!balsa_app.mblist_tree_store)
@@ -779,17 +802,19 @@ balsa_mailbox_node_rescan(BalsaMailboxNode * mn)
 balsa_mailbox_node_clear_children_cache(BalsaMailboxNode *mn)
     gchar **children_cache = g_object_get_data(G_OBJECT(mn), "children-cache");
-    if(children_cache) {
+    if (children_cache) {
         g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(mn), "children-cache", NULL);
 static gboolean
 restore_children_from_cache(BalsaMailboxNode *mn)
@@ -797,60 +822,61 @@ restore_children_from_cache(BalsaMailboxNode *mn)
     gchar **children = g_object_get_data(G_OBJECT(mn), "children-cache");
     imap_scan_item isi;
-    if(!children) {
-        if(mn->name)
+    if (!children) {
+        if (mn->name)
             printf("No cache for %s - quitting.\n", mn->name);
         return FALSE;
-    for(i=0; children[i]; i++) {
-        if(children[i][0] == 'P' && strlen(children[i])>3) {
+    for (i = 0; children[i]; i++) {
+        if ((children[i][0] == 'P') && (strlen(children[i]) > 3)) {
             BalsaMailboxNode *n;
-            isi.fn = children[i]+3;
-            isi.special = NULL;
-            isi.scanned = TRUE;
+            isi.fn         = children[i] + 3;
+            isi.special    = NULL;
+            isi.scanned    = TRUE;
             isi.selectable = children[i][2] == 'S';
-            isi.marked = FALSE;
-            n = imap_scan_create_mbnode(mn, &isi, children[i][1]);
+            isi.marked     = FALSE;
+            n              = imap_scan_create_mbnode(mn, &isi, children[i][1]);
             if (isi.selectable && imap_scan_attach_mailbox(n, &isi))
     return TRUE;
 /* balsa_mailbox_node_scan_children:
- * checks whether a mailbox node's children need scanning. 
+ * checks whether a mailbox node's children need scanning.
  * Note that rescanning local_mail_directory will *not* trigger rescanning
  * eventual IMAP servers.
 #define BALSA_MAILBOX_NODE_LIST_KEY "balsa-mailbox-node-list"
-balsa_mailbox_node_scan_children(BalsaMailboxNode * mbnode)
+balsa_mailbox_node_scan_children(BalsaMailboxNode *mbnode)
     GtkTreeIter parent;
     GtkTreeModel *model = GTK_TREE_MODEL(balsa_app.mblist_tree_store);
-    GSList *list = NULL;
+    GSList *list        = NULL;
     if (balsa_find_iter_by_data(&parent, mbnode)) {
-       gboolean valid;
-       GtkTreeIter iter;
+        gboolean valid;
+        GtkTreeIter iter;
-       for (valid = gtk_tree_model_iter_children(model, &iter, &parent);
-            valid; valid = gtk_tree_model_iter_next(model, &iter)) {
+        for (valid = gtk_tree_model_iter_children(model, &iter, &parent);
+             valid; valid = gtk_tree_model_iter_next(model, &iter)) {
             BalsaMailboxNode *mn;
-           gtk_tree_model_get(model, &iter, 0, &mn, -1);
-           if (!mn->scanned) {
+            gtk_tree_model_get(model, &iter, 0, &mn, -1);
+            if (!mn->scanned) {
                 list = g_slist_prepend(list, mn);
-                g_object_add_weak_pointer(G_OBJECT(mn), & list->data);
+                g_object_add_weak_pointer(G_OBJECT(mn), &list->data);
-           g_object_unref(mn);
+            g_object_unref(mn);
-    } else
+    } else {
         g_print("balsa_mailbox_node_scan_children: didn't find mbnode.\n");
+    }
     if (list && !g_object_get_data(G_OBJECT(mbnode),
                                    BALSA_MAILBOX_NODE_LIST_KEY)) {
@@ -863,8 +889,9 @@ balsa_mailbox_node_scan_children(BalsaMailboxNode * mbnode)
 static gboolean
-bmbn_scan_children_idle(BalsaMailboxNode ** mbnode)
+bmbn_scan_children_idle(BalsaMailboxNode **mbnode)
     GSList *list;
     GSList *l;
@@ -894,11 +921,12 @@ bmbn_scan_children_idle(BalsaMailboxNode ** mbnode)
                     (mn->mailbox, has_unread_messages);
             mn->scanned = TRUE;
-        } else if (balsa_app.debug)
+        } else if (balsa_app.debug) {
             g_print("%s: %s “%s” was already scanned\n", __func__,
                     mn->mailbox ? "mailbox" : "folder",
                     mn->mailbox ? libbalsa_mailbox_get_name(mn->mailbox) : mn->name);
-        g_object_remove_weak_pointer(G_OBJECT(mn), & l->data);
+        }
+        g_object_remove_weak_pointer(G_OBJECT(mn), &l->data);
@@ -912,99 +940,124 @@ bmbn_scan_children_idle(BalsaMailboxNode ** mbnode)
     return FALSE;
 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
  * Context menu, helpers, and callbacks.
  * --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 static void
-add_menu_entry(GtkWidget * menu, const gchar * label, GCallback cb,
-              BalsaMailboxNode * mbnode)
+add_menu_entry(GtkWidget        *menu,
+               const gchar      *label,
+               GCallback         cb,
+               BalsaMailboxNode *mbnode)
     GtkWidget *menuitem;
     menuitem = label ? gtk_menu_item_new_with_mnemonic(label)
-       : gtk_menu_item_new();
+        : gtk_menu_item_new();
     if (cb)
-       g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(menuitem), "activate",
-                        G_CALLBACK(cb), mbnode);
+        g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(menuitem), "activate",
+                         G_CALLBACK(cb), mbnode);
     gtk_menu_shell_append(GTK_MENU_SHELL(menu), menuitem);
 static void
-mb_open_cb(GtkWidget * widget, BalsaMailboxNode * mbnode)
+mb_open_cb(GtkWidget        *widget,
+           BalsaMailboxNode *mbnode)
 static void
-mb_close_cb(GtkWidget * widget, BalsaMailboxNode * mbnode)
+mb_close_cb(GtkWidget        *widget,
+            BalsaMailboxNode *mbnode)
     balsa_window_close_mbnode(balsa_app.main_window, mbnode);
 static void
-mb_conf_cb(GtkWidget * widget, BalsaMailboxNode * mbnode)
+mb_conf_cb(GtkWidget        *widget,
+           BalsaMailboxNode *mbnode)
 static void
-mb_del_cb(GtkWidget * widget, BalsaMailboxNode * mbnode)
+mb_del_cb(GtkWidget        *widget,
+          BalsaMailboxNode *mbnode)
-    if(mbnode->mailbox)
-       mailbox_conf_delete(mbnode);
+    if (mbnode->mailbox)
+        mailbox_conf_delete(mbnode);
     else folder_conf_delete(mbnode);
 static void
-mb_inbox_cb(GtkWidget * widget, BalsaMailboxNode * mbnode)
+mb_inbox_cb(GtkWidget        *widget,
+            BalsaMailboxNode *mbnode)
     config_mailbox_set_as_special(mbnode->mailbox, SPECIAL_INBOX);
 static void
-mb_sentbox_cb(GtkWidget * widget, BalsaMailboxNode * mbnode)
+mb_sentbox_cb(GtkWidget        *widget,
+              BalsaMailboxNode *mbnode)
     config_mailbox_set_as_special(mbnode->mailbox, SPECIAL_SENT);
 static void
-mb_trash_cb(GtkWidget * widget, BalsaMailboxNode * mbnode)
+mb_trash_cb(GtkWidget        *widget,
+            BalsaMailboxNode *mbnode)
     config_mailbox_set_as_special(mbnode->mailbox, SPECIAL_TRASH);
 static void
-mb_draftbox_cb(GtkWidget * widget, BalsaMailboxNode * mbnode)
+mb_draftbox_cb(GtkWidget        *widget,
+               BalsaMailboxNode *mbnode)
     config_mailbox_set_as_special(mbnode->mailbox, SPECIAL_DRAFT);
 static void
-mb_subscribe_cb(GtkWidget * widget, BalsaMailboxNode * mbnode)
+mb_subscribe_cb(GtkWidget        *widget,
+                BalsaMailboxNode *mbnode)
-    libbalsa_mailbox_imap_subscribe(LIBBALSA_MAILBOX_IMAP(mbnode->mailbox), 
-                                   TRUE);
+    libbalsa_mailbox_imap_subscribe(LIBBALSA_MAILBOX_IMAP(mbnode->mailbox),
+                                    TRUE);
 static void
-mb_unsubscribe_cb(GtkWidget * widget, BalsaMailboxNode * mbnode)
+mb_unsubscribe_cb(GtkWidget        *widget,
+                  BalsaMailboxNode *mbnode)
-                                    FALSE);
+                                    FALSE);
 static void
-mb_rescan_cb(GtkWidget * widget, BalsaMailboxNode * mbnode)
+mb_rescan_cb(GtkWidget        *widget,
+             BalsaMailboxNode *mbnode)
     gchar *current_mailbox_url;
     GPtrArray *url_array;
@@ -1021,29 +1074,34 @@ mb_rescan_cb(GtkWidget * widget, BalsaMailboxNode * mbnode)
     balsa_open_mailbox_list((gchar **) g_ptr_array_free(url_array, FALSE));
 static void
-mb_filter_cb(GtkWidget * widget, BalsaMailboxNode * mbnode)
+mb_filter_cb(GtkWidget        *widget,
+             BalsaMailboxNode *mbnode)
     if (mbnode->mailbox)
-       /* FIXME : Perhaps should we be able to apply filters on
-          folders (ie recurse on all mailboxes in it), but there are
-          problems of infinite recursion (when one mailbox being
-          filtered is also the destination of the filter action (eg a
-          copy)). So let's see that later :) */
-       g_print("You can apply filters only on mailbox\n");
+        /* FIXME : Perhaps should we be able to apply filters on
+           folders (ie recurse on all mailboxes in it), but there are
+           problems of infinite recursion (when one mailbox being
+           filtered is also the destination of the filter action (eg a
+           copy)). So let's see that later :) */
+        g_print("You can apply filters only on mailbox\n");
 static void
-mb_empty_trash_cb(GtkWidget * widget, BalsaMailboxNode * mbnode)
+mb_empty_trash_cb(GtkWidget        *widget,
+                  BalsaMailboxNode *mbnode)
 GtkWidget *
-balsa_mailbox_node_get_context_menu(BalsaMailboxNode * mbnode)
+balsa_mailbox_node_get_context_menu(BalsaMailboxNode *mbnode)
     GtkWidget *menu;
     GtkWidget *submenu;
@@ -1059,30 +1117,30 @@ balsa_mailbox_node_get_context_menu(BalsaMailboxNode * mbnode)
                      G_CALLBACK(gtk_widget_destroy), NULL);
     submenu = gtk_menu_new();
-    add_menu_entry(submenu, _("Local _mbox mailbox…"),  
-                  G_CALLBACK(mailbox_conf_add_mbox_cb), NULL);
-    add_menu_entry(submenu, _("Local Mail_dir mailbox…"), 
-                  G_CALLBACK(mailbox_conf_add_maildir_cb), NULL);
+    add_menu_entry(submenu, _("Local _mbox mailbox…"),
+                   G_CALLBACK(mailbox_conf_add_mbox_cb), NULL);
+    add_menu_entry(submenu, _("Local Mail_dir mailbox…"),
+                   G_CALLBACK(mailbox_conf_add_maildir_cb), NULL);
     add_menu_entry(submenu, _("Local M_H mailbox…"),
-                  G_CALLBACK(mailbox_conf_add_mh_cb), NULL);
-    add_menu_entry(submenu, _("Remote _IMAP mailbox…"), 
-                  G_CALLBACK(mailbox_conf_add_imap_cb), NULL);
+                   G_CALLBACK(mailbox_conf_add_mh_cb), NULL);
+    add_menu_entry(submenu, _("Remote _IMAP mailbox…"),
+                   G_CALLBACK(mailbox_conf_add_imap_cb), NULL);
     add_menu_entry(submenu, NULL, NULL, mbnode);
-    add_menu_entry(submenu, _("Remote IMAP _folder…"), 
-                  G_CALLBACK(folder_conf_add_imap_cb), NULL);
-    add_menu_entry(submenu, _("Remote IMAP _subfolder…"), 
-                  G_CALLBACK(folder_conf_add_imap_sub_cb), NULL);
+    add_menu_entry(submenu, _("Remote IMAP _folder…"),
+                   G_CALLBACK(folder_conf_add_imap_cb), NULL);
+    add_menu_entry(submenu, _("Remote IMAP _subfolder…"),
+                   G_CALLBACK(folder_conf_add_imap_sub_cb), NULL);
     /* Translators: popup menu item "New" mailbox or folder */
     menuitem = gtk_menu_item_new_with_mnemonic(C_("mailbox", "_New"));
     gtk_menu_item_set_submenu(GTK_MENU_ITEM(menuitem), submenu);
     gtk_menu_shell_append(GTK_MENU_SHELL(menu), menuitem);
-    if(mbnode == NULL) {/* clicked on the empty space */
-        add_menu_entry(menu, _("_Rescan"), G_CALLBACK(mb_rescan_cb), 
+    if (mbnode == NULL) {/* clicked on the empty space */
+        add_menu_entry(menu, _("_Rescan"), G_CALLBACK(mb_rescan_cb),
-       return menu;
+        return menu;
     /* If we didn't click on a mailbox node then there is only one option. */
     add_menu_entry(menu, NULL, NULL, NULL);
@@ -1094,170 +1152,180 @@ balsa_mailbox_node_get_context_menu(BalsaMailboxNode * mbnode)
                        G_CALLBACK(mb_conf_cb), mbnode);
     if (g_signal_has_handler_pending(G_OBJECT(mbnode),
-                                    balsa_mailbox_node_signals
-                                    [APPEND_SUBTREE], 0, FALSE))
-       add_menu_entry(menu, _("_Rescan"),
-                      G_CALLBACK(mb_rescan_cb), mbnode);
+                                     balsa_mailbox_node_signals
+                                     [APPEND_SUBTREE], 0, FALSE))
+        add_menu_entry(menu, _("_Rescan"),
+                       G_CALLBACK(mb_rescan_cb), mbnode);
     if (mbnode->config_prefix)
-       add_menu_entry(menu, _("_Delete"), G_CALLBACK(mb_del_cb),  mbnode);
+        add_menu_entry(menu, _("_Delete"), G_CALLBACK(mb_del_cb), mbnode);
     if (!(mailbox = mbnode->mailbox))
         return menu;
     if (!MAILBOX_OPEN(mailbox))
-        add_menu_entry(menu, _("_Open"),  G_CALLBACK(mb_open_cb),  mbnode);
+        add_menu_entry(menu, _("_Open"), G_CALLBACK(mb_open_cb), mbnode);
         add_menu_entry(menu, _("_Close"), G_CALLBACK(mb_close_cb), mbnode);
-    special = (   mailbox == balsa_app.inbox
+    special = (mailbox == balsa_app.inbox
                || mailbox == balsa_app.sentbox
                || mailbox == balsa_app.draftbox
                || mailbox == balsa_app.outbox
                || mailbox == balsa_app.trash);
     if (!special && !mbnode->config_prefix)
-       add_menu_entry(menu, _("_Delete"), G_CALLBACK(mb_del_cb),  mbnode);
+        add_menu_entry(menu, _("_Delete"), G_CALLBACK(mb_del_cb), mbnode);
-    if(LIBBALSA_IS_MAILBOX_IMAP(mailbox)) {
+    if (LIBBALSA_IS_MAILBOX_IMAP(mailbox)) {
         add_menu_entry(menu, NULL, NULL, NULL);
-        add_menu_entry(menu, _("_Subscribe"),   
-                       G_CALLBACK(mb_subscribe_cb),   mbnode);
-        add_menu_entry(menu, _("_Unsubscribe"), 
+        add_menu_entry(menu, _("_Subscribe"),
+                       G_CALLBACK(mb_subscribe_cb), mbnode);
+        add_menu_entry(menu, _("_Unsubscribe"),
                        G_CALLBACK(mb_unsubscribe_cb), mbnode);
     if (!special) {
         add_menu_entry(menu, NULL, NULL, NULL);
-        add_menu_entry(menu, _("Mark as _Inbox"),    
-                       G_CALLBACK(mb_inbox_cb),    mbnode);
-        add_menu_entry(menu, _("_Mark as Sentbox"), 
-                       G_CALLBACK(mb_sentbox_cb),  mbnode);
-        add_menu_entry(menu, _("Mark as _Trash"),    
-                       G_CALLBACK(mb_trash_cb),    mbnode);
+        add_menu_entry(menu, _("Mark as _Inbox"),
+                       G_CALLBACK(mb_inbox_cb), mbnode);
+        add_menu_entry(menu, _("_Mark as Sentbox"),
+                       G_CALLBACK(mb_sentbox_cb), mbnode);
+        add_menu_entry(menu, _("Mark as _Trash"),
+                       G_CALLBACK(mb_trash_cb), mbnode);
         add_menu_entry(menu, _("Mark as D_raftbox"),
                        G_CALLBACK(mb_draftbox_cb), mbnode);
-    } else if (mailbox == balsa_app.trash)
-        add_menu_entry(menu, _("_Empty trash"),    
+    } else if (mailbox == balsa_app.trash) {
+        add_menu_entry(menu, _("_Empty trash"),
                        G_CALLBACK(mb_empty_trash_cb), mbnode);
+    }
     /* FIXME : No test on mailbox type is made yet, should we ? */
     add_menu_entry(menu, NULL, NULL, NULL);
-    add_menu_entry(menu, _("_Edit/Apply filters"), 
+    add_menu_entry(menu, _("_Edit/Apply filters"),
                    G_CALLBACK(mb_filter_cb), mbnode);
     return menu;
 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- * folder scanner related functions 
+ * folder scanner related functions
  * --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 /* add_local_mailbox
-   the function scans the local mail directory (LMD) and adds them to the 
+   the function scans the local mail directory (LMD) and adds them to the
    list of mailboxes. Takes care not to duplicate any of the "standard"
-   mailboxes (inbox, outbox etc). Avoids also problems with aliasing 
-   (someone added a local mailbox - possibly aliased - located in LMD 
+   mailboxes (inbox, outbox etc). Avoids also problems with aliasing
+   (someone added a local mailbox - possibly aliased - located in LMD
    to the configuration).
+ */
 /* remove_mailbox_from_nodes:
+ */
 static BalsaMailboxNode *
-remove_mailbox_from_nodes(LibBalsaMailbox* mailbox)
+remove_mailbox_from_nodes(LibBalsaMailbox *mailbox)
     BalsaMailboxNode *mbnode;
     mbnode = balsa_find_mailbox(mailbox);
     if (mbnode)
-       balsa_mblist_mailbox_node_remove(mbnode);
+        balsa_mblist_mailbox_node_remove(mbnode);
-       mbnode = balsa_mailbox_node_new_from_mailbox(mailbox);
+        mbnode = balsa_mailbox_node_new_from_mailbox(mailbox);
     return mbnode;
-static BalsaMailboxNode * 
-remove_special_mailbox_by_url(const gchar* url, LibBalsaMailbox *** special)
+static BalsaMailboxNode *
+remove_special_mailbox_by_url(const gchar       *url,
+                              LibBalsaMailbox ***special)
     LibBalsaMailbox **mailbox;
-    if (balsa_app.trash && strcmp(url,
-                                  libbalsa_mailbox_get_url(balsa_app.trash))
-            == 0)
-       mailbox = &balsa_app.trash;
-    else if (balsa_app.inbox && strcmp(url,
-                                       libbalsa_mailbox_get_url(balsa_app.inbox))
-            == 0)
-       mailbox = &balsa_app.inbox;
-    else if (balsa_app.outbox && strcmp(url,
-                                        libbalsa_mailbox_get_url(balsa_app.outbox))
-            == 0)
-       mailbox = &balsa_app.outbox;
-    else if (balsa_app.sentbox && strcmp(url,
-                                         libbalsa_mailbox_get_url(balsa_app.sentbox))
-            == 0)
-       mailbox = &balsa_app.sentbox;
-    else if (balsa_app.draftbox && strcmp(url,
-                                          libbalsa_mailbox_get_url(balsa_app.draftbox))
-            == 0)
-       mailbox = &balsa_app.draftbox;
+    if (balsa_app.trash && (strcmp(url,
+                                   libbalsa_mailbox_get_url(balsa_app.trash))
+                            == 0))
+        mailbox = &balsa_app.trash;
+    else if (balsa_app.inbox && (strcmp(url,
+                                        libbalsa_mailbox_get_url(balsa_app.inbox))
+                                 == 0))
+        mailbox = &balsa_app.inbox;
+    else if (balsa_app.outbox && (strcmp(url,
+                                         libbalsa_mailbox_get_url(balsa_app.outbox))
+                                  == 0))
+        mailbox = &balsa_app.outbox;
+    else if (balsa_app.sentbox && (strcmp(url,
+                                          libbalsa_mailbox_get_url(balsa_app.sentbox))
+                                   == 0))
+        mailbox = &balsa_app.sentbox;
+    else if (balsa_app.draftbox && (strcmp(url,
+                                           libbalsa_mailbox_get_url(balsa_app.draftbox))
+                                    == 0))
+        mailbox = &balsa_app.draftbox;
         mailbox = NULL;
     if (special)
         *special = mailbox;
     return mailbox ? remove_mailbox_from_nodes(*mailbox) : NULL;
 static gboolean
-mailbox_check_idle(LibBalsaMailbox * mailbox)
+mailbox_check_idle(LibBalsaMailbox *mailbox)
     return FALSE;
 static BalsaMailboxNode *
-add_local_mailbox(BalsaMailboxNode *root, const gchar * name,
-                 const gchar * path, GType type)
+add_local_mailbox(BalsaMailboxNode *root,
+                  const gchar      *name,
+                  const gchar      *path,
+                  GType             type)
     BalsaMailboxNode *mbnode;
     LibBalsaMailbox *mailbox;
-    gchar* url;
+    gchar *url;
+    if (root == NULL) return NULL;
-    if(root == NULL) return NULL;
     url = g_strconcat("file://", path, NULL);
     mbnode = remove_special_mailbox_by_url(url, NULL);
     if (!mbnode) {
-       if ( type == LIBBALSA_TYPE_MAILBOX_MH ) {
-           mailbox = libbalsa_mailbox_mh_new(path, FALSE);
-       } else if ( type == LIBBALSA_TYPE_MAILBOX_MBOX ) {
-           mailbox = libbalsa_mailbox_mbox_new(path, FALSE);
-       } else if ( type == LIBBALSA_TYPE_MAILBOX_MAILDIR ) {
-           mailbox = libbalsa_mailbox_maildir_new(path, FALSE);
-       } else {
-           /* type is not a valid local mailbox type. */
-           balsa_information(LIBBALSA_INFORMATION_DEBUG,
-                             _("The path “%s” does not lead to a mailbox."),
-                             path);
-           mailbox = NULL;
-       }
-       if(!mailbox) {/* local mailbox could not be created; privileges? */
-           printf("Not accessible mailbox %s\n", path);
-           return NULL;
-       }
-       libbalsa_mailbox_set_name(mailbox, name);
-       mbnode = balsa_mailbox_node_new_from_mailbox(mailbox);
-       if (balsa_app.debug)
-           g_print(_("Local mailbox %s loaded as: %s\n"),
-                   libbalsa_mailbox_get_name(mailbox),
-                   g_type_name(G_OBJECT_TYPE(mailbox)));
+        if ( type == LIBBALSA_TYPE_MAILBOX_MH ) {
+            mailbox = libbalsa_mailbox_mh_new(path, FALSE);
+        } else if ( type == LIBBALSA_TYPE_MAILBOX_MBOX ) {
+            mailbox = libbalsa_mailbox_mbox_new(path, FALSE);
+        } else if ( type == LIBBALSA_TYPE_MAILBOX_MAILDIR ) {
+            mailbox = libbalsa_mailbox_maildir_new(path, FALSE);
+        } else {
+            /* type is not a valid local mailbox type. */
+            balsa_information(LIBBALSA_INFORMATION_DEBUG,
+                              _("The path “%s” does not lead to a mailbox."),
+                              path);
+            mailbox = NULL;
+        }
+        if (!mailbox) {/* local mailbox could not be created; privileges? */
+            printf("Not accessible mailbox %s\n", path);
+            return NULL;
+        }
+        libbalsa_mailbox_set_name(mailbox, name);
+        mbnode = balsa_mailbox_node_new_from_mailbox(mailbox);
+        if (balsa_app.debug) {
+            g_print(_("Local mailbox %s loaded as: %s\n"),
+                    libbalsa_mailbox_get_name(mailbox),
+                    g_type_name(G_OBJECT_TYPE(mailbox)));
+        }
         if (balsa_app.check_mail_upon_startup
-            && libbalsa_mailbox_get_subscribe(mailbox) !=
+            && (libbalsa_mailbox_get_subscribe(mailbox) !=
+                LB_MAILBOX_SUBSCRIBE_NO)) {
             g_idle_add((GSourceFunc) mailbox_check_idle, mailbox);
@@ -1270,36 +1338,40 @@ add_local_mailbox(BalsaMailboxNode *root, const gchar * name,
     return mbnode;
 static BalsaMailboxNode *
-add_local_folder(BalsaMailboxNode * root, const char *d_name,
-                const char *path)
+add_local_folder(BalsaMailboxNode *root,
+                 const char       *d_name,
+                 const char       *path)
     BalsaMailboxNode *mbnode;
     if (!root)
-       return NULL;
+        return NULL;
-    mbnode = balsa_mailbox_node_new_from_dir(path);
+    mbnode         = balsa_mailbox_node_new_from_dir(path);
     mbnode->parent = root;
     balsa_mblist_mailbox_node_append(root, mbnode);
     if (balsa_app.debug)
-       g_print(_("Local folder %s\n"), path);
+        g_print(_("Local folder %s\n"), path);
     return mbnode;
 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- * IMAP folder scanner functions 
+ * IMAP folder scanner functions
  * --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-static gchar*
-get_parent_folder_name(const gchar* path, char delim)
+static gchar *
+get_parent_folder_name(const gchar *path,
+                       char         delim)
-    const gchar* last_delim = strrchr(path, delim);
-    return last_delim ? g_strndup(path, last_delim-path)
-       : g_strdup("");
+    const gchar *last_delim = strrchr(path, delim);
+    return last_delim ? g_strndup(path, last_delim - path)
+           : g_strdup("");
 /* imap_scan_create_mbnode:
  * Returns a node for the path isi->fn.
  * Finds the node if it exists, and creates one if it doesn't.
@@ -1308,27 +1380,28 @@ get_parent_folder_name(const gchar* path, char delim)
  * Caller must unref mbnode.
 static BalsaMailboxNode *
-imap_scan_create_mbnode(BalsaMailboxNode * root, imap_scan_item * isi,
-                       int delim)
+imap_scan_create_mbnode(BalsaMailboxNode *root,
+                        imap_scan_item   *isi,
+                        int               delim)
     gchar *parent_name;
     BalsaMailboxNode *mbnode;
     BalsaMailboxNode *parent;
     const gchar *basename;
-    gchar *url = libbalsa_imap_url(root->server, isi->fn);
+    gchar *url               = libbalsa_imap_url(root->server, isi->fn);
     LibBalsaMailbox *mailbox = NULL;
     mbnode = balsa_find_url(url);
     if (mbnode) {
-       /* A mailbox with this url is already in the tree... */
-       LibBalsaMailboxView *view;
-       BalsaMailboxNode *special =
-           remove_special_mailbox_by_url(url, &isi->special);
-       if (special) {
+        /* A mailbox with this url is already in the tree... */
+        LibBalsaMailboxView *view;
+        BalsaMailboxNode *special =
+            remove_special_mailbox_by_url(url, &isi->special);
+        if (special) {
             mailbox = special->mailbox;
-       } else {
+        } else {
         /* Unreffing mbnode may finalize it, which would push the
@@ -1336,60 +1409,66 @@ imap_scan_create_mbnode(BalsaMailboxNode * root, imap_scan_item * isi,
          * retrieve the view from the config, and restore it after
          * unreffing. */
         view = config_load_mailbox_view(url);
-       g_object_unref(mbnode);
+        g_object_unref(mbnode);
         config_save_mailbox_view(url, view);
     parent_name = get_parent_folder_name(isi->fn, delim);
-    parent = balsa_find_dir(root->server, parent_name);
+    parent      = balsa_find_dir(root->server, parent_name);
     if (parent == NULL) {
         parent = root;
-       g_object_ref(parent);
+        g_object_ref(parent);
-    mbnode = balsa_mailbox_node_new_imap_node(root->server, isi->fn);
+    mbnode          = balsa_mailbox_node_new_imap_node(root->server, isi->fn);
     mbnode->mailbox = mailbox;
-    basename = strrchr(isi->fn, delim);
+    basename        = strrchr(isi->fn, delim);
     if (!basename)
         basename = isi->fn;
-    mbnode->name = g_strdup(basename);
-    mbnode->delim = delim;
-    mbnode->parent = parent;
+    mbnode->name       = g_strdup(basename);
+    mbnode->delim      = delim;
+    mbnode->parent     = parent;
     mbnode->subscribed = parent->subscribed;
-    mbnode->scanned = isi->scanned;
+    mbnode->scanned    = isi->scanned;
     balsa_mblist_mailbox_node_append(mbnode->parent, mbnode);
     return mbnode;
 /* handle_imap_path:
    add given mailbox unless its base name begins on dot.
+ */
 static void
-add_imap_entry(const char *fn, char delim, gboolean noscan,
-              gboolean selectable, gboolean marked, void *data)
+add_imap_entry(const char *fn,
+               char        delim,
+               gboolean    noscan,
+               gboolean    selectable,
+               gboolean    marked,
+               void       *data)
     imap_scan_tree *tree = (imap_scan_tree *) data;
     imap_scan_item *item = g_new0(imap_scan_item, 1);
-    item->fn = g_strdup(fn);
-    item->scanned = noscan;
+    item->fn         = g_strdup(fn);
+    item->scanned    = noscan;
     item->selectable = selectable;
-    item->marked = marked;
+    item->marked     = marked;
     tree->list = g_slist_prepend(tree->list, item);
-    if(delim)  /* some servers may set delim to NIL for some mailboxes */
+    if (delim) /* some servers may set delim to NIL for some mailboxes */
         tree->delim = delim;
 static void
-imap_scan_destroy_tree(imap_scan_tree * tree)
+imap_scan_destroy_tree(imap_scan_tree *tree)
     GSList *list;
@@ -1403,26 +1482,33 @@ imap_scan_destroy_tree(imap_scan_tree * tree)
 static void
-handle_imap_path(const char *fn, char delim, int noselect, int noscan,
-                int marked, void *data)
+handle_imap_path(const char *fn,
+                 char        delim,
+                 int         noselect,
+                 int         noscan,
+                 int         marked,
+                 void       *data)
     if (!noselect) {
-       const gchar *basename = strrchr(fn, delim);
-       if (basename && *++basename == '.' && delim != '.')
-           /* ignore mailboxes that begin with a dot */
-           return;
+        const gchar *basename = strrchr(fn, delim);
+        if (basename && (*++basename == '.') && (delim != '.'))
+            /* ignore mailboxes that begin with a dot */
+            return;
+    }
+    if (balsa_app.debug) {
+        printf("handle_imap_path: Adding mailbox of path “%s” "
+               "delim `%c' noselect %d noscan %d\n",
+               fn, delim, noselect, noscan);
-    if (balsa_app.debug)
-       printf("handle_imap_path: Adding mailbox of path “%s” "
-              "delim `%c' noselect %d noscan %d\n",
-              fn, delim, noselect, noscan);
     add_imap_entry(fn, delim, noscan, !noselect, marked, data);
  * check_imap_path: Check an imap path to see whether we need to scan it.
- * 
+ *
  * server:      LibBalsaServer for the folders;
  * fn:          folder name;
  * depth:       depth of the current scan;
@@ -1431,38 +1517,42 @@ handle_imap_path(const char *fn, char delim, int noselect, int noscan,
 static gint
-check_imap_path(const gchar *fn, LibBalsaServer * server, guint depth)
+check_imap_path(const gchar    *fn,
+                LibBalsaServer *server,
+                guint           depth)
     CheckPathInfo cpi;
     if (depth < balsa_app.imap_scan_depth)
         return TRUE;
-    cpi.url = libbalsa_imap_url(server, fn);
+    cpi.url       = libbalsa_imap_url(server, fn);
     cpi.must_scan = FALSE;
                                 (LibBalsaConfForeachFunc) check_url_func,
-    if(balsa_app.debug) 
-       printf("check_imap_path: path “%s” must_scan %d.\n",
+    if (balsa_app.debug)
+        printf("check_imap_path: path “%s” must_scan %d.\n",
                cpi.url, cpi.must_scan);
     return cpi.must_scan;
 /* mark_imap_path:
  * find the imap_scan_item for fn and set scanned.
 static void
-mark_imap_path(const gchar * fn, gpointer data)
+mark_imap_path(const gchar *fn,
+               gpointer     data)
     imap_scan_tree *tree = data;
     GSList *list;
-    if(balsa_app.debug) 
-       printf("mark_imap_path: find path “%s”.\n", fn);
+    if (balsa_app.debug)
+        printf("mark_imap_path: find path “%s”.\n", fn);
     for (list = tree->list; list; list = list->next) {
         imap_scan_item *item = list->data;
         if (!strcmp(item->fn, fn)) {
@@ -1471,5 +1561,5 @@ mark_imap_path(const gchar * fn, gpointer data)
     if (!list && balsa_app.debug)
-       printf(" not found.\n");
+        printf(" not found.\n");
diff --git a/src/mailbox-node.h b/src/mailbox-node.h
index 20e8b2b..a961f64 100644
--- a/src/mailbox-node.h
+++ b/src/mailbox-node.h
@@ -5,14 +5,14 @@
  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) 
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
  * any later version.
- *  
+ *
  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of 
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *  
+ *
  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  * along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
@@ -23,92 +23,82 @@
 #include <gtk/gtk.h>
 #include "libbalsa.h"
-#define BALSA_TYPE_MAILBOX_NODE          (balsa_mailbox_node_get_type ())
-#define BALSA_MAILBOX_NODE(obj) \
-                                BalsaMailboxNode)
-#define BALSA_MAILBOX_NODE_CLASS(klass) \
-                             BalsaMailboxNodeClass)
-#define BALSA_IS_MAILBOX_NODE(obj) \
-typedef struct _BalsaMailboxNode BalsaMailboxNode;
-typedef struct _BalsaMailboxNodeClass BalsaMailboxNodeClass;
+#define BALSA_TYPE_MAILBOX_NODE balsa_mailbox_node_get_type()
+                     balsa_mailbox_node,
+                     BALSA,
+                     MAILBOX_NODE,
+                     GObject);
-/* BalsaMailboxNodeStyle 
+/* BalsaMailboxNodeStyle
  * used to store the style of mailbox entry in the mailbox tree.
  * Currently only MBNODE_STYLE_NEW_MAIL is really used, but
  * the others may be used later for more efficient style handling.
- * 
+ *
  * MBNODE_STYLE_NEW_MAIL: Whether the full mailbox icon is displayed
  *      (also when font is bolded)
- * MBNODE_STYLE_UNREAD_MESSAGES: Whether the number of unread messages 
+ * MBNODE_STYLE_UNREAD_MESSAGES: Whether the number of unread messages
  *      is being displayed in the maibox list
- * MBNODE_STYLE_TOTAL_MESSAGES: Whether the number of total messages 
+ * MBNODE_STYLE_TOTAL_MESSAGES: Whether the number of total messages
  *      is being displayed in the mailbox list
- * 
+ *
  * */
-typedef enum {
-    MBNODE_STYLE_NEW_MAIL = 1 << 1,
+typedef enum _BalsaMailboxNodeStyle BalsaMailboxNodeStyle;
+enum _BalsaMailboxNodeStyle {
+    MBNODE_STYLE_NEW_MAIL        = 1 << 1,
-} BalsaMailboxNodeStyle;
 struct _BalsaMailboxNode {
     GObject object;
     BalsaMailboxNode *parent; /* NULL for root-level folders & mailboxes */
     LibBalsaMailbox *mailbox; /* != NULL for leaves only */
     gchar *name;       /* used for folders, i.e. when mailbox == NULL */
     time_t last_use;   /* for closing least recently used mailboxes */
     BalsaMailboxNodeStyle style;
     /* folder data */
-    gchar* config_prefix;
-    gchar* dir;      
-    LibBalsaServer * server; /* Used only by remote; is referenced */
+    gchar *config_prefix;
+    gchar *dir;
+    LibBalsaServer *server;  /* Used only by remote; is referenced */
     char delim; /* IMAP delimiter so that we do not need to check it
-                * too often. */
-    unsigned subscribed:1;     /* Used only by remote */
-    unsigned list_inbox:1;     /* Used only by remote */
-    unsigned scanned:1;        /* IMAP flag */
+                 * too often. */
-struct _BalsaMailboxNodeClass {
-    GObjectClass parent_class;
-    void (*save_config) (BalsaMailboxNode * mn, const gchar * prefix);
-    void (*load_config) (BalsaMailboxNode * mn, const gchar * prefix);
-    GtkWidget* (*show_prop_dialog) (BalsaMailboxNode * mn);
-    void (*append_subtree) (BalsaMailboxNode * mn);
+    unsigned subscribed : 1;     /* Used only by remote */
+    unsigned list_inbox : 1;     /* Used only by remote */
+    unsigned scanned : 1;        /* IMAP flag */
-GType balsa_mailbox_node_get_type(void);
 BalsaMailboxNode *balsa_mailbox_node_new(void);
 BalsaMailboxNode *balsa_mailbox_node_new_from_mailbox(LibBalsaMailbox *m);
-BalsaMailboxNode *balsa_mailbox_node_new_from_dir(const gchar* dir);
-BalsaMailboxNode *balsa_mailbox_node_new_imap(LibBalsaServer* s, const char*p);
-BalsaMailboxNode *balsa_mailbox_node_new_imap_folder(LibBalsaServer* s, 
-                                                    const char*p);
-BalsaMailboxNode *balsa_mailbox_node_new_from_config(const gchar* prefix);
+BalsaMailboxNode *balsa_mailbox_node_new_from_dir(const gchar *dir);
+BalsaMailboxNode *balsa_mailbox_node_new_imap(LibBalsaServer *s,
+                                              const char     *p);
+BalsaMailboxNode *balsa_mailbox_node_new_imap_folder(LibBalsaServer *s,
+                                                     const char     *p);
+BalsaMailboxNode *balsa_mailbox_node_new_from_config(const gchar *prefix);
-GtkWidget *balsa_mailbox_node_get_context_menu(BalsaMailboxNode * mbnode);
-void balsa_mailbox_node_show_prop_dialog(BalsaMailboxNode * mbnode);
-void balsa_mailbox_node_append_subtree(BalsaMailboxNode * mbnode);
-void balsa_mailbox_node_load_config(BalsaMailboxNode* mn, const gchar* prefix);
-void balsa_mailbox_node_save_config(BalsaMailboxNode* mn, const gchar* prefix);
-void balsa_mailbox_node_show_prop_dialog_cb(GtkWidget * widget, gpointer data);
+GtkWidget        *balsa_mailbox_node_get_context_menu(BalsaMailboxNode *mbnode);
+void              balsa_mailbox_node_show_prop_dialog(BalsaMailboxNode *mbnode);
+void              balsa_mailbox_node_append_subtree(BalsaMailboxNode *mbnode);
+void              balsa_mailbox_node_load_config(BalsaMailboxNode *mn,
+                                                 const gchar      *prefix);
+void              balsa_mailbox_node_save_config(BalsaMailboxNode *mn,
+                                                 const gchar      *prefix);
+void              balsa_mailbox_node_show_prop_dialog_cb(GtkWidget *widget,
+                                                         gpointer   data);
 /* applicable only to local mailboxes (mailbox collections) */
-void balsa_mailbox_local_append(LibBalsaMailbox* mbx);
+void balsa_mailbox_local_append(LibBalsaMailbox *mbx);
 /* applicable only to folders (mailbox collections) */
-void balsa_mailbox_node_rescan(BalsaMailboxNode* mn);
-void balsa_mailbox_node_clear_children_cache(BalsaMailboxNode * mbnode);
+void balsa_mailbox_node_rescan(BalsaMailboxNode *mn);
+void balsa_mailbox_node_clear_children_cache(BalsaMailboxNode *mbnode);
 /* applicable to any mailbox node */
-void balsa_mailbox_node_scan_children(BalsaMailboxNode * mbnode);
+void balsa_mailbox_node_scan_children(BalsaMailboxNode *mbnode);
diff --git a/src/save-restore.c b/src/save-restore.c
index b01e085..d98340f 100644
--- a/src/save-restore.c
+++ b/src/save-restore.c
@@ -332,7 +332,7 @@ config_mailbox_delete(LibBalsaMailbox * mailbox)
 }                              /* config_mailbox_delete */
-config_folder_delete(const BalsaMailboxNode * mbnode)
+config_folder_delete(BalsaMailboxNode * mbnode)
     gchar *tmp;                        /* the key in the mailbox section name */
     gint res;
diff --git a/src/save-restore.h b/src/save-restore.h
index 26419eb..67fe611 100644
--- a/src/save-restore.h
+++ b/src/save-restore.h
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ gint config_mailbox_delete(LibBalsaMailbox * mailbox);
 gint config_mailbox_update(LibBalsaMailbox * mailbox);
 gint config_folder_add(BalsaMailboxNode * mbnode, const char *key_arg);
-gint config_folder_delete(const BalsaMailboxNode * mbnode);
+gint config_folder_delete(BalsaMailboxNode * mbnode);
 gint config_folder_update(BalsaMailboxNode * mbnode);
 void config_address_book_save(LibBalsaAddressBook * ab);
diff --git a/uncrustify.cfg b/uncrustify.cfg
index 41dee6b..a6d6e57 100644
--- a/uncrustify.cfg
+++ b/uncrustify.cfg
@@ -913,7 +913,7 @@ align_assign_span               = 1        # number
 align_assign_thresh             = 0        # number
 # The span for aligning on '=' in enums (0=don't align)
-align_enum_equ_span             = 0        # number
+align_enum_equ_span             = 1        # number
 # The threshold for aligning on '=' in enums (0=no limit)
 align_enum_equ_thresh           = 0        # number

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