[gimp] Bug 794469 - Shift-click to create layer/channel/path...

commit 1b623a99c858aedbc2d0bdbd66647b29be87716f
Author: Michael Natterer <mitch gimp org>
Date:   Sun Mar 25 14:08:50 2018 +0200

    Bug 794469 - Shift-click to create layer/channel/path...
    ...should really use last values
    When creating a layer or channel "from last values", really use the
    values last set be the user in the respective dialogs. In particular,
    don't use properties of the active layer or channel. I have no idea
    what we were thinking when adding that obscure logic.

 app/actions/channels-commands.c |   36 +++++-------------------
 app/actions/layers-commands.c   |   57 ++++++++++++--------------------------
 2 files changed, 26 insertions(+), 67 deletions(-)
diff --git a/app/actions/channels-commands.c b/app/actions/channels-commands.c
index 734cb75..db47f73 100644
--- a/app/actions/channels-commands.c
+++ b/app/actions/channels-commands.c
@@ -182,44 +182,24 @@ channels_new_last_vals_cmd_callback (GtkAction *action,
                                      gpointer   data)
   GimpImage        *image;
-  GimpChannel      *new_channel;
-  gint              width, height;
-  GimpRGB           color;
+  GimpChannel      *channel;
   GimpDialogConfig *config;
   return_if_no_image (image, data);
   config = GIMP_DIALOG_CONFIG (image->gimp->config);
-  if (GIMP_IS_CHANNEL (GIMP_ACTION (action)->viewable))
-    {
-      GimpChannel *template = GIMP_CHANNEL (GIMP_ACTION (action)->viewable);
-      width  = gimp_item_get_width  (GIMP_ITEM (template));
-      height = gimp_item_get_height (GIMP_ITEM (template));
-      color  = template->color;
-    }
-  else
-    {
-      width  = gimp_image_get_width (image);
-      height = gimp_image_get_height (image);
-      color  = config->channel_new_color;
-    }
+  channel = gimp_channel_new (image,
+                              gimp_image_get_width (image),
+                              gimp_image_get_height (image),
+                              config->channel_new_name,
+                              &config->channel_new_color);
-  gimp_image_undo_group_start (image, GIMP_UNDO_GROUP_EDIT_PASTE,
-                               _("New Channel"));
-  new_channel = gimp_channel_new (image, width, height,
-                                  config->channel_new_name, &color);
-  gimp_drawable_fill (GIMP_DRAWABLE (new_channel),
+  gimp_drawable_fill (GIMP_DRAWABLE (channel),
                       action_data_get_context (data),
-  gimp_image_add_channel (image, new_channel,
+  gimp_image_add_channel (image, channel,
                           GIMP_IMAGE_ACTIVE_PARENT, -1, TRUE);
-  gimp_image_undo_group_end (image);
   gimp_image_flush (image);
diff --git a/app/actions/layers-commands.c b/app/actions/layers-commands.c
index 7fcf527..6f27b4f 100644
--- a/app/actions/layers-commands.c
+++ b/app/actions/layers-commands.c
@@ -358,11 +358,7 @@ layers_new_last_vals_cmd_callback (GtkAction *action,
   GimpImage        *image;
   GtkWidget        *widget;
-  GimpLayer        *floating_sel;
-  GimpLayer        *new_layer;
-  gint              width, height;
-  gint              off_x, off_y;
-  gdouble           opacity;
+  GimpLayer        *layer;
   GimpDialogConfig *config;
   return_if_no_image (image, data);
@@ -373,48 +369,31 @@ layers_new_last_vals_cmd_callback (GtkAction *action,
   /*  If there is a floating selection, the new command transforms
    *  the current fs into a new layer
-  if ((floating_sel = gimp_image_get_floating_selection (image)))
+  if (gimp_image_get_floating_selection (image))
       layers_new_cmd_callback (action, data);
-  if (GIMP_IS_LAYER (GIMP_ACTION (action)->viewable))
-    {
-      GimpLayer *template = GIMP_LAYER (GIMP_ACTION (action)->viewable);
-      gimp_item_get_offset (GIMP_ITEM (template), &off_x, &off_y);
-      width   = gimp_item_get_width  (GIMP_ITEM (template));
-      height  = gimp_item_get_height (GIMP_ITEM (template));
-      opacity = gimp_layer_get_opacity (template);
-    }
-  else
-    {
-      width   = gimp_image_get_width (image);
-      height  = gimp_image_get_height (image);
-      off_x   = 0;
-      off_y   = 0;
-      opacity = 1.0;
-    }
-  gimp_image_undo_group_start (image, GIMP_UNDO_GROUP_EDIT_PASTE,
-                               _("New Layer"));
-  new_layer = gimp_layer_new (image, width, height,
-                              gimp_image_get_layer_format (image, TRUE),
-                              config->layer_new_name,
-                              opacity, config->layer_new_mode);
+  layer = gimp_layer_new (image,
+                          gimp_image_get_width  (image),
+                          gimp_image_get_height (image),
+                          gimp_image_get_layer_format (image, TRUE),
+                          config->layer_new_name,
+                          config->layer_new_opacity,
+                          config->layer_new_mode);
-  gimp_drawable_fill (GIMP_DRAWABLE (new_layer),
+  gimp_drawable_fill (GIMP_DRAWABLE (layer),
                       action_data_get_context (data),
-  gimp_item_translate (GIMP_ITEM (new_layer), off_x, off_y, FALSE);
-  gimp_image_add_layer (image, new_layer,
-                        GIMP_IMAGE_ACTIVE_PARENT, -1, TRUE);
-  gimp_image_undo_group_end (image);
+  gimp_layer_set_blend_space (layer,
+                              config->layer_new_blend_space, FALSE);
+  gimp_layer_set_composite_space (layer,
+                                  config->layer_new_composite_space, FALSE);
+  gimp_layer_set_composite_mode (layer,
+                                 config->layer_new_composite_mode, FALSE);
+  gimp_image_add_layer (image, layer, GIMP_IMAGE_ACTIVE_PARENT, -1, TRUE);
   gimp_image_flush (image);

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