[network-manager-applet] (6 commits) ...merge: branch 'lr/libnma-gtk-builder'

Summary of changes:

  62dd8b2... nma-mobile-wizard: turn into a templated GtkWidget (*)
  d193c03... nma-mobile-wizard: drop GtkAlignment use (*)
  1d572e3... nma-vpn-password-dialog: turn into a templated GtkWidget (*)
  1f6331b... nma/mobile-providers: read the data files from data directo (*)
  61e7aa0... nma/mobile-wizard: allow proceeding to the next page in unl (*)
  3d0a38f... merge: branch 'lr/libnma-gtk-builder'

(*) This commit already existed in another branch; no separate mail sent

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