[perl-Gtk3] Add helper functions Gtk3->get_version_info, Gtk3->GET_VERSION_INFO
- From: Torsten Schönfeld <tsch src gnome org>
- To: commits-list gnome org
- Cc:
- Subject: [perl-Gtk3] Add helper functions Gtk3->get_version_info, Gtk3->GET_VERSION_INFO
- Date: Fri, 4 May 2018 11:57:23 +0000 (UTC)
commit bef74db61410fd83f5f93ef1cf1f88658024a2fe
Author: Jeffrey Ratcliffe <Jeffrey Ratcliffe gmail com>
Date: Wed May 2 17:45:19 2018 +0200
Add helper functions Gtk3->get_version_info, Gtk3->GET_VERSION_INFO
lib/Gtk3.pm | 24 ++++++++++++++++++------
t/00-init.t | 31 +++++++++++++++++++++++++------
2 files changed, 43 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)
diff --git a/lib/Gtk3.pm b/lib/Gtk3.pm
index 241632d..13a366d 100644
--- a/lib/Gtk3.pm
+++ b/lib/Gtk3.pm
@@ -507,15 +507,27 @@ sub import {
# - Overrides --------------------------------------------------------------- #
-=item * For backwards compatibility, C<Gtk3::CHECK_VERSION>,
-C<Gtk3::check_version>, C<Gtk3::init>, C<Gtk3::init_check>, C<Gtk3::main>,
-C<Gtk3::main_level> and C<Gtk3::main_quit> can be called as class-static or as
-normal functions: for example, C<< Gtk3->main_quit >> and C<< Gtk3::main_quit
->> are both supported. Additionally, C<Gtk3::init> and C<Gtk3::init_check>
-automatically handle passing and updating C<@ARGV> as appropriate.
+=item * For backwards compatibility, the functions C<Gtk3::get_version_info>
+and C<Gtk3::GET_VERSION_INFO> are provided, and the functions
+C<Gtk3::CHECK_VERSION>, C<Gtk3::check_version>, C<Gtk3::init>,
+C<Gtk3::init_check>, C<Gtk3::main>, C<Gtk3::main_level> and C<Gtk3::main_quit>
+can be called as class-static or as normal functions: for example, C<<
+Gtk3->main_quit >> and C<< Gtk3::main_quit >> are both supported.
+Additionally, C<Gtk3::init> and C<Gtk3::init_check> automatically handle
+passing and updating C<@ARGV> as appropriate.
+sub Gtk3::get_version_info {
+ return Gtk3::get_major_version (),
+ Gtk3::get_minor_version (),
+ Gtk3::get_micro_version ();
return not defined Gtk3::check_version(@_ == 4 ? @_[1..3] : @_);
diff --git a/t/00-init.t b/t/00-init.t
index 34f5cf1..49d201b 100644
--- a/t/00-init.t
+++ b/t/00-init.t
@@ -17,12 +17,7 @@ unless (eval { Gtk3->import; 1 }) {
-plan tests => 3;
-diag (sprintf 'Testing against gtk+ %d.%d.%d',
- Gtk3::get_major_version (),
- Gtk3::get_minor_version (),
- Gtk3::get_micro_version ());
+plan tests => 16;
@ARGV = qw(--help --name gtk2perl --urgs tree);
@@ -42,3 +37,27 @@ SKIP: {
eval { my $b = Gtk3::LinkButton->new; };
like ($@, qr/00-init\.t/);
+my @run_version = Gtk3->get_version_info;
+my @compile_version = Gtk3->GET_VERSION_INFO;
+diag 'Testing Gtk3 ', $Gtk3::VERSION;
+diag ' Running against gtk+ ', join '.', @run_version;
+diag ' Compiled against gtk+ ', join '.', @compile_version;
+is (@run_version, 3, 'version info is three items long' );
+is (Gtk3->check_version(0,0,0), 'GTK+ version too new (major mismatch)',
+ 'check_version fail 1');
+is (Gtk3->check_version(3,0,0), undef, 'check_version pass');
+is (Gtk3->check_version(50,0,0), 'GTK+ version too old (major mismatch)',
+ 'check_version fail 2');
+ok (defined (Gtk3::get_major_version()), 'major_version');
+ok (defined (Gtk3::get_minor_version()), 'minor_version');
+ok (defined (Gtk3::get_micro_version()), 'micro_version');
+is (@compile_version, 3, 'version info is three items long');
+ok (Gtk3->CHECK_VERSION(3,0,0), 'CHECK_VERSION pass');
+ok (!Gtk3->CHECK_VERSION(50,0,0), 'CHECK_VERSION fail');
+is (Gtk3->MAJOR_VERSION, $compile_version[0], 'MAJOR_VERSION');
+is (Gtk3->MINOR_VERSION, $compile_version[1], 'MINOR_VERSION');
+is (Gtk3->MICRO_VERSION, $compile_version[2], 'MICRO_VERSION');
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