[gimp-web/testing] content: clarify layer group mask resizing behavior

commit 5b1eb6af900cca60281d737aaa4145e633a81356
Author: x <x>
Date:   Sat Mar 24 09:55:18 2018 -0400

    content: clarify layer group mask resizing behavior
    Resizing of layer group masks can be undone, of course; the text
    was supposed to emphasize that when the mask is cropped, data may
    be lost *short of* undoing the operation, but since there's nothing
    special about this, let's just remove this part.

 .../2018-03-25_GIMP_2.10_RC1_Released/index.md     |    5 ++---
 1 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
diff --git a/content/news/2018-03-25_GIMP_2.10_RC1_Released/index.md 
index e82a85f..e713f38 100644
--- a/content/news/2018-03-25_GIMP_2.10_RC1_Released/index.md
+++ b/content/news/2018-03-25_GIMP_2.10_RC1_Released/index.md
@@ -110,9 +110,8 @@ to ordinary-layer masks, with the following considerations.
 The group's mask size is the same as group's size (i.e., the
 bounding box of its children) at all times. When the group's size
 changes, the mask is cropped to the new size — areas of the mask
-that fall outside of the new bounds are discarded and their data is
-lost (no undo), and newly added areas are filled with black (and
-hence are transparent by default).
+that fall outside of the new bounds are discarded, and newly added
+areas are filled with black (and hence are transparent by default).
 ### JPEG 2000 support ported to OpenJPEG

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